Jub Stale Historical Soo moutb' Journal r . is VOL. XXXII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, WAY 26, 1913. NO. 41. ENTERTAINMENT IN (III Linen Shower at Home of Mrs. C. L. Carlson Given in Honor of Miss Bess Edwards. From Friday Dally. One of the most delightful entertainments given for one of the June brides was the linen shower given last evening to the Euterpean Oleen club and friends by Mrs. C. L. Carlson, at her home, in honor of Miss Bess Ed wards, whose wedding to Mr. G. O. Larson is to occur on Wednes day "evening, June i. The house was very prettily decorated with flowers and streamers of red hearts and mado a very handsome appearance. The guests enjoyed a most delightful time at a guessing contest, in which it was necessary to draw for the prize, which was captured by Miss Ellen Windham, but the chief feature of the evening was the wedding ceremony, and the parties taking part in it carried it out in a manner that caused much fun among the jolly crowd. The part of the groom was taken by Mrs. Charles Freese, while Miss Edwards acted in the role of bride, and the ceremony was per formed by Mrs. E. Il.Wescott in a very impressive manner. During the evening several de lightful musical number, both vocal and instrumental, were given, as well as several written pieces of advice as to how to keep down the, high cost of living, and thcHO were presented to the bride-to-be for future use when she starts housekeeping. A most de licious luncheon was served by Misses Jessie Whelan and Mable Lee Copenhaver, and this was very much enjoyed by the crowd of jolly young ladies, who then adjourned to the parlors, where the evening was spent in dancing the Virginia reel and a general good time until the bride was re quested to si and forth, and a large basket heaped high with beautiful and choice gifts of linen was showered upon her and the company united in wishing her a long and happy married life. The guests at the delightful event were: Misses Amanda Sat tler, Oerlrude llitt. Nile Cobb, Muriel Barthold, Mildred Balser, Cecil Hawkenberry, Alice and Hazel Tuey, Ferris and Kale York, Pauline Kalasek, Clara Austin, llermia and Ellen Windham, Elizabeth Kerr, Ola Kaffenberger, G-olda Noble, darnet and Flor ence Cory, Ada Mann, Carrie and Estelle Baird, Alma and Esther Larson, Violet;' Freese, Mesdames W. 0. Brooks, William Gluck, E. J. Tuey, E. II. Wescott, Frank C.obelman and Charles Freese. Another Social Meeting. From Friday' Dally. The cozy home of Mrs. Albin Neilson was the scene of a most enjoyable meeting of the ladies of (he Swedish Mission church yes terday afternoon. There was a large number in attendance, who very pleasantly whiled away the afternoon in sewing and other amusement calculated to make the occasion a most excellent one. Splendid refreshments were served, and when the, hour for de parture arrived the ladies ex pressed their warmest thanks to Mrs. Neilson for her kind hos pitality. M. E. Ladies Meet. From Friday 8 Dally. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. IC. church held an excellent mectinir yesterday afternoon in the parlors of Hie church, at which they were delightfully entertained by Mesdames Andrews and Babbitt. There was a large number of Ilie ladies in al tend ance, who reported the hostesses as being splendid entertainers. A business seion was held, alter which the remainder of Hie after noon was wliih-d away in a most cnjnjable social lime. Delirious refre-hmeiil- were '-erved. Now . is the time o v'el rid of your rheumatism. Yon can do it. by applying Chamberlain's Lini ment and massaging the parts 'freely at enrh application. For sale by 0. Frickc Co. HONOR OF JUNE BRIDE Vallery Farm Is Sold. Today a deed was recorded transferring the Jacob Nailery farm of 100 acres, located about three and a half miles west of this citv, on the Louisville road, from W. E. llosencrans and 1. C. Morgan to J. E. MeDaniel of this city. The farm is one of l he best in this section and brought the price of $20,000. Mr. MeDaniel lias secured a very valuable farm, as it lies in the best section in this pari of t lie county. This farm was purchased by Messrs Rosencrans and Morgan about two years ago, and the sale of the property was consumated through the agency of Mr. Rosen crans, who is extensively engaged in the real estate business and has been very successful in the handling of the lands which he has been agent for. SOON BE RELEASED John Klaurens went to Lincoln on the Monday morning train on business connected with the case of his son, John, whose term in the prison is about to expire. It was supposed that with "good time" he has earned and the time spent in custody before being taken to prison, he would be en titled to his freedom this week, but there appears to be some mis understanding as to computing the time, and for a few days the exact time of his release will not be determined. However, it is a matter involving only a short time, as he has been a model