The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 02, 1913, Image 8

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Mr. Editor:
I noticed a communication in
the Journal a few days since in
which the writer takes the city
officials to task and "rakes them
over the coals" for, the condition
of some of I he small bridges and
culverts. While in one respect
the writer may he right, but in
, another he is all wrong. The
bridges he speaks of should he
repaired, and were it the duty of
the city to make such repairs, the
work would have been done sev
eral weeks since. But it is not,
and if the writer is so muchly in
terested in the matter he should
jnake his complaint to the county
commissioners, instead of en
deavoring to blame the city gov
ernment with something over
which it has no control. The
present administration has tried
very hard to please the people in
respect to keeping up the streets
and crossings, and have enough
to do to attend to our affairs in
this respect without meddling in
to that which the county rum.
Tnissioners should look after.
John 1 Saltier, Mayor.
Attend Demonstration.
Eight of our farmers north and
east of town autoed to the slate
farm at Lincoln today to attend a
demonstration of tin) value of
feed for cattle. The cattle will
he weighed and the results an
nounced as to the different
rations of feed. Those going in
the two cars were: Kd fianesniier,
Adam Scliall'er, Jake llild, Louis
Fredrick, Fred llild, (lenrge Mild,
Albert SchalVer and This Hansen.
Weeping Water Republican.
Governors Back Boy Scouts.
Ten governors of the United
Slates are behind the scout move
ment and are doing everything in
their power to help it. They like
its principles and the manner in
which it supplies fun for the
boys. Those men are: Gov
ernors Eugene Foss of Massa
chusetts, John Tener of Pcnii
sxlvania. Hen W. Hooper of Ten
nessee, O. A. Eberhart of Min
nesota. Lock Craig of North
Carolina, Luther E. Hall of
Louisiana, Woodbridge X. Ferris
of Michigan, Tasker L. Oddie of
Nevada, Win. Horace Mann of
Virginia, and Win. 0. Yclionahl of
New Mexico.
luekl-n's Arnica Salve !s known
everywhere as the best remedy
made for all diseases of the skin,
and also for burns, bruises and
boils. Reduces inflammation and
is soothing and healing. J. T.
Sossauian, publisher of News, of
Cornelius. N. C. writes that one
box helped his serious skin ail
ment after other remedies failed.
Onlv 25c. Recommended by Ed
Rynolt & Co.
Now is the lime 10 gel rid of
vour rheumatism. You can do it
by applying Chamberlain's Lini
ment and massaging the parts
freely at each application. For
sale by V. H. Fricke & Co.
Henry A. Schneider, chairman
of the Commercial club of Platts
mouth, accompanied by Attorney
A. L. Tidd, yesterday tiled a com
plaint with the railway commis
sion asking for belter train serv
ice on the Missouri Pacific rail
road. The citizens of Platts
mouth who signed the complaint
allege that people in most of the
towns in Cass county are unable
to come to Plattsmouth and re
turn to their homes I tie same day.
To permit persons living in the
sootli and eastern portions of
the county to reach J'laltsmouth
and return the same day the com
plaints suggest a motor car or
train to leave Union at t :!M) a.
in. lo connect wiiu nan imi on
the Lincoln branch and to arrive
at Plait smoulh between 10 and
i 0 :30 a. m., and leave Plaits
mouth going south about 2:i5 p.
in. lo connect with a train of the
Lincoln branch.
I. is said in the complaint that
Ibis service is needed by Hie peo
ple of Wabash, Eagle, Elrnwood,
Weeping Water, Union, Murray
and Mynard. From Mynard to
llsnioulh there is no train ex
cept Irani 1 03, which leaves
Union at i:,5 l). in. by which a
person al Mynard can reach!
Plattsmouth without, going to
South Omaha. Lincoln Journal.
Mrs. William Cord edge of
Rosalie, Neb., returned home this
morning on Hie early Ihirlinglon
train, afler a visit here with the
family of Mrs. J. T. l'.aird. Her
mother, Mrs. Washington Smith,
remained for a more extended
is it.
