The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 21, 1913, Image 3

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Local News
Ask to
We are giving "Pittsburgh Perfect"
Fence as wide publicity through news
papers and fkrrri journals, as is r,ivc"i
most news items of national importance.
This advertising, of course, cottz us a
great deal of money. Why are ve
spending it?
Simply because we thoroughly and
honestly believe "Pittsburgh Perfect", in Different Stylet for HELD, FARM. RANCH. LAWN. C-.-.-. PiiapantOArj
Ask your dealer for "Pittsburgh Perfect" and insist on his furnishing it. Do not allow him to persuade
you that some other fence is just as good. If he doesn't tell it, write u direct.
"Pitt.burgh Perfect" Branch of Barbed Wire:
Bright, Annealed A Garranized Wire; Twitted
Cable Wire Hard Spring Coil Wire; Fence
Staples; Poultry Netting Staple Regular Wir
Naili; Calranized Wire Naibi Large Head
Roofing Nailt; Single Loop Bale Ties s "Pitts
burgh Perfect" Fencing. All mad of Opea
Hearth material.
In thr County Court In nnd for CnN
County, MrliraMka.
In Ue-lMato of Henry C. McMuken,
I 'creased.
Von are hereby unfilled tlint on the
'5th tlay of April, 1913, Eva MrMaken
Itnese, j-xecutrlx, untl Guy I). Mc.Miiken,
executor, of the tibove estate, tiled their
petition for final settlement, and final
report, Khowlnff that the funds of said
estate are Insufficient to pay claims,
and that under and by virtue of an
agreement entered Into between said
execution it ml the claimants against
salil estate. suld claimants are to re
ceive in full payment of their claims
their pro rata share according; to their
respective claims, after the payment
of court costs and expenses.
A hearing will ho had on said peti
tion and final report upon the L'fitli dav
f April, A. I). 1913. at 10 o'clock a. m
nt the office of the County Judge, Court
ionise, l'latismouth. cass County, Ne
bruskii. at which time orders will be
entered In accordance with the findings
of the court.
All objections to said petition and report must be tiled before said
hour on said day of hearing.
fiv the Court.
County Judge.
In tbr County Court of tit County,
In the Matter of the Estate of Chris
tian Stoehr, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet
with tho executor of said estate before
me, the County Judge of Cass County,
Nebraska, at my otlice In the City of
l'latismouth, In said Cass County, on
the 26th day of April, 191:1, and on the
4th day of October, 1913, at ten o'clock
a. m each of said days, for the pur
pose of presenting; their claims and
having- the game examined, adjusted,
allowed or refused. Six months are
allowed the creditors of said deceased
to present their claims, and which
period expires on October the 4th, 1913,
at ten o'clock a. m.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
County Court, at I'lattsmouth. Ne
braska, this Kth day of March. 1913.
County Judge.
. O. DWYEIt. Attorney.
la the Dlatrlct Court of Caa County,
In the Matter of the Estate of Nicholas
llalmes, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given tlint In pur
suance of an order of Hon George E.
Corcoran, Acting Judge of the District
(ourt of Cass County, Nebraska, made
on the 20th day of March 1913 for the
sale of real estate hereinafter described,
there will bo sold at the south door of
the Court House, at I'lattsmouth, Ne
braska, on the 26th day of April, 1913,
at 10 o'clock a. m., at public vendue
to the highest bidder for cash, tinder
the terms of paragraph nine of the will
of Nicholas Halmes, deceased, and the
order of above named Court, permitting
a member of the family of said de
ceased, to assume and take over the
bid of any outsider any time before the
closing of, sale. Twenty per cent of
the bid to be paid in rash at the close
nf the sale, and the balance of the bid
to be paid at the time nf the confirma
tion of the sale by said District Court
or Judge thereof. The land to be sold
in the following: N of KEVi. Sec.
lis. Twp. 12, Ilange 9; s'i of SW'.i and
NWU of SW'-i of Sec. 8, Twp. 12,
liunae 13; SU, of SHU nnd SV4 of SW4
nnd NW'i of SW'W of Sec. 7, Twp. 12,
iiatige 13; NEH of NW'i of See. 6,
Twp. 12. liange 13, and Lots 10, 11 and
12. in Block 2, of the City ot I'iatts
tnnuth all In Cass County. Nebraska.
