The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1913, Image 3

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    MTI('K TO rilUDI Toil's.
1m the lllklrit-t Court la nud (or (sin
tuuuty, .Aolirnskn.
V.':!liam 1.. Nickels. u..-iuiifH .f tieii
lude M. Wili-, anil Williiiir. liaiiH V.
Ol.arlts HiUaid Wiley.
luff inliittt.
NuHto t't tin I H'ft'iulant, L' i a I I rM
ward Wiley:
You Will luke notice tlif.t cm the SUtli
l;iv of April. A. 1., 191o. William U
Ni. kels, plaintiff herein, ti'.od lii.s eli
tii n and alliilitvit In lite lM.-Uiict Court
in Cass County, Nelnuska. anaiust you.
Hi- object ami . raver ot wlik-li is to
revive a certain judgment obtained
H.imst you ly tlertr ile M. Wiley and
"William 'Kainey on Nuvfinkr lii. A. 1).
laul, for the sum of ti:.S.itt) with in
terest at the rale of seven per cent
,r annum from date and costs of unit
taxed in the sum of $J4.0, which said
judgment on 14, litll, he
came dormant. That no part or said
iudrcment lias ever liten paid, and al
leginif that during all of said period
o time you have been insolvent, and
praying that an order be entered re
viving said judgment, and awarding
plaintirt execution thereon in the sum
of Sfli'H.OO wit1' interest at seven per
cent per annum from November lii,
1S01, and all accrued costs.
You are required to answer said peti
tion and affidavit and show cause, if
nny. on or before the lfith day of June,
A. D., 1913, why an order of the lis
tr.ct Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
should not be entered revlvinff said
lodgment In said sum, and awarding
"plaintiff execution thereon.
If you fail to answer, appear or show
cause before said date, your default
will bo duly entered therein, and said
order of revivor will be Issued, of all
of which vou will take due notice.
Oated tills ::rdlav of May, A. 11. 1912.
Assignee of Gertrude M. Wiley,
and William Hainey, Plaintiff.
In the Dlxtrlet Court In and for Caaa
Conuty, Nebraaka.
John W. Barr, Roy A. Barr, et al..
Josie C. Barr, et al.,
Notice Is hereby Riven that under
and bv virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court in and for Cass County, Ne
braska, entered in the above entitled
cause on the 8rd day of May, A. D.
1113, the undersigned sole referee will
on the 10th day of June at 11 o'clock
n m. at the south front door of the
i"f,nri HmiM In the Cltv of Plattsmouth.
Cass County, Nebraska, sell at public
m.oiinn to the hldiest responsible bid
iler for cash the following described
real estate, to-wit:
The West half (W) of the South
east quarter (SEU) of Section three
C i; the Northeast quarter (NK',4) of
Section ten (10); the South half (S
of the Northwest quarter (NW',1) of
Section ten (10), all in Township eleven
til), Kane nine (9) East of the 6th
M , In Cass County, Nebraska, and
Lot four (4), In Block twenty (20).
reek's Grove Addition to the City of
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska,
and Lots five hundred forty-seven (o47)
and five hundred forty-eiprht (548), in
the Village of Greenwood, Cass County,
Nebraska, which ald last described
lots In the Village of Greenwood will
he sold subject to the life estate there
in of Josle C. Barr.
Said sale will be held open for one
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this
5th day of May, A. 1). 1913.
C. A. RAWLS, Referee.
C. S. POLK, Attorney.
In County Court.
Cass County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of Rachel
Adams, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the credit
nf Huiii ilprpjiHpd that hearings will
Hied nicaiiist said
..tnte. before me. County Judge of
i'',u Pnnntv N'ebtHska. at the County
Court room In Plattsmouth, In saitl
Countv. on the 30th day of June, 1913,
and on the lilst dav of December, 1H1H
at 9 o'clock a m. each day for e.xam-
irntinn a. I luwt mpnt unri n lowanee.
All clniois must be riled in ald
court on or before suld lust liour of
Witness mv hand and seal of said
County Court. nt Plattsmouth. Ne
hritska, this i'.rd tlay of June. l'.MS.
