The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 28, 1913, Image 2

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The New
for men are being shown by us.
Some would call them "noisy." Be
that as it may they are strictly up-to-date.
Our price 50c Get ac
quainted with our Saturday Scarf
Service new ties every week.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Always the Home of Satisfaction
Alhambras Seemed to Have Edge
Over Oup Boys, Who Were
Not in Good Trim.
Twenty-flve Cars Pledged for Trip
to Omaha on the Omaha
Kansas City Route.
Yesterday afternoon our base
ball fans journeyed down lo the
park, east of tho cily, to witness
tho contest between tlie Alliainltra
team of Omaha and the Boosters,
ard tiie result was a (food Rame,
although tlie score was not very
satisfactory to tlie fans here. The
jinks seems to have perched him
self on I lie bench of the local
buys, as I hey were unable- to get
into their arctislomed stride and
the. visitors stalled after the
bacon right in the opening.
Mason did I ho tossing in the
first three innings, while Ault
caught him, and this young bat
tery did very well, although the
Omaha boys began to touch Ma
son up quite licly towards the
last and accumulated Ihree runs
Off his delivery, combined with
errors on the part of his team
mates. Connors, who was put in
to pitch the last half of the (fame,
wa.s in good fdrin and held I he
bits down, all hough through
errors the visitors annexed Ihree
more runs, making their total for
the game six. The home boys
succeed in securing I wo scores olT
of (lit- 'Alhambras in I he course
of the game, one in the third in
ning and another in the fifth. Ver
non, who was in the box for the
Alhamliras, was in good form and
struck out llfleeii of our boys.
,The Omaha team is far belter
Helves on the diamond. The
youngsters on the learn are be
ginning to take hold of the gamo
in a manner that indicates that
during the coming season they
will be able to give a good account
of themselves, both in fielding and
batting, and with the excellent
pitchers, Connors and Mason, the
team ought to become one of tho
best amateur teams in Ibis part
of the stale. To make the team
and the association a success here
it will be necessary for the pub
lic to give the boys liberal patron
agte at the games, ami by their
presence encourage them in their
One of the pleasing features of
Sunday's game was the umpiring
of Faber of Omaha, who is one of
the best judges of the game in
the stale, ami his decisions were
uniformly fair and impartial.
The score by innings was ns fol
lows :
lAlhaml.ras ...210 0 0 0 0 2 10
, Monsters 0 ( 1 0 1 0 0 li 02
The first run conducted by the
Kansas Slate Automobile Associa
tion will start from Kansas City,
Kas., at 7 o'clock themiorning of
May 0, IS) 13. It. is planned to
reach Omaha at 3:. '10 in the after
noon of May 10. Twenty-five cars
already have been pledged for the
The object of the run is to
boost the Omaha-Kansas Cily
Scenic route. A fine macadam road
between Kansas City and Leaven
worth is now being completed.
One of the main objects of this
run will be to urge Nebraska
citizens to take care of the portion
of the route in that state.
The run will pass through
Leavenworth, Atchison, Hiawatha,
Falls City, Auburn, Nebraska Cily,
Plallsmouth and oilier cities.
Kansas City Star.
V vj" ox
Y . f
x V ,0vc' .Whan the one which represented
c' .Llieni on II
iA bait it does
OmtliiiiK 'ii the I
VlftVlll,! players aro
.V . . . ,Hu,ilir I I llnV
diamond last year,
not appear to have
Mooslers so far
concerned, al-
have been in Ihe
1 . I 1 ll.!.
consiiieramy longer mm
When returning from Cali
fornia a few weeks ago Mrs. J. 11.
Meeker brought wilh her a selling
of very line thoroughbred Rhode
Island 'Kgvvhieh friend
of hers had given' her in Ihe west,
and great care was taken in the
transportation of the hen fiuil, to
this cily. After their arrival here
the eggs were placed under a hen
and a few days ago Mrs. Becker
wit ureal lv pleased to discover
that every one of Ihe eggs had
hatched and Ihaf she was Ihe pos
sessor of a line Hock of these ex
cellent lillle chicks. This certain
ly speaks well for Ihe eggs for
every one lo halch after such a
long railroad trip.
DR. A. E.
Large Concourse of Relatives
and Friends Attend the
Last Sad Rites.
The second advertising car of
the big Yankee ltobinson circus
which will show in tins city on
Monday, May 5, arrived Saturday
and finished up the task of billing
the town for the event. This
one of the best circuses that
makes the smaller towns and I hey
carry twenl.y-t.wo cars oi equip
ment that ought to make the show
one of the best seen here in recent
vears. The circus, it is under-
tood, Will be given on the old
ball grounds on Chicago avenue,
which is much handier to reach
than the location south of tho
shops and will allow a much
larger number of people to attend.
