The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 05, 1913, Image 7

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(terns of Interest to Old and New
Residents of City Which Were
New Forty Years Ago.
Perry Gass,, esq., from "'Piety
Hill," was in town Tuesday and
called on the Herald.
Streight & Dilley, new linn
down the street. Uncle Jason
Streight has sold out a half in
terest in his grocery to a Mr. Dil
ley of Iowa, and henceforth the
firm will be as above, and we hope
to see them do a slashing busi
ness. Dr. Livingston's office got a
gale (the gale went under, you
know) last week and upset itself,
breaking all his little glasses,
medicine chest and such. It took
a huge glass of soda water from
a young Babcock, the next morn
ing after the dance, and righted
up again.
It is understood that our old
and highly respected friend Dea
con Mickelwait, put up his ferry
boat and fixings against Russell's
house and lot on the late election.
Of course Russell won, and a re
porter from the Herald learned
late last evening that Russell says
"Mick" can run the boat for a
few days, and if he manages
things well he will let him keep
it ii". shares next summer.
Not long since a curious case
of affairs turned up in this
county. A couple were divorced,
, two weeks afterward they were
re-married. Less than a month
after the new marriage, the hus
band came home and thought
somebody was there while he was
gone. So he gave madam a
trouncing and went for the some
body with a butcher-knife and
the result was, husband was ar
rested fur attempt at assassina
tion. He is now out of jail and
says he's dune marrying anybody
or anything.
Concert Troupe.
Mrs. Win. Winsterstein, R.
Windham, Mrs. ('. Vinton, Prof.
Martindale, Miss Anna Dakin,
Miss Fannie Hill, Misses Lou ami
Caddie Foster, Misses Julia and
Carrie Porter, Miss Laura Morse,
Mrs. A. J. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. J.
McMurphy, Miss fieri ie Johnson.
Instrumental music by Prof. L.
F. Johnson's Siring Hand.
The Plattsniouth fire depart
ment gave their engine a trial on
Saturday last. A large fire of
boxes, old lumber, etc., was made
and the boys turned out; in four
minutes they were on the ground
and in a shorter time the flames
were nowhere. Bully boys, bully
engine. Frank Stadter did it.
On Monday evening as some
railroad men were coming from
their work, down near Rocky
Point, on a hand car, an engine
backed suddenly down on them,
striking the rear of the car and
killing two men instantly. Eight
more were injured and bruised in
various parts one ugly scalp
wound but no bones were broken
and no dislocations. The two men
killed were named Daly and Con
sadine. We understand Con
sadine has a large family at
Friendville, near Dorchester.
The report of the Rock Bluffs
school for the month ending
October 6, shows that in the
higher department there were en
rolled: Males 13, females 19,
making a total of 32. The aver
age attendance was, males 9.9,
females 14.7, or a total of
The number in the different
branches was as follows; "Spell
ing, 32; reading, 19; arithmetic,
32; writing, 30; grammar, 12;
geography, 12; history, 8;
algebra, 7; composition, 12. The
following named scholars were
not absent during I he month:
Marcus White, James Patterson,
Emma Bridenstine, Jennie Pat
terson, Olie Jones and Anna
Mann. The following were not
lardy: Jennie Patterson, Bella
Ramsey, Ada Lacy, Olie Jones,
Ada Shera, Alice Lambert, James
Patterson, Charley f! raves, S. E.
Farthing, Ellen Graves, Laura
Chalfant, Anna Fitch. The fol
lowing named persons have visit
ed the department during the
month: Miss Myra Patterson,
William Hobbs, Dr. F. B. Reed
and C. H. Pinharn, the two latter
gentlemen being patrons of the
school. These visitors occupied
2 in minutes or four hours. The
enrollment in the primary de
partment was as follows: Males,
31; females, 29; total. t9. The
total average attendance was
oX.O. Patrons of the school and
friends of education generally
are cordially invited to visit the
Col. E. V. McMaken of Toledo,
Ohio, his brother, Andy McMaken,
and Geo. W. Fairfield, all called
on the editor "tew onct" Satur
day, and like to overwhelmed a
little man.
Plattsniouth, .Neb., December 9,
Mr. Editor. Can you tell us
what is the price of bonds in the
city of New York? Is it true the
bonds of our city were sold for
80 cents? Is the crisis over?
The lire Tuesday evening
proved to be in the house of Mr.
