a cain st D LACK Simplest, safest, surest way to vaccinate cattle against Blackleg. Na Dm U Maaaur. Na Liquid ta SpHL No String to Rat. , ASK FOB FREE BOOKLETS. fob ulb n. F. G. FRICKE & CO. The REXALLtStore 0 NEEDS WW RESPECTS We do not wish to tread upon the toes of anyone in a manner that will make a tore spot, but we beg leave to say that from a moral standpoint this town needs fixing in certain respects. It is a well known fact that at almost any hour of the day and evening there is vulgar an i profane lan guage used on the street, making it very embarrassing at times for those who do not indulge in that kind of talk, and especially for ladies and children. It ought to be stopped. Perhaps some of those who thus-offend do not do so intentionally or maliciously, while there are some w ho care lit tle what kind of language they use or who hears it. The man (or boy) who has a wife, daugh ter or sister, would no doubt re sent any profane or vulgar lan guage if uttered in their presence or hearing, and they should show the same respect for others that they would have others show their relatives. By all means, let this habit of using vile language in public be stopped, voluntarily if possible, by the aid of the law if necessary. The editor of this paper has been requested more than once to "roast" a few offenders, but that is not our specially. When we think a little "roasting" is re quired we will attend to it and take the responsibility, and those who want it done for their own satisfaction must do the same write their "roasts," sign their names, back it up. We stand ooop to ByMf Here Is a money-saving proposition for prospective home builders. Read this wonderful building offer. Buys All the Materials to Build this 6 Room House Pri rtr1n1a all lJ lumber, mill work. """JCtC- lath, shingles, sid- ing flooring, ceil- ing, finishing lumber, building paper, pipe, gutter, sash weights and bard ware. Price is at mill or factory. Ask us for freight-paid price This is Our House Design No. 2362 Economy of floor space and low cost of construction are the conspio oout feature of this house, and these are items that appeal to a very large number of people. It is also neat and roomy and has an attractiya ap pearance from the outside. Free Book of Plans. Tha htndwmcit book ever pub lished oi il kind. Show the latest o( modern, up to-date design! of houses, bun- f:alnws ana barm, tree to all pronpectiv uilders. Contain! a world of valunlilr in formation. If you intend lo build don't delay tending for this valuable book. Consult Us. If you with any information on the building tubject we are uere to give it to you (raa ol oharga. Our tbm experience enables us to .how you lha "horl-euu" of building oe ration, as well a. selection, of materials. Don't ht-iitatetoHk us lor any informa tion Deeded. Call and See Us Before building a honie you should call at and offer yon tome auggeatioa from our extended experience. Wa aaa sara yon awaay and help you to build the moat attraactita and comfortable bone possible (or the money you bare to spend. 10c lb is our established quality standard binder twine made 1913. This twine has not beenstored in some but will be shipt direct from stock, assuring you oiperject that we have had our name dicates that we personally twine that leaves our yard. per pound higher lor credit Cedar Creek Lumber Company LEG Y UIN ready to do our share in the way of making (he streets of Union a place where respectable people can pass along without being in sulted by foul language and drunks, but we are not ready to make it a personal fight while others choose to lot it go on with out their opposition, if not with their implied approval. When the village officials and other cit izens say "come on" instead of "go ahead" they will show that they are willing- to help with the reform instead of waiting for someone else to lead the cam paign for a decent and respect able town. Union Ledger. ORDERED TO GO HENCE AND NEVER RETORN This morning the sherilT made a visit to the Burlington depot and inquired the whereabouts of a certain lady who has been mak ing her home here for the past few weeks, and llnding her there, informed her that it would be best for her to remove from the city. The story, as much as can be learned, is that the lady had some differences with her husband about a year ago and separated, but a few weeks ago the husband came to her and agreed to take her with hini to this city if she would promise to try and remedy her ways. The couple came here and all went well until a few days ago, when the woman began to resume her actions that had caused the disagreement between herself and husband, and they linally become so llagrant that the authorities were