The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 22, 1913, Image 3

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    In Ike IHxiriet C'aurt lit nml for Caaa
(unty, Xebranka.
W illiam L. Nickels, assignee of Gert
v.i.le M. Wilev, uiul Willium liainey,
C arle.s UJwani Wiley,
Nvtlce to the lefendut. Charles Kd
ward Wiley:
You will take notice tliat on the 30th
!av of April, A. U, 1SU, William L.
Nickels, plaiutilT herein, tiled iiis peti
tion and affidavit in the District Court
.t Cass Countv, Nebraska, apulnst you,
the object ami prayer of which is to
revive a certain judgment obtained
tttainst vou by Gertrude M. Wiley and
William Kalney on November lfi, A. U.
1901. for the sum of IBiiS.OO with in
terest at the rate of seven per cent
) r annum from date and costs of suit
taxed in the sum of IJl.tiO, which Bald
judgment on November H, 1911. be
came dormant. That no part of said
judgment has ever been paid, and al
leging that during all of said period
of time you have been insolvent, and
praying' that an order !e entered re
viving said judgment, and awarding
plaintiff execution thereon in the sum
of ItiiiH.OO with interest at seven per
tent per annum from November 16,
J f 0 1, and all accrued costs.
You are required to answer said peti
tion and affidavit and show cause, if
flnv, on or before the lGth day of June,
A.'D., 1913, why an order of the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
, should not be entered reviving said
judgment in said sum, and awarding
plaintiff execution thereon.
If you fail to answer, appear or show
cause before said dute, your default
will be duly entered therein, and said
order of revivor will be issued, of all
of which you will take due notice.
Dated this 3rd day of May. A. IX 1913.
Assignee of Oertrude M. Wiley,
and William Rainey, Plaintiff.
In the IMntrlet Court la and for Cam
County, Kebraaka.
John W. Barr, Roy A. Barr, et al.,
JoKie C. Barr. et al..
Notice Is hereby given that under
nd by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court in and for Cass Countv. Ne
braska, entered In the above entitled
cause on the 3rd day of May, A. D
1!13, the undersigned sole referee will
on the 10th day of June at 11 o'clock
a. m. at the south front door of the
Court House in the Cltv of Plattsmouth.
Cass County, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest responsible bid
der for cash the following described
real estate, to-wit:
The West half V) of the South
east ouarter (SE'A) of Section three
ii): the Northeast quarter (NKV4) of
Section ten (10): the South half (SV4)
cif the Northwest quarter (NWVi) of
Section ten (10), all in Township eleven
U H. I fin ire n ne (91 Knst or the bth
V. M In Cass County, Nebraska, and
I fmir tit In Hl.irtr tufntv (201.
Vrck's Grove Addition to the City of
Lincoln. Lancaster County. Nebraska,
nnd Lots five hundred forty-seven (547)
and five hundred forty-eight (548), in
the Village of Greenwood, Cass County,
Nebraska, which said last Mescriber
lots In the Village of Greenwood will
be sold subject to the life estate there
in of Josle C. Barr.
Said sale will be held open for one
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this
rth dav of May, A. I). 1913.
C. A. RAWLS, Referee
C. S. POLK, Attorney.
In County Court.
Cass Countv. 88.
In the Matter of the Estate of Cor
nelius Bengen, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the credit
org of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims filed against said
fstate, before me. County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in Plattsmouth. in said
County, on the 31st day of May, 1913
and on the 2ud day of December, 1913
at 9 o'clock a. m., each day for exam
inatlon. adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be tiled In said court
on or before said last hour of hearing
Witness my hand ond seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 29th dav of April, 1913.
(Seal) ALLEN .1. BKESON.
County Judge
the District Court of an County.
In the Matter of the Application of
George E. Kyan, Guardian of Joseph
Elton ' ltyan nnd Archie J. Kyan,
Minors, to Sell Ileal Estate.