County Judge.
I Milt. MlTir'K.
.Tnhn V. Wood. Defendant, will take
nniinv Hint on the '4tli dav of January
1913, Elsa Wood, Plaintiff herein, tiled
her petition in the District Court of
i'.. i 'mini i- Sfbruska. atralnst said
defendant, the object and prayer of
which is to obtain a divorce upon the
u-round of willful desertion for more
than two vears. and failure to support
and for the custody of the Infant
child, the issue of said marriage. You
are required to answer said petition on
or before the 21st dav of July, li:t.
ELSA WOOD, Plaintiff.
To All Whom It May Concern:
The Commissioner appoint
ed to examine and report a road
commencing at the Northeast
corner of Lot 2, Section 20. Town
ship 12, Range 1 i, running thence
South along I he West bank of the
Missouri river, as near as prac
ticable, through Sections 20-29
arid 33, Town-hip 12. Raime 1 i, to
the head of Oochenour's Island,
hence crossing I lie slough, (hence
Smith along the Last bank of the
slough through Section 33, Town
ship 12, Range and through
Section 1. Township 11, Range 1 i.
and terminating on the South line
of Lot 15. in said Section, has re
ported in favor of the establish
ment thereof; and all objections
hereto, or claims for damages,
must be filed in the County Clerk's
Office on or before noon on the
25th day of July,. A. D. 1913, or
such road will be established
without reference thereto.
(Seal; D. C. MORGAN.
County Clerk.
I'lattsmoulh, Neb., May 20th,
Bids will be received up to noon
on Friday, June 27th, 1913, for
grading roads, out of the Inherit
ance tax fund, as follows:
Beginning at the S. E. corner of
Section 15, T. 11, R. 13, thence
west 11 miles, there are 22 fills to
make, each lill lo be 2 feet, bid
on fills also; also on same road
there are 11 cuts, each cut to be
2 feet, bid on cuts and fills com
bined; stump east of bridge No.
H to be grubbed.
Beginning at north line of Sec
tion 30, T. 11, II. 13, at one-half
Section line, (hence south 1 miles,
there are 11 fills and 1 cut, each
fill to be 2 feet and the cut to be
2 feet, at 9th fill to be made so as
to get 28 feet wide al culvert, at
10th fill to be made so as to get
28 feet wide, steel culvert to be
Beginning on north side Sec
tion line between Sections No. 1
ami J, T. 11, It. 11, thence south1
" mil'.-. there art 1.'! till to bo
inii.lf. t-at li 1.11 to be "J f.M t. at. Ith
lill vu-lii:t to lie till.'tl on cast
Hfginuiug at S. '.. corner of
Section "Jo, T. 12, It. l.i, thence
wi'-t t.iif mile, thence south two
miles, there are 5 tills to be'. first fill west of U. B.
church to bo - fol . second till in
saint' alloy to bo i foci, third fill
al Cole valley, south of bridge, to
bi i feci, fourth till near Cole
lions.? to be 2 feel, fifth till at
concrete culvert to be 2 feet.
The entire distance of all the
roads to be graded.
Hoat -bet to be 28 feel wide, a
full and rounding slope from the
line of stakes in the center to the
ditches on either side and not
less than 18 inches at, the center,
grade from the high side of the
road. Certified check for $100.00
to accompany each bid.
Blue prints of all cuts, tills and
distances to be seen at the office
of County Clerk, Plattsmouth,
County Judge.
Plattsmouth, Neb., May 28th,
To Al! Whom It May Concern:
The Board of County Commis
sioners of Cass County have found
that the public good requires that
a road be opened on the Section
line, cominencimr at a point
where Road No. 3Ki, Cass County,
Nebraska, crosses I he Section
line between Sections 8 and 17,
Township 10 North. Range 13,
Cass county, Nebraska, running
(hence East on sa'.l Section line
to lload No. 155 between Sections
ami 10, Township 10 North,
Range 1,'f. Cass Co.iuly, Nebraska,
and all objections hereto, or
claims lor damages, iiuim ne men
in I he County Clerk s olhce on or
before noon on the 15th day of
Julv. A. D. 1!) 13. or such road will
be opened without referenct
I hereto.
