The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 05, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 3S.
r a a
p mm
A Delightful Event at. Windham
Home in Entertaining Euter
pean Glee Club.
From Frlday'j Dally.
Last evening the Euterpeau
Glee club entertaiicd at a May
Day party at the home of Misses
llennia and Ellen Windham, and
the occasion proved to be one of
the most delightful that this club
has enjoyed for some time.
A most excellent musical pro
gram had been arranged and was
carried out in a manner that re
flected great credit upon the tal
ented young people belonging to
the club. Piano soloswere given
by Misses Ethel Leyda and Violet
Freese in a most pleasing manner
and gave them a rare opportunity
to display their artistic rendition
of the numbers selected. Miss
Ellen Windham furnished two of
her delightful readings in her
usual finished manner and these
numbers were among the most
pleasing on Hi" program, a
everyone who has heard Miss
Windham can fully appreciate
Vocal numbers were given by Mis
ses Hazel Tuey, Bertha Jackson,
Ferris York and Zelma Tuey, and
were, rendered in a manner that
gave these young ladies a fine
scope for I heir beautiful voices
and delighted the large crowd that
attended the parly..
The Windham home had been
decorated in a handsome manner
with the flowers of the spring sea
son and streamers of green and
while paper that gave Ihe seem1
a (ouch of beauty and made a
very pretty" selling for I lie enjoy
able event. The members of the
club sened some-very dainty and
templing refreshments to the
company, which font ribuf ed much
to the delights of ihe evening.
Then' was a silver offering
taken at the do-; and unite a
neat sum was realized by Ihe
young ladies Ihrough Ihe affair
find everyone all'-ndins felt thai
lliey were ferlainlv given an even
ing of excellent entertainment.
a fine 30-horse power Paige auto
mobile of the latest make and
pattern and he is justly proud of
this machine, which the Philpot
garage at Weeping Water are the
representatives in this county.
The machine is of the electric
elf-starting type and is equipped
with the center control that makes
it one of the most handy, as well
as practical, machines on the
market today, as well as one of
the most moderate priced ma
chines, being sold for $1,275. Mr.
Preston is a very pleasant gentle
man, and the proprietor of the
Journal and wife had the pleasure
of a very enjoyabh spin with him
in his excellent machine.
Andrew Kearn, a Pioneer Citizen,
Passed Away at the County
Infirmary This Morning.
One of the Finest Musical Events
of Season and Highly Enter
taining to All Present.
a-t, eveil
from Friday's Dally.
Complaint was I'l
ing in Justice Ar.'ii
County Atlorne;. Tabr, on the
coinplaiiil of John M.iies, charging
Thomas with adultery with
Ethel Van lb. rn, a siller of the
complaining w i I !'-.-, and t In
coinplaiiil embrace I liree con nl ,
chargiiif- lhal on or about Jan
uary 1 7, t !-, S' !; commit led
adullerv willi III" woman i, ained
in I he coin pi;, i ul . ami . l I lecm-b.-r
I V I -. he n pe-p".' f ,,r.
fense, and since I he sum,, dal e i a
I'.ilL' unlil May I. '.'.'13. limy have
cohabited in a mamier contrary to
law. Mr. Siokes -.cperaled from
his wife some ears ago, and lal
fall she secured a divorce from
him, and under I if Nebraska law
il will in. I permit bini I i re-marry
until six month-; has expired,
II It'll Will ll"l he until all
From Friday's Dally.
After a long lifetime, covering-
over ninety years, Andrew Kearn,
one of the pinners of this sec
tion and formerly a wealthy fann
er, passed away this morning at
the county farm, west of this city,
where he had been for about a
Mr. Kearn came here in the
early sixties and was for years
Ihe owner of one of the finest
farms in Ml. Pleasant precinct,
but later sold it, and his wealth
rapidly look wings and in a few
ears he was reduced to poverty
by his careless management and
(lie fact that he was laken ad
vantage of by many of his so-called
friends. After the disappear
ance of his money lie was deserted
by his friends and il was a short
lime ago, on account of his failing
jheallh he was removed by I he
j county to Ihe poor farm, where
lie could be taken belter care of.
