M array m I'ltl PAHKI) IN THE INTF.RKSTS OF THE PEOPLE OF Ml'KRAY AND SURKOL'NDING VICINITY ESPKCIALLY FOK THE JOURNAL READERS (lf any o, tha ,eader. of Ihe Journal know of a social event or an Item of interest In this vicinity and will mail same to this office it will appear under this heading. Wo want all items of Interest. -Editor Journal.) 8 Deposit Your Money in this Bank and Pay Your Obli gations by Check. 8 ! 8 mm v.- 8 if i If you make your payments by check you have a re cord that cannot be disputed. We regard all business transactions as strictly confi dential. Combine absolute safety with satisfaction. We accord careful consideration to small and large depositors. taTOur deposits are secured by the State Guarantee Law. We pay 4 per cent on time deposits for one year. We Bank on You.. You Bank With Us. We Solicit Your Business. 8 i Murray 8 State OonEi shelled liis corn I llCI'Cll was visiting V. Moed li visitors Doe Lon Monday. Mrs. M. Iliall anions the sick. John Rutherford friends here Sunday. S. 0. Pitman and (1, cker were Plnllsmou Tuesday. Albert Young and ficorge Parks are remodel ing I lie barn on ('.has. Spangler's farm. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Herman Reike, five miles south of Murray, a girl, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Holmes were business passengers to Omaha Tuesday, returning on the night train. Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Walker seenl Tuesday in I'liiou with Dr. Walk er. They returned on the evening train. Dr. Hannah was an Omaha passenger Monday, returning on Tuesday, after a day's visit with borne folks, ' Mr. and Mrs. V 0. Lyman and Mrs. C. Lawton and son, l.yle, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wiley Tuesday. James Brown returned from western Kansas Monday, lie spent only a day with (ieorge Merger, but found him getting along in fine shape. The Sludv club met Thursday afternoon. All of the members were present except Mrs. Walker, who was isitiii',' Dr. A. K. Walk er at Union. Mr. and Mrs. (luy Kiser at lend ed services at Ihe Presbyterian church Sunday and spent Hie re mainder of the day with Mr. and .Mrs. Cliarles Spangler. H. L. Oldham, II. C. Long and Charles Mnedecker were in the vi cinity of Nebawka Tuesday ap praising a road that, is con templated in that locality. The regular meeting of the Library association will be held Wednesday evening, April 23, nl the library rooms. Much member is requested to be present, as some important business is to he transacted. Charles Andrus and wife of Omaha spent several days of last week with Charles l-'riese and family. Mr. Andrus has been suf fering greatly for two years with heart trouble. His condition does riot improve. H. C. Long is clearing' olT his lots in Ihe north part (if !own preparatory to the construction of his new house. All material has been ordered and some of it is on hand and the work on another new homo in Murray will soon he un der headway. There is no use keeping it a secret uny longer Murray is o have a uniformed, up-to-date ball loam. One thai will go out into (he wild uncouth world and soak the. enemy. A complete orgnnia lion will be consummated this week. Our (own should give Ihe ' boys n hearty support. Kd Till I was a Piatt; silor Tuesday afternoon. iiioul b VI Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Walker were in Nebraska City Tuesday. Mi sure to attend the recital at the church Tuesday evening. Mrs. Nix of Old Kenosha has been sick for the past few days. Hear the clcciil lonist at the church next Tuesday evening. Mrs. K. O. Lyman Is spending Ihe week with friends at Cedar Greek. , Mert Satchell shipped a car of hogs ' to South Omaha Monday exciting. Frank Sliclilemeier shipped a mixed car of slock lo South Oma ha I bis week. Mrs. William Sloutl'er went to Fairfax, Mo., Monday for a few! days' isit with relatives. S. o. Pit man, W. (i. Moedeker and Henry lleebncr were Plnlts niouth visitors Tuesday afternoon. Warren Leonard went to Oma ha Tuesday evening, whore he ex pects to secure n position in an auto garaue. Dick Pitman and mother, Mrs. D. .!. Pitman, and daughter, Mrs. O. A. Davis were Plattsinouth visitors eilnesi!ay aiiernoon. Miss Minnie Mrill will gie a recital al the Christian church Tuesday evening, April 2 2d. Adults, JTc; children. I5r. Come and help the Aid society. Mrs. Charles Carroll was called to I he nor! hern part of I he slate this week lo the home of her son, I'.rn. owing to the illness of her little grandson. She departed Wednesday morning. Mrs. Lloyd Unpen and Mrs. W. M. Virgin will entertain the Aid O. M. Min ford shipped a car of hogs to South Omaha this week. Vance. Todd and Elmer llall slrom were Plat I snioul h visitors Wednesday morning'. .1. 