The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 22, 1913, Image 8

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    IMss ficrnc Esking Easy
Absolutely Pure
To onlv baklna powdor
msdo from Royal Crape
Cream of Tartar
From Tuesday Dally.
Tho position of chief clerk in
tho office of Superintendent of
Shops William Baird, which was
formerly held by Mr. Finney, ha9
been filled by the appointment of
John J. Cloidt to the olllce, notice
to tho effect having been sent out.
Mr. Cloidt is one of the finest
young men in the city and lias for
many years been in the employ of
the Uurlington in this city in
their different olllces, and has al
ways proven the right man in the
right place and is eminently fit
ted to fill the position he has just
been appointed to. The news of
tho change will prove most pleas
ing to I ho many friends of John
throughout the city, where ho was
born and reared, and his fitness
for the job is unquestioned by
anyone who has watched his pro
gress up the ladder of railroai
work, and the new position opens
a broader field fur his future.
Commercial Club Should Get Busy
as the Boys Want Arrange
ments Made Right Away.
County Commissioners Meet.
From Tuesdav' Dallv.
The board of county commis
sioners are meeting today at the
court house, with Commissioners
Jordan and Pitz present, Mr.
lleebner being unable to get here
in time for the meeting. The
regular routine matters occupied
the attention of the commission
From Tuesday' Dally.
Another opportunity has oller-
ed itself to the citizens of 1'latts
niouth in endeavoring to secure
the annual encampment of the
Omaha High school cadets. This
organization numbers several
hundred cadets and their encamp
ment has grown to be some large
affair ami the event is one that
Items of Interest to Old and New
Residents of City Which Were
New Forty Years Ago.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Mrs. M. mumeisler, who was
called to Williamstown, West Vir
ginia, about live weeks ago on ac
count of the serious illness of her
mother, returned home Sunday.
Items taken from the files of
the lMattsmouth papers of forty
years ago and clipped out for the
perusal of the Journal readers:
Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Missouri is supposed to be,
higher than it has been any year
since '07. The Platte is also up
and booming.
Miw Itniimeiwslnr savs that. at. the
would mean nunc a nuns 10 ; ,jm she Iefl hur sisler was get-
ting along fine with every pros
pect for recovery. On the way
home Mrs. Haumcister stopped at
Dayton, Ohio, and other eastern
points for visits with relatives.
She reports that one cannot
city, as it would, besides bringing
the students here, also be tho
means of attracting a large num
ber of visitors.
For the past few years the
students have been camping at
Married,, on the 18th inst., at
the residence of the bride's
brother. W. Calkins, by T. J. Ar
nold of Plaltsinouth, Mr. G. W.
Flower to Miss J. A. Calkin.
Mr. John Waterman started on
Harlan, Iowa, and are dosirious of I ,iz( eyen imagjne lhe exlent a pleasure and business trip with
locating in some other place of
easy access to Omaha, and there
is not a town in tho stale that is
in closer touch with the me
tropolis than this city, which has
splendid railroad facilities and
connection may be had with the
metropolis at any hour of the day.
Tho use of the range hero can
bo obtained as soon as the con
tractors are through with tho
work of putting up the permanent hjgj
improvements ai mai pince, aim
when it is finished it will be one
of the finest ranges in the west
and the camping grounds are
ample to accommodate a large
body of men and is in easy dis
tance of this city, where supplies
can be procured when necessary.
Lot the Commercial club take up
tho matter with the Omaha cadet
officers and try and secure this
encampment for this city, and
after they have been hero oneo
there is no doubt, they will want
to return for another season, be
cause the situation here is one of
tho best in the stale and should
recommend itself lo those having
the matter in charge.
of the damage done at Dayton by
tho flood waters. Since tho water
has subsided everything in its
path is covered with from four
teen lo fifteen inches of mud.
Evervbodv is diuffinfr or hauling
mud. The doors have swollen on N 's currently reported that
account of being in the water so Ju(Se 1Iaines is ab()Ut ' sue t,le
Chicago for his destination, the
first of the week. The Herald
wishes him good luck and a merry
time for business as well as
long, and the people are coin.
polled to bolt them with iron
chains, as they cannot be closed
Watchman for libel. He places
his damage at $10,000, the same
amount as in tho celebrated Miller-Furnas
case, and the excite
ment throughout the state will be
more intense, should this great
trial ever come uff.
The safety lectures delivered
by F. J. Thomas of the Burling
ton safety department of the Ilur
lington were commenced this
noon at tho car in the shop yards
and quite a large number of tho
employes of the shops were pres.
eul to hear the lecture. Mr
Thomas, in conversation with us,
The water rose in the Weeping
Water valley last week, during
one or our slashing rains, with
exceeding rapidity. It overran
the banks in many places, and
there was about a foot of water
around the town site of Weeping
Water. Strange to say a few
miles east of there it was only a
gentle shower, and one mile from
that a man did not know it was
raining at all.
