The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 19, 1913, Image 3

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    fi5) ik id)
Sure drop, variable edge drop, high wheel
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
In the I)lrirt Court In and for ('ana
County, iSebrnska.
William L. Nickels, assignee of Gert
rude M. Wiley, and Willlum Italney,
diaries Edward Wiley,
Notice to the Defendant, Cliaiies Kd
ward Wiley:
You will take notice that on the 30th
lay of April, A. D., 191.1, William L.
Nickels, plaintiff herein, tiled his peti
tion and allidavit in the District Court
of Cans County, Nebranka, against you,
the object and prayer of which is to
revive a certain Judgment obtained
against you by Gertrude M. Wiley and
William Italney on November 16, A. D.
1!'01, for the sum of $628.00 with in
terest at the rate of seven per cent
jut annum from date and costs of suit
taxed in the sum of $24.60, which said
judgment on November 14, 1911, be
came dormant. That no part of said
Judgment has ever been paid, and al
leginK that during all of said period
of time you have been insolvent, and
praying, that an order be entered re
viving said Judgment, and awarding
plaintiff execution thereon In the sum
of $628.00 with Interest at seven per
nnt per annum from November 16,
1901, and all accrued costs.
You are required to answer said peti
tion and aflldavit and show cause, if
any, on or before the 16th day of June,
A. P., 1913, why an order of the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
should not be entered reviving said
Judgment in said sum, and awarding
plaintiff execution thereon.
If you fall to answer, appear or show
cause before said date, your default
will be duly entered therein, and said
order of revivor will be Issued, of all
(if which vou will take due notice.
Dated this 3rd day of May. A. I . 1913.
Assignee of Gertrude M. Wiley,
and William Kalney, Plaintiff.
In the Dlxtrlct Court In anil for ('Him
County, Nebraska.
John W. ISarr, Hoy A. Barr, et al.,
Josie C. Barr, et al..
Noilce Is hereby given that under
nnd by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court In and for Cass County, Ne
braska, entered In the above entitled
cause on the 3rd day of May, A. D.
1913, the undersigned sole referee will
on the 10th day of June at 11 o'clock
a. m. at the south front door of the
Court House In the City of l'lattsmouth,
("ass County, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest responsible bld
ler for ensh the following described
real estate, to-wlt:
The West half (W) of the South
east quarter SKV4) of Section three
;'.); the Northeast quarter (NlO't) of
Section ten (10): the South half (')
if the Northwest quarter (NW'i) of
Section ten (10), all In Township eleven
(11). Range nine (9) Kast of the 6th
T. M.. In Cass County, Nebraska, and
Lot four (4), In Block twentv (20).
Peek's Grove Addition to the City of
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska,
and Lots live hundred forty-seven (547)
anil five hundred forty-eight (.118), in
the Village of Greenwood, Cass Countv,
Nebraska, which said last described
'ots In the Village of (Jreenwood will
be sold subject to the life estate there
in of Josie C. Barr.
Said sale will lie held onen for one
Dated at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this
,'th day of Mnv, A. D. IflPl.
C. A. ItAWLS, Referee.
C. S. POLK. Attorney.
successively next immediately before
the date of said hearing.
Given under my hand at the city of
riattsmouth, Nebraska, on this 4th day
of April, 1913.
Judge of the Distrct Court.
In the County Court in and for Cass
County, Nebraska.
In I!b Kstate or Wai.tbh I LflTIPC
.1. White, Pkocaskii. f nuilUC
To all Persons Interested:
You are hereby notified thaton the 10th day
or May. A. I'.. Annie loua lilte. e( ht
petition In the above court allegintr the dcitth
testate of Walter .1. While, on the 41 ! day of
May, A. I)., IM.i. and presentinir an Instrument
purport intr to lie said last will and testament
for urooate.
A hearing will he had on said iietltlonon (lie
31st day of .May, A. 1).. 191.1. atoneo clock p. m.
before which hour all objections thereto. If
any. must be tiled.
