IN Corn urn Sure drop, variable edge drop, high wheel u WHILE THEY LAST! Plattsmouth, Nebraska NOTICE OF FINAL SF-TTLEMENT. In the County Court of Caaa Count-, Kebrnaka. In the Matter of the Estate of William M. Wiley, Deceased. All persons Interested In said estate will take notice that the administrator has filed his flnal report and petition for final settlement and allowance of the same, and that a hearing will be had upon said report and petition In aid Court on the 17th day of May, li13, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated this 2nd day of May, 1913. ALLEN J. UEKSON, County Judge. D. O. DWYER, Attorney. ROAD NOTICE. I n All iiuin ll May Concern: Tin' llnanl (if County Cominis iiiu'f."i nf Cass County hao found itiat Ilic public i-'oiri requires Unit a I'nail lie opened on Hie Section line, commenein jr al a point where Iload .No. Uii;!, Cass County, Nebraska, crosses Hie Section ine lielween Sections 8 and 17, Township 10 North. Range 13, Cass county, Nebraska, running thence Cast on sa'.l Section lino to lload No. 155 between Sections ami 10, Township 10 North, Range lt. ("ass County, Nebraska, and all objections hereto, or claims for damans, must be tiled in the County Clerk's office on or before noon on the. 15lh day of July, A. D. l(.i:i, or such road will be opened without reference thereto. (Seall D. C. MOllCAN, County Clerk. l'lattsniouth, Nib., May Hth, 1013. NOTICE OF FIXAL SETTLEMENT. All persons Interested will take notice that Margaret E. Manspeaker, Kuardian of the person and estate of Marv llavnar. Insane, In the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska, has liled her final report and petition for final fii ttlpmpnt. and that hearing will he had thereon upon the 10th duy of May, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated this 2nd day of May, 1913. ALLEN J. UEESON. County Judge. In the lllnlrk-t Court In and for Own County, Nebraska. William L. Nickels, assignee of Gert rude M. Wiley, and William llainey, Plaintiff, vs. Charles Edward Wiley, Defendant. Notice to the Defendant, Charles Ed ward Wiley: .. You will take notice that on the 30th day of April. A. D., 1913, William L. Nickels, plaintiff herein, filed his peti tion and affidavit In the District Court of Cass Countv, Nebraska, against you, the object and prayer of which is to revive a certain judgment obtained it gainst vou by Oertrude M. Wiley and William Kalney on November 16, A. D. 1901, for .the sum of $628.00 with In terest at the rate of Heven per cent per annum from date and costs of suit taxed In the sum of $24.60, which said judgment on November 14, 1911, be came dormant, mat no pun ui sum judgment has ever been paid, and al leging that during all of said period of timo vou have been Insolvent, and praying that an order be entered re viving said judgment, and awarding plaintiff execution thereon in the sum of $628.00 with Interest at seven per cent per annum from November 16, 1901, and all accrued costs. You are required to answer said peti tion and affidavit and show cause, if any, on or before the 16th day of June, A. P., 1913, why an order of the Dis trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska, should not be entered reviving said ludgment In said sum, and awarding plaintiff execution thereon. If you fall to answer, appear or show cause before said date, your default will be duly entered therein, and said order of revivor will be Issued, of all of which vou will take due notice. Dated this 3rd day of May. A. D. 1913. WILLIAM L. NICKLES. Assignee of Oertrude M. Wiley, and William Knlney, Plaintiff. TiAWLS & IIOBKHTSON, Attorneys. SOTICE OF IlEFEHEE'S SALE, la the DlMtrlct Court In and for Cans County, Mrbraska. John W. Barr, Koy A. Uarr, et al., I'lalntlffs, vs. Josie C. Barr, et al., . Defendants. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court in and for Cass County, Ne braska, entered In the above entitled cause on the 3rd day of May, A. I). 1913, the undersigned sole referee will on the 10th day of June at 11 o'clock a. m. at the south front door of the Court House In the City of Plattsmouth, Cass Countv, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest responsible bid der for cash the following described real estate, to-wlt: , The West half W) of the South east quarter (SEVi) of Section three (3); the Northeast quarter (NEU) of .section ten (10); the South half (SH of the Northwest quarter (NW14) of Section ten (10), all in Township eleven (11). Hange nine (9) East of the 6th P. M., in Cass County, Nebraska, and Lot four (4), In Block twenty (20), Pack's Orove Addition to the City of Llieoln, lAncaster County, Nebraska, and Lots five hundred forty-seven (547) anfl five hundred forty-eight (548), In th Village of Oreenwood, Cass County, Nebraska, which said last described lota in the Village of Oreenwood will be sold subject to the life estate there in of Josle C. Barr. Raid sale will be held open for one 'l(Da'ted at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this r.flk day of Mav, A. I). 