The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 05, 1913, Image 2

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for the next few days at
erdeeh's Storo
Special Sale of Glassware, at . . 5c
Cut Tumblers, 3 for" 25c
$1.25 Cut Pitchers, selling for . . . 65c
$1.50 Cut Fruit Dishes, at 75c
New Lot of Bar and Beauty Pins,
Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons and Beads
Fine Hair Switches, at $1.98
Toilet Crepe Paper, large rolls, 3 for . 25c
Toilet Crepe Paper, small rolls, 6 for . 25c
Rakes and Hoes 25c
Good Brooms
Ladies' and Children's Qc and
Dishes, Craniteware, Galvanized Tubs
and Buckets.
1 1BH Ml
Miss Bess Edwards and Prof. O.
C. Larson United in the Holy
Bonds of Wedlock.
Last Evening ut the First
Methodist church in this city oc
curred Hits marriage of two of
lMattsnioulh's popular young peo
ple, Mr. Carl Oscar Larson and
Miss Hessie Edwards. belore a
large gathering of their friends
ami relalives. The decorations
in the church were very simple
and tasteful and consisted of
white sweet peas and ferns, mak
ing a handsome background for
the ceremony that united Ihesi
young people.
Promptly at 8 o'clock tin
Kulerpean (ilee club, of which
Miss Edwards was a member, took
their stations in the choir, as Mr
Don G. York began I lie always
beautiful "O, Promise Me," ant
the soft, clear notes bad hardly
died away when the (lice club
sounded I he lirst notes of the
bridal chorus from "Lohengrin,
as the wedding party entered the
church. Mrs. Howard Holmes
Omaha; Miss Delia Hich, Omaha
Florence Kite. Peru, Clara Austin
Misses Esther Larson, Mathild
Soennichsen . Mildred Johnson
and Maltie Larson acted as ush
flit! bride entered on the arm
of her brother, Mr. G. S. Johnson
and was preceded by liltle Miss
Helen YVescoit, who carried the
wedding ring concealed in a larg
red carnal ion, and Master John
Warren McDride, who held the
bouquet of the bride, during the
wedding ceremony. The bridal
party was met at the chancel by
the groom ami his best man, Mr
Fred Mann, and the words that
went to bind these two young
hearts for life were pronounced!
by Hev. Ward L. Austin, the
pastor of the church, of which
the bride has been a most faith
ful member. The Olee club sang
the llnish of the wedding march
ns the party left the church for
the residence of the bride's sister,
Mrs. C. S. Johnson.
These two young people have
been residents of this city during
almost their entire lifetime and
command the respect and highest
esteem of all who know them and
their friends throughout the city
are legion, and in t heir new home
that they are making for them
selves they will take the best
wishes of all for their happiness
and success in whatever place
they may select to reside In the.
The bride has grown to worn
anhood in this city, where she was
educated in the Plattsinouth
schools, graduating in the class
of 1908, and at once took up the
work of teaching in the schools
of the county and city and her
work along this line has shown
her great ability as an educator
The groom is a native of this
city, where he was born and rear
ed, and ho, too, was educated ii
the schools here, graduating i
the class of 1905. Later ho
entered Uellevue college, graduat
ing from that institution with
high honors, and two years ago
was elected principal of the High
school in this city, and has jus
closed two years of very success
ful work in this institution and
is well qualified as a teacher and
instructor and in all branches of
school work.
The young people left last
evening for Winnepeg, Canada,
for a short honeymoon.
The out-of-town guests were
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. (lamble of
Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. II. B.
Holmes of South Omaha, Miss
Delia Hich of Omaha, Margaret
anil John McBride of South Oma
la, Miss Florence Kite of Peru,
Neb.. Miss Zora Tennant of
Pawnee, City, Mr. and Mrs. II. E
'osier and little daughters
Dorothy and Louise, Mrs. Harry
raus and daughters. Zola and
lma, Mrs Nettie Stanton, Mis
ses Angie and Fannie MrCarroll
if Union, Mrs. L. L. Youngman
iinl J. i. Fanin of Kansas Lily
enni n
Paul C. Morgan and Miss Ethel
Ballance Married at Home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ballance.
Mrs. L. B. White Is Giving Sev
eral of These Children an
Outing at Her Home.
One of the handsomest home
weddings of the season occurred
last evening at 0 o'clock at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Ballance, when their daughter,
Miss Ethel, was united m mar
riage to Mr. Paul C Morgan of
Hay Springs, Neb., in the pres-
nce of the immediate families ol
the contracting parties.