Roxby on Sixth street. Although
it had made considerable prog
ress in the roof, by the prompt
action of the fire company and
of some private citizens the fire
was extinguished, the Babcock
engine doing brave and effective
D. H. Wheeler, W. J. Hesser,
Azro Smith, J. Yallery, sr., a good
many sweet potatoes and some
cabbage-heads, all went up to
Omaha Wednesday to attend the
great agricultural and horti
cultural meeting, which is trans
piring at the Grand Central about
Somebody wants us to say
something about Mrs. O'Connor,
and how she wenl for Judge Elli
son, and pitched bricks into the
saloons. We shan't do it we
don't want her to go for us, and
the Herald does not need any
bricks the boys bring enough
here in their hats, now and then,
to do us.
Mr. Eaton's well known jewelry
store on Main street was broken
into on Friday evening last, about
(i o'clock, during his absence in
Omaha, and over 20 watches, 100
rings, some chains and other
valuable jewelry were just, cooly
pocketed and walked oil' with. N'o
trace of the thief as yet has been
Plattsniouth Lodge No. 0, A. F.
& A. M., held their annual elec
tion for olllcers of this ensuing
Masonic year on Monday evening.
The olllcers elected are:
Frank E. White W. M.
L. F. Johnson S. W.
G. W. King J. W.
K. T. Duke Treas.
A. d'Allemand Secy.
J. Pepperburg S. I).
J. N. Black J. D.
Isaac, Wiles Chap'n.
.las. Palimr Tyler.
Our new principal of the High
school is Professor Ross, a
graduate of Aberdeen university,
Scotland, and a thorough scholar.
He has taught nine years, and
was principal of the Normal
school at Fond-du-Lac, Wiscon
sin, previous to his acceptance of
the offer made him here. Mr.
Ross takes hold like a worker,
and we are very much pleased
with his appearance, and the
ideas he expresses on educational
Teachers Miss Morse, assist
ant teacher, is from Cleveland,
Ohio; has been a teacher for
some time, understands her
work and will carry out the plans
and methods of instruction de
cided upon with energy and a
skill and knowledge only gained
by practical observation in con
ducting schools.
Miss Johnson, another assist
ant, and Mr. Marlindale, are both
well known lo our people already
and need no introduction at this
. The school opened on Monday
in Spiers' hall, for the present.
The new building will be finished
by October 1st.
Hon. T. M. Marquette, who has
been quite sick, is once more on
his pins, and right glad are we
to see him up again.
Isaac Pollard of Weeping Wa
ter, the man with the big barn
and fourteen miles of stone fence,
on one of the finest farms in
Cass county, called on the Herald
last week and found us out.
Sorry, call again.
A bloody affray look place in
the saloon of Win. Yarrow last
night about 8 o'clock. One
Patsy Sullivan slabbed Tom
Connor under the llflh rib, in
llicling a dangerous wound. Dr.
Livingston attended Connor, who
is lying very low at present
writing. Sullivan lias run away.
On the street Saturday about 3
p. in. Frank White bawling "go
ing, going, going, going, gone,"
two boys ringing bells to keep up
the music and two more shouting
Fannie Kellogg as they bore a
banner with (his strange device
"Concert to Night," sixteen
drunken men lighting, Joe Con
ner hollering to a haymaker on
a load of grain and 95 other men
are jabbering about the auction,
the grain market, the Granges,
the people's party, or the hot
weather in 40 different languages
and all "tew once."
Alvo Motes
E. M. Stone is visiting the
home folks for a few days.
Miss Brayce Foreman visited in
Lincoln Saturday and Sunday.
Morgan Curyea was transact
ing business in Lincoln Wednes
day. Sain Cashner was in Omaha on
business Wednesday and Thurs
day. Ed Carr of Eagle shipped a car
of stock to South Omaha Monday
Mrs. Charles Rosenow and
children were in Ashland shop
ping Monday.
Mrs. F. M. Grove and children
were passengers .for Lincoln
Wednesday on No. 13.
J. II. Stroemer and son, Alfred,
and F. M. Grove were fishing on
Salt creek Wednesday.
Charles Snavely, our up-to-date
butcher, delivers meat to any part
of (he city promptly.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Curyea
and daughter, Lillian, were shop
ping in Lincoln Wednesday.
Mrs. F. E. Patterson and son,
Sidney, left Friday for a week's
visit with her parents at Ulica,
Miss Orpha Mullen returned
Saturday from her srhool at Roca,
which she will teach again next
Mr. and Mrs. John Casey of
South Omnlia visited a few days
last, week with their sons, J. F.
and William Casey.
Mrs. Orville Quellhorst and Mrs.
Dr. Muir and daughters were
among those' going to Lincoln
Tuesday morning.
R. A. Stone will deliver your
groceries, etc., if you 'phone him
your wants. La 'Verne Stone
drives the wagon.