1913. y C. A. IIAWLS. Referee. 0. 8. POLK, Attorney. erty of Joseph Elton Ryan and Archie J. Rvan, minors, praying for a license to sell the Interest of his said wards In tim following " described real estate to-wlt: East half of northeast quarter N. E. U), Section slxteeen (16), township ten (10), range nine (9) east, In Cass county, Nebraska, In which real estate the said wards own an undivided one fifteenth (1-15) each, and lots thlrteeen (13), fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), in block four (4), Village of Alvo, Cass county, Nebraska. In which said wards own each an undivided one-fortieth (1-40), or so much of said real estate and of the interests of said wards therein as it shall seem to the court to be for the best interests of said wards. Tt In bprehv ordered bv the court and adjudged, that the next of kin, and all persons Interested In said matter, ap pear before me at chambers at the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock i. m., on the 20th day of May, 1913, to show cause, If any there be, why such license be not granted to snlri npfltlnner. It Is further ordered that a copy of this order be published In the Platts mouth Weekly Journal for three weeks successively next Immediately before ith flute of said hearing. (Slven under mv hand at tne cuy oi Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on this 4th day of April, 1913. HARVEY D. TRAVIS, Judge of the Distrct Court. In the County Court In and for Cast County, Nebraska. Is He Kstatk or Walter t llflTICF J. White, Deckased. I IWHUt To all Persons Interested: Vou are hereby not tried tliatnn the 10th day of May. A. I)., 1KI3. Annie lona White, tiled her petition In the lxve court alleging the death testate of Walter J. White, on the 4th day of May. A. !.. 1113, and presenting an Instrument puntortiiiK to lie said last will and testament for probate. A hearing will be had on said petition on the 31st day of May. A. P.. WX at one o'clock p. m.. before which hour all objections thereto. If any. must be tiled. By the court ALLEN J. BEESON. County Judge Haw Is & Robertson, Attorneys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In County Court. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Cass County, ss. In the matter of She Estate of Alice M. Tague, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased that hearings will be had upon claims filed against said estate, before me, County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in IMaltsm.iulh. in sail County, on the .'list day oT May 1913, and on the 2nd day of De. ceinber, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day, fur examination, adjust ment and allowance. All claims must be filed in, said coiir! on or before said last hour of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at IMatts inoulh, Nebraska, this 1st day of May, 1913. (Seal) ALLEN J. HEESON, County Judge. ID Because it's Welded, yoj can take it Down and Put it Up Without Injuring the Fcr.ce That's a Rood point to consider. It h artyrilly a cne-tvec '-ice. Many a time you would shift a line of Tuk:ivj down '"PnbGrTj Perfect" a-d lencing fronv say, the bull pasture to the re-stringing it cl-esn't hart it a bit Th:s heg lot ifit didn't destroy the efficiency i3 one exclusive Vlv'.cLurrh Perfect" fla of the fence. ture of economy perhaps you haven't In Pittsburgh Perfect-, the only fence thought of. Our catalogue, sent free, electrically welded joints, the stays tells of many more. Get a copy at are permanently joined to the line wires, once. Mad in Different Style for FIELD, FARM, RANCH, LAWN. P DJ r.ntnnJ CHICKEN. POULTRY and RABBIT YARD tad GARDEN EVCry KOQ OUaraiUeea Ask your dealer for "Pittsburgh Perfect" and insist on his furnishing it Do not allow him to persuade you that some other fence is just as good. If he doesn't sell it, write u direct. p:.k....h P--i" R,. J. n ..L.J ur: v: irt Brlnht. Annealed & Galvanized Wire: Twuted Cable Wire Hard Spring Coil Wirei Fence Staple; Poultry Netting Staple! Refular Wire Nail I Galvanized Wire Nail I Larf Head Roofing Nail i Sinil Loop Bale Tie "Pitt, burgh Perfect" Fencing. AU mad of Ope Hearth material. ' .31' r nt 1..- -7 If ru are interested ia Wire Fencing, writ for FREE copy of our ALMANAC 1913 Pittsburgh Steel Co. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania IP APPALLING LIST Public Sale! The undLTsigiu'd will soli at Public Auction at his farm, two miles northwest of l'lattsniouth, one mile north from cemetery, on Wednesday, May 14th, j The following described prop-' erty, to-wit: lwo black mares with suckling colts, nine to eleven years old, weight 1,200 pounds; one yearling mare colt; three milk cows; three heifer calves; six steer calves; one Here ford hull; four brood sows, with nineteen pigs; one male hog; one new wagon; one I ruck wagon; one two-sealed hugg ; one now mower; one lister; one drill; one plow; one cultivator; one harrow; two sets of harness. Terms of Sale All sums of $10 and under, cash in hand; over $10 credit of ton months will he given, purchaser giving good bankable paper bearing seven per cent from dale. All properly must he set tled for before being removed. Sale boa-ins at 1 :0) p. in. 1IKNUY IIIMWRT. Robert Wilkinson, Auctioneer. OF JE INJURED Fourteen Times as Many Trespas sers Killed by Cars as Passengers. child without an arm or leg lost by trespassing on the railroad, or a grave of some little child who was killed by "flipping" on the cars. Fourteen injured each day of the 3(i5 days in the year. There are fourteen times as many tres passers killed as (here are passengers. The appalling number of 181, ."IT'.I trespassers have been killed and injured on the railroads of the country during the last twen ty years, according to a bulletin issued by the central safely com mittee of the Chicago & North western Railway company. This bulletin is being sent to state, counly, city and illage school authorities in an effort to enlist them in helping to prevent tres passing. The report slates that 25,000 of this number were young people under the age of 18 years, and many of them under 10 years. Wage earners and citizens of the localities in which the accidents occurred comprised 120,103 of the total number and 20,270 were tramps and hoboes. The report goes on to say that tin) young people killed and in jured are enough to make a mile pdsi for every mile of travel in a (rip around tb" world and in nearly everv town there is some GUILD LADIES HAVE GREAT SALE ON CARNATIONS THE WORLD IS GETTING BETTER A Few Good Men On An Election Ticket Cannot Pull Bad Ones Into Office. The ladies of St. Mary's liuild of St. Luke's church, who sold carnations Saturday for Mothers' day were very successful in their efforts, and as a result of their in dustry will realize a neat sum for their organization. The ladies had ordered one thousand carna tions for the day and although handicapped by the weather, dis posed of them all and could have sold more in Hie evening if they had been able to get them. This organization is composed of ladies w ho w hen I hey go after anything generally make it a suc cess and the flower day was no ex ception to the ru! ; SOTIC'E TO C HKDITOKS. In Connty Court. STATE OF KKBKASKA, County, M In the Matter of the Estate of Cor- ellUH Hengen, Deceased. Notice i hereby plven to the credit ors of said deceased that hearings will he had upon claims (lied aKalnst Bald .state, before me, County JuclKe pf ('an Countv, Nebraska, at the County Court room In 1'lattnmouth. In said County, on the 31st day of May, 1913, nnd on tho lind day of Ilecember. 1813. at 8 o'clock a. m., each day for exam ination, adjustment and allowance. All claims must he Hied In said court on or before said last hour of hearing. Witness mv hand nntl seal of said County Court, at lMattsmnuth. Ne rou this 2!tth dnv of April. 1913. (Seal) ALLKN .T. BKICSON. County JudKe. oiinr.u to snow cavsp.. Ia the District Court of f'nsn CinnHy. Nebraska. In the Mutter of the Application of OniKf K. Hvan, (iunnllun of Joseph Ulton Ilyuri Bnd Archie J. Kyan, Minora, to Sell Heal Kstate. Now on this 4th day of April. 1913. this cause came on for hcHrltiK upon tSe petition of (leorife K. Kyan, Ruurdinn of the persons and the prop- ROAD NOTICE. To All Whom It Mav Concern: The Commissioners appointed to view and VACA'l H a road com mencing at half section line on south side of Section 28, Town ship 10, Hange 12, running thence north one mile on half section line thorugh center of said Section 28, and terminating at north side of Section 28, on said half section line, (said road referred to is known as a part of Road No. 1G5) has reported in favor of the vaca tion thereof; and all objections hereto, or claims for damages, must he filed in the County Clerk's Ofllce on or before noon on the 5th day of July, A. !., 1913, or such road will be vacated without reference thereto. (Seal, D. C. MORGAN, County Clerk. IMattsmouth, Neb., May 1st, 1913. IN COUNTY COURT. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Counly of Cass, ss. In the Matter of the Estate of Rachel Adams, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that there has been filed in this court petition for the appointment of an administrator of above estate. That a hearing will be had upon said petition before this court in the Court House at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 31st day of May, 1913, al 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. All object ions thereto, if any. must be filed on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and I he seal of the Counly Court of said Coun ly this 12th day or May. 1913. (Seal) AI.l.KN J. HEESON. Counly Judge. The Ladies' Aid of the Gorman St. Paul's church was held Thurs day aflcrnoon at '.lie church and was attended by n large number of I he ladies of I no church ami much inlerosl was displayed in the session as well as the election of officers for lb" ensuing year, which . resulted in Hie selection of the following ladies: Presi dent, Mrs. E. Horn; '. ice-president, Mrs. William Hassler; secretary, Mrs. John Albert; hcasurer, Mrs. John Wichniann. ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR L.J. HALL UNION Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury a mercury will surely destroy th Wnso of smell nil Kiuiji'ti'ly di'i-anno tlio whole nyiitciu when entering It through the niucoui nurfucon. Hn. articles should nerer be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the Uitiuiifcx they will do Is ten fold to the (rood you can n slbly derlvo from them. Hall's Catnrru Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheuey & Co., Toledo, ., rontliin no mercury, and la taken Internally, acting directly uisin the blood anil mucous sur face of the system. In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure be itiro you get the genuine. It ia taken Internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J, Cheney it Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Trice, 75c. per bottle. Tuke Hull's Family rills for comttlpotlon. Farmers, Attention! We have just received a few Ty cos barometers. These instruments show accurate ly every change in the weather. Cyclones can be foretold S to 12 hours before they arrive Our $40.00 Tycos Stormograph is now in our north window. Come in and see it. We will give away for a limited time, The Baro meter Book, which gives you all the information concerning barome ters and how to read them. Wilkinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- The holding of successful sales is our line. Our interests are with the seller when it conies to petting every dollar your property is worth. For open dates address or call either of us at our expenses by 'phone. Dates can be made at the Journal ollice. WILKINSON & HALL. Best Medicine for Colds. When a druggist recommends a remedy for colds, throat and lung troubles, you can feel sure that he knows what ho is talking about. C. Lower, Druggist, of Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery: "I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best throat and lu'.ig medicine I sell. It c jred my wife of a severe lironchiai cold after oil oilier remedies failed." It will do the same for you if you are suffering with a cold or any bronchial, throat, or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all I he time for everyone in the family to use. It is a home doctor. Price 50c ami $1.00. (Uiarniitood by F. Ci. Fricke & Co. LOST A Si-oteh Collie bitch, bred to whelp about Juno 8th; while and sablo color, long head and pointed nose. Had a small leather collar on when left homo, the 21th of April. She was ship ped from southeastern Iowa and may be trying to find tho way back. A liberal reward for her recovery. Dr. J. H. Hall, Murray. Wo have believed that a Ions time, and every now and then we pick up some new point in con firmation of our opinion, which tnake., us feel good and be more opt itnislie than ever. Just now we have been looking over the election returns in mu nicipal elections all over the country. With a good deal of sat isfaction we note that even in the cities where the commission form of government has not eliminated political party lines, these lines are being forgotten and the men elected are about half and half democrat and republican, with every now and then a man who does not claim close affiliation with either party. In these reports we see the ad vance of the city voters to the point where a few good men on a ticket cannot carry. a lot of bad men into office with them. The voters are doing their own choos ing, and picking tho men, not their polities. It will bo some lime yet, per haps, but the day will come when Ibis same system will reach out to county, slate and even national politics. We arc not arguing that political principles should bo for gotten, or that it is not right to consider what a man is going to stand for in Iho way of principles when ho gets in office. This knowledge is necessary to judge of the fitness of the man to rep resent Iho ideas and interests of the voters. Hut we do not believe that when tho American people begin to demand something more of a man than agreement on po litical ideas bettor men will be sent into office, from the White House clear down Jo the township road overseer or tho city dog pelt or. Remember the Regalia Habana Cigar. Always the best. Robert Richter, manufacturer. F.O. 5 GO The REXALL Store Our Latch String is Always Out! Let's See if You Know How to Pull It! 'THIS is a store where folks .are welcomematters not what you come for, just so you come. If you buy, it matters not whether you buy a cent's worth or a dollar's worth, you'll get courteous treatment, prompt service and full value for your money. And, if you find you don't like what you bought, bring it back. We will refund without and argument. That's fair isn't it? G. P. EASTWOOD Successor to John Bauer Main Street