Tho City of Plattsmouth has
made us a good pump near tho
Herald office, on Main street. We
are very much obliged, lor our
part, and make no doubt but that
From Tuesday's Dally
Yesterday J. F. Knger disposed
of his property interests in this
city, consisting of the brick
laundry building on South Fourth
shoot and the two brick cottages
adjoining, lo J. II. Mayer of Her
ring, S. 1)., who gave in exchange
a farm of his located in the vi
cinity of Herring. The property
of Mr. F.nger is located right in
tho business section of the city
and if the cottages were placed in
good shape could easily be placed
in tho hands of good tenants, as
I hey are convenient lo anyone
employed down town or at the
whops. The laundry building was
put up especially for this line of
work and is very convenient and
up-to-dale, and under I ho pres
ent management is turning out
some fine work.
Operated on for Appendicitis.
From Tuesday's Pany.
Dr. J. F. lircndcl returned this
afternoon from Omaha, where he
had been accompanying Miss Hose
Mao Creamer, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Creamer, lo the
hospital to undergo an operation
for appendicitis. The case is a
severe one, but the doctor feels
that the patient will pull through
all right.
Sell your property by en ad In
the Journal.
From Tuesday's Pauy.
The members of Missouri Tribe
No. 09, Improved Order of Hod
Men, are arranging to have one
great big time at their hall on
Wednesday evening, May 21, when
they will entertain the members,
their wives and families at their
annual banquet, and the com
miltee in charge is working hard
to make the alTair one unbounded
success, and with the reputation
of the Hed Men for furnishing
good things lo eat, a feast fit for
king may be expected. There
will be a program of recitations,
vocal and instrumental music
given in the hall while I he chefs
are preparing the feast in I ho
banquet hall below. This order
has had some mighty fine affairs
of this kind in lhe past and never
miss an opportunity to bring the
members and their families to
gether for a good social lime,
and this feature has made the
order very popular here. All
members of the lodge in good
standing and their families are
invited to be present and lake
part in the festivities of the even
W. S. Askwith and wife depart
ed tlii summing on the early Mis
souri Pacific train for Omaha,
where they were called for a few
relates the following interesting onr neighbors will join us in a
vole of thanks to that honorable
body our city dads. Various
other improvement are vcvMvw-
plaled, we understand.
incident of the manner in which
accidents are kept down among
the men employed on tho track
work of the company:
"Did you ever see a pretty
sight on the railroad? Does it
occur lo you thai even prosaic
objects, like hand-cars, may, un
dor certain conditions, present an
interesting spectncle?
"Imagine yourself in my place,
at the little station of Chalco,
Neb., the other evening, waiting
for an extra gang to come from
work to attend a meeting in the
safely lecture car. Presently tho
click-clicking of the rails her
aids the approach of a hand-car,
vanguard of a sextete of such
cars. Soon this car rounds the
curve, and anon, all six or them
swing into a straight line. Thero
is a quaint and pleasing order
liness in their appearance, for.
under the careful tutelage of good
Pete lluchaneri, the foreman of
this Italian gang, the cars aro
being propeled at an even dis-
lance of two telegraph poles from
each other. it is an inspiring
sight to see these men obeying an
important rule of the company
the disregardance of which leads
to so many deaths and crippling
Wo acknowledge with many
thanks a really exquisite bouquet
from Mrs. Chaplain Wright
brought into our ofiiee by Mr
Jonathan Wise. We have it set
ling on our desk as near as pos
sible and between the intervals of
busy editorial labor, we enjoy its
fragrance, or hunt up some new
and still more charming blossom
than we had discovered before
The many varieties bespeak Mrs
Wright's skill in llower garden
ing, and to be a really skillfu
raiser of flowers requires some of
the finest qualities of human
The Kind You Have Always Bonght, and -w hlch lias been
in use for over SO years, has borne the slirnuturo of
ana has been made under his pcr--tf
sonal supervision since its infancy.
t-cucxZZ, Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-ns-gootl " aro but
i:xporim nts that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless snbstltute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its np:e is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, givinff healthy and natural Sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
we reply, there is no possuniing
about the matter, we are here
fast, sure enough, and would give
some money out of pocket to bo
able lo travel to Omaha or any
other place this beautiful day.
These cards can be seen at our
office by those curious in viewing
lhe last experiment in postog-
B. S. Ramsey, our Educational
Kditor, called in on Tuesday and
talked circus and school houses
a bit. He goes west for a short
trip down on the Republican.
When Fred Dorrington went off
surveying ho shouted good-bye at
(ho Herald. We ran out and
warned him to look out-for his
hair. Ho cooly lifted his beaver,
ami showing a crown as smooth
as a school globe, said, "I'm ready
for 'em; got shavel."
Married by County Judge.
This morning County Judge
Allen J. Ib'eson was called upon
to perform the ceremony that
united the lives and hearts of Mr.
