The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 05, 1913, Image 6

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M Ii
Here is a money-saving proposition for prospective
home builders. Read this wonderful building offer.
People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Freparkd in the Interksts of the
(If any of the reader of the Journal Know of a ocial event or an
this heading We want all Item or miorei. ,
f40 Swmrm-r W
Deposit Your Money in this
Bank and Pay Your Obli
gations by Check.
If you make your payments by check you have a re
cord that cannot be disputed.
We regard all business transactions as strictly confi
dential. Combine absolute safety with satisfaction.
We accord careful consideration to small and large
aTOur deposits are secured by the State Guarantee
We pay 4 per cent on time deposits for one year.
We Bank on You.. You Bank With Us.
We Solicit Your Business.
urroy Sfofo Oonk
a Plallsmoulh
Lvda Todd was
visitor Tuesday.
The Sludy Huh will meet nexl
TueHday at, I he libra ry.
We greatly regret, I he going
away of Mr. Williams and his
Children's day exercises at Iho
Presbyterian church Sunday,
Juno H.
The health of this romiiiunily
is remarkably pood at the pres
ent time. . i '
Mrs. Charles Sline of Colorado
is visiting friends and relatives
in this community.
Joe Cook and little daughter
made nn early morning call lo
IMaUwrrioulh Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kiel's' ha by has
been quite ill with cholera in
fantum, but is improving.
Minford it Creamer shipped a
car of hogs to the South Omaha
market. Wednesday morning.
Remember the strawberry, ice
vream and cake supper at the
Christian church Saturday night,
June ii.
(irandma Nix. who lias been ill
for some time, does not seem to
have improved very much I he
past week.
The farmers have been so busy
' in the past few weeks that I heir
Wives had to come to town to do
the. trading.
Mrs. II. K. Smith of Kldra,
Iowa, is visiting tier brother,
Postmaster Maker and family, for
n few days.
Mrs'.' Kdwai'd Lyman will leave
Mr. Sable, second trick man at
Ihe M. P. slalion, has been re
lieved and will soon take up his
dul ies .in Omaha.
From numerous reports alloat
I here promises lo lie some mar
riages in Ibis vicinity before the
month of June has expired.
A building made partly of con
crete and partly of lumber is be
ing erected at the Farmers'
Klevalor for the housing of
J. 15. Seyboll, Harry Creamer,
11. C. Creamer, Mrs-. Adda Stokes
and Miss fsabell Young were pas
sengers to. Omaha Wednesday
morning, where they spent the
Dr. Thomsen, the PlaltsmouUi
dentist, who comes here every
Thursday, is getting considerable
work and is giving the very best,
ftf satisfaction. The people here
all like him.
Pauline Oldham spent Monday
ami a part of Tuesday at Louis
ville coaching a class of youn
ladies for a contest to he given in
(tie opera house at t lint place
Wednesday evening.
t'.liner llalstrom came down
from Plallsmoulh Monday morn
ing and resumed his duties at tin
Murray SI ale bank. The people
m!" Mhituv in general are glad to
see Klinor at his post of duly
iiunin. as he is very popular with
them all.
On Saturday nighl. June 1 i. Ihe
Sum-bine Maud will serve straw
Two of (he popular young peo
ple of the vicinity of Murray
were married yesterday in Oma
ha, stealing a march on their
friends in their home town. The
contracting parties were Miss
Isabel Young, daughter of the
late Frank Young, sr., and wife,
and who has grown to woman
hood in and near Murray, and is
one of the most talented and
charming young ladies in that
section. The groom is a son of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Creamer,
prominent residents of that sec
tion, and one of the most worthy
young farmers in this part of the
county. The young folks have
kept their friends guessing for
some time as to the date of the
wedding, and succeeded in get
ting away without their mission
being known. The Journal ex
tends congratulations to the
young man upon his success in
securing one of the linesl young
ladies in Cass county for a wife,
with Ihe hope that their happi
ness may reign supreme for all
lime lo come.
Sunday for Helena. Montana, for jberrit
the summer. H'i' husband is
surveying near there.
Talking of rain a regular
gully-washer visited Ibis section
Wednesday evening. On the hill
sides much of Ihe corn is no
doubt washed out.
