The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 22, 1913, Image 2

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    111 0 OR OF
Shower at Rosencrans Home in
Honor of Misses Ethel Ballance
and Virginia McDaniel.
The handsome Hoscncrans
home on Vine street was (ho scene
of a most enjoyable event yester
day afternoon, when Mrs. V. K
Rosencrans entertained for two
of the season's most charming
brides. The affairs were in the
nature of shows, that of Miss
Ethel Ballance being a kitchen
shower, while Miss Virginia Mc
Daniel was tendered a miscel
laneous shower.
The invitations had announced
to the guests that they were to
come with their thimbles, and on
arrival at the scene of the de
lightful gathering were given an
apron which they were requested
to hem, and much amusement
was derived at this plying of the
busy needle. During the after
noon the company of young ladies
were favored with several very
pleasing musical numbers, Mrs.
(ieorge II. Falter playing a
musical number and also accom
panying Miss Catherine Dovey,
who gave one of her usual beauti
ful vocal selections, as did also
Mrs. H. fi. Rawls, who was accom
panied by B. A. Hoscncrans. Miss
Marie Douglass gave a reading
which was greatly appreciated by
everyone present, as it was one of
the treats of the afternoon.
For the gathering the rooms
of the home had been decorated
in a most lavish and artistic
manner with hearts ami American
Beauty roses, which made tin; oc
casion one of exceptional beauty
for the happy gathering of so
many of I ho young ladies of t he
city. The refreshments were most
templing and delicious and were
served in a manner in keeping
with the approaching nuptials of
the guests of honor, the heart and
red and white color schemes be
ing used. Mrs. Rosencrans was
assisted in serving by Misses
Nora Hoscncrans, Janet Patter
son, Lillian Dwyer and Mary
Following the serving of the re
freshments the brides-to-be were
asked to unwrap the gifts that
had been brought by their friends
and which tilled I wo large baskets
and much enjoyment and pleas
lire was Tell as they would un
wrap some gift that will remind
them in the days to come of the
many friends who had gathered
with them on this delightful oc
The invited gue.sls of the pleas
ant event were: Misses Catherine
Dovey. Ilallie Parmele, Kdna
Peterson, Kmnia Bauer, Ksllier
Larson, Clara Austin, Alice Tuey,
Margaret Scotten, Marie Filz
gerald, lone Dovey, llermie Spies
Lucille (, (lertrude Morgan
Libel Leyda, Violet Dodge, Clara
Mockcnhaupl, Bess Ldwards
Opal Fitzgerald, Helen Spies
Charlolte Feler, F.llen Pollock
Marie Douglass, Christine Soen-
nichsen, Florence While, Malbildi
Soennichseii, Anna llassler, Mes.
dames (5. II. Faller, H. (J. Rawls
F.d Kgcnberger, Misses (irelchen
and Marie Donnelly.
Luncheon at Burroughs' Home.
Tin. It. ners of the Christian!
church held their luncheon at the
home of Mrs. Burroughs yester
day afternoon. There were a
large number of the ladies and
friends of this organization in at
tendance, who while! away a
most enjoyable afternoon in a
social time, interspersed with
other amusements. At the proper
ime an excellent three-course
luncheon was served, Mrs. Bur
roughs being assisted in serving
by Mesdames C M. Manners and
Tvler. The ladies realized a neat
sum, which was very pleasing to
those in charge.
The senior class of the High
school will give their class play
Monday evening, May 2t. The
annual graduating exercises will
be held Wednesday evening, May
28. Both of these events will be
held in the Parmele theater and a
cordial invitation is extended to
the public to attend. Further an
nouncement wili appear later in
the week. Following is the com
mencement calendar:
Junior-Senior reception, May
23, M. V. A. hall.
Baccalaureate sermon, May 25,
resbylerian church.
Senior class play, May 2(5, Par-
melt; theater.
Commencement, May 28, Par
mele theater.
The baccalaureate sermon will
be preached by the Rev. M. W.
.oriiner at the Presbyterian
burch. The public is cordially
invited. . The Rev. Ernest Wray
O'Neal of Chicago will deliver the
commencement address, fn order
o secure him we hail to change
the date of Hit commencement
from May 29 to May 28.
The Employes of the Burlington
Take Much Interest in
These Talks.
