"; V. f'Mry til'"" 1 - ' .V . " . J- . v ? 'A V Vis?4 HEZEK1AH CHAPTER X. I IVUet a Playful Ghoat. ITT was not vet 10 o'clock. m.1 I was T was not yet 10 o'clock, and I was II dismayed nf. ttin thnmrht of bain dismayed at the thought of being left to my own devices in this big country house, at an hour when II left to mv own devices In this hi . ... I the talk at the Hare and Tortoise usu ally became worth while. I sat down and began to turn over the periodicals on the library table, but I was in no mood for reading. The butler appeared and offered me drink, but the thought of drinking alone did not appeal to me. I repelled the suggestion coldly, but after I had dropped my eyes to the English review I had taken up I was conscious that he btood his ground. "Beg pardon, sir." "Well?" "Hit's a bit hod about the chimney, sir." The professional man in me was at once alert. The chimney's conduct was Inexplicable enough, but I was in no humor to brook the theories of a stupid servant. Still, he might know some thing, so I nodded for him to go on. He glanced over his shoulder and came a step nearer. "They say in the village, sir, that the 'ouse is 'minted." "Who say it, James?" "The liveryman told the coachman, and the 'ousemnid got hit from a seam stress, lilt's werry queer, sir." "Rubbish, James. I'm amazed that a person of your station should listen to o liveryman's gossip. There's the chimney, it's working perfectly. Home shift of air currents causes it to puff a little smoke into this room occasion ally, but those things are not related i to the supernntural. We'll find some way of correcting it In a day or two." "Werry good, -sir. But begging pnr don, the chimney hain't hall. Hit walks, if I may so heipress hit." "Walksr I exclaimed, sitting up and mrywiug aowa my review, walks ?" ' "Woai "You 'ear hit, sir, hln the walls. Hit goes right through the solid brick most hunaccountable." "You hear a mouse in the walls and think It's a ghost! But you forget James, that this is a new house, only a year or so old, and spooks don't fre quent such places. If it were an old place It might be possible that the creaking of floors and the settling of ;nnllonH of the falh)re of tho Hghts. walls would causo uneasiness in nerv-'Pome wjtoh that j dM not know ofi ous people. The ghost tradition usual-1 porhap!j ln the tlrd flooP hM, might ly rests on some ugly fact. But here,,mve 1(0en timuHi, or the power house nothing of the kind Is present." !, the vWn ,ulRht Iiavt hlft. "Hit was one of 'Is majesty's horffl-1,,,,, tlynam..s. Either solution of the cers, sir," he answered hoarsely. irlddlo WI!J ..dible. But the ghostlv It flashed over me that this big stol- (olu.h on ,1)v fa(.e (.ollIll not h(. ac. id fellow was out of his head; but. 'counted for so readilv. Leaving the saueor mad he was clearly greatly dls-;)lKilts, 0 j continued to the third turned. It was best, I thought, on'floor n(1 PXnmlned the switch and either hypothesis to speak to him per-' K()Uirht ln other ways to explain these emptorlly, and I rose, the better to 'phenomena. My composure returned deal with the situation. iIlloro How.y tmu, i nire t() confess, "What nonsense is this you have In ami r thk it wns ,)rbablr in my your head? You're ln the United md that the ghost of King George's i . ....... . . rX If? y mh, "They say in tha village, air, that the oue is 'aunted." (States, and there aren't any majesty's soldiers to deal with. You forget that1 you're not in England now." I The Siege of the Seven Suitors By MEREDITH NICHOLSON Copyright. 1910. by Meredith Nlcnotieia But this 'eref ounlry used to be ueiigii.su, j on may renin, Kir. iub story the eoiuliintin got hln the village goes back to the hold times, sir, when the colonies wits hln rebellion, if I may so call hit, sir, a ml 'is majesty's troops was puttln' down the rebellion hin these parts. Some- American rebels chased a British soldier from hover near White Plains to these 'ere woods as they was then, and they 'anged 'lm, sir, right where this 'ere 'ouse stands, If I may make so free." "loirei better go to neu, j nines, aim don't encourage talk among the other servants about this ghost. I know oATrtckf li ttr nlimlt t a lulllil illir nf linimou. and I'll give these walls