Slate Historical Sbo 4t PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1913. VOL. XXXII. NO. 40. IP WILL IT PROVE HI Suspicions in That Direction Are Quite Clear, Considering the Surounding Circumstances. f From Tuesday's Pan. What may develop into a case of horse stealing was brought to light yesterday afternoon, when Miss Anna Kopia, who is teaching at the school house near the cemetery, telephoned in to the sheriff's ollice that a carriage had been left at the school house some time Sunday or Saturday night, and Deputy Sheriff Man speaker at once hastened to the scene of action and found the buggy to be in excellent shape and had evidently been used for ex tensive traveling, as there were a number of towels and cooking utensils in it, as well as some vegetables. 4 There was no trace of the horses to bo found in the locality where the vehicle was discovered and the buggy was brought on to this city, where a few hours later word was brought by Lester Bur rows that he had discovered strange team near the home of Henry Born, a few miles west of this city on the Louisville road, which had evidently come some distanceand which had all the signs of having broken loose from where they had been tied, as the reins were torn quite badly. ,The team was also brought in to the city by Sheriff Quinton and the different sections throughout this part of the state will be notified to try and locate the place from which the team was taken or strayed. The team i9 a good one and consists of a black horse and a" mare and are worth quite a sum of money if the party taking them had been able to dis pose of them. The authorities made a thorough search of the country where the team and buggy were found, but failed to secure any clow as to where the parties bringing I hem here had disappeared to. All those who were here yesterday were rounded up by the officers, but they failed to find any stranger who looked like lie was involved in the affair. The Riley Hotel. M At last Plattsmouth is to have a good, up-to-date hotel. The Hotel Riley is a fine building, but it lias been owned by outside parties who never took any in terest in the place or cared whether the city had a first-class hostlery or not. J. P. Falter, one of the substantial men of Platts mouth, recently purchased the Riley, will have it put in lirst- elass condition and will see that it is run in first-class shape. Mr. Falter is an enterprising citizen and our neighboring city is to be A few days ago we had the op congratulated that f this Splendid portunity of watching a bunch of property has passed into his city jjUSjness men prepare for a hands. Plattsmouth is enjoying ... H1IS FOR DAUGHTERS 10 o o mm Every Day We Form Some of the Brightest Memory Pictures of Boyhood Days. The Young Friends of Miss Vir ginia McDanlel Enjoy Pleas ant Afternoon. From Wednesday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. J. E. It mi McDaniel entertained in a most much prosperity these days and . .,.-',,... ww assumed charming manner at a 5 o'clock this latest boost is sure., hailed lo '""company them, we assumed .,,, nt I ,, . . i 01 i U'O JUi (I 11 mi unlit v uu uun va with satisfaction by all her-.good ratner giau.y uie roie oi innocenu dauglll(M.( Mjss Virginia, in people. Lincoln Herald. TROOP 110 SCOUTS OF AMERICA bystander. I lunuir nf lhr iinrinnncpmi'ill (if lllu The men were only going for a forthcoming marriage of her day or two, but by the time they (laughter to Mr. John W. Allen of were ready to start each one had Salina, Kansas, which is to occur spent several dollars. Special ja this city Saturday, May 31, suits, jointed rods, reels, bait, 191 3.: Doxes, llies, sleeping cois aim pio- Th ,., 0r the McDaniel visions enougn ior a smaii army lumit. VV(T0 tt coiat el in a most had to be accumulated before the 1 1 tf,,i manner and the merrv From Tuesday' Dally- At a called meeting of the boys of Plattsmouth, held at the Com mercial club room last evening, the preliminary arrangements were made for the organization of Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts of America, under the certificate of authority as scout master, issued by the national council to Rev, Allan G. Wilson as scout master The general requirements of the parly considered itself equipped. At the outset we had regretted our inability to accompany the party, but, after a view of the ac cumulated "impedimenta' we party; of young ladies enjoyed themselves in social conversation and music until 0:30, when they were invited to the dining room by the hostess, and hero a scene were glad to be counted out. And of preal ,ailly was presented, as wiien we saw ineni come ijuck a couple of days later, wit 11 six small fish for (lie bunch and a 1 1 1 1 1 i i. : - ( ai'K nrown tusie ior eai u in dividual, we were more than ever satisfied to have stayed away. For we could not but remember organization were complied with . . . , n-hln' in'ns and applications signed by a large L)a(.k (m Uie farni, forming some numoer 01 me uos. xue io.iu- . .. ..:,,,, m,imm.v