Thursday evening Misses
(iietehen ami Marie Donnelly
entertained at their home on Vine
street at a miscellaneous shower
in honor of Miss Ethel Hallance,
one ol Hie June urines. me
evening was most pleasantly
spent by the company of young
ladies al cards, and several very
pleasing musical selections were
given by the different talented
members of the parly, which were
very delightful features of the en
joyable occasion. The hostesses
served a very tempting two
course luncheon at an appropriate
hour, which further augmented
the pleasures of the evening, as
only those who have been guests
at the Donnelly home can ap
preciate. Afler the luncheon the
bride-lo-be was requested to
guess the different articles pre
sented to her before they were
unwrapped, and much pleasure
was derived from the different
guesses made. The invited guetss
of the evening were: Miss Ethel
Hallance, Esther Larson, Cather
ine Dovey, Edith Dovey, Madeline
Minor, flrace Newbranch, Claire
Mockenhaupt, Margaret Scotten,
Marie Fitzgerald, Amelia Martens,
Opal Fitzgerald, Violet Dodge,
Nora Rosencrans, Marjory Agncw
of Lincoln, fieri rude Morgan, Mrs.
R. O. Rawls and Mrs. J. L. Richey.
Sell your property by an ad
the Journal.
.J. I.
oBirag to By old?
Here Is a money-saving proposition for prospective
home builders. Read this wonderful building offer.
Our Latch String is Always Out!
Let's See if You Know How to Pull It!
THlilS is a store where folks are welcome matters
not what you come for, just so you come. If you
buy, it matters not whether you buy a cent's worth or
a dollar's worth, you'll get courteous treatment, prompt
service and full value for your money. And, if you
find you don't like what you bought, bring it back. We
will refund without an argument. That's fair isn't it?
Successor to John Bauer Main Street
.65 -(cS,
I ...ew r IF" " If - . 'f
Buys All the
to Build this
6 Room
Price Include! all
lumber, mill work,
lath, shingles, sid- '
lug flooring, ceil- r
ing, finishing lumber, building paper, pipe, gutter, sash weights and bard
ware. Price ia at mill or factory. Ask us lor freight-paid price.
This is Our llouso Design No. 23G2
Economy of floor space and low cost of construction are the eon.pio
out feature of this house, and these are items that appeal to a very large
number of people. It is also neat and roomy and has an attract! ap
paaraoca from tha outaide.
Free Book of Plans.
Tba haadwaait book aat
liibad ol ill kind. Show (he latr-t o(
modern, up to dule dement ol Ioukm, bun
laliwi ana barnt. I rce In all pronprrtit
buildera. Contain, a world ol valuable in
formation, 11 you Intend to build don't
delay sanding lor tlii. valuable book.
Consult Us.
If you wiih ay laiormatlaa en tha
building lubjrct w are bete to (i. it to
you Ira et aarf a.
Our Taut rxpertrnce martin ur to fhow
you tha ".horl-aut." of bulldlaS
raliana, a well aiaelncliomof material.
Don't hnitat lo aik ui lor any iulorma
tioo Beaded.
We Save You Uoncy.
N athar aaaaara aaaka vaa
aaah low atria on building material lor
house deiign iucb aawe ihow above.
Buying direct Iron mill and lactone In
eoormoui quantitiei lor spot caib enable
m to undcnell all competition.
' W aro atUa4 with all
rait which aieani an Iiubicdm laying lo
Plans Free.
We make ahartfa for lh etaaa
for the boua dviign liluntrated abot.
Other wouli aak Irom $2 to U5 arid not
be in a poiition to gir yoa Ui raoaal
tlaaiioa aeteiiary.
In Memorial Address at Council
Bluffs, Iowa, in Memorial
Day Sermon.
I'nli'ss oari'iils lake In heart
l ho iiei'i'ssilv (if It'uchini; self-
(nlriil ami wise rfstraint the
t-Mininfr Kenorution will be a col
lection of v ami soulless be
j ii us. Dr. J. T. Jones told an audi
ence at the llir-'h school audito
riiini. where lie m-eacelicl the hac-
calauicate sennon for the das
of '111 Sunday afternoon.
"We need," said Dr. Jones, ' to
have dinned into our ears unti
we h I it 'the simple life.' The
present mania lo follow the sod
dess of fashion bodes ill. The
weakest can float with the stream,
but it retjuires womanly effort
ami manly valor lo p) against th
current. Some of the dresses
worn now by ymiiiK women in
places of business, on the street,
in the schoolroom and in social
circles are a travesty mi irood
iasle, a mockery of inod'-sly ami
a menace to morals. The urow
inn love of vulvar display is fast,
becoming a reproach on our
civ ion."
The minister declared, -We
pamper our children and are sn
sentimental in our affection for
I hem that we gratify every wish,
whether wise or unwise. If we do
not know how to say 'no' lo do-
inands made upon us by our chil
dren, how shall we evpect them
to say 'no' to the more dangerous
overtures that will conn lo them
Yoin others?"
