The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 05, 1913, Image 3

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    fcOTK'K OF l'lWL (iKTTLKMKM.
In the County Court f ( im Cuunty,
! the Matter of the K.-tate of William
M. Wili'V, Dorfasisl.
All persons intert-stctl In salt estate
will take notice that the ailininistrator
1 in m tiled his tinal ieoit anil petition
t'. r final settlement ami allowance of
the same, ami that hearing will be
had upon said report and petition in
said Court on the 17tli day of May,
l'.'U, at 10 o'clo' k a. m.
Iated this 2nd day of May. tSK!.
County Judge. ,,
1. O. DWYKU, Attorney.
All persons interested will take
liitice that Margaret E. Manspeaker.
guardian of the person and estate of
.Marv llavnar. Insane, In the County
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, has
liled her final report and petition for
final settlement, and that hearing will
he had thereon upon the luth day of
May, laia, at 10 o ilock a. m.
luted this 2nd day of May, 1913.
County Judge.
In the DlKtrU-t Court lu Hiid for ('
County, NeiirHskn.
William. L. Nii'kels, assignee of (lert
rude M. Wilev, and William llahiey,
t'.arles Kilwuril Wiley,
I )efendant.
N'.dh'e to the Defendant, Charles Kd
ward Wiley:
You will take notice that on the 30th
day of April, A. I)., 19U, William L.
Nickels, plaintifi' herein, tiled his peti
tion and allldavit in the District Court
of Cass County, Nebraska, against you,
the object and prayer of which is to
revive a certain judgment obtained
against vou by Gertrude, M. Wiley and
William Uainey on November 16, A. l.
1901, for the sum of 28.00 with in
of i.o vatei nf upven ner cent
per annum from date aim costs or suit
taxed In the sum of $24.00, which said
judgment on November 14, 1911, be
came dormant. That no part of said
judgment has ever been bald, and al
leging that during all of said period
of time you have been Insolvent, and
praying that an order be entered re
viving said Judgment, and awarding
plaintiff execution thereon In the sum
of $628.00 with interest at seven per
cent per annum from November 16,
1H01, and all accrued costs.
You are required to answer said peti
tion and affidavit and show cause, If
any, on or before the 16th day of June,
A 1), 1913, why an order of the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
should not be entered reviving said
judgment in said sum, and awarding
plaintiff execution thereon.
If you fall to answer, appear or show
cause before said date, your default
will be duly entered therein, and said
order of revivor will be Issued, of ull
(vi which you will tako due notice.
Dated this 3rd day of May, A..D. 191:..
sslgnoe of Gertrude M. Wiley,
and William ltalney, I'laintlH.
incoi " t iiiv " - . -
In the nistrlet ourt In himI for (una
County, NehniMkn.
i. i.n w RiiiT. Uov A. Hai r, ot al..
JmsIo C. Hair, et al.,
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the Dls in ami fur C!nss Countv. Ne
braska, entered In the above entitled
cause on the 3rd flay or may, j. i.
1913, the undersigned sole referee will
.... i. mil, ilav of June at 11 o clock
a m. at the south front door of the
Court House in the City of lMattsmouth,
Cass County, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest responsible bid
der for cash the following described
real estate, to-wlt:
The West half (WIO of the South
cist quarter (SEy4) of .Section three
CO; the Northeast quarter (Nh'A) of
Section ten (10); the South half hV)
of the Northwest quarter (NW) of
Section ten (10), all in Township eleven
. 1 i ft T7 a . nr v n . kt n
(11), liange nine u " ," "
u xt n Cosh Countv. Nebraska, and
Lot four (4), In ltlot-k twenty (20),
Peck's O-rove Addition to the City of
Lincoln. Lancaster County, Nebraska,
and Lots five hundred forty-seven (547)
and five hundred forty-eight (!j48), in
the Village of Greenwood, Cass County,
Nebraska, which said last described
lots In the Village of Greenwood will
Ikj sold subject to the life estate there
in of Josie C. Barr.
Said sale will be held open for one
l!0nnted nt Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this
Oth day of Mav. A. D. 1913.