niehire ing appointments were made by iu m.o1,.cUo18 of)Ul. boy Ihe scout master: lwwi . .iva alli1inm ,ii,i vn Assistant scout muster, . n. .tronm nf Mshina- when Ihe Egenberger; .senior patro leader walher was IU for work hl the and drill master, patrol No. 1, fl(ll(is lmt wnon a soakinK rain Evan Noble; patrol leader No. 2 d lh(; flo(s lo(, to and corporal, varies uovey, pa- cuI(ivate or a iweriiif? sky check iroi leauer io. o anu curporui, . ,1QI,vnc. ,lP iinvino- it iii n Harris Cook; assistant patrol r . f, mmnnn(a ,n ilim n . if u ur ci...:ik. ""' " v. leaoer :o. 1, naroiu w . smiuui,, x. -1 y 1. if.111 . Xr . o .o. rrariK luuuuews, no. 0,1.,. ..,,, ,, h- lln..i .. , . . . ... i-.i 'v ...... v uoneri reters; junior pit 1 01 ieuu- amJ ft nai f)(I ,inkor er, uoneri nenry neroiu; scout rnneh, fis,, Tia,., adjutant, Ralph Marshall; scout , , ,,,., if ,,. ,.:,,., Later. The team was identified this morning as being the properly of Bart Roberts, living five miles east of Lincoln, and they were stolen from the corner of Thir teenth and N streets in that city Saturday night about 9 o'clock, so tho parties taking them did not get a great ways with the team. Deputy Sheriff Antells of Lan caster county, accompanied by L. L. Roberts, a brother of the man losing the horses, came down this morning and at once identified the animals. The sheriff in his trip over Ihe locality where the horses were found learned of the pres ence in that locality Sunday night, of two strangers, who stopped Fred Nolting while on his way liomo on that evening and at tempted to secure his money or valuables, but fortunately he had nothing on him and he was al lowed lo go by the men, who were later seen by John Weherbein near his home, but there being nothing suspicious about the fel lows he did not report tho mat tor. It is quite unlikely that they an be found now, as they have probably made their getaway on the, train. Suit Filed Today. Frem Tuesday's Dally. Buit was tiled today in the county court by the Richardson Soale Co. of Passaic, New Jersey, against John Tighe of Manley, al leging that the defendant entered into an agreement to purchase a special made scale of them, which was to cost $250 on cars at Pas saic, and the amount paid on April 1, 1912. The company claims it delivered Ihe scale on December 10, 1913, at Manley and it was refused by Mr. Tigho as not satisfactory and the company now wants to recover judgment for the ufoount. FOREST ROSE Tho best flour en the market. Give it a trial. Ihe decorations were very artistic and elaborate and were a beauti ful setting for the company of charmingly gowned young ladies The table was very handsome with its while linen and sparkling silver and cut glass and I lie cen lerpiece of American Beauty roses, surrounded by hearts and cupids. The place cards were cupids with the date May 31th on them, and were very handsome as well as unique. From the chan deliver streamers of white satin ribbon were draped to the four corners 01 trie tame ami Hearts were interspersed on the ribbon, while' from "the chandelier was uiiutiemleil I wo In rue henrls with ,uw iu'i" " " """' the iAilials "M" and "A" in an nouncenient of Ihe approaching happy event. Red candelabrum with lighted candles cast a soft glow over Ihe scene of beauty ami made a very artistic touch to tho decorations of the room Mrs. McDaniel was assisted in serving the live-course luncheon bv Miss Nora Rosencrans. I ol- come back with a good string in the evening, we felt like agreeing with father that Ihe day had been wasted. We have seen the great ball doctor, Dr. J. S. J.ivingston; scout drumer, Juno Marshall; cout bugler, George Dovey; local advisory committee, A. L. Tidd, Dr. J. S. Livingston, E. H. Wes- cott. (.;. u. friCKe, vv. n. r.gen berger, M. S. Briggs, Mrs. G. E )ovey, Dr. C. A. Marshall, Thomas Kennish, Allan G. Wilson The movement is starting out most promising, and before many weeks the scouts will be able to start in active work and it will prove a pleasant as we means of employing ads during their summer vaca- lii.i. qiiji 4 tin nrirfliw7!iHnti will fin I .i innr in .nr. lull-tl . u ti I Mfll't roll a great manv new members""""'.. ... . "Ul vantages oi euucuieu msies unu then in the same breath bemoan Ihe high cost of living. Give us the ability to educate men and women back to where they can again feel the keen joy they knew In Honor of Miss Edwards. From Vftdnesisy's Dally. Mrs. C. S. Johnson very pleas antly entertained a few school mates and intimate friends last Thursday afternoon, from to 8, for her sister, Miss Bessie Ed wards. The rooms of the John son home were pre! lily decorated. delicious luncheon was served in picnic style in one of the rooms, which had been decorated in a manner which made the guests feel that they were really enjoying n meal out of doors. Mrs. H. B. Holmes of South Omaha was the only out-of-town guest. S A Kitchen Apron Shower. From Wednesday's Daily. Monday evening, May 19, Miss Esther Larson entertained six teen young ladies at a kitchen apron shower at her homo on West Marble street in honor of Miss Bessie Edwards. The house had been appropriately decorated and hemming dust cloths and other amusements planned by the hostess furnished plenty of amusement for the guests. Miss Crete Briggs captured the prize an apron in the hemming con- est. A three-course luncheon was served, after which Miss Ed wards was showered with kitchen aprons. 