Plato ITiMoricM Poo abe PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, MAY- 19, 1913. NO. 39. VOL. XXXII. III'IEHIII CLUB EII1S FltlE MEETING Enthusiastic and Largo Attend ance and Many Matters of In terest Taken Up. From Friday's Daily. There was a large number out last night to attend the meeting of the Commercial club and a most interesting session was had in the discussion of problems vital to the welfare of the city and its business interests and the meeting was productive of many good ideas for the further ad vancement of Platlsmouth. There a large number of interest ins reports of the different com millees who have teen very active since the last meeting of the club and they were received with much approval by the members. The committee on the Sixth street curbing reported that they had gotten the matter where it was up to the engineers to secure a survey in order that the work might start, while the Third street committee slated they had the necessary number of signers, but desired to have all that they could reach before the matter was brought before the city council. The additional improvements will add greatly to the appearance of the northern portion of the city and the committee is to be con gratulated, as well as the citizens in that section of the city, on their enterprise in taking hold of the matter as they have. Mr. Wescott, of the transporta tion committee, reported that the committee had tried to get in touch with Vice President Byran of the Burlington on his recent trip over the linos most of the Missouri river and had been un able to get an interview with him in regard to the depot here, but had been referred to Mr. G. YV. lloldrige, the general manager. The committee had lu st taken tne matter up with Mr. Mullen, the division superintendent, and then with Mr. Holdridsre, who had re ceived them most courteously and listened to their ide of the case, and they were shown the blue prints of the altered plans of the depot enlargement, which will be much more satisfactory than the first ones prepared. Under the newer plans it is proposed to make the extension on the north of the depot larger and to change the plans on the remodeling of the interior to a large extent. The company expected to extend the Dlalfonn around the station some I'GO feet to the north, as well as to the south, making it much more convenient to get on and off the trains. The extending of the dinot platform will necessitate the changing of considerable of Mm switches and trackage in the vards near the depot and the plac ing of I hem further north. The committee had tried to impress the need of moving the station hack further west or south, but the ollicials believed that the dif fioulty would be overcome by moving the trackage a little to the east of the present location, as a fill could easily be made there, and overcome the objections to the lnaeness of the tracks to the platform. E. A. Wurl, one of the delegates to the state convention of Corn nicrcial clubs, presented the re port of the doing of that body and reported a most interesting sospion and one filled with many good ideas toward the improving of the different clubs of the state and gave a short outline of the addresses delivered there, all of which was very interesting, par ticularly that of Prof. Condra of the state university, who spoke of the fact that in eastern Nebraska, from a point a little west of Platlsmouth. clear- to Table Rock, there existed the best indications ji Ihe world of fine oil fields. On the proposition of the use of the rifle range here by the state nflitia, Mr. Wurl stated he had General Hall on his recent vi45t here and had taken hirn to the range, north of this city, but they had found the workmen con structing the permanent butts in charge and that the immediate use of the range mould be impos sible, but that the work would probably be finished by the first of July and that the general was verv desirious of bringing the militia here for a short practice. The state has a rifle range near Kearney, but it is very expensive to send the companies from the eastern portion of the state there for practice and that the general i 1 : . n was very aesirious oi uujuif " section of land in this part of the state for a range if it could be uurchased at a reasonable price The entertainment committee, which has in hand the Fourth of July celebration, had held several meetings, so they reported, but had deferred action on the Fourth while trying to secure an- aviator for the day to make flights, but found that it would lake $1,000 to secure one, and that the commit- CUPID'S DART HITS IDE Ml AGAIN Herold H. Williams and Miss Florence Hermes United in Marriage. From Friday's Dally. Another of Plattsmouth's bright and talented young men has forsaken the simple bachelor life and enrolled himself in the ranks of the benedicts. V ednes day afternoon in Omaha was solemnized the nuplials of Harold II. Williams of this city and Florence Hermes of Falls City, Nebraska. While at the depot