v ' J The Siege of the Seven Suitors By MEREDITH NICHOLSON Copyritht. 1910. by Meredith Nlcboteoi HEZEK2AH T She Hashed siiiititijr at this, but readi ly a .'(ltiieseed In uiy description. Miss Oetnvla's iiiijiiiry as u whether 1 nad swn tlic book came back to me end no loss clearly her withdrawal of her question almost the moment she had spoken it. I felt the sudden impingement of Hezeklah's slipper upon my own con iclence. if 1 may so state the matter. Qezeklah, playing ghost had confessed to me that she had visited Cecilia's ooni. Ilezekiah, amusing herself with the library chimney and frightening the servants by stealing into the for Dldden house through the coalhole, was i culprit to be scolded and forgiven. Cat what of Ilezekiah mischievously filching an article of real value to her sister? I did not like this turn of affairs. I must get back to the roof. Ind Ilezekiah and compel her to re turn the silver book. Only by tactful ly managing this could I serve well all the members of the bouse of Ilolllster. But first I must leave Cecilia with a tranquil mind. "I thank you for confiding this mat a-ing reports which are gratify ing t lift- many friend. 1 hi' new lire jrool' elevator of Kei'klcr Sclia fer is completed ami is perhaps as cnneniently arranged as any cl"alr of its sie in the stale. 11 is 2 1 x 1 1 ami i0 feet high huilt of lumber ami covered with iron. The founda tion, bins, drivewav, etc., is of concrete, which makes it as near fire proof as it is possible to erect a building of this kind. W. C. Slarkey, i.iirlingtoii sta tion agent for a number of years, has been transferred to Ashland, J. 11. Knlow of Hamlolph succeed in? him. The Starkey family will be missed in Louisville, where they have lived for so many years, and their many friends will join with the Courier in wishing therrj happiness in their new home. We welcome Mr. Knlow (the new agenP and his family to our town. CHAPTER XVII. Lom of th Silvar Notebook. iUE memoranda of my adven tures at Hopefleld Manor fall under two general headings. On the one hand were the ghost and the library chimney, on the other the extraordinary gathering of Cecilia's suitors. As I followed at Miss Octa vla's side she seemed to have dis missed the ghost and the fractious chimney from her mind. Her humor changed completely. As In the morn lng, when, unaccountably abandoning her habitual high flown speech, she had asked me about Cecilia's silver note book, she seemed troubled, and when we had reached the second floor she paused and lost herself in unwonted preoccupation. "Let us sit here a moment," she said, Indicating a long davenport In the broad hall. For the first time her man-1 ner betrayed weariness. She laid her hand quietly on my arm and looked at mo fixedly. "Arnold," she said "you will let me call you Arnold, won't you?" she added plaintively, and never in my life had I been so touched by anything so sweet and gentle and kind "Arnold, if an old woman like me should do a very foolish thing in fol lowing her own whims and then find that she had probably committed her self to a course likely to cause unhap piness, what would you advise her to do about It?" "Miss Hollister," I answered, "If you trusted Providence this morning to send you a corps of servants when yours had been most unfortunately scattered by ghosts or rumors of ghosta, why will you not continue to have con fidence that your affairs will always be directed by agencies equally alert and beneficent? "I don't know the game, but I have found out a lot of things without being told, so tell me nothing! Remember that I have something quite remarka ble, startling even, to show you tomor row. I have even overcome, you know, the obstacle you placed In the way of my discoveries by sending in ahead of me this morning for the plans of the house." I watched her narrowly, but she was In no wise