Said Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, to be sold
subject to the Homestead right therein
of Henrietta llalmes, widow. Said sale
will remain open one hour.
Iiated this 24th dav of March, 1913.
Executor of the Estate of Nicholas
llalmes, Deceased.
I. o. I V YElt. Attorney.
County of Cass, s.
In the Matter of the Estate of Cornelius
liengen, Deceased.
To All Persons Interested:
You lire hereby not Hied that there
ban been filed In this court petition,
alleging therein that the said Cor
nelius Bengen has departed this life,
leaving an Instrument purporting to lie
liis last will and testament, and
udlcll attached thereto, which
instrument is now on tile In this court.
The prayer of snld petition Is that said
instrument be allowed and probated
ns the last will and testament of the
sid Cornelius Bengen. deceased.
You are further notified that a hear
ing will be had upon said petition and
proposed will before this Court on the
'Jiitli day of April, 1913, at 9 o'clock a
nv. at the County Court Boom in the
City of riattsmouth, In snld County.
That all objections thereto, if any, must
he tiled on or before SHld day and hour
f hearing.
Witness my band nnd tho sen! of the
Countv Court of Knld County this 1st
lav of April, 1913.
iSeal) ALLEN .1. BEESON.
County Judge.
Notice is hereby given to al.
persons interested and to the pub
lic, that the undersigned, V.. S.
Tmnible, has tiled his petition
and application in the otlice ol the
clerk of the Village of Eagle,
Hounty of Cass, and Stale of Ne
braska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resi
lient freeholders of the said vil
lage, setting forth that the ap
plicant is a man of respectable
character and standing a.ul a
resident of the State of Nebraska
and praying that a licence may
be issued to (he said C. S. Truin
ble for the sale of malt, spirituous
we are Advertising It
AS MADE TODAY, is a fence un
cqualed by any other on the market.
Wc know exactly what's in it, for we
make it entirely in our own furnaces and
Doesn't our faith in "Pittsburgh Per
fect" Fence make it worthy your full investigation?
and vinous liquors for the period
of out' year from the date of the
hearing of said application, in a
building situated on lot tea (10),
in block eighteen (18 of the said
Village of Eagle, Nebraska.
April It, 191H. Applicant.
In the Matter of the Application
of Henry II. Wiedeinan for
Liquor License :
This is to rertify that llenr II.
Wiedeinan. of the Villas nf
('rceiiwoiid. Class county, Ne
braska, filed a petit ion in the olllce
of the village clerk on April 9,
11)13, as required by the statutes
of tht! slate of Nebraska and the
ordinances of the Village of
(reenwood, to sell malt, spiritu
ous and vinous liquors for the
coming municipal year, in the
building situated on lot No. 277,
on Seocnd street, in said vil.age.
Village fiir-rk.
Notice is hereby given to all
persons interested and to the pub
lic, that the undersigned, (i. Ci.
Williamson, has filed his petition
and application with the village
clerk of the Village of Murdock,
County of Cass and Slate of Ne
braska, as required by law. signed
by the required number of resi
dent freeholders of I he said vil
lage, selling forth that the ap
plicant is a man of respectable
character and standing and a
resident of the Stale of Nebraska,
and praying: (hat a license may be
issued to the said (i. 0. William
son for the sale of malt, spiritu
ous and vinous liquors for the'
municipal year, at his place o
business, situated on lids 2 and ;
block 18, in said Village of Mur
dock. . (i. WILLIAMSON,
April l i. t P I :t. Applicant.