Through a copy of the Los
ngeles Kvcning Herald of May
i, received at this ollice, the ac
count, of Ihe terrible disaster at
Long Heaeh, when the large pier
at. that place collapsed, is given.
The Herald also gives the story
of the sudden death of Arthur
Helps, formerly of this city, when
old of the death of his wife in
the pier wreck. The death of Mr.
llelns occurred .itist a few min
utes afler the fact of Ihe identity
of his wife was established, and
Ihe shock proved too great and
heart failure brought the husband
to join his wife in death.
Mr. and Mrs. Helps had only
recently returned from a long
visit to England, where they had
been visiting relatives. Both of
Ihe unfortunate people were quite
prominent in Long Beach, Mrs.
Helps being identified with the
woman clubs of that place, while
Mr. Helps was a member of the
real estate firm of Helps & (lundy
of Long Beach. This double
tragedy will be a great hock to
Ihe friends of the family here, as
ere bad been no intimation
. . i . t i . . r
given ill t lie press uispaicnes 01
Ihe death of Mr. Helps.
Last Trip for Veterans.
On July 4 the survivors of the
battle of Gettysburg will be
entertained by the government on
the battlefield. The legislature
appropriated Si, 000 to pay rail
road fare for the Nebraska vet
erans who participated, but as the
fare is 45 and there are about
200 entitled to go the state
officers are making an appeal to
the citizens of the stale to take
up collections al, Memorial day
exercises to assist in raising the
amount necessary. The amounts
collected art; to be forwarded to
Captain A. M. Trimble, Capitol
Building, Lincoln, Neb.
Parties who have received lel-
ers irom iseacn since uie
date of the accident fail lo give
any account of the death of Mr.
Helps and it is thought that the
report in the Herald may be a
mistake, made in the hurry and
excitement of Ihe terrible dis
Saturday afternoon Mrs. Wil
liam Hassler entertained in a
most charming manner at her
home on North Fifth street the
Kensington club, and as is al
ways the case at the hospitable
Hassler home, the guests were
delighted with Ihe pleasant after
noon spent with Iheir friend. The
rooms of the home were decor
ated most handsomely with the
flowers of Ihe season and the
table in the dining room was dec
orated with pansies, presenting a
most charming scene. The ladies
spent the afternoon with their
fancy work and in social con
versation until a late hour, when
some most templing refreshments
were served by the hostess, which
brought the afternoon of enjoy
ment to a close, and Ihe guests
departed feeling it was a rare
treat indeed lo enjoy Ihe hos
pitality of this pleasant home.
Returns From Hospital.
Mrs. Frank Ohm, who for the
i , i i. :
past several weens nas neeu in
one of the Omaha hospitals re
covering from the effects of an
operation, was able to return
home yesterday feeling very much
improved in health and her many
friends were delighted to again
see her in their midst, as she has
been greatly missed during her
enforced absence at the hospital.
I lie Journal has received an
other communication from "Tax.
payer," in reply to Mayor Sadler's
but Appropriately observed
Decoration day in this city yes
terday was not observed by as
large a turnout of the old soldiers
and the Relief Corps as UMial, and
no program of speaking was given
hut ihe turnout of citizens was
Gets Hand Mashed.
While engaged in his duties at
the Burlington blacksmith shop
hursday August llavir got his
right hand in the way of the air
hammer as it was descending and
will be compelled to 'wear that
member in a bandage for some
time as a result of having it
severely mashed. It is very for
tunate for the young man that the
full force of the air was not on,
as if it had been he would have
had the hand mashed to a jelly.
Call and 800 Us Coforo Buying
Belor building home yon ihoifld call al oar office aud let ai figare 00 lb naterialt,
and oiler yoa aoaa auggmtloaa Iron our eitended eiperience. W aaa eavo yoa
aaoaoy and help you to build the moat attraactira and comfortable boa aoiaibl lor lh
aaooey you bay to ipend.