Paul Frolich returned Monday
from a several weeks' visit in
Michigan and New York. He
went, lo Lincoln Tuesday.
Charles Hardnork had the mis
fortune to gel his foot crushed
last Friday morning while at
york unloading railroad lies.
Clarence Lined of Valparaiso
was in town Monday and sold an
Overland automobile lo August
Johnson. lie returned home
Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Curyea
entertained at dinner Sunday Mr,
and Mrs. William Lewis and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. Charles Skiles and son,
John, of David City, Neb., came
in Tuesday'to visit her husband's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Skiles
and oilier relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Righter and
Miss Verna Ryder of Lincoln and
Max Jamison of Weston, Neb.,
were Sunday guests at the S. C.
Boyles home.
A dozen automobiles from
Palmyra were in town Wednesday
forenoon advertising the Old Set
tlers' picnic, to be held at that
place June 12, 1913.
Miss Eula Weaver accompanied
her cousins, Miss Violet Ough and
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer, to Lincoln
Friday, returning to her home at
South Bend on No. 14.
Miss Alta Linch returned Sat
urday from York, Neb., where she
finished a successful term in the
city schools. Miss Linch will
leach there again next year.
Among those from Lincoln who
spent Decoration day in Alvo
were Mrs. Arville Linch, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Linch and two children,
Mrs. John Robotham and Mrs.
Clyde Boyles.
R. '.. Penn of Waverly and
daughter, Mrs. A. Swale and
daughter of Lincoln, visiled the
former's daughter, Mrs. A. I. Bird
and family, Monday, returning to
Lincoln on No. 17,
Thomas Stout and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Klyver and Elbert
Taylor were guests at. a birthday
dinner given by Mrs. Arthur
Klyver last Sunday in honor of
her husband's birthday.
Rev. E. L. Uplegrove returned
Friday from his visit to his son,
Frank and family, at Fisher, Kas.
He was accompanied from Lin
coln by his daughter, Mrs. Harry
Appleinan and family, who re
mained until Sunday evening.
Mrs. Dan Williams of South
Mend, ami son and sister, Miss
Bessie Suders, came up Friday
evening lo visit their grandpar
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas,
for a few days. Miss Suders left
for her home at Clatonia, Neb.,
Saturday evening.
Lafe Mull. mi bal the misfor
tune to have a horse that he had
driven to town Saturday evening
lake violently ill. He called
Veterinary Stout and at present
the animal is improving nicely.
Miss Grayce Bailey closed a
successful term of school in the
Neuiishow district with a picnic
last Thursday. Miss Bailey has
I he school engaged for next year,
with an increase in salary.
Mrs. D. A. Vincent and Miss
Pearl Keefer attended the vocal
recital for graduation given by
Leslie J. Strain of Cotner uni
versity school of music at Beth
any, Neb., Tuesday evening, June
3, 1913. Mr. Strain is a nephew
of Mrs. Vincent.
Miss Aletha Rouse returned
home Tuesday from Elimvood,
where she graduated from the
High school last Thursday evening-.
Their class play was given
Friday evening and I hi' E. H. S.
alumni entertained the '13 class
'Saturday evening-. Miss House
visited in Lincoln Monday and
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rogers of
Omaha visited Mr. and Mrs. G. P.
Foreman, sr.. a couple of days
last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers
and Mr. and Mrs. Foreman vsit
ed the state farm Thursday aft
ernoon, where the Ftockmens'
convention were entertained.
Miss Aurel Foreman visiltfl her
sister, Mrs. L. E. Dobbitt, until
Friday, when ?he accompanied
her brother, John, home.
A. O. U. W., Notice I
All .members of Gerniania
Lodge No. 81, A. O. U. W., are re
quested lo meet at the hall on
next Sunday at 8 o'clock shary
anil bring (lowers for decorating
I he graves of departed brothers.
Let all members be present and
bring all flowers possible.
John Wichman,
Jos. Droege,
August Rakow,
In the district court yesterday
morning the case of William A.
Cleghorn vs. Charles T. Tozier, et
al.,' a suit to quiet title, was heard
and the judge granted a decree
quieting the title to the property
held by Mr. Cleghorn.
This morning Fred Ohm was
brought before the court and re
ceived a sentence to the peniten
tiary for a term of from one lo
three years for burglary, lb was
convicted some months ago of
breaking into a tool chest in the
house of John Kinser and steal
ing several tools, which he sold
at different places around town,
and since that lime has been in
the county jail, as he would not
keei bis parole.
Without Pleasure.
Al times some people feel dis
gusted. Nothing suits them.
