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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1913)
.1 C,-C :OV--' A TT nrionto OUEn VOL. XXXII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1913. NO. 42. Platte- THE CITY ClIU III REGULAR SESSION Very Interesting Session, Many Matters Taken Up of Interest to Our Citizens. From Tuesday's Dally. There was a complete member ship present last evening at the council chambers when Mayor rattler called that body to order, and the members proceeded to get busy at once with the mat ters that confronted them. A petition was read, signed by the different business men of the city, asking that the city increase the salary of John Fitzpatrick, the merchants' night police, from $10 to $20 per month, and on motion of Councilman Lushinsky the prayer of the petitioners was granted and Johnnie will receive the raise his faithful services de serve, i A communication was also read by City Clerk Wurl from Judge 11. D. Travis, asking that some work be done on South Seventh street, which was in bad shape, and the council granted the wish of the petitioner and the work will be done as soon as possible. The petition of Judge A. J. Beeson and others was read ask ing that grading be done near their property in order that the proper sidewalks may be put in ,by the properly owners as soon as the grading is completed, and the request was heeded by the council and the work will be got ten out of the way as soon as possible. C. A. Rawls had a communica tion before the council asking permission to use the dirt taken from the alley in the rear of his premises to make a fill, which was granted by the council. The ordinance creating curb ing and guttering, district -No. 5 waR read for the first time and ,,.. I.'l II.. I I lil -.l' 1 I I . 1 lllllll I III III' A I. 111111 ing of tin council. This is the Arth Sixlh and Oak street per manent curbing and guttering district, and as soon as I he legal time has elapsed the work will be started mi Ibis step toward put ting I lie residence streets in proper condition. The finance committee, after having examined the following claims against the city reeom- mended the payment of the same: Henry Trout, salary as night police for April, $50; M. McCool, salary as night police, $26; W. B. Rishel, street work, $35.70; John Fitzpatrick, salary, .$10; I. N. Cummings, burying two dogs, $1; C. E. McEntee, street work, $30; George Poisal, same, $6; John McDermott, same, $4; Charles Dixon, same, $12; John Thomas, same, $7; Nelson, Jean & Co., same, $10.20; Al O'Ncil, same, $28.80; F. E. Payson, same, $4.60; J. D. McAdams, same, $4; Floyd Patridge, same, $1.60; Q. K. Parinele, same, $30; Al Jones, same, $22. The streets, alleys and bridges Pnminif Inn u hn linvn Knnri Innl'lno1 up the matter of the sidewalk on Lincoln avenue, along the prop erty of Henry Rothman, reported that the contractor and property owner reach some agreement as to accepting the walk in order that the matter can be satisfac torily settled. The fire and water committee reported that the furnace in the library building should be repair ed during the coming summer and recommended the appropria tion of $55.50 for the work, and the same was granted by the council. Councilman Hallstrom called the attention of the council to the near approach of Decoration day and asked that the small grader be used for the purpose of putting the roads through the cemetery, and leading to it, in proper shape for that day, which was ordered done. The council took up the matter , of the bridges in the north part ' of the city, there being some five in need of repairs and several of them out of commission, and the streets, alleys and bridges com mittee was instructed to inter view the county commissioners at once to see that they were placed in the proper shape. On motion of Councilman Ba jeck the city was authorized to purchase twelve of the new city directories at the sum of $2 each, for use in the various depart ments of the city government. Councilman Patterson called the attention of the council to the condition of North Eighth street, leading to the rifle range, and the street was ordered placed in the proper condition for travel, as this is practically the only bad piece of road leading to that place The committee which was ap pointed at a previous meeting of the council to draft resolutions of respect to the memory of the late Walter J. White, a former member of the council, reported the following resolutions; Whereas, The late. Walter J. White, one of the most respected citizens of our city, has been re moved from among us; and, Whereas, He was formerly a member of this council, and was one of its most careful and valued members; therefore, be -it (Continued on Eighth Page. Mrs. F. G. Egenberger Entertains Large Party of Young Ladies for the Event. b'roni Wednesday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon a large number of the young lady friends of Miss Virginia McDaniel were entertained in a1 most charming manner by Mrs. F. G. Egenberger at her beautiful home on Vine street. The young ladies enjoyed a guessing game, of flowers, in which contest Miss Clara Austin proved