It is understood that the au
lliorihes at Louisville last even
ing apprehended two men near
that city who are supposed to be
Hie men who stole the learn from
Lincoln Saturday night ami
brought it to this city, where it
was found on the edge of town
Monday night. The men will b
taken lo Lincoln lo see if il is
possible lo identify them there,
and may be brought to this cily,
as several parties claim lo have
met the men with the team north
and west of I he city. The author
ities here gal hered up a number
of strangers, but they all failed
lo answer I he description of the
men supposed lo have been wit!
Ihe team, ami were turned looso
The sheriff of Lancaster county
and bis deputies have been on the
hunt for the men, ami if it is pos
sible o liml tlieni l ney will cer
tainly run then) down.
Yesterday the lectures given at
Ihe safety car by Mr. Thomas, of
the bureau of safety of the Bur
lington, drew out a large attend
ance of the men employed in the
shops to listen lo the interesting
talk on the means of preventing
so many of the injuries that oc
cur in I lie railroad service.
There were a number of slides
shown that depicted the different
forms that are most common in
accidents in railroad work, and all
of which are caused by careless
ness on Ihe part of someone. The
slides showing the upturned nails
in a board brought out what is
one of the most frequent ac
cidents in railroad work,' and
which some months ago caused
from thirl y-five to forty accidents
of this kind over the Burlington
system. The safety committee
began to take the matter in hand,
and as a result Ihe number was
decreased to about fifteen a
month, and the employes all over
the system are beginning to take
notice and whenever a board with
a nail in it is lounii U is either
urned down or thrown into a
ubbish pile where there is no
anger of anyone walking on it.
Accidents, such as stepping on
ails or getting lingers or hand
mashed by hammers are the most
frc(ucnt in this city and Ihe
areful attention that was given
Mr. Thomas at Ihe lecture show-
I the interest Ihe men are tak
ing in the mailer.
Throughout Ihe shops every ef
irt is being made lo cut down to
le lowest possible figure the
umber of accidents, ami it is a
matter lo feel very much pleased
over I Hal trie number ot serious
accidents are growing less each
ly. The lectures given by Mr.
i'lioiiias are well worth attend
ing and anyone is beneliteu by
seeing the slides and especially
when it is remembered the large
number of trespassers killed
very year on Ihe property, of the
ompany, where I hey will go, re
gardless of Ihe fact that they en-
langer their lives by so doing.
Last evening at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. (ieorge P.
Weidman, occurred the marriage
of two of Pliittsmotith's most
popular young people, in the per
sons of Mr. Nelson Jean and Miss
Frances Weidman. The wedding
was a very quiet home affair, in
compliance with the wish of the
contracting parlies, and was at
tended by some thirty of the rela
tives of the bride and groom. The
pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church, Rev. M. W. Lorimer, per
formed the ceremony promptly at
8 o'clock, which united these
worthy young people, and after
receiving the congratulations of
the families of both and a few
hours of enjoyment, they depart
ed for their home, which the
groom had prepared for his
bride, and they will make their
home here in Ihe future. The
contracting parties were both
born and reared in this county
and their friends throughout are
legion and they will have the best
wishes of all for their future hap
Superintendent of Shops Wil
iain Baird returned yesterday
from Aurora, Illinois, where he
was in attendance at the funeral
of Mr. Forsyth, the shop superiu
lendenl in that city. The funera
was largely attended by railroad
men from all departments of the
railroad service. The represent
aiives from the mechanical de
parlment of the lines west of the
Missouri river were: Thomas
Hoop of Lincoln, superintendent
of motive power; William Acker
man, shop superintendent at
llavelock, and Mr. Baird. The
funeral was the largest ever held
in that city, and besides the
officials of the Burlington there
were some 500 employes of the
Aurora shops in the procession
which accompanied the body to
its last resting place. Mr. For
fyth was ono of tho most popular
men In the service of the com
pany and his death was very much
regretted by tho citizens o
Aurora, as well as the Burlington
LOST A small brown Cocker
spaniel, answers to name
"Brownie." Last seen following
farm wagon out of town. Parties
knowing whereabouts please
notify Journal office.
The Dawn of Safety.
here was a time not long ago-
nd all you folks know this is so,
When people thought I lie railroad
Was full of perils. So it is.
Hut much depends on circum
11 we are wise and take no
But leach our heads to save our
Tis now an era new begins.
dawn dispels Ihe gloom of
railroad men have seen the
And now lo one firm purpose
They guard themselves from ac
Nor fail to keep this end in view,
To save "the oilier fellow," too.