prisoner and has credits for all his "good time" allowance. His father informed us that Johnny is enjoying excellent health and has an excellent record and good standing with the prison olllcials. It will be remembered that Johnny Clarence and John P. Thacker, in January, 1909, be came involved in a fight, in which Clarence fired the shots that re sulted in Thacker's death a few days later. Clarence was tried and found guilty of murder in the second degree and Judge Travis sentenced him to a term of fourteen years in the penitentiary. The supreme court reversed the case, and at the second trial the jury found a verdict oi man slaughter and he was given a sen tence of eight years. Upon ap peal to the supremo court, the case was afiirmed, but that court reduced the sentence to two years In all the proceedings the defense was that Clarence acted in self defense and fired the shots only when he thought his lire in danger. Union Ledger. NO EXTRA COPIES OF CITY DIRECTORY TO BE PUBLISHED From Friday'! Dally. The city directory will contain all the new street names and house numbers, names of all adult citizens, public buildings, etc., also a list of the national, slate, county, cily corporation, church, lodge, clubs and so cities officers, "I ime and place of meetings, and also other valua ble information necessary to every "citizen of Plaltsmouth. It will be complete in detail and a handsome addition to the library, office or. home. A house-to-house canvass is now being made by the compiler, Mr. NW A. Howard, and all citizens are respectfully re quested to aid him in any .and all necessary information they 'can give. As no extra copies of the directory will b published it will be necessary to give your order for Hie directory to Ihe compiler when he colls, or to the secretary of the Commercial club, before t lie hook goes to press. To Attend Shower. From K'ttunlii v's i:illy. This afternoon Misses Hess Edwards, Alma and Esther Lar--oii. Opal l-'ilzgerald and Ellen Windham departed for Omaha, where (hey will attend a shower given by Mrs. J. H. Holmes in honor of Miss Hess Edward and Mis Ethel Hallnnce. MKHSIY ANOTHER SHOWER in E Which Occurred at Elegant Soen nichsen Home in Honor of Miss Bess Edwards. From Saturday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon occurred another of the delightful pre nuplial events that have been given for the approaching June wedings, when Miss Mathilde Soennichsen entertained at her home at a kitchen shower in honor of Miss Hess Edwards, from i to 8 o'clock. On the arrival of the guests they were taken to the library, where they were handed a volume of blank paper entitled The Life of Hess Kdwards," and were requested to fill these out by pictures from a large number of magazines placed on the table. Several interesting and clever volumes were produced by the guests, and they will be a very unique and valued souvenir of the occasion to the guest of honor in the years to come. Miss Soennichsen, "assisted by her sister, Miss Christine, served a most templing luncheon in the dining room, which proved one of the most delightful features of the occasion. After the luncheon the guests enjoyed some lime listening to vocal and instru mental numbers, until the clouds betokened the approaching shower, and the bride was then showered" with all manner of articles for future use in her new home and much delight was experienced as each package opened by the bride-to-be dis closed new gifts. The jolly crowd enjoyed themselves with music and dancing until the hour for departure, when they joined in wishing the guest of honor years of joy and happiness in the future. The guests present at this de light ful event were: Misses Marie Fitzgerald, Margaret Scolten, Ethel Leyda, Berniee Newell, Adelia White, Helen Spies, Clara Austin, Virginia MeDaniel, Alice Tuey, Esther Larson, Ellen Windham and Opal Fitzgerald. THE PUPILS OF CENTRAL From Friday's Dally. The pupils of the Central build ing of the public schools gave a musical this omnring at the school that was very much enjoy ed by them, as well as the teach ers, and those taking part in the program did exceptionally well in their handling of the different numbers. The program was as follows: Duet Sleeping .Heauty . . . Oweroline ami Myrtle Smith Song Schoolmates Beatrice Seybert Anna Hiber, Accompanist. Sunlight Waltz Fay Cobb Oeiiernl Grant's March Huby Winscot Duel Witches Flight . . .Elizabeth and Agnes Bajeck Dance of the Wildllowers. . . . ... Olga Tiekottcr Easter Daisy Delia Frans Song of the Troubadour fna Crook Halt lo of Waterloo Sophia Seivers Duel Ely Away Gallop ..Ina Crook and Huby Winscot Dreaming. . . .Katherine Waddick Duel Dress Parade March... . . .Gwerelinc and Myrtle Smith Dance of the Village Maiden.. Marion Mauzy Duet Fay and Ina Cook Gasoline Engine for Sale. Almost new .'1-horse Interna tional late model gasoline engine for sale cheap. This engine ha been used but very Ml tie and is in perfect running order