the most successful and was awarded the prize. The game was one that occasioned much merriment and fun over the dif ferent answers given. The guests were then invited into the dining room, where a most delicious two-course lunch eon was served by the hostess, as sisted by Misses Helen Egen berger, Nora Rosencrans and Teresa Droege, which was much enjoyed by the jolly crowd. The dining room was decorated in pink and white and over the cen ter of the table a basket contain ing the handkerchiefs was sus pended and to each one a tiny ribbon was attached, which was draped to the seat of honor oc cupied by Miss McDaniel at the head of the table, and as each ribbon was pulled one of the lovely offerings of the guests was disclosed and the bride-to-be was soon completely showered with dainty handkerchiefs of all de scriptions. After the luncheon the guests adjourned to the parlors, where several musical numbers were given by the different members of the party, as well as anolher guessing game, in which the guests were requested tn name the different advertisements dis played, and in this Miss Clara Austin again proved to be the most successful in carrying off the prize. The guests for the afternoon were: Misses Clara Austin, Vir ginia McDaniel, Helen Spies, Bess Edwards, Ethel Leyda, Emma Bauer, Beulah Sans, Hermia Spies, Alice Tuey, Nora Batton, Esther Larson, Christine Snen nichsen and Mrs. Ed Egenberger. Penmanship and Art Exhibit. From Tuesday's Dally. The penmanship and art ex hibit will be held all day Wednes day and Thursday and until Fri day al noon of this week in the vacant room in the Riley block. The prizes for trie best work in penmanship will be presented Friday morning. All the patrons, parents and friends of the pupils of the schools are invited to call and look at this excellent exhibi tion of the work along this lino by the school children. Sell your property by in ad In the Journal. . HANDKERCHIEF SHOWER M DANIEL YOUNG III SAYS SHE IS DOPED On Train From Holdrige to Weep ing Water and Brought Here to Be Deserted. From Wednesday's Dally Last evening a couple arrived on the north bound Missouri Pa cific at 5 o'clock and went to the Hotel Riley, where they register ed as "J. Johnson and wife of Topeka," and were apparent ly all they professed to be and the clerk did not for a moment ques tion their actions. About 11 o'clock Mrs. Johnson came down stairs and announced that the man was not her hus band and that he had skipped out, leaving her. She slated that she had met the man on the train on which she was traveling from lloldn'dge to Weeping Water to visit friends, and that he became very attentive and in some man ner drugged or doped her and brought her on to this city, where he deserted her. The wom an was very much worked up over the matter and drove out to the midnight, Missouri Pacific to fry and catch him before he got away, but he evidently was on the lookout and kept out of sight, although a man answering his de scription was seen shortly before the woman came. Failing to find the man there the young woman, who gave her name as Eikhoff, returned to the city, where she remained until this morning, when she departed for Weeping Water, her original destination. The lady is ap parently quite young and the story of doping seems very prob able, as cases similar to this have been brought to the atten tion of the police of the different cities, and if it is true and the man can be located he should be punished to the full exent of the law. Young women who travel alone on trains should, however, exercise better judgment in pick ing up with everyone whom they meet and save themselves much trouble. The lady stated that while on the train the man asked her to read a newspaper on which she noticed there was some while powder sprinkled, and on her re fusal he tossed the pwder in her face and after that she does not have any recollection until she found herself in the hotel here. It is supposed that the powder was cocaine and that she must have snuffed someof the drug to have the effect she claims. She claimed she was Mrs. W. F. Eik hoff and that her husband was a car wiper at lloldn'dge. YOUNG MAN CELEBRATES TWENTY-FIRST BIRTHDAY Last Sunday evening a large crowd of young folks gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Scheel, near Murdock, to assist their son, Johnnie, in celebrating his twenty-first birthday anniver sary. The evening was passed most delightfully in playing games and musical numbers by the different members of the jolly crowd until a late hour, when they were invited to partake of some very delicious ice cream and cake, which added much to the pleasures of what had already been a most delightful evening. The guests present on this oc casion were: Clara and Herbert Stroy, Emma and Herman flakc mier, Bertha and Conrad Reinke, Enia and Albert Luehr, Pauline and Walter Thimgahn, Mable and Leonard Wendt, Clara and Con rad Wehrmann,' Ella and Anna Lau, John and August OJakemier, Henry and August Wendt, Her man and Christ Kupke, Frank Riesler, Will Schildemier, Con rad Bauingarlner, Clara Woitzel, Martha Lau, Mary Peters, Mary Neben of