U.v the court
ALLEN J. HEESON. County Judge
Kawls & Kohertsoii, Attorneys.
In County Court.
Cass County, ss.
In I lie mat tor of the Estate of
Alice M. Taguc, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the
creditors of said deceased that
hearings will he had upon claims
filed against said estate, lie fort
me, County Judge of Cass County
Nebraska, at I lit; County Coin
room in Plaltsinoiit h, in said
County, on the .'list day of May
1(113, and on the 2nd day of lie
reniber, 1!M3, at 10 o'clock a. m.
each day, for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in sail
court on or before said last In
of hearing.
Witness niy hand and seal of
said County Court, al' Plattr
mouth, Nebraska, this 1st dav of
May, 1913.
County Judge.
notm i: to itcoi nuts.
In ton lily Court.
Cass County, ss.
In the Matter of the Kstate of Cor
nelius Bengen, Deceased.
Not Icq Is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
M had upon claims tiled against said
estate, before me, County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the Countv
'ourt room In Plattsmouth. In said
County, on the 31st day of May, 1913,
and on ttie 2nd day of December, 1913,
at 9 o'clock a. m., each day for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must he 11 led In said court
on or before said last hour of hearing.
Witness my hand nnd seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 29th dav of April, 1913.
(Seal) ALLEN .1. BK1CSON.
County Judge.
la (he District Court of Caa County.
In the Matter of the Application of
Oorge K. Ryan, Guardian of Joseph
Klton Ryan and Archie J. Ryan,
Minors, to Hell Real Kstate.
Now on this 4th day of April, 1913,
thta cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of George K. Ryan,
guardian of the persons and the prop
erty of Joseph Elton Ryan and Archie
J. Ryan, minors, praying for a license
to sell the interest of his said wards In
the following described real
estate to-wlt: Kast half of
northeast quarter 10 14 N. K.
'h). Section slxteeen (16), township
ten (10), range nine (9) east, in Cass
"ounty. Nebraska, In which real estate
the said wards own an undivided one
fifteenth (1-lfi) each, and lots thlrteeen
(13). fourteen (14) nnd fifteen (16), in
Mock four (4), Village of Alvo. Cass
county, Nebrnska, In which said wards
own each an undivided one-fortieth
(1-40). or so much of snld rent PKtnfo
and of the Interests of said wnrds
tnreln as it shall seem to the court to
be for the best Interests of said wards.
It Is hcrehv nnlorml t,v Mm ..nnt un.i
ad nidged, that the next of kin. and nil j
iiiieresieu in said mutter, ap
pear before me at chambers at the City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at the hour
of 1::;0 o'clock p. m on the 'JOtli ilnv of
May, 1913, to show cnuse, If any there
be. why such license be not granted to
aid petitioner.
It I further ordered that a copy of
till order tie published In the Platts
mouth Weekly Journal for three weeks
To All Whom It May Concern:
The Commissioners appointed
to view and VACAIK a road com
inencing at half section line 011
south side of Section 28, Town
ship 1(1, Range k running I hence
north one mile on half section
line thoi'iigh center of said Section
H, and terminating at north side
of Section 2N, on s.iid half section
line, (said road referred to is
known as a part, of Road No. 105)
has reported in favor of the vaca
tion thereof; and all objections
hereto, or claims for damages,
must be liled in the County Clerk's
Ollice on or before noon on the 5th
day of July, A. I)., 1013, or such
road will be vacated without
reference thereto.
(Seal, D. C. MO IK'S AN,
County Clerk.
Plattsmouth, Neb., May 1st,
sioners of Cass County hae found
that the public goo I reipiiio ttiat
a road be opened on the Section
line, mnmieticiror at a point
where Road No. 303, Cass County,
Nebraska, crosses (lie Section
line between Sections H and 17,
Township 10 North. Range 13,
('.ass county, Nebraska, running
thence Kast on saM Section line
to Road No. 155 between Sections
0 and 10. Township 10 North,
Range 13, Cass Codnty, Nebraska,
and all objections hereto, or
claims for damages, must be tiled
in the County Clerk's ollice on or
before noon on the l.rlh day of
July, A. D. 1013, or such road will
be opened without reference
(Seal; 1). C. MORGAN,
County Clerk.