The Robinson show has one of the
best menageries of any show on
Ihe road and have with them one
of Ihe largest elephants in the
age at the games, and by their
world. Also two of the smallest.
The funeral services of the late
Dr. Alex E. Walker were held
Saturday afternoon at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .ame'
A. Walker, near Murray, and was
attended by a large concourse oh
sorrowing friends of the family,!
who gathered lo pay their last
tribute to one whom they had
known from childhood and whose
tragic death Thursday came as
such a shock to Ihe large circle
of friends throughout Ihe county.
The funeral services were iu
charge of the Masonic lodge of
Nehasvka, of which the doctor was
a member and Ihe brothers of that
order bore their departed member
lo bis last resting place in Ihe
Horning cemetery, south of this
The service at the home was in
charge of Rev. llanna of Omaha,
who spoke consoling words lo the
relatives and friends of the future
and of the meeting with the de
parted to the hereafter. Follow'
ing the brief services at the home
Ihe collage proceeded to the
cemetery, where the Masons per
formed their beautiful ritual serv
ice. There was a profusion of
floral remembrances laid on the
casket as a token of Ihe deep sor
row fell over his untimely death.
The Masonic lodge of tins cily
lo Ihe number of eighteen attend
ed the services at Ihe grave, and
a choir composed of C. C. Wescott,
W. (I. Brooks and C. W. Baylor.
sang several of the much beloved
old hymns, as (he casket was low
ered to its last resting place. The
pall-bearers were from the Ne-
hawka lodge and consisted of the
following: (t. W. Cheney, Ray
Frans, Vilas P. Sheldon, Louis
Anderson, Linnecs Reynolds and
Frank P. Sheldon.
Short Waists!
We have a large stock of Cadies' Shirt Waists, and they
are of the newest patterns, neatly trimmed. They are the
best fitting waists on the market. Price from
51 .00 to 53.00
Suctivieiles & Lute
Has Eye in Bandage.
For several weeks Henry Bar
uum Miller has been sutVering
with a very sore eye, caused from
catching cold in it, and he failed
to take the proper care of that
member, with the result, that he is
now carrying his eye bandaged up.
It is lo be hoped that Mr. Miller
will soon regain the full use of
his eye, as the aflliction bus been
a very painful one.
more weeks oi prac-
a couple of games the
will begin lo warm up
oa;on than Ihe local team
Willi II lew
lice und
Mooslers will begin lo
in their proper shape and be able
to give a good account of lliem-
Ploase Return Dish.
Will the person who removed
the granite baking dish from the
church after the last, chicken pie
supper please return same lo Ihe
Presbyterian church or leave at
the residence of Mrs. S. M. Chap
man, and greatly oblige Ihe
Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presby
terian church.
Yankee Robinson Circus and Wild
. West Have Cowboys Who
Will Ride Them.
for Boys
New Soft Cuff
Shirts With Collar
to Match
UR Clothes for boys are
sure to secure for the us confi
dence of parents. We have a very unusualshowing
of very smart suits at all ages. Norfolkjand plain
coat models in a big variety of excellent weaves;
serges, cheviots, tweeds. Very fine values'at $5, $G,
SG.50, $7.50 and $8.50.
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Ha is
From Saturday's Dally.
Samuel, C. Wnugh of this cily
and Miss Ruby Barns of Albion
will be married next Thursday al
the home of Ihe bride's parents,
Dr. and Mrs. Darns. The bride is
well known in the cily, having
graduated from the Lincoln High
school and the stale university.
She is a member of Kappa Kappa
iainnia sorority. The groom is
i member of Delta Upsilon fra
ernity. A number of fraternity
friends expect to attend the wed
ding, and also Ihe grooms
mother, Mrs. Samuel Waugh, and
lis sister and brother, Miss Flor
ence and W. B. Waugh. Lincoln
State Journal.
The groom, Mr. Waugh, is a
former Plattsinoulh boy, where
he spent his childhood and early
boyhood days, and possesses here
a large circle of friends, who will
extend lo him and his bride llieir
most sincere wishes for the
fill un- success and happiness of
the young couple. The Waugh
family removed from this city
about ten years ago lo Lincoln,
and since that time have been
freipient visitors to their old
home, where they are very highly
St. Luke's New Officers.
At the morning service yester
day at St. Luke's parish church
the rector, Allan G. Wilson, an
nounced Ihe appointment, of the
olllcers of the church, Sunday
school and choir as follows:
President of Junior Guild, Mrs. T.
P. Livingston; senior sacrainent
or and server, Harold Smith;
junior sacrainenlor and server,
George Dovey; crueifer, Henry
Robert llerold; librarian, Robert
Peters; chorus nialher, Mrs. J .11.
