S'sail (lav and hour of hearing. S I . ... ...... .... . i witness tin naim aim me sc.u of lli' ('uiily f'.,.i mm of sai.J Coun , r raw gi tv llii I -.Mil day of May, liMii. s. ai ai.U'.x r. i;ki:son. County .Indue. Please take note IN P SI ITS? Sure drop, variable edge drop, high wheel WHILE THEY LAST! Plattsmouth, KOTICK OK FIX. 41. SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of Cu County, Aebrnxka. In the Matter of the Estate of William M. Wiley, Deceased. All persons Interested In said estate will take notice that the administrator liiis filed his final report and petition for final settlement and allowance of t lie same, and that a hearing will be lmd upon said report and petition in aid Court on the 17th day of May, 1M1S. at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated this 2nd day of May, 1913. ALL KM J. UKKSON. County Judge. D. 0. DWYEIl, Attorney. In the UlNtrlct Court In and for Own County, iNeliraxkn. William L. Nickels, asslKnee of Gert rude M. Wiley, and William ltainev, IMaintiff, vs. Wiley, Charles Edward Defendant. Charles Ed- Kctice to the Defendant, ward Wiley: , tl You will take notice that on the 30th l;.y of April, A. D., 1913. William L. Nickels, plaintiff herein, tiled his peti tion and atlidavit In the District Court of Cass Countv, Nebraska, against you, the object and prayer of which is to revive a certain judgment obtained gainst you by Gertrude M. Wiley and William Italney on November 16, A. D. 1901, for the sum of 2S.OO with In terest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from date and costs of suit taxed In the sum of 24.60, which said judgment on November 14, 1911, be came dormant. That no part of said ludgment has ever been paid, and al leging that during all of said period of time you have been insolvent, and praying that an order be entered re viving said judgment, and awarding plaintiff execution thereon in the sum of $158.00 with interest at seven per i-'-nt per annum from November 16, 1961, and all accrued costs. You are required to answer said peti tion and atlidavit and show cause, if any. on or before the 16th day of June, A D., 1913, why an order of the Dis trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska, should not tie entered reviving said judgment in said sum, and awarding plaintiff execution thereon. If you fall to answer, appear or show cause before said date, your default will be dulv entered therein, and said order of revivor will be issued, of all of which you will take due notice Dated tills 3rd dav of May. A. D. 1913. WILLIAM L. NICKLES, Assignee of Gertrude M. Wiley, and William Italney, Plaintiff. P. AWLS KOUKHTSON, Attorneys. NOTICE OK H EKEHEE'S SALE. In the IJWtrlet Court In aim tor ibh Couuty, Nebraska. John W. Hair. Hoy A. Hair, et al.. Plaintiffs, vs. Josie C. Barr, et at., .... Defendants. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court In and for Cass County, Ne braska, entered In the above entitled cause on the 3rd day of May, A. D. 1913, the underslgnod sole referee will on the 10th day of June at 11 o clock a. m. at tlie souin ironi .mm ui mo Court House in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass Countv, 'Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest responsible bid der for cash the following described r'sl estate, to-wlt: The West half (Wj of tlie South east quarter (SEV4) of Section three (3); the Northeast quarter (NK',4) of Section ten (10): the South half (S) of tlie Northwest quarter (NW'Vi) of Section ten (10), all In Township eleven (11). Hange nine (9) Hunt of the 6th P M., In Cass County, Nebraska, and Lot four (4), In Block twenty !MM. Peck's Grove Addition to the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, and Lots five hundred forty-seven .r)47) and tlve hundred forty-eight (548), In the Village of Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska, which said last described lots In the Village of Greenwood will be sold subject to the life estate there in of Josle C. Marr. Said sale will be held open for one Dated nt Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this nth day of Mav, A. D. 1913. C. A. PAWLS. Iieferee. C. S. POLK, Attorney. NOT Ml'. TO ( HI DIKIUS. ' In County Court. STATK OK NKUUASKA, Cass County, . In the Mntter of tlie ftstutP of Cor- nolius KaiiKon. I iocciihoiI. NoIIcp Is hereby Klven to the credit or of nnld deceased that hearings will bo luul upon claims filed nalnst said estate, before me. County Jude of 'ass Countv, Nebraska, nt the County Court room In I'lnttsmoitth. In said County, on the Hist day of May, - lull!, and on the ind clay of l niher, llti:!, at o'clock a. m., each day for exam inntlon. ailiustment ami allowance. All claims must he tiled in said court on or before said last hour of henrinir. Witness mv band and seal of said County Court, nt riattsmout h. Ne braska, this r.lth day of April. 1913. (SchII AhhHN .T. I!Ki:S( )N. County .Indue. oi(i)i:ii to snow cu sk. In (he Dlxfrlct Court of 'nx County. Nelirnxkn. In the Matter of the Application of decline II. Ilvnn, (luiirdlan of Joseph Klton Kvan nnd Archie .1. liyan, Minors, to Sell Weal Kstale. Now on this 4th day of April. 19H, (his cnuse came on for hearing upon the petition of Ceorjro K. KyBn, Kiinrdlan of the persons and the prop erty of Joseph Klton ltyati nnd Archie .1. Kvan. minors, praylnn for u license to sell the Interest of his said wards In Die following described real c'ltate to-wlt: Knt half of northeast ipiarter iK'-i N. H. '4), Section slxtecen (lfil, township ten (10). rantre nine Is) east, in Cass county. Nebraska, In which real estate the snld wards own nn undivided one tlfteenth (1-15) each, nnd lots thlrteeeii (IS), fourteen (11) and fifteen (15). In b.c'k four (4). Village of Alvo, Cass couMy, Nubruskn, In which said wards Nebraska own each an undivided one-fortieth (1-40), or so much of said real estate and of tiie interests of said wards therein as it shall seem to the court to be for the best interests or sal(l wards. It Is hereby ordered by the court and adjudged, that the next of kin, and all persons Interested In said matter, ap pear before me at chambers at the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at the hour of l::t0 o'clock p. m., on the L'Otli day of May, 1913, to show cause, if any there be. whv such license be not granted to said petitioner. It Is runner ordered mai a copy oi this order be published in the l'latts mouth Weekly Journal for three weeks successively next Immediately before the date of said hearing. Given under mv hand at the city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on tills 4th day of April, 1913. 1IAUV15Y 1. THAVI.S, Judge of the DIstrct Court. In the County Court in and for Cast County, Nebraska. I.N liC KsTATK OK M'AI.TICK ' NflTlflF .1. Whitk. Dkckaski). f nuiiui. To all Persons Interested: You are hereby notllled Unit on the inth day of May. A. I).. 1!I3. Annie lona W lille. tiled her oct t on In t he above court alleging the death l estate of W ' alter.). White, on the 4tli day of Mav. A. I).. HUH. and presenting an Instrument purporting to be said last will and testament for probate. A hearing will lie had on said iietltlon on the 31st dav of Mar. A. I).. 1913. atoneoVlock p. m.. iK'fore which hour all objections tnereio, n any. must lie Hied. Uy the court ALLEN .1. UKKSON. County Judge liawlsiV Koliertson, Attorneys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In County Court. STATK OF NEH1USKA, Cass County, ss. In Hie matter of the Estate of Alice M. Tague, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased that hearings will be had upon claims filed against said estate, befon hip, County Judge of Cass Counly, Nebraska, at, the County Court room in IMatlsmouth, in said County, on' the 31st (lay oT May, 11)13, and on the 2nd day of De cember, 11)13, at If) o'clock a. in., each day, for examination, adjust ment and allowance. All claims must be filed in said court on or before, said last hour of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at IMa.ll.s- nioulb. Nebraska, this 1st day of Mav, 1013. (Seal) AI.LKN .1. HKKSON, County Judge. ROAD NOTICE. To All Whom It Mav Concern: The Commissioners appointed to view and VACATE a road com mencing at half section line on south side of Section 28, Town ship 10, Hange 12, running thence north one mile on half section line thorugh center of said Section 2S, and terminating at north side of Seel ion 2K, on said half section line, (said road referred to is known as a pari of Road No. 105) has reported in favor of the vaca tion thereof; and all objections hereto, or claims for damages, must be tiled in the County Clerk's Ollice on or before noon on I he 5th dav of Julv. A. 1).. 1 . 1 :. or such road will be vacated without relel'ence I Herein. (Seal. D. C. MOIUiAN. County Clerk. Plaits tit 1 1 . Neb., May 1st, 1!M3. IN COUNTY COURT. STATK OK NKHIIASKA, Counly of Cass, ss. In the Matter of the Kstale of Rachel Adams, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that I here- has been Med in this court petition for the aiipointment of an administrator of above estate. That a hearing will be had upon said petition before this court in the Court Mouse at. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the .'list day of May, I'.H.'t, al 2 o'clock p. 111. of said day. All objections thereto, if any, must be Med on or before ROAD NOTICE. To All Whom II May Concern: Tlic Hoard of County Cointnis- toners of Cass County !iae found thai t In public vool requires llial a road tie opened on tlie Seel ion line, coiniueiicip at a point where load No. ;!iKl, Cass County, Nebraska, crosses the Section line between Seel ions S and 17, Township 10 North. Hange 13, Cass county, Nebraska, running thence I'.ast on said Section line lo Road No. 155 between Sections U and Hi, Township 10 North, Hange 13, Cass County, Nebraska, and all objections hereto, or claims for damag-vs, must be tiled in Hie County Clerk's ollice on or before noon on the 15th day of July, A. 1). 11)13, or such road will be (ipened without reference thereto. (Seal! I). C. M one; AN. County Clerk. Plattsmouth, .Neb., May Dili, 1913. Local News From Tuesday's Dany. C. M. Seybert of Louisville was in the city today, coming down to attend the hearing of the dipso case ol llliam lull. L. 1). Hiatt camy up this morn ing from Murray 'ind was a pas senger for the metropolis on I ho early Hurliugton irain. J. J. Roberts of South Head came down this morning on No. k for a short visit here with his brother,. J. M. Roberts. James A. Walker of Murray came up this morning and was in the city for a few hours, looking after business matters, returning home on the 8: 15 M. I train. 11. K. Lloyd of Venu.n, Texas, who is visiting at the C. L. Jean home, near Mynard, was a pas senger on No. 15 this morning for Omaha to look after some business matters for the day. C. L. Craves and W. H. Marks came up last evening from Union lo look after some business mat ters and also to try and take on a "pitch" game, but their reputa tions had proceeded them and the Plattsmouth players were loth to try and defeat' them. Mrs. John Hallsi rom was a pas senger Ibis morning for Omaha, where she visited with her son Elmer, for the day at linmanuel hospital, where he is recovering from an operation for appendicit is. Elmer is gelling along line and it is expected he will be able lo return home shorlls. NEW MANAGER FOR THE GRAND THEATER HERE From Wednesday's Dally, The new Grand theater, which opens to the public here tomorrow evening, will be under the man agement of 1). G. Howard and wife, who arrived from Omaha to day and will make this city their home in the future. Mr. Howard has had a long experience in the picture show business in this tale and fowa and is prepared lo give the patrons of the theater here a splendid show. The new I heater will show t he licensed films, and an especially strong program will be placed on tomor row. Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday a st rong vaudeville act will be placed on at the theater en titled "Musical Comedy Tabolid,' with a company of ten people Mr. Howard invites the public to come out tomorrow and get ac quainted. A "Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow" Fifty years ago I.W. HARPER was but little known outside the Old Kentucky State. Today its fame in world-wide. You find it everywhere. SOLD HERE BY If. 4 .1 i 'iff, 2 ! ED EGENCERGER l)f In II 11 - ! . ,- ,,. ,,,,,, rHHT ROSL.Rffr-WK.Kft COMPANY u.i to Plattsmouth May Organize a Com pany of the Nebraska National Guard. The mailer of securing the or ganization of a company of the Nebraska National (iuard in this city has been agitated among quite a number of tlie young men of the town, and Uljulant General Hall was communicated witli in regard to tlie matter and his reply covering the requirements neces sary for tlie establishing of a company is as follows: Mr. (Hen Ilawls, Plaltsmoiith, Neb.: Heipiiermenls por an infantry irwani.ation in ihe organized militia are as follows: Company I1011I1I have from sixty lo seventy men. 1 lit ollicers should be men who are leaders in civil life and who are respected in same. It is a good policy lo Ml Hie commis sioned ollicers places wilh men wtio nave nan exnerience 11 u is possible to obtain them, especial ly the lirsl sergeant. This ollice furnishes lo each infantry company steel lockers, armory renlal and per diem in proportion lo the strength of the company and population and various environments. Three soils of uniform are furnished; six calibre .38 Colts revolvers; 1013 model calibre .30 Springfield rifles. The enlisted men draw $1 a day whenever on duty; I he ollicers tlie same as in the regular army. The company will be called out annually on the following oc casions: Six days rifle camp, Decoration dav, two weeks' ma neuver or camp of instruction. Hooks are furnished covering all the departments of the army, lo the ollicers and men. Properly in not allowed to leave tlie armory The commanding cfliccr is undei a $1,000 bond. A commissioned officer has I he power of sheriff An enlist 0(1 man may receive three sorts of discharges accord ing to his work honorable dis charge, discharge without honor for the uood of I he service, and dishonorable discharge. A di honorable discharge takes away the citizenship of the soldier. P. To Hall, Jr., . Hrigadier General. To make I he organization a success it will be necessary to se cure, as will be seen from the above letter, the best of the young men of the city, as the mailer is one in which Ihe slate is greatly interested and wanls only those w hom I hey can rely upon for I heir cit izen soldiers. A company here could secure the use of Ihe rifle range here for Iheir practice and maneuvers and not be forced lo leave the city unless called out. on duly. Those who are interested in the matter should get together and call a meeting to talk over the proposition, and if sufficient en couragement is offered, have Gen eral Hall come down and explain Ihe mailer more Ihoroughly. The diii in that this store is everybody's store. We cater to His Royal Highness the American citizen and the only class that is favored here is high-class merchandise for the money. This is also an exclusive clothing store and everything from A to Z for men and boys to wear is here in pleasing variety. In other words Good Clothes Nothing Else! You will find that you are best served in cloth ing at the old reliable firm of C. E. V escott's Sons Always the Home of Satisfaction presence of a company in a city adds greatly to the life of the place, as they can turn out on all public occasions and assist in making them a gcat success. ACCIDENT 10 LITTLE Yesterday morning while the two small boys of Lew Russell were engaged in playing with lawn mower, the youngest, a lad of 3 or 4 years, got his lingers entangled in Ihe business end of the machine, with the result that be lost part of his fourth linger The older boy was dragging the machine to the house when the smaller one got nis hand caught in it and it was only a second un. til Ihe little flngor was severed. The little man at once received medical al lent ion and was made as easy as possible and will prob ably recover from the accident, although lie will be compelled lo go through life minus a few inches of his ring-!'. "Had dyspepsia or indigestion for years. No appetite, and what I did eat distressed me terribly, liiinlnck Itlood Kilters reached the cause." I. II. Walker, Sun bury, Ohio. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury a morriiry will min-Iy ili'Mrnr tho mmko of uni'll ml rnmpli'ti ly diTiiiipi the Mimic kvkIi'Iu iMu'U rntiTliiK It tlirmiKli tin, nun-emu xiirfm'i'. Sink (irtli li'M Hlioulil iii'Vit lie uw il cxei'it on priwrlii tlmiM fi-niii rrpiitiililf ihyNfliuiN, dm (tip iIiiiiihki they will ili In (hii folil to t lie k'khI ,viiu run iih Kllily tli'iln' f r 1 111 Ihi'iii. Haifa l'nl;irrh I'lin; IIHlllllflirtlllTil ll.V F. J. fhi'llcjr & Co.. Tulriln, (!., fiiiii itliiM mi uiiTi'iirv, nml tit tukrn liitiTiiully, actliiK illri'i'tly (limn tho IiIikhI anil niurinix ur fiii'in nf Un- ytt'Ui. In liuylnic null a ( atnrrli Curo ho mm- yon ni't the iti'inilm-. It 1" t.iki'ii IntiTinilly mill niinli- In Tnlnlo. Ohio, liy I . .1, ('!iH!".v it C11. Trillrimnlnla fr"", Si. Ill f lrt"Blta. I'rlrp. 7.V. jut Ih.HIc. T.ikc null a l uiiilly V'i'.U (niiHilj utiun. 03 SON OF LEW RUSSELL WATER COMPANY PUTS IN A NEW HYDRANT The Plattsmouth Water com pany yesterday installed a new C inch Chapman hydrant at tho corner of Sixth and Main streets lo replace (he old i-inch hydrant that had been there for years. Tho change was made necessary by the breaking of Ihe old hydrant and it was necessary for the com pany lo shut off the water sup ply 011 Main street, which was very much regretted, but was a matter of necessity, and I lie work was hurried as fast as possible by the employes of the water company, and it was completed by 5 o'clock. Poor appetite if- n sure sign of impaired digestion. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and liiver Tablets will strengthen your digestion and improve your ap pelile. Thousands have been benefited by taking these Tablets. Sold by V. G. Fricko & Co. The Best Flour orf the Market WSIRDSE wahoo.neb THE blue serge is the one suit that men never tire ofal ways dressy and conserva tive, yet a suit the most ex treme dressers admire it's the ideal suit for every day as well as dress wear. Every blue serge suit we sell is warranted to hold its shape, and to be absolutely true in color nothing but all wool serges here. .They range in price from $12.50 to $30 Norfolks or plain sack models. Manhattan Shirts Stetson Has