Wednesday it was noticeable that Harold ap A CAUSE FOR HE How the Tramp Nuisance Can Be Abated By the Institution of Rock Piles In Cities. Claims He Saw Burglars. From Friday Daily. There was quite a good deal of excitement around Manspeaker's livery barn this morning, as one of the men working there report ed that while he was wrapped in tlie arms of Morpheus at an early hour Ibis morning two des perate looking men entered the olllre and attempted to break open the safe, but were frightened away before securing any of the wealth concealed in said safe. IRE EAS1ERII STAR LADIES VISIT C Of tee would go ahead and complete poured quite elated over some onfs for the celebration thinir. and as the wedding had at once. been rumored suspicion was at The question of improved tram once aroused, but he insisted that nothing was doing in the matri (Continued on Eighth Page.) KANSAS BOOSTERS AH II RIVE HERE AT NOON Now on Return Trip From Omaha, and Report the Roads in Bad Shape. From Saturday's Dally. This noon some nine automo bile loads of boosters from Kan sas City, en route home from Omaha, stopped off in this city for a shotr time for dinner. They moiiial line. The young people will make their home in this city in the future, where the groom is employed as an electrician by the Burlington in the shops. Mr. Williams was born and reared in this city and received his education in the public schools here, and a few years ago entered the employ of the Burlington, where he remained until about a vear ago, when he removed to Falls City, accepting a position with the Missouri Pacific, but a few months ago returned to this city and re-entered the employ of the Burlington. While in tails Citv Mr. Williams met his fate and the acquaintance formed there culminated in the wedding in Omaha. The bride is one of the most rharminer voung ladies in tails were a fine bunch of gentlemen and reported a most enjoyable cA and the many friends of the 1 fin. although the rainy weather (ontractinsr parties will extend to - i - - - had inlerferred with their trip to some extent. The party started from Hia watha, Kansas, yesterday, most of Ihe party having their cars laid up there since tho attempt last Siihicclav to make the trip, and thev reached Omaha last night vhiL it. is not a matter to he necially proud of, the party 1 i : . were unan nious in kiuuuk iuul the worst roads they had en countered were between this city and Omaha, and they felt that a com! draarcinir campaign was about due. The secretary of Ihe Kansas State Automobile association, Mr. L). E. Walkins, of Kansas City, was with the party and stated that they were up against the same conditions in that state which prevails here, but that tho farmers there were waking up to tho fact that good roads were a necessity that could not be got the newly wedded couple their best wishes for a happy married life. AN ASSOCIATION THAT IS VERY Chief Malone of Ihe Burlington secret service, who has studied the situation from many angles, reports that the hobo steers clear of every city with a rock pile, and gives his views of the cause of so many tramps iii this country, as follows: "Soft-hearted women and easy iroimr communities are in reality responsible for Ihe hordes of tramps which swarm over the northern country from April till October," said the chief. "Tho women give them food and cloth ing and some furnish them with money and liTe is made more pleasant for them than for many honest men. One community will ship lliem along t ) another, they keep on the go, the railroads give them free rides and they steal food and clothing from merchan dise cars if they can't get it from big-hearted but mistaken people at their stopping olaccs. 'It does a tramp no good to put him in jail nor is it any solution o Ihe problem to send him along like a football lo another com inunily. He seldom leaves a com munity till he has begged money and food either from the wives of citizens or obtained lodging am food from charity organizations Some of these associations handle the hoboes right, and make them labor for what they give them, but others do not. "If every town and city would have u rock pile or have street, jobs for the Weary Willies or anything that would make them toil and toil hard there would soon be an end to the evil which has hoi hered decent people for a num her of years. A tramp seldom wants to work and he never wants to work long. He will stand few hours on a roc I; pile or push i'iil' :i shovel on Ihe streets, but A Birthday Party. From Friday's Dally. Last evening the bunch gather ed at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. George Grebe to assist Conrad . in ceelbraling his 18li birthday. The evening was passed away in games and music and a delicious luncheon was served, Those pres ent were: . Inez lladley, Lottie Kopisehki, Barry Warthen, Ernest Wallengren, Fred Killing, Louie Smith. Leonard Jones, George Ivopisihki, Conrad Grebe, Messrs. and Anion Hrasky, John Grebe, Ceil Kopisihki, rlhur Alexander, George Grebe