Floyd Jones, aged It), and Miss
Margaret Owen, aged 18, both of
Greenwood. The happy couple,
accompanied by Mrs. Sam Jones
of that village, came down on this
morning's train and at once pro
ceeded lo the court house, where
the ceremony was performed, and
the happy couple returned to
their home on the afternoon
One way to relieve habitual
constipation is to take regularly a
mild laxative. Doan's Regulets
are recommended for this pur
pose. 25c a box at all drug stores-
One day last week we counted
II fly-two wagons on Main street,
loaded with grain, while there
were at least that many at tho
depot unloading. This looks like
business. Wo believe there is as
much grain shipped' from this
market as from any place of its
si.o in Nebraska.
John D. Simpson, esq., long
identified with the interests of
lMattsmouth and Cass county, and
for some years past agent of tho
American Express company at
this place, has left us for Omaha.
He goes there to accept a situa
tion in tho business house of
Hrewer, Rem is & Co., and while
wo are sorry to lose him from
Mr. C. Heisel is putting up a
pair of grain and hay scales at
iis mill, and is prepared to weigh
all the wheat and corn that farm
ers bring him, besides paying
them the highest market price in
cash for the same. All who deal
with Heisel will find him a
square man."
You Can Prevent Hog Cholera
Kill Hog Worms
and Have Fat Hogs.
Don't lt Hog Cholera and Worm iear you--lt'l an
eay matter to prvnt them, Thlt poltlv fact I
vouched for by thousands of Farmer and Hog Ralsert
In nearly every state In the Union. Just feed with
the dally hog ration a small quantity of
Plaltsinouth, we hope he may find
injuries. So all honor lo Pete and happiness, peace and plenty in his
Ins husky gang! new abode.
Trackmen, why run the risk
of having your back broken in The lMattsmouth Academy will
hand-car collisions? Does it pay open next Monday
lo take the chance? Isn't it
reckless and foolish and lacking Judge Maxwell was in town
in any reasonablo excuse? Tbe Monday looking fine and hearty.
car that starts llrst will, of
course, arrive first; you cannot Mr. Ilolbrook still lingers in the
pass it by racing, and if the ears lap of lMattsmouth, ere shooting
are kept two telegraph pols apart out to some frontier settlement,
all of them will reach their or long surveying trip opening up
destination within a few moments new country for new Indian wars.
of each other. Then all of you
will meet at the supper table and Rev. Mr. Burgess of Nebraska
there will be no need to hurrv college will hold services in St.
after a doctor to relieve tho suf- Luke's church on next Sunday
It renders hogs Immune to Cholerai tones them upi
keeps them on their feeti makes them fat and slceki
destroys Worms i Increases your pork profits.
MERRY WAR POWDERED LYB has provrd Itself to
be the surest preventive of Hog Cholera, exterminator
of Worms and the best hog conditioner ond fattener
In the world. Her Is evidence that will convince
you. Mr. H. H. Unterklrcher of Wever, Iowa, writes:
"I am recommending MERRY WAR POWDERED
LYE to everyone I see, as It Is a great hog condi
tioner and worm destroyer."
fering of some poor fellow who
has had his back broken in a
hand-car collision.
"This is another of these cases
where a word to the wise ought to
be suMcient."
morning and evening. Tho Holy
Communion will bo celebrated at
the morning services.
Two more lawyers set up in
business before I lie supreme
court. Our former townsman, R
Masonlo LodaA ElAnU Uaxler iiHlltam, aim me more
Last evening lMattsmouth elderly practitioner, J. v . miiuii-
Lodtfo No. l. A. F. and A. M . at comb. Moth gentlemen were nu-
A. W White,
Dry Goods A Groceries
PLATTSMOUTH. Phones : Ind. 206. Bell 71 NEBR.
their session in the Masonic
building elected the following
officers for tho ensuing year: W
M., George Thomas; S. Y, Nelson
Jean; J. W., D. McMaken;
secretary, M. Archer; treasuerr,
C. (1. Fricke.
mitt I'd lo practice last week.
The Journal
. tupDllea.
Postal Cards.
We have received two samples
of tin new postal card, one con
taining the compliments of the
Omaha Republican, for which we
return our thanks, and lhe other
for typewriter regretting our absence from the
Press convention. To this ono
Itching piles provoke profanity,
ut profanity won't remove them.
Doan's Ointment is recommended
or itching, bleeding or protrud
ing piles. 50c at any drug store.
tf For its exquisite flavor. Yi
For its exquisite flavor.
The choice or all men
who know good whiskey.
onuro Spreaders
Tho Best Manure Spreader
This machine may be seen at my implement
department a new addition to my general black
smith and wagon business. I also handle the
AVERY Corn Planters
and Cultivators! r
In fact it is my intention to carry a general line
of Farm Implements of all kinds. Call and see
me for whatever you may need.
Platttsmouth, Neb.