Now on tills 4th day of April. 1913,
this cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of George H. Kyan,
gunrdlan of the persons and the prop
erty of Joseph Elton Kyan and Archie
,T. Kyan, minors, praying for a license
to sell the interest of his said wards. In
the following described real
estate to-wit: East half of
northeast quarter (EV4 N. E.
), Section sixteeen (I61. township
tin (10). range nine (9) east, in Cass
county, Nebraska. In which real estate
t'ie snld wards own an undivided one
fifteenth (1-15) each, and lots thlrteeen
13), fourteen (14) and fifteen (15). in
Mock four (4). Village of Alvo, Cuss
county, Nebraska, In which snld wards
own each an undivided one-fortieth
1-40), or so much of said renl estate
and of the Interests of snld wards
therein as It shall seem to the court to
1" for the best interests of suld wards.
It Is hereby ordered by the court and
iidjndjied. flint the next of kin, and rill
persons Interested in snld matter, np-j.-ar
before me at chambers at the City
of Klnttsmouth, Nebraska, at the hour
'( 1.30 o'clock p. m., on the liOth day of
May, 1913, to show cause, If any there
be, why such license he not granted to
aid petitioner.
It is further ordered that a copy of
this order be published In the l'latts
moiith Weekly Journal for three weeks
successively next immediately before
I lie date of said hearing.
Given under my hand at the city of
riattsmouth. Nebraska, on this 4tli day
of April, 1913.
Judge of the 1 list ret Court.
In the County Court In and for Catt
County, Nebraska.
' I n Hi Kstatk or Wai.tih I ItflTlPP
J. Whiti. Dkckasbd. f WUIIUC
To all Persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that on the 10th day
of May, A. P., 1013. Annie Iona W htte. Hied her
petition In the aliove court alleging the death
(estate of Walter. I. White, on the 4th day of
May, A. P., ItM.I. and presenting an Instrument
purporting to tie snld last will and testament
for Drohate.
A hearing will lie had on said petition on the
.11 st day of May, A. P.. lUI.'t. at one o'clock p. m.,
before which hour all objections thereto. If
any. must lie tiled.
By the court
AIXF.N J. BF.ESON. County Judge
JUwIb & Koliertson, Attorneys.
In County Court.
Cass County, ss.
In the matter of the Estate of
Alice M. Tague, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the
creditors of said deceased that
bearings will be had upon claims
filed against said eslate, before
rue, County Judge of Cass County,
Nebraska, at llr? County Court
room in Plattsinoutli, in sail
County, on the 3 1st day of May
1913, and on the 2nd day of De-
comber. 1913. at 10 o clock a. in.
each day, for examination, adjust
iii lit nnd allowance.
All claims must be filed in sail
,., .... i..r...... hui li. .1 1 r M -
I U 1 I I'll ' 1 I'V H'l ' HI i - n i a ' r i j t
,f hearing:. i
Witness my ami seal ofjv
ai.l County CouM, at I'lall-
mouth, Ntlnaska, this 11 day of I
May, 1913.
(Sean Al.l.KX .1. HKKSOX.
County Jmlge.
To All Whom It Mav Concern:
The CoiiimiMsioiier.s appointed
lo view and YACA'I K a road com
mencing at half H-ction line on
south sido of Section 28, Town
ship 10, Range 12, running thence
north one mile on half section
ine thoruph center of said Section
.'X, and terminating at north side
of Section 28, on slid half section
ine. (said road referred to is
known as a part of Road No. 105)
has reported in favor of the vaca
tion thereof; and all objections
hereto, or claims for damages,
must be tiled in the County Clerk's
Office on or before noon on the 5th
day of July, A. 1)., 1913, or such
road will be vacated "Without
reference thereto.
(Seal, D. C. MORGAN,
County Clerk.
IMattsniouth, Neb., May 1st,
County of Cass, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Rachel Adams, Deceased.
To All Persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that
there has been tiled in this court
petition for the aopointment of
an administrator of above estate.
That a hearing will he had upon
said petition before this court in
the Court House at Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, on the 31st day of May,
1913, at 2 o'clock p. in. of said
day. All objections thereto, if
anv. must be filed on or before
said day and hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal
of the County Court of said Coun
ty this 1 21 h day or May, 1913.