C. A. ItAWLS, Referee.
C. S. POLK, Attorney.
In County Court.
Oass County, ss.
in the Matter of the Lstate of Cor
nelius Bensen, Deceased.
Notice is hereby Riven to the credit
ors of ald deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims tiled against said
estate, before me. County JudRe of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
court room In l'lattsmoutli, In said
County, on the 31st day of May, 1913,
and on the 2nd day of Peeember, 1913,
at 9 o'clock a. m., each day for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be tiled In said court
on or before said last hour of hearing.
Witness mv hand end seal of said
county Court, at l"'nttmpiitli. Ne
braska. this 2Hth dav of AiHI. 19in.
County Judge.
Tn All Whom It Mav Concern:
The Commissioners appointed
l view and VACA'IK a road rom
loonciiiK at half section line on
siuth side of Section 28, Town
ship 10. Itange 12, running thence
north one mile on half section
line thorugh center of said Sect ion
28, and terminal ing at north side
i f Section 2. on s.iid half section
line, (said road referred to is
known as n part of Iload No. IOTi)
has reported in faor of the aea
tion thereof: and all object ions
hereto, or claims for damages,
must be tiled in the County Clerk's
Office on or before noon on the 5th
oay of July, A. D.. 19i:, or such
road will be vacated without
reference thereto.
(Seal, ! MOHOAN,
County Clerk.
Platlsmoulh, Neb., May 1st,
' HDt:il TO SHOW CAl'SK.
la tke Dliilrlct Court ol Vmnn C'ounly.
Jn the Matter of the Application of
fJeorge K. Kvan, Uuardlan ot josepn
Klton Hyn and Archie. J. Kyan,
Minors, to Sell Ileal Kstate.
Now on this 4th day of April, 1913,
1 1. is cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of tieorgo R Kyan,
guardian or the persons and the prop
erty of Joseph Klton Kyan and Archie
.1. Kyan. minors, praying for a license
to sell the Interest ot his said wards In
the following described real
estate to-wlt: Kast half of
northeast quarter (KV4 N. K.
'i). Section slxteeen (16), township
ten (10), range nine (9) east. In Cass
county, Nebraska, In which real estate
the said wards own an undivided ono
tiftepnth (1-lli) each, and lots thirteeen
(13). fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), in
bloi'k four (4), Village of Alvo, Cass
county, Nebraska, In which said wards
own each an undivided one-fortieth
(1-40). or so much of said real estate
:i ti of the Interests of said wards
therein as It shall seem to the court to
b" for the best interests of said wards.
H Is hereby ordered by tho court and that the next of kin. and all
persons Interested In Kiild mutter, iip
penr before mo at chambers at the City
of 1'hitlMninulh, Nebraska, at the hour
of 1 "o o'clock p. in., on the 'JOth day of
May, 1913, to show cause, If any thero
he. whv such license be not granted to
said petitioner.
it is luriner oruereu mat a copy ot
this order be published In the l'hitts-
mouth Weekly Journal for three weeks
successively next immediately before
tin date ot said hearing.
(liven under mv band at the citv of
I'lattsinouth. Nebraska, on this 4th dav
Of A lu ll. 1913.
Judge of the Distrct Court.
In County Court.
('ass County, ss.
In ttic mailer of list' Estate of
Alice M. Tague, Deceased.
Nut ice is hereby given to the
creditors of su il deceased that
hearings will he had upon claims
filed ajrainst said estate, before
me. County Judge of Cass County,
Nebraska, at lh" County Court
room in I'laltsm.iuth, in said
County, on the .'J 1st day of May,
I'll:, and on I lie 'Jinl day of De
cember, Hi 13, at Id o'clock a. in.,
each day, for exaininal ion, adjust
ment and allowamv.
All claims must, be filed in said
court on or before said last hour
of bearing.
Witness my hand and seal of
said County Court, at lMatts
mouth, Nebraska, this 1st day of
May, 1913.
(Seal) ALLF.N .1. RFFSOX,
County Judge.
Public Sale!