Buffalo, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jochim. The friends who gathered for the party united in wishing Johnnie many more such happy birthdays. REDFiiEN HAVESPLENN1D III AT THEIR HALL Some One Hundred and Twenty Present to Take Part In Cele bratin Anniversary of Lodge. from Wednesday's Dally. Last evening the hall of the local lodge of thejled Men was the sceneof much merriment and enjoyment, when the members of that order and their families and friends gathered to celebrate the establishing of their hunting grounds here, and all the chiefs were present last evening to take part in the pleasures of the even ing. The crowd, numbering some 120, was so large it was neces sary to use both floors of the building to accommodate the jolly gathering, and that it was an oc casion long to be remembered was the verdict of all. The lower hall was converted into the banquet room and two long tables were spread the whole length of the hall and were lined with the jolly crowd to partake of the delightful repast prepared by the expert chefs of the order. There was nothing omitted from the menu that would tempt the most fastidious and I he way the tempting 'delicacies disappeared was proof of the appreciation of the guests of the evening. In the lodge room on the sec ond floor the evening was devoted to the enjoyment of music and a general delightful social time. Several splendid vocal numbers were given by Misses Ferris and Kate York and Mr. Jesse York, and the talented vocalists were called back repeatedly by the de lighted aYkiience, who seemed to be unable to gel enough of the delightful singing. Miss Helen Carlson, who is a very talented pianist, gave several instrumental numbers and her rendition of the different selections was given in a most pleasing manner. The celebration throughout was conducted in a manner that, re flects great credit upon the com mittee in charge and the mem bers and their families fortunate enough to be present were more than delighted with the evening of complete enjoyment. The Red Men have had a number of social galherings this past winter, but the one last evening certainly was the best. given by this excel lent order for many moons. OLD PLAHSMOUTH BOYS IN EVIDENCE AT LONG BEACH The Journal has just received a copy of the Long Beach Press containing a section devoted en tirely to automobiles and boost ing the Long Beach auto exhibit that opened in that city last month, and among the photo graphs on the front page of the paper appears two of our former townsmen H. J. Helps and W. L. Thomas who during the time they have been in business in that city have met with great suc cess and are among the leading automobile dealers in that locality. Southern California is truly the auto owners' paradise and these gentlemen have more than made good on their venture in that city. Soon Reach His 100th Milestone. From Tuesdays Dally. Yesterday J. L. Russell and wife of Lincoln arrived in the city for a visit with their son, Lew Russell and family, here for a time. Mr. Russell is a fine, hale and hearty man and to see him one would little guess his age, but next March he will have pass ed his one hundredth birthday. To see this fine old gentleman one would hardly lake him to be over CO. August Stohlman of the vi cinity of Louisville was attending to some business matters In this city yesterday, and was a pleasant caller at this office, at which time he renewed his subscription. Meet at Thomsen Home. From Wednesday's Dally. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church was delight fully entertained at the home of Mrs. II. Thomsen yesterday after noon. There were a large num ber yf (he ladies of the church and congregation present, who, after the regular business ses sion, indulged in various amuse ments, interspersed with con versation and stitching on dainty fancy work, all of which made the occasion a very pleasant one. At the proper time some very de licious refreshments were served by the hostess. Buys Elson Property. From Wednesday's Daily. M. S. Briggs has just pur chased the Elson property on South Sixth street and intends to take up his residence therein as soon as possible. This properly is one of the handsomest places in town; the house has eleven rooms and bath and is fitted 110 with all modern conveniences. The grounds embrace a third of a block and have a natural beauty unexcelled by any place. The sale was effected through ("5. F. S. Burton. .P. From Tuesday's Ually- Some time ago the Commercial club began negotiations with the Missouri Pacific officials in Kan sas City in regard to the pulling on of another train or furnish ing heller connections with the Lincoln branch line for the bene fit of those in the western and central part of the county who desired to come to this city. The officials held out the promise of the needed relief, and ' nothing was done inNlhe matter and the officials of (he club again brought the matter to the attention of the company, with the result that the Kansas City officials refused to afford us any relief, and it is now up to the club and citizens here to carry the matter on up to President Bush, and if he cannot give I he satisfactory arrange ments, then