County Judge.
To All Whom It May Concern:
The Board of County Commis
sinners of Cass County have found
that the public good requires that
a mad be opened on the Section
line, commencing at a point
where Road No. 303, Cass County,
Nebraska, crosses the Section
line between Sections 8 and 17
Township 10 North., Range 13,
Cass county, Nebraska, running
thence East on s;r,l Section line
to Road No. 155 between Sections
9 and 10. Township 10 North,
Range 13, Cass Co.mty, Nebraska,
and all objections hereto, or
laiins for (lamag'3, must be tiled
in the County Clerk's ollice on or
lefore noon on tin; 1 T 1 1 1 day of
July. A. I). 1913. or such mad will
e opened wilhotil reference
(Seal; I). C. MOROAN,
County Clerk.
Plallsmouth. Neb.. May Dili,
To All Whom II May Concern
The Commissioner appoint
ed to examine and report a road
commencing al Hie Northeast
corner of Lot 2, Seel ion 20, Tow n
1 1 1 1 U Range 1 1, running tlienct
South along Ihc West bank of tin
Missouri river, as near as prac
lieablc, through Sections 20-29
and 33, Township 12, Range 1 i, lo
the head of Gorhcnoiir's Island,
I hence crossing I be slough, thenet
Soul I) along Hie East bank of tin
slough through Section 33, Town-
hip 12, Range 14, and through
Seel ion i, Township 11, Range 14,
and lermiiial ing on the South line
of Lol IT), in said Section, has re
ported in favor of Hie establish
nieiit thereof; and all objection
hereto, or claims for damages
must be filed in the Counly Clerk's
Office on or before
noon on the
25th day of July,, A. D. 1913, or
such road will lie established
without reference thereto.
(Seal) I). C. MORGAN,
County Clerk.
Plallsmouth, Neb., May 20th,
To admire, to Ioy, to regret, Is U
lire, Baul a gnat writer. Do Dot lot ta
regret be brought on by cough or cold,
which it treattxl when it first appeared
would have easily been controlled. Allei'l
Cough Balsam brings welcomed ruuei in suoh
cast. Contains no harmful ingredients.
a&c, 50o. and $1.00 bottles at all dealers.
Keep it Handy
For an mawney : -t
when or inddMi atrknM W
erma, nothing- la mora awful thin 1 I
4 vmmuti
(rtut bath')
Crampi, etc.
V - " - .!..'...!...?,
a a a) a a a a a
CAlS Cfl-KfY llEinS,
vwrv. - r - i - wv
I'he following is the program
for Ihc foi'tv -third annual com
mencement exercises of the Peru
Stale Normal school, Mav 18-23,
1913. at Peru. Neb.:
Sunday, May 18.
ll:(H) a. in r.accalaureale ser-
2:3u p. 111. Inion meeting .
M. C. A.. V. V. C. A., N. C. A.
and E. (i.
Monday, May 19.
8:00 -p. in. Everett open ses
Tuesday, May 20.
8:00 p. in. Pliilomathean open
Wednesday, May 21.
00 p. in. Base ball, Ihiane
vs. Peru.
8:00 p. in. Senior class play.
Thursday, May 22.
8:30 a. in. Final convocation.
Recital, Adelphian quartet.
10:00 a. in. Class day exercises
Toy painting class 1913.
Annual May festival.
2:30 p. in. The Messiah.
7:00 p. in. President's recep
8:30 p.m. Grand concert.
Friday, May 23.
10:00 a. in. Prelude concert.
10:30 a. in. Commencement ad
dress and graduating ex
12:30 ii. m. Alumni luncheon
and induction of class of
1913 into alumni association
Wednesday evening al 5:15 Hie
senior class wended llieir way io
Buck creek! where they held their
annual picnic. Mr. Wiley served
e luncheon promptly at 0:30 p
in. tine very important leaune
i a r ... I
of the picnic was the burying of
the '-tronhv box." which will be
duur up in two years by the alumni
class of 'ir.