n good looking over. Good night.' I made myself comfortable for an hour, smoking a cigar over an article on English politics, and while I read a big log placidly burned Itself to ashes I found the switch and snapped out the library lights. When I had gained the second tloor I turned oil the lights In the hall below, and, as 1 looked down the well to make sure I hud turned the right key, the third floor lights suddenly died and I was left in darkness. This was the least bit tlis concerting. I was quite sure that tin: upper lights " had remained burning brightly after the darkening of the lower hall, so that it was hardly pos sible that the one switch had cut off both lights. Standing by the rail that guarded the well, 1 peered upward, thinking that some one above me was manipulating another switch, but the silence was as complete as the blackness. I was about to turn from the rail to the wall to find the switch, but at this moment, as my face was still lifted In the ln tentness with which I was listening, something brushed my cheek some thing soft of touch aud swift of move ment. As I gripped the rail I felt this touch once, twice, thrice. Then my hand sought the wall madly, and with so bail an aim that it was quite a nitii- , ute before I found the switch plate land snapped all the keys. The stair land the halls above and below me sprang Into being again, and I stood blinking stupidly upward. Though I was in a modem hoiiso (thoroughly lighted by electricity I cau- I tmfr fliintr Hint tltl.i Imdrl.wt f.itlfkivliikr J ' ,U V, t o, .he butler's ,torv. jcllsone,i a moment's acute hair raising. accompanied by an uncomfortable tremor of the legs. As already hinted I lay no claim to great valor. As for hosts I am half persuaded of their existence, and, after witnessing a pres entation of Hamlet, always feel that Shakespeare is as safe a guide In such matters as the destructive scientific critics. Thwe wore vni'lous nlnuslhle PTliln- dead soldier mleht be lying In wait for ! mo, but I saw anil-heard nothing. The ! doors of tho unused chambers on the third flwr were closed, and I did not feel Justified In trying them. The servants were boused on this floor at the rear of the house, and n door that cut off their quarters proved on ex amination to be tightly locked. The fourth floor was only n half sto ry, usd for storage purposes. Tho I ti'dj ir.ilnn.l 1 rncnlluil liv nn Irikll ladder and a hatchway Iuh trunk room. I ran down to my room ami found a candle, to be armed against any further fickleness of the lights, and set. out for the fourth floor. I had changed my coat and with a couple of candles and a box of matches started for the roof. My courage had risen now, and I was ready for any further adventure that tho night might hold for me. Miss Ilolllster and Cecilia wero lxth ln their rooms, presumably asleep. Tho servants doubtless had their doors barred against ghostly vis itors, and the house was mine to ex plore as I pleased. I think I was humming slightly as I mounted tho stair, which, in keeping with the general luxurlousness that 1 characterized the furnishing of the house, was thickly carpeted even to the fourth floor. I was slipping ray hand along the rail and mounting, I dare say, a little jauntily as I screwed my courage to an unfamiliar notch when suddenly, midway of the tirsi half and Just before I reached tho tnrj, where the slolr broke, the llgbw - - - - failed again with startling abruptness. This was carrying the jrke pretty far. and instantly I clapped my hand to my pocket for the lx. of safety t matches, dug it out and then in my ! haste dropped the lid essential to ignl i tlon and stooH-d to find it. j The stair had narrowed on this : Bight, and as I sought with futile eagerness b regain the lx lid I could have sworn that some one passed me. Still half stooping. I stretched out my arms and clasped empty air, aud so suddenly had I thrown myself for ward that I lost my balance and roll ed downward the space of half a dozen treads before 1 recovered my self. I was ltndly scared and hardly less angry sit having missed through my own clumsiness the Joy of grap pling with the ghost of one of King tieorge's soldiers. But the matches having been lost In the pilch darkness