TARIFF BILL IN THE HOUSE Amended Measure Is Reintro duced by UnderwooJ. ONLY MINOR GHU6ES MADE. Majority Leader Predicts Passage of Measure in House by May 15 Oral Hearings on Bill Will Not Be Grant ed by Senate Finance Committee. . Washington. April 21. The lino rratic tariff levision hill, with it. sweeping ledurtions, long free mm and Its iMJine lux provision, was rs introduced in the bono'; today hy .la jority Leader I'mb rood It will he reported favouibly hy th? majority of the ways and moans torn luitlce tomorrow and culled up for de hate on Wednesday. Chairman I'ndorwood predicted that the hill would lie passed In the house hy May 15. Two months, the admin istration leaders helieve, is a generous lime to allot to the senate for its con sideration, and passage, and unless It la decided to bring in a currency hill thereafter, congress should he ready to adjourn about July 15. The hill np approved hy President Wilson cauie through the caucus un scratched. Democratic opponents to free sugar In three yearn, and to free wool, made the most vigorous fights cm the president's suggestions adopted hy the ways and means commit tee. hut they were hopelessly outvoted with little chancp to develop enough opposition with Republican alliance to do anything with their amendments on the floor of the house. Principal Changes Made. The principal changes made in the hill were: Shoe machinery, buck wheat, rye, rnhhit fur and phosphoric acid transferred from dutiahle to the free list; onyx reduced from il.'i cents In 50 cents a cubic foot, to put it on the same basis as marble; diamonds, uncut, are unchanged, but cut dia monds, Increased from 15 to 20 per cent; castor oil, reduced from 15 to 12 per cent; cod, seal and herring oil reduced from 5 to 3 per cent; vanilla beans, reduced from CO to 30 cent a pound; salts and other compounds and mixtures of which bismuth, gold, platl tium, rhodium, silver, tin and uranium constitute the chief value, cut from IE to 10 per cent. Representative Hard wick Insisted II would be necessary to draw a line on the offering of amendments. lie In roduced a resolution, which was re ferred for subsequent action, provhl Ing the tailff bill shall be passed un tier a special rule, restricting general debate to eight legislative days, and that the minority in the house shall be limited In the offering of not morn than two niiionduients ns substitutes to each schedule of the bill. The caucus adopted an amendment fixing May 1, 1!M6, as the date when raw sugar should go on the free list. The time when the Income tax shall become effeellve was left subject to future disposition by the house, j Minority Report Presented. That ad valorem duties, such as pro posed In the Democratic tariff bill, are "a delusion arid a snare," that the rad leal tariff revision submitted by the Democrats Is Inexcusable And uncalled for and that an accounting will come lor Its enactment Into law are conten tions of the Republican members of the ways and means committee in a minority report presented to the house today. "There Is no excuse for the radical change In our revenue system pro posed by this Democratic bill," says the report, which Is signed by Repre sentatlves Payne, Forducy, Gardner, Moore, Green and Anderson. "The people have ot asked It. The party proposing it Is In power, not by the grace of a majority of the American people, but by a division in the ranks of the majority on other questions than of protection. The adminlstra tion has the power to enact the legis lation. The accounting for the abuse of that power will come later." The report contends that the bill has caused "Intense and widespread alarm In business circles." Asserting that the Democratic bill "seems to meet with approval on the other Bide of the Atlantic," the report declares that the protective feature Ins been entirely eliminated In the framing of the bill. Oral hearings on the tariff will not bo granted by the senate finance com mittee, according to the unofficial opinion of Democrats of the commit tee. Business men Interested will he allowed to file briefs, but the commit tee does not propose to spend several montna in listening to arguments, which Its members feel would be largely n repetition of the testimony already given before the house ways and means committee. Appeal Issued for Prayers for China, New lork, April 21. The Chinese government's request for the prayers of Christian churches within Its bor dprs Sunday, April 27, was made the subject of an open appeal to clergy men of all denominations throughout