notified and the woman in formed, to leave the city at once. We Save You Money. No other aonaera aaa make ym neb low prieea on building- material (or a house design such as we show abote. Buying direct from mill and factories in enormous quantities for spot cash eoables US to undersell all competition. Wa ara tatitflcd with one aaaall profit wbicb means an immense saying to you. Plans Frees We make eharfe for the plana tor the house design illustrated above. Others would ask from $2 to $35 and not bp in a position to give yots the personal attention necessary. Before Buying our office aud let as figure on the materials, ' price for this season for first warehouse for several years, the factory from this year's binder twine that is so good printed on the tag, which in guaranteeewery poundof the This price is spot cash, Jc 10c lb. 1'IIIH LECTURE GAR Employes of Shops To Have Lec ture That Will Prove of Bene fit to Every One of Them. Frank B. Thomas, who- for years was connected with the Bur lington headquarters in Omaha, but who has lately removed to Chicago and is llllinfi: the position of safely lecturer for the entire system, will be here tomorrow with his safety lecture car, which will be run up into the shop yards and lectures on the preventing of accidents given each day until the entire force of employes are able to hear them. The lectures will be given at 12:15, 4:15 and 5 o'clock in order that the men em ployed in the shops can have an opportunity to attend. Mr. Thomas is not only deliver ing lectures, but in connection with his talks he is showing stereopticon pictures, each one of which is an object lesson, por traying the correct, instead of the wrong way of doing tasks requir ed of active railroad men in the yards, on the train, in the shops and around the freight houses. For more than one and one-half years he has been doing this line of work and has come to be re garded one of the best safety lec turers in the country. A little more than two years ago Mr. Thomas went into the safely lecture business for the Burlington and since then he has lalked to its tens of thousands of employes at terminals, division points and in the larger cities along the line. The Burlington was one of the llrst of the railroads to take up the "Safety First" slogan, which has since been adopted by more than half of 1 lie roads of the United States. When Mr. Thomas llrst started in the work, his lectures were given in halls and opera houses in the towns along the lines, but to him it soon became apparent that this was not the right way to reach the employes. His lectures and his pictures always drew crowds, but railroad employes were largely in the minority. He discovered that it was too much of a task for (he men to dress up and go down lown to listen to a lecture after having finished day's hard work, lie called the attention of the ofllicals )o (he matter and was told lo work out a scheme that would meet with his own approval, lie suggested the lecture car idea and was fold lo go ahead and work out his plans, Given a free hand, he se cured a large size passenger coach and converted it into a lec turn hall, capable of seating fifty persons. Since that lime this coach has been the business place of Mr. Thomas and practically his home when out on the lines. NO REASON FOR IT. When Plattsmouth Citizens Show a Way. There can he no reason why any reader of this who suffers the tortures of an aching hack, the annoyance of urinary dis orders, the pains and dangers of kidney ills will fail to heed the words of a neighbor who has found relief. Head what a Plaits mouth citizen says: Charles L. Hates, farmer, Ninth and Walnut streets, Plattsmouth Neb., says: "Kidney complaint seemed to como upon me all of a sudden. I attribute it to a heavy cold, which selttled on my kid neys and made them weak, caus ing the kidney secretions to pass too frequently. I often had pains across the small of my back When I stooped, sharp twinges darted through me. I felt languid and had little ambition. When someone advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a supply from Rynott's Drug Store. They soon benefited me and two boxes made a permanent cure. I can cer tainly recommend this remedy to anyone who has kidney com plaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for Urn United States. Remember I ho, name Doan's and lake no other. Remember the Regalia Habana Cigar. Always the best. Robert Richter, manufacturer. NEHAWKA. 