The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 15, 1913, Image 8

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The only Baking Powder made from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Makes delicious home-baked foods
ol maximum quality at minimum x
cost Makes home baking
pleasant and proiitable
from Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening Albert Pewit t, the
man who created so much excite
ment at the Hurlinatnn depot in
(he. afternoon, was brought be
fore his honor, Judge M. Archer,
charged with beiiiK found in an
intoxicated condition. It seems
lie desired to purchase a ticket to
return to his homo in Omaha, but
was refused by the cashier, as it
is against the law to sell a ticket
to an intoxicated man, and on be-
itiix informed of this fact, he grew
very angry and started to make a
mall "rough house," but. was
conveyed to jail. After hearing
the evidence in the case the judge
decided to place a fine of $2 and
costs on him and he arranged
settlement and was allowed to
cave on the evening" Missouri Pa
cific for his home.
(Continued From First Page.)
From Tuesday'! Daily.
The Hotel Riley building-, which
is one of the finest of its kind in
the state, has boon sold by the
owner, Wallace Campbell, of Min
neapolis, to J. P. Falter of this
city. Mr. Falter will at once
place the holM building in lirst
class shape and make it one of
the most up-to-date buildings in
the city. While the purchase
price was not made public, it will
give the new owner an oppor
tunity to realize a handsome
profit on his investment and al
low him to place the building in
good shape for use both in the
hotel portion and in the store
: That the hotel has been secur
ed by home parlies will be very
pleasing to the citizens, as of late
years it has been owned by out
side parties, who have not had
the interests of lh city at heart,
and it has been allowed to run
down somewhat, but under the
new ownership this will be
changed and Mr. Falter will de
vote his attention to seeing that
it is kept up In proper shape. The
hotel proper will remain under
the management of Mr. Dunbar,
who has conducted it for a num
ber of years. The Riley is a
splendid building erected in 1891,
and has been a great advertise
ment for the city, as it is without
doubt one of the most substantial
buildings in Ibis section of the
Hobo Gets Gay.
From Tuesday's Dailv.
There was considerable excite
ment at the Jlurlington station
when Officer Neumann, stepping
up to a gentleman of the hobo
type, asked him his business here
and was informed that he was
here on a lawsuit. If the hobo had
stopped at this he would have
been all right, but he proceeded
to get very loud and flourished a
cane he carried around very lively
and as a result, he was loaded into
a cab and hauled away to the
Docket Is Light.
The clerk of the district court,
James Robertson, has prepared
I he copy for the bar docket for
the May term of district court,
which will convene in this city on
Monday, June 2, ami the jury will
be called for June l(. The docket
contains tlnily-tlve civil cases
and seven criminal cases, and is
one of the lightest in recent years
From Tuesday's Dally
The Hoys' club of St. Luke's
Sunday school held a meeting at
the rectory last evening for the
purpose of electing their officers
for the ensuing six months, and
the of Mowing were chosen: War
den, William II. Kgenberger; first
vice president, (ieorge Dovcy;
second vice president, Milton Aus
tin; secretary, Robert Peters;
treasurer, Henry Robert Hcrold;
seargent-at-arms, Harold W
Smith. The boys had a very en
joyable, time at the meeting and
were full of enthusiasm for tho
work for the coming season.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Burlington band last even
ing began their rehearsals for the
coining season of concerts to be
given under the auspices of the
Commercial club and the citizens.
The band will be under the direc
tion of Mr. E. II. Schulhof, who
is without doubt one of the ablest
band men in the state, and the
public enn look forward to some
very pleasing concerts this sum
mer. It is the intention of the
Commercial club to give the con-
erts on the High school grounds,
which is more centrally located
than Oartleld park and will prove
much more convenient to a large
majority of the, citizens, as it is
asier to reach that point from
all sections of the city.
William Schneider and wife of
Cedar Creek were in the city to
day for a few hours and found
time to call at the Journal office
and renew his subscription to
this household necessity. We
were greatly pleased to meet these
worthy people and they have a
standing invitation to make this
office their headquarters when in
the city.
T. W. Vallery was in the city
for a few hours today looking af
ter some matters with the differ
ent merchants.
"lOdl 11 TTTT--
ft Ml
AN cgctable Preparation ror.s
(intlic Siomacbs aniBuwclsof
Promotes DiCcsttonflif e rfd-
ncss and Rest-Contains ndtlfl
OpiimuMorphine nor Mineral.
