The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 05, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 44.
the nbt of
Ed i 'in is
Non-Sectarian, and Objects Are
Solely to Benefit the Boys
Who Become Members.
From Tuesday's Daily.
St. Luke's Rectory, June 2.
Editor of Journal:
Owing to a misunderstanding
on the part of some people re
garding the" aim and intention of
those at the head of the Boy
Scout movement in Plattsmouth
and the movement itself, may I
say a word for the benellt of all?
I hold the appointment from
the national council of the Boy
Scouts of America as the head of
the troop in Plattsmouth. It is
not in the usual acceptance of the
term, "a society of my church,"
only incidentally, for the Boy
Scout movement is not a religious
movement it is rather a great
humanitarian, ethical and educa
tional work for the boys of
America. Transplanted from
England, where Lt. General Sir
Baden-Powell had already shown
its great possibilities for good,
the Boy Scouts now have in their
ranks over 500,000 of America's
best and cleanest specimens of
boyhood. At the head of this
movement is the nation council,
of which the president of the
United Stales is the honorary
The Boy Scouts is nut a mili
tary organization and has noth
ing to do with war or war spirit.
They drill only that the boys may
gain an erect carriage and also
may be able to appear as a body
in' public. They learn and prac
tice woodcraft, first aid to the in
jured, signalling and other things
too numerous to mention. There
are fifty-six distinct subjects,
ranging from agriculture to
taxidermy, in which any scout,
by work, can secure merit badges
from the national office; twenty
one merit badges makes a boy an
eagle scout the greatest honor
he can secure.
Any boy of good moral charac
ter 12 years of age and over can
join the Boy Scouts by giving his
name at once to William Egen
berger, assistant scout master,
or if under 12 he can join the
junior patrol. I think the above
is sufficient to give parents and
others a general idea of our
plans. The Boy Scouts are work
ing for clean boyhood. Help
them along.
Here is the platform:
The Scout Motto.
The motto of the Boy Scouts is,
BE PREPARED, which means
that the scout is always in a
state of readiness in mind and
body to do his duty.
The Scout Law.
There have always been certain
written and unwritten laws regu
lating the conduct and directing
the activities of men.
All nations have such laws
coming down from past ages. The
Japanese have their Bushido or
laws of the old Samurai warriors.
During the middle ages the
knights of King Arthur and
various crusading orders, such
as the Knights Templar, develop
ed in Europe and the Holy Land,
the laws of chivalry. In aborigin
al America, the Red Indians had
more or less fixed tribal customs;
likewise the Zulus, Hindus and
the later European nations have
their ancient codes.
The following laws, which re
late to the Boy Scouts of Ameirca,
are the latest and most complete.
These laws a boy promises, to
obey when he takes his scout
1. A scout's honor is to be
trusted. If he violates his honor
by telling a lie, or by cheating, or
by not doing exactly a given task,
when be is trusted on his honor,
he may be directed to hand over
his scout badge.
2. He is loyal to all to whom
loyally is due; his scout leader,
his home, and parents, and his
3. He must be prepared at any
time to save life, help injured
persons, and share the borne
duties. He must do at least one
good turn to somebody every day.j
i. He is a friend to all and a
brother to every other scout.
5. He is polite to all, especial
ly to women, children, old people
and the weak and helpless. He
must not take pay for being help
ful or courteous.
(3. He is a friend to animals.
He will not kill nor hurt any liv
ing creature needlessly, but will
strive to save and protect all
harmless life.
7. He obeys his parents, scout
master, patrol leader and all
other duly constituted authorities.
8. He smiles whenever he
can. His obedience to orders is
prompt and cheery. He never
shirks nor grumbles at hard
ships. 9. He does not wantonly de
stroy property. He works faith
fully, wastes nothing, and makes
the best of his opportunities. He
saves his money so that he may
pay his own way, be generous to
those in need, and helpful to
worthy objects. He may work for
pay but must not receive tips for
courtesies or good turns.
(Continued on Eighth Page.)
From Tuesday' Dally-
Yesterday afternoon at 4:30
Mrs. Eva Margaretha Olhcnhaus
en passed away at, her home in
the west part of the city, after
suffering for several months
from dropsy, at the advanced age
of 75 years, (i month and 12
days. This most worthy and
highly esteemed iady had resided
here for thirty-one years, and
during that time she won the love
and respect of all with whom she
came .,i by her devoted
Christian life and devotion to
her family and home. She was a
faithful member of St. Paul's
church and an energetic worker
in the Ladies' Aid society of the
church, and her death will leave
a place hard to (ill iu the hearts
of those who knew her best.