4 New ' J. Carl Stone dragged a couple of miles of road in and out of town Monday. Bert Tucker and family have moved into town and are occupy ing the Ingwerson house on Main street. Nick Opp returned Saturday from Lincoln, where he has been taking treatment for several weeks for rheumatism. He is much improved in health. A stranger seeing the west end kids altogether would be par doned for the belief that the mothers might have trouble in unscrambling them at bed time and lucking out the right ones. The Applegate-llngho people galloped around town for a couple of hours Monday morning before they could llnd accommodations in private families for their three lays' stay here. No, we do not need a hotel. There will be no High school graduating exercises here this year because or the addition of the twelfth grade next year. The closing exercises will occur on Friday evening, May 23, at the High school assembly room. George Mark lost a couple of hogs Monday that will set hi a tank roll back about $50. lie was hauling them to town and they piled up in the wagon, got too hot and died for George just before he got, them on the scales. Charley Chriswissor had a run away last week with a team he had borrowed from Scott Norris that might have set Charley back considerably. As it was one of the horses had a leg injured and the wagon was busted up somewhat. The boosters from Nehawkn who went to Hastings Monday in the interests of F. P. Sheldon's candidacy for treasurer of the A. 0. U. W., came home yesterday morning on their shields. K. 1,. Dodder, an Omaha man, won in the convention with ;ili votes. Sheldon had 107 and one other candidate had 79. The boys say they had a. good lime and done their "dermlest." . TTT LOUISVILLE. Courier. ?a4aJaa)h oa)n a.?ntn '(trace Hoover, who has been ill with the measjes at the home of her uncle, Henry Schoeman, is improving. William Thomas has been hav ing a week's vacation on account of his school being closed because of sickness among the patrons. Mrs. C. -',. Wood and little daughter, lluth, went to Brown ville Tuesday to attend the wed ding of Mrs. Wood's sister. Andrew Slohlmau and sun, F.d- ward, were at, Omaha Saturday, and w hen I hey returned Kildio was the proud possessor of a bicyclt J. M. Jackman went lo Hastings as a delegate from the local Workman lodge to I he grand lodge, which convened in lliat city this week. Mr. and Mrs. August Slohlmau entertained a number of their friends Sunday evening, who came in to congratulate them on the arrival of a son. Dr. Rhine of York died very unexpectedly Monday night, lie was a brother-in-law of J. M. Jac kin m n and has ofeu visited in Louisville. He leaves a wife and a grown son. W. P. Barton of Minneapolis, Minn., stopped off here Thursday night for a short visit with his niece, Mrs. K. II. Wort hniaii. It was his llrst visit, to Louisville since during the Omaha ex position, and be was surprised at Hie improvements made in the low n since his last visit. Born To Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, Monday, May 12, a boy. Also to Mr. and Mrs. John Schlater, Monday, May 12, a boy. Also to Mr. and Mrs. J. Stivers of Cedar Creek, May 8, a girl. A girl was also born to Mr. and Mrs. .If dm Gakemeier, Saturday, May 1. eagle. j Beacon. M-H-l H-J-H H-HI MH A. II. Vanlandingham and Floyd Dysart accompanied carloads of hogs lo I he South Omaha market Thursday. Mrs. II. L. Swanson of Wyom ing, Neb., visited over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Renner. We understand that J. G. John son ami family expect to move to Lewislon, Mont., in the very near future. Mrs. A. II. Vanlandingham went lo Plattsmouth Thursday to visit Ladies go to MOOCH STOil for real Hair Switches 22 inches long 3 short stems beauties at $1.98 Good Line of Granite and Glass Ware! Toilet Paper, 6 rolls 25c Best Toilet Paper, 3 big rolls 25c Laundry Soap, one of the best makes, 8 bars. . .25c Splendid Toilet Soap, 4 bars 10c Ladies', and Children's Hose, Stationary, Candy and many other useful articles PRICED RIGHT! a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Kugcno Setz. Miss Pearl Botts returned to Peru Sunday to resume her school work at the state normal, after a week's absence on account of sickness. Clara Crabtree returned from Wisner, Neb., the latter part of last, week, where she has been visiting her sister, who is attend ing school at that place. The services of a trained nurse were secured the fore part of the week to take care of Mrs. J. C. Hen., whose condition is quite serious at this writing. Work is progressing nicely on the electric light plant. Mr. Trunkenbolz has put, a big force to work and is rushing things rinht along. An electrician has been secured from Lincoln, and with the assistance of W. L. llob son. has already wired several blocks. At present they are wir ing I he opera house. JJJJa) JJaJaJajaa) a Ji ta! UNION. 