The graduates of May 23 from
Cass county are: l-.ditn inn
Vmick, Noel Tyson, William R
Roellger, Nellie Nickel. Hulda
Raaoss. llnwena Pollard and
Florence Wilkinson.
l'hose graduating al the end o
summer sciiooi are: i.uciic miss
Mar . Jameson and Radio
Friday morning the "19 1:
eruvians" will be distributed
These "Peruvians are considered
the best thai have ever been put
out by the senior classes, as wt
as I he most expensive.
The Peru base ball team has
been making a tour during I his
Mnmlav Ibev played Ihc York
Slate league lea
Score: York
8; Peru. 1.
TucMlav. Coiner. Scon
12; Coiner, 8.
Wednesday. Weslexan. Scon
We.-b-yan. 0: Peru. 2.
Thur.-ilav. Iioaue. Score. )oan
3; Peru. 11.
Friday I hey play Kearney and
then relurn home Saturday after
noon, when they will play Wes-
leyan here.
Leader-Echo. ;
Mi. Frank Cook returned
Sunday evening from a visit with
relatives at Plattsmouth.
C. W. Kral'l, former M. P.
agent here, was shaking hands
Willi old Elniwood friends Monday.
Edgar Stolz of Milford came in
Saturday for a few days' visit, with
his sister, Mrs. David Kunz, jr.
R. S. fiordan of Hillings, Mont.,
is paying an extended visit to bis
daughter, Mrs. William Hulllsh.
(irandma Hollenbeck's fine tulip
bed was robbed Sunday night.
The evil designing miscreant
should be apprehended and
brought before the proper ofllcials
as a public example
Dr. Trenholm will be absent
from his dental parlors Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday, May 19,
20 and 21, when he will be iu at
tendance at the state dental con
vention in Omaha.
Miss Edith Abel of Wyoming, a
former resident of this place, is
enjoying a visit wltn jsimwooa
friends. She is on her way home
from Chicago, where she' has
been attending school.
Mrs. I. M. Liston of Lane, Kas.,
is enjoying a visit with her son,
Dr. 0. E. Liston. But the new
granddaughter is the principal
attraction for Mrs. Liston here at
this particular time.
Ed Penterman left . Tuesday
morning for Springfield, Illinois,
lo participate in the deliberations
of Ihe national Woodmen insurg
ent convention at that place as
one of the Nebraska delegates.
Frank P. Sheldon of Nehawka
came up lasl evening from his
home lo look after business mai
lers. '
Local News
l'i..m TueMlay- Pally.
l'r. tl. II. (iiluioie came tip this
morning from .Murray to look af-
er business matters al the court
I.. 1). lliatt, the Murray mer
hant, was in the city today for
few hours looking after business
Oeorge A. KafTenberger was in
own today for a few hours look
ing alter some trading with t lie
Menry (iuthinann and wife
ame over from Murdock yester-
lay to make a short visit with
datives in this city.
W. C. Hamilton came over this
morning from Red Oak, Iowa, to
look after his property in the
north part of the city.
Stuart Janda of Havelock was
here yesterday for a few hours
visiting with his relatives in this
city, returning to his home yes
terday afternoon.
Mrs. E. E. Roesner of Lincoln,
who was visiting here with her
irother, George Lushinsky and
family, over Sunday, returned to
her home this morning on the
arly Burlington train.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spangler
and daughter were visitors in this
city Saturday. Mrs. Spangler and
daughter called at this ollice and
enewed the subscription of Peter
Spangler at Weeping Water.
Louie Puis and family, of the
vicinity of Murray, motored to
this cilv Saturday for a visit with
friends and to allend lo business
matters. While here Mr. Puis
was a pleasant caller at itns
ollice and renewed his allegiance
to I he Old Reliable for another
From Wednesday's Dally.
Frank McElroy of Lincoln came
own last evening on No. 2 to at
tend to some business matters for
a lime.
M. (i. Churchill of Murray was
in the city today for a few hours,
coining up on tne cany Missouri
Pacific train.