His lirsl wife died a great many
ears ago and he lalcr remarried,
hut his wife secured a divorce, as
in his laler-years il was almost
impossible to live in Ihe same
hou-e with him on account of his
objectionable habits. Two chil
dren, a son, Andrew, and daugh
ter. I'.velyn, reside ill South Oma
ha willi I heir inol her, and on their
arrisal the funeral arrangements
w ill be completed. The interment
will probably be made in Ihe
Eight. Mile Orove cemetery, where
his llrst wife is buried.
Mr. Kearn was a native of
Switzerland and came to Ibis
country when a young man, and
hiking advantage of Ihe cheap
land, made his fori one, but in his
old age it was taken from him and
his lasl days have been far from
pleasant, and in his actions judg-
Man Named Archer Brought to
This City and Died in a Few
Hours After Arrival.
I should
w a s
-peiiiieii, as
io-I evere.
Frldny'N Daily,
lerday moraing
2Slh of
bonds I
I'Oliil I.
case he:
the h. II
si at ion.
under .-feinlant
this nionl !i. S
i miii'iii'::; to
vl Tne:-. I iv i
I'd. Tli" i a 1 1 ie
His i ,1
W bicli
I' I lie !
okes ga"
appear in i
h.v.e hi-'
Vaughn, who gav
as now here and b '
Ills re.-iileuce
ilesl inal ion as
From Saturday's Dally.
The musical given at the High
school last evening was a splen
did success in every way and the
young ladies of the school who
arranged the alTair are feeling
very much elated over the manner
in which the excellent program
was carried out. One of the most
pleasing numbers given was the
selection given by the Young
Men's Glee club, 'which was
heartily encored, and the club was
forced to respond a number of
limes, so loud was the demand
from the delighted audience. This
club is composed of some twenty
young men, and there were some
sixteen on band last evening and
their singing was a revelation,
even to those who have heard
them practice, as they were m
splendid voice and their work re
flects great credit upon their in
structor, Mrs. Mae Morgan, who
has been assisting them in their
work Ibis winter. Miss Hazel
Tuey was the accompanist for
the (Sire club.
The violin solo by Prof. Kolbaba
was up to the usual high standard
of I hat gentleman and served to
greatly please the audience, as
did Ihe solo of Chester Tuey on
the violin, and I hey were both re
ceived with much applause from
the audience. The duet by Mes
danies E. If. Wescolt and Mae
Morgan was one of the hits of Ihe
evening and Ihe numbers given
suited the audience and it was
with regret that lliey allowed Ihe
ladies lo relire.
Misses ferns ami lvane torn
also favored the gathering wilh
vocal numbers, as well as Misses
Emma faiinniins and Ilonora Sey
herl on the piano, end lhal. these
ladies were excellent in their work
it is unnecessary lo slate, as
their appearance before Plall.s
nioiilh audiences in Ihe past has
wain for them a very high plane
in I lie musical life of Ihe city.
Little Miss Helen Wescolt was
present at Ihe musical and favor
ed the assembly with one of her
pretty little songs, which was
given in a manner lhal. won the
hearts of all who were present.
Miss Marie Oouglass was on the
program for a reading and gave
it in a manner and style lhal is
hers alone, and this feature of
the program was one that pleased
everyone, as Miss Douglass is
finished in her work and her read
ings, are never overdrawn, and
wilh her splendid voice if is a
great pleasure to hear her, ami
her work last, night, was very
much appreciated.
There wi re a number of others
on the program, but owing lo Ihe
I hreatening wrath M hey were un
able to attend, as was also many
w no Had purniased i iciei s mr i ue
occasion. The girts of (lie school
gave the rnlerlainmenl in order
i pav for the money expended for
I he rent ing of I In- Turner ball for
I Ii.. prael ice and physical cull ure
work this wilder, and they
realized a rry neat snni as a re
fill! of I heir ell'orl ;.
From Saturday's Dully.
Last evening about 9 o'clock an
accident occurred near Cedar
Creek which resulted in the death
u few hours later of Thomas
Archer, an aged man, who had
been employed in the stone quar
ries at Cedar Creek for some time
and who for the past few weeks
had been in charge of the quaran
tine camp there, where the small
pox patients were kept, but about
ten days ago was released and
thoroughly disinfected and had
resumed his duties at Ihe quarry.