America to Join In intercession for the new republic. The appeal was made by Dr. Arthur J. Drown, chairman of the committee of reference and conn el representing the foreign missions conference of North America and by the federal council of the churches of Christ in A merit a. TIME. l! HENRY M, FLAGLER. Noted Financier Who Is Reported Very III At Palm Beach, Fla. Mr. PlaKlrr. wli'i la eighty-throe yrm old, hua ucn i ,.uii(ii near death for the Ih.iI few Wei'kn ill Whltehull, Ill I'alm Hi!Hi'h home I lis connection w ith the Hlitndurd Oil coinpoiy him niil,. him one of the niOHt prominent capltnllstii In t lie cmnti IN AMENDMENTS Japanese Ire, Sacramento, C'nl.. April 21. In absence of in w developments iu the the (inti alien hind situation, interest cen tered In the amendments to be offered to the senate measure today by Sena tor Hirdsall, if the bill comes up. There Is some doubt as to Its being reached, as it Is far down the list. Itirdsall's amendments are designed to make the bill more particularly art i-Japanese hy framing It so as not to affect corporations composed of European capitalists. Other amendments may be offered Some members have been hi favor of lriking out the restrictions on cor iiorat!ons alt;iM-iher, but general opin ion has been that such a method would ho so easy of evasion as to make the act Inoperative. Tokyo, Apiil 21 The announce ment that Piesident Wood row Wilson and Secretary of State. Bryan are malt ins efforts lo bring about a compro mise In the proposed California legis hit inn w ith respect to the alien land ownership bill and that Governoi Hiram Johnson Is opposing the bill has softened Japanese Ire and public opinion has now become more optl mistir. DESULTORY FIRING KEPT UP Rambling Attack Is Made on Huerti Garrison at Guaymas Nogales, Ariz., April 21 Desultory tiring continued between constitution- ellsts. holding Htiipaltne, and the 1 1 not ta garrison entrenched at duay mas. The exchange of shots was at long range, across the bay. The eon ((titrated attack is not expected foi several days. The state troops will he delayed in any general attack by necessury repairs on the artillery cm ployed in the recent attack on Nnc.o and the repairing of pieces captured I mm the federals at Naco. Federal and state troops taken prl oners Incident to the battles at No pales and Naco. remain held by Pnit ed States troops of the border patrol Veteran Diet Suddenly. Hoone. la., 21 Ixiuis Young, who served through the civil war with dis Unction, arose after lying down and walked over to a chair, apparently In good health His wife looked at ltlm moment later and found him dying Ex-King Manuel to Marry a Princess. nerlin, April 21. It was announced that cxKlng Manuel of Portugal Is engaged to marry Princess Augustine Victoria, daughter of Prince Wilhelm of llohenzollern. CONDENSED NEWS Seventy-nve federal soldiers were killed outright when Mexican lusur gents dynamited a troop train a few miles below Chihuahua City. Ray Pfans( htnidt was fouud guilty of the murder of his father, mother, sister and Miss Emma Kaempen at Qnincy, III. The penalty Is death. A premature explosion of dynamite occurred between the Pedro Miguel locks and the Mlrnftores lock of the Panama canal. Three men were killed and twenty threo wounded. The lower house of the Minnesota legislature repassed over the govern or's veto the teleprone control bill and the bill providing for the inutile Ipnl control of public utilities. A triple automobile fatality, In which the 'wo children of Isadora Puncan, the American dancer, and their governess were killed, occurred l".V"ls I'errt-H Hiiliiirli if Vnrl ,-.' 4S v Wf-W ft' '-,' '''. i '. - WHY JESUS DIED FOB SINNERS We Have All Erred Seriously In the Past, Said Pastor Russell. A RANSOM PRICE NECESSARY The Penalty For Sin According to the Bible Contradicts Our Creeds The Bible Thoory Reasonable How It Could Have Been Different Had God Pleased How Jesus Suffered the Penalty of the Sinner He Redeemed Not Only the Church, but Also the World How A" For Whom He Died Must Ultimately Be Profited Divine Justice 89 Well as Divine Love In volved The Glorious Outcome. Brooklyn. N. Y., April 20. - Pastor RusbcII'b topic iu the Itrooklyn Acad emy of Music here today was, "The Necessity for Je ans' Death." His text was: "In due time Christ died for the ungodly." Romans 5:0. The speaker stat fPASlOMUSSFlUj ed that while the Bible everywhere declares tho Importance of the death of Jesus, Christ lit u people In recent times seem to be perplexed upon the subject. Seine dispute