discomfited. "Well, I burned them the moment Hilda brought them bade." she laugh ed. "I had faith In you, and I wanted you to manage It all for yourself. I rather guessed that you would go to repperton. That was when I still be lieved." "But you must go on believing. Makebellevlng is the main cornerstone and the keystone of the arch of the happy life." "You are sure you are not mocking a foolish old woman?" "You are the wisest woman I ever knew," I asserted, and my heart was in the words. "I believe you have persuaded me, but Cecllia"- "Leave it to me; trust me; lean upon me. I assure you that all will be weii.;; She bent her head and yielded her self to'roverie for a moment. Then be sprang to her feet in that Inde scribably light, ' graceful way that erased at least fifty of her years from the reckoning and was herself again. "Arnold Ames," she said,, laughing a little but gazing tip at me with unmis takable confidence and liking In her eyes, "we will go through with this to the end. And whether, that slipper really fell at your feet in Beacon street or ra the even less likely pre cincts of Rlttenbouse square or under the windows of the Spanish embassy in Washington, I believe that you are my good knight and that you will see me safely through this singular adventure.- ed the others to'ner on the plea"hat she wljmed to ask them their opinion ter to me. Miss Ilollister. riease do touching , some matter. I believe it not attach suspicion to any one until I was a late rumor that Andree, who have seen you again.' had gone ballooning to discover the "But if you should be unable to re- Hyperboreans, had been heard of itore" somewhere. "I assure you that the book Is not Cecilia appeared distrait, and I won- lost It has been mislaid, that's all. I rtowwl what new turn hr affairs had (hall return It to you at breakfast 1 give you my word. "Do you really mean it?" she fal tered. "Please keep this from Aunt Octavlat I can't tell you how impor tant It Is that she be kept in Ignorance of my loss. The consequences, if she knew, might bo very distressing." Miss Octavla was carrying the in vincible John Stewart Dick away to the billiard room. lie glared at me murderously as be trailed glumly after the lady of the manor. The" others were crowding about Cecilia agnln, and I yielded to them willingly. As I sauntered toward the door Orrasby de tained me a moment Ills manner was arrogant and he hissed rather than spoke. "I'm directed to command your pros ence nt the Prescott Arms tomorrow at 12 o'clock. The business Is important." I regret, my dear brother, that I shall be unable to sit with you at that hour In committee of the whole, and for two reasons. The first is that I am paired with Lord Arrowood. You refused to take him Into your base compact and allowed him to be thrown out of the inn for uot paying his bill. The act was deficient in generosity and gallantry." Then I suppose you would think It a fine thing for such a pauper to mnrry a woman like that like that, I say?" and he Jerked his head toward Cecilia. "I consider a lord of Arrowood as good as the proprietor of a knitting mill any day, if you press me for an opinion." I replied amiably. "And this from a chimney sweep?" be sneered. You flatter me, my dear sir. I've renouueed soot and become a gentle man adventurer merely to prevent a type that long illumined popular fic tion from beeomlug extinct. 1 advise you lo till the void existing In the heavy villain class. Believe me, your Bent and Kissed Miss Octavia's Hand. taken. She rose as I crossed the room, and from her manner 1 Judged that she welcomed this chance of address ing me, "You have scorned the library to night Has there been trouble? Is Aunt Octavla alarmed about any thing?" eciuu was ii ueuuiiiui. turn mm .,.,.. .,,,,, ,, f citv .,.. ,i k., i r..if I,,,.. I v...... , ..... ....... wu.uuu vi ui nvi.u, uul .cw uCl -Imll ,m,i f(lr.,llt ,i. .,iCI nvirLot spell less tonight It may be that the I d , e(( f ,ur ,ife M presence or iiezemns supper m my , e,.oud ruason fn dM t0 ,lie(Jt I , . I . 