The undersigned will sell at
Public Auction at I. is farm, two
miles northwest of I'lattsinouth,
one mile north from cemetery, on
Wednesday, May 14th,
The following described prop
erly, lo-wit: Two black mares
with suckling colts, nine to
eleven years old, weight I, ".Mill
pounds; one yearli.ig mare colt;
three milk cows; three heifer
calves; six steer calves; one Here
ford bull; four brood sows, with
nineteen pigs; one male hog; one
new wagon; one truck wagon; one
two-seated bugg; one new
mower; one lister; one drill; one
plow; one cultivator; one harrow;
two sets of harness. "
Terms of Sale Ten month
credit at 7 per cent.
Iloberl Wilkinson. Auctioneer.
by Many Plattsmouth
Many people in n misguided ef
fort to get rid of kidney back
ache, rely on plasters, liniments
and other make-shifts. The right
treatment is kidney treatment,
and a remarkably recommended
kidney medicine is Doan's Kidney
rills. I'laitsinouin is no excep
The proof is at your very door
lne lollowing is an experience
typical of thework of Doan's Kid
ney Pills in Plattsmouth.
I'enjamin Brooks, Main street
Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "As the
result of a bad cold, I hail a se
vere attack of kidmy complaint
Al limes the pain extended from
my back and hips ii to my should
ers. could not get about and
was laid up for two weeks. My
head ached for hours at a lime
I had diz.y spells, during which
my sight became blvrred. Doan'
Kidney Pills cheeked these
troubles, and after using two
boxes, I regain, my health. I pot
Doan's Kidney Pills at Hynott's
Drug Store and can recommeni
l-'or sale by all dealers. Price
r(l cents. l'oster-Milbnrn Co.
I'oll'alo. New York, tic agents foi
Hie I'niled Stales.
Iteineieber the Doan's
a 1 1 I lake no other.
There never was n time when
people appreciated the real merits
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
more than now. This is shown by
I be increase in sales and volun
tary testimonials from persons
who have been cured by it.
Mm or your children are troubled
with a cough or cold, give it a
trial and become acquainted with
its good qualities. For sale by F
(i. Fricke & Co
Dr. Marshall will return from
California the last of next week
and will be in his office on and
alter May 0th.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
aa meroirr wij n)lri.iy nentrnj tho Mimi of nmoll
mid ctiDiili'trly iIitriiko the whole systeiu whi'B
filtering It tlirmiKh tho nineoiin mirfuccii. Nucli
nrtliliit xh.'Ulcl ncviT he um-iI except on prencrlp
tlmu f if mi reputable phynleluiiK, an tho iliiumge
nicy win mi ik len r'il to the K'xxl you ran
Klin? iierm- inuu mem. null a I ntnrrll lure
Uinniiriietiireu hy F. J. Cheney & Co., Tub-do, (I,
coiitiihm no mercury, ami 1 tiiken Internnlly,
act Ink illrei-tly iiHn the hlood nml iniieoim mir
fiirea (,f ill,, system. In buying llall a CntiirrB
ore ne sure you (let the ttenulne. It I t ike
iiiii-fiiniiy ninl nimli- In Toledo. Ohio, by
( In-.- .'j i ". Ti slim, ill n W free.
S..ld li.r lu-iii-pM. I'llee, 75c. per Imttle.
T..ku II. ill l iimlly mi,, fr cmntlhutlun.
...?.. .
t 4
i uraiun.
i , , . ,
' V Ledger, v
i .?.J.W ?'?
I ., ... .. ..
deorge Milt's, mail camel' Oil
Hon te 1, was one of the sick ones
few days this week, and Der-
wimiiI l.yiule "subbed" for him.
(en. N. Lallue continues im
proving and is able to sit up part
f each day. We hope to see him
in town in the near future.
Dave Lallue departed last Fri-
ay evening- for hi home al Mag
net, after spendii'4 several days
ere with his father, (i. X. Lallue,
who has been seriously ill.
J. A. Walker and Dr. C.ilmore
of Murray were h 're Monday and
packed the office furniture and
ther properly of the late Dr. A.
1. Walker, shipping them to
number of the local baseball
ioys went to Murray last Sunday
unl played a game, and we have
two reports 11 to (' in favor of
Murray, and 11 to G in favor of
Union tako your choice.