(Seal1, I). C. MOlKiAN,
County Clerk.
Platlsinouth, Neb.. May Dth,
The County Board of Equaliza
tion will set for the purpose of
equalizing the assessment of Cass
County for the year 1913 in Ihe
Commissioners' Chamber at the
Court House in Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, beginning Tuesday, June
10th, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. in.
and continue from day to day up
to noon on Saturday, June lith
All claims for equalization
must be filed on or before Friday
June 13th. A. D.. 1913.
County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given to all
persons interested and to the pub
lie, that the undersigned, (I. O
Williamson, has tiled Ins petition
ami application with the village
clerk of the Villaue of Murdock
County of ('ass ami Stale of Nt
braska. as required by law, signed
by Ihe required number of resi
lient freeholders of tin1 said vil
lage, selling forth that Ihe ap
plicant is a man of respectable
character and standing and a
re-idenl of the Slate of Nebraska,
ami praying that a license may
be issued to Ihe said 0. (',. Wil
liamson for the sale of mall,
spirituous and vinous liquors for
the municipal year, al his place of
business, situated on lots 2 and 3,
block 18, in said Village of Mur
dock. Action will be taken upon said
application at Ihe meeting of Ihe
Board Thursday evening, June
20th. ;. C WILLIAMSON,'
June 9. 1913. Applicant.
In County Court.
County of Cass, ss.
In the Mailer of the Estate of
William J. Laughlin, Deceased.
To All Persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that
there has been filed in this court
the final report of William Gil
lespie, executor of said estate, to
gether with his petition for final
settlement, and distribution of the
residue of said estate, according
to Ihe will of said deceased. That
a hearing will be had thereon be
fore this court in Ihe court house
at, Plallsmonth, in said County, on
Ihe lf.lh day of June, 1913, at 0
o'clock a. m. All objections, if
any thereto, must be filed on or
before said day and hour of hear
ing. Witness my band and the seal
of Ihe County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, this 9th day of
June, 1913.
By Ihe Court.
County Judge.
Mrs. Eugene Selz of I1
inn ul Ii is i-it ing her mot hei
Mrs. A. II. Yanlandiughani.
A seven ami one-half pound
girl arrived at the home of Mr.
ami Mrs. CI ill" Wright Sunday,
June 1.
.Miss Varena Crablree, who has
been attending school al Wisner,
Neb., came home Monday to spend
her summer vacation.
S. A. Vanlandingham, Floyd
Dysarl and Jay Adams' accom
panied a couple of carloads of
hogs o Die Smith Omaha market
the fore pari of the week.
Miss Maize Dillon, who just
completed a successful term of
school as teacher in District 93,
left l-'riday evening for her bono
in Lincoln.
Mrs. J. I!. Sack and daughter.
dladys. went to Davenport the
fore part of I he week In visit a
few days with her daughter, Mrs.
John Vanskiver.
Miss Abbie Judkins, who has
been teaching school at Svvanton,
Neb., arrived home the latter part
of last week to spend her .summer
acal ion with ohme folks
tirandina Wall died at her home
in Eagle Sunday afternoon, June
1, after a short illness. The body
was taken to r.linwond I uesday
morning, where funeral services
were held, conducted by the Rev,
Yanfleet, and laid lo rest in lb.'
El m wood cemetery.
A number of the busiues snien
met in Hie hall .Monday evenin-'
ami decided to celebrate the
Fourth in Eagle I his year. The
various coniniillees were aniioinl-
'd and instructed to get busy at
nice in making preparations for
ne grand and glorious lime.
From Near Nehawka.
Fil Oan-cnier, one of Hie most
successful young farmers of Cass
county, from near Nehawka, was
in the county seat today, and
while here paid the Journal ollice
a brief visit for the purpose of
renewing his subscription. Ih
was accompanied by Mrs. Oan se
iner, coining up in I lie auto, re-
i . . . i.
iiiruing won inrs. uansemers
father, Mr. Buck, who has been in
the city for Ihe past few. days.
Guaranteed Eczema Remedy.