the Bible state ment of the necessity for Jesus' death. ntul claim that His life was uo differ ent from that of other men, and His death was no different from that of others. Some claim that Jesus came Into the world, nnd passed through va rious trying experiences, not In order to redeem mankind from anything, but in order to show Ills followers how they should live ninl die for a good cause. Others In bewilderment de clare that they see no relationship be tween Jesus' death ami what they have been taught Is the penalty for sin: namely, eternal torment. In general, said the Pastor, there Is confusion upon the subject, and only those who get the proper Scriptural focus on the question of why Christ died can be mentally nt rest, nnd able to enter sympathetically into the vari ous, features of the great Plan of Ood. of which the death of Jesus for unman redemption Is a part. The Pnstor protested against the too common practise of accepting a portion of the P.lble. and rejecting the remain der. He declared that any man wise enough to criticise the Inspired Word should be accepted as an Inspired au thority capnblo of writing a better statement of the Divine Plan. For his part, he believed that the Holy Scrip hires, as St. Paul declares, were writ ten aforetlnio by. holy men for the ad monition of the Church. He believed that this was done because God wish ed Ills people to understand His Divine purposes and arrangements, and sym pathetically to enjoy them and cooper erate In their fulfilment. We should hold fast "the faith onco delivered to the saints," and should not allow our own wisdom or the wisdom of other men to make the Word of God of none effect. He reminded his hearers of how Jesus had reproved the Pharisees for their neglect of God's Word and for taking Instead of It the traditions of men. Mark 7:0, 7. However, the Pastor declared that our English Illble docs not profess to bo the Word of God, but merely a translation of It. If, therefore, we find some passages of Scripture which have been mistranslated, and thus mis represent the original Scriptures, we should make haste to correct these, and to admit that the translations were not Inspired. Additionally, ho reminded us that all old Manuscripts show that during the long period of eighteen cen turlcs errors bad crept In additions to the words of Jesus nnd the Apostles, Ho stated that nt the time of the pres entation of our Common Version Eng lish Itible the number of Greek manu scripts was only seven, whereas now thero ure several hundreds. Three of them In particular nre very old the Slnnltie, the Yatleau 1209, and the Alex andrlan Manuscript. The people of God are to so hunger and thirst for their Heavenly Father's words that they will spare uo pains to know exactly what He said to them and what He did not Bay, nnd to base their faith upon the living Word which surely will nbldo forever. So doing, the Pastor declared, the Bible becomes more beautiful nnd more rev ereuced by Illble Students every day. Jesus Died, to Meet Man's Penalty. Thero Is no dispute among the va rlous orthodox creeds that there wus a penalty against mankind which need ed to be met. before the Divine bless lng could como to any of our race These creeds all agreed, he said, that Adam, the father of the race, was ere ated perfect, in the image. In Un moral likeness, of bis Maker, but that he had sinned, and come under a pen alty, or curse, on account of sin Ilenco all of his race Inherited life from him, shining his weaknesses and bis condemnation to death. God, having sentenced man to death as unworthy of life, could not con Istently have any dealings with him whllo still condeniucd. Hence God' provision that Jesua as tho Son of God should recover Adam nnd his race from the sentenco of death in order ' "'' ':' I .A that all might have uu opportunity to return to harmony with God. and thus to everlasting life. This, said the Pastor. Is clearly set forth In both iJte Old Testament and the New. If we would forget our creeds and rid our minds of the false theories whielt they inculcate, these Scriptures would now guide us with out dillieulty. Christendom is haudi capped by the creeds of the Dark Ages, which confuse us. On this sub ject. for iustaucv. of Christ's redeem ing work, we are met with the propo sition of the creeds that the curse of God against our race is eternal torture in some far-off place, we know not where possibly within tho eartti. The misconceptions of our forefa thers on the subject of punishment for sin were built upon' mistranslation or