I ake
cake and ice cream al the
lian church. Pop tail lo
your best girl, if you have
and if you haven't got one,
vour sister. t you have no
sisler make il a point surely lo
lake some other boy's sister. Hut,
anvway, go yourself.
White Canvas
2-Strap Pumps
We have decided to close
them out.
Regular $2.25 and $2.50 values
now on sale at
$1.49 and $1.69
item of interest in this vicinity and will mail ame to this office It will appear unde
wife of C. H. .void, owner
of Ihe lumber yard here, died al
tier home in St. Joseph on Mon
day. In coiiMMpieuce of which the
ollice was closed today (Thurs
day; and no business whatever
was transacted.
Miss Hose Mae Creamer, who
has been in SI. Joseph's hospital
at Omaha recovering from an
operation for appendicitis, re
lumed home Wednesday night,
and her many friends were glad
to welcome her home.
Mrs. lloss Williams, who has
been at the hospital in Omaha for
two weeks, has so far recovered
as to take her departure from
that institution. She will visit
friends in Council HlulTs a few
days before reluming to Murray.
Hialt & Tutt are certainly en
joying a splendid business. They
axe very popular among the peo
ple of Murray and vicinity. There
is a reason for this. Their slock
of goods is clean and llrst-class
and they are always on the alert
lo please.
Hon. W. II. Puis passed
through Murray 1 uesday evening
with a six-cylinder Maxwell auto.
He was en route home from Oma
ha, al which place he bought the
car through Hie Philpot. agency
al Weeping Water. Those who
saw ii say it is a tine machine.
Well, no one has a heller rigid
lo own a car than Hilly.
O. A. Davis, of Ihe Jinn of
Davis & Pitman, is engaged in
piping Henry Long's new home
for a gas plant. Mr. Long in
tends to have everything modern,
Hid when il is entirely ready for
icrupancy he and his wife will
njoy the satisfaction of living in
me oi i lie uiiesi. ami mosi com
plete homes in Cass county.
Dr. C. K. Cook of Plallsmoulh
was called o .Murray vv eiinesuuy
to consult with Dr. Hrendel in
eference lo the sickness of Mr.
,ouis Hird. Mr. Hird is 8ii years
of age and has been ill for many
months, but most of Ihe time was
able lo gel around. His case is a
verv serious one and Ihe doctors
are in douhl as to what is Ihe
main trouble with the old gentle
Mrs. Fred Ramge of Plalls
moulh came down Wednesday
morning and was met at Ihe
train by her son, Fred Itamge, jr.,
who conveyed her out to his home,
where she will keep house for her
son for a few days. Ihe young
man's wife is at Ihe sanitarium
in Lincoln taking treatment for
rheumatism. Lale reports from
that instil ut ion are that Mrs.
Ilaiiige is gelling along remark
ably well.
The Misses Clirlslcnseii rami
up from Nebraska City Thursday
lo visit Miss Birdie Johnson, who
is slaving at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. .Davis and leaching the
Pleasant Hill school. Miss John
son's school closed last 'Friday
with appropriate exercises, and
Ihe young ladies remained over a
few days to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Davis, with whom I hey spent a
most enjoyable time. The young
ladies returned home Wednesday
morning, accompanied hy Miss
Johnson, whose home is also in
Nebraska City.
Dr. H. V. Hrendel, while work
ing in ins garden, endeavoring io
gel rid of the hugs on lue vines,
several days ago, had the mis
fortune to get something poison
ous on ino sides oi ins lace and
forehead, presumably by wiping
sweat from his brow. The bugs
no doubt were poisonous and
probably in killing them he got
some of the poisonous substance
on his hands, and thusly convey
ed it to his face. It kept, him an
noyed for several days, and Mon
dav he went to Omaha to consult
u specialist. He thinks the
trouble will soon be removed, and
Ihe bandage removed from his
Buys All the
to Build this
6 Room
Price Includes all
lumber, mill work,
lath, shingles, sid
ing flooring, ceil-
ing, finishing lumber, building paper, pipe, gutter, sash weights and hard
ware. Price is at mill or factory. Ask us for freight-paid price
' This is Our House Design Ho. 2362
Economy of floor space and low cost of construction are the oonspio
ous features of this house, and these are items that appeal to a very large
number of people. It is also neat and roomy and has an attractive
pcarance from the outside.