They gladly turn from risks
And shout Ihe watchword, "Safety
F. B. T.
Egg! 55
' (' Vh
. i I 11 '" V Is
TF California put the pan in
Japan, who put the ring (zero) in
Spring? Be that as it may it's already half-past
Spring and almost straw-hat-o'clock now, and the dy
ing Winter's chill has had its last turn.
Lightweight clothes, and the warm
weather furnishing demand your attention now 'for
the coming half year's wear.
We're ready for you with a com
plete stock of warm weather wearables-everything
that's new and right. We'll be glad
to show you any day.
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hais
iroup No.
At I lie meeting of
of Ihe Slale Banke
lion, held in Lincoln yesterday,
the meeting honored one of (lass
county's young men Dale S.
Boyles, of Alvo by electing him
to Hie ollice of vice president. Mr.
Boyles is a graduate of the Uni
versity or .Nebraska, where he was
i student, at the law school, and
since ins return has been in
terested in Ihe Bank of Alvo with
his father, S. 0. Boyles, and is a
young man or exceptional talent
and ability and is thought very
highly of in his home town on ac
count of his genial and upright
character, and the meeting at
Lincoln, in selecting him, cer
tainly secured Ihe right man for
the right dace.
The "Poverty Ball," to be given
Saturday evening at Coates' hall,
will be one of the features of the
dancing season. Those desiring
to take a prize wear their old
clothes, but everyone can dance,
regardless of costume.
Doings In County Court.
In the county court yest'erday
Judge Allen J. Heeson appointed
a special administrator in the
Christian David Kunz estate,
which is being contested by one
of Hie sons of the deceased. Aug
usl Bornenieier was appointed
administrator by the judge.
This morning the judge found
lime to make two more hearts
happy by the issuance of a mar
riage license to James Pearson,
2 1, and Miss Mable Boot,
22, bolh of Dexter, Iowa.
Spring Vegetables.
The food in Ihe springtime
should receive better attention
than it generally does, especially
unripe vegetables and strawber
ries containing too much acid.
Vegetables, cooked thoroughly,
are good for everybody, but
should not form an exclusive
diet. Uncooked vegetables and
strawberries may be the cause of
various eruptions, rheumatism
and diarrhoea. As soon as you
will notice some uneasiness, use
Triner's American Klixir of Bitter
Wine, which will not allow the
0 ferment in Ihe intestines.
1 clean nut the body and
it in working order, which
means pure blood. It will give
you energy, new strength. It is
good for stomach ills and for in
testinal disorders. At drug stores.
Jos. Triner, 1333-1339 So. Ash
land ave Chicago, III. Pains in
muscles and joints usually yield
at once to Triner's Liniment.
Sure Is "Some" Cook.
Yesterday afternoon as J. C.
York was coming down from his
home in the Second ward he dis
covered quite a number of the
biggest and llnest mushrooms
that has been seen this season,
and gathered them up and
brought, them with him to his
barber shop and later in the aft
ernoon prepared them in a man
ner as only he can, and to say
that I hey were the best ever, is
putting it mildly. It is to be
hoped Mr. York will find Wore of
these mushrooms.
It wi
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
1 I
Manager C. S. Johnson of the
Boosters has decided to change
the date which il was expected to
play the M. K. Smith ball team of
Omaha and instead will take on
the J. S. Cross team, one of the
fastest in tho metropolis and
which can be depended upon to
give tho fans their money's worth
in a fast game. This season the
Crosses have started out with a
tine record and are ranked among
lb' best in tho big city. The game
will be called at 3 o'clock Sunday,
and those who enjoy a good, fast
game should be on hand early, as
the fans will all be out to see the
Boosters go up against this
aggregation of fast ball players.
Gasoline Engine for Sale.
Almost now 3-horse Interna
tional late mode! gasoline engine
for sale cheap. This engine lias
been used but very little and is in
perfect running order and will be
sold at a great bargain if taken
soon. Apply at the Journal office.
Thomson, Dentist, Qund Bldg,
Having made a bargain pur
chase in a limited numbsr of 27x54 Axmin
ister rugs, we will make a special for
These are mostly of floral design and cannot
be beat for the money anywhere.
Do Not Forget Our Linoleum Department
Printed Patterns at 65 to 70c
Inlaid " " 98c to $1.48
few of the extra large Axminister
rugs just received in conventional designs
sizes range from 10-6x136-10, to 12x13-6
A large assortment of 9x12 rugs always on
hand. When in doubt call.