The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 15, 1913, Image 6

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Murray D&
J- 4 IS
(If any of the readers of the Journal know of a social event or an item of
this heading. We want all Items of interest. -Editor Journal. )
X nroi'f Vnnv
Bank and Pay
gations by
If you make your payments by check you have a re
cord that cannot be disputed.
We regard all business transactions as strictly confi
dential. Combine absolute safety with satisfaction.
We accord careful consideration to small and large
taTOur deposits are secured by the State Guarantee
We pay 4 per cent on time deposits for one year.
We Bank on You.. You Bank With Us.
We Solicit Your Business.
II. II. Nickels was :i I'lal I
visitor Tuesday.
Lloyd Lewis spent Sunday with
lames Filch an lfa;nily.
The Sunday school at, I.ewiston
had quite a nice aliendance Sun
day. Misses Margaret and Vera
Moore, spent Sunday with home
Harry Tinner and family spent
Sunday willi J. It. Tigner, west of
The Ladies Aid society meets
every Thursday i:t. I.ewislon
Frank Ithoden was transacting
husincss at Fight Mile (J rove
John Holt-cluedl and wife were
!'king after business and visit
ing friends in Plallsmoulh Mon
day. ('has. r,laon was a business
isifor in Plallsmoulh Tuesday
F.slher Hay and Willa Moore
were visiting friends in Murray
Miss E. it. (JU'-en conplcled il
successful term of school at dis
trict No. 7.
K. (1. Lewis and family spent
Saturday and Sunday willi Rob
ert, Vilch and family.
Albert Wilson and wife are
nicely set I led w here Dea Shrader
has formerly lived.
Mrs. William Wiley and Mrs.
George Parks were I'lal Isinoulli
visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. J. I). Lewis and daughter,
Miss Mae, were shopping and vis
iting friends in Union Monday.
(1. W. Young was a passenger
Monday evening for Plallsinoulh,
where he will visit a few days with
his sister, Mrs. Julia Troop.
The I.ewiston coinmunily is
planning' on having a general
clean-up day. Tin ladies' aid will
furnish dinner and quill while
the men clear the cemetery and
clear up limber surrounding the
Prepare for Your
Spring Work Now!
OUR plorvs need
sharpening, and other
machinery may need re
pairing. Line them up
now and bring them in,
and let me put them in
goodcondition for you by
the time the Spring rush
arrives. You will be busy
then and so will I.
Walter Green,
Blacksmithlng and Horseshoeing
Murray, Nebraska
Mnnpv in
Your Obli-
II. I.. Oldham was in L'nion on
husiness Tuesday.
William Gilmouc was calling
on friends in Murray this week.
Another school year will soon
he oxer. School closes in an
other week.
Story telling hour al I lie library
Saturday from :t lo r. All chil
dren invited.
I.orene Chambers is spending
the week in llavchick with her
aunt and family.
Market Saturday al the library.
Pies, bread, cake, cookies, horse,
radish, dome early before all is
Bring your fancy work and en
joy yourself willi friends at Mrs.
Hrendel's Friday afternoon, May
Mrs. C. Law! on left Saturday
evening lor her home al Moux
Gilv, tier husband having recent
a ly gone into business al, that,
Dr. J. F. Mrenilel and Mrs.
Mrendel were called to Weeping
Water Wednesday on account of
the sickness of Mrs. llreiidel's
mot her, Mrs. Jamison.
Mcsdames W. S. Smith, Grace
Chambers and D. I'.. Ithoden enter
tained the Missionary society
Fridav at the home of Mrs. Smith.
Fifteen braved the rainy day and
attended. Dainty refreshments
were served.
Mrs. Charles Tracy was a guest
of Mrs. Kennedy Friday of last
week. Mrs. Tracy left. Saturday
for Heal rice, whec she w ill make
her home with her son, who has a
position at that place.
Frank Kauhlc of lMatlsmoulh
came down Wednesday to visit his
sister, Mrs. Moses lliall, who has
been ailing for some time. This
was Frank's old .stamping ground
many years ago, and he sees a
great, change in recent years. He
can tell you a great deal of the
pioneer days.
Postmaster Raker departed
Tuesday morning for Springlleld,
Illinois, where ln will represent
(lie local camp in the national
convention of the M. W. A. Mr.
Maker went, from here to Omaha,
where he joined about forty or
lllty ileiegales hound lor llie ll.
linois capital.
Word has been received from
Mrs. Dull that she arrived safely
a I, the home of her sister in Penn
sylvania and that, the three sis
ters, are enjoying a splendid visit.