the matter should be brought to the attention of I In stale railway commission, where it may be possible to secure a fair shake on the matter. The Missouri Pacific has afforded the towns to the south of us a splen did service from the north and made if. possible for residents at Murray to go more conveniently to Nebraska Cily than Platts moulh has a right to register a seems possible, planned their schedules in such a manner as to work a hardship upon not only this cily, but the whole country as well, and it is time they began fo recognize the fact that Platts mouth has a irght to register a loud and vigorous kick on the service handed them by this rail road. POOL HALL OPENED From Tuesday's Dany. The new pool hall operated by F. II. Dunbar and T. B. Bates, was opened this afternoon in the Sherwood building, and it is a place worthy of more than pass ing mention, as it is fitted up in a most elaborate manner and is without doubt the finest billiard and pool establishment ever in the city. The room has been re papered and decorated in a most artistic manner, and with the handsome tables and fixtures is a place far superior to the general run of city billiard parlors and makes an ideal room to enjoy a social game of pool or bililards in the finest of surroundings. The firm has four large pool fables and one billiard table in the hall and the public is assurred of a hearty welcome at this beautiful new place. Phil Keil of the vicinity of Murray was a visitor in this city Monday and called at this office and renewed his subscription. ' APPEALED TO WRONG DEPARTMENT OF 1,1 EW BILLIARD AND II CLASS PLAY Al THEPARHELE Theater Filled to Overflowing and Rendition of Play Was Very Pleasing. From Tuesday's Dally. The Parinele theater was crowded last evening on the oc casion of the presentation of the senior class plays, and those at tending felt well repaid, for the young people handled the parts in a manner that would have done credit to far more experienced actors, and in the carrying out of the plays they showed the careful training they had received at the hands of Mrs. George E. Dovey and Prof. II. S. Austin. The program opened with "The French Haid and the Phono graph," a bright little comedy one-act playlet, which was car ried out by the girls of (ho school in a very pleu.-iug manner. As Flossy (Ireene, ambitious to be come a French scholar and to ac quire Parisian manners, Miss Ferris York was excellent, aa Has Miss Anna Wohlfarth, who play ed the role of Mrs. (ireene, the mother, and Josephine Rys, who appeared as Mollie (.Ireene, the younger sister. The handling of the role of Mary Ann French, a cook who attempted to take tho part of a French maid, had been assigned to Miss Margaret Al bert, and she carried the part out to perfection, and her clever work brought forth much laugh ter. Miss Agnes Plak, who ap peared as Miss Ayers, supposed to be a finished French scholar, was very effective in her rolo and her contribution to the playet aided greatly in its success, as did the splendid acting of Miss Florence Richardson, the rep resentative of a system of leach ing one to speak French by the use of a phonograph. Miss Rich ardson has a good voice for the stage and n splendid bearing that made her acting very effective. Don Arries carried the role ol the leading man in a most pleas ing manner, hav ing I he character of the boy who had to pay his own way through school by running an eating house, and his scenes with Miss Janet Clement, who ap peared as Miss Eleanor Forbes, Hie popular girl of the college, were very charming and I hey car ried out their parts like veterans. In the part of Bene, a freshman whose feet were always in the way, Reuben Saxon was most laughable and his cleverness made the play very amusing. The villian of the show was Walde mar Soennichsen, who appeared as "Perry" Spencer, a supposed "leader" in college society, and as he was foiled by the leading man in his efforts lo secure the hand of Miss Forbes, he was the picture of baffled villiany. Miss Agnes Plak appeared as Mrs. Lee, an aristocratic lady, and she was all that could be asked for in the line of the proud woman, and in the part added the honors secured in the opening play. As Yiolet, a helpful soul, in love with Bene, Miss Angie McCarroll was most pleasing and assisted in adding the comedy touches to the play. The difficult role of Oertrude Spencer, who tried to assist her brother to win the hand of Miss Forbes, was handled very clever ly by Miss Buelah Sans and her acting showed careful study of the part. The whole play was one which reflected great credit upon the young people and they can feel greatly elated over Hie splen did success scored by their plays. There was only one disagree able feature connected with tha show and that was the noise oc casioned by the seating of the audienco during the progress of the play and the tramping up and down the aisle caused those seal ed to miss a great deal of what, the players were asyinir. James Tcrryberry of the vi cinity of Cedar Creek motored to this city yesterday lo attend to some business mailers. He call ed at this ofilce and renewed his allegiance to the Old Reliable.