In the District Court of Caax County. Ulicle and ailllt, M. K. Mailnpeiikcr
Nebraska. ' mil wifo
In the Matter of the Application of.'"1 1
George E. Hyan, (iuardlan of Joseph Mrs. Kiltie Tucker and little
Elton liyan and Archie J. Kyun, I , , . , . .. ,, ,
Minors, to Sell Heal Estate. daughter, of I' oi l Morgan. Colo.,
Now on this 4th day of April, 1913, 1 f,.i ii.j iiioriiiiio; onil wilt
this cause came on for hearing uponj,,lln(" mot mill, ami Will
the petition of oeorKe E. Uyan, make a short visit at the home of
guardian of the persons anil the prop-, . ... ., r ., . .,
erty of Joseph Elton Uyan and Archie: l.lg MI'OWII. Sotlltl ot ItUS City,
.1. uyan, minors, prayiiiK for a license
t.l soil tl.A Ixtar.f ..f 1.1.. l n 1.1 ikk.I. 1..
the following described real
estate to-wlt: East half of
northeast quarter IKU N. E
'4), Section sixteeen (lrt), township
ten (10), ni ii no nine (9) east, In Cass
county, Nehinska, in which reai estate
the sahl warils own an iinrllvide.l one-
Hfteenth tl-15) each, anil lots thlrteeen ,
(U, fourteen (141 anil fifteen (15), In
block four (11. Vlllaire of Alvo. Cass I
county, Nebraska, in which sahl wards
own earn un uiiiuviiieti one-rortiein
(1-401, or so much of sahl real estate
and of the Interests of sahl wards
therein ns It shall seem to the court to
be for the best Interests of said wards.
ffr la l.niKi. .....In...,.! 1... l.n ..r......
inlJiidVed. that the next of kin, and all.illg', where
persons Interested in said matter, ap-
Iiear before me at chambers at the City
of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, Hi the hour
hi j fi cincii p. in., on me .'mi nay oi
May, 1Hl:i, to show cause, if any there
be, why such license he not K ran ted to
salii petitioner,
it is further ordered that a copy of
this order be published in the l'latts-
month Weekly Journal for three weeks
successively next Immediately
tne nate or sain neariiiK.
(liven under my hand at the city of
l'luttsmouth, Nebraska, on this 4th day
of April, 1913.
Jude of the Iiistrct Court.
To Appoint Administrator.
In county court this morning a SUC( a rnarriage license to Otto
hearing was had of the petition , William Fleishman, aged 25, and
for an administrator of the estate Miss Minnie Alma Vogt, aged 27,
of Iliram Dubois, deceased, and (0f Elmwood. These voung peo
Ihe court appointed W. 11. Dubois pi0 &vo WPn known in the locality
of I'llion to serve in that. ' in uhieh llmv rnuirlo nml tVm.i.
Stito rf Ohio, nir nf T"li'(l.i. t.uc Countjr. M.
Krank J. t hom y uniki s (mill Unit ho I vnh
rurtiKT of the Urin of V. 1. Cheney & Co., do-
Inff tlllMlllltftB In tlm f'llv nt l'.,ln.ln I'mi..!. mnA
But nforciiald. ind tlmt ealj Arm wilt pr
.1. .... a nVU iti'i'imi'ii r . . . .
nun, ... i..r nij.innr.l. I'lri.UAIia HIT
enrb nnil erery fams of Ctnrrb thnt cannot be
cured If the uo of Ilall'a Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and aubacrlVd In mjr
prrvnee, this Utb day of liocenitior, A. I)., isy;,
K'l. A. W. OI.EASON,
Notary I'ublte,
tlall'a Catarrh Co' In taken Intirnoltv and
a.-t. dlrwtlr upon the Ww.1 and miieou. ,ur -
'r, of th ,t"m- 8(M'd teatimonuii,
v. j. iiiKNEY ft co.. Toledo, o.
sold br an Prua-iinta. 75c.
Take Uair Family rilla for cooitlpatlon.
If you are interested in Wire Fencing, write
for FREE copy of our ALMANAC, 1913-
Pittsburgh Steel Co.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Local News
Krom Saturday's Dally. .