Free Book of Plans.
The handtomeit book Tr pah
Ilihad of its kind. Shows the latest of
modern, up-to-date designs of houses, bun
galows ana barns. Free to all prospectus
builders. Contains a world of valuable in
formation. If you intend to build don't
delay sanding for this valuable book.
Consult Us.
If you wish any Informatics 00 the
building subject we ate here to give it to
you Ira oi eharf a.
Our vast experience enables us to show
you the "short-ami" of building ope
rations, as well as selections of materials.
Don't hesitate to ask us for soy inlorms
Uoo needed.
We Save You Uoney.
No ethar eooeera east aaahe ya
aeh low prieee on building material for
s house design such as we show above.
Buying direct from mill and factories io
enormous quantiticfor spot cash enables
as to undersell all competition.
We are satisnee1 with aaa easall
rest which means an imsieosc saving to
Plans Frees
We make ao aharg for the plans
for the house design illustrated above.
Others would ask from $2 to $35 and not
be in a position to give yoa toe peraoaal
attaatioa necessary.
Call and See Us Before Buying
Before building a home you should call at our office aud let as figure oo tbe materials,
and offer you some suggestion, from our extended experience. We aaa save yoa
money and help you to build the most attractive and comfortable borne possible for the
money you have to spend.
Rev. Williams Leaves.
Ht'V. Williams, who has most
t'Uk'it'iilly sorveil I lie Murray
Christian church for the past Iwn
ami a half years, preached his
farewell senium Sunday ninhl
and leaves this week for Douglas.
The Presbyterian church dis
missed and a union meeting was
held. Rev. Williams spoke of Ihe
cu-opH'alion of the two church1:
and in we chosen -words ex
pressed liis appreciation (if lh
fri Ishri) thai had been shown
him. In Hie course of his excel
lent address he emphasized Ih
need of more spirit utility in the
homes, and Ihe Christian Irani-
.t i i r if 'ill.
im ol the HUM. tie sum i ue uii-
dav school oURim lo he Imill up
because it was the creates! factor
in C.hrisl ianizal ion foday.
Rev. and Mrs. Williams leave
a host ol menus, u wish iiiein
the srrealesl success- m llieir new
Stondori Oindor
i uine, per io.
Fresh new Binder Twine direct from
Our name on the tags guarantees
every pound of it.
Spot cash 10c per lb., credit 1-2c
per lb. higher.
Cedar Greek Lumber Company
.?;!. .?..t;t,,.?!.! ,,f town, was in town Tuesday
Hiatt & Tutt
Most Royally Entertained.
Mr. and Mrs. I.. I. Hialt and
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Tult, the nenial
Murray men-hauls, were- guests of
Mr. ami Mrs. lien Iilf Sunday,
ami I hey enjoyed Ihe I tin f their
lives. Where I hey put iit the best
lime was al the dinner table, aud
when the Journal man heard of
Ihe many pood things U eat il
made our mouth Iwist in several
different directions and water
emanated from all corners. They
m aai:i
ire all of one opinion mat u
is Ihe linesl dinner I hey ever
al down lo, and every lime I hey
Ihirik of how Ihe lable was laden
own with Ihe choicest vians they
immediately possess a loninf,' to
try it over npain. they liatl a
most eniovable lime, and one that
y will not soon forjref. They
indulged in various amusements,
but they soon found out that
liemmie didn't know the lirst
principles about pitching horse
shoes, even if he did ciniie from
Rock HlulTs. They are all of one
accord in declaring Mr. and Mrs.
Dill the prince and princess of
Tornado Insurance.
Wouldn't it be better to receive
n check from an insurance com
pany after a tornado or cyclone
takes away your home than to bo
compelled to use your own hard
cash to rebuild? I represent
Standard Old Line Companies, am
can write your insurance al a low
rale. Heller look up your policies
and if you have no tornado insur
nnre call al the bank and let mo
II x yon out.