The home was very handsome
ly decorated for the occasion ami
presented a scene of great beauty
throughout the rooms. In the
parlor, where the ceremony was
performed, the white roses and
greens were run in streamers
from the sides of the room to trie
chandelier, where a great mass of
the roses formed a bower beneath
which the young people plighted
their troth. In the dining room
the decorations consisted of pink
and white carnations and greens,
forming a most artistic conibina
lion, while in the living room
American Beauty roses and palms
furnished the decorations.
Preceding the entrance of the
wedding party Mrs. II. Glen Rawls
sang very sweetly "I Love You
Truly," and as the soft notes of
the wedding march, played by
Miss Kittie Cummins, sounded
Mm liltle ribbon bearers, Misses
Bernice Ballance of Lincoln am
Mayme Mundy of McCook, most
charmingly gowned in white with
pink sashes, entered the parlor
followed bv little Miss Jarne
Lehnhoir of Omaha, the ring
bearer, also gowned in white am
carrying the wedding ring repos
ing in an American Beauty rose
The bridesmaid, Miss Vera Bal
lance of Lincoln, in a lovely
costume ol while cniuou ot
nink silk ami carrying pink
bridesmaid roses, followed II
ring-bearer. The matron
honor, Mrs. Howard B. llolmt
of Omaha, preceded the bride, and
vii most charming in pink silk
ami carried pink roses. The brid
entered the parlor on the arm of
l...e fnl her and was attired'' in
white ralaem
shadow lac
while bride
This is the season when th
residents nl tne cines, ami par
ticularly Hie children of the city,
sull'er greatly for the want of the
good, wholesome air and sur
roundings of the farm or small
town, where they can gel out and
grow under the clean, healthful
influence of the countryside; and
how to provide this means is one
of Ihe big problems of the child
saving institutes of the cities.
About a week ago Mrs. L. B.
White was in Omaha, ami decided
to afford an outing for some of
the children who would not have
an opportunity lo enjoy life in
the country, and called at the
child saving institute and secur
ed seven children, who were
brought here to enjoy a week of
recreation at her home
has a large lawn, and
a w
Right Now When You Want Them
These are hot weather Shirts, unstarched and soft.
They are made with flat or military collars and come in
plain white, cream, tan, blue, and stripes. Every size
from 14 to 19, all full cut and double sewed. See our
5th street window.
G. E. Ves coif's Sons
Always the Home of Satisfaction
APPIL1 111
Marriage of Most Highly Respect
ed Young People in Cass
and to him and his charming
bride the heartiest congratula
tions will be ejtended.
The young people will reside on
a farm of the groom's near Ne
hawka in the future and assist in
the development of the county,
where they have made their home
in Ihe past.
crepe trimmed with
and carried
shower bouquet, o
roses. The brid;
. i .... 1 1. ii... it . . .i i i
parly was mei. oeiie.uu me inucn
f.-iiu.iiv bv I lie trrooin ami the best
ii .r - fc- i
man. Mr. H. i. Dovcy, who wei
both dressed in trie conventional
evening dress, and as the young
people took their places the cere
mony was performed by the Hev.
Allen O. Wilson of St. Luke's
church, using Ihe beautiful and
impressive Episcopal wedding
After the wedding ceremony
the guests were ushered into tne
dining i n, wliere a mosi
suinpl uous wedding dinner was
served by Misses Oretchen anil
Marie Donnelly, Esther Larson
and Nora Hosenerans. The young
people left at 7:15 for Omaha,
from w here I hey will proceed to
their home at Hay Springs, Neb.,
where they will at once start to
housekeeping in Ihe home pre
which pared by the groom.
it is a Both of the contracting parlies
quiet home wedding was held
yesterday at 1 i o'clock that unit
ed two of the most prominent
families in Cass county, the cere
mony taking place at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. John Al
bert in this city, when their
daughter, Miss Mary, was united
in marriage to Mr. George Engel-
kemeter of near Nehawka. Ihe
wedding was very quiet, owing to
the recent death of relatives, and)
only the immediate families of
the contracting parties were
present. The marriage was per
formed by Hev. J. II. Steger ot St.
Paul's church, using Ihe Lutheran
ring service, which was very impressive.
The home was decorated with
most beautiful flowers of the
summer season and made a very
pretty selling for the happy event.
The bride, who was unattended,
wore a most bewitching costume
of while voile ami carried a bou
quet of while carnations, while
the groom was allircd in Ihe con
ventional black.
The bride is Ihe daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Albert of this
city and is a young lady of much
talent and vharm, who possesses
a host of friends in Ibis part of
the county, who will learn with
great, pleasure of her marriage.
The groom is the sou of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Engclkenieier of
near Nehawka and is one of the
most prosperous and industrious
young farmers in that locality,
Last evening about 8:30, as
Louis Leiner was preparing to re
turn to his home in the west part
of the city, his team, which was
tied near William Hassler's
blacksmith shop, became fright
ened and started to run away, go
ing south to Main street, where
it came near running into the
mouth. They propose to make
the road as good as possible, so
they can be used in all kinds of
weather. Senator Banning,
Banker Patterson, Postmaster
Dubois and George LaRue of
Union accompanied the party.