K. M. Godwin of near Murray
drove up this morning to look af
ter some business matters.
S. 0. Cole of near Mynard was
in the city for several hours to
day attending to business matters.
I,ee Oldham of Murray came up
Ibis morning to look after some
business matters at. the court
C. II. Hocdcker of Murray was
in the city today for a short time
looking after some matters of
(ieorne M. Ilild of M nard was
in the eily yesterday for a few
hours attending to some matters
of business.
I.ouie Puis and family, from
near Murray, were in the city to
day looking alter some trading
with the merchants.
I'erry Thackslon am
parted yesterday afte
Norton, Kansas, where
wife de
iioon for
they will
visit for a short time.
I.. 11. Appleman, son and daugh
ter, of Alvo, came in this morn
ing to look after some business
mailers al the court house.
(i. Meisinger and wife of
near Cedar Creek came in this
morning to a I lend to some trad
ing with the different merchants.
William Puis, sr., one of the
! Mib.'taut ial farmers of Ml. Pleas
ant precinct. droe in thi inorn
jing from his home to look after
iMiiiir trading.
Attorney Hale lioyles of Alvo,
accompanied by his mother. Mrs.
S. n, Hoyle, came in Ihi niorn
itu from Alvo lo look after some
liiisin.-v mallfr.
W. i. and I.. A. Mi'i.-infier
drove in yesterday afternoon from
their homes, west of thi city, and
-pent a few hours looking after
, hu-iine-s mailers with Urn mer
(ieorge Iteecham, wife and little
daughter departed this morning
on No. IT) for their home in Rapid
Si Ik nl'liiii i i i I tiitli til ii it
i wuere nirs. i iicuer s moiiiei
.. i,
1 1 1
n rti l i
(Utile sick.
John Kwing of Hopkins, Mis
souri, jtrriveil this morning to at
tend the funeral of his brother-in-law,
John Speck. Mrs. Kwing
was too ill to undertake the Iripi
'n this C'itv.
Mrs. Floyd Kuhney, who is
visiting here with relatives, was
a passenger for Omaha this niorn-
she will visit for a
' iml.i i !...., Iw.f.,,.., ,.,.! ,,,.,,;,, I,. I,,.
M,n 1 m"; 'HMOle I el Hilling lo lie!
. home in Havelock
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kngelkemeier
of the vicinity of Nehawka drove
this city yesterday and attend-
ed to some business matters. Mr.
( Knprlkonicier called at this ofllce
to have his subscription extended
for another year.
Issues Marriage License.
County Judge Ileeson today is-
many friends in that section of
the county will be greatly pleased
to learn of their intention to take
the journey through life together.
The Wedding will OCCIir at Elm
Seed Corn for Sale.
ISO bushels of good seed com,
several varieties. Inquire of
Snlnmnn flnu'u rm lm nnol air!.-.
! . ,. . ' D, J'
j or the river, one-fuarter mile
i ""th of TJetlilchem church, or
i address Pacific Junction, Iowa
(ieorge P. Meiiiiger,jr., was in
Saturday ami visted witli rela
ties and friends.
Charles Ilerren, from near!
Murray, was visiting with county!
seat friends last Saturday. I
Mali McCluinn of I'niou came!
up this morning to attend to some
business at the court house.
William Puis, sr., and son,
Louie and family, from near Mur
ray, were county seat isitors last
Saturday. ,
P. A. Horn of near Cedar Creek
came in Saturday from his home
ami attended to some trading with
the merchants.
W. II. Heil drove in Saturday
from Light Mile drove precinct
and spent I lie day Hooking after
business matt ers.
Herman Smith and wife of Ne
liawka were in the city Saturday
attending to some trading with
the merchants.
P. II. Meisinger, one of the
worthy fanners of Light Mile
drove precinct, was in town Sat
urday looking after some trading
with the merchants.