The constant itching, burning,
redness, nish and disagreeable
eii'ccls of eczema, letter, salt
rheum, itch, piles and irritating
skiii eruptions can be readily
cured and Ihe skin made clear and
smooth with Dr. llobson's Eczema
Ointment. Mrs. J. C. I'.veland, of
Lath. III., says: "I had eczema
twenty-live years and bad I rice,
everything. All failed. When I
found Dr. llobson's Eczema
Ointment I found a cure." This
ointment is the formula of a
physician and has been in use for
years not an experiment . Thai
is why we can guarantee it. Al
druggists, or by mail. Price 50c
PfeilVer Chemical Co.. Phila
delphia and St. Louis.
Here for Short Visit.
.loMi Mit-ail, will.' ami son, Ken
neth, and Mrs. (iarrison came in
yesterday from Milwaukee, where
they have been on a short visit
ami .Mr. Nicad and Inmily drove
out to Mynard lo visit relatives,
while Mrs. (Iarrison remained
here to visit friends. They will
return tomorrow to their homes
at Sioux City, Iowa.
How's This.?
We oITit (dip llunilri'il PiillnrH Iti'wnril fur nny
tiiHi' of ( ii i iiirli that cauimt bv curi'il by Hull
t'uliirrli Clin1.
K. J. CI1ENEI & CO., T.iIimIo, 0.
VVi1. (lie iiiidi-rnlRnod, have known 1". J,
Clii'iii'.v fur trio limt 1& ywtni. anil tii'lli-vo liliu
pfrfvi'tly linnorntilit In ill bUHlm trniixiit'tliitii
and llhiinrlnlly atilti to carry out any obligation
mudr by bla tlrm.
Tuii'ilo, Ohio.
Hull's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, aellru
rtlni'liy upoti the blood and uiucoiia aurfact'S of
the ayati'm. Teatlnmnlala wMit free. I'rU'e 75
Ci'ntu per bottle. Sold by all UruRxliita. q
TuLa. Uall'a family Pill for couatlpitlou.
Wilkinson & Hall
The holding of successful sales
is our line. Our interests are with
the seller w hen it conies to getting
every dollar your property is
worlh. Tor open dates address or
call either of us at our expenses
by 'phone. Dales can be made at
Ihe Journal office.
Items of Interest to Old and New
Residents of City Which Were
New Forty Years Ago.
Born To the house of Mar
quette on Sunday evening last, a
ton. Mother ami child doing
well. The infant lawyer weighed
pound-. -
A wag announces Mciiuire as
candidate for next mayor and
Curtis for marshal, lie claims
that will clo.-e Ihe whisky busi
ness out in I'lallsinouth.
J. W. Johnson, of this town,
has been appointed on Col. Fur
nas' stall' title, aid-de-ramp
rank, colonel. Oood morning, Col.
Mr. Hall, our well known butch
er, appears once more on our
streets, after a four weeks' trip
ast and over
in Canada,
He re
in that
ports snow
Mo.-es lliatl, li years in Ne-
ira.-ka. Rock mulls man, lakts
the Herald in his. By Ihe way,
we got leu new subscribers, and
mostly cash ones, last week.
Don't. look much as if (he Herald
was becoming so unpopular.
I, oily mat neiween .Judge
Haines and Marshal Morgan last
week. Morgan disturbed names
peace, or Haines said he did, and
Marshal entered a nolle because
Haines bad no peace lo disturb.
Developments on trial, rich.
Seven bright ami promising
(for what?! young men of Ibis
place were hauled up before the
errible judge and line on Mon
day last tor saying too many
aniens" at the church Sunday
night. Don't drink any more
pious whisky, boys, it costs more
than tangle-leg.
A general Indian uneasiness is
reported on Ihe frontier. Troops
have left Omaha for Tort Lara
mie and lied Cloud. D. T. The
government al Washington have
instructed (ienerals Sherman and
Sheridan lo lake all necessary
steps o protect the settlers and
punish (lie Indians.
