$20-DISCOUNT ON FULL EQUIPPED-$20 1913 1913 -Excelsor Motorcycles - FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS ONLY! This discount applies to either single or double cylinder ma chines. This is a chance of a life time, as we are the only agents making this great offer on new 1913 motorcycles. Call write oi phone H. Steinhauer & Son, PHOKE J-g,ir4oo"!J Plattsmouth, Neb. half they gathered two more scores, as Mason was hit by pot ter and was advanced on Connor's fait to center and came home on Anil's out at first, and Connor came home on Salsburg's hit to center. I'laltsmouUi scored again in the sixth when Mason hit sate to third and came home on the long drive of Ault to center field. This ended I he scoring, although it seemed that I he visitors might Ket one in the ninth, when, in re sponse to the demand of tiis friends, Matt, Uerold was sent in to bat and got a nice, clean hit to center field, but the locals managed to head off ttieir scor ing. BALL GAMES SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY Boosters and Sigma Chi Fraternity Team of Lincoln Make Even Break on Games. Charley Johnson's Boosters took a base ball game from the team representing the Sigma Chi fraternity of Lincoln Saturday af ternoon on the local grounds by a score of 5 to 3. The contest was filled with errors and was de cidedly a ragged game, although the local team played a fair game, tho work of Mason, who did tho big smoke for the Boosters, being exceptionally good, ten of the Greek letter boys retiring on strikeouts. Tho attendance at the game was not very large, although there was quite a number of ladies present to cheer on their friends. The game opened by Krause and Frank of the visitors strik ing out. Hawkins hit safe through short, but was caught olT first base by the old fox, McCauley, and the side retired to the field. Sals burg was the first Booster up and ho popped up a little fly to the shortstop. Smith look his out from Frank to Fuller at first, and McCauley, who followed him, knocked a high fly to right field which ended (he agony. In the, second inning, Mason, to show what, he could do, proceeded to strike out Hyde, Potter and Fuller, in order. The locals were unable to score in their half, al though Mann reached third base. D. Arries fell a victim to the "spit" ball of Mr. Potter and B. Arries and Mason were retired on little infield hits. The balloon, which had been waiting for the preceding innings, made a fine ascension in the third, and before the Sigma Chi boys could settle down the Boosters had secured three socres. The Lincoln visitors retired in one, two, three order in their half and then the fun began. Connors knocked a high fly to right field, which was gathered in by Perry Smith, and was followed by Charles Ault, who proceeded to place a nice safe one through shortstop and was safe on first, but was unable to continue the race and Don Arries brought in Salsburg. McCauley was put out at first on a little hit to pitcher. Fred Mann then stepped to the front with his trusty little stick and placed a two-bagger out in center field, which brought in Smith, but Fred died on third, as Don Arries retired, shortstop to first. The visitors, not to be outdone, got busy themselves in the fourth, when Frank, he of Nebraska foot ball fame, placed a safe one through third. Hawkins, who fol lowed him, struck out, but Hyde, who caught for the visitors, got his baiting eye to working and lined out a two-bagger that, scored Frank. Potter was walked by Mason and was advanced on Fuller's hit, but was unable to score, as the next two men were retired in order. In Platlsmouth's The game Sunday was very- close and exciting and drew a large-sized crowd to see the Sigma (mi's do battle with the Boosters, and after I he smoke of the conflict rolled away the fra ternity boys were found to be the winners by a score of i to .1. The local learn came close to tying the score in the lucky seventh, but I he college t eam managed to hold them down. The work of the locals was not as fast as that of the Saturday contest and several errors and misjudgrnents gave the contest to the visitors. Connor pitched a good game and should have won if he had received good support. The college team was represented na the mound by Owen Frank, and while his work was not partic ularly brilliant, it kept the locals in the hole and enabled his team males to "cop" the game. The line-up was as follows: Sigma Chi. Boosters. Hyde Catch Mann Frank Pitcher Connor Fuller First.... McCauley J. Krause . . .Second. . . B. Arries Doyle Third Salsburg