Eva Margaretha Thierolf was
born in ell, Ilessen-Darmsladt,
(iermany, November 21, 1839, and
spent her girlhood and young
womanhood in the fatherland,
coining to America in 1802, and
the same year was united in mar
riage to Fred Olhenhausen. For
twenty years the family resided
at Pekin, Illinois, coming to
Plattsmouth in' I he year 1882 to
make their home, and have re
sided here since that lime.
Besides the aged husband, she
leaves five children to mourn her
loss Mrs. Henry Fuller of
Wyinore, Mrs. Henry Kaufman of
Plattsmouth, Mrs. J. McCulloch
of Murray, Mrs. Mary Evers of
Plattsmouth, and Fred Ohlen
hausen, residing in the west part
of the state. Tlrere are twenty
one grandchildren and five great
grandchildren also left to share
in the grief over the loss of this
worthy lady.
According to her personal wish
the funeral will be held tomor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock from
St. Paul's church.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Our worthy German friend,
Chris Parkening, residing west of
this city, has become tired of the
old way of traveling and has
joined the ranks of the auto
mobile owners of Cass county.
Saturday Mr. Parkening purchas
ed, through the firm of Kroehelr
Brothers, the agents here for the
Cai'Icrcar, a line new $2,250 ma
chine. The car is a beauty and
of the latest 1913 model and is
quipped with all the latest
fixtures to make aulomobiling a
joy and pleasure. The car is a
seven-passenger machine and
will make one (hat the owner can
feel very proud of. The agents,
Krochler Brothers, have had the
agency here only a short time
and feel very much pleased over
the sale of this fine machine.
Prisoners Make Their Escape, but
Are Found Later Concealed
Near Mynard.
From Wednesday' Pally.
Yesterday afternoon Fred Ohm
and Hjybner Johnson, who have
been confined in the county jail
for some time, and Ohm for sev
eral months, grew tired of the
simple prison life and longed to
get out in the clear, bracing
country air, and accordingly be
gan the work of effecting their
escape by digging out a hole
about fourteen inches spiare in
the east wall of the prison which
has weathered the storms of
many years and is not in very
good shape to resist the efforts
of anyone to make their getaway.
After a little labor the hole was
made sufficiently large to admit
the men to crawl out, and they
at once proceeded to get out and
hit the trail for the south.
The family of Deputy Sheriff
Manspeaker was absent from the
residence above the jail at the
lime of the delivery and it was
not until the return of Mrs. Man
speaker that the escape was dis
covered and Sheriff Quinlon was
at once notified and started out in
pursuit of the prisoners. Late in
the afternoon they were located
hitting down the Missouri Pacific
tow anl Mynard and were found
concealed under a bridge a few
miles north of that, village. The
sheriff made them accompany
him back to this city, where they
were placed back in the jail to
meditate over the brief outing
they had enjoyed.
It is a wonder that more
prisoners have not escaped from
the structure, as the bricks have
become old and weather-beaten
so that it is not a hard job to
pick out the mortar and remove
the bricks in quantities enough
to admit the passage of a man's
body. This matter should hasten
action on the erection of a new
jail, as authorized, for if
dangerous prisoners were con
fined iu the jail it would require
the constant presence of an
armed guard to keep them from
making their escape.
Last evening the members of
the Junior Guild of St. Luke's
parish met at the home of Miss
Violet Dodge at a "pound"
shower in honor of Miss Ethel
Ballance, whose wedding to Mr.
Paul C. Morgan of Hay Springs,
Neb., lakes place tomorrow even
ing. The Dodge home was
beautifully decorated with Rowers
and made a very pretty appear
ance with the large crowd of
merry young ladies. The even
ing was spent in playing high five,
at which Miss Florence Egenberg
er proved the most successful
and captured the prize for her
skill. Each member of the Guild
had brought some article weigh
ing a pound, and these were pre
sented to the bride-to-be with the
best wishes of the company for
her future happiness and suc
cess. The liostess at an ap
propriate hour served some very
templing refreshments, which
greatly aided in making the oc
casion a most delightful affair
which will be long remembered
by all those attending.
Depart for Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thygeson
and son leave tomorrow for North
Yakima, Wash., to visit with Mr.
Thygeson's mother. During their
absence Fritz A. Frieke of Platts
mouth will assist in the manage
ment of the Thygeson drug house.
Nebraska City News.
Farm for Sale.