Plattsmouth, Neb.. Mav 0th,
County of Cass, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Rachel Adams, Deceased.
To All Persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that
there has been filed in this court
petition for the anpointment of
an administrator of above estate.
That a hearing wil! be had upon
said petition before this court in
the Court House at Plattsmouth.
Nebraska, on the 31st day of May,
1013, at 2 o'clock n. m. of said
day. All objections thereto, if
any, must be filed on or before
said day and hour of hearinc
Witness my hand and the seal
or the County Court of said Coun
ty this 12th day or May, 1913.
County Judge.
To All Whom II May Concern:
The Hoard of County Oommis-
Local News
From Friday'g Dally.
Henry Horn, one of the relia
ble farmers from southwest of
the city, was in town yesterday
looking after some trading.
Phillip Hecker, from west of the
city, drove in yes! ei day and spent
a few hours looking after some
matters of business with the mer
chants. Mrs. E. C. Hill, accompanied by
her mother, Mrs. J. E. Spencer, of
Stuart, Neb., departed last evening
for East avan, Canada, where they
will visit their sister and daughter
for about a month.
John McCarty and wife of Em
erson, fowa, who have been here
visiting their son, John McCarty
and family, for a few days, de
parted this morni'i;,' for Aurora,
Neb., for a short, visit with rela
tives. Mrs. J. II. Hecker and Miss Liz
zie Ileil departed this morning on
No. 0 for Pekin, Plinnis, where
they will altend the funeral of
George Vcltcr, which lakes place
Mrs. W. R. Hryan returned last
evening from Hastings. Neb.,
where she had be-n visiting her
daughter. Mrs. Shell. She was ac
companied home by her two little
granddaughters, Ruth and Clara
Shell, who will visit here for a
short time.
R. E. Patterson, wife and two
sons departed th's afternoon on
No. 23 for Arapahoe, Neb., where
they will visit with Charles Pat
terson for a few days, and en
route back Mr. Patterson will at
tend the bankers' convent ion at
Our Latch String is Always Out!
Let's See if You Know How to Pull It!
HIS is a store where folks are welcome matters
not what you come for, just so you come. If you
buy, it matters not whether you buy a cent's worth or
a dollar's worth, you'll get courteous treatment, prompt
service and full value for your money. And, if you
find you don't like what you bought, bring it back. We
will refund without and argument. That's fair isn't it?
Successor to John Bauer
Main Street
Sheriff Quinlou was in town
Tuesday. He was a caller at theso
newspaper headquarters, as is his
custom when in town. Asked
when the new county jail would
be completed he stated that there
appeared to be a "screw loose"
somewhere, as the commissioners
have not as yet asked for bids for
the construction of the building
and that they will not do so until
after the annual levy is made.
This will be done in July or Aug
ust. Sheriff Quinton is of the
opinif'ii that I he commissioners
are needlessly wasting time and
that they could easily award the
contract and let the work of con
struction proceed and not, have to
wait for the levy, which is sure to
be made in compliance with the
expression of the Miters. He is of
the opinion that contractors could
be readily procured to bid on the
job with this understanding. ,
Louisville Courier,
prom Saturday's Dally.
W. I). Wheeler came up from
his home (his morning to attend
to some trading wi'h the dill'erentl
Nicholas Halmes came up this
morning from Weeping Water to
attend to some business matters
at Hie court hoiis-.
Henry Horn of Cedar Creek
came in this niornhg to attend to
some trading with the different
merchants of the city.
Elnionl Preston of Weeping
Water came up yesterday in his
fine I'nige-lielroil 1 ar ami spent
the day here with friends.