W. (!. Hoedeker.
Philip Schaefer went to Omaha
Will Schneider shelled his corn
Thursday was I lie hottest day
far Ibis year.
(I. I'. Meisinper went lo IMalts-
moulh Saturday.
Henry Tbeirolf shelled corn for
John KalTenbeiKer Monday.
Mr. Ilenzey, McCord it Brady's
man. was in town iiiesoav.
Ed (iobelman and Philip I'or-
nolT went lo Omaha Tuesday.
Mrs. Herlha Lohnes was shop
ping in I'lausniouin iNiiuruay.
Mrs. Oeoifie Frey of Heriin is
visit ing Louis Myers this week.
H. K. MelzRcr came in Tuesday
morning, calling on om menus.
S. J. Reams, our barber, went
lo Louisville on Ihe Srlruyler
Irani I uesday.
Mrs. Henry Schneider came in
I'liursday for a visit at the home
m a a r n 1. I
ol Will MMUieiuer.
John Meisinger of Light Mile
drove was in town Tuesday do
ing some shopping.
(. R. Oregory, residing south
A Pleasant Occasion.
The kensington at Mrs. Hren.
del's last Thursday was well at
tended, dosnitc the fact that the
dav was so very warm. Mrs,
Hrendel was assisted by Mes-
iliimes Mira McDonald. H. C.
Long. W. W. Hamilton, Win.
Spoher, T. J. Hrendel and Charles
Spangler. Strawberries and cream,
cake and ice tea were served, and
n neat sum was made for the
librarv and all enjoyed the after-
noon. Tho next number will be
in this month and will be under
Ihe direction and management of
Mrs. O. A. Davis. The public is
looking forward to these kensing
tons as a source of pleasure and
protll lo Ihe community and the
Will Take a "Hike."
There won't be a kid in town
tomorrow. The Hoy Scowls are
going on a "hike" to Mynard In
the morning. Fun! Well, you
had better guess, and while you
are talking keep your ' eye on
Main si reel about 7:15 Thursday
Prepare for Your
Spring Work Now!
VOUR plows need
sharpening, and other
machinery may need re
pairing. Line them up
now and bring them in,
and let me put them in
goodcondition for you by
the time the Spring rush
arrives. You will be busy
then and so will I.
loading a car of hay.
Ralph Dull' brought an auto
load of friends here Tuesday. and
spent the day fishing.
P. Schroder had the misfortune
of being bit by a snake while
planting corn Friday.
Head ollicials of the Rurlington
were in town Tuesday looking af
ter company business.
Sam At wood came down from
Lincoln Tuesday morning to look
after I lungs al the quarry.
There was a fair crowd at the,
dance Saturday night, but, tbe
music failed to show up.
Simon Clark and wife came in
Thursday evening to spend
Memorial day in Cedar Creek.
Mr. Hrissey of Plaltsinouth
came in Monday morning and
visited with friends until Tues
day. F.d McHride came home Tues
day from across the river, where
be has been working for Wood
wind h.
Judge Newell. W. D. Jones and
Mr. Fricke of Plaltsinouth were
up Tuesday and spent the day
Mrs. Philip Stoehr and daugh
ter, Lulu, spent Monday with Mrs.
P. Schroder, it being Mrs. Schrod
er's birthday.
James Ilessentlow, our R. F. I).
man, went to Omaha rriiiay ami
brought back his car, which he
has been having overhauled this
The Acme Machine man is at
the lumber yard putting up bind
ers, rakes and mowing machines
which the lumber company have
for sale.
fi. P. Meisinger and wife went
to Platlsinouth Tuesday morning
overland to bring their daughter,
Ciertrude, who has been attending
Ihe High school, home.
The Omaha Drug Co.'s motor
car load came in Saturday night,
about It o'clock and enjoyed the
best part of the night and Sun
day fishing.
Walter Green,
Blacksmithlng and Horseshoeing
Murray, Nebraska
Sanford's Place at Cedar Creek.
We are now prepared to serve
our customers with ice cream on
every Friday evening. Saturday
and Sunday. Come in and see
me while in I own. S. J. Reaines,
Propirelor. Cedar Creek.. Neb.
Thomsen, Dentist, Gund Dldg.