The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 02, 1913, Image 7

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Vv 1
Charles Cullcn Smith
. .
Walter Hllnger
Hids will In' received up to noon
on Friday, June 27th, 1013, for
grading roads, out of the Inherit
ance tax fund, as follows:
Beginning at the S. E. corner of
Section 15, T. il, It. 13, thence
west 11 miles, there are 22 1111s to
make, each till to he 2 feet, bid
on (Ills also; also on same road
there are 11 cuts, each cut to be
2 feet, bid on cuts and fills com
bined; stump east of bridge No.
41 to be grubbed.
Beginning at north line of Sec
tion 30, T. 11, 11. 13, at one-half
Section line, thence south 4 miles,
there are 11 tills and 1 cut , each
fill to be 2 feet and the cut to be
2 feet, at 9th till to be made so as
to get 28 feet wide at culvert, at
10h fill lo be made so as to get
28 feet wide, steel culvert to be
Beginning on north side Sec
tion line between Sections No. 1
and 2, T. 11, R. 11,' thence south
5 miles, there are 13 fills to be
made, each fill to be 2 feet, at 4th
fill washout to be filled on east
Beginning at S. E. corner of
Section 25, T. 12, R. 13, thence
west one mile, thence south two
miles, there are 5 fills to be
made, first fill west of U. B.
church to be 2 feet, second fill in
same valley to be 4 feet, third fill
at Cole valley, south of bridge, to
be 4 feet, fourth fill near Cole
house to be 2 feet, fifth fill at
concrete culvert to be 2 feet.
The entire distance of all the
roads lo be graded.
Road-bed to be 28 feet wide, a
full and rounding slope from the
line of slakes in the center lo Ihe
ditches on either side and not
less than 18 inches at the center,
grade from the high side of the
road. Certified check for $100.00
to accompany each bid.
Blue prints of all cuts, fills and
distances to be seen at the office
of Countv Clerk, Plallsmonlh,
County Judge.
Plallsmouth, Neb., May 28th,
Ulcers and Skin Troubles.
If you are suffering with any
old, running or fever sores,
ulcers, boils, eczema or other skin
troubles, get a box' of Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and you will get re
lief promptly. Mrs. Bruce Jones
of Birmingham, Ala., suffered
from an ugly ulcer for nine
months and Bucklen's Arnica
Salve cured her in two weeks. Will
help you. Only 25c. Recommend
ed by I', G. Frirke A Co.
The Journal for Calling Cards
j .
Prof. A. C. V. Gllmore
Leader-Echo. .
K. M. Lorenz of Council Bluffs,
Iowa, is enjoying a visit with his
sons, Arthur and William Lorenz.
Mr. and Mrs. Olio Ring return
ed Tuesday from a short visit
with Ihe former's father at Greg
ory, S. D.
Sid West returned Friday after
noon overland from North Bend
to again take up his residence
here. We are pleased to see Mr.
West return and extend the glad
hand of welcome.
Mrs. L. F. Langhorst was home
from Lincoln between trains
Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Lang
horst, who was operated upon for
appendicitis at a Lincoln hospital,
is rapidly convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Deles
Dernier are rejoicing over the
arrival of a bouncing baby boy at
their home on Tuesday evening.
'"Pud's" friends are saying
"hello, papa," lo him nowadays.
County Attorney Howard Sax
ton of Thurston county came in
Saturday from Pender after his
two children, who have been pay
ing an extended visit lo their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
William Roeltger came in Wed
nesday from Hooper, Neb., where
he had been for a few days since
the close of his work at the Peru
normal. He paid a visit to the
Hooper school board and Ihe
school he will teach next term.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Raker and
daughter, June, of Imperial, Neb.,
came in Wednesday for a visit
with relatives and friends. They
are guests at the borne of Mrs.
Raker's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Henry Miller. Frank has a new
Abbott -Detroit touring car,
which we are told he purchased in
Lincoln, and will drive back to
Mrs. Martha Johnson is suffer
ing with a broken hip, the result
of an accident happening at her
home Monday night. Mrs. John
son was moving about in a dark
room when she fell over a chair,
with results as above stated. A
specialist was called from Lin
coln lo reduce the fracture, and
the patient is now doing as nice
ly as can be expected.
Sanford's Place at Cedar Creek.
