The Plattsmouth Journal : Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Neb.: 1. A. HATICH, I'illlliei Entered at the I'ostoflice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE THOUGHT FOR TODAY. 4. It. requires a sterner vir J ttio than good nature lo hold 4. fast the truth, that it is J. nobler t be shabby and honest than to do things J. handsomely in t'ebt. Julian ! fr II. Evving. Lincoln went "wet" by a good big majority Tuesday. The peo ple of the capital city evidently prefer open saloons to a system of boot-legging. Hypocricy and hoot-legging go hand in hand. :o: The Burlington has ih;ided to eri'Ct a $ 40,00.1 depot 'it I'.i' City, a U.wn thai furnishes a' ml half the business that Plalts inoulh does. :o: The Jap troubles in California are still "hanging fire." And now Arizona has caught I be anli-alien disease, and I lie Japs are ruled out in that slate. . :o : (lovernor of New York must be a better governor than he was given credit, for being. The .New York legislature is at loggerheads with him. Weather and crop bureaus of Nebraska railroads report no frosts through tin state during the recent cold spell. At least, no damage is reported. :o: Some fellows up around Lincoln aro perhaps wiser than they were before the election last Tuesday There are times when some people bile off more tha i they can chew. A large increase in the acreage of spring and winter wheal is re ported from western and south western Nebraska, and it is in ex cellent condition, according lo re ports received by I lie slate board of agriculture. Uncle Sam is daily called upon lo take care of 11 lot of refugees from various points in Mexico, and the treatment they receive is quite different from that accorded to the Americans who are at tempting to reside in the Mexican republic. :o : Nearly everybody seems to think it was just a frame-up, and that the facts will come out in time. Until I hen "mum" is the order. :o: - People who have incomes over $4,000 a year aro worrying be cause they will have to pay a gov ernment tax, while those whose incomes are umi'U' that amount are worrying because they would like to pay a government tax if they only had that kind of an in come. Hut you can't please all people all the time. :o: In defending the free wool dnvernor Morehead has desig nated Saturday, May 17, as a gen-1 in its way cral clean-tip day for the entire slate. Mayors of all the cilies should join the governor in the movement, for with the hourly co operation of local officials some thing tangible will be accomplished. clause of the democratic tariff bill Representative Harrison of New York said: "After this bill is enacted into law, when a man buys an $8 or $10 suit of clothes he will be sure there is some wool in it, and the first time he goes out. in the rain it won't stiffen up like a stovepipe. Tree raw wool means cheaper r'.oUiing to the American consumer. :o: The suffragette- in Nebraska iloa'l seem to be quite so frisky as 1 hey were last fall. They were taken down a noted or (wo after the legislature handled them so lightly and without, gloves. Now they want Nebraska lo vole on the suiirage question, ami we are in favor of it. Not because we be lieve in their can", but simply to see bow many of ihe old hens will find resting places under snow drirts. :o: Kver since William Jennings Mryan treated (he diplomatic corps to grape jti'ce, it has fig tired as one of the main bever ages in Washington barrooms. They now sell what is called a "Mryan llickey." "Pour hair a glass of grape juice over cracked ice, add a dish of nnion juice and some carbonated water," and there you are. Warranted not to intoxicate, even If it does not cheer. :o: If the dandelion was a modest flower, it, would be r joy forever. A few dandelions, scattered here and there over a soft green lawn might add to the charm of the lawn, but the dandelion is an ag grcssive little beast of a flower. It not only spreads itself over the lawn, as prolific as t lie proverbial fly, and as disreputable, but it de vours all the verdure that conies It should be extermi nated. Most of the lawns in Plattsmouth have become infested with the pest which makes life miserable by the insistence with which it insolent tv persists in blooming after numerous decapitations. I Mr. Hryau's trip to California was not a failure l.v any means, jaud the people of these United States will soon learn that it was not. Some newspapers are too anxious to write failure to any thing in which Mr. Bryan is eu gaged. Hut saying so doesn't make it hi by a long shot. :o: (ireat credit is due those noble women who have the courage to organize in opposition to those women who have organized sel fishly for their own political pref erment. And the men who en courage them have also an eye to office-holding, in case they suc ceed. It is not a matter of prin ciple wifh them, hut solely a sel fish interest. :o There is a young man over in the west part of the county who will probably be induced by his friends lo make the race for county clerk on the democratic ticket next year. We are re quested to withhold his name for the present, but we can assure the readers of the Journal that he is one of the most popular young men in Gass county, and wel qualified for the position in every particular. 