Last evening lie had been
occurred some time ago, but on
account of sickness in the family
it was impossible to observe the
event until Tuesday, when the
young ladies proceeded to the
Mriggs home, where the hostess,
after recovering from the sur
prise, gave the gue; ts a royal re
ception and the evening was en
joyably spent, and time Hew
swiftly with games, music and
social conversation. The class
presented Mrs. Mriggs with a
beautiful remembrance in the
shape of n souvenir spoon of solid
sHver for Ihe service she has ren
dered the class as teacher during
the past year or two. The enjoy
ment of Ihe evening was height
ened by a most tempting lunch
eon served by the hostess, and
the birthday celebration will bo
fondly remembered both by the
class and teacher.
drinking quite heavily, and start
ing for his quarters decided to
seek shelter under a box car that
was standing on a siding near the
quarry. He fell asleep while un
der the car. and vu Ihe arrival of
local freight No. 30 they began
switching ofT some cars and back
ed on the siding' and struck the
car under which the unfortunate
man was sleeping. The conduct
or heard him cry out as the cat-
was forced over his body, am
thinking il one of the train crew
hastened toward the place where
Ihe noise proceeded from and dis
covered Archer lying under Ihe
ear with his right, foot severed
and badly bruised and lacerated
over the body and having his left,
shoulder blade broken.
The man was at once placed on
the train and the lepoj al l'lalls
moulh notified, and on his arrival
here medical aid was at hand, but
all c Ports to save his life were
useless and trie "doctor present
announced lo the man that his
hours were few, and he made a re
quest thai a priest, he summoned,
and Kal her' M. A. Shine arrived
shortly afterward to give him the
lasl riles of the churchy Mr.
Archer staled that h 1 had a sister,
Mrs. Lizzie Neal, living at De
catur, Illinois, hut he did not,
know her si root address. He was
married, bill his wife had separat
ed from him sever. il years ago.
The unfortunate man passed
away al. and mis morning
Deputy Sherilf Manspeaker im
paneled a jury, consist ing' of M.
Large Number of the Kansas City
Association Will Pkss Over the
Omaha-Kansas City Route.
Visitors Were Shown Through the
Plant, Which Has Been Entire
ly Refitted In Modern Shape.
From Friday's Dally.
Hon. S. A. Sear! of Omaha,
president of Ihe Omaha-Kansas
City Scenic Route association,
was in Ihe city last evening call
ing mi T. H. Pollock and making
arrangements for the reception of
the automobile lourisls from Kan
sas City, 'who leave lhal place on
May J for a run to Omaha.
The party will leach here' on
Saturday, May 10, al about 'Jiia
and will slup here for a few min
utes. A large parly from Omaha
will go lo Nebraska City to meet
Ihe lourisls and accompany Ihem
and quite a
w a -
in tin
l'es Id
I i r the 1 1 i : ' i :
la n 1 is bring
' right b the
.1 udgc Area. a
oillv too e i
-ei;,' va
y to beimi
-hearted jn-l -e
i f -M a iid i
lace, wj.-. i.rm
mid as
al thai
-h! lie.
the fact
the in-
; did
I e;:l
j 1m n.
!a ii;
I haul paid and hi
I ward Ihe Eur
I v. lin e he Ijoai'ile I
for Ihe great w"(
eVe'lillg before I
j a large ami be::v
: wM.'f." and bee.
j earn iug il ban
folding d "S iil II
Jbe KiM Nali-m
! and fell iiilo lb,.
1 : I-MC..I l' Hie
-lumber, and u a -
,! " he pleaded
ill link, and the
i a-'sesscd him
,-!-. which Wil
I bini hence to
iiiloii station,
a I rain headed
. II seems t he
e accumulated
' load ol ,oy
n. nig tired of
d against the
! .(airway near
i h,i"k lo re-t
ill, Where
i dice, sal'.
ak n over
The coiiles ior Ihe naming of
I'm new moving picture theater
eloped last evening and the large
list of names was turned over to
Ih" .indues to make a choice of a
name, Manager Sblaes has de
cided lo give to nil those sending
a name two I iekel s lo t he t healer,
in addition lo the Iwo good for
thirty das. which goes to the
winner. lie slab's. howeer, in
older lo sei lire t!ie--e tickets j
will be nece--ary f r t he part ies
hand al the Oem llmaler
K. Kriedi'ich, K. 11. (mbelinan, C,
I,, llerger, John McNurlin, John
I.inderinan and O. I'. Kaslwood,
lo hear Ihe eNidemv al the in
dues!, which was conducted by
Sheriff Ouinloii, in ihe absence of
Ihe coroner. Tlnne was ipiite a
number of witnesses examined,
including the ni'miliers of Hie
train crew on No. l'rs. J. S.