We are now prepared to serve
our customers with ice cream on
every Friday evening, Saturday
and Sunday. Come in and see
me while in town. S. J. Reames,
Propiretor, Cedar Creek,, Neb.
FOREST ROSE The best flour
on the market. Give it a trial.
i a
u u
Every Night, Except Saturday, at 8 O'clock
United Effort
Oscar Johnson ami J. D. Wade
are Ihe new proprietors nf the
Scott restaurant and confection
ery, taking possession Friday
Mrs. B. L. Philpot. has resign
ed her position as book-keeper
at the Philpot garage and E. F.
Preston has been assigned to that
position and will have charge of
Ihe sale, lloor.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Doxey
McNeil of Avoca, at the home of
Grandpa and firanilina Timblin,
on May 24, 1913, a girl. Orand
pa Oeorge is stepping high, as
this is the first granddaughter.
Mr. and Mrs. William Carper,
who live (5 miles northeast of
here, mourn Ihe loss of their 10-inonlhs-old
son, William R., who
died Tuesday morning after only
a few hours' illness with diph
theria. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Peislrup
of Plattsmouth and Mr. and Mrs,
Arthur Nelson of California visit
ed Friday and Saturday at Ihe
home of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Nel
son, west of town. Mr. Peistrnp
is a cousin of Mrs. Nelson.
nrn To Mrs. Ethel Kroll,
May 2(1, a 12-pound boy. Mrs.
Kroll has been living at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. II.
Dennis, since the separation of
herself and husband, Milo Kroll,
September 20; 1912.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tool of
Murdock spent Sunday at the
Mayor Oorder home. Mrs. Tool
came down Saturday with her
daughter lo attend Ihe eighth
grade commencement and Mr.
Tool came Sunday morning.
Mesdames J. M. and I. W. Tee
garden left Tuesday morning for
Canal Fulton, Ohio, for a couple
of months' visit with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breece,
who will celebrate their golden
wedding July 0, 1913. They were
accompanied as far as Omaha by
their husbands.
Charlotte Hungale left Satur
day morning for Onaga, Kansas,
where she will render some violin
selections during Ihe commence
ment exercises at the school
where her sister, Mary, is teach
ing domestic science. She spent
Sunday at Falls City at the Cist
Sweet Polato Plants for sale,
?2.00 per thousand. Inquire of W.
A. Barnhart, on Lincoln ave., sec
ond house south of August Oor
der. 5-29-lk-d-2t-wkly
FOREST ROSE The best flour
on the market. Give it a trial.
'U Renublican. 4i4
fniP n nrD
0- 4
Cwllen Smith, of Chicago
Presbyterian, Methodist and Christian Churches
! EAGLE. .
H-H -H-H-H K-M
John Peterson left for Defiance,
Iowa, Monday to visit a week with
hjs, .parents. -
Miss Pearl Bells came home
f roii i Peru Monday to spend her
summer vacation here.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. O. K.
Henderson, Wednesday, May 28,
a len-pount! girl.
We are sorry to report, that
Grandma Wall is seriously ill at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Jay Peterson and wife are re
joicing over the arrival of an 8
pound boy, which arrived at their
home Saturday, May 24.
James Wall came down from
Lincoln Wednesday evening, hav
ing been called here on account
of the serious illness of his
mot her.
Win. Horn went to Lincoln Sun
day to see his wife, who is at a
hospital taking medical treatment.
He reports that her condition is
much improved.
We made an error in last
week's issue when we slated that
Harry Caddy's little boy received
a broken collar-bone by falling
from a chair. It was their little
girl who met with the accident.
She is getting along nicely at this
The engine for the new electric
light plant has arrived and is be
ing placed in position this (Fri
day) afternoon. In many of Ihe
buildings in town the wiring is
already completed, and after the
arrival of the dynamo, which is
daily expected, it will be but a
short lime until the citizens of
Eagle will be enjoying Ihe bene
fits of eleclric lights.
Most Children Have Worms.
Many mothers think their chil
dren are suffering from indiges
tion, headache, nervousness,
weakness, cosliveness, when they
are victims of that most common
of all children's ailments worms.
Peevish, ill-tempered, frelful
children, who toss and grind their
teeth, with bad breath and coliky
pains, have all the symptoms of
having worms, and should be
given Kiekapoo Worm Killer, a
pleasant candy lozenge, which ex
pels worms, regulates the bowels,
lones up Ihe system, and makes
children well and happy. Kieka
poo Worm Killer is guaranteed.