The friends in attendance wish '.ourad many more happy birth days. Well Pleased With Management and Royally Entertained Dur ing Their Short Stay. Ik From Friday's Dally. In the matter of prompt pay ment of insurance policies, tlie Western Bohemian Fraternal as sociation, or Z. C. B. J. lodge has made a very good showing, as to day William Holly, the local treasurer, received a draft from the head office for the sum or $1,000, made payable to Mrs. Jos eph Havir, whose husband was killed two weeks ago yesterday by an accident in his sawing outfit at his home. This is certainly tmhi'nrr ihn mnllop flirmnrh in away from and were placing their pooJ an(J lhe ,0(ge de serves great credit in the mat- roads in proper shape. Mr. W at tin stated that it cost more to run the roads through his sec lion than it would if scientific in road -making were used. ter as the money is badly needed bv the family, as the mother s sick and the three c hildren are all small, one of Hkm.i being only about ten days old. CALLED TO MABTllEJO., ON ACCOUNT OF ILLNESS THE H & L. OF S. ENJOY AN INTERESTING MEETING From Friday s Dau. Last evening Mrs. J. E. Doug lass, accompanied by her daugh ter, Miss Marie, and son, Dean, departed for Marysville, Missouri, in response lo a message an nouncing the serious illness of the mother of Mrs . Douglass, Mrs. J. W. Dean. The message stated she had been taken sick last Thursday and had grown worse until her recovery was de spaired of, and urging the family to come at once. There had been no intimation of tier illness and the news came as a great shock to Mrs. Douglass and her family and they at once prepared to de part for Marysville, hoping that thev might find their mother and grandmother improved. Lame back is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles of the back, for which you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. From Friday's Dally. The Knights and Ladies of Se curity held a most interesting meeting last evening1 at their lodge room in the Woodman building, which was attended by a large representation of the members. After tho transaction of the routine business of the lodge the members were greatly surprised by the presentation of a large and elegant cake from Mrs. Robert Ward, and it struck the right spot with the crowd, and some ice cream beuig secured the meeting resolved itself into social session until a late hour. when the members departed for their homes, feeling greatly pleased at the pleasant surprise given them. LOST A small brown Cocker spaniel, answers to name of "Brownie." Last seen following farm wagon out of town. Parties knowing whereabouts please notify Journal office. does 1)1110 oul not want to have it, hi a common thing on his or else he will quit Ihe I ADDRESS BV DR. MARSHALL OF OMAHA Large Number in Attendance and Address One of the Best of the Season. route. .Nebraska could no use of Ihe majority of its I ramps in- ide of a few weeks by making them do labor stunts whenever they land. "As to railroads, they suffer in divers ways from the houo nuisance. Their merchandise cars lire robbed ami fire losses are sustained and men- iihoimhii Hit- kept on the jump many months in the year smoking' out the worth- ess tourists and chasing them from freight cars. Sometimes these worthies show fight and there has been instances where thev have commit led murder, though the average tramp is noth ing but a low-grade criminal 'I think Ihe lime is ripe to deal sternly with the tramp problem iuul settle il richt and Ihe co operation of every city, town, v I si are and hamlet in Ihe slate with Ihe railroads in the manner have outlined would soon obtain results. The secret service dt partmenls of the Nebraska rail roads will certainly do their part lo put the hobo down and out." Nebraska railroads employ spe cial men lo rid the trams or tramps. At the present time there are a number passing through the slate and they are bound in all directions. They have rendezvous along the Republican and Platte rivers and here in the summer and late spring they gather in large numbers. These places are clearing houses for the profes sional idlers. From Saturday's Dully. The regular number of tlie occupation" addresses at Ihe Presbyterian church last evening drew out a large attendance of the men of the .nly, both young and old, to hear tho address of Rev. A. B. Marshall, president of Ihe Presbyterian Theological col lege of Omaha, who spoke on "The Minister." It had been the intention to have il. N. Towl of Omaha address the gathering on "The Engineer," but ho was un able to be present and the class was very lortiinaie m .securing Dr. Marshall for an address, as he is one of the ablest of the Pres byterian ministers in Ihe slate, and his talk last evening was very much appreciated Ly those for tunate enough to attend. Preceding the lecture Miss Catherine Dovey sang a most harming solo and was forced to espond with an encore, so great was lhe delight of the hearers at er sweet and very clear voice. The ladies of the