Herman Luetchens and Carl
SYhlaphoff of Wabash were in the
city this morning looking after
Business mailers at the court
A. M. Holmes of Murray came
up yesterday from his home to at
tend services at the Presbyterian
church, of which he is one of the
Frank Beeson. wife and chil
dren were in the city yesterday to
spend Sunday al the home of his
mother, Mrs. Allen lieeson and
daughter, Miss derlrude.
.T. M. Holmes, and wife, and Mrs.
W. S. Smith came up Saturday
evening from their home al Mur
ray and spent a few hours here
with relatives.
Frank Heal, who is employed on
I he Ashland-Sioux City run of the
Ittirlinglon. came in yesterday and
spent the day with his parents, M.
M. Heal and wife.
Mrs. S. K. Kerr, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. II. K.
Andrews, at Council HltifTs, re
turned home Saturday evening.
Mrs., Andrews accompanied her
home for a visit over Sunday.
Andy Smith, a former resident
of this locality, but who for the
past two years has been engaged
in farming near Thurman, Iowa,
came over Saturday after noon lo
attend to some business matters.
White here he made I he Journal
otlice a very pleasant call, renew
ing his subscription lo the Semi
Weekly edition.
Apples for Sale.
A large supply of tine apples
llial I want to sell immediately.
Call at my home and as long as
they lat they will be sold at 50
cents per bushel.
It. It. Nickels.
Live Stock Wanted.
I wish to inform the people of
Murray and vicinity that I am
buying ntock at. Murray, and am
prepared to pay the highest mar
kit price for anything in the slock
line. I will buy anything, from
our to one hundred head or more.
Let me know what you have for
sale. Call 'Phone 8-11 Murray
b'Achange. II. C. Creamer.
Have you tried the Forest Moso
flour? If no, why not ? It is the
best Hour on the market and is
sold by all dealers.
Hust You Be Bald?
VVhut have you done to stop your
hair from falling? have you tried
Retail "OJ" llalr Tonic? if not, we
want you to try it at our risk.
If von tiavn dandruff, if your hair ia
fulling out and your scalp ia not
gla"ti and shiny, if you una Ileiall
"1W" Hair Tonin according to dire-
tioua for thirty days, and at the end
of that time you are not thoroughly
atiabed with tha result and will tell
ui to, wa will immediately hand bank
your money. Wa won't anlc you to
promiaa anything. Wa won't aran
quuation you. We will take your
niare word and return your money.
Doein't it itand to raaaon that
Reiall "U3" Hair Tonio tnuit be a
mighty good remedy and have given
great aatufartion to our customers if
we endorse it like this? We know of
no similar remedy that is aa good. It
Is berauae of what Ksiall "k3" Hair
Tonio has done for others that we
back it with our own money.
Why suffer scalp and hair trouble
or be bald, when Reiall "03" Hair
Tonio will remove dandruff, make
your scalp comfortable and healthy,
promote hair growth and tend to
prevent bald liens when we will
pay for the treatment should it fad
to please you?
We don't obligate you to any
thing.' You simply buy the treat
ment; use it, and if not pleated,
eoms back to us empty-handed nna
we will hand back what you paid us.
Two aiiM, 6o and $1.00 a bottle.
You can buy Reiall "03" Hair Toule
In this Aommunity only at our store:
F. G. FR1CKE & CO. .
"mouth , n frxott Jfons Nebraska
There la a Retail Store In nearly every Iowa
and oily In the United 8taUa, CautJa and
Oreat Britain. There I a different Retail
Kemady for nearly every ordinary human III
eeen eepeolally dMlsned for tue particular 111
for whlob It Is reoomJBeaded.
Tfce sWsil Stares are AmerisVe Create
Drug km
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Always the Home of Satisfaction
This afternoon a tourist, who
is otherwise known as a tramp,
entered the big daylight store of
11. M. Soeniiichsen, and while the
attention of the proprietor was
taken up elsewhere lie took up a
can of fruit oil' the counter and
placed it under his coat and walk
ed out of the store. One of the
clerks happened to see the inci
dent and notified Mr. Soeniiichsen,
who hastened out and collared the
gentleman and made him coine
across with the article, taken. Af
ter the can of fruit was restored
the man was turned loose, with a
warning to leave the city while the
going was good.
