The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 28, 1913, Image 3

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    I F lI 1 ' T " W ' ' ' ' Efc J I 1 , I t V '
8500 Revolutions Per Minute
HAT is the wonder
ful speed at which
anIHC cream sep
arator bowl turns.
The rim of a six-
inch bowl, running at separat
ing speed, is traveling at the
rate of nearly two and a half
miles a minute, faster than
the swiftest express
train that ever ran.
Such speed as this
means strain on
shafts, bear
ings, gears,
frame, in every
part of a separator,
such strain as can only
be rendered harmless
by the nicest adjust
mentof strength, flexi
bility, and quality of
material and workman
ship. The business
of a cream separator
is to-skim the butter
fat from whole milk,
but to do this it must
be made mechanically
right, or it soon ceases to be useful as a sepa
rator. The machine that meets these condi
tions and sells at the right price, is an
I H C Cream Separator
Dairymaid, Bluebell, or Lily
I H C separators have that carefulness of
adjustment and balance of moving parts which
make for durability and easy running.
There are points in the construction of
I H C separators, such as the heavy phosphor j
bronze bushings, trouble-proof neck bearing,
cut-away wings, dirt and milk-proof spiral s
gears, etc., which make I H C separators, p
beyond any doubt the best of all to buy. There !
are four convenient sizes of each style. Ask s
the local dealers who handle these machines
for a demonstration. Get catalogues or full . j
information from them or write fcx
International Harvester Company of America
Council Bluffs la. :
1 A in
The Same Will Be as Complete as
It Possibly Can Be Made
in Every Way.
In the District Court of Vmuu County.
In the Matter of the Application of
Ooise K. Uvan, Guardian of Joseph
Klton Ryan and Archie J. Hyatt,
Minors, to Hell Keal Estate.
Now on this 4lh day of April, 1913.
tliiH cHtise came on for hearing upon
tlm petition of George K. Ryan,
Kuardian of the persons and the prop
erty of Joseph Klton Kyan and Archie
.1. Hvun. minors, praying for a license
to sell the Interest of his said wards in
ihB following described real
estate to-wit: East half of
northeast quarter (EH N. K.
U), Section sixteeen (16), township
ten (10). range nine (ft) east, in Cass
county, Nebraska, in which real estate
the said wards own an undivided one
tlf teen tli (1-15) each, and lots thirteeen
(13), fourteen (11) and fifteen (15), In
block Tour (4), Village of Alvo, Cbhs
count'', Nebraska, In which said wards
r.wn each an undivided one-for!th
tl-4l, or so much or said real estate
and of the interests of said wards
therein as It shall seem to the court to
tie for the best Interests of said wards.
It Is hereby ordered by the court and
adjndned, that the next "f kin, and all
persons interested in said matter, ap
pear before me at chambers at the City
of riattsmouth, Nebraska, at the hour
of l:SO o'clock p. in., on the SOtli day of
May, 1913, to show cause, if any there
be, why such license be not granted to
said petitioner.
U is further ordered that a copy of
this order be published in the Platts
moutli Weekly Jnurnnl for three weeks
successively next Immediately before
the date of said hearing.
Given under mv bnnd at the city of
rinttsmouth, Nebraska, on this 4th day
of April, 1913.
Judge of the Distrct Court.
Only Three Shows of the First
Class Traveling on the
The matter of preparing the
now fity directm v will soon be
started by Mr. W. A. Howard, who
is lo tin the work of gathering ( lit?
rial a for (lie directory, ami from
the previous works of ttiis kind
prepared by Mr. Howard I here is
no doulit that it will In; one of the
most complete and up-to-date di
rectories in the slate of a town of
tins size. Hie work will require
several months of very strenuous
labor, as this is undoubtedly one
of tin; most tedious jobs that
could possibly be undertaken to
complete in the proper manner,
and the Commercial club is very
fortunate in securing for the task
f it
so anie a gentleman as iur. How
ard has shown himself to be.
Tin- directory will be complete
in every way, (riving tin; name, ad
dress and occupation of all the
residents of the city, together
with a directory of the slate
ollicials. city government, Ihe dif
ferent churches, with the num
ber of communicants and pastors;
Indies of the city, willi their ollic
ers and places of meet inn, mid
will be ill every way tilled to give
Ihe cily a directory of which they
can well be proud.