JlxJtma JhcMttUtt'
Anerfect Remedv for Coreft
t ton . Sour Stomaeh.Dlarrtoca
Worms .Coiwulsions.rcverisu
ncss and LOSS OF 5LEER
Facsimile Sijnature of
?uz Centaur Compare
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
The county commissioners of
Otoe county have taken a step
that will assist them greatly in
the solving of the good roads
question, and this is the purchase
of a heavy tractor engine that
will be used on a large power
rader to grade up the roads in
that county and keep them in
proper shape, and their example
could be followed by this county
with much profit, to the whoW
county and would more than pay
for itself in the improved condi
lion of (lie Migliways ol l lie coun
ty. It was the intention of the
Otoe county board to grade
road at, once east and west
through the county and then lak
up the one going north and south
and to connect with the auto
mobile road running through that
county, which will give them
splendid system of good roads
throughout their locality. Then
is in Cass county, as well as al
other counties, roads little travel
ed that it would not be advisable
lo work in this manner, but with
an engine and power drag the
main roads throughout the coun
ty could be placed in excellent
shape and be made a credit to the
citizens, as well as a means of
travel that would greatly en
courage tho automobile owners
and others to make more frequent
I rips all over the country and
iccp in touch with each other.
For Over
Thirty Years
j51!5 Jjjniy '111 le '11
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
tn tMTaun (oaM. mw ' city
From Tuesday's Dally-
Ihe benellt given last evening
at the (lein theater by the ladies
of the Woman's Relief Corps was
a splendid success, both in the
attendance, which was quite
large, and in the interesting pic-
lures furnished. The Corps will
clear a neat sum from the show,
which will bo applied toward fit
ting up the room occupied by the
Helief Corps and Grand Army in
the court house, which was re
cenlly turned over to them to use
as a lodge room. The Helief
Corps has been assisting a num
her of families this winter and
also were heavy contributors to
the supplies for the Omaha tor
undo sufferers, and as u con
sequence were unable to proceei
with the work of l'xing up their
rooms as they should be.
County Commissioner C. R
Jordan arrived last evening from
Alvo to attend to some business
the following claims and their
payment was ordered: Hen Rainey,
alary, $5; M. Archer, salary, $30;
public library, expense, $1.02; Ne
braska Lighting Co, street lights,
19.57 ; Neb. Lighting Co., light
at library, .$2.50; Olive Jones,
salary, $35; J. II. Donnelly, salary,
si.50; M. McCool, street work,
$1; Weyrich & lladraba, supplies.
Si. 00; William (irebe, special
police. $7.50; A. 75. Smith, work
it library, $1.85; Zora Smith,
mending books at library, $0;
.incoln Telephone Co., rent,
$1.50; H. A. Bates, printing,
$43.89; J. C. Peterson, insurance
on library, $5; George Sayles,
same, $10.35; Wm. Hassler, re
pairs, $11.10; C. Ucetel, burying
dog, 50 cents; Ed Snodgrass,
street work, $8; Al O'Neill, same,
$32.80; Wes Kalasek, same, $1;
W. H. Rishel, same, $31.50; W. B.
Rishel, same, $15; George Taylor,
same, $0.80; M. McCool, same,
$1.40; John McBride, same, $1;
Alvin Jones, same, $9; John Mc
Dermott, same, $10; C. E. Mc-
Sntee, street commissioner, $33;
G. Rhode, street work, $5; C. E.
McEntee, same, $20. 40; E. V.
Heft, same, $2; Nelson Jean &
Co., same, $18; Q. K. Parmele,
same, $13.20; 0. K. Parmele,
same, $18; E. Ilepshere, same,
$3.20; McMaken & Sons, same,
Frank Kauble, same, $0; Mc
Maken & Son, digging out for
walk, $14.45; J. I. McAdams,
street work, $14.45; G. P. East
wood, hardware, $2.25; C. W.
Baylor, coal and labor at library,
$7; V. B. Rishel, burying dog,
50 cents.
The lire and water committee,
to which had been referred the
matter of the public drinking
fountains, reported that they had
secured estimates of the cost of
the fountains as follows: Foun
tain complete, $20,42; connection
for same, $8.50; concrete base,
The price of the water for
these fountains will be 20 cents
per 1,000 gallons. On motion of
Buttery the lire and water com
mittee was authorized to purchase
three of these fountains and have
them installed at convenient
places on the business streets.
The matter was discussed by the
different councilnieu at length,
but the motion of Mr. Buttery
carried by a unanimous vote.
The contract for painting the
exterior of the city hall was let
to Frank Gobelman by the coun
cil, his bid being the lowest. The
si runt ore is to be nainted similar
to the Wescott building on Main
The bids for permanent side
walks and crossings were opened
and compared by the streets, al
leys ami bridges committee, and
the bid of McMaken & Son being
the lowest, that firm was awarded
the contract, whicii will be enter
ed into tis soon as a bond satis
factory to the city is provided.
The curbing and guttering on
North Sixth street and Oak street
was brought up and it will be
necessary to make a survey in
order that the work can be carried
out successfully. It was agreed
to make the width of the roadway
thirty feet, with parking on each
side between the walk and the
City Attorney Tidd gave a ver
bal report of his appearance be-
ore tne railway commission m
behalf of the city in regard to
the telephone rates and of the
lifferent statements of the value
of the plant made by the wit
nesses for the telephone company.
The council authorized the city
clerk to secure sworn statements
of the value of tha plant, which
will be presented to the county
board of equalization in order
that the proper amount of taxes
can be secured from the Lincoln
Telephone and Telegraph com
pany in this city.