Mrs. Dnll's many friends here
hope, that she will have a pleasant
summer there, but that she will
not, forget to return to her Ne
braska friends.
I lurly-llve enjoved the picnic,
supper Tuesday of last week dow n
at, the "Old Camping (Iround."
The crowd lake turns cooking ami
serving the banquet. This time it
fell to Mrs. S. O. Pitman and
Pauline Oldham. They landed
llie potatoes, eggs, fried ham and
coffee on the table with rosy com
plexions and burning lingers. Dr.
Gilmore announced that the men
would prepare, rook and serve
the next, and all are anxiously
awaiting the spread.
Interest In this vicinity and will mail same to this office it will appear under
I'eler Campbell was a county
seal isitor Monday.
Mrs. A. I.. Hak.o- was a Plalts
moulli isitor Sundav morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman lieck
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. I,,
liakcr Sunday.
Will J'hilpol shipped a car of
cattle Wednesday to llie South
Omaha market.
Mrs. I D. 1 1 iai L was, an over
Sunday visitor with her parents
in Plattsmoulh.
Frank Slagle was looking after
some business matters in the
county seat Monday.
Charley lliall was down from
Plattsmoulh Sunday visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses
Judge II. 11. Claihorn and wife
of Omaha were over Sunday
visitors with his cousin. E. S. Tutl
and wife.
L. D. lliall of the linn of lliatt
& Twit, the "live wire" merchants
of Murray, made :i business trip
lo Omaha Monday.
Mrs. John Campbell, who was
in Omaha for some days receiv
ing treatment, is now at home,
feeling much;-.
Mrs. O. A. Davis gave an "at
home" this afternoon to a
large number of her lady friends
a I, (he elegant Davis home.
Miss l.euore lirowii, daughter
of Mr. ami Mrs. James Brown,
who has been (piile sick for some
lime, is recovering nicely.
The farmers are very busy. A
great deal of corn has been plant
ed and we hear of several lields
where the corn is coming up.
Miss Mae Hhoden, who for
several days was threatened with
appendicitis, is improving, and it
is thought she will gel along with
out an opera! ion.
Frank Moore was looking after
some business matters in Omaha
last Monday, ami relumed home
via Plallsniotilh, where he spent a
few hours visiting with county
seat friends.
Col. J. B. Seybnl', made a Hying
trip to Omaha and Nebraska City
Monday, going up in the morn
ing and back to Nebraska Cily on
llie liver al noon and home on llie
evening train.
(ieorge W. Hhoden of Plalls
moulh spent Wednesday in Mur
ray looking afler some mailers of
business and visiling with his
brother, Don C. Hhoden and fam
ily. II. II. (ileisman s home is again
iiiaarnl iued for diphtheria, his
daughter now being afllicled. Mr.
ami Mrs. (ileisman are certainly
having their share of sickness,
this being the second case of the
dread disease in a very short time.
Mrs. Fred llainge is suffering
from a very serious attack of in
flammatory rheumatism, and her
many friends are considerably
concerned as to the outcome of
Mrs. Ilamage's condition, all hop
ing for her complete recovery.
There will be a strawberry fes
tival at. the Christian church Sat
urday evening. Delicious straw
berries and fine cake will he there
in profusion and if you fail to be
there you will miss the time of
your life. Boys, bring the girls
and enjoy yourselves. Now, don't
Mrs. Tom Ruby was operated
upon Friday at M. Catherine's
hospital in Omaha and relieved of
forty-two ounces of puss from
the left lung. The abscess had
been forming for some lime. Mrs
Ruby's many friends here have
hopes of her speedy recovery.
James Tilson, who was kicked
several times last Saturdav bv a
horse at his home, west, of Mur
ray, was in town niomiav on
crutches. II. was thought at first
that, he was pretty badly injured,
but he is getting along pretty well
considering the number of
"whacks" the horse had at him.
Jim says he regrets the accident
because he can't stand to be idle
while the other boys work.
Card of Thanks.
We desire lo extend our most
sincere and heartfelt thanks to
those noble ladies who so kindly
assisted us in caring for our son,
Francis, during his late illness.
Their careful al lent ion lo his
every need had much to do with
his speedy recovery. May heaven's
choicest blessings he showered
upon each of lh;m, "and he as
surrcd that their kindness will
never he forgotten hy us.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. II. Cook.
Buy your fancy
the Journal office.
stationery at
Former Citizen Visiting Here.