At present there is not. a di
rectory nf the cily, ami every day
there are inquiries as lo where
pari ies live and on w hal si reel,
when wilh a directory il would
lake only a few ininnles to go and
look' the mailer up and li ml the
correct address of the pail de
sired, instead of running all over
(own lo lind someone who was ac
quainted with the person desired.
While the data for I lie directory
is being gathered Hie citi.ens
should assisl lo their fullest ex
lent Mr. Howard in bis task and
give him all Ihe names of Ihe
members of their families and
Iheir occupations, in order that
the work may be made as complete
as possible, lie expects in the di
rectory lo sell adverl ising space,
and to everyone who take a $o ad
one of the books will be given,
while the' regular price oT the
books will be which is a very
low ju ice for such a splendid work
as this directory will be. See Dial
m do your best to assisl in help
ing lo make this volume one thai
will prove of great value to Ihe
Coughs and Consumption.
Coughs and couds, when ne
glected, ahsavs lead to serious
trouble of the lungs. The wisest
thing to do when you have a cold
that troubles you is to get a bot
tle of Dr. King's New Discovery.
You will get relief from the first
dose, and llnally the cough will
disappear. O. H. Drown, of Mus
cadine, Ala., writes: "My wife was
down in bed with an obstinate
cough, and I honestly believe had
it not been for Dr. King New Dis
covery, she would not be living to
day." Known for forty three years
as the best remedy for coughs and
colds. Price 50c and $1.(10. Ite
commended by F. G. Fricke & Co.
From Saturday's Dailv.
This morning County Judge
Heeson was called upon to issue
a couple of marriage licenses,
one of them being to Arthur
llaughlnling, aged S!(, of lted Oak,
Iowa, and Miss Ellen Ely, aged 25,
of Iowa Falls, Iowa. These young
people were married by Ihe judge
and departed for their future
home at lied Oak, rejoicing over
Iheir new-found happiness.
William llueler, aged 27, of
Wabash, ami Miss Minnie llieke,
aged 20, of Alvo, were also callers
at judge's oflice and received the
necessary permit to wed, and
their marriage will occur next
Thursday at the home of the
1 bu. 2bu. 5bu. 10 bu.
Nebraska City, yellow, 100 to 110 days. . . .$2 50 $2 40 $2 30 $2 10
Boone Countv. white. 110 to 1?n Hn vq 9 HO O Af o on n in
&t. Charles, Red Cob, white, 100 days 2 50 2 40 2 30 2 10
improved Larly Learning, yellow, 115 days, 2 50 2 40 2 30 2 10
Reids Yellow Dent, 100 to 110 days 2 50 2 40 2 30 2 10
Iowa Silvermine, white, 95 to 110 days. . . 2 50 2 40 2 30 2 10
Johnson Countv White A 91 nave Q fCi o "7C
2 50 2 40 2 30 2 10
ixineiy uay uirn, white 2 00
Add $1.00 per bushel to above price to assure every year tested corn.
100 per cent, germination.
Samples of our corn may be seen at Bartlings elevator at Paul, Brock.
Talmage, Douglas or Bookwalter.
Edward Bartling Seed Company
KcbrasKa City, Kcbr. SEED MERCHANTS
Notice is hereby given to all
persons interested and to tho pub
lic, that the undersigned, i. G.
Williamson, has llled his petition
and application wilh Ihe village
cleik of Ihe Village of M-.:nlnrk,
Gounly of Cass ami Hale of Ne
braska, as reipiired by law, signed
by Hie required number of resi
de!1. freeholders of the said vil
lage, selling forth that the ap
plicanl is a man of respectable
character and standing and a
resident of I ho Slate, of Nebraska,
and praying that a license may bo
issued It) the said G. G. William
son for the sale of malt, spiritu
ous and vinous liquors for the
municipal year, at his place of
business, situated on lots 2 and 3,
block 18, in said Village of Mur
dook. G. (J. WILLIAMSON,
April 1 i, in 13. Applicant.
Live Stock Wanted.
I wish to inform the people of
Murray and vicinity that I am
having slock at Murray, and am
prepared to pay the highest mar
ket price for anything in tho stock
line. I will buy anything, from
mv. to one hundred head or more,
'.ct me know what you have for
n'e. Call 'Phone 8-H Murray
V.lianue. H. C. Creamer.
There are only three of the
circuses of the first-class travel
ing on the road today. That is.
there are only three circuses
carrying three rings in which the
performance is given. They are
Ihe Itanium & Dalley, Ihe lling
linff and the Yankee Robinson
circus. All of these shows have
three rings, two elevated stages
and the usual hippodrome I rack
where the races are held. The
Robinson circus gives is Wild
West performance in Ihe hippo
drome track. The other two
shows do not carry the Wild West
annex-, but give a spectacular
performance in addition lo Ihe
The Sioux Falls Argus-Leader,
speaking of Ihe Robinson circus,
stales thai Ihe performance is on
a par with either the Itanium or
lliiigling circus and stales em
phatically that the present Yan
kee Robinson circus will excel the
Itiirnum show within a few years.
At Plattsiuoulh Monday, May 5.
iiiimdco nc rDicmnc AC.
numuLii ui iiiiliiuD no
Several days since the Journal
received a communication from
out in the county dealing with the
base ball question, and the writer
made the request that his nanio
be withheld from the public. We
have a rule that all communica
tions that are offered for publica
tion must have the name of the
writer to refer to at the oflice, and
as the author does not want his
name used we are forced to omit
the article from the columns of
this paper.
From Sutunlay's Duliy.
The elllcient .janitor at the court
house, Hans Seivers, has been
very busy Ihe past week ul lending
to his spring house-cleaning at
Ihe county building, ami Ihe dif
ferent i dices are presenting a
much cleaner appearance as the
results of Ihe ell'orls of Mr.
Seivers. lie is washing all the
windows and cleaning the rooms
as thoroughly as possible, and
when he gels through the oc
cupants of the ollices will hardly
know lhiir places of business.
Hans is on Ihe job all the lime
and has made Ihe best man that
has been .employed there for a
good many jcars, and the com
missioners ciui congratulate
themselves on having secured his
ser ices.
From Saturday's Dally.
The news has been received by
relatives oT the death on April ID,
at his home in Ouincy, Michigan,
of Charles F. Truesdell, father of
Fred Truesdell, the actor, and Ihe
husband of Miss Klhel Dovey, for
merly oT (his city, a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge K. Dovey.
The dealli of Mr. Truesdell was
unexpected, there being no inti
mation of his illness until Ihe
message .summoning his son and
daughter-in-law from New York
to his bedside. They, in company
wilh their liltle daughter, Jane,
are at Quincy and will remain for
some lime wilh the mother of Mr.
Truesdell, who is very badly af
fected by the deal'li of her hus
band. Mr. Truesdell was en
gaged in the banking business in
his home lowu ami was one of the
prominent men in that section of
Hie slale and his dealh will cause
a place hard to till in Ihe com
munity where he was such a con
spicuous figure.
Buy your fancy
the Journal office.
stationery at
Seed Corn for Sale.
150 bushels of good seed corn,
several varieties. Inquire of
Solomon Howe, on the east side
of the river. one-tuarler mile
south of Bethlehem church, or
address Pacific .Jtii'rlin. n-wa
Route 2.
Apples fop Sale.
large supply of fine apples
I want to sell immediately,
at my home and as long ns
last they will be sold at 50
cents per bushel
R. Nickels.
FORFST ROSF The best Hour
on the market. Give it a trial.
From Sitttinln v s Dally.
(In Tuesday evening, April 22,
a birthday party was given in
honor of Mr. Leonard Wemll, it
being his sixleenth birthday. He
received many nice presents and
hearty congratulations. The
crowd enjoyed themselves in
paying games, iiusic and sing
ing, Al the hour of 12 an ele
gant supper was served by Mrs.
Wemll and Mrs. Rhodanz. Just,
as all were leaving for their
homes there was a nice liltle
downpour of rain, but all slopped
long enough to wish Mr. Wendt
many more happy birthdays, and
they then departed, all having en
joyed a good time. Those pres
ent were: Esther and Olga Yog
ler, Martin and Ilulda irefe, John
and Itertha Sass, Oris and Arnold
Schleiferl, Henry and August
Wendt, Lisa and Hedwig llartinan,
Mabel and Leonard Wendt, Lewis
and Lawrence Kreklovv, Edna,
Mabel and Ernest Mann, Delia,
Dora and John Scheel, Mary, Lena
and Charles Lau, Emma, George
and Will Kraft, Etta, Lewis and
Fred Gabel, Edna, Laura and
Arthur Schoeman, Clara, Adelia
and Herman Stohlman, Louise,
Rosey, Harik and Ed Wegner,
Julia, Mary and Bertha Stohlman,
Martha, Waller and Willie Stohl
man, Minnie Kraegcr, Mabel Mei
singer, Fritz Jochim, Frank Riest
er, John Wegner, Rudolph Berg
man, Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodanz
and children, Vera and Hubert;
Mr. and Mrs. Will Wendt and
children, Elmer, Viola and Willie.