Nebraska City News.
Mrs. Norton in Serious Condition.
Hugh Norton returned last
evening from Kearney, where he
visited his wife at the hospital,
and this morning was a passeng
er for Omaha to secure a special
nurse to be sent there to care for
Mrs. Norton, who is in a very
critical condition, and to add to
her sickness her mind has become
affected and it seems only a ques
tion of time until the end comes
to her suffering.
you want good cheap land that
front of Wescott's store, and then will grow wheat, alfalfa and like
proceeded up Main street to Sixth,
turning there and running to
Vine street, where the team
started west, and near the resi
dence of William Weber crashed
into an iron fence, with the re
sult that Mr, Leiner was thrown
out and the team continued on its
flight, despite the efforts of
parlies to stop them. Mr. Leiner
was uninjured by the fall and
proceeded homeward, where the
team was found in the barnyard
very peaceable. The only thing
damaged about, Ihe buggy -was
(lie singletree, which was broken,
but it is a wonder tiiat more
serious tiamage was not none, as
the team 'was running at a fast
crops? Fine fruits, almost any
kind. Fine stock and dairying,
in the Big Camas Prairie without
irrigation. If interested write or
CO., 1210 P St., Lincoln, Neb.
A Want Ad In the Journal will
bring what you want.
Inspect the Tractor.
Tuesday afternoon T. H. Pol
lock of , Palllsmoulh brought to
this city Charles Heebner, Charles
N. Jordan and Julius Pilz, com
missioners of Cass county, for the
purpose of inspecting the new
Iraclor grader and to look over
the road between here and l'latts-
PLpUP ....
The Best Flour
on the Market
pleasant sight to see Ihe little are among tne mosi popuuu
ones at play, some of whom never young people who have lived here
lad the pleasure of playing and I heir presence will be greany
among the grass and great trees missed from their large circle of
of the country, and their joy is fri"iids, but they will carry witn
unbounded at the unexpected them to their new home the best,
,. itai.,i,i,i iiwmi Wishes of everyone for tiieir
Tim mii'.xoiiH in charee of these future happiness and welfare
1 I nil 1 I - i . I Ii a I'liniirr l
institutions in Omaha are very me untie is me jum.
ihe fhihlren un- dauuhter of Mr. and Mrs. William
iIkp their rharire to uet away from Ballance and has been very prom
the citv during the heated months inent in the social me or tne cny,
nn.l nnvone who is able to care where she has e been reared to
or one or two of the little ones I womanhood. Sne was a graduate rtn.l ii n nlonsnre to of lie llitcli sciiool nere m me
Mill 1 1 I HI IK 1 p i w t I ..
themselves, as well as to the kid- class of 11)08 and has been en
dies, lo bring them to their homes gaged in leaching here for a
lo snend a week or so among the number or years, ana tnose uiom
.1- . . Ml .11 . I
siirroundinKs here, as it is much she has taugnt win greauy miss
henllhful for them, and her in their school life
n,..u.. hi.mioiii ti,.ri. hv Mrs .White The groom is a Plattsmouth
nre n hriirht. cheerful bunch of boy and is a son of Mrs. F. J
childhood, who have been de- Morgan of this city, and spent his
prived of what is justly theirs a boyhood here ami is a young man
home. Some of the children, are of more than usual ability, as
in the institutions temporarily, since the death of his father a
whiln others are for adoption. few years ago he has had a great
The heads of institutions in deal of experience in the handling
Omaha, having children in their of their property, and a short
charge, will be pleased to have time ago located in Hay Springs,
anyone interested in faking out wliere he is engaged in I lie real
children to communicate with estate business ami has been very
ilium n, ,1 lev lo Inkn lliis niethod successful in his business
of giving the little boys and girls venture
chance fo spend a few weeks
Off for his vacation
but before he
went purchased a
pair of the celebrated
"Queen Quality" Shoes for
the wife.
Regular $3.00 and $3.50 val
ues, while they last, fl rA
u o
at, per pair
Must close them out. NOW is
when opportunity knocks at your
and let us fit you with a genuine
all leather shoe at LESS THAN COST.
in the counlry. if they do not care
lo adopt them.
FOREST ROSE The best flour
on the market. Give it a trial.
Farmers, mechanics, railroad
ers, laborers, rely on Dr. Thomas'
Eclectic Oil. Fine for cuts, burns,
bruises. Should be kept mi every
home. 25c and 50c.
Complete assortment
of Hose
la Silk and LI tit w$mv,
black, white and
tan shades
ea" J
Ea Ga