Andrew Lynn and wife arrived
Sunday from Geneva to spend the
week visiting relatives and
friends, particularly their broth-
r-in-law, (ieo. N. Lallue, who lias
been very sick the past few weeks.
L. H. I'plon and John McCarthy
went on the Wednesday forenoon
train to Lincoln, where they had a
very important bit of business in
connection with the Shriners, but
they politely declined to give us
my "inside" in formal ion.
C. II. Dysart went to Omaha on
the Sunday morning train, and re
timed on the 12:12 flyer, accom
allied nv lus wile, who Had heeu
in a hospital sevenl weeks. Mrs.
Dysarl's many friends are pleased
o observe that there is a great
leal of improve incel in her health.
Sheriff 0. D. Oui'ilon was down
from Platlsmoulh last Saturday to
serve a few dozen indices in the
mailer of extending the corporate
imils of this village. After com-
ileling bis official business lit1
ind will Mark mailt I lie mistake
f their lives ami "burned in" fur
i pilch game with this editor, and
the score was so ' !op sided" thai
they wouldn't want it printed.
Now is the time to get rid of
your rheumatism. You can do it
by applying' Chamberlain's Lini
inenl and massaging' the parts
freely al each application. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
4 News.
??- ?fJ !Tt
Ceo. Poisall an t his force of
graders are culling down the big
hill south of town, ami are lining
a good job of it.
Charlie Murlon became over
come in the quarry .Monday and
had to be taken home. Hit is gel
ling alright again, however.
A bouncing baby gill of regu
lalion weight is reported as hav
ing arrived at the H. II. Ingwersen
home Wednesday night.
Win. O.-l, who returned from
Kansas City hospital about
month ago, went back there Mon
thly to submit to an exaininal ion
as to his rale of recovery.
Henry DuClos has a Hambler
automobile that we brought down
from Omaha last week, and it is
said he has lamed Hie thing mil i
il eats out of bis hand.
It. Kel I lc hut dug out a nest o
six young: wolves Monday on the
Henry Sturm place thai he has
rented. He expected o take I hem
back and set a few traps arouiu
Ihein in the hope of catching tin
old one.
Mrs. C. D. St. John received a
telegram Saturday morning; from
her sister, F. V. Wilson, of Ro
dondo Reach, California, lelliii
her that Mr. Wilson had been
killed the day before. Mrs. St
John left immediately on receipt
of the telegram and no furtlit
word has been received as lo the
manner of his death. Mr. Wilson
was an employe of the Flectric
Power Co. there.
Yesterday morning about seven
o'clock a rack half loaded with
hay caught fire on the right-of
way in the west end of town and
burned up. It belonged to George
Poisall, who is grading near town
and the boys who were left in
camp professed not to know how
it caught. Several of the residents
in that end of town, got there in
time to upset tho lack from tho
wagon and save the wagon with
out much damage.
The two light frosts this week
seem It) have done no damage
Pollards have their smudge pot
all filled and trimmed ready for
anything that may happen. Mr
Pollard has 5,000 more of th
pots this year than he had last
and has them so arranged I hat, be
could lake care nf the Irees in
temperature of '0 legi s or
more below freezing. The tree
are full of bloom and prospect
Our Latch String is Always Out!
Let's See if You Know How to Pull It!
HIS is a store where folks are welcome matters
not what you come for, just so you come. If you
buy, it matters not whether you buy a cent's worth or
a dollar's worth, you'll get courteousf treatment, prompt
service and full value for your money. And, if you
find you don't like what you bought, bring it back. We
will refund without and argument. That's fair isn't it?
Successor to John
are excellent for a bumper crop
of big red apples. The trees in
the two big orchards will all be
sprayed four limes this season.
Notice to Hunters!
Notice is hereby given thai all
Kirties caught tresspassing' on
my larm, norm and east ot lie
uitoiiiobile road and north of the
Hurliiigton track, near Oreapolis,
will be prosecuted lo the fe.llest
xtenl of the law. Some of my
cattle have- been killed by the
areless hunters, and no lies-
passing without permission will
be allowed in the future. A word
to the wise should be suPU-ient,
or I will surely exercise lb"! law
on all violators.