Hawkins ...Shortstop Smith Ilernld Left Mason Poller Center.... D. Arries Smith llight Beal Military Aspirations. Plattsmouth has military as pirations and attempts will be made to form a national guard organization. If Plattsmouth ever gets the armory fever let her beware of the Human Hogs who want the money of the slate con secrated in one locality. Ne braska City Press. Petition Is Filed. In the matter of the estate of D. A. E. Waker, petition was filed in the county court today for the nppointment. of an administrator, and I he appoint ment, of Dr. 0. H. Giltiinro. was asked for. BOHEMIAN El 1 Many Strangers Present to Take Part in Exercises, and Celebra tion a Grand Success. ' " - ! iTI Y' Gee! the Boss is gettin' so many pretty gim cracks in stock fer the women an' girls that I al most wish't I was one. All a girl has to do is to put on a ribbon an' some little flmsy fixen an' look sweet. But say! did you ever see a feller' fuss up in frills an' lace to look sweet? Not on your tintype! He has to jump into overalls and hike after the little nickles an' dimes. There's goin' to be another big sale Saturday of some of the peachiest dressin' sacks you ever seen an' all for 39 cents each. I bet Mary Ann will be Johnny-on-the spot to get a half dozen to give to sweet girl grad's and June brides The boss says I'm talkin' too muck, but be sure an' remember the date May 24th fer fine Dressing-Sacks and lots of other bargains. h. r.i. EMIi3Dlnl I 1 USE PHONE 54 TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY i 1 The celebration yesterday of the twentieth anniversary of the erecting of the T. J. Sokol Turner hall in this city was one that was argely attended by the members of the society and their friends and an afternoon of much enjoy ment was participated in. The program in the afternoon opened with a concert by the Hol ly orchestra in the main audit orium, and a few minutes later the curtain was rolled up, disclos ing the committee and speakers on the stage. William Holly, the president of the local society, acted as chairman, and after a few remarks introduced Mayor John P. Sattler, who, in a short and well limed address, welcomed the visilors to the city and ex pressed his pleasure at being present on this occasion and also his appreciation of the value of the Bohemians as citizens. He then read the address made at the opening of the ball twenty years ago by Charles M. Butler, at that, time mayor of the city. The speech of the mayor was followed by a selection from the Omaha quartet, which accom panied I he theatrical company here, and I heir singing made a great, hit with the large crowd. A very interesting and pleasing address was delivered by Joseph Slerba of Omaha, being a repeti tion of the lecture given by Kmil Bousky at the opening of the hall, and in the address the history of the Sokols was traced from the time of the Homans down to the present day and was one of much historical value, and while the speech was quile lengthy, the speaker held the attention of his auditors to the close. Following this the Omaha quartet again favored the gathering with one of their pleasing numbers, and the crowd then moved out to the spacious and beautiful park, where a pleasant time was had visiting and everybody enjoyed themselves to the limit. For the evening's entertain ment Ihe Omaha Dramatic club, under the direction of Joe Mik, gave a production in Bohemian of the comedy, "The Chocolate Soldier," and it was equally as pleasing as the English version, and Ihe situations in the play were unchanged and kept, the audience in a continuous laugh from start, to finish and the differ ent parts were ably handled by the actors, who are among the best in the metropolis. After the play a social dance was enjoyed for a few hours by tho young poo pie and the strains of the or- cheslra drew many of the older ones out on the floor to trip the light fantastic for a few minutes. The occasion as a whole was one very pleasing to everyone and those attending had one of the times of their lives and felt that to meet with these hardy rep resentatives of the Bohemian nationality was one that could not be overlooked and their only re gret was that the anniversaries do not, occur more frequently. Another shipment by express Men's Latest Cut Norfolks Blue Serges Gray Mixtures and Browns $12, $15, $18, $25 You'll appreciate these good clothes at these low prices. Come in. C. E. Wescott'sj Sons Always the Home of Satisfaction IHE "H1IC" 1 the beauties of nature, the judge turned the prow of his land ship homeward, which he kept at a speed