They have no appetite, they hate
society, they find no pleasure in
anything. They are not sick,
neither are they well. It is evi
dent that their blood is poor,
their digestion not regular, their
nerve power weakened on account
of lack of food. You will have to
select a remedy which will thor
oughly clean out your body, give
you a good appetite and strength
en your digestive organs. Such
a remedy is, as you well know,'s American Elixir of Hit
ler Wine. It is composed of wine
and laxative and tonic herbs. It
will expel from (he intestines un
digested remnants of food and
will enable the body to accept and
digest enough nutritious food to
supply all organs with pure and
rich blood. You will receive new
energy. Al, drug stores. Jos.
Triner, 1333-1339 So. Ashland
Ave.,- Chicago, 111. 'Muscular
rheumatism will usually yield
quickly to Triner's Liniment.
Surprise on Boetel Family.
Saturday evening, as John
Boetel reached his home he was
greatly surprised to find the
house brightly illuminated, and
on entering found that some
twenty couples of his friends had
dropped in to give the Boetel fam
ily a surprise and were enjoying
themselves in a social dance. Mr.
Boetel at once entered into the
spirit of the occasion, and a jolly
was had until the wee small
hours, when the company dis
persed, feeling that they had bad
a most, delightful lime.
Have you tried I he Forest Hose
flour? If not, why not? It is the
best flour on the market and is
sold by all dealers.
Cattle Shipped From Plattsmouth.
C. C. Parmele and Will Jean
shipped a car of fine cattle to
South Omaha eslerday. The
cattle were fed on what is known
as the Porter place, near Mynard,
but were drive to this city Tues
day evening and shipped to the
market over the Burlington rail
road, and were on the market
Wednesday morning. Mr. Parmele
and Mr. Jean are contemplating
feeding considerable stuff Ibis
The boys of Plattsniouth who
have not taken their oath as Boy
Scouts, but will in the near
future, did not go on their "hike"
lo Mynard this morning on ac
count of the rain. They may have
a little bit noisy at the building,
but no damage was done to the
building outside of a little dirt
on the walk, as they are simply
empty rooms. Troop Master Wil
son's hair almost turned gray,
but the boys cleaned up the dirt
in nice shape. He will have the
next play spell in the base ball
park. This crowd of boys are not
yet scouts until I hey have taken
the oath, which will be in the
near future.
The school in District No. 30,
ner Ciillom, which Miss Marie
Svohoda is leaching, celebrated
the last day of school with a pic
nic on Friday, May 30. The
pupils came with their parents
and friends and at the noon hour
a big dinner was served. In the
afternoon the guests were treated
with strawberry ice cream and
cake. The day was spent, in play
ing games, conversation and
music, both vocal and instru
mental. All present boasted of
having bad a very good time. in attendance were: Mrs.
Frank Blolzer, Frank, John,
George, Lulu- and Katheriue
Blolzer, Mrs. A. B. Fornoff, Ida,
Walter, Fred and Florence Kor
nolV; Mrs. Louis Kiel, Carl and
August Kiel, Nora and Marl
Baiighiuan, Mabel Kaffcnhc rgcr,
Edgar, John, Maurina, Lizzie,
Carl and Olga Trilsch, Julius,
Mabel ami Albert Milllcker, Mrs.
Louis Morn, Fdna, Klhel, Florine
and Freda Horn, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Barkening, Mrs. Chris
Barkening, Margaret, WHIie and
Howard Barkening, Rose and Lily
Schiessl, Pauline Svohoda, Cecila
Kalasek, Florence Svohoda, Mrs.
Charles Stoehr, Verna, Elmer,
Clifford, Carl and Leonard Stoehr,
Alice and Elmer Tschirren, Mrs.
W. II. Seybert, Frances and Jen
nings Seyberl, Mrs. Philip Born,
Agnes Born, Mr. and Mrs. John
Meisinger, Raymond. Margaret,
Pearcy, Harvey and Mildre'd Mei
singer, Mrs. George Meisinger,
Sophia Meisinger, Lulu Sloehr
and Mrs. George Born.
Opening Union Meeting.
The opening union lent service
will be held (his evening. Evang
elist Charles Cullen Smith and
his helpers are here. At this
meeting Mr. Smith will speak up
on a most, important subject, as
it has a bearing on the future of
the campaign. No lines will be
drawn between saints and sinners.
The music will be a great feature,
consisting of a trio by the evang
elistic party, a solo by Mr. Walt
er Klinger, and two duets by Mes
srs. Smith and Gilmore. The
Smith parly are famous for their
music. At this service Mr. Smith
is anxious lo meet all the Chris
tian people especially, though all
are invited, and Prof. Gilmore is
just as anxious to meet all the
singers 15 years of age and old
er. In the event nf another de
luge of rain the meeting will be
held at the Methodist church.