Ed S. Tult, one of the live mer-
chanls of Murray, came un last
evening ami spent a few hours
here looking after luisiness mat
ters. William Schneider of Cedar
Creek was in the city (bis morn
ing for ;i few hours looking after
some business mallei's at tin
court house.
William Puis of near Murray.
accompanied by Charles Enaclke-
nieier of Weeping Water, was in
I lie city today for a few hours
looking after business matters.
Mrs. Harry Pein end babv and
Miss Millie Pein of Kansas Cilv.
Missouri, arrived last evening
...... m
from their home a,id will make a
short visit here'at the Gus Pein
This afternoon final settlement
was had in the estate of William
Wiley, deceased, and the admin
istrator, W. D. Wheeler, released
irom his duties. The estate
comes from the vicinity of Mur
1'OR SALE White Plymouth
Rock eggs. per 100, Mrs.
George A. Katl'enberger, Route 2,
Plattsmouth, Neb. 3-17-tfd
Elmer Hallstrom Home.
Just two weeks from the day
he entered the hospital Elmer
Hallstrom returned homo this aft
ernoon on No. 2, feeling very
much improved in health. He was
(Iterated on May 5, and from the
start his condition was most
pleasing to the doctors and at
tendants and his friends were
overjoyed this afternoon "to see
him come walking up from (In
tra in.
The base ball team which was
here from Lincoln Saturday and
Sunday, was composed of a line
lot of young men and during their
slay here enjoyed themselves so
much that they desire to return
in a couple of weeks for another
game with the Hoosters. They
would make an excellent al l ran,
t ion and 1 liu fans hero bellcvo
that the Boosters can take I hem
in on another game, as they have
not anything on (he locals when
il conies to playing. The star of
the teams is Franks, and he is
without doubt one of the best
pitchers seen here this season.
The union services of the Pres
byterian, Methodist and Christian
churches, held last, evening at the
Methodist church, were very
largely attended, there being some
!)0l) persons present. The young
people's ir.cbiing was also well
attended and the services full of
much benefit to the worshippers.
The sermon at the worship hour
was delivered by Rev. I). L. Dun
kleltergcr of the Christian church
and was a very powerful and con
vincing one and greatly impress
ed his hearers with its appeals for
belter living. The music al the
service was furnished by the choir
and Glee club of the Methodist
church and a beautiful solo was
rendered by jHm York in his usual
pleasing manner. These services
will be continued at the different
churches until the opening of the
revival services here in June.
W. G. Meisinger drove in Sat
urflny afternoon from his home,
west of the city, ami at (ended to
senne trading with the merchants
for a few hours.
St. Paul's Aid Society.
The Ladies' Aid society of St.
Paul's church will meet at the
residence of Mrs. P. Hansen on
Thursday afternoon, May 22.
Members and friends are cordial
ly invited.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
tiu-N-ury will mir. ly iliwlrny thn (.Pin,, of ,,,,,.11
t.llfl (' .III l lil. Iv- il..r.... I i rut. i.
, Wll'lll' MVMI'IU Wlll-ll
ii inn.' t Hii-i i.,1. ,i.. - ; . .. .
....i i - "ni. Flint w. iMlrU
i. tl I MMi.inl im-v.t In- il,. ,) ,n,.,., prnm ri,,.
' ,'V "j1','" '"" f ' ""' X'""1 .'' ""1 li..
1 1. .If ilii lvi. i r,i tin in ll.i'i'.
f.:i'li,ri-.l I -V I' J. I I.. 1.1 . " .'
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m biioc if ftlsiiJGKli
For tl
cinu u icinity
we extend the glad hand of welcome and wish you tc
call at any time and look over the largest line of Dry
Goods and Notions in the city. A pleasure to show
good at any time.
Just received a shipment of ready-to-wear dresses
in the most fascinating and artistic colors and stripes.
House Presses
in stripes and fancy, one of the many
big bargains at
Special Rug Sale Saturday, May 24th