Rltr ..f Ohio. City nf Toloilo, I.itn County, .
t runk J. I'bi'iicjr umki'H iwtb tlmt li Ik mudM
riiirtiii'i' nt I li 111 iu nf V. I. Chi'iicy k Co., l
iiK himlncnii In I lie Cily (if Toledo, County and
Still. fori'lil, mid thitt Ktild tlrm will my
tho mi in of l)NK llt'MH(KI) IKM.LAHS for
men iiikI every eune of ('Hlurrli tlmt cannot lie
cured by the use of Uull't Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to lioforc mp nnd mnWrlhtd In my
prenenep, thin ttth day of December, A. I)., IN(J,
Seal. A. W. O I.RAMON.
Notary l'ublle.
JlulCn Catarrh Cu-e I taken Internally nml
cIh directly upon Ihe blooil and liineoiiH mir
fiieea of thu ayatem. Send for tcKthunnliil,
V. J. CMKNEY & CO., Tulcdo. 0.
Sold by nil Unu'iiI'M, T..
Taku Ilall'a Family Till fur roustlliatlun.
From Saturday's Dally.
The sale of Ihe real estate be-,
longing to the estate of tho late
Nicholas llalmes was held this
morning at the south door of tho
court house by D. O. Dvvyer, at
torney for the estate. There was
quite a large crowd in attendance
at the sale, as the llalmes farm,
west of this city, is one of the
choicest in this parly of the coun
ty, and was bid in Jiy Peter
llalmes, a son, for some $.Ti,000,
or about $1:25 an acre. The fact
thai Ihe heirs could step in at any
time under the will and take tho
bid kept a good many from offer
ing bids for the properly. The
KO-acrc farm near Greenwood was
also bought by Peter llalmes for
$7,000. The town properly was
bought by i. P. Eastwood, sub
ject, to the life interest of Ihe
widow. This sale will settle up
Ihe real properly of the estate
and put it where the division can
be made and the administrator
get. the matter o(T his hands. Mr.
INicholas llalmes came here at an
early day, and recognizing tho
opportunity presented, secured all
the land he could, and although he
was forced to undergo years of
hardship, he leaves his children
well provided for.
From Saturday's Dally. ,
As an outgrowth of some
I rouble that originated at a box
social at one of the county schools
near Greenwood, the county at
torney has tiled a complaint
against Glarence King, a young
man of ( hut locality, charging
him with having threatened lo
assault some of the members of
Ihe box social party. There were
a number of the parlies here to
day, but owing to the non-arrival
of several important witnesses
the case was passed over until
next week. The affair seems lo
be of the usual run of such cases
where all parlies are somewhat
to blame.
I!ll-! O 11.11
wuiimsOii g uaii
The Journal
for typewriter
The holding of successful sales
is our line. Our interests are with
the seller when it comes to getting
every dollar your property is
worth For open dates address or
call either of us at our expenses
by 'phone. Dales can be made at
the Journal oWec.
Drive 8lck Headaches Away.
Sick headaches, sour, gassy
stomach, indigestion, biliousness
disappear quickly after you lake
Dr. King's New Life Pills. They
purify the blood. and put new life
and vigor in the system. Try
them and you will be well satis
fied. Every pill helps; every box
guaranteed. Price 25c. Recom
mended by F. G .Fricke & Go.
8 CD
Hiatt & Tutt's Big Candle!
The big candle will be lit May 2nd. All estimate tickets must be brought
to our store by May 1st. No tickets will be received after the candle is lighted.
Ladies Dofl't Buy Your Summer Dresses
until you see our stock. Our selection is large and the patterns the newest
the market affords, and at prices most reasonable:
Lawns and Dimities, regular 12, 15 and 18c values, now 7 J Q
j on sale at I allQ JC
Dress Ginghams, regular 12c values, g
Ladiau" $1.50 to $3.00
This year we are carrying the largest assortment of Ladies', Men's and
Children's hats ever brought to Murray.
Men's Military Collar Dress Shirts 69c Men's Work Shirts 39c
Murray, : :
: : : Nebraska