figurative statements meant to be un derstood symbolically. For instance, we read of our Lord. "He ojiened His mouth In parables .and dark sayings." When our Lord illustrated the utter destruction of the finally Incorrigible by the destruction of the offal of Je rusalem, cast into the Gehenna fire outside of the city wall, it was not tor ment that lie taught, but annihilation. Nothing was tormented in the lire of the valley of Ilinnont. In the Book of Revelation, wholly symbolical, the plain (statement is made that the lake of fire represents the Second Death. "The Wages of Sin Is Death." Most emphatically the P.iblo declares the wages of sin to be death not tor ment. And lest any one should think of this us merely meaning tho death of the body, while the soul continues to live, tho Scriptures - expressly state more than once that the death of the soul is meant. "The soul that slnncth It shall die." "God Is able to destroy both soul nnd body" In Gehenna . the Second Death. The penalty against Adam, "Dying, thou shall die," si;,'nl fies the death of his soul, his entire being. Under that sentence, unless re deemed. Adam and his race would have had no future life. But God from the very beginning purposed to redeem man from this death sentence. In due time He sent forth His Son to pay man's redemp tion price Jesus' redemptive work will restore man's soul from the power of the tmnb, by a resurrection of the dead. Therefore, even before Jesus had died for our sins, lie said to some of the people. "Fear not them which can kill the body," and thus take from you all that remains of the present Adatnle life. Fear God. with whom nre the issues of the future life, for lie Is able to destroy not merely the temporary life of Hie present time, but also your prospective life, which lie purposes to sci ure for you through the Redeemer's sacrili e. and by lite resur rection from the dead. We see, then, that God rested every feature of Ills Plan for mankind upon the gront work which from t!i.- begin ning He Intended Jesus should accom plish for our v.uv St. Paul, s-iid tin Pastor, expresses this in a few words saying. "As by a man came death not eternal torment . by a man also comes the resurrection of the dead. For as all In Adam die, even so all in Christ shall be made alive, every man in his own order." The first order, or resur rection, is that of The Christ. Head and Body, to glory, honor. Immortality, on the Divine plane of being. Search carefully the Old Testament Scriptures every word of God through Moses and the Prophets-nnd we find not a hint of any other penalty for sin than this death penalty. What the Death Penalty Includes. The Pastor declared that many fall to grasp tho full Import of the death penalty. It Includes not only the final net of dying, but all the steps leading thereto. Had there been no sin nnd no sin penalty, thero would have been no dying process no aches, no pain, no sighing nor crying, nor dying. Man lived in Eden as happily us an gels live In their Heavenly homo on the spirit plane, for he Is au enrthly being, adapted only to earthly condi tions. Besides, had It not been for sin. God would iiot have permitted the curse, nor brought thorns, thistles, storms, cyclones, drouth and deluges, whleh In death-dealing power have been permitted to come to man. be cause he Is a convict. He Is already under eentenco of denth, nnd not en titled to any consideration. The favors that God has promised to him through Christ will come in their due season. They will make earth a Paradise garden, with nothing to hurl or destroy. The Divine blessing will bring to all mankind the opportunity to return to the lmngo and likeness of God, and to everlasting life, under the New Covenant. Another of Our Difficulties. An additional difficulty under which we labored as Bible students In the past, said the Postor, Is that we con fused the special work of this Gospel Age w 1th the general work of the next Age. God's provision, through the death of Christ, for rolling away the curse of sin nnd denth from mankind applies to the next Ago, nnd not to the present Age. When Ills duo time shall arrive, everything will bo In readiness for the great work which He has promised shall be satisfactorily con summated. Divine Wisdom, backed by Divine Power, will establish Mes siah's Kingdom in power and great glory, bind Satan, brenk tho shackles of Ignorance, error and sin, and set humanity free from tho slavery of sin and death, under which It has rested for six thousand years. This grent work Is spoken of in two different ways: (1) It will be n time for overthrowing and breaking down the powers of sin, darkness and evil. (2) It will be a time for uplifting man kind to tho original Divine Image In which Adam whs created. Aa the entire reign of sin ajid death cam, through Adam's disobedience, upon the whole world, so the entire re lease from the curse will come to every member of the race, through Jesus. The broad basis for this work has al ready been laid in the death of Jesus Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures." d Corinthians 15:3.) Jesus Christ, by the grace of GoiJ, tasted death for every man. "He is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." 