and will hi sold at, a great, bargain if taken sooir. Apply at the Journal olllr.i We exchange pens if you dori'l gel i ne pens desired when you buy I hem. Hyn.it I & Co. HONOR OF BRIDE-TO-B G E NO E IS GRADUATING EXERCISES tin IE Class of 1913 Will Meet Their Friends at Parmele Wednes day Night, May 28. From Saturday s Dally. On next Wednesday evening at the' I'armele theater fifteen young ladies and live young men will gather and bid farewell to their school days and prepare to enter upon their battle with the world. These young people are the graduating class of the Plaits mouth High school and their graduation will mark for them the beginning of their life in the various occupations they have decided upon and will be one of the most, important steps that they have taken and one that they can look back upon with pride, for it represents the fruits of their years of sludy, and that they have successfully finished the course of study laid out for them is a matter over which they are justified in feeling that pardon able pride. The Plattsmouth schools have lu riu J out many talented men and women, many of whom have become prominent in the world in different occupations and pro fessions, and that Ihe class of 1913 gives promise of having its members become leading figures in the world's work. The pro grain for the exercises, which will be held on Wednesday evening, May 28, is as follows: Invocation Rev. W. L. Austin Vocal Solo... Miss Ferris H. York Salutatory Conservation of National Resources Samuel C. Windham Valedictory The True Value of Character. .. .Donald K. Arries Solo (a) "To You," (b) "A Birthday". .Miss Helen Heroic! Address Seers of Visions.... Rev. Ernest Wray O'Neal of Chicago Presentation of Diplomas. The following is the list of the graduates of the class of DH3 Jennie Livingston, Mae Marker, Margaret Albert, Samuel C. Wind ham. John R. Duncan, Florence Richardson, Mable Adams, Ma thilda Mable Donat, Donald E. Ar ries, Ferris H. York, Janet Ann Clement, Reuben H. Saxon, Anna Louise Wohlfarth, Agnes K. Ptak, Heulah Sans, Josephine E Rys, Angie McCarroll, Harbara Hulin, Margaret W. Wohlfarth, Pollock Parmele. The clas3 has chosen for their molto, "Finished, Y'et Beginning," which is very appropriate for an event of this kind, when they are finishing their school life and starting on that of facing I heir future in the world. EASTERN STAR ENJOY II FINE SESSION AND BANQUET From Friday's Dally. The Eastern Star held a very largely attended meeting at their lodge rooms in the Masonic buildintr Wednesday evening and three new members Mrs. W. E Rosoncrans, Mrs. John Weyrich and i Miss Ruth Johnson were initiated into the order. Follow ing the initiation Ihe members adjourned lo Ihe dining room, where a most, delicious banquet had been prepared, and they spent a most enjoyable lime enjoying Ihe delicacies of the banquet, as well as the speeches delivered by the different members, as rallei upon by the toaslmisl ress, Mrs. J C. Peterson, worthy matron of Home Chapter. The occasion was one that will long be remembered by the members attending as one filled with much profit and pleasure. Gets New Surrey. K. Parmele, the liveryman, WEDNESDAY EVENING ye.-lenlay received a line new sur rey carriage for his livery busi ness, and the new addition is one lie may feel very proud of and which will , be .very much ap preciated by bis pal rons. i i i Joe Reynolds Promoted. from Friday's Daily. Last evening the news was re ceived in Ibis city of the promo tion of Joe Reynolds, who has been acting as baggageman at the llavelock station of the Burling ton, and who has been promoted to Ihe position of second trick operator at the depot. Joe is a very bright young man and his many friends here will be great ly pleased to learn of his ad vancement in his chosen calling, and they will wish him success in his future advancement in the line of telegraph work. Lecturer Leaves for Havelock. From Friday's Dcliy. This morning Mr. F. B. Thom as, who has been delivering lec tures here for the .Burlington Safety Bureau for the past few days, departed for llavelock, where he will make arrange ments for holding meetings there next week. Mr. Thomas had some 431 attend his meeting here, and everyone seemed deeply interested in the lectures and the cause bt "Safely First" was greatly aided by Ihe visit of the car and the able lecturer to cily. Ihe F (Commcnicated.) Within the city limits there are thirteen bridges on the stream which takes ils rise on the farm of Thomas Wiles, west of Platts mouth. Some of these are on well traveled yt roots and some are not so important, but it is a afe statement to say that half of these aro out of use at this time, owing to the washout by the late rains. Not a month ago the writer viewed the bridges on Locasl. street with the street commis sioner, and showed him how the bridges could be saved with the work of one man and a team and scraper for half a day. But by reason of neglect of the proper officers lo attend to the work at the right time, serious and heavy damage has fallen upon Ihe tax payers of the cily. The two bridges on Locust si reel, one of the public thoroughfares of Plaltsmouth, the principal street leading to the cemetery, and one the farmers from west of the city would ordinarily come to Ihe cily over, cannot be used now, just, because a few scrapers full of earth were not placed at the ap proaches to these bridges a few weeks ago. Is this economy? It will take several hundred dollars lo place the bridges in repair on this creek, which could have been fixed with little expense, if taken in lime. How long are the citizens of Plal I smooth going lo put up with this sort of management of the cily affairs, especially the man agement of Ihe road fund? Locust street is not Ihe only one that cannot be traveled at Ibis lime. There is a bridge gone on North Thirteenth street. One gone and has been gone for some months on Eleventh street. A little money expended would have kepi these si reels open lo travel. Why not use the same economy in the expenditure of the city's money that a man with ordinary prud ence would practice in connection with his own business? Taxpayer. FINE DISPLAY OF ART From Friday's Dully. The penmanship and art de partment of the public 'schools have on exhibition in Ihe room in ' Riley block, next to Ihe old po . 11 it-. where Hie Wol'k of tllC students of these do ean be seen. There is clever work shown and worth the time of any call ami see Ihe exhibit, n Windham, art Mi ami ,Mis Marie Kauf eiimans!ii instructor, dill'erenl partnieuls some eiy it is well pal ion o Miss El!" slruclor, maun, p arc in charge, ilal ion i- i N attend. and a cordial in nlefl Ihe public to I NOT ECONOMIZE ON HIE ROAD U MS IS 10 BE RESUMED SOOII Burlington Depot Plans Over hauled and It Is Said Work Will Be Renewed. From Saturday's Dally. The work on the Burlington depot in Ibis city, which has been held up, pending the overhauling of the plans by the officials, will be resumed at once, the changes thought necessary having been made. In addition to the 24-foot extension on the north of the depot, ten feet more will bo ad ded, making some thirty-four feet in all that has been added. The plans for the interior will bo changed slightly in order to make it more convenient for the em ployes and the traveling public. The passageway from the two wailing rooms will be made on the west side of lu building and will be eight feet wide and afford ample room to get in and out when desiring to purchase a ticket at the cashier's window. The office room will be extended (o the north to make up for tho amount of space taken off for the passageway. The waiting rooms will be fitted up with settees for Ihe use of the public, and by tho placing of these much more seat ing capacity can be realized than was possible before. There will be toilet rooms established in each of the waiting rooms. The building will be heated by a fur nace, the room for it, having al ready been prepared beneath what will be the new baggage room. In making these improvements the company will also make sev eral alleralion.s on the surround ings of the depot, extending the platform some 200 feel to the north, which, of course, means Ihe changing of many of the switches and side-tracks in tho north yards, and the walk to I ho south will he run lo the south side of the subway and along the south side of thai place to the freight, depot. It, is expected also to secure more satisfactory serv ice by placing ihe .main line tracks about six feel, from where Ihey now are, fills being made to allow the changing of tho tracks. This will give a much wider plat form and make the conditions at Ihe depot much more agreeable to both those employed there and Ihe traveling public. CELEBRATE THE CLOSE OF SCHOOL AT THEBES TOR SCHOOL HOUSE From Saturday'! Dally. Yesterday in celebration of the close of the most successful school year Ihe pupils of the Beslor school district, west of this city gave a most delightful picnic at I lie grove near the school house. Miss Nora Ballon has taught there Ibis season most successfully and she prepared a program which was carried out in splendid shape by Ihe pupils, fol lowing the big picnic : dinner, which was spread beneath the shady Irces. Afler Ihe program was given the jolly crowd enjoyed themselves at various games un til lime to journey homeward, feeling thai, the past year at, school had been one of great, pleasure. There were about sixty presenl lo lake pari in Ihe eii joymeiil of the day. , ; Entertained by Mrs. Gass. From .Saturday's Dull v. The Afternoon ISridgv Hub was entertained yesterday by Mrs. A. E. (lass in a irnl charming man ner at her home in I he sout h part of the city and Ihe la. lies spent, se eral playing: The ho lemplin inenl s, making conn. lei hour niosl enjovably in I his I'a-cinal ing game, dess erved some very -p and delicious refreh vliich 'really aided in the nl'ternonn's picture