W. F. (iillespio of Mynard was
in I he oily last evening for a few
hours en route from Omaha lo
his home.
II. P. Smith of Weeping Water
was in the city for a few hours
today looking after business mat
ters al I he court house.
(ieorge M. llild of Mynard was
in the cily today for a few hours
looking after some business mat
lers with Ihe merchants.
William Ieleslcrnier, the Elm-
wood attorney, was in the cily lo
day looking after some legal
mailers at the court house.
mv. Hoy noycr 01 iiarua, .on.,
arrived this morning to visit Here
for a lime with her mother, Mrs.
I. N. Cmuinings and family.
I. 1. Shrader drove up Ibis
:;;ei'iiing from his home near
Murray and spoil' a few hours
here looking al'ler nine business
Mrs. E. ,1. ElhriJge of Creen
wood arrived lat evening over the
Liiilingloii and will make a shor
visit here wild her sisler. Mrs. S
E. Mi'Elwain.
Mrs. 11. W. Livingston and Mrs.
Lloyd (lapen departed lasl even-
ins on No. 2 for Peru, w here I hey
will allend (he graduating exer
cises of Ihe normal school.
Charley McCuire departed this
morning on ,n, l. lor usmonii,
Neb., to make a shorl visit wilh
his sisler, Miss Mary, who is
leaching there.
D. F. Foster, wife and daugh-
ler, Miss Nellie of Taroma, Wash
inglon, arrived this morning from
Winlersel, la., where I hey had
been attending the funeral of the
late Dr. E. W. Foster, and will
visit for a few days with Mrs.
Foster's sister, Mrs. Val Murkd
and family.
Farm for Sale.
Anyone wanting to buy a farm
would do well to see W. R. Tlryan,
county assessor.
For Sale.
New buggy, ahrnoss and No. 1
sinple driver. Outfit at the home
of Geo. Marks, Nehawka.
Wes Kivett.
Buy your fanoy
the Journal office.
stationery at
Lousy Chic
Oirm thm a charge.
Kill the lie wltn. .
r )'. ...J v... v...i. hot!), rlilrka.
Gtt l'ratta I'rjflt-
I'm a ii, ! f
aliarlnn Dooklet.
i no-race
Ir tiv Mali
J. V. Egcnbcrgcr
2 More Cases
of our
Famous Darnproof Sox
are on the way
We expect them here by the time you read this
ad. The sale on these sox has been so great that
the mills could not supply the demand. We have
been obliged to disappoint a good many by this de
lay, but you will find them here now.
6 pairs for 60c guaranteed 6 months
This makes 6500 pairs handled by us
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Always the Home of Satisfaction
Mr. Nessin was in Omaha Fri
Ever body put in the day fish
ing Sunday.
R. N. Thomson has charge of
the cream station.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Schneider
were shopping in riaiisinouin
Mrs. Anna (livens was here
visiting her sister, Mrs. WollV,
W. II. Meisinger, who has been
ick for Ihe past week, is able to
be out again.
Everybody is cleaning up llieir
ols and making the town look
like something.
Judge Newell, W. D. Jones and
Mr. 1 ncke were trying their
hand catching bass Friday.
The Heat rice Creamery Co. has
opened up a cream station in
Cedar Creek. We are coming to
Ihe front.
J. W. WollT and wife went to
Omaha after Mr. olll s oar,
which he had in Omaha gelling
. Our blacksmith, .James John
son, was in Louisville Friday
night, Ihe first time in six
months. He stayed at home.
Mr. and Mrs. (1. P. Meisinger
OflBUCI 40
Here Is a rooneysavlng proposition for prospective
home builders. Read this wonderful building offer.
Duys All the
to Build this '
6 Room
Price includes1 all
lumber, mill work,
lath, shingles, sid
inc flooring, ceil-
J ,'f v Fv( t.-uJ Ui?
inp, finishing lumber, building paper, pipe, gutter, sash weights and hard
ware. Price is at mill or factory. Ask us for freight-paid price
This is Our House Design No. 2362
Economy of floor space and low cost of construction are the eontpio
uoui features of this house, and these arc items that appeal to a very large
number of people. It is also neat and roomy and has an ttractiT p
pearanc from the outside.