All druggists or by mail. Price
25c. Kiekapoo Indian Medicine
Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis.
Remember the Regalia Habana
Cigar. Always Ihe best. Robert
Richter, manufacturer.
:. ;
News. t
Frank Sclilichtemier has pur
chased a 4(1 horse-power Carter
car. Mrs. Delia Halt and children
are here from Plallsmouth visit
ing at. the Newman home.
John Wunderlich is another
good Indian who is taking good
care of the roads around his
Z. W. Shrader shipped a car of
hogs lo South Omaha Monday, and
J. M. Palmer also shipped a load
lo Ihe city.
Miss Lulu Opp has been ipiite
sick since her return from an
Omaha hospital last, week, but is
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lemon re
lumed home from Minnesota last
Friday. Mr. Lemon's brother,
who was not expected lo live when
they went up there, was very
much better when they left. He
had been suffering with rheuma
tism. Mrs. C. 1). St. John returned
Sunday night from llodondo
Beach, California, where she had
been to attend Ihe funeral of her
brother-in-law, E. V. , Wilson,
whose death was the result of an
accident. Mr. Wilson was working
for an electrical company as yard
foreman and was killed instantly,
his head and breast, being crush
ed. His successor was killed in
the same manner within an hour
of the time Wilson was killed.
There is a good deal of com
plaint from north of town about
speeding motorcycles and auto
mobiles. Some of the farmers
have declared their intention of
hauling in their road drags and
letter the roads lake care of them
selves. They say they are getting
tired of seeing people race past
their homes at 40 or 50 miles an
hour, endangering the life of any
thing that happens lo be on tho
road. Their point is well taken.
Best Laxative for the Aged.
Old men and women feel the
need of a laxative more than
young folks, but it must be safe
and harmless and one which will
not cause pain. Dr. King's New
Life Pills are especially good for
Ihe aged, for they act, promptly
and easily. Price 25c. Recom
mended by F. (1. Fricke A Co.
Sweet Potatoe Plants.
I have excellent sweet potatoe
plans for sale at 25c per 100.
Phone 3 40-W, or call ni Fred
A Want Ad In the Journal will
brir.g what you want
1.1 R
Mrs. M. L. Melzger of Cedar
Creek visited her daughter, Mrs
Arthur Slander over Sunday.
We are glad to report that Mrs.
Frank Pel I it, who has been seri
ously ill for several weeks, has
Ivan Thomas, formerly of
Omaha, hut now of Fremont,
made an over Sunday visit with
his parents. Ivan has a good
position wilh Hie Bell Telephone
Mrs. S. II. McLearn was down
from Omaha the fore part of Ihe
week, sell ling up her business
affairs, as she expects to leave for
Idaho Falls, Idaho, lo make her
future home.
W. F. Diets was at, Omaha Ihe
fore part of the week, where he
met the buyers of their various
stores throughout Ihe slate. They
were looking over and buying a
line of fall goods.
R. A. Westover of Valentine has
traded western land for the T. T.
Ball property in the north part of
town. Mr. Westover will erect
another house on his lots for ren
tal purposes.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gakemeier
mourn the loss of their 3-weeks-old
babe, that died at midnight
Wednesday, May 28. The funeral
was held at 2:30 Friday. Mr. and
Mrs. Gakemeier have the sym
pathy of many friends in their
Misses Dulcie and Thelma
Frater will leave Monday for
Oklahoma to visit their grand
parents. They will be joined
later by Mrs. Frater, who will go
there for a family reunion, after
which they will leave for their
new home in Danbury, Texas,
Take Plenty of Time to Eat.
There is a saying that "rapid
eating is slow suicide." If you
have formed the habit, of eating
loo rapidly you are most likely
suffering from indigestion or
constipation, which will result
eventually in serious illness un
less corrected. Digestion begins
in the mouth. Food should be
thoroughly masticated and in
salivated. Then when you have
a fullness of the stomach or feel
dull and stupid alter eating, lake
one of Chamberlain's Tablets.
Many severe cases of stomach
trouble and constipation have
been cured by Hie use of these
tablets. They are easy to take
and most agreeable in effect.
Sold by all dealers.
Mamnall, Dentist, Coates blook.