1 John 2:2. As till the race were Involved in the death sentence, the one redemptive work was necessary for the releasing of nil. In God's arrangement He has divided the redeemed into two great classes, both of which will attain ever lasting life. But one class will receive it on the spiritual, or Heavenly, plane, while the other will get It on the enrth ly plane. This docs not signify unl versalism. for while these two classes nre to be saved, the Bible distinctly tells of some who will receive the grace of God In vain, and die the Second Death.-Revelatlon 21 From this viewpoint, note the force of the Apostle's words: "The wages of sin Is death, but the gift nf God Is eter nal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 0:23.) The death sen tence passed upon all through one man. Adam. The gift of God is to come to all humanity through the sec ond Adam, the Lord. The Riches of God's Grace, Our Great Creator is rich in grace, the Apostle tells us. He not only pur posed to recover mankind from tho dis advantages of the fall, but additionally took advantage of the circumstances connected with the permission of sin to give au especial opportunity to any of the sinners to manifest. If they would, special loyalty to Himself. God might have placed a different penalty against slii. lie might have excluded our first parents from Eden for u year nnd then have returned them, or He might have simply banished the race from Eden, and have allowed all to live without sentence of death against us. Had He done so, Jesus would not have needed to die for man's redemp tion Because the sentence of death had been Imposed, however. It must be canceled before the race could be re stored to perfection and to God's fa vor. It Is evident, then, that God wished to have the death penalty upon our race, so as to make necessary the death of His Son. This, in turn, meaiit that the Father invited the Son to become man's Redeemer, and that the Sou nc ccpted the offer, and came Into this world for that very purpose, litis Im plied that the Fit titer would reward Him with a high exaltation, in recog nition of His loyalty and obedience un to death, even of the cross. Thus Je sus suffered for our sins, and entered into His glory. But God had a further Plan. Hence He sent Jesus to die for the world nearly two thousand years before He was readv to deal with the world. And that long period of nearly two thou sand years litis siuce been devoted to the calllug out of the Church, to be the Rrido nf Christ, and Joint-heir in His Kingdom. This Church Is described as a Little Flock, a saintly few, who through much tribulation are walking in the footsteps of tho Redeemer, nnd ultimately will be accounted therefore as worthy to share with Him In nis glories on the spirit plane. This election of the Church In no sense or degree hinders the grent work of God for tho world. On the con trary, God In His Wisdom has made the election of the Church to be a help ful nnd connective link iu His grent Plnu for blessing and restoring man kind to human perfection and earthly Eden.-Acts 3:19 21. The Bible Triumphant. We are all witnesses to the coufu sion which has prevailed amongst us ns the people of God. Our difficulties have been connected with this prob lem of eternal torture, and a redemp tion and recovery therefrom. How glnd we are, ns children of God and students of Ills Word, for the light that Is now shining upon us! This does not menn that we have made the light, nnd may therefore boast of It. It means that as in the dawning of the natural day . the darkness flees gradually, so now In the dawning of the New Dispensation, Messiah's Day a thousand years long, the light of Divine Truth is shining more and more clearly. It Is scattering our dark ness nnd our fears, nnd ennbling us as people of God, more and more to love the great Fountain of blessing from whom comet h every good nnd every perfect gift. Now we see that the faults which have been found with the Rlble belong not to It It Is consistent It contains Ihe Divine Plan, or Program, so com prehenslve and so beautiful as to be heart-nssurlng thnt It Is of God nnd not of mnn. No human mind could possibly devise the glorious features of God's PInn. providing a place on the Heavenly plane, for the elect Church, and a place on the earthly plane for Adam and nil his race as many of them ns will accept the offer, when clearly and distinctly presented to them, when the blind eyes shall be opened nnd all the deaf ears shall be unstopped. Isaiah 35:5. 