I. Kingston, K. W. Cook and K. I.
Cummins, It. V. Clement and
(ieorge Meeker, and the evidence
seemed to bear Ihe facts as.slaleil
above and the pin returned aj
ei diet of his beiii r run o er b
a c.i r while as le-.p ( u I be I rack !
hem al h t he car.
The man w a s remo ed from I be .
ilrpol lo I lie , a 1 1 1 1' i evening lie-
cause il, was feai d al lirsl lie
might he infected w il h smallpox,
but il later developed he was mil
of ipiaranl ine aul Ihe bmlv re
mained at Hie jail unl il removed
o the u'nderl aki'i'.o rooms of
Slreighl. Ac Slreigbl. The man
had some s' coihing from his
work al the quarry, which will aid
in -eeuring hiui proper burial.
One Smallpox Case
The county rink's office ha
been in -I iiieil I hill a ca -e of small
pox exists at Ihe I onic of A. Ik
Todd, wc-d of I hi ; city. The case
is of a verv light n t m, however.
Iji the metropolis
number from this city will ac
company the Omaha cars to Ne
braska City to receive the guests
to this city. There will be about
Iweiily-live cars start from Kan
sas city and others will join the
part y al different low ns along I he
line into ( imaha.
The lourisls leave the Hotel
! ii i mi iii Kansas Cilv at 7 o'clock
a. in. on May P. After leaving
Atchison at 1 1 :.'m a. in. I hey make
Ihe following slops; I.aiica-ler,
K.v crest, Hiawatha, where I hey will
remain over nilit. They will
leav e II iaw at ha al 7 a. in. and will
arrive in Kails Cilv al H o'clock,
lake dinner al Nebraska Cilv and
arrive in Omaha al nil ,'!:,'!il.
The Kansas Cily-Omaha mule
is one of Ihe most opular in the
wes in (he summer months, and
running as il does through Hie
prettiest, sections of Kansas ami
Nebraska, will atlract a treat
many Imiri-ts this slimmer, and
lis Ihe Pollock. lull' bridge nolill
of I liis fil y alfords I hem a quick
and easy entrance to Ihe me
t ropolis I here w ill In a g real 1 1 a I
I ravel.
Krom Saturday's Dully.
The change of the telephone
system of this city from the old
fashioned to the ne: common bat
tery system was signalized by the
holding of "open house" at the ex
change building in this city yes
terday, and the public were shown
through the plant, which has been
entirely refitted and llxed up in
the most modern and thorough
manner and will furnish the
patrons of the company one of
the best plants in Ine stale.
The multiple switchboard which
the company has installed makes
the service all that could be asked
and not only gives the patrons a
much quicker service, but also
greatly lightens the burden cm the
operator.' As .soon as the receiver
is taken from tin; hook a drop on
the switchboard falls, attracting
the operator's alleulion and the
number called for, and as soon as
the connection is made a light on
the hoard lights up and remains
burning as long as the parlies are
talking, as well as small drops
lhal indicate Ihe line is busy, and
as soon as Ihe receiver is placed
on jhe hook Ihe drops go up and
the operator is not compelled to
cut in lo ascertain when Ihe
parlies are through. Kach of the
multiple boards has a full set of
numbers am) Ihe operator can
make any connect ion without hav
ing lo leave her seal .
When long distance is desired
Ihe operator, by pu hing a lever,
calls (he allenlio.i of the bnig
distance operator, who cuts in
and makes the coum clioii wauled,
and by I his ' mean- saves much
I ime ami whM ing i n t he pari of
Mlie parly calling. The long dis
tance svv itchhoar I is equipped
wilh a clock and register that,
keeps a perfect record of all calls
d prevents
in changing
and their Imiglh .
mistakes being mad
The company ha
a desk for I he head
ads as informal imi
liy name an
the number
also placed
peralor, w ho
md all calls
referred lo her and
wanted is given lo
i'rnii l-'i l.liiv t. lnnlv.
The funeral of V r-.
W'lullier of ltd Oak,
Id from hrr laic ho
ly this al'leri; ai
in Icil by Mr. and Mi
Slreight of this cilv.
iuam!,! ! ..