Henry Horn.
Rorn, lo Mr
and Mrs. August
t. I'.'l.'l, a uine-
Slohlman, May
pound boy.
An eight -pound baby boy cainti
lo gladden the
home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ardel
May L
llaminon, Friday,
Mrs. M. Peterson received word
Tuesday of the death of her sis
ter-in-law, Mrs. Charles Rarer-
lauseii, al her home in Council
I'lliil'I's. alter an illness of several
monl lis.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peltit and
Highler, Miss Nellie Harper,
were called lo Osceola,
week on account of the
la., this
death of
Pell it's
Mrs. Carleton. Mrs.
niol her.
Mr. and Mrs. (less were
horrified Monday morning on
awaking to find Ih-'ii- two-months'
old babe dead in ils crib. Dr.
Worlhniau is of Ihe belief that
the lillle one died of hemorrhage
of Ihe lungs.
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Maylield ami
son, Claude, of Omaha visited rel
atives in town over Sunday. On
I heir rel urn home I hey were ac
companied by Mrs. I). D. Mayfield,
who spent a few tlavs Ibis week
with them.
Paul Jacobson, who has been
attending the Stale Agricultural
college al Lincoln, is al home for
his summer vacalic n. He has not
decided where be will spend the
time, but is considering a good
position in Omaha which has been
offered him.
Mrs. C. A. Richey was given a
surprise party Monday evening by
a number of her friends and
neighbors, the occasion being her
birthday anniversary. An elabo
rate supper was served and the
evening passed merrily in games,
conversation and music.
August Landergren and family
went to Havelock Tuesday to at
tend the funeral of Mr. Lander
gren's mother, who was buried
Wednesday, at the age of 89. She
lived in Louisville, a great many
years, but because of her failing
health and advanced age she was
taken to Ihe home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. A. Saline, several years
ago, where she has since made
her home. Mr. Landergren has
Ihe sympathy of Ihe entire com
munity. Poor appetite is a sure sign of
impaired digestion. A few doses
of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets will strengthen your
digestion and improve your ap
petite. Thousands have been
benefited by taking these Tablets.
Sold by F. (i. Fricke & Co.
vI Republican. j
Carl Tinning came in from
Deliver last Thursday afternoon
and is sick at I he home of his sis
ter, Mrs, Anna Thomas.
Miss Edna Hammer returned
Tuesday morning from an ex
leinlud trip in the southern states,
Texas, "Mississippi and Louisiana.
She likes the south very much.
Mrs. (1. H. Olive ami her
I her, Mrs. Defibaugh, left
Thursday morning fur a week's
visit with Will and Laura Corley,
on Die farm near Adams, Neb.
Mrs. M. II. Thomas of Memphis,
.Neb., was an over Sunday visitor
at the L. D. home south
east of town. She bad also vis
ited her son, Dr, James Thomas,
al Nehawka.
(ieo. II. Laurance of Dallas,
Tex., slopped off here Monday
night to look after the grave of
his wife, who was formerly Miss
Clara Johnson, daughter of our
old friend, I). D. Johnson.
Supl. II. 11. Reimund has re-
! (,,'iv(',l "1, appointment from
Stale Superintendent Delell to
leach in the Sunnier Normal at
Alliance during eight weeks of
Ihe summer vacation. Mr. Rei
muml has served there in previ
ous years.
Miss I'.ililh Johnson, eighth
grade teacher in our public.
schools, has been elected to a
position in (lie Lincoln schools at
Ihe handsome salary of .$7-4.00
per month. Ry the way, Miss
Fdilli is one of our home girls,
ami a graduate of our schools.
Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Allen of
Omaha changed cars here Satur
day uiglil enroiile to Flmwood lo
spend Sunday with Mrs. Allen's
parents, Mr. and Airs. Neal Mc
Cmry. They wen.) accompanied
by their friends, Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Owen of Omali i. Mr. Allen has
accepted a position with Ryer's
brothers in South Omaha as cattle
salesman ami commences his
duties May 1st.