Free Book of Plans.
Th handiomcat book ever pak
liihcd ol in kind. Show the lati-sl t(
nniern, up to-datc deaium of liousca, bun
galows ana barns. Krcn to all prospective
buildrrs. Contains a world ol valuable in
formation. If you inti-nd to build doot
delay ssoding for Ibis valuable book.
Consult Us.
If you wish any tnforaaatloa 00 the
building subject w are here to live it to
you irae ol chart1.
Our vait experience enables us to show
you lb "abort-auto" of bulldlaf oae
ratios., as well as selections of materials.
Don't hesitate to ask ui lor toy inlet na
tion Deeded.
Call and Seo Us Doforo Buying
Before building a boxe you should call at our office and let as figure on the materials,
and after yea seaaa sag faatlaas from our extended eiperlence. Wa eaa save yaa
aeaaey end help you to build the most ettrascUve and confoftabw boa aosiible lor the
sooty you base to spend.
10c lb is our established price for this season for first
quality standard binder twine made 1913. This twine
has not been stored in some warehouse for several years,
but will be shipt direct from the factory from this year's
stock, assuring you of pet -J 'ect binder twine that is so good
that we have had our name printed on the tag, which in
dicates that we personally guaranteeewery poundof the
twine that leaves our yard. This price is spot cash, 4c
per pound higher lor credit 10c lb.
Cedar Greek Lumber Company
and son, Erwin, and Henry Their
olf, wife and baby went to Spring
field to spend the day Sunday.
Friday being the last day of
school they had exercises at the
school house in the afternoon, at
which there was a good attend
ance of the patrons of the school.
C. K. Melzger of Mynard and
Ralph DulT came in Saturday
morning in a car, bringing their
friends and spending the day
catching bass.
0. P. Meisinger went to I'latts
inoulli Saturday and turned in his
assessor's book, being the fourth
man done wilh Ihe job. O. P.
always pushes things along.
Thursday was Walter Hessin
llow's rwenly-third birthday and
he celebrated it by having a fish
ing parly in the evening. Every
body enjoyed a good time, but
Waller could not get any fish.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
an moriMirjr will dnroljr di-ntroy Dip wniii ot nmctl
nml im plftrly (lfrttiiKn tlif Hhtilp HTHtmu when
viitcrliiir It IhroiiKb tbe imicotM mirfucvH. Nurfe
mil lc hIiouIiI nciiT lit" uni'il rici'pt oil pirwrlp
tlniia from ri'putaulp ihylcllii, the dnuiK
thi'T will (to la ti'U fold to tin Rootl Jou ran xa
Mlily iIitItk from tht'tn. liiill'a Catarrh Curw.
nmtiiifai'turi'il lijr V. J. Chciicjr A Co., Toloilo, O.,
nmtiilaa no iniTriiry, and la taken Intoriiallr,
m l inn illi'iM'tly iiKin the lilmxl anil miicoua aur
fni'i of tl rli,ni. In buying llall'a C'atnrrb
( iin- ! auri you itrt Hi" (tcinilni'. It I t.ikrn
1 1 i t -r 1 1 1 1 1 1 ami niailo In ToWmIo, Ohio. Iy K. J.
( lii'in y ti Co. 'IVatlmoiilula fri'O,
f"M lijr Dr(ilt. Trice. Vte. per tut tic.
Tiiki- llull'l Family I'll I for coimtlliutlua.
4S:i f Bit
We Save You Money.
No ethar eoaaera saake yao
eaeh low priaaa oo building material for
a house design such as we show above.
Buying direct from mill and factories lo
enormous quantities for spot cash enables
na to usJt-rsell all competition.
We ar aaliatad with. eaaall
rati which means ao imaieose saving lo
Plans Frees
We Bake ao ekarfo tor tba alaae
lor the house design illustrated above.
Others would ask from S2 to $35 and not
be in a position to give yon the aereeaal
Ueatiea necessary.