of the stair, I could get my bearings again only by clinging to the stair rail until I found the second floor switch. I should say that two full minutes had passed between the loss of the matches mid my flashing on of the lamps. From top to bottom the lights shone brightly. But no one was visible, ami I heard no souud in any part of the house. As I began to analyze my sensations during the temporary eclipse of the lights I was conscious of two things. The being, human or other, that had passed nie bad beeu light of step and fleet of motion. There had been some thing uncanny in the ease and speed of that passing. I was without con viction as to Its direction, whether up or down, though I Inclined to the for mer notion for the reason that the em ployment of a concealed switch above seemed the more reasonable argument. And a faint, an almost Imperceptible scent, as of n flower, had seemed to be n part of the passing. Mine is n sensitive nostril, ami I was confident that it did not betray me In this. I gathered up my matches and start ed again for the roof. The trunk room door opened readily, as on my morn ing inspection of the chimney pots, but as I gluneed up I saw that the hatch was open. Through the aper I Stood With Head and Shouljsis Thruet Through the Opening tare shone the heavens, a square of stars and bright with the moon's ra diance. rocketing my matches. I ran nimbly up the ladder I Imd been surprised to find the hatch open, hut it Is not too much to say that 1 w greatly astonished by what I saw on the moon flooded roof. There midway of a flat area that lay between the two larger chimney pots, two per sons were .Intently engaged, not. hi ghostly promenading or posturing or even in audible conversation, but ln a spirited bout with foils. I stood With head and shoulders thrust through the opening, staring at this unusual spec tacle and not sure but that after all my eyes were tricking me "Toucher it was a woman's voice, faint from breaUilessness. She threw off her mask and dropped her foil and with a most human and feminine gesture put up her hands to adjust her hair. It was Cecilia Ilolllster in n short skirt and fencing coat! Her opponent was a man, and as he, too, flung off Ids musk I saw that he was u gentleman of years. I was about to withdraw when the strauger swung round and saw me. His sudden ex clamation caused the girl to turn, and as a reasonable frankness ha always seemed to me essential to n nice discre tion I crawled out on the roof. "I beg your pardon, Miss Ilolllster, but if I had known you were here I should not have intrnded. The vaga ries of the library chimney have been on my mind, and I was about to have another peep Into yonder pot." Sho stood at her ease, with one hand resting lightly against the inexplicable chimney in question and still some what spent from her exercise. "Father," sho said, turning to the stranger who stood near, "this Is Mr. Ames, who Is Aunt Octavla's guest." The light of the gibbous moon en abled to discern pretty clenrly the form and features of Mr. Bassford Ilollls tor. And I find, In looking over my notes, that I accepted as a matter of courso tho singular meeting with my hostess' brother. I had grown so used to the ways of tho Holllsters I olready knew thnt the meeting with another member of the family at 11 u'clock at night on the roof of this remarkable house gave me no great shock of sur Mi z prise. . Ile'wns tall.-slender und dark, with tine eyes that suggested Cecilia's. Ills close trimmed beard was slightly gray, but he bore himself erect, and I had already seen that he was alert of arm and eye and nimble of foot. "rather and 1 have fenced together for years," said Cecilia. "My sister Ile.ekiah does not care for the sport. As you have already seen that my Aunt Octavla Is an unusual woman. given to many whims, 1 will not deny to you that at present my father is persona non grata In this house. I beu' to assure you that nothing to his dis credit or mine hits contributed to that situation, nor can our meeting here to night be construed ns detrimental to him or to me. In meeting my father in this way I have in a sense broken faith with my Aunt Octavla. but 1 as- Mire you, Mr. Ames, that It Is oulv the natural affect Ion