0 DU 0 E AT SCHOOL F00 BLIND Receives Invitation to Be Present at Graduating Exercises of the School for the Blind. PASSED III CITY Forger Cashes Two Checks Sup posed to Have Been Drawn by F. R. Gobelman. parks in eastern cities where men ,m, ilII)rHeon the ladies pay two, three and five dollars to see a single game; we have sal, iu a box that cost more than we dare mention for each seat and listen ed to the world's arlists in music and drama. And we saw far less ell as useful n'al anient there than at the fu ,,anniiuw r the young mes between Squash Corners fri,MH, j ,1PP ne. and Sylerville or the Friday night literaries" at the country school adjourned lo I lie parlors, where the lime was most delightfully pent, in music and dancing Ihe Virginia peel until a late hour, when the guests departed for their homes, with the wish for the ss and joy of their new home. 1,1. E. SMITH IDEALS WILL BE HERE NEXT SUNDAY CELEBRATES HER TWELFTH BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY From Wednesday's Dally. On Monday afternoon the in simple childhood pleasures and friends of Miss Thelma Hudson we will slip the high cost of liv- decided lo join her in Ihe celebra- inir a lo t that will make it take hi. m nf !u luelftli nnniversarv Sunday will permit uie grounus 10 ,, c,nUt And then we will cot nmi immiier at ilu.m lrniliereil at. dry Uie M. h. Nimn media win ne ((U. o)d Har0Wi i,aok off a crook- h,,.,- home in Ihe soulh nail of the ed willow pole ami hope for an- cjy (0 take pail iu the enjoyment other rainy day so we can go ,,f (he. afternoon. The young From Tuesday's Dally. If the weather between now and seen here Sunday lo do battle with the Boosters at their park. The Smith team is anxious to come here, as having a factory in this city they are very much de sirious of paying us a visit and will lake the opportunity to come down Sunday. The loam is one of tho best of the younger learns iu Omaha and has been giving a irood record of themselves that ought to make them a good draw. ing card for the people here. fish in1 again. GALLED TO CHICAGO ON ACCOUNT OF ILLNESS THE RILEY HOTEL BARBER folks, after extending their con graduations to the ilttle lady, proceeded to enjoy themselves in games and social conversation until Mrs. O. C. Hudson invited Ihein to partake of a most dainty and templing luncheon, which filled out a day of great pleasure lo all. and it was with regret that "-.rrn-nnh a,.,,,,,, they departed for their home, wife and little son departed fowishing Miss Thelma many happy m.;,.n,. ...i n. ... nrt,i mruiuuys m uiv uiuiif. ahu by lf!ll ll .oll.n f fn Altmnn Tl,n nnu o Vm IllTillO LutZ, MalllO LCC COpen was a very severe shock to the havor' Klizaboth Wynn and the AII.,o r.. a M,n.u, mAn K'H-.M ui IIUI1UI. Ain.iiiia IIUU.iuu, in niuii laiuin, un iuvik iiuu uuuu , no intimation of Ihe illness of tho a message announcing the 'or a'.o'.n wj: Uh of Alfred Wuensche, a Misses Una lay and Lva t.ook, gentleman and Ihe message did mi. .1 i l i Hibv Wluw- uU.uv ml I... limb c '"any niemis oi uie possession this morning. Mr. Matters In the County Court. From Wedneiday'a Dallv. In county court today petition was filed asking for a settlement of the estate of Mrs. Eliza Sexton, deceased, who passed away at her Krom Tuesday' Daily Ynef ei' I lie ilenl u :w Closed whereliv It s. Kin-er nf Oninha I not siaie uie cause oi ins ueuui Veco-nes the owner of the Hotel Meynl that it had been quite sud- aen ltnian family in this city will I 1 I ll. . ' II 1 I ' ,f ' " Kinser is a genUcuittn who 1M . r r. ii sj.i.puu.y i hnn,p in IlillCflln a f(.w months had some thirly-llve e.ars' ex- u,,m 1,1 ,m ir ,l,1,!',M in,Hl' nun. and who was the owner of perience in the barber biuiuc? lot. 9, in block 40, in this cily. The in the larger cities and will spare For 5ale conlested will case of Mrs. Delia no expense to give his patrons the I havo a two-cylinder Reo auto, Schwab, which was set for hear best service that it is possible to in good shape, I hat I will trade ing t his morning was by consent give. He is a very clover gentle- for Independent Harvester stock, of the parties to the contest con man and it. does one good to meet Stock must bo paid for. If inter- tinned for thirty days him. Mr. Weideberg will return ested, wrilo mo at 914 Jones to Omaha, where his family re- street, Omahar Neu. MUIIESCO. Frank Gobelman's sides. Oscar Gorman. Paint. Store From Wednesday's Dally. The Journal has just received from Superintendent N. C. Abbott of the School for the Bilnd at Ne braska City an invitation to be present at the graduating ex ercises to be held in the institu tional hall Juno 5, 8, 9 and 10. The program