1 w. . m. n r1r Sit- Hnnnl n HnfllllN 111 lusme cuul iniuS iau. Bt th Anns t 12 tomorrow Is sistentiy against my nus, acted as a . . . . , i,1P0venicnt lounierirnidiu. i .,,,- i, ,. ,,, A rro ii,nh "You are in difficulty. Miss Cecilia," Imnn ,nB ,;,, , upvor 01,Mlpfm.0 , I siuu. neus ui u.B iu yu.u My doctor hji warncd mp tfl ayoM i way ere juu. pnrlv limrliomi St I wnnlrl iip.wi.rvi niv "I don't know why I should appeal fl.n. of .,,.,, voll Innv ,.. 10 J0" "" nm lustlv iimn.l .1' - l - t 1 A 1 .3 " " io reusou is ueceaauijr. i uuve ioiu ..Ynl,.rn .. ,.niV!1pI,i,r. ..n .,ro , you oerore inai you neea on.y 10 com- t0 tht j dure yo(J t() con,e,, mana me. we may ue mierrupieu ui ..We a , (hink of ,t n, Mther be any moment Tray go on. ' Anr( than invited if i fin.i t rmit I have lost an article of the greatest convenient I Ki.nii rtmn i rmt vn, value to me. It has been taken from nceda.t kccn tuo WBQ)es hot for me mv room. r-nn,! nronln For a moment only I read distrust and suspicion In her eyes as it occur- (In lie Continued. ) red to her that I had access to every seeuieu iu restore uer counueuce. auii j she could not have forgotten that her T , nincuii i r j! own father had met her secretly on the . ' i roof of a house that was denied him t tiuunci. v and that I was perfectly cognizant of !Ml'M IHH tho fact , ,i- ... . ,,J: "I am sure you can be of assistance," . r. ! 111 she said. "There's something behind U"V" 'U1 " u" ua-,t' this ghost story. Some one has been flshin? an1 lo vlsit hls brother, in and about the house. You believe NV- l' 1'iPrs, and lamily that?' i News comes from Crete to the "Yes. There has really been a sort of effect that Ollie Ellis of Omaha. ghost, you know." formerly of Louisillo. will be She Shrugged her Shoulders. Cecilia nmrrioH to an Omnha vonno- InHv h. I ...... 1 vv Ml. 1 . V. I . V. J U U 1 I . J were loslnir time. Mv conversation with Cecilia was annoying Wiggins, as I Mrs. Lizzie Bryan-Parker died was plain from his nervousness. -t her home in Detono, Minn. I went to my, room for a moment She will be remembered as hav while Aunt Octavla was above, with incr tauRht school in Louisville you, I suppose, Just after the chimney eleven years ago tion. t h t hni irJ are glad to report that P . mv. u..v. .l-. .-, , . . , , , , 1 my little silver bound book, that I usn. u- manner is ame to ne up ana ally carry with me, on my dressing around again after an illness of room table. It contains a memoran- several clays, during wnicli ne was dum of great Importance to me. It confined to his room. pwiuveiy cannot De aupncatea. I am Mrs. fi. V. Mavfield and chil EAGLE. 4. i Beacon. 'I!!!!! Born To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hockenbach, Sunday. May i, an eight-pound girl. Born To Mr. tnd Mrs. Bert Stewart. Friday. May 2, a seven and one half pitting girl. L. M. Mielenz of Lincoln was in town the fore part of the week shaking hands witli old friends I. V. Morrow and family moved down from Lincoln thi fore part of the week and are now occupying the Eagle hotel. Mrs. Lucy Miller of Davenport la., and Mrs. Sylvia Ashworth and daughter of Lincom visited the Burdick brothers Sunday. Mrs. Jack Lyell. who was re cently operated ofi at the College View hospital, is gelling along nicely and is expected to arrive home this Friday, today. Bruce Thorp ami family movei down from Lincoln Ihe fore part of Ihe week and are occupying the Ella Kent property just, north of the tracks. Mr. Thorpe is em ployed at Belts' garage. E. I Belts auloed to Xebraskn Cily last Thursday, where he met Mrs. Hells and Pearl, returning home with them that evening. Pearl was forced to leave her school duties for i few days on account of sickness. Kairle,' Talmage, Syracuse and Murr are the teams which will bat tle for honors in 'he Otoe county league. It is probable that lum bar and Palmyra may enter, but in case they do not the first four teams will play out the schedule, which will be real iiteresling. fill COMMISS IONERS EI I'lutlsmouth. Neb.. May 7, 1913. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Present. C It. Jordan. O. K. lleehrur and Julius A. Pitx, county commission ers, 1. 1'. Men nan. county clerk. Minutes of previous session read and approved, when the following liusinexN was transacted in regulur form: County clerk filed Ihh report of fees arned for first ouarler. J J ." 0 . :t 1 . Com munication reecived from the Vnlon Commercial club asking the commis sioners to proceed with the work on PrhlKe across VteephiK Water creek, west of 1'n ion. Same was placed on file. Klchard Parr, same It. 1. Clements, cosli A. K. Walker Au r. Hach, nulse. to Kushin- sky and Monroe Ir. K. I. Cuininins, Insane case Nellie Majors J. M. l.eyda, same James Uohertson, same I". 1. (Juinton, same I. J. Majors, same lr. K. W. Cook, same Mrs. lna Sheldon, same Slreiht Ai StreiKht, burial of A. Kern ami J. K. Ienson.. I)r. U Muir, report of births and deaths H. I. Clements, same A. It. Stander, same Wm. II. I.ymann, simu Ceo. lteltter, Jr., same I. . It. I'pton, same W. K. Hand, same Mrs. 1. 1 1. Jones, same 11. M. Soennlchsen, same l. D. Maseman, same . H. K. Kropp, same, C. H. Taylor, salary and ex pense Warren Tulene, dlK'?hiK grave for J. It. liensun 5. P. Kastwood, hardware to Jail ami court house Countv conimlssionnrs selected the follow-In list of mimes from which toll!. P. Hal ton, constable services choose, the jury for the next term of Peters & ltichards, work at (I strict court: J" Tlnton Preclnet-C. 1,. Creamer. M.J. 1 ,',":V., ,l:""'.r,a.k,'''.'.J'0','l,''n Km.Is C M I(..,Ih..,. I """ 1'cnson. ue- iiirninuim i-reciuci iieinuan iiroe- i t n(ll, , , ,, '""CO. 1 !,,., M ..., Sill ('I k Prec !!( 1 V StiHrl lev. I ..'""'"". O. A. Johnson, lan Kelly. 1.9U 7.90 10.0'J 8 no 3.00 BIT, 2.hl -00 2.10 56.63 1.75 4.2S 4.1'S 6.70 3. SO 2.00 2.G0 2.75 .7 .75 .39 116.57 G.00 3.70 5.00 6.GK 65. 9S 45.20 The followinic claims were allowed on the road funds: Stove Creek Precinct U W. Itoett- V.' ! "L " " ". "J ,.,lo , (fer, L. A. Tyson. Joe Muliin. SiJrJ,.' rk '0ad Kluiwood Precim t Christ Miller, ' ""A ul...i .' ' "iT " William Wllken, K. f. Tool. ifict f ' n.S.0-U,i!. XJ,n2m.JIfeC,l,C,"-Krank K0.- '' J- Llioh. Mmi'diiirVct'NoVi Weepinn Water, First Ward-Frank A-utr"bJr0t; !ottJ rk 111 W I 31.55 194.40 10.00 14.20 5.50 Ottden. Weenlntr Water. Third Nard ueorge Spnhn. Louisville Precinct A. K. Stander, Jacob Kelser. C. U. riayfleld. Avoca l'reclnct Peter Jorgenson, James Johnson. Mt. Pleasant Precinct Ueorge lies, Frank Massie. Klglit Mile drove Precinct John llennings. Charles Fetzer. John Oauer. Nehawka Precinct V. P. Sheldon, Nels Anderson. leach, same district 14 J. C. l.onieyer, same district 5.. A. H. Weichel. same district 3. T. F. Stroud & Co., scraper on road, road district No. 1.... T. F. Stroud & Co., same dis trict no. 8 T. F. Stroud & Co., same dis trict No. 10 T. F. Stroud & Co., sumo dis trict wo. 27 T. F. Stroud & Co., same dis trict No. 6 C. It. Jordan, freight, road dis trict No. . CLTASi,' Si--e. road work; Voadd,;: Itock muffs. First District C. T ,,.r 1 ,,.,, V.V :,.:,rr - Creamer. John L. Smith. It. C. Ithoden. Y'a same 1st if, l;: WU1 Shi::n, l-hr" W. M. Hom"h7?riamm.UMr,l, Mat smmi 1 Precinct H W Living- ' K Wehrbeln, same district 1 1 wuiMiioiiiii v iiy. 1 not u ui w ti uii 1 Mtv. Unit, Jr., Fred Hlack. Plattsmouth City, Second Ward M I,. Krledrlch. William It. Hunter Charles C. .la ml 11. Plattsmouth t'ltv. Third Ward Wil liam Holly, O. W. Ithoden, Charles iroop, 1 1KH l.iuioini. Khruli .....1 l,.u tu..I Tu.,1, IMattsmouth I'lty, Fourth wurit ai ,, ";," J C. 11. Spohn, road work, road district No. 13 Pen lleckmanu, same district 10 Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank Co.. culvert district 1 Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank li., same dlst. 