Donnelly. These officers are in
addition to Ihe olllcers elected at
Ihe regular parish meeting.
If I here is a bucking horse in
your neighborhood that no one
can ride, bring him in on Yankee
Robinson circus day, and Texas
Bill and his band of rough riders
some of the best in the world
will see what can be done about
handling him. Sometimes they
buck over ten miles of territory,
yet in the end Hie cowboys seem
to handle I hem. Tho bucking
contest in Ihe Wild West, depart
ment is without a doubt the most
amusing sport known. Texas
Bill and his cowboys, cowgirls,
Mexicans and rough riders of the
world, are with the Yankee Robin
son circus, and they will ride any
bucking horse you bring them.
Remejnber Ihe date Plaltsmouth,
Monday, May 5.
Mrs. Mary S. Havner, who for
tin! past two years has been an
inmate at the stale hospital for
the insane at Lincoln, passed
away at that institution Saturday
afternoon, after a lingering ill
ness. Ihe body was brought to
this city this afternoon on No. 24,
and the casket was taken direct
from the station to Oak Hill ceme
tery, where interment was made.
Mrs. Havner was about C8 years
of age and resided here for sev
eral years, keeping house for her
brother, the late William Sayles,
at his farm, a few miles south of
Ihe cily. The killing of her
brother proved to be too great a
shock to her and it became neces
sary lo send her lo the hospital
for treatment, but she never re
gained her health, and gradually
became more feeble until death
finally relieved her of her suffer
ing. The services at tho cemetery
were conducted by Rev. D. L. Dun-klebergc-r
of the Christian church.
The known relative of Mrs.
Havner is a sister in New York,
who is past. 80 years of age and
was unable to attend the funeral.
Callers on the Journal.
j Mrs, W. 1J. Lohnes of Ihe vi
cinity of Cedar Creek, and father,
A. H. Ahl, of Louisville, were
visitors in Ibis cily today. They
called at this office, at, which time
Mrs. Lohnes renewed her sub
scription and Mr. Ahl ordered the
Plallsmouth Journal sent lo his
address for a year, in order lo
l-eep posted on the happenings iu
this city and county.
Sell your property by on ad
the Journal.
Pains in the Stomach.
f you continually complain of
pains in the stomach, your liver
or your kidneys are out of order.
Neglect may lead to dropsy, kidney
trouble, diabetes or Brieht's dis
ease. Thousands recommend
Electric Bitters as the very best
stomach and kidney medicine
made. II. T. Alston, of Raleigh,
N. C, who sufTcred wilh pain in
the stomach and back, writes:
"My kidneys were deranged and
my liver did not work right. I
suffered much, but Electric Bit
ters was recommended and I im
proved from the first dose. I now
feel like a new man.' It will im
prove you, too. Only 50c and Recommended by F. O.
Fricke & Co.
Why He Was Late.
"What made you so late?"
"I met Smithson."
"Well, that is no reason
you should bo an hour late
ting home to supper."
"I know, but I asked him how
he was feeling, and he insisted on
telling me about his stomach
"Did you tell him to take Cham
berlain's Tablets?"
"Sure, that is what he needs."
Sold by F. 0. Fricke & Co.
this is Soennichsen's Daylight Store!
Me? Oh, I'm just the grocery boyj Gee! did yer
see that sylph that just floated in with ma and
Mrs. Dillberry? That's Mary Ann, my sister; you'd
hardly know her now since she's wearin' that new
American Lady Corset. An she's got a beau now;
ha! ha! Ma says it sure was a lucky day she began
to trade at the Daylight Store. They're goin' to
buy another ready made or two while they last an
Mary Ann's goin' to buy a new silk dress. Say, the
boss says we've got the finest line of Olives and Olive Salid ever brought into
town. Fine for picnics and banquets! Mary Ann an her beau are goin' to take
a lunch down by the river Sunday an they said I could go 'long to keep off the
flies. Good night Here comes the boss, an now watch me get busy packin'
up orders, an I'll bet ma. and Mrs. Dillberry is about buyin' out the store.
Well so long!
California Raisin Day,
Brief Visit to Home Folks.
Bert Spies, who has been
located at Salt Lake City for (he
past year, came in Saturday even
ing and spent Sunday here wilh
his parents. Bert was en route
to Fort Dodge, Iowa, where he
will be employed as a linotype
operator, and ho is one of the
swiftest in tho business, loo, ami
will prove a very valuable man
for Ihe Messenger, on' which
paper he will be employed.
(Wednesday, May 30th!
Dried Fruit Week, April 28 to May 3
ij " i