James I.atta of Des Moines,
Iowa, a pioneer of this county and
an old soldier of (he L'nion army,
is visiting friends and relatives
here. He is 80 years of age, and
all hough he was crippled w hile
in the army, he is as callable of
caring for himself as a man of
middle age. He just, returned
from a trip through the O.arks
and from visiling a brother, Rob
ert I.atta. Robert Lalta, at the
age of 7"), wrote a book called
"Reminiscence of pioneer Life."
The story deals mostly with one
man and his, family, but it gives
very plainly the customs, pleas
ures and hardships of frontier
life, and the little nook keeps the
reader interested from the time
the Red Wing1 appeared upon the
upper Missouri until the sun sets
upon the principal character in
the Ozark mountains. The lime
covered in this story is from 1848
to 1012. James Lalta is here in
the interest of the sales of the
Tornado Insurance.
Wouldn't it be better to receive
a check from an insurance com
pany afler a tornado or cyclone
takes away your home than to be
compelled to use your own hard
cash In rebuild? I represent
Slandard Old Line Companies, and
can write your insurance at a low
rate. Better look up your policies
and if you have no tornado insur
ance call at (lie hank and let me
11 x you out.
W. G. Boedeker.
Kensington for the Library.
Mrs. J. F. Bremlel. willi the aid
of eight members of the associa
tion, will gie a kcnsinulon at her
pretty home in Murray on Friday
aflernonn. May 2."!. Refreshments
will be served and a fee of tn
cents will be charged to aid in the
buying of bonks n.-xl September,
when I he association expects to
prepare for the winter's reading.
The public is invited lo attend
this keiisinglon.
Ice Cream Social at Mynard.
The Ladies1 Aid society of the
Mynard and F'izht 'Mile Grove
churches will uiv an ice cream
social at the home r f V. T. Rich
ardson Saturday evening, May 17.
A short program .i!! be rendered.
Everybody invited.
Hotel Register.
Miss Van Meter arrived in Mur
ray Monday and is now engaged
in soliciting advertising lor a re
volving register lor llie Herger
House, to be conducted by Mrs.
Herger, whose qualities as a land
lady can't he heat. Mrs. Herger
intends to keep a Mrst-class hotel
in every particular, and sucri a
hotel cannot gel along very well
without a tine register. Miss
Van Meter proposes that she shall
have Ihis necessarv article if the
business men patronize the enter
prise to the extent of placing a
card upon the register. Every
business house and profession
should he represented on the
register, as it. shows to the
strangers who stop at the hotel
who are the "livo wires11 of the
town. Miss Van Meter is a lino
young lady, and th; Journal hopes
she will succeed in her underlak
Ships His Cattle.
Henry Shoemaker and son,
Freddie, shipped their cattle to
South Omaha Monday evening of
this week. Freddie, went with llie
stock to the market, while Henry
slopped at lMatlsmoulh for an
over night visit with county seat
friends, going-on to t lie cily Tues
day morning. Mr. Shoemaker
made llie Journal office a brief
visil while in lite cily.
For Sale.
New buggy, ahrness and No. 1
single driver. Outfit tit the home
of Geo. Marks, Nehawka.
Wes Kivett.
Sell your property by an ad In
the Journal.
Household Goods
We cn i We Ton lowerf reliht ratal than too can f el
on IIooBhold Goaila, Autoa, etc., to inj point ; io th
United State. Let ui aliip for Ton and SAVB
YOU MONEY. Write nearest office for low rata
Mlt-ourl River Freight Fd'g Co.
Omaha. Nab. KwlH City. M
of high living cost Calumet
ti' iul savine in vour bakine-.
j O www ...W.WC
It insures wholesome food, tasty food uniformly raised food.
Calumet is made right-to sell right-to bake right. Ask
one of the millions of women who use it or ask your grocer.
World' Pur Food Exposition, Chicago, III
Pari Exposition, Franca, March, 1912.
You Jon 'I jaw montu when uou
.Jon I it misled. Buy Calumet. It
mates! result. Lalumel is fat superior
Alvo News
E. M. Stone
sptnt Saturday
with his family.
Mr. Ilyder visited his mother in
Lincoln Sunday.
Mrs. F'red J'rouly visited in
Greenwood Monday.
Harry Linch of Lincoln visited
relal ives here Sunday.
Henry Graig of Omaha visited
relatives here Sunday.
Mr. Allen of Omaha is visiting
relatives here this week.
Dan llardnock of Wood River,
Ne')., was in town Saturday.
Mrs. A. I. Jlird and daughter
were in Murdock Saturday.
Ralph Linch of University
Place was in town Sunday.