Councilman Lushinsky called
attention of the council to the old
board walk on South Sixth street,
which had been brought up sev
eral times before, and stated if
the owner did not see that a
nermanent walk was placed there
the council should take steps to
have it put in and the cost as
sessed against tho property. On
motion, the councilmen from the
Third ward were given authority
to draft a resolution to present
at the next meeting to make it
legal for the city to proceed in
the matter. Mayor Saltier stated
there were a number of other
pieces of walks in Ihe city that
could be included in the resolu
tion, as they were badly needed.
Councilman Richey stated that he
You Can Prevent Hog Cholera
Kill Hog Worms
and Have Fat Hogs.
Don't let Hog Cholera and Worm scar you-R'i on
easy matter to prevent them. This positive fact Is
vouched for by thousands of Farmers and Hog Raise's
in nearly every state In the Union. Just feed With
the dally hog ration a small quantity of
It renders hoas Immune to Cholera: tones them up;
keeps them on their feeti makes them fat and sleek;
destroys Worms; Increases your pork profits.
MERRY WAR POWDERED LYH has proved Itself to
be the surest preventive of Hog Cholera, exterminator
of Worms and the best hog conditioner and fattener
In the world. Here Is evidence that will convince
you. Mr. H. H. Unterklrcher of Wever. Iowa, writes:
"I am recommending MERRY WAR POWDERED
LYE to everyone I see. as It Is a great hog condi
tioner and worm destroyer."
m t
A. W.'White,
Dry Goods & Groceries
Phones : Ind. 206. Bell 71
ciflc olllcials were willing to put
in several permanent walks
around their station here and that
if this was included in the resolu
tion it would very likely cause
them to take action at once in
the matter.
There was a large number of
street jobs ordered carried out as
soon as the weather permits, and
there being no further business
the council adjourred.
. R. B.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon the rep
resentatives of the Ancient Order
of United Workmen from this
city departed for Hastings to at
tend the session of the grand
lodge of that order, which opens
in that city tomorrow. James
Higley, William Ofe ami Henry
Ofe represent lodge No. 8, 1). C.
Morgan No. 8i, A. II. Johnson
Seva lodge, and Martin Friedrich
Germania lodge No, 81. Frank
K. Schiater accompanied the
delegates and will see that tney
keep in good behavior. Frank P.
Sheldon of Nehawxa is a candid
ate for the oflice of grand receiver
at the grand lodge and the local
delegation are very enthusiastic
for him and will do their utmost
to see that he is elected to the
olllce. The nominations will be
taken up Wednesday morning.
From Stanton.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Albert Fickler of Stanton, Neb.,
arrived in the city last evening for
a brief visit with his parents, Mr
and Mrs. fl. Fickler, and the many
friends at the old home. He came
to South Omaha, where he was in
the market for some feeding cat
tie, and not finding the quality he
wanted he returned this morning
and will buy if he can locate what
he wants. He reports everything
in Stanton in good shape, and as
for himself, he is enjoying life
and prosperity in the fullest sense
of the term. He will return home
from South Omaha today.
Pure bred Plymouth Rock, 75c
per 15; $4.00 per 100. 'Phone 1-1,
Route 2. C L. Wiles.
From Tuesdays Dally.
It will be learned with profound
regret by the many friends of
Hon. H. 13. Windham that he is
quite sick and has been confined
to his home since Sunday evening
with what it is feared may de-
velope into pneumonia. He spoke
Sunday afternoon at the Method
ist church and returned home
feeling quite poorly, and in the
evening it became necessary to
summon a physician, as his con
dition continued to grow more
serious. That he may recover
speedily is the sincere wish of bis
many friends throughout the city.
From Tuesday's Dally.
William Hill, who resides at
Louisville, was brought before the
insanity board today, charged with
being a dispo-vietin, and after
hearing the evidence in the case
the board decided to give him a
course of treatment at the hos
pital in Lincoln. He was brought
in by Deputy Sheriff M. E. Man
speaker, who went out to Louis
ville last evening lo secure the
Alexander Dumas paid duty is
something that we exact from others. Your
duty to yourself is to take Allen's Coogb
Balsam when you have a deep-seated cou'h
or cold. Nothing will give you quicker
and more permanent relief. Try it. Dxv.
not contain anything harmful. 25c, 50u.
and $1.00 bottles at all dealers.
Colic, and stomach
ache usually relieved
This famous remedy seldom faila to
relieve pain, both external and in
ternal. 25, 35 and SOc. Bottlci.
onure Spreaders
Tho Best Manure Spreader
This machine may be seen at my implement
departmenta new addition to my general black
smith and wagon business. I also handle the
AVERY Corn Planters
and Cultivators! c
In fact it is my intention to carry a general line
of Farm Implements of all kinds. Call and see
me for whatever you may need.
Platttsmouth, Neb.
for the county.
! understood that the Missouri Pa-