Mrs. Friedrich Better.
Mrs. M. L. Friedrich was re
ported this morning as being in
belter shape than for several
weeks ami her family and friends
were delighted with the apparent
rbange for the heller in her con
dition. She has been very sick
for the past few weeks.
"Generally debilitated for
years. Had sick headache, lacked
ambition, was worn out and all
run down. Burdock Blood Bitters
made me a well woman." Mrs.
Chas. Freitoy, Moosup, Conn.
Last evening at the big tent, at
the north court house lawn,
where the evangelistic campaign
is lo be conducted during this
month, notwithstanding the se
vere rainstorm, the grounds were
in excellent condition, but few
people were out for the initial
service. The exangelist, Rev.
Charles Cullen Smith, with his
singers, were there,, and a prayev
service was held, which marked'
the opening of the campaign.'
With the clearing of (he weather
there promises to be large crowds
in attendance and much interest
The grounds are nicely equip
ped, the big tent has been well
seated and lighted and provided
with a large rostrum for I he
speakers and singers, where the
music will be dispensed. Those
in charge of the matter are en
couraged with (he outlook for
the meetings and a very suc
cessful campaign is expected.
Some 300 new song books are on
hand, with the latest and most
inspiring songs, so that every
body will be provided with means
of assisting in the song service.
The public is invited lo come and
enjoy (he good music and singing,
as well as the eloquent speaking,
which Rev. Smith, who is an
especially gifted speaker, will de
The funeral of Mrs. Eva Mar
garetha Ohlenhauseu was held
yesterday afternoon from St.
Paul's church at, 2 o'clock and
was attended by a vast crowd of
old friends, who gathered for the
last time to pay tribute lo tin's
worthy lady, who for so many
years had been a resident of this
city and county. The sermon was
preached by Rev. .1. 11. Sieger,
pastor of the church, who took
for his text the words, "It, is
enough, take my .soul from me,"
and spoke of the forbearance with
which the aged lady had borne
her mouths of siigering when she
knew that, recovery was impos
sible, and the Christian fortitude
displayed during her long and
useful life in both joy and sor
row. The choir of the church
sang several of the favorite
hymns of the departed, which had
been so well loved in her lifetime,
and there was no one present at
the church that did not feel that,
surely hers had been a peaceful,
upright Christian life in the ful
lest, sense of the term.
The body was borne lo its last
resting place by the following
old friends and neighbors: Jacob
Trilsch, Leonard Horn, Theodore
Slarkjohn, John Hauer, sr., Jacob
Meisinger and Conrad Meisinger.
The (loral tributes were magnifi
cent and lavish and attested the
deep feeling of the loss to her
friends throughout ihe county.
At the grave the pastor spoke a
few words on the work of the de
ceased as a member of the Ladies'
Aid society of Ihe church, which
attend (be funeral in a body at,
the church, and a great many ac
companied the casket to the
The name Doan's inspires
confidence Doan's Kidney Pills
for kidney ills. Doan's Ointment
for skin itching. Doan's Regulets
for a mild laxative. Sold at all
drug stores.
(Jetting Along Nioely.
W. R. Bryan is in receipt of
a letter from his daughter, Miss
Lucile, who is at, the A. S. O. hos
pital at Kirkeville, Missouri, in
which she stales that she is get
ting along nicely and is able to
be up and about the room. The
many friends of the Bryan family
will be pleased to learn of their
daughter's improvement.
Sweet Potato Planls for sale,
$2.00 per thousand. Inquire of W.
A. Barnharl, on Lincoln ave., sec
ond house south of August Gor
der. r-29-lwk-d-2t-wkly
How's This.?
We offer One llunilriMl Dollar Idwurl for nil?
rx f t'aturrb that cannot bv ciirrd by Hull
Catarrh Cure.
K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledn, O.
Wf, thn tinili'ralKiiiMl, have known F. J.
Cheney for thn but 15 year, anil Ih'IIpvc IiIiu
lierfeetly honorable In all buslm-a tritiitnotlona
ami nun ik I ii I l.r ahlti to carry out any ulilltiatlona
Diailu hy lila tlrni,
Toledo, Ohio.
Ilull'a Caturrh Cliro la taken Intnrnnlty, aetlim
illreetly iimhi th blood ami tiitieona aurfaeea of
tin. .vt"lil. TentlnioiiljiU antit frwv I'm- 7J
cent mt bottle. Nobl liy all llriiKillita. q
Ttko Uall't Family Villi (or count! Pallou.