Orion Cook of Elmwood visited
his aunt, Mrs. Hina Kitzel, Sun
day. R. W. Stewart ami Harry Par
sell were in Lincoln on business
Mrs. Charles Suavely was a
passenger for Lincoln on No. 13
('. it. Jordan was called to
Plallsmoulh on county business
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton of South
Omaha visited their son, Robert, I
icre last week.
Miss Eva Linch and Carl Downs
of Lincoln were Sunday guests of
Miss Gladys Appk'man.
Miss Nora Wilkins of Murdock
visited at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Chris Eichmun, last week.
Grandma Hurlbut of Green
wood visited her daughter, Mrs.
Joe Armstrong, a few days last
Mrs. Liza Craig has returned
from Lincoln, where she had been
visiting her dauehirr, Mrs. Dewey,
for some time.
Slieriu" Quinton of IMattsniouth
was in town Wednesday serving
notices to jurors drawn for the
June term of court.
Mrs. Hud Groves and children
left Wednesday for Kearney, Neb.,
to visit her sister, Mrs. Ella Van
nay for a few days.
Miss Pearl Keefer left for
Litchfield. Neb.. Friday, lo visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C
Keefer, for a week or so.
Rev. E. L. Uptegrove left Mon
day evening for Syracuse, Kan
sas, to spend a few weeks with his
son, Frank Uptegrove and family
Wallace's show came to town
Saturday, and although the
weather was bad, they gave a per
formance to a fair-sized audi
James Friend of Lincoln was,
in town Thursday and Friday"
making a brief visit, as he will
move to Dawson , county, Ne
braska, soon.
J. A. Shaffer left Monday morn
ing for Hastings. Neb., where he
will attend the A. 0. U. W. grand
lodge as delegate from Alvo
Lodge No. 310.
Mrs. Fred Dreamer ami chil
dren and niece, Miss Cora Rung,
of University Place, came down
Friday to spend the week end with
relatives and friend?.
Emmet Friend went to Lincoln
Monday to help his. brother,
James, load his household goods,
as he leaves soon for his new
home at. Overton. Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Gullion
and sou, Raymond, visited over
Sunday with relatives here. They
returned to (heir home at Lin
coln on No. 13 Monday.
Mrs. Edward Hushes and Mrs.
John Elder oT Mat cat o, Kansas,
came in Saturday to visit, their
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Dird. They returned home Wed
nesday morning.
one thing you are
insures a wonder-
Tint it rlrwc mnr
buu cheab or hio-ran knllno nniaJ,
more economical more wholesome-
to tour mih and soda.
We are informed by our R. I.
agent, F. H. Candy, that the Min
neapolis Thresher Co. will ship
a trainload of threshing ma
chines from Des Moines, Iowa, to
Lincoln, Neb., on May 17. We
hope I hey mav ail be used this
Two transfers of local property
were made here last week. D. W.
llardnock sold his farm, one
mile west of town, to S. C. Hard
nock and J. L. llardnock. Con
sideration, $8,(100 for I tie seventy
and a fraction acres. F. M.
Grove sold his liVery business,
including his automobile and
dray, to J. W. Sutton. Immediate
possession was given in both
Owing lo llie sickness of Mr.
Johnson of the Wesleyari Quartet,
the last number of the lecture
course will not be given. We re
gret very much our inability to
bring this number to Alvo, but
the dillicully of fuming a satis
factory substitute for Mr. John
son and the lateness of the sea
son, made il imperative that we
cancel the date. Season ticket
holders may secure the amount
ilue them at R. A. Stone's store
LT)C for adults and 13c for chil
dren. C. C. Creekpauni.
A. D. Dick.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our thanks
to (he Ladies1 Counsel of Alvo for
their liberal contributions of
clothing and food during our time
of need; and also to those per
sons sending individual cash
donations. Such kindness is
greatly appreciated and will never
be forgotten.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Taney.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taney.
Late Seed Potatoes.
Just received, a car of white,
round Rural potatoes. These are
not irrigated, solid and good for
late seed or eating. 75e bushel
here; 8"c bushel sacked, delivered
to your town. Tested Native
Alfalfa seed, 09 per cent pure,
$10.00 bushel. We pay freight.
Write for asinples. Nearly all
seed on the market is imported
this year. Johnson Hros., Ne
braska City.
For Infants and Children.
Tti8 Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the r
Signature of CJ
Wilkinson & !2all
The holding of successful sales
is our line. Our interests arc with
the seller when it conies to gelling
every dollar your properly is
worth. For open dales address or
call either of us at our expenses
by 'phone. Dates can he made al
the Journal ofllce.