The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 15, 1913, Image 1

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    Nf Historical f
NO. 38.
Quite a Business Session and
Great Deal of Eloquence
in Evidence.
Paving (lis.
No. 3
Paving dis.
No. 4
From Tuesday's Dally.
. There was much eloquence in
evidence at the council meeting
last evening and it required two
hours and a half to dispose of the
matters that came before the
gathering, and there were several
items of much interest to the city
acted upon by the "dads, among
which were the public drinking
fountains and the renaming and
numbering of the streets in re
sponse to the suggestions of Mr.
W. M. Howard, who is preparing a
new directory of the city and who
has volunteered to renumber the
different residences. The streets
north of Main will receive their
names from letters of the alpha
bet, while the streets south of
Main will be known numerically
This will greatly simplify tlie
names and make them easy to re
member, where as at present
there are many persons who do
not know what street they
live on.
The council received a com
munication from Mrs. Dora Moore
asking that the city fill in the old
slough on Chicago avenue, adjoin
ing her place, as it was a menace
to the health of her and those re
siding in the neighborhood, as
water gathered there every time
it rained and became stagnant.
Mr. C. A. Rawls, the legal rep
resentative of Mrs. Moore, was
present and addressed the coun
cil a few minutes, pointing out
the need of relief from this
nuisance and its interference with
the laying of the permanent walk
along the premises. He also
stated that the slough had been
created by the city changing the
course of the creek, and asked
that his client be siven just relief.
Mayor Sattler stated that, the
work had' already been ordered
done and as soon as possible the
street commissioner would take
the matter up and have the place
filled as far as the lot line, which
was as much as the city could do
City 'Clerk Win! then read a
communication from the clerk of
St. Luke's parish church inviting
the members of the council and
mayor to be present next Sunday
at the memorial Kucharist serv
ices to be held for the late Walter
J. White, a former member of
the city council from the First
ward. The invitation, on motion
of Lushinskv. was accepted, and
the mayor staled thai the mem
bers of the council would meet at
the city hall Sunday morning at
10:30 and attend the services in a
body. On motion of Hallslrom a
committee was appointed to draft
resolutions on. the death of Mr
Application was read from A
M. Arries for a license for his
pool and billiard hull in the Mor
gan building for the ensuing year
. and the same was granted, as was
also that of F. II. Dunbar and T
B. Bates to conduct a pool ano
billiard hall in the Sherwood
Superintendent William Baird
of the Burlington shops address
ed a communication to the coun
cil in which he staled that on
Sunday afternoons it had been the
practice of men and boys to
gather on the cars in the Burling
ton yards, with danger to them
selves as well as the property of
the company, and he asked that
the city assist in protecting the
company's interests by giving
them the much-needed protection.
The police were instructed to as
sist in seeing that this was stopped.
Quite a great dell of argument
arose over the reading of the
claim of McMaken & Son for the
sum of $80 for putting down a
sidewalk near the Itothmann
property on Lincoln avenue. This
matter has been up at several
meetings and Mr. Buttery slated
Dog 118.71
Business tax 370.80
Sinking 3,200.40
ien. school.. 2U8.95 .
Teachers . . . 314.67 .
Total $1,585.33 $10,050.11
The finance committee of the
council reported favorably upon
he saw no reason, if the work was
satisfactory, why it had not been
paid. The matter was discussed
at some length, and the fact that
the sidewalk was mt satisfactory
at first was brought out, and it
was finally agreed to inspect the
walk and if it was repaired and
satisfactory to th) owner of the
property that the claim be paid.
City Clerk Wurl put in a most
profitable month, and as a result
of his industry he was able to
turn over to the city treasurer the
sum of $6,077.25, which includes
the saloon licenses. The chief of
police reported twelve arrests,
and the police judge reported the
sum of $13 collected for fines in
the month just closed.
The report of City Treasurer
Cook showed the condition of the
city's finances as follows:
Fund Overdrawn Balance
Building $ 783.8 i
General $ 020.92
Road 125.99
Fire Dept . . . 4.97
Library 80.02
Park 302.27
Police 132.35
Fire Hydrant
Was Resident Here for Some Time
and Student of Drs. T. P. and
J. S. Livingston.
Interest .
(Continued on Page 8.)
Some of the People of Murdock
Protest Against Saloon In
That Village.
Various Committees Selected Last!
Evening for the Coming
Religious Revival.
From Wednesday's Daily.
A case entitled the State of Ne
braska on the relation of Carl W
Bolter vs. Henry A. Tool, Idd G
Hornbook, Charles Schneider,
Waller O. Gillespie and Francis
M. Beall, the board of trustees of
the village of Murdock.
The petition of the plaintiff re
cites that the board has the power
to ileense, regulate and prohibit
the sale of liquor in the said vil
lage; that it is the duty of the
board to pass upon all applica
tions and remonstrances. The
plaintiff further states that on
April 10, 1913, G. G. Williamson
filed his application for a permit
to sell malt, spiriluous and vinous
liquors in said village and caused
his notice to appear in the Platts
mouth Journal on April 17 for the
first time. That the board, with
out waiting for the necessary two
weeks to lapse for the publication,
granted a license to said G. G.
Williamson. The petition further
slates that on May ! the plaint ilT
and others tiled a remonstrance
against the issuance of the
license, alleging that the notice
had not been published the neces
sary time and that the applica
tion was not signed by a majority
of the freeholders of the village,
and asking that a hearing be set
for the remonstrance. It is
further alleged that the board re
fused ami still refuse to grant a
hearing and the plaintiff asks that
a pre-emptory suit of mandamus
be issued to compel the board to
revoke the license issued to Wil
liamson. C. S. Aldrich of Elm-
wood appears as attorney for I he
From Tuesday's Daily.
The many friends in this city of
Dr. E. W. Foster, formerly of
Worland, Wyoming, but who for
some months past has been
practicing in Omaha, were greatly
shocked to receive the news of
his death, as the result of what
is supposed to be an hypodermic
injection of poison, but the truth
of the cause of his death cannot
be determined without un autopsy
being performed, and the author
ities are awaiting the arrival of
his wife from Winterset, Iowa,
where she has been visiting for
some time.
Dr. Foster came lo this city
when quite young, with his par
ents, and was educated in the
public schools .in this city and
was lor a nuinoer oi years a
medical student in the office of
Drs. T. 1'. and J. S. Livingston,
while attending Cieighton Medi
cal college, from which he gardu-
ated. While residing in this city
the mother of Mr. Foster, Mrs.
Jennie Foster, a prominent doc
tor, passed away, and the father
later removed to Washington,
while Dr. Foster, on the comple
tion of his college course, located
at Cedar Creek, where he practiced
for a number of years, going from
there to Worland, Wyoming,
where he enjoyed a very fine
practice, but on account of his
wife's health, was compelled to
remove east, locating in Omaha,
and was a visitor in this city a
few months ago with a number of
his old friends, on his return to
Omaha from New York, whom he
had been taking :v post-graduate
The doctor va3 a young man
highlv esteemed by all who knew
him and the cause for his unlime
ly death is a mystery, as he was
apparently in good financial con
dition and his family relations
were all anyone could ask.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The executive committee of the
coming religious revival, which is
scheduled for the first week in
June, and is composed of mem
bers of the different churches of
the city, met last evening in the
rooms of the Youn Men's Bible
Class of the Methodist church.
After the selection of Rev. M.
W. Lorimer as chairman and W.
L. Auslin as secretary, they im
mediately got to work on arrang
ing the different committees
whose work is necessarily in
cidental to the successful
prosecution of the work in hand.
The exact date of the commence
ment meetings has not definitely
been decided upon, but will prob
ably be June 4. The site for the
tent provoked a little contest as
to what would be the better place,
north of the court house or west
of the M. E. church, in which the
Methodists won out.
the roiiowing committees were
selected for the work in its
various departments: Executive
Committee D. L. Dunkleberger,
W. Lorimer, W. L. Austin, J
M. Robertson, 1). B. Ebersole, C
Wescolt, Robert Hayes, R. W.
Ryan, M. S. Briggs. Publicity
Committee M. S. Briggs, J. E.
)oug!ass, Frank 11. Smith, Her
bert Cotton. Prayer Meeting Com
mitlee Mesdames A. D. Chap
man, C. H. Cobb, Minnie Rihn
Tent Supply Committee G. P
Eastwood, Thomas Wiles, Henry
Zuokweiler. F. B. Schopp. C. H
Cobb, Floyd Stone. Usher Com
mitto(7--D. C. Morgan, Isaac W
Hall, O. C. Hudson, Ralph Larson,
C. Hill, Robert Gibson. Music
Committee G. L. Farley, chair
man; Miss Mathilde Vallery, E. H.
Wescolt, B. A. McEhvain.
Attends Funeral of Sister.
From Tuesday's Dally.
George W. Young of Alva, Okla.,
arrived in the city last Saturday
evening lo attend the funeral of
his sister, Mrs, llanna, who died
at Yuma, Colo., and was buried
Sunday. While here Mr. Young
will take advantage of the oppor
tunity to spend a few days with
his many old friends in Cass
county and will not return home
until Thursday of this week. He
spent a few hours in Plattsmouth.
From here he will go to Beatrice,
Neb., where he will mako a brief
visit with his stepdaughter, Miss
Nettie El ford, who is taking a
nurse's course in the U. B. hos
pital in that city. Mr. Young re
ports everything in Oklahoma in
fine condition this spring and that
the crop situation was never bet
ter. They aro looking for the
bumper crop year.
Items of Interest to Old and New
Residents of City Which Were
New Forty Yeers Ago.
Two Ball Games.
The University Boosters, an or
ganization of fast young base ball
players from the state university,
will be here Saturday and Sunday
for two games with the Boosters
of this city, and Mice, fast games
may be looked for, as both teams
are playing fast hall and will en
deavor to carry off the honors.
The Lincoln team is composed of
members of the Sigma Chi fra
ternity and inrludes among others
Matthew Herold of this city, and
his many friends will he on hand
to see the contests.
The body of Dr. E. W. Foster,
who was found in a dying condi
lion i'A bis apartments at Omaha
MondaV- Evening, was taken last
evening to his birthplace at
Winterset, Iowa, where the fun
eral will be held as soon as the
father arrives form Tacoma,
In a letter left to his wife the
doctor said the cause of his rash
act was business matters, al
though his friends are at a loss
to understand the statement, as
he was in good shape financially
and apparently well supplied with
A post mortem examination of
the body was conducted by Dr
Samuel McClenaghan in the aft
ernoon, followed by the inquest at
the office of Coroner Willis C
Crosby, Twenty-fourth am
That he committed suicide by
the use of atropine, was the vor
diet of the jury. The atropine was
injected with the hypodermic
needle and paralyzed his respirat
ory organs. No reason for the
suicide was brought out at the
inquest. His wife was not pres
ent. The body will be laken to
Winterset, Li., for interment.
Mrs. Foster arrived yesterday
morning after erceiving news at
Winterset, la., wiere she was
visiting, that her husband was
dead. She went to the home of
Dr. E. N. Barnes, 1825 Binney,
and there read the letter left by
her husband.
She was addressed by endear
ing lernis in the letter, disposing
of the theory that domestic
(roubles might been th
cause or tin suicnle. i he in
Melinite expression mat it was
business troubles is (he only
cause mentioned.
The Journal
for typewriter
FOREST nOSE The best flour
on the market. Give it a trial.
Fifty Years Ago Today.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The following was taken from
the Fifty Years Ago Today
column of the Chicago Inter
Ocean: "The citizens of Cape
Girardeau, Mo., have raised $500
to buy a sword for General Mc
Neil and $200 for one for Colonel
Livingston of (he First, Nebraska
regiment, for their gallant de
fense of the town against (he
The Old Missouri Putting Up An
other Fight on the Eastern
From Tuesday's Dally.
Last evening at the Booster
ball park there was pulled off
what might well bo termed
some" ball game and the partici
pants were the employes oi rne
Burlington boiler shop and the
blacksmith shop, and it is lucky
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Missouri nver yesterday
Hud last night was slightly higher
than it has been for the last two
weeks, and as a result of the rise
about seventy-live feet more of
the bank across the river was
carried out and the condition
made even more serious than be
fore. The latest break is jus
south ot where the Dig cave-iu
occurred last week and will add
greatly to the burden of the en
gineers and workmen of the Bur
lington, who are on Hie ground
trying lo check the ravages of the
river, which is worse (his year
than last, and the final outcome of
the warfare between the river and
(he railroad and the government
is hard (o surmise.
Where the breaks have occur
red in the Iowa bank is just about
where the current sweeps across
from the mouth of the Platte and
Some of the happening in this
ittle city of forty years ago aro
printed below and will bo remem
bered by many of the older resi
dents here who were living in this
city at that time:
The brick for the new school
louse are being hauled on the
ground on "education hill."
The two avenues entering Main
street, near Sixth, will be valuable
improvements when completed.
Twenty-threw emigrant wagons
crosed yesterday on their way to
ward the setting sun.
One steamboat, two raft9, a
mudlurtle and two hen coops
have gone down the Missouri river
this week.
Capt. Hoover of Louisville, this
state, formerly of (he 58th Ohio,
and a brave soldier, called on us
(his morning. He is looking well
and doing well.
II. Maxtor Windham, esq., an
old resident of Plattsmoulh, has
just returned from the Ann Arbor
(Mich.) university, where he has
been studying law and things.
An illicit distillery was dis
covered lately, report says, in
Louisville precinct, and the U. S.
marshal made an arrest. Tho
parties were put under heavy
bonds to await trial.
Mr, Todd of Four Mile Creek
tells use be has some Norway
Spruce tPi inches in diameter and
20 feet high, grown in less than
ten years; also Cedar trees 7
inches in diameter, of the same
growth, while while willows of G
years growth are 5 feet and 1 inch
in circumference. Who says Ne
braska is not a tree growing
A U. S. detective was in the city
the other day, hunhng up persons
selling liquor without a license.
The detective found out where
they were selling and carried off
rather too much of it without a
jug, and had to lie put to bed;
when he got up a moot court, was
called, and said detective was
tried for being elevated, and found
guilty,' he left, foe some other
parts dishonored by the moot
that the scouts for the big leagues
were not present or some or rue siriKcs rne naiiK wim mucn iorce
toys would be drafted at once, and gradually urdermines the
The contest waged for some five sandy foundation of the soil, and
innings, at the close of which the as a result the bank ('aves in, giv-
blacksmiths were victorious by a ing the river more headway in
score of 5 to 1. The game was its efforts (o force a channel down
through the bottoms pear Pacific
Scientists who have looked the
(nation over at different times
have agreed that .'tt one time the
river extended from the bluffs on
either side of the riser and would
change from one side lo (he oilier
holly contested and several limes
the players caught the ball, and
especially strong in this line was
Ihe boilershop boys. Pete Herold
did Ihe tossing for Ihe boilershop
ami played a good game, but his
support was not exactly gilt
edged and everyone in the game
11. . i l ii . . .. .
emereii lino rue r iini oi room s s ,.,... , munis ho in size
J . i I . 'II I. ....
leeiing inai prevailed ano mucn Tins js true, as llnrly years ago
laughter was caused by Ihe ac- the main channel (lowed just oast
lions of the players when the ball 0f ), Burlington depot and
was I brown lo them. The black- gradually worked ils way across
smith shop team was captained by uniii (llj,y jt js threatening to
Connors, who played first for make ils way along the Iowa hot
lhcm, and was composed of more homg over its ancient river bed.
experienced ball players than
their opponents. Anton Hula
pitched for the blacksmiths. The
other departments of the shops
are talking of organizing teams,
and several red-hot contests may
bo looked for in the future. The
line-up of the contestants last
night was:
Blacksmiths Pries, catch;
Hula, pitch; Connors, first;
Gradoville, second; Seivcrs, short;
Kuhns, third; Droege, center; F
Janda, right; Rabb, left.
Boilermakers Hasson,
From Tuesday's ially.
At last Ihe Missouri Pacific
passenger station in this city is
to have electric lidils installed,
both on the iiiteri ir ami on the
platform, at the sta'iou, (he con
tract for the placing of them hav
ing been given i.o the firm of
Warga it Cecil, the expert wirers
and electricians. The work will
be started the last of the week,
and when completed will add
greatly to the appearance of tho
struct tire and make it a great
deal more convenient to th
traveling public, as for years the
lights in Ibis depot have been a
nuisance and the copipany should
receive the congratulations of tho
public on making this much
needed improvement.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Judge M. Archer has just re
ceived from Washington (be ad
vices that a pension of $12 a
month has been granted lo Mrs.
Olive L. Chrissinger, a soldier's
catch; widow, to date from May 27, 1912,
Herold, pitch; Smith, first; Lutz, when the claim was filed with the
second; Neumann, short; Kopp, pension department. This case
third ; C. Janda, center; Dawson, was a very difficult one and the
loft ; Vroman, right. judge feels greatly pleased that
he was aide to secure for his
LOST A small brown Cocker client, such a prompt payment of
paniei, answers to naino or tho claim. Mrs. Chrissinger is an
Brownie." Last seen following aged lady and is at present in a
farm wagon out of town. Parlies sanitarium in Missouri taking
knowing whereabouts please (reatmenf, as her health has been
notify Journal office. very poor for some time.
Hands In His Books.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Mr. II. It. Schmidt, one of the
best assessors in the county,
came in from his home at Mur
dock this morning to lurn over
his books lo Ihe county assessor,
having finished Ihe task of as
sessing his precinct. Mr. Schmidt,
has been assessor of his precinct
for Ihe past five yeirs, and ho lias
always had the reputation of be
ing among the first, to complete
the work. While in the city Mr.
Schmidt was a pleasant caller at
the Journal odlee, and we found
him lo be a mighly fine gentleman.
Farm for Sale.
Anyone wanting to buy a farm
would do well to see W. P.. Bryan,
county assessor.