'I. llurkel, John Ledgway. August Kopti. n'V"" Plattsmoutli City, Firth Ward Vll- N I "n,1 ,' )W l.lS l t l Tunk llnm IJravett. J. W, Haynle. . . L.J . " n ' , ' "i Ki.ad petition as petiuoiiPii ror ny " . " P. Sheldon and others for a toad v":' u'"f i.vJ" '"i'T.Vi; And I, Arnold Ames, but. lately a tudont of chimneys, bent and kissed Miss Octavia's band. She led the way to the library, where I thought It well to appear for a moment, and I was heartily glad that I did bo. It was joy enough for any man that he. should have earned such glances of hatred and suspicion as the suitors bent upon me. There they were, some stundlng, some seat ed, about Cecilia. I bowed low from the door, feeling that to offer my band to these gentlemen in their present temper would be too novcrc a strnln upon their manners. As Miss Octavla nppeared several of them udvunced courteously and engaged her lit con-ypi-vntlon.. She found a nt and call- sure it wus there when I came down to dinner. But It was not on my dress ing table or anywhere to be found." 'lou may be mistaken as to where dren are here from Hreckenridge, Okla., having been called home on account of the illness of Mrs. you left it You would not be absolute- MayfieM's father. Julius Ragoss. ly positive that you left it on the dress- Mrs- forol by Jones and three lng table?" children are here from Colorado ."There is not the slightest question visiting at the home of Mrs. about It. I had been looking at it Just Jones' father, Amos Keiser. They before dinner. I had sent you a note, expert to remain for an extended you know, Immediately after you came visit. back and hurried down to see you." Aisnil frnm Yes; I recall that You were in the n 1... i. . t.':.i 1 lll.rarv wlion 1 nn, ,W A.,, 1 "",ml "' '""'. cvemiiK ami think I remember having seen the little l,,', f,",ni,'l n np.-rnhon on Mrs. trlnket-sllghtly smaller than a cam- K- V" TwiSH. lemnving a growth case, silver backed and only a few flnIU 'imlei' one of her nrms. Tho leuves. lou bad It in your hand the operation was most successful other night when I enme in after Mr. and Dr. Worthman, the physician Ilutne hlld left.' I in nlloniliince. wives mil i.nemir is follows: Commencing at the center Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank Co., mime dlst. 10. of the public highway on the south line NV":' 7 "" Tn.l I .'w Vi'.el'T.nU of the N', NWV. section 17, township Ne(l"aM ""'A-i? i 10. range 13 K, running thence east to v'"' "" ...V V, ., ." .L" ', "....i; the . section line between sections lfi I " ' ' and 17. thence north to the NW cor- ,M" V J-y:r. ner of section 10, thence east along the V'1. . i N line of section 1 and terminating at , ! ' , n fVi ."n't" ".ii-V the meeting of the highway already (. i'i'.' f ,e , I- ist' J. C. Nlduy, road work, dlst. 11 J. 1. Allen, snme ilist. 10. north line or section in 10 ue kuuwii as road No. :i7:t. ........... .......1. ..........I ...1 l.n oil ln- no lie 11 en Is of tlK statutes had been ''TV ''".J'1 ' Th-.m-en. spikes. met thus far and that In keeping with ' "T .V ' V..' .'.i ' ' wn.'u the road law, petition was this day Joll Lcnon, i.i.ul wot k MreH?iifr.l to t he bi-a- d of comity ;....- Krwr K.mtie .iiVt! Y. '. '. Illissioneis mi -' i". " 1, ,, ,,,, ii1.,..in.r , i,i. touching on t lie petition, hearing 01 ,"; , 146.90 40.(50 100.80 63.00 13.00 19.C0 13.00 6.50 32.75 .80 17.H0 3.K0 21.60 r16.no 15. GO 47.70 135.(15 L'35.10 33.44 76.00 . 9S.80 63.20 43.84 33.44 33.44 89.CS 46.82 i.7r, 4.67 10.80 99.20 20.05 5.90 13.50 28.18 WEEPING WATER. 