0. Wo sec. theu. my dear brethren, that the dtath of Christ is, by God's ar rongentent. the most important fact In the whole world's history. The one next In Importance Is His resurrection from the dead nnd ascension to glory Ills work for mnn will be at His Second Coming: He will establish His Heaven Iv Kingdom, nnd rule, bless and uplift tho world to all that was lost In Adam and redeemed at Calvory-the Bride of Christ sharing with her Lord In all thnt great and wonderful work, being qualified thereto by her share with Him In the Flint Resurrection. Rt- latlon 20.4. Humor and I Philosophy Br OVACAA i. SMITH A A FINISHED JOB. ' ' That over with! The country's saved Once more The last debater has debate!. The Inst silver tnnsued orator Has oi a led. And pence settles dow Like a wet blanket Over a bonfire Of yellow uuiuniit leaves. And, shanks to t?li, All Is well. , You might have thought As you caught The last relraln Of the grand campaign That It was bound to make A whole lot of difference Who Blew In. Each side was forced to win Or the world would come to an ent And send Shivers along the spine Of tho universe Or maybe something worse. Wrought to a frenzy By the spell Of their own oratory, The knell Was sounded unless The voters made their guess The Bams way As did the speaker of the day. But now we s?e It In quits A different light. The jig Is never op In this bt Country, no mailer who Comes through. The ship of stats Sails on With any captain The peopla see tit to pick. How to Thrive. My doctor says 1 must gt out of doors." Tteally?" 'Yes. So I nin going on a farm. I wish I knew some farmer who could glvo me practical advice." "Nix ou the farmer." "Why?" "If you really want to kuow how to run a farm get a high priced lawyer who has read a sciie-J of magazine ar ticles on agriculture." Some Entertainment. How did you enjoy the play last night?" "Hugely!" "Good, was it?" "The play? Oh. I don't know. But two women Just behind me went over the latest developments In the Classes' divorce case, and two men to front of me told all about tho poker games my husband played the night before." Forethought. "I wonder why Brlggs married so suddenly." "He lost his job." "But his wife can't support him. She can't even support herself." "He figures he can spend the winter visiting among her relatives." Easy to Afford. "That mnn talks as If new motor cars were an every aay occurrence with him." "Why shouldn't he? He Is a mem ber of one of the major leagues." Never Again. "Do you like cold weather?" "1 used to, but not any more." "Why?" 'It Is stylish to go south In the winter season." Which? "Hosklns has a dandy new type writer." "Machlno or perfect lady?" Modern Palace. I dreamed I dwelt In marble halls. Or that was my Intent. When I awoke I found the walls Were inudo of hard cement PERT PARAGRAPHS. Occasionally a self respecting auto mobile ditches from pure shame at be lng caught out nt 2 o'clock In the morning Sometimes a man's watch get a habit of stopping Just before it Is time for him to go home. Nothing makes somo persons happier tbnn to find a new old sign to be lieve In. Dnd always gets tho chair with the soft cushions. What would tho habitual moralist jo If It were not for women? Some women wish that they had been born men so they wouldn't have to do their hnlr np in curl papers. Tou can't make every one believe that an old maid can possibly be hnppy. Tho mnn who Insists upon running risks and motorcars at the same time is bound eventually to come to grief In oldon times when a roan thirsted for gore he went to war. Now he tries to qualify ns an aeronaut The porch swing has taken the place In courtship of the old tlmo front gate. No man enn tell what the future may bring forth If you must know, ask a woman A woman's Idea of a model man Is one who, when he has finished rending It, carefully folds the Sunday paper od places It In the paper rack.