4 Ledger. Dr. D. F. Huston and wife re turned Monday from a visit with relatives in Omaha. John 11. Nichols was down from Omaha last, Sunday to spend I he day with friends. , Miss Klla DuBois and Miss Mertha Pixlon were down from Omaha Sunday to spend the day with relatives and friends. Cashier J. M. Patterson went to Plaltsinoulli on the Tuesday aft ernoon train, returning later in the evening with his automobile, which had been laid up for re pairs. Mose McCarroll's new residence in the central part of town will soon be completed, and in a short time he and bis family will be "at homo" in one of the most pleasant locations. Mrs. Mary A. Taylor contem plates becoming- a resilient of this village in the near future, and will have a nice home built on her lots in the central part of town. Other improvements are lalked of, but are not yet, definitely de cided upon. James Lai I a of Logan, Iow a, was here Monday am) spent the day with his old soldier friend, Frank (i. Kendall, their llrst meeting in forty years, and Ibis reporter had the laugh on "Uncle Frank" when be helped Mr. Latin play the role of peddler ill Mi Kendall's expense when they met. . " wio.i wun worsnippers ycsier Mr. Latin was a resident, of this ' 'a l memorial F.uchrist in countv- a number of years ago, j ''""ry f Uo late Walter J. running a mill near Rock Bluffs While. The altar was decorated about the year 18(. The new brick school building on the hill will he rushed lo a finish as rapidly as good workmen can do it. Messrs. Burr and Roach are intending to put on oilier masons lo help them along with the work. The foundations are all laid and material on the ground, so that, there will be no delay when the workmen get at it. We have not the data for a full description of I he new building, but it will be on modern plans, and when completed and fur nished will cost near .$14,000. IMI WMI !WW JJJM WEEPING WATER. Republican. I H!H .J14 Dr. Welch reports the birth of a 9-pound girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wilson at Wabash on May 11. 1913. Mrs. Mary Pool was called to Lincoln Wednesday evening on account of the illness of her son, Prof. R. J. Pool. Riley Rector went to Kansas City today to see his son, Frank, of Woodslon, Kansas, who is in a hospital there undergoing an operation for a rupture. Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Flem ing went to Lincoln Monday morning, where Mrs. Fleming will take treatment at the sanitarium for rheumatism. 1. N. Clark, former superintend ent of schools at this place, has been elected to a position on the summer school faculty at Peru Normal for this summer. He will teach mat hematics. Mrs. Harry Meyers, who lives northeast of town, stepped on a nail Monday. The foot has been giving her a lot, of pain and Wed nesday Mr. and Mrs. Meyers came in lo have the doctor treat the member. At n meeting of the city council May 5, the matter of dog tax was brought up and the city marshal instructed to, collect the tax ac cording to slalute and city ordin ance, which permits only one dog lo be owned by an individual or family. Miss Fdith Abel, who formerly lived west of town with her par ents, visited her friend, Mrs. Jas. Johnson, the llrst of the week. She has been at lending school in Chicago and stopped oil' to visit old-time friends, as she is fin her way lo her homo at, Sheridan, Wyoming. Sam Baker, the 1 (l-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Baker, liv ing just, south of town, met with a painful accident Wednesday aft ernoon while working with a buzz saw in his father's carpenter shop. In some way he pot his hand into the saw and had bis thumb mnngled so that it bad to be amputated by Dr. Welch, who llxi'd if up so as to save as much of the member as possible. It is an unfortunate injury, but Sam should feel thankful that it was not his whole hand. MEMORIAL SERVICES IN HONOR OF THE LATE WALTER J. WHITE St. Luke's parish church was with white carnations and the. parish priest, used ( Redhead's mass in "F," assisted by St.v,i Luke's' choir under the direction' of Prof. Austin. The Masonic- '1' lodge, in full regalia, ' occupied'"1' seals on I he north side of the church and the mayor and city council of i'lattsmouth on the south side. Promptly at 11 o'clock , Ihe vested choir entered the church singing, "The Son of God floes Forth to War." The beauti ful anthem, "The Lord Is My Light," by Henry Hiles, followed. At the conclusion of the pro nnaphra the choir sang "Clod Is My Defense." The rector preach ed an eloquent sermon upon the value of an earnest Christian lift to the community, taking as n text SI. Paul's words, "For I am per suaded that neither death nor life nor things present nor things to come shall be able to separate me from the love of Cod, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord."