The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 12, 1913, Image 7

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The lovers of dancing were
given their till Saturday evening,
as there were two big-events of
this nature given in the city and
both were well attended by the
devotees of the light fantastic.
The dance at the German Home
drew out a large crowd of both
young and old and here the jolly
crowd enjoyed several hours of
dancing to the delightful music
furnished by the Holly orchestra,
and it was with great regret that
they saw the homecoming hour
draw near.
The attendance at the ball given
by the St. Agnes Sodality was very
flattering and everyone attending
felt that the occasion had been
one of the most enjoyable of the
season and the young ladies
proved themselves ideal enter
tainers. The Plattsmouth or
chestra was on hand with their
usual assortment of excellent
music and greatly pleased the
large crowd.
Card of Thanks.
I wish to extend my heartfelt
thanks to my Sunday school class
for their beautiful bouquet of
flowers which they sent me in
token of their love and esteem
which they hold for me as their
Sunday school teacher. Although
I have been sick for two weeks
and have not been able to be with
them, I am glad they have not for
gotten me and I hope to soon be
able to be with them again.
Wishing them many happy re
turns for their kindness, I am, as
ever, their loving teacher.
Mrs. Hetlie Cummings.
Joseph Lloyd and . daughter,
Mrs. L. L. Alix, from north of
Union, were in the city this morn
ing, coming up to spend a few
hours with their numerous coun
ty seat friends. Mr. Lloyd is still
suffering some from the injury he
received a few days ago while
chopping timber, but is getting
along nicely and the results will
be no more serious than already
reported. While here Mr. Lloyd
enrolled his name for the Evening
Jay Johnson and wife came in
Saturday for an over Sunday visit
here with Mr. and Mrs. J. W
Johnson, the parents of Mr. John
son. They departed for Omaha
on the evening train, but Mrs.
Johnson will return tomorrow for
a more extended visit with rela
tives near Mynard before return
ing to her home in St. Joseph,
John L. Mayfleld, wife and
child departed this morning for
their home at Hubbard, after a
visit here with relatives. Mrs.
Mayfleld has been here for some
two weeks visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Peterson and
Mr. Mayfleld came down Saturday
to join her.
C. A. Gauer, one of the worthy
citizens of near Cedar Creek, came
in this morning to attend to some
business matters, and while in the
city called at the Journal office
and renewed his subscription for
another year.
This morning Dr. J. F. Hrendel
of Murray was a passenger for.
Omaha, accompanying Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Ruby to that city,
where Mrs. Ruby will consult a
specialist in regard to her health
which has been quite poor.
August Stander, from near
Louisville, was in the city a few
hours today, coming down for a
brief visit with county seat
friends and his brother, fieorge,
west of the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Hobscheidt,
from east of Murrty, were in the
city a few hours this morning
visiting with their numerous
friends and trading with Platts-
mouth merchants.
Lame back is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles of the
back, for which you will find
nothing better than Chamberlain's
Liniment. For sale bv F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Now is the time to get rid of
your rheumatism. You can do i
by applying Chamberlain's Lini
ment and massaging the parts
freely at each application. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Have you tried the Forest hose
flour? If not, why not? It is the
best flour on the market and is
sold by all dealers.
MOORE'S Paint at Frank Gobcl
man's EXCLUSIVE Wall Paper
and Paint Store.
Republican Leaders Gather to
Consider Condition ot Party,
Thirtyefght Attend, Including Half
Dozen Senators Believe National
Convention Should Be Called This
Year, but Do Not Take Any Action.
Chioago, May 12. Proposals to re
organize the Republican party were
discussed at a conference here be
iween six Republican United States
senators and thirty-two other Repub
lican laaders, representing nine state3.
The conference discussed the action
that should be taken at the meeting ot
the Republican national committee at
Washington, May 24, looking toward
reorganizing the party along progres
sive lines and as to whether there
should be a Republican national con
vention this year.
Although the nubile was not admit
ted, Senator Albert B. Cummins stated
that it was merely an informal talk.
a sort of a roundtable discussion of
what may be done for the best Inter
ests of the party by reorganizing it
along progressive lines."
Presided over by Senator u Y.
Sherman of Illinois, the discussion
was participated in by Senators Cum
mins, Borah of Idaho, Crawford of
South Dakota, Gronna of North Da
kota, Kenyon of Iowa, Congressman
Hayes of California, Congressman
Good of Iowa and many members of
state legislatures.
Convention Needed.
'Did you come to a decision whether
there ought to be a national conven
tion this year?" Senator Cummins waa
"We did not decide on that, but ev
eryone seems to feel that the comJV
tlon of the party seems to necessitate
a convention this year.
"Our Informal talk will be followed
by a more formal conference today.
when former Governor Hadley of Mis
souri will be here. We shall then Is
sue a statement telling just what wo
think ought to be done In behalf of
the party."
Somebody asked Senator Kenyon
"Whether there was to be an effort
made to get a new national commit
"That subject did not come up, but
most of us would have no objection if
the present committeemen resigned,"
replied Senator Kenyon. "What did
come up was a proposition to have
the next committee take office soon
after Its election so that It might pass
upon the credentials of the delegates
to the 1916 convention."
!! New York, May 12. A golden!
turn containing her husband's
I ashes, which are to be strewn on ,
t the waves a thousand miles off '
X Randy Hook, was taken with Mrs.
TJi, Af TTnurlnnri nf Knrwlrh '
X Conn.,
when she sailed on the.
steamer P.erlln for Europe. With
i her daughter the widow began
the ocean voyage, during which ,
she purposes to carry out a clause
of the will of her husband, Dr.
George T. Howland, who died 1
I Sept. 24, 1911.
Father Was Shooting at Rat When
Tot Suddenly Crossed Line of Fire.
Columbus, Neb., May 12. Shot by a
bullet Intended for a rat, tne baby ol
Mr. and Mrs. John Mursene of Lind
say lies at the point of death. The
bullet was fired by the father of the
girl, who was shooting at rats near the
house. Just as he fired his little girl
ran around the corner of the house,
the bullet glanced and struck the girl
In the stomach, passing entirely
through her body.
Will Order Sunday Ice Before.
Falls City, Neb., May 12. The mem.
bers of the Women'a club redded to
order enough Ice on Saturdays this
summer to last over Sundays as a be
ginning toward the suppression of
Sunday labor. The Woman's club has
100 members. The members of this
club are among the most, wealthy wom
en of the city.
Work Done on Loup Power Project
Lincoln, May 12. Filings made with
the state engineer show that the Ne
braska Power company, the Babcock
Doherty concern, expended $3,784 In
construction work on the Loup river
water power project during the month.
Maniac Killed by Policeman.
New York, May 12. An unknown
foreigner, from his actions believed to
be a maniac, waa shot and killed In
Bronx park by Policeman Frank An
dprson. Farmer Chandler Burn to Death.
Omaha. May 12. James Chandler,
a farmer living near Bellevue, was
burned to death when his clothing
caught fire from an explosion of kero
sene. Hundred Die as Trains Collide.
Salonlkl, May 12. Two Bulgarian
military trains collided between
Drama and Buk. One hundred per
sons were killed and 300 Injured.
Secretary of Board of Equalization
Submit Figure.
Lincoln, May 12. Important data
relative to the operation of the entire
system of ruihi.tris which Include this
state in their field of operations have
Just been forwarded to the Nebraska
state board of assessment.
Included iu the tables are the gross
and net earnings and operating ex
penses of each of the systems for the
year ending Dee. 31, 1912, and for the
previous year.
A resume of the reports shows that
six of the seven roads which do Ne
braska business had greater operating
expenses for the year Just closed, and
that the Omaha road, the Northwest
ern, Rock Island and Missouri Pacific
were the only roads which reported a
corresponding upward leap In neteain
lns. The Burlington fell off about $1,
300,000; the Union Pacific about $300,
(00, and the St. Joseph and Grand Isl
nd about $92,000. The Missouri Pa
cific reported an operating deficiency
in this state for the year, but made
money on its entire system.
The net earnings per mile of the
Burlington for the year reached $2,
960, while for the state of Nebraska
the figures show $2,486. This Is a
slight decrease over 1911 figures. The
Union Pacific's average for the state
amounted to more than the system
average. On the latter the net earn
ings per mile of road amounted to
$5,488, while for the state of Nebraska
the total of $6,394 was reached. The
Northwestern's system taming was
more than twice as much as Its Ne
braska per mile net, while for the
Rock Island the net on the systenc wn
nearly five times as much for :ach
mile as it was in this state.
Says Western Union Should Be
Denied Injunction.
Lincoln, May 12. The state's an
swer In the Stebblns telegraph rate
bill injunction hearing was filed In
the federal court by Deputy Attorney
General Avers. The action Is taken on
behalf of the three members of the
railway commission and the attorney
general, against whom the original
Western Union complaint is directed.
llL the answer the stRte makes the
point thaf the respondents have not
ever signified their Intention of en
forcing the law referred to and that
the only duty enjoined upon them by
the Stebblns act Is the duty to hear
and determine as to whether rates
charged by telegraph companies In
this state are remunerative or non
remunerative. The state further denies that a hear
ing before the commission to deter
mine the sufficiency of rates would be
delayed for any considerable length of
time If the Western Union company
should ask for such a hearing and that
a speedy and expeditious disposition
of the question may yet be made If
the company will make the proper
complaint and ask for the hearing.
On behalf of the state It Is further
contended that the Western Union
Telegraph company has no way of
knowing whether or not the new rate
of 25 cents for ten words, day mes
sages, between any two points In this
state would seriously Impair Its busi
ness. The slate therefore asks that
the request of the company for a tem
porary Injunction be denied and that
the rates be given a trial and the
proper showings be made before the
railway commission.
A general denial of the Western
Union's assertion that the present 25,
30 and 35 cent rates are reasonable for
the service rendered Is made by the
state, It being alleged by the attor
neys for the commission that greater
gross compensation will be garnered
In by prevalency of the Stebblns rate
than by present high rates.
State Association Will Hold Conven
tion This Week.
Omaha, May 12. The forty-fifth an
nual session of the Nebraska State
Medical association will open Its three
days' meeting at the Hotel Rome to
morrow and extensive preparations
are being made for the entertainment
of the crowd of physicians and their
wives who are expected to attend the
meeting. From the present Indications,
a record breaking attendance will
mark the meeting this year, when sev
eral Important problems of the pro
fession will come before the associa
tion. The application of the latest
treatments of disease will be dis
cussed and a number of lantern elides
Plans for Convention of Eagles.
Beatrice, Neb., May 12. Preliminary
plans for the state convention of Ea
gles, which will be held In this city
June 10, 11 and 12, have been made
by the local aerie. One of the features
of the meeting will be a baseball game
each day, teams from South Omaha,
Nobraska City, Hastings and Beatrice
participating. Between 500 and COO
delegates are expected to bo In at
tendance. Breede Send Bear as Food for Feast.
Hastings, Neb., May 12. Adam
Breede, editor of the Hastings Trib
une, has sent from Plains, Mont., a
large boar, which he shot near that
place. It will be prepared for an Elks
club feaRt, to which Grand Island Elks
will be Invited. Mr. Breede has re
turned to the hunt In the northern
Sryan Telegraphs Johnson, Urg
ing Him to Withhold Signature.
Administration Again Asks That Pro
posed Legislation Be Deferred Co
operation of Government In Accom
plishing California Purpose.
Washington, May 12 The federal
government's final effort to delay alien
and owning legislation in California
sas made when Secretary Bryan, in
'die name of President Wilson, tele
graphed Governor Johnson, notifying
si m that the Japanese ambassador
lad earnestly protested against the
till passed by the California assembly
tnd urged that the governor postpone
lotion by withholding his signature.
Secretary Bryan's telegram, which
wis framed after a conference with
ihe president, was as follows:
"The president directs me to ex
press his appreciation of your courtesy
in delaying action on the land bill now
before you until Its provisions could
he communicated to the Japnnese gov
crnment. His excellency, Baron
Chlnda, on behalf of his government,
iias presented an earnest protest
igalnst the measure. As you have be
fore you two alternatives, viz., to
approve or to veto, It will avail noth-
Ine to recall to vour attention the
nmendments suggested to the legisla
ture and as the president has already
laid before you his views upon the
subject It !s unnecessary to reiterate
Passes Over Treaty Question.
"He pnsses over questions affecting
treaty rights for two reasons; first,
because tho bill passed by the legls
lature Is avowedly Intended to con
form to treaty obligations, and, sec
snd, because any conflict complained
of would be a matter for the courts
But the president feels Justified In ex
pressing again his desire that action
on the subject be deferred for this sea
son and he expresses the desire the
more freely because the legislature
can be reconvened at any time If the
welfare of the state requires It. He Is
alive to tho importance of removing
any root of discord which may create
antagonism betw een American citizens
and the subjects of Oriental nations
residing here, but he Is impelled by a
sense of duty to express the hope that
you wfll -fcee fit to allow time for dip
lomatlc efforts. The nations affected
by the proposed law are friendly na
Mons nations that have shown them
selves willing to co-operate In the es
tablshment of harmonious relations be
veen their people and ours.
"If a postponement commends Itself
to your Judgment, the president will
be pleased to co-operate In a system
atlc effort to discover and correct any
evils that may exist in connection
with landownershlp by aliens."
Action Follows Conference.
The decision of the administration
to urge Governor Johnson to use his
power to veto to postpone any land
legislation was reached after a series
of conferences between the president
Becretary Bryan and John Bnssett
Moore, counsellor of the state depart
ment and Ambassador Chlnda. It was
realized that any further attempt to
have the bill enacted by the Califor
nia legislature amended would be
fruitless, since Secretary Bryan's trip
to Sacramento was unavailing and the
legislature Is to adjourn tomorrow.
Until Governor Johnson's reply Is
received, the government probably
will make no reply to the protest of
Japan further than to acquaint the
ambassador with the fact that every
possible effort has been made to have
action In California delnyed pending
a settlement of the problems Involved
by diplomacy.
Refuses to Accept Draft of Treaty
Drawn Up by Powers.
London, May 12. The Turkish dele
gates arrived In London for the peace
Dispatches from Sofia Indicate that
the Greek government Is trying to de
lay the conclusion of peace by refusing
to accept the drnft of the treaty drawn
up by the ambassadorial conference.
The Bulgarian government, however,
has notified Greece of Its detcrmlna
tlon to permit no further delay In
signing the peace treaty.
Friction between Bulgaria and
Greece still menaces the situation
The mixed commission appointed by
the two governments to reconcile the
rival claims over disputed towns and
territories arrived at Irreconclliable
Kaiser Robbed of Two Handbags
Berlin, May 12. According to the
Morgen Post, the emperor was robbed
of two alligator handbags while re
turning by train from his recent visit
to Strassburg. The handbags con
talned articles of personal use.
Girl Found Dead In Hotel.
St. Louis, May 12. The body of
young girl found on the floor of a room
In the Woodford hotel at Fifteenth
and Chestnut streets was Identified as
that of Lethla Underwood.
Killed by Lightning.
Elk City, Kan., May 12. One man
was killed and another severely In
jured by lightning during a storm new
Her Handling of the
Reins Was a Feature of
1913 Initial Coaching Trip.
Photo by American Preae Aiioclatlon.
Already known a an Ideal whip, Mini
Harriet Alexander added to her laurels
when the tooled the couch of ths ladlea'
Four-ln-llanJ club of New York on 1U first
trip from the Colony club to the West
shatter Country club. On the coach war
Mri. Joieph El. Davli, Mlm L. U Flalt-
mann, Mrs. Thomas Heatings, Mrs. Wil
liam Ooadby Loew, Mra. Charles C. Rum
My, Mra. Robert L. Oerry, Mlas Angelica
Gerry, Mrs. Ralph Sanger, Mlaa Harriet
Alexander and Morrlt Howlett.
Stone One to Death In Race Wat
Few Miles From Globe.
Globe, Ariz., May 12. One man was
Ktoned to death and another seriously
hurt in a race war at Miami, six miles
from Globe, between Americana and
Mexicans. A crowd of Americans
were the aggressors and three of them
are In the county jail here. A gang of
Americana determined to run the
Mexicans out of the town and the first
they encountered were Jose Peres and
M. Ortez. The Mexicans were chased
through the streets until they dropped
with broken heads. Peres died soon
afterwards and Oretz was taken to a
A free-for-all fight, In which about
fifty men took part, followed and not
nntil the arrival of Sheriff Frank
Ilaynes and a posse from Globe did
the rioting cease. The officers were
threatened by the mob, but with
drawn revolvers they made their way
through the mob and arrested the al
leged ringleaders.
Stonei Heaped on Track Entering
City Scene of Strike.
Paterson, N. J., May 12. The west
bound train on the Erie railroad,
known as the Chicago Express, had a
tarrow escape from wreck when the
locomotive crashed Into a pile of rocks
on the tracks here, evidently placed
there by would-be train wreckers.
The engineer sighted the obstruction
In time, however, to slow down so
that only the locomotive pilot was
Last week the Erie board of direct
ors In New York received a letter of
the black hand type, which read:
"If you continue to stop trains for
the accommodation of scabs at Pater
son wo will cause an accident which
will cauRO the Erie rallrond to have
damage suits brought for amounts
running into millions."
One Killed and Another Fatally Hurt
as Mob and Police Battle.
Fort Williams, Ont., May 12. One
man was shot to death, another was
fatally wounded and several more
were hurt and bruised In a battle be
tween police and sympathizers of the
striking street car employees. The
trouble started when the company at
tempted to operate one of Its cars.
Gives Up Seat In House.
Washington, May 12. Represcnta
tlve II. Olin Young, Republican of Ish-
peming, Mich., announced In a speech
In the house his Intention of resign
ing his seat. He discussed the contest
Instituted by William McDonald, a
Progressive, saying 458 votes Intended
for McDonald had not been counted
for him and he did not feel Justified
In holding his seat.
A. B. Stannard a Bankrupt.
New York, May 12. Ambrose B.
Stannard, a contractor, erecting post
office and federal buildings In various
parts of the country, went Into bank
ruptcy with debts of $812,000 and as
sets of $171,0000. The government's
claims on uncompleted buildings are
secured by surety bonds.
Autos Worth Nearly Half Million Burn
Chicago, May 12. Three south Ride
garages, containing 134 automobiles,
were destroyed by fire, with a loss of
nearly half a million dolllarB, within
thirty hours. The fires were caused
by explosions of gasoline, and Fire At
torney Joseph Murray has ordered an
Gets Report on Past Record at
Beatrice School.
Institution Head Charged With Mis
handling Fundi Accusations Chief
ly in Connection With Clothing Ac
counts. Lincoln, May 12. Tho report of
Special Investigator W. P. Lynch of
Omaha relating to business affairs as
ronducted at the Beatrice school for
the feeble minded under the adminis
tration of Dr. W. M. Thoinaa has been
Med with Governor Morehead.
The report comprises several pages
and includes citations from the Insti
tute record, which have to do with
shoe and dry goods purchases during
the time, Jan. 27, 1911, to Feb. 20,
1913, that Dr. Thomas held the super
lntendency of the Institution. In a
statement given to the public simul
taneously with the Lynch report, Gov
ernor Morehead say that he will turn
the matter over to the board of con
trol and that the attorney general will
likely be asked to sue Dr. Thomas'
bondsmen for money which the exec
utive thinks should be turned over to
the state.
Many Instances Cited.
The matters shown in tho record
and which Attorney Lynch sets out to
Governor Morehead comprise the fol
lowing with regard to Dl Thomas:
"First That he bought shoes and
clothing on requisitions not signed by
the supen isors or attendants.
"Second That he bought shoes and
clothing for Inmates and charged the
lame to their account without any req
uisition being made for the same by
the supervisor or attendants.
"Third Caused requisitions to
made for shoes when there was
neeiLfor .them
"Fourth Made the Inventory
goods bought In his private office at
the Institution and set the price to be
charged the Inmates.
"Fifth Bought shoes and clothing
for Inmates when there was no need
for the snme.
"lie bought goods In wholesale
quantities at retail; for example: On
Dee 2, 1812, he bought a bill from a
merchant In Wymore amounting to
$2,413.95; on Jan. 24, 1913, he bought
a bill of dry goods from a Beatrice
merchant amounting to $1,785.78, and
on Fob. 20, 1913, he bought a shoe or
der from another Beatrice merchant
amounting to $1,038.50.
"The aggregate charges for clothing
children of the Institution for the
years 1907 and 1908 were $10,403.01;
1909 and 1010, $12,680.15; 1911 and
1912 to Feb. 20, 1913, Inclusive, $27.-
"The average attendance at the In
stitution for the years 1909 and 1910
was 416; the average attendance for
the years 1911 and 1912 was 429."
Governor Footed Bill.
Governor Morehead's statement
relative to the matter, Including his
assertion that the entire cost of the
Investigation was footed out of his
own pocket, Ih bb follows:
"I stated during the campaign that
I believed there was extravagance In
the administration of the state's busi
ness and promised the peoplo that, If
elected, I would do my best to give
them an economical business admin
istration. I thought from the first
that Dr. Thomas did not manage this
Institution In the Interests of tho In-
mnk's and tho public. Not having evi
dence enough to warrant me In ask
ing the legislature to make an appro
priation for nn Investigation, I em
ployed Mr. Lynch at my own expense
and sent him to Investigate.
"Dr. Thomas filed a claim with the
legislature for something more than
$600, which was nllowed. I vetoed It
and expressed the opinion that ho
owed tho slut'? a largo sum of money,
and this report bears out my conclu
sions. I Intend to transmit this report
to the board of control, and It Is prob
able that the attorney general will be
nrked to bring suit on Dr. Thomas'
"Any person who looks at the fig
ures will see In an Instant that an In
stitution whl-;h could be run on $10,
403.01 for the years 1907 and 1908 and
$12,680.05 for the yean 1909 nnd 1910
ought not to cost $27,581.31 for 1911
and 1912 when the average Increase In
attendance for the last two years over
tho two preceding Is only thirteen.
i.ny housekeeper who looks at the list
of dry goods and sees the prices paid
will be able to Judge whether or not
Dr. Thomas was looking after the In
terests he was sworn to protect."
Last Day for Guard Practice.
Today began the annual preliminary
practice of the Nebraska national
guard In Us contest for marksman
ship honors among the members of
the different companies of the guard.
The grounds south of the penitentiary
are being used by the companies at
Beatrice, Auburn, Geneva, Wymore
and Lincoln, taking their turns In
squads of twenty men each, under the
command of a commissioned officer.
May 15 Is "Clean-Up Day."
Governor Morehead has designated
May 15 as "Clean-up day," and has Is
sued a call to the mayors of cities and
all good citizens to get busy on that
day and see that everything which
might tend to cause fires should be
e'eared away and a general freshness
round all back yards shown.