The board of insanity was call
ed out to the home of Mrs. Nellie
Majors this morning to pass on
the sanity of the lady, and after
a careful examination of the case,
decided thai her apparent de
rangement was only temporary
and paroled her in the care of her
daughter, Mrs. Sheldon. Mrs.
Majors is the lady who attempt
ed suicide Friday, and appears to
be brooding over domestic
troubles, but it is expected that
with the proper care and attention
she can lie restored to a rational
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
John I'earce of Lincoln came
down lo spend Sunday with their
old friends, Mr. and Mrs. August
Tartsch, in this city, and lo as
sist them in their golden wedding
celebration. Mr. and Mrs. I'earce
resided here for many years and
have a vast number of friends,
who were more Hum delighted to
see lliem and to learn they were
enjoying much success and hap
piness in their home in the capital
city. Mr. I'earce is one of the
leading buyers for the firm of
lludge & (iuenzel, nnd has made
several trips lo Kurope to make
selections for the company.
Pains In the Stomach.
If you continually complain of
pains in tho stomach, your liver
or your kidneys are out of order.
Neglect may lead lo dropsy, kidney
trouble, diabetes or Hright's dis
ease. Thousands recommend
F.lectric Hitters as the very best
stomach and kidney medicine
made. H. T. Alston, of Raleigh,
N. C, who suffered with pain in
the stomach and back, writes :
"My kidneys were deranged and
my liver did not work right. I
suffered much, but Electric Hit
lers was recommended and I im
proved from the first dose. I now
feel like n new man.1 It will im
prove you, loo. Only 50c und
$1.00. Recommended by Ed Ry
nott & Co.
see our
Blue Serges
This is another special
value for you. You can
not find a better one any
where. Pure all-wool;
hnad-tailored; London
shrunk. Either mohair or
silk lined. Cut in the very
latest style and only $20.
Don't buy a suit till you
see this.
Card of Thanks.
We take this means of ex
pressing In the many kind neiirh-
hnrs and friends nnd members of
the ltlirlillUloil llllllil. r.nninmili
tiui club and Modern Woodmen
for their kindness and assistance
during the sickness and death of
our dearly beloved son and broth
er, and for the beautiful tloral re-
in:un!irances at the funeral.
Words at this time cannot fully
ex pi ers how deeply w e feel tho
many kind acts performed by lov
ing hands, hut that the Rerenoua
hearts may receive their just re
ward will be our wish, and in their
hour of prief may they be blessed
with such friends as we have had.
Mrs. Clans Speck, sr., and
The T. J. Sokol society Satur
day evening pave a most enjoyable
social dance ut their hall on West
Pearl street, which was larpely at
tended by the young people of the
city. There were many present
from out of town and everyone
enjoyed themselves to the ut
most until a late hour. to the en
trancing strains of the music fur
nished by I lie Holly orchestra.
The dance was one of the largest,
from point of numbers, that this
organization has given, and those
attending were loud in their
praise of the time they enjoyed.
Better than
Spanking will not cure children of
wetting the bed, because it is not a
babit but a dangerous diBeaBe. The C.
H. Rowan Drug Co., Dept. D 10C3,
Chicago, 111., have discovered a strictly
harmless remedy for this distressing
disease and to make known its merits
they will send a 5 c package securel
wrepped and prepaid Absolutely Frey
o any ready of the Journal. This,
remedy also cures frequent desire to
urinate and inability to control urine
during the night or day In old or young
The C. H. Rowan Drug Co. is an Old
Reliable House. Write to them today
for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted
members of your family, then tell your
ncghbors and friends about thisremede
Wilkinson & Hall
The holding of successful sales
is our line. Our interests are with
the seller when it comes to getting
every dollar your 'property is
worth. For open dates address or
call either of us at our expenses
by 'phone. Dales can bo made at
the Journal ofllce.