4 J- Republican. llamlil Kunkle came down from Lincoln Tuesday ami will assist Hav Nurris mi the farm near Ne- huTtka Ihi ssuinnier. Mrs. Oscar Jolmon and chil dren came in from (lOad, Xeb., Friday and are at Ihe home of her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Olander. Torrence Iteming was an Omaha passenger Tuesday morn ing lo consult a doctor regarding his health, which has not been e best of late. V. S. Halema.Vs left hand came in contact with the sharp end of a screw driver a few days ago and now V. S. has it in a slingjo keep it away from such tools. Lieutenant Governor of .Ne braska Samuel McKelvie will de liver the high school commence meiit address on the evening of Friday, May 23. No admission will be charged for this event this year. Henry Chrislensen while ban dling some hot babbitt last week got some in his left eye and con cluded Tuesday that it wasn't working right so had hr. Welch take it out and then was when it hurt. Our old friend, Harmon Heck, met 'with a painful accident last week in being kicked in the face by a horse. Aside from a black eye and a pretty sore face he got off lucky. It wag a gentle horse, of course, or he would have been watching it. Prof. C. V. Williams, who re signs his position at the head of the botany department at Wes leyan university to become head of the new agricultural school at Curtis, Neb., is a Cass county boy and taught at one. lime in Mt. Hope school, southwest of here. Mrs. Kirch, who has been spending the winter here with her niece, Mrs. Jake Domingo, and family, left Friday morning for her home at Sister Pay, Wis. She was accompanied as far as Omaha by Mrs. Jake Domingo and Mrs. Mary Robinson. Mrs. Kirch moved to Wisconsin with her par ents when (iiife a small girl and I his was her first trip on the train as that part of Wisconsin was a timbered country and quile a dis tance from railroad. remonstrances, claims for damages, etc. The above matter continued until the next session of the hoard The fo lowing claims were alloweil on the general fund: SI. II lid, chair seats to court house and nulse. lo county farm I I'. ICuffner, fruit trees to county farm riattsmouth Journal, Print line and supplies Julius A. ritx, salary 11 ml mlle- atte Allen J. Keeson, State vs. 11am- furd C. i. Quinton, same Allen .1. Ileeson, Male vs. I la Id ner P. I. Uulnton, same Vllen J. Heeson. Mime vs. Tower C. I). Qulnton, same The Manson Campbell Co., ma chinery to farm J. K. Tuey, nulse. lo Mrs. Joe Perry ,1. II. Tunis, salary ('. I;. Jordan, salary Warren Tulene, digging grave for A. Kern I'liiverslty 1'ubllshlng Co., ex amination ipicstio is 4th (tr. A, t. V. W. lodge No. K, room for election I'lattsmouth Third ward Allen .1. Ileeson, Slate vs. Archie Wumpler Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co., rents anil ions ment Co.. hardware, dlst. It 51.97 Win. II. Kusli, road Work. dlst. 7 211.60 The Austin Western lioad Ma chinery Co., drag. dlst. 2.... 15.09 C. II. Nold Lumber Co,, lumber, illst. !i u.04 C. II. Nold Lumber Co., same dlst. 5.8S J. AI. Hoover, road work, dlst. 3 33.40 O. W. Iloman, helping surveyor, inheritance tax fund 15.00 Fred I'aterson, surveyor serv ices, inheritance tax fund.,.. 39.20 Al. F. Patterson, liver to sur veyor. Inheritance. In x fund.. 6.50 Al. K. Alanspeaker, livery to surveyor, inheritance tax ' fund 13.00 Cieorge I'oisull, road work, road dist. No. 12, commissioners road fund 481.30 The following dahlia were allowed on the bridge funds: A. F. Seybert, bridge work.... 15.30 Sid James, same 6.80 A. A. Wallinger, same 33.00 W. It. Illuming, bridge lumber 29.05 J. Adams K Son, same 131.30 Yates Lumber and Coal Co., 1.t..,l,u.. ' l.UA 40.40 Kvm. II. Hush." brVdgii 'work! ! ! 900 Walter Hvers, sam 1.95 K. T. Tool, luldge lumber 42.37 lleik W. Voss Co., nrldge ma terial 70.90 Joe Allen, bridge work 26.10 C II. Nold Lumber Co., bridge lumber . 3S.S6 Nebraska Construction Co., ma terial delivered and work completed 1,000.00 Hoard adjourned to meet Thursday, 17.00 7.90 27.50 1.40 3.70 2.10 0 4.K0 3.80 0 40.00 5.00 85.00 5.00 11.50 6.00 7.81 34.30 11.40 8.00 41.40 j.r.o Mary K. Foster, salary and Alav 8. 1913. expenses j.ili.4ll Henry Kaufmnnn. seed po tatoes and plants to farm.. C. A. Welch, carpenter work nt court house C. K. lleebner, salaryund mile age 11. L. Oldham, appraiser road No. P.73 P. H. Itoedeker. same 11. C. Long, same I'lattsmouth Water Co., water to court house Al. Al. Butler, AI. P.. mom for election First ward. Weeping Water H. A. Schneider, postal supplies Geo. W. Voss Co., coal to Airs. William John Wagner, assessing houtli Hend precinct A. J, Beeson, State vs. Andres Thomsen P. I). Uulnton, same James Johnson, same Frank I'latzer. same Walter llessenflow, saute Walter Schneider, same A. J. Beeson, approving official bonds C. W. Baylor & Co.. coal to Pennon and Brandt Fred l'atterson, biliary mr M sit. 1S1J. April. 1913 49.00 D c MOUQAN, County Clerk liammonu oiriiiieii, uiM"i" to ocunty superintendent... 11 f Mnririn. nalarv and ex pense. April, 1913 206.19 Nebraska Lighting Co.. (ran to 1a.il, court house nd street lump f 11 K n n . M.a ti. (.nnrl house and farm 10.30 Warga ft Cecil, supplies 10 county 1 F. It. Oobelman, papering lit Jail Hans Helvers, Janitor salary and laundry K. Manspeaker, salary deputy aherirt. M, Archer, State vs. Stiill.... P. It. tjulnton, same C. I. Quinton, same A. J. llvenon, name 1. C AIOKUAN. County Clerk. I'lattsmouth, Neb.. Alay 8, 1913. Board met and adjourned to meet Friday, Alay 9, 1913, riattsmouth, Nell., Alay , li:t. Hoard met as per '..d Inurnment with all members present, when the matter 4 00 I of the Sheldon road petition presented 4 00 I on Alav 7 was taken up and petition 4.00 I refused as prayeu ror; wnen me 101- lowing resolution was aaopieo: 13.99 1 Whereas. The hoard of county com missioners find that the public good reuulres that a road be established anil 5.00 onencd on the section line as follows: 21.40 Commencing at a point where road No. 1 303, Cass county, Nenra.iKa, crosses tne section line between hoctlons 8 and 17, townsh In 10. north l unite 13. Cassj 79.75 I county. Nebraska, running thence east nn xii I it section line to road No. 155. 3. SO I between sections and 16, township 10, 2.10 l range 13, Cass count, Nebraska. H'r JJ Therefore, It Is ordered that a roail 1,11 III" nri LIUII .,11" u u . J ... be and the same la hereby establtsnea rnl ll Unil lllV SUIIIO IB lirinu, rniaunniuu I and herebv ordered opened In the man- v" 1 1 ,1 1 ...w.t .wl i r, tr 1 v nriMi'f. tn lund own ers and have damages assessed. no jo to .1 Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, 21.14 R.6G 7.15 78.00 45.00 6.55 4.S5 GEORGE HALL RECEIVED II VERY BAD FALL YESTERDAY Save Feed Bills O nd rt betur results from our iiiick. Ada small .mount of A T T R to th datlf railnn. Bt.rnt liens and silniu- !! illgiatlT organs and Insures stock rrcolrlng inn iienont or fnni. in piu-kfiKrii t suit tile, BOe, .it lo-iii. pans. fj.w. "Tear mooer bark ISJ1." Oot Pralts Pront Booklet. 1911 Alinauttu FUBH J. V. EGENBERGER A II 11 ss If It Sharing; M From Wednesday's Dally. Yi'slerday afternoon while ! . i. ii. . i.oo wording on a itorcu at tnc resi 100 denoc of James Sae., (Jcorpe Hall, tlm tinntM', slipped and foil to the ground, a distance of sixteen fei't, and as a result received a very severe injury to his head and shoulder and it is a matter of good luck that he was not injured more seriously, m tho fall was a very serious one, and falling in the shape he did might easily have Itroken his nock. Dr. E. D. Cum mins was a I, once summoned and the injured man removed to his homo and made as comfortahlo as his injuries would allow him to ho, and it is hopeJ that in a few days ho will ho ahle lo be out and around again as good as now.