1 :o: We raise an awful row when there again well coili. m ieii !i many a boy 11 leaving homo. No boy evir went a.-lrav who heeded tins ad vice 1 n m 1 nis dear oiu nioiner -the dearest friend he ever pns- ses sen. :o: All the clerks in the stores in Kat Liverpool, ()., struck, and thereupon the proprietors told the customers to wait, upon them selves and pay fur what goods they took. The scheme has worked well. Although in the dry goods stores whore women customers measured their own fabrics and selected their own drosses, there were often brought about some amusing complica tions, but the inereiianls declare that they have lost very Iittlo from the dishonesty of the buy ers. They have saved the cost of the clerks, there has been no pick eting, no disturbance and the striking clerks are walking around with their hands In their pockets uncertain what to do. :o:- are lax quarantine laws si smallpox, cholera or bu bonic plague. Tb health officers are doing very wel', considering what they have to deal with. But Hie fy the dirlv, deadly fly, that kills its thousand'' every year what do we do about thai? Noth ing, you might say. Hut we should begin now, and s.vat cry one that makes his appearance. Have your swatters in readiness. :o: Some of the latist, songs are: Is Mv Hat on Straight?" "Shall Put the Buttons 011 the Back or Front of My Dress?" "Dad and Mam aro Back Numbers," "Mi crobes That Make it Pathway Down Your Spine." There are a number of other meaningless songs innt would mane a mny goat chew the neck off of a dis carded beer bottle mi the back al loy, but they will be sung just the same. :o: The passage of the anli-alien act by the California legislature will not .settle the mailer. It would be only a slop. There may first come the referendum if the bill is passed by both houses and signed. There may then follow the courts with President Wilson and Secretary Bryan as intorvon ing friends of the court ropre senlalive, of course, of the federal government. And after that may come congress. There are, indeed, plenty of possibilities "My son, nevor go anywhere von would be ashamed to lake vour mother never associate with anyone you would not wish lo introduce to your mother never say anything you would be ashamed to say to your mother, nor listen to stories you would not wish her to hoar," is the fare- Next Sunday has been set apart as a day in which we honor the mothers, not only one's own mother but all mothers. We pay tribute to our military, naval and political heroes this compara tively new holiday is designed to pay tribute to motherhood. Tbo observance of Mothers' day is in dicated by wearing a white carna tion for the mother who is living. Other while flowers are used to mark the day, but the white car nal ion is the Mothers' day cm- Mem. A good inoil'er's influence is i;u for one day only, it is for tvrr. Children may disregard her wishes while she lives, bill when he is gone, when nef loving heart no longer finds exetises for their i r;t a s j; re s s ion s, tiled her influence 1. 1 1. ni'.es stronger, reaching out iiui'i the grave to purify and up- I. lo strengthen the weak inu puises and hroadivi the life. We refer lite leaders of the Joiir.ial to an article printed else where i:i I hi iss:ie beaded 'Please Do Not Publish." It is well worth peru-in'-, a:id there are several reasons v.hy we de-ire lo have il 1 rad. hi the lirst place the article is not our own, and greater their m I of satisfaction. Clearly, then, it betonies the duty of a newspaper not alone to as sume the responsibility of its ut terances, but to us,., its own im partial judgment in the matter of what to print and what not to print. Ail manner of news, ru mor and gossip, reach the editor's desk, and there must be constant process of weeding out the doubt ful, the objectionable and the ma liciously intended, and the preser vation of the legitimate. This done, the newspaper cannot draw the line because of a difference in social or business relations. So cial .standing is too often a mere matter of dollars and affectation rather than any monopoly of the virtues. There are just as many sensitive hearts beating under the homespun of the poor as the tailor-made suit of the rich, and it is not fair for a newspaper, in writing up the news, to make the distinction. No judge in a court of justice finds pleasure in pro nouncing the penalties of the law it is a duty which is required of him. No true newspaper man finds pleasure in recording, the misdeeds of bis fellow men, but in a spirit of fairness and with a duly to perform no less important than that of tribunals where men go upon equal footing with jus lice. In the performance of this, the newspaper should not know rank or station, prince or peasant. as so en arly yet expresses our 1 in many respects Jhal we would like to have all the readers of the Journal familiar v. ill: its senti ment. There are so many truths touched upon and so many condi tions dealt with -hat the entire article is of value lo all. Another reason for want inn it, read is be cause the editor a