of about 25 knots per hour, until he was within about a league of his own domicile, and was ris ing over a gentle swell of some of Cass county's $150 per acre land when' the engine showed indica tions of that tired feeling which comes in the spring. With each foot on some kind of lever to in crease the speed, and both hands grasped firmly on the steering ap paratus, like the gallant land tar that he is, the man of law and the adept, with marriage ceremonies, assayed to navigate the hill just this side of where W. T. Adams lives, and with one of the four passengers pumping gasoline, the good ship hove over the crown of the hill in just thirty minutes af ter it, had left the foot thereof. With the hill behind them, the good auto, "Titanic," picked up its heels like a cyote and ran like a scared rabbit until they had passed the farm home of Charles E. Cook, when it went slower and slower until the wheels seemed as though they would stop, and they did stop and stayed stopped. The judge, being somewhat of a doctor, dismounted and made a thorough investigation, and after taking all the symptoms into con sideration, he concluded that the animal had died from a lack of that life-giving fluid gasoline. In the last sad moments of the dying monster the paroxysm of pain at the departure of the last spark of life was so great that the groanings were so loud that it at tracted the attention of the neigh bors, who came running to offer what assistance they could. Among the crowd which quickly collected was seen Ihe round and smiling face of Charles Cook, who offered to furnish some gasoline which they had used to clean some clothing in, but the discreet judge, while he thanked the kind-hearted farmer, refused the proffer. Just then sounded the "honk, honk" of the car of Sheriff Quin- ton, who coming up, otTered to undergo a surgical operation or the transfusion of gasoline from the tank of his car to that of the The Way Auto Gives Trouble Just When One Is Not Looking for Thai Article. This time it is the engine of Judge Beeson's auto which dies. With all the eclat of an aristocrat, the versatile and gracious judge, harnessed his motor car, and with the new paint shining resplendent in the afternoon's sun, he brought the machine around, loaded all the family and a number of visit ors and were away to the country on a pleasure trip. For a while all went as merry as a marriage bell. They were overjoyed at. the way the farming districts looked, just like a pic ture, much of the promise of the coming harvest, reminding one of the glimpse which Moses got from the top of Mount Nebo when he viewed the landscape o'er. After feasting themselves on dead "Titanic." As the judge con sidered this a hazardous risk, he suggested that the sheriff go to the city post haste and riding like John Gilpin, for gasoline. While the sheriff was gone the car of George Dovey rolled up to the spot where the party were beleaguered, making the offer of transfusion, which was respect fully declined. While awaiting the return of the sheriff there came to the judge something of the meaning of the parable of the "Foolish Virgins," who had their lamps trimmed and burning but no oil in their vessel he the same way, with his engine run ning but no gas in his tank. Three minutes after the sheriff returned and had given the ani mal a drink the party were down town and happy as larks, wiser for their experience, but still happy. Makes a Correction. In the account of the lecture at the Presbyterian church Friday evening the statement was made that Miss Catherine Dovey sang before the lecture, when it should have been Miss Edith Dovey. Our informant was not well acquaint-' ed with the young ladies and the mistake was one easy to make. ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR L.J. HALL UNION Wilkinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- The holding of successful sale is our line. Our interests are with tho seller when it comes to getting every dollar your property i worth. For open dates address or call either of us at our expenses by 'phone. Dates can be made at the Journal office. WILKINSON & HALL I T is our purpose in this store always to have for our customers the latest and best in fabrics and in styles. We have made it the store for men who want "the right thing" in clothes, and who trust to us to provide it. We're always alert tor the new things; we get promptly the latest novelties; we cater to those who appreciate such service. Spring suits $12.50 to $30. Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hais frartrty Irani (Cuittjrs