10c lb is our established price for this season for first
quality standard binder twine made 1913. This twine
has not been stored in some warehouse for several years,
but will be shipt direct from the factory from this year's
. .. t t i t f t a ,Li : . i coiimni tec lino (MiiiiuiisNiiiiicrs, in
stock, assuring you oiperject binder tmne that is so good (iim n xvilI tHoi.min((,
that we have had our name printed on the tag, which in- whoso duty it is to 'repair the
c n AnAtvn ll .,0i.,r nMirwInr tha bridges and approaches. As
r . . . . . . , . soon as this is done work on the
iwiuc uiai icoves uui yuiu. inn uihc w jvi J bridges in micstion will coin-
per pound higher lor credit 10c lb.
article in last evenings issue. qujte iarg0 and the floral display
The matter was up before the city at Oak Hill cemetery was very
council last niuhl and the same profuse and beautiful and show
wild nhiri'il in I lie hniiilo n f llie ed the deen manner in which the
t reels, alleys and bridges com- spirit of the day was observed by
miltee, who will confer with the almost everyone in the city. From
county commissioners in refer- early morning until late at night
l. llm wlii.U Imainnwa Dnnil- Ihe 1'Oilll to tllC Cemetery WHS
ing this conference we do not thronged with carriages am
think further dispute over the automobiles conveying parlies
iii'illiir w ill hrmir fiirlh nnv mi ink. there lo nlace a floral tribute on
er results than the meetinir of the the graves of their loved ones
The Grand Army and lleiiei t.orps
Cedar Greek Lumber Company
were conveyed 10 me ccinru ij m
carriages to decorate the graves
of the members of their order
and it was very saddening to
notice the rapidly thinning ranks
.i... i. ... .. i . ii. .ii i
mence. As taxpayer ami Mayor 01 me mo cn-i.iu
Sadler have both had their say.
the .Journal will have lo refuse Have you tried Ihe I oresl Uoso
nnv fill I i' i tin mil n I it nil flour? If not. why not ? It is the
t.iiit i i i i a . i 1 1 . i 1 1 1 1 f . i
II., o..,,.air .mil nu-.iil i.MC.mllv lliul llmiT Oil t tl Il.nPlxOt U P ! 1
for further action. sold by all dealers.
From Thursday's Daily.
The art and penmanship ex
hibit that is being held in the
Riley block by the pupils of the
public schools is a splendid
chance for the parents and all
others interested in the work of
the school- children to call and
view the handiwork of the
The penmanship exhibit is in
charge of Miss Marie Kaufmann,
who is instructor in this depart
ment of the public schools, and
Ihe fine showing made by t lie
children is due largely to her
splendid work, along the lino of
instructing them. The mascular
system of writing has just been
installed in the schools in the
past year, replacing the former
stiff linger method, and the chil
dren are rapidly grasping the ad
vantages and ease of the new
over the old style of writing and
their development in the past few
months has been something
wonderful and their specimens .
shown at the exhibit speaks well
for the work of the little folks
ranging from to 13 years.
The art department has a large
collection of different sketches
made by the pupils under the di
rection of Miss Ellen Windham,
and her talents along the line of
art work has brought out a really
wonderful showing from the
pupils under here, and the beauty
of Ihe different exhibits would do
credit to much older and ad
vanced students in Ihe work. The
exhibit will be open I he rest of the
week and Ihe public is cordially
invited fo call and inspect the
work of the young folks, as their
showing is one that the school
should feel proud of, and they
will after they view the exhibit in
the Riley block. Prizes will be
given in the penmanship depart
ment Friday after the judges se
lected view the different specimens.
Marshall, Dentist, Coatea blooa.
Farm for Sale.
Anyone wanting to buy a farm
would do well to see W. R. Bryan,
county assessor.
A Want Ad In the Journal will
bring what you want.
mBsaa mm mi
A very attractive scheme of excursion tours to the Atlantic Coast Cities
has been announced. The arrangement includes not only reduced fares
both ways over the same route effective June 1, but circuit tour fares
from June 8th, including diverse routes through the most attractive va
cation regions of the East-through Chicago, lake or rail to Buffalo and
Niagara Falls, through Canada, down the St. Lawrence to Montreal,
through the Lake Champlain or White Mountain region to Boston, return
ing by Sound steamers through New York or Coast wise steamers to Nor
folk, thence to Washington and through the Virginias.
are included, such as Wisconsin, Northern Michigan and Canada resorts,
Atlantic City and New Jersey'Coast resorts, Quebec, P. Q., Portland, Bar
Harbor Bnd Maine resorts.
The general limit is fifl days, with such a liberal system of stopovers, as to
satisfy almost anyone. There is also a higher basis of excursion fares to the
Last with all bummer limits.
Ask vour nearest acrent or the undersigned for information. He should
have by this time our "Special Low Kates East," leaflet free on application.
uive us a general idea 01 your proposeu trip ana let us
help you make it a success.
W. C. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent
L, W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebr.
r 1111 "" -' 1 11 '-"wa
l.-,...., ... . , . ... - : ml
June June -I5