newspaper is constantly hci.ig confronted with those very problems from day to, day, from week lo week, and the facts sot oul Iy this writer may give the reader a clearer view of the responsibilities that attach to the publication of a newspaper. In the nature of things men love to have their virtue? extolled un der headlines, and their short comings printed among the medi cine ads, or not at all preferably the latter. But those same men and women love to read of their neighbors' entanglements and the more exhaustive the details the A matter in which the people of Nebraska are considerably inter est ell is being quite freely dis cussed, is that .if the proposed reduction of members of the leg islature. Of eourw" there is a di vided sentiment on the proposi tion. Out of I he discussion of the fact is easily gleaned that the number of bills introduced is too large the subjects of legislation loo varied and trivial. II would seem, therefore, that the number of bills should bo limited, or that an arrangement, for the publica tion and greater digest ion, before I hey are acted upon by the legis- 1 . . 1 1 .... 1 1 . . : 1 .. 1 : . . it. n iiaiors, ami iioi n nonunion 01 me judgments passing upon them, would be to Ihe point. If the mem bership cannot be reduced there should be some system by which a limit at ion to Ihe number of bills iul rodiiced could be made and til number that each one is allowed to present for consideration. :o: Thai every employe of their every dining car service must show a perfect bill of health at a physi cal examination held four times a year is a new ruing just estab lished by the Pennsylvania rail road system. Indications of any infectious disease 112 any employe will mean immediate discharge from the service. The provision is made, it is slated, for the pur pose of further safeguarding the health of the patrons of the rail road dining car system. Yet such a measure may have another sig nificance and work a reform in other directions worthy of being sought by like lequircments in other lines of business. Certain infectious diseases by which the innocent public is constantly menaced are very closely allied with evils which society is at tempting to combat in other ways. The ravages of these diseases are far greater than any except those who have investigated the matter know or realize. It is not prob able that any sort of legislation or regulation will over fully check these evils, or stamp out the at tendant diseases. But if an em ploye knows that contracting such a disease will probably mean his discharge from his position, the knowledge will certainly tend to restrain rather than encourage taking further chances. It is of vital importance that public health be as fully safeguarded as it is possible to do. It is likewise just as important that some means be found if possible to check these diseases Apparently the Pennsylvania railroad has found an effectivo method of ac complishing something in both directions. The idea is worthy of general consideration. :o: So much unfavorable comment has been made because William Jennings Bryan treated the diplo matic corps to grape juice that, he has been compelled to defend his action. He says that he is a teetotaller. So is his wife. So were their parents beforo them. They have never erved liquor at their table, and they aro not go ing to pegin it now. When tno diplomatic corps gathered he ex plained to them his position on the subject, and when President Wilson tendered him the post of secretary of slate bo told Wilson that it might be awkward at the diplomatic dinners to find wine excluded. He feels sorry that he is obliged to abrogate a tradi tional custom, but it is a matter of principle witii him, and ho doesn't propose lo alter his way of living to suit Ihe notion of other people. Lucy Hayes, when mistress of the White House, vent oven farther than Bryan, she gave her guests ice water, but PuHierford, her husband, was not i'vorse to taking a drink occa sionally, although bis fnonda complained that he confined him self to a bottle or gin behind tiio kitchen door. Thr old fathers of the republic inaugurated the dip lomatic dinners in accordance with the customs of that day. During the revolutionary war Washington addressed his staff, saying "Gentlemen, we must all make some sacrifices in the pres ent condition of affairs, and here after you will find no Maderia upon the mess tables. You must be contented with plain New Eng land rum." Jefferson was the best judge of wine in America, and he imported a Swiss who planted a vineyard at Mouticello. It ex ists to this day. The only restric tion that Jefferson made was that no liquor should bi sold at retail within ten miles of the University of Virginia, and out of respect to his memory, and villi no law on the subject, the rule holds good to this day. Then why should Mr. Bryan be criticized for enjoying the same privileges as other great men? I MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS - . By Gross JEfjh f " x 'GOODNlSHT cJuRSeU ' '"eyi-syj Pont ,H0yr) "re So MoctTX f Ht P'Nt MJh) fZt f HOUSE HI 7(g F l 7NO THPp wT'eTn0 CfP S: 4i Ifn ft I', pKi ZS thump L; p-p np.vth.nJ ll.