Anyone wanting to buy a farm
would do well to see W. R. Bryan,
county assessor.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Husiness is not rushing on Ne
braska lines. The open winter
permitted heavy tonnage to be
moved in I he winter months, and
Ibis fact is having its effect on
spring business.
Recently the Burlington took
a test tonnage train with one en
gine from Lincoln to Hastings,
making regular -.freight train
lime and carrying 2,501) tons
This train negotiated the Berks
hill without serious trouble. The
engine was one of the new 01
class machines.
One of the biggest fruit crops
in tin; eastern and southern parts
of the state is predicted by the
report. Potatoes are 'doing we
as are sugar beets. Pasturage
and meadows are in prime con
dition on the Wyinore, Lincoln
and Omaha divisions and on a
portion of the McGook division. It
has been several years since the
grass has been so thick and so
Near. Ashland the Burlington
right of way is covered with a
rank growth of sweet clover. For
two years the company has been
mowing this before it went back
to seed in (he hope of killing it
out, , but the growth comes back
ranker than ever. General Supei
inlendent Allen is about, ready to
ask expert advice as to how the
plant can be killed.
The report shows tin- points
marked on the condition of Hie
winter grain on the four divisions
of the district as follows: Oma
ha division, 101 points; Lincoln
division, 1 0U points; Wyinore di-vi-i"U..
107 points : It'Cook-di
vision, 81 points. The latter di
vision indicates a loss of 10
points from the week previous.
The Wyinore division stands at
the head of the four divisions of
the district in winter wheat pros
pects. Two big derricks and a small
army of men are at work at the
Ashland bridge, where a great
concrete pier has been sunk to
bedrock and where another one
is being sunk. Later Ihe center
of the bridge will be supported on
concrete piling driven fifty or
more feet in the sand. When
this work is completed officials of
the road believe they will have a
Platte river crossing that will
not be disturbed by floods or ice.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The latest reports from the
bedside of John Tighe, who was
injured so badly at Mauley last
week, are to the effect that he is
improving wonderfully and will
be able to be out in a few weeks.
The injuries, while quite severe,
were not as bad as at first feared".
Mr. Tighe was taken from his
home at Manley to St. Joseph's
hospital in Omaha, where expert
medical attention was given him
and his injuries treated. This
will be most pleasant news to the
many friends of Ibis worthy man
throughout the county, who have
been very much worried over his
condition. It is certainly fortun
ate that the accident did not re
sult in the instant death of Mr.
Tighe, as it could easily have
broken his neck in the number of
times he was carried around the
shafting in which he had caught
his clothing.
Some More Fine Berries.
From WedneKday's Dally.
Commissioner Julius Pilz made
Ihe Journal man a present of a
sample of his fine strawberries
this week. They are just ready
for market, and are sure mighty
fine. The strawberry crop this
year is certainly a dandy, and
those from Ihe patch of Mr. Pilz
are lop-nolchers.
Graduates From State University.
From Tuesday Dally.
We note among the list, of uni
versity graduates the name of
Miss Alice Root, who has made
an exceptional record, finishing
the university four-year course
in three years, and will graduate
with high honors. She has ac
cepted a position at Pawnee City
for the coming year as teacher of
German and civics. Elmer Root,
who is also a graduate from the
Plattsmouth High school and the
state university, has a fine posi
tion in the engineering depart
ment of the Concrete Manufactur
ing company in Omaha. Both
Alice and Elmer are children of
our former townsman, Judge
Jesse L. Root and were born and
raised in Plattsmouth. We are
glad to hear of their success in
their chosen profession.
The lent is up. There was a
good beginning of the union
meetings at Ihe Presbyterian
church last night. Rev. C. S.
Colburn of Kansas City preached
a most helpful sermon, especially
to members of the church. It
was greatly enjoyed by a good
number from each of Ihe
churches in the union and by
others. Rev. Colburn will preach
at the same dace tonight, the
services beginning at S o'clock.
The large tent was erected on
the court house yard today. It
is Odx'.M) feet, with two renter
poles, 7-foot walls of heavy can
vas, which will keep all the wind
out when lowered. II, is one of
the finest tents eer put up in
Plaltsmoutli and will hold about
800 people. The platform will be
built. Ibis afternoon, 10x30 feet,
to hold a good sized chorus choir,
and the seats will be placed. The
tent will be ready for use tomor
row evening. Rev. C. C. Smith of
Chicago will arrive tomorrow at
3:20, with Prof. Gilmore, the
choir director, and Mr. Klingler,
who will also assist in the music.