Our con iily looks like a
new palace. On Ihe west side of
the rear room, where our friend,
('.al. Moure mostly banvs his hat,
a spic-span new secretary, from
Ihe floor to dome, almost, has
been erected, for the purpose of
keeping the tiles of papers and
district cmui'I documents in bel
ter order. Thomas Mitchell and
I'urlis Miiure did the job. ami
well dime it is. loo.
Itichard Howard, colored, who
has been conllned in the jail in
Omaha. hrok' out last niuhl al 12
o'clock ami left for parts un
known. SherilT Hurley telegraph
ed In Shcritr Culler of this city
to look out for him. SherilV Cul
ler received the dispatch about
H :.() o'clock this morning and at
0 had arrested Howard he hav
ing walked from Omaha here.
SherilV Culler immediately tele-
Our Latch String is Always Out!
Let's See if You Know How to Pull It!
T'HIS is a store where folks are welcome matters
not what you come for, just so you come. If you
buy, it matters not whether you buy a cent's worth or
a dollar's worth, you'll get courteous treatment, prompt
service and full value for your money. And, if you
find you don't like what you bought, bring it back. We
will refund without an argument. That's fair isn't it?
Successor to John Bauer Main Street
S V 3
PR tot ?j ervrs
"Butterick Fashions"
Summer's Newest Styles
Draperies? Yes, lots and lots of them.
Wonderful, smart designs in hun
dreds. Everything complete for the
season. Dainty summery dresses for
all occasions.'
Any Butterick Pattern FREE
with every copy
25 cents (10c extra by mail)
Buy m copy at tht pattern soantcr W
graphed Ihe fact to Sheriff Hurley,
who came down on the morning
train and took Mr. Howard back
lo Omaha with him, where he
will be again placed in jail and
allowed to meditate on the un
certainties of life.
Married January 20lh, at the
residence of Silas Orcenslale of
Klinwooil, by Dr. J. A. Kcnaslnn
of the M. K. church, Mr. Charles
D. Clapp to Miss Eva flreenslatc,
both residents of Cass county.
Of the numerous friends of both,
many were present, and each
joined heartily and successfully
to make it one of Ihe happiest oc
casions I ever witnessed. After
the marriage service was ended
an ample feasl was spread thai
would have done honor lo Ihe
marriage feasts of olden days,
every countenance was expressive
of the utmost satisfaction. Of
course no one looked more com
pletely contented and happy than
the bride and groom.
I'latlsmoutli. Jan. ,'J, 1 K 7 :J .
Cas Co. Agricultural ami Me
chanical Association held their
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h I ' meet ing at the court
house on the dale above.
K. Sage, vice president, in the
chair; moved and carried that W.
Ii. huler attend as a delegate the
meeting of the Stale Hoard of
Agriculture held at Omaha.
Miived and carried that an order
for iri be drawn on the Ireas-
mi rail jijly
Some of the
newest in
Crepe for that
party dress
25c per yard
Take Notice of
Our East
Pattern 6248 is here
shown in the tan
stripe Crepe. A very
pretty dress for aft
ernoon wear.
ury in favor of Jacob Adams, in
payment of rent on fair ground.
Moved and carried that a com
mittee of three, consisting of K.
Sage, Jacob Vallery and l'erry
Walker, make arrangements for
the rent of fair grounds the com
ing year. J. I-'. Doud, Sec.
Take Plenty of Time to Eat.
There is a saying that "rapid
ealing is slow suicide." If you
have formed the habit of eating
loo rapidly you are most likely
suffering' from indigestion or
constipation, which will result
eventually in serious illness un
less corrected. Digestion begins
in the mouth. Food should be
thoroughly masticated and in
salivated. Then when you have
a fullness of the stomach or feci
dull and stupid after eating, take
(die of Chamberlain's Tablets.
Many severe cases of stomach
I rouble and constipation have
been cured by the use of these
(ablets. They are easy to tako
and most agreeable in effect.
Sold by all dealers.
Woodman Circle, Notice!
The Woodman Circle Lodge w ill
hold their regular meet ing- at I heir
loile rooms at 8 o'clock tomor
row .Tuesdiiy! evening. All
members are urged In lie present.
Alter Ihe business session the
members will participate in a
social time ami ice cream ami
cake will be served.