contains some splendid numbers and among tho list of those graduating from the institution appears the name of Miss Elizabeth Leonard, a grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. V. .euiiard of this city, who has been i student at this school for sev- ral years. Miss Leonard appears i i i ? . . m a nuiniier oi vocai selections in I ho grand concei t given on Monday evening, June 9, as well as the graduating exercises on I'uesdav evening, Juno 10, when he is to give the class poem, "Upward and Onward." Miss Leonard possesses a beautiful voice and her musical numbers are very difficult ones, ami while denied Ihe sight so precious, she has been gifted more than usual bv a voice that is one of the most pleasing that it is possible lo hear. Hon. 1). O. Dwyer, who is Ihe 11 . ail I -1 vice nresiileni oi me noaru oi trustees of Hie institution, name appears with the other olllcers on the program. The class sermon is to be delivered by Hight Ilov. Arthur Williams of Omaha, and the address at the commencement bv A. L. Bixby of Lincoln. From Wednesday's Dally. A very smooth case of forgery has been brought to light in the city and the perpetrator, John Burns, a painter, who has been employed here for the past two week8 by Frank Gobennan, has apparently made n successful get away. Saturday afternoon Mr. Gobel man paid the man off, giving him a check for $19.65, payable at the Plattsmouth State bank, and the man at onco proceeded to inako two forged checks from this and successfully passed them. Ho cashed the original good check at the Pekins House, where he was boarding, and after supper went to the saloon of Edward Donal, iu company with his part ner, another painter, and calling for drinks tendered the forged check, which was cashed by Mr. Donat, and Ihe change turned over to the man, who shortly af terwards called at the saloon managed by William Binrichsen, where the same dodge was suc cessfully worked and the second forged chock accepted and the difference in money paid over to Burns. The forgery was not dis covered until the checks were pre sented for payment, when the fact that they were rank forgeries was brought out and Ihe matter taken up with the county attorney and a warrant issued for tho man. Tho work of Burns was very smooth, as had any question come up as lo whether the chock was all right ho could have had them call up Mr. Gobelman, who had given him a chock for this amount on that evening, and no one would have known until it was presented at tho bank Ihat it was not, genuine. Burns and his 'partner, who had been here with him, had all day Sunday and Mon days to make their getaway ami are by this time probably a long ways from Plattsmouth, as they realized quite a Utile sum from the forged checks, which would lake them several hundred miles from here, w here I hoy will prob ably try the same scheme again, if not. apprehended by tho author ities before they have a chance lo get busy. There may be other parties here who were worked on the same scheme, but they have not been brought to light as yet. MISS BEATRICE HASSE MAR RIED IN OMAHA LAST NIGHT WILLIAM CERTAINLY LIKES TO STAY AT THE HOTEL DE MANSPEAKER From Wednesday's Dally. Last evening at t o'clock, in Omaha, occurred tho wedding of Miss Beatrice Basse, a former Plattsmouth girl, and Loren G. Dirdzell of Chicago. Tho news of Ihe wedding was a complete sur prise to even the most intimate friends of the young lady in Omaha, as no intimation of the event had been given until a few hours before Ihe ceremony. Miss Basse was born and reared in this city ami attended the schools here until, with her mother, Mrs. Lillian K. Basse, she removed to Lincoln, where they resided until the death of the mother, a few years ago, when Miss Basso entered the Clarkson hospital in Omaha as a trained nurse. Her old friends and acquaintances will extend the newly wedded couple their most sincere wishes for a long and happy married life. l'loiii WedneHdny'a Dally. Yesterday afternoon William Kelly, who was employed on Ihe city work for some lime, was hauled in by the police force for being in a stale of intoxication and was placed in the city prison until this morning, when he was brought before his honor, Judge Archer, who administered the usual fine of $2 ami costs against him. This is the second time in the last few days that this gentle man has been in the limelight of the police court and ho evidently likes tho accommodations fur nished at the county baslile. The last few days the police have had their hands full looking after the numerous floating population which has for the last few weeks been here engaged in work at the rifle range and other jobs around Ihe city, and several of them have indulged too freely of the flowing bowl, with the result that they have been keeping Ihe police on the go. LOST A small brown Cocker spaniel, answers lo name of "Brownie." Last seen following farm wagon out of town. Parties knowing whereabouts please notify Journal office. A Want Ad In the Journal will bring what you want