church had also prepared a very tempting lunch- on, which was served to the gathering and put them in a most pleasant frame of mind for the tide lecture of Dr. Marshall. fn his talk the doctor pointed out in a series of stories the great influence a minister can have for the moral uplilt ol a community, reciting a number of slories lo bring onl, his point. Ho cited the case of a minister sent lo New Mexico, who had charge of district of 200 miles which had t . never known any religious ieacn ing ami how the moral influence of Ihe teaching of the church had made that section tine of the best in that stale. He pointed out llu need of young men lo enter the ministry lo carry on lhe work of tho church and lhe great oppor tunity for good that awaited those taking up the profession of Ihe ministry. The lecture was very pleasing and made a deep impres sion upon the hearers. Here From Missouri. From Saturday's Dallv. C. C. Noble and wife of .New Hampton, Missouri, who have been here for n couple of days visiting at the home of their son A. R. Noble and family, departei this morn in sr. in company with his son, for little Sioux, Neb where they will visit relatives. Mr and Mrs. Noble lire most excellent people and we were greatly pleased to meet Mr. Noble, who is ii (hie citizen of erand old Mis souri. From Saturday's Dally. Yesterday the Masonic Home in this city was visited by a number of the delegates who were in at tendance at. the grand lodge of he Order of Easlern Star, and everyone in delegation was loud in their praise of the beauti ful home that the Masonic frater nity has prepared for their aged and helpless members. The delegates wer& escorted here by Mr. Fran Young of Broken Bow, one of the board of Ihe Home, and were most royally entertained during their short slay here by Superintendent and Mrs. Askwilh, and they were loud in their praise of the conduct of the Home, and also deeply grate ful for Ihe hospitality shown lliem by the board and the super intendent and wife. The entire party was entertained at dinner at tho Home by the superintend ent and departed for the me tropolis in the afternoon feeling that it was well worth the trip here to see the establishment, and the ladies were very much charm ed with the appearance of tho city in general, and several of them remarked that it was one of the prettiest cities in the state and that the residents here should be proud of it. One of the objects of the visit was to look oyer '..he establishing of the orphans' department of the Home here, and it is expected that the Yallery residence in lhe same block will be -converted into the children's department of the Home, as it is ideally situated for Ihe rearing and hiking care of those of tender years, and where ey can receive an me exercise and care necessary for children. I'he children's depart men! will be equipped by the Slar lodge and maintained by them for a year, and if found to be Miccessful will be made a permanent, institution. The Home is I lie object of a great deal oi pride mini ine mem bers of Ihe Masonic order and is one of Ihe llest institutions of its kind in the stale, and has reached a high standard of perfection un der the superintendency of Mr. Askwilh. Among those in the parly were: Mesdames H. L. Slarke, Wood River; J. L. McDonald, Allen Daugherly. Norfolk: Davis. South Omaha; Williams, Norfolk; James West, Laurel; II. C. Simmons, Norfolk; Harper, Wood River; Baird. Soulh Onin'ia: W. R. Bir ney, Omaha: Harriet L. Jackson, Omaha ; Miss Mary K. McDougal, Neligh; Mr. Smith. l.'Uig Pine, and Mr. Young. Broken Bow. MRS. JOSEPH DROEGE DEPARTS FOR WYOMING Richard Clark Married. The many friends in this city of Richard Clark of Omaha will be greatly pleased to learn of his marriage in . the metropolis Thursday to Miss Minnie Rich ards. Mr. Clark lias been a fre quent visitor in this city and has a host of friends here, who will extend to the newly wedded pair their best wishes for their future happiness. Mr. Clark is associat ed with his father in Ihe manu facture of signs in Omaha and has been very successful in tlie business. Adam Kalfenberger of near Cedar Creek came in this morning to attend to some trading with the merchants. From Friday's Dally. Mrs. Joseph Droege departed! this morning for Green River, Wyoming, where Mie will make a short visit with her son, Emil, who is employed at that place and has had a most successful career since locating in that city. Mrs. Droege will greatly enjoy tho trip, as it has been over ayear since she has had lhe pleasure of visit ing with her sou, and it is un necessary to saylhat the oc casion will be oiie of great pleas ure to both the mother and son. Emil has been playing ball during lhe summer months and his reputation as a player is among' the best in that part of the coun try and his many friends here will be delighted to learn that he is getting along so well. For Sale. From Saturday's Dully. New buggy, ahrness and No. I single driver. Outfit at the home of Geo. Marks, Nehawka. Wes Kivett.