for a daughter that led my father to seek me here In this clandestine fashion." Cecilia had spoken steadily, hut h.r voice broke as she concluded, and she walked quickly toward the hatchway. Her father stepped before me to gie her his hand through the opening. I withdrew to the edge of the roof while a few words passed between them that seemed to be on his part an expostulation and on hers an earnest denial and plea. He passed her the foils and masks, and she vanished. whereupon he addressed himself to me. "I had learned from both my daugh ters of your presence In my sister's house, and I had expected to meet you sooner or later. This is a strance busi ness, a strange business." Ho had drawn out a pipe, which he filled and lighted dexterously. The flame of his match gave mo better ac quaintance with his face. He leaned against the serrated roof guard with tho greatest composure and drew his pipe to a glow. 1 had not forgotten my encounter with the ghost on the stair, and as I waited for him to speak I was trying to identify him with the mys terious agency that had tampered with the lights and passed so ghostly a hand across my face in the stair well. I could hardly say that there had not been time for either Itassford Ilolllster or his daughter to have reached the roof after my experiences on the stair, and yet they had been engaged ho earn estly at the moment of my appearance at the hatchway that it was improba ble that either could have played ghost and flown to the roof before I reached It. And, eliminating the ghost altogeth er, I had yet to learn how Bass ford Ilolllster hnd gained entrance to the house. It seemed best to drop specula tions and wait for him to declare him self. To Bo Continued.) Local News From Kiiduy's bally. Charles Warner liiolnml in this morning from his linine near tlii city aud attended to some busi ness matters. Kifr Brown came up this morn inu lrom his home near Hock ll' y to attend to some nritter i f tUsiie.s, J. I. Sliiiulei' and wife of near Murray were in the city tod.iv fm a few hiuirs attending to some business matter. Adam Kallctiiierger ot .icar Cedar Creek was in the city today for a few hours attending to some business matters. A. H. Kornoif of Cedar Creek was in the city yesterday for n few hours attending to some busi ness matters with Hie merchants William Stiiikjolin reiuniei Hi is morning on No. i from Colli. enlierg. N'cl)., near which place lie lias some extensive land interests Mrs. O. A. Nvslrom returned to her home in Omaha esterdav uf teruoon, nfler being here for sev eral days in attendance til Hi wedding of her sister. Mis.s Ida Johnson, and Mr. W. K. Hack strom. Mrs. Charles Thoinborg a daughter, Miss Alice, or moux City, who were here attending tins golden wedding of her parents Mr. and Mrs. August Tarlscli, re turned homo this afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Vonner and daugh ter, Mis.s Ie Ella, of the ieinily of Mynard, were shopping in I his city yesterday and called at this ofliee and ordered the Semi-Week ly Journal sent to them. President II, A. Schneider and Secretary K. II. Wcscott of tho Commercial club were passeng ers this morning for Ornaha where they will spend tho day do ing a little boosting, although it is reported Henry may drift, out to Thirteenth and Vinton si reels where la Hmirke holds forth. For rheumatism you will llm nothing heller than Chamberlain' Liniment. Try it and see how quickly it gives relief. For pale by F. O. Fricke Co. FOREST ROSE Tho best flour on the market. Hive, it a trial YO J.TGQJ& tXHl,?lT'I!a VND;T.HE J-RGtST 3 Rings. 1000 Ptople 2 Tuinj of Car.. .u.tj.t. umj CAtT- B"CK'S 20-PERFORMING SEA GREATEST RIDING SHOW im EXHIBITED ALBERT DAVENPORT. Chimpion Rutbjok Kideruf IheWuild. FRED Mil BESSIE C0STELL0. World Chimpion Jot-key Kidcn. MARIE DAVENPORT, AND MiU. MINNIE SWEENEY, Atrknottlcdceri Chim pion LiUy Principal tqucstncnnci. IALPB H0W$(R, Fnrlimrs Famous JtH'kcy. 300-REAL CIRCUS ARTISTS-300 OO-REAL FUNNY CtOWNS-50 10-ROYAL TOKIO JAPANESE-10 "BLACK DIAMOND," TIE BALL-ROOM I0RSE Ross Asheralt's High-School Horses FAMOUS WIZARETTC WIRE FAMILY KONGO Larflcst Bcas hat LAROHST ULLPHANT ON EARTH. larger THAN JUMBO. 