0. Smith ha?, been very sick for Ihe past few days. Owing to his advanced age his condition has been ipiite serious. Mrs. W. D. Wheeler and daugh ter. Miss Lizzie, were Nebraska City visitors Sunday, spending: the day willi Mrs. Wheeler's daugh ter, Mrs. Matlcrsou. Alex Hboden was an Omaha visitor Tuesday of this week. Homer Slichlemcier shipped two cars of cattle to South Oma ha Tuesday of this week. (ieorge Mutz, who has been out al Otis, Colo., for the past month, relumed lo Murray Wednesday morning. Mr. Mutz says he is not back lo stay, as he thinks that Colorado is a mighty line country and expeels lo make his future home out I here. Mrs. M. Iliall, who has been ill for the past two weeks, is, still ipiite sick, suffering from a com plication of troubles that do mil. yield lo Ihe medicines of the physicians as readily as I lie many friends and relatives desire. The many friends over the entire county, where she has lived for niai'iy years, will anxiously await the recovery to her former health, although her advanced age makes her improvement very slow. A. L. Maker and Al Mart let! spent a couple of days in Chicago last week, making' a combined pleasure and business trip. In reluming home lliey sloppcl al the famous new city of Lonia.x, Il linois. While this city is in its infancy, Ihe promoters expect lo make it a city of several hundred thousand within the next very few years. The advancement of Ihe new -city building plan is being watched with considerable in terest all over the country, and men are taking financial interest in the plan, all of whom seem to have great confidence in the ability of the promoters to suc cessfully carry out their plans in making Lomax one of the greatest manufacturing' cities in the world. Buys Murray Hotel. The deal was completed this week whereby Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Merger become the owners of the Murray hotel, having: purchased I lie same from Mr. and Mrs. A. H. (iraves. II is the intention of Mr. and Mrs. Merger to move to the new quarters and lake charge .of (lie hotel just as soon as possible, at which time the house will be thrown open to Hie public. It is also the intention of the new owners to enlarge the building by removing' I heir present residence properly and adjoining it to the hotel building. This will certain ly be good news to Ihe I raveling public making Murray, and is met wit ti great pleasure by everybody residing here. There are no bet ter people in the land in the hotel business I ban Mrs. Merger, and in the future when you go lo the Murray hotel I lu re will sure be plenty to eat and a most accom modating: dace to slop. Departs for the East. Mrs. AV. K. Dull went to Plalls nioulh Monday, and in company with Mrs. Mary Mauineister of that city, departed for an extend ed visit in the east. The larger portion of (lie visit will be made in eastern Ohio and Pennsylvania, where they have relalives and friends. Mrs. Dull has sisters re siding in both stales, and the visit will extend over several mouths. H-H-I-I-H-H MURDOCH. J .----! V f V Spring at last ! Mela Ncit.el has been home the past week. V. O. (iillespie was in Omaha Monday between trains. The Misses Lyda, F.tta and F.va Sorick were in Omaha Tuesday. C. A. Young', our "land man." came Saturday. F'.uy your land now. (iravce Itynier of Lincoln was visiting friends here Saturday and Sunday. of Plattsinouth Is and relatives who I lias as been now re- llenry Noll ing is visiting frieii here this week. Ida Wieschiet sick the past mouth turned to her work. Miss Lola Ott came home Iroin Louisville Monday, where she has been the past month. Mrs. John Slroy and Clara and Art were on the train Tuesday morning going lo Omaha. Karl Cisenhul was in South Mend Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. (Uilbmann and sons were in Plattsinouth a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hung at I ended the funeral of Mrs. Rung's sister, Mable Mortis, Sunday at Klniwood. She leaves her hus band and two children. Boef Roast. There were about twenty-live of I lie early spring picnickers from and near Murray Dial gathered at the old picnic grounds Tuesday evening for the first outing of (be season. Supper, consisting of roast be, f. eygs and potatoes, was prepared a I I lie old camp grounds, and a genuine good time was en joyed by all. Birthday Surprise. On Saturday afternoon. April 12, Mrs. (leorge Lloyd and daugh ter, F.stber, gave a surprise in honor of Miss Fern's fourteenth birthday. She was lying on the sofa sound asleep when the guesls arrived. The afternoon was spent in various games. Re f regiments, consisting of popcorn and apples were served. The aft ernoon's enjoyment wound up with a peanut hunt, which all en joyed very much, and soon after all departed, leaving Fern many tokens, which she prizes very highly. Those present were: Fern, McVey, Fllie Smith, (trace, Fern ami Lester Dill. Ilaltie Roy er. Mildred and Harry Satchel, I. corn and Catherine Mrovvu, Ina Delesdenier, Fllie Pierce, Mrs. Jake Smith, (Iraudina McVey, Fern Anderson. Ksther, Agnes, Lloyd and Lorn Lloyd. Tornado Insurance. Wouldn't il lie better to receive a check from an insurance com pany after a tornado or