I'.ua, v. a
lee in lhal
id v. as at-
-. illiam
Mr.-. Wlii; -
the parly calling. This operator
has lie siipcrv isio.i of I In- nlllce
and is in a posit ion to nil in on
any line whenever there is any
I rouble nr pari ics caniiol gel I he
proper service, ;ri I .sees lhal Ihe
difficult irs are s raighlened out
nd satisfaction given Ihe patrons.
Miss Hull) lllll of the head ol'ilce
at Lincoln is here for the coming
j week to see that I a.- switchboard
I is properlv . handle. I. and as soon
I a-. I he operators become familiar
I v il h I he workin i f I he board
' I here will lie Iil He cause for euin
i plaint.
The hack room .. lie b'nldiiig
be been equipped o' I he' II-" of
! the v, il e i h i.f, aid lieir I be hi rge
j .,o: a -e .hallenes are kept, lesl
. .1 ea'-li d:i lo ri' thai I he proper
: t !vr- h o i na I !:. sv I em is
' . ,m '-U1 iiieil, ami a I -o ju -I rumenl
t o local" Ihe I I'ih I.,
Il I-
e I lie
-oiill ;
i- .'li
on an hue,
ii-.rov n el a
lo II: srene
f mm l'i ii!:i v n I i.-il I y
Mini. Id Pre-I.., of Weep
Walrr came up Vriln."-d i . v.
iug from Ins home and mad.
v iil here wilh Iih IrinnU, W.
Il.dly. Mr. I're-ton came up
a II.
Farm for Sale.
Anvone wanting to buy a farm
ubl do well tu ,-ee W. II. lirvan.
'inlv assessor,
he i
-da iii-made.
i .
n lb.
a v. a la
Voil I l ied I he forest, Hose
If md, why not ? 11 is Ihe
best li mi' on the market ami is
-ob bv all dealers.
l-'ium Fi-lil;i y Ixdly.
Ti'iMlev rveiih
I laughters of I In
decided lo giv e
M. S. Mriggs, a s
of her hirllldav :
Christ iau (
mi,- teacher,
p!'l-e in II
o iv ri'sa rv,
I .oval
carried out I
The birlbdav
ie ai'air spl
of Hp's vvorl
iv lady
of Mr. Sire;:
was ah nl
sister of I!,
cilv ami O.
r lie
a .
.'ii .
t ier being an annl
The ilecea-eil huh
v ears o age and a
J. Sllrighl of this
MI'el'JlM ol Hoi;
i Hi red Wediie.' dav
I'.'lalives br-r llolilied, but owili:.'
to his feeble lleallll b.'l' brother
vwis unable lo attend. She leave-,
one smi, Thad Whit I ier, to mourn
her loss. Mrs. Whillier was
quite well known 'o a large num
ber of our ciliens and was hjr.hly
i I eemi'd bv a II w !i.. knew her.
Union FScctinns.
1 ie" i n n j mr ,1 ii ne , Hie Mel hod -!
. . . , .... , , l
i-i. i. in ai iau
chiirrlies will
each evening
he Co
- V -'en
lo jce
i da v
i an
ihly bel'.-r
ar.d all
ro.-l a
a i
lo llie numiiei'
when lliey reali
I II IV elllellt . A 1
Plant ha
money, Ihe c
improved sy
nod Presbv lerian
llllile in IlieelillgS
under direction of
li.'V. C. C. Smith of Chicago, w il h
I'rofs. Cilniore and Klinger in
charge of the choir and special
mu-ic. I "ii ii mi Sunday evening
services heuin May I I in the
Christian church.
! .lay for
r.d am of I ha new
i" servi:" was f..r many
la '.'h Hie n-vv
'i ge oi i Hay of
' believes liie
:!) greatly add
f -iihscribers
the great, iin--i
crowd look
iilv milage of the iqiporlunity to
v i.-il the oillce in I all were de
liuhle.l willi the pi i-arancr of the
new machinery, a- well as I In
curie. his niainier in which lhe
vvere received. T'i" company, in
honor of Ihe . .era- ion. -.'n ed
some very ileli. i. fruit punch
lo the caller- al (be i.n;c.
of 1
lib -i i i
W. Sberw...
niou was at
mailers in t
d at this o
ion . l .
d.dl lie
lis Ci'l v t
ice and
V l.'l'.lll v
lo Ia,-i-
dav and
bad his
a not her