10 KEEPERS TO ClIAKD UIH "Alice." Tlie Famous Bt;ir Girl THE PARADE TELLS THE STORY ..,,a i i -,-a o A o 1 ' , ' ' V Jf. . ' ''. ' ' I - ri tz -a ii ill .ill ,. Yankee RoMnoon. Tim lllll Knnzo. Tlie I jrur.t DepHint on F.anh, The World' lirrateit liarehaek Millers. InJucllriK Albert Davenport, ( red and lie le LimU-IIh, Merle Oavenrxm, Mile. Sweeney, Kalph Howier. Ki" Aihcratt'i HlKh-Stliml Horev Cmit. Il'ick'a Sea l.lnn. (Villon's Zouavev tiitethee with .".nil Circus ArtliU. Cowboy , Cimitlrli, Cosnuhn. Indians, Mexleji. bull I Uhters. and the Greatest Bunch ul HucMni: Mrom'ira ever bihlMteJ. Two Shows -Circus and lVtWcs For One Rt4snhis:on Will POVtTlvn tKHIUIT 4(V Off HH.MT Plattsmoutii, Neb -MONDAY, MAY- Reserved seats on sale day of show Miles Standlsh In Town. from Saturday' Dally. Miles Sl.andi.sh of fiarnot, Kan sas, arrived m thf city thisi tnorn- inp and will spi'iid Sunday with his friiMitls and relative1, heinn a truest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John MoNurlin. He says every thing in Kansas is looking1 fine1 tli is year and the farmers are husy planting corn. From hero he will po to I.anpdon, Missouri, where he recently purchased a farm, to look after some husiness matters. His son-in-law and daughter are now living on the Missouri place, and on this trip lie may huy another place near. The Journal ac knowledge's a pleasant call from him this aft ernoon. Why H Was Late. "What made you so late?" "I met Smithson." "Well, that is no reason why you should he an hour late get- ling home to supper. "I know, hut I asked him how he was feeling, ami ho insisted on telling me ahouf his stomach trouble." "Did you tell him to take Cham- herlain's Tablets?" "Sure, that is what he needs." Sold by V. (i. Fricke & Co. &r V.' ' v I i- ...".".,-'.. -.!-- j I . ... f 1, -' -' ' f recorded in the Percheron So ciety of America, No. 81875. Jaloux has a splendid record, a strong pedigree, and is an excellent foal getter. Jaloux will muke the Beason of 1913 asfollows: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week at tho barn of Henry RagODS, five miles southeast of Louisville; Thursday Friday ancl.Saturday at Wm. Wetten kama.ptwo miles west of Mynard. TERMS-$ir.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. Care will be taken to prevent accidents, but will not be held responsible should any occur. AyqustKIemirii A 7 ujifTnitni' CMVS CViR CONSTRUCTtO i 2 Herds of Elephants. 300 Circus Artists .ipcnies. aeis tor lu.uuu reopie LIONS-20 "0V-.,";:r.t.."" TEXAS BILL'S WILD WEST OKLAHOMA DAN, Clumplon BiH'klnt Bionoo Ki.ler of the World. MOUNTAIN NELL, Champion Rillc Shot i, tlx World. ORIGINAL DEADWOOD STAGE C0ACI. One Hun. Ire. I People In a Ihrillinir Spccucle "THE lANfilNO OF TBE I0RSE THIEF." A (eat. Genuine Western Story. Slwi InSUm, Csmeit, nkn tali f litters. 411 t Mr Crested linek rklnf Inint eter ttkiMlet Walks-Larger than Jumbo POSITIVELY EXHIBITED WITH YANKEE ROBINSON. THIi BKJOI-ST BULTI; THAT WALKS A 1 HI! EARTH. KEEPERS TO GUARD HIM. Finest Horses Ever Exhibited 101 STARTLING MEW FEATURES FOR 1913 at Weyrich &. Hadraba's drug store Cyclone Loss Paid Promptly. We, the undersigned School Hoard, of School District No. 5, in Cass county, heartily recom mend the State Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., and James Dvorak, their agent, for their fair treat ment in our loss by cyclone,", which eiccurred em Faster Sunday, and was promptly adjusted by James Dvorak. We have received our check for $400.00 to our entire satisfaction. Signed: O. F. Smith, Arthur N. Sullivan, S. D. Fitchorn, School Hoard, District No. 5. Drive Sick Headaches Away. Sick headaches, sour, gassy stomach, indigestion, biliousness disappe-ar quickly after you tako Dr. King's New Life Hills. They purify I he blood and put nw life and vigor in the system. Try them and you will be well satis tied. Every pill helps; every box guaranteed. Price 25c. Recom mended by F. (i .Fricke & Co. Eggs. Pure bred Plymouth Hock, 75c per 15; S'i.00 per 100. 'Phono 1-1, Itoute 2. C. L. Wiles. The Celebrated Percheron Stallion Jaloux ia a beautiful black urchcron, wel ghinj? 19 5 0 pounds, foaled March 5, 1909 bred by M. Durand, Depart ment of Orne, and imported by E. J. Heisel, Fremont, Iowa, in October, 1911, and is Jt cOaldBK