The meetings will be of an intel
lectually religious character and
will be most instructive and
pleasing in every way. It is hoped
that there will be a good attend
ance from the beginning tomor
row night in Ihe lent. Do not
miss Rev. Colburn at, the Presby
terian church tonight.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Order of the Eastern Star
last evening held their installa
tion of officers at their lodge
rooms. The session of the lodge
was largely attended by the mem
bership, and after the impressive
and beautiful installation services
the lodge adjourned to the ban
quet room, where a fine spread
had been prepared, and the mem
bers enjoyed a fine social time for
several hours. The officers in
stalled were as follows:
Worthy Matron Mrs. George
Worthy Patron J. C. Peterson.
' Assistant Worthy Matron
Mrs. Fred Ramge.
Secretary Miss Verna Cole.
Treasurer Mrs. V. V. Leon
Conductor Miss Clara Wey-
Assistant Conductor Miss
Edna Peterson.
Warden Mrs. Harry Johnson.
Sentinel Thomas Dabb.
Organist Mrs. W. C. Tippens.
Marshall Mrs. Val Burkel.
Star Points Mrs. S. G. Smith,
Miss Muriel Barthold, Miss Ade
lia White, Mrs. Mary Allison,
Mrs. C. W. Bavlor.
Commissioners Go to Union.
From Tuesday's Daily.
1 lie board of county commis
sioners yesterday afternoon drove
down to Union, where they met
with the board of countv com
missioners of Otoe county and
inspected a number of roads
along the boundary of the county.
U the session here only routine
matters were transacted.
A Large Number of Sympathetic
Friends and Neighbors Attend
the Last Sad Rites.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon all that
was mortal of one o' the most
highly esteemed and popular
farmers in this section of the
county was laid to rest in the
Horning cemetery south of this
city. The passing of August
Beins, the victim of the runaway
which occurred near his home
early Friday morning, will cause
a profound sense of grief
throughout the entire community
where his lifetime had been
spent, and where be was so well
and favorably known.
The funeral services at the
home, about three miles south of
this city, were conducted by Rev.
M. W. Lorimer of the First Pres
byterian church here, who in a
few brief words expressed the
deep sense of the loss that the
taking away of this worthy man
had caused. He also spoke of
Ihe bright hope of the Christian
life and faith of a meeting with
those we love in another sphere.
The remarks of Ihe minister
brought much comfort to the
family and' a vast number of
friends gathered for the last time
to pay their tribute to this worthy
man. A choir from the church
here sang several of Ihe old
hymns during Ihe service for
their departed friend.
The services were attended by
a vast crowd of Ihe friends and
neighbors of the departed brother
who had known him so long and
well, and the. procession stretched
a great distance on the way to
t he grave, I here being something
like 150 carriages in Ihe funeral
Mr. Beins leaves, besides his
aged mother, to mourn his un
timely death the following broth
ers and sisters, all of whom were
present at the funeral: Fred
Beins, Havelock; Mrs. Anna
Sprula, Farininglon, Minnesota;
Mrs. John Cook, Beaver City, Ne
braska; Henry and Edward Beins,
Creighton. Nebraska, and Mrs.
Ida Hull, Bonita, Oklahoma.
In the death of Mr. August
Beins the community has lost a
useful and energetic citizen and
his family a loving son and broth
er and one whose place will be
hard to fill.
In From Louisville.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Four mighty good citizens from
near Louisville were in the city
of Plattsmouth a few hours to
day, coming down in the auto of
Mr. Panska. They were August
Panska, August Slander, John
Shoeman and C. J. Gaebel. They
were pleasant callers at the Jour
nal office. We are always pleased
to meet such gentlemen. J. G.
and John Lohnes, two more of
those excellent citizens from that
city, were in Plaltsmoulh today,
coming down on the train for a
few hours' visit, with county seat
friends, and, of course, paid the
Journal office a brief visit.
Former Plattsmouth Girl.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Last Tuesday in Council Bluffs
occurred the marriage of Miss
Muriel Grace Fill, and Mr. George
A. Benjamin of Omaha. The
bride is a daughter of E. W. Fitt,
a former resident of this city, and
a sisler of A. T. Fill. The groom
is a very promising young man,
the son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Benjamin of Omaha, and the
young people will make their
home in the metropolis. The
friends here of Ihe Fitt family
will be greatly pleased to learn
of the marriage of Miss Muriel
and trust she will have a pros
perous and happy married life.
The Cosmopolitan club will
give another of their very enjoy
able dances at Coates' hall Satur
day evening. A good time assur
red all who attend. The publio Is
cordially Invited to attend.
Thomson, Dentist, Gund Bldg.