Mrs. S. (i. Coglizer ami her
daughters, Mrs. 1. N. Hunter, Mrs.
J. T. Crozier, and Archie Cro.ier
were Omaha passngers Wednes
day morning lo attend the wed
ding of Miss Ruth, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Coglizer, to Mr.
Robert Howell, of Leon, Iowa. The
marriage was at the home of the
bride's sister, Mrs. Fdith Roman,
in Dundee at 8 o'clock Wednes
day evening. The couple will make
their home on a farm at Leon, la.
It would surprise you to know
of Ihe great good that is being
done by Chamberlain's Tablets,
Darius Downey, of N'ewberg June
tion, N. R., writes, "My wife has
boon using Chamberlain's Tablets
and flnds Ihein very effectual and
doing her lots of good." If you
have any trouble with your stom
ach or bowels give them a trial.
For sale by I'. fl. Fricke & Co.
LOST A Scotch Collie bitch,
bred lo whelp about Juno 8th;
while and sablo color, long head
and pointed nose. Had a small
leather collar on when left homo,
the 2 tlh of April. Sho was ship
ped from southeastern Iowa and
may be trying to find the way
back. A liberal reward for her
recovery. Dr. J. H. Hall,
Pasture for Horses.
$1.00 per monlh. flood grass
and running water.
T. 11. Pollock.
Main Street
Ceo. Trunkenbolz commenced
laying Ihe foundation for his elec
tric light plant Monday.
Horn lo Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rho
I ii. three miles east of Fagle,
Wednesday, April 30lh, an eight
pound girl.
Mrs. F. p. Ret is left Tuesday
for Peru, haing been called there
by Ihe illness of her daughter,
Miss Pearl.
Miss Valeria Rurdick, who has
been on the sick lisl for the past
iik i tit Ii, is much improved at this
Lloyd Wall, who we reported as
seriously ill with pneumonia last
week, we are glad lo say has al
most recovered and will be up and
around in a few days.
Mr. ami Mrs. T. It. Adams, who
have been occupying Hie hotel for
the past three years, moved into
their properly just east of tho
hotel Ihe fore part of Ihe week.
We understand that D. W. Mor
row of Lincoln, who recently
bought the Faglo Hotel, will move
his family and household goods
here in a few days, end get every
( hing in readiness for opening up
a first-class hotel.
C. C. Price has installed a
steam cream tester in his cream
slalion during the past week. It
is equipped with on apparatus for
cleaning cream cans, and Charlio
invites Ihe farmers to bring their
cans in and he will tdiow you how
quickly it can be done.
saloon licenses have Deen is
sued to Edward F. Oelschlagcr
and C. S. Trumble. We now have
two saloons, Mr. Trumble having
opened up one in the old drug
store building. Win. Oelschlagcr,
who has been proprietor of the
saloon for Ihe past I wo years, has
retired from business, having sold
out to his brother, Ftl.
Tornado Insurance.
Wouldn't it be better to receive
a check from an insurance com
pany after a tornado or cyclone
lakes away your home than to be
compelled to use your own hard
cash to rebuild? I represent
Standard Old Line Companies, and
can write your insurance at a low
rale. Metier look up your policies
ami if you have no tornado insur
ance call at the bank and let me
tlx you out.
W. 0. Hoedeker.
John Riba of South Omaha, one
of the leading Rohemian athletic
instructors in the west, was in the
city yesterday looking after the
class for the coming tournament
in this city in August. The local
society of the T. J. Sokol are get
ling their class in shape for the
Lame back is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles of the
back,, for which you will find
nolhing better than Chamberlain's
Liniment. For sale by F. (J. Fricke
& Co.
FOREST ROSF The best flour
on the market. Give it a trial..
Don't be surprised ir you have
an attack of rheumatism this
spring. Just rub the affected
parts freely with Chamberlain's
Liniment and it will soon disap
pear. Sold by F. 0. Fricko & Co.
For Sale.
New buggy, ahrness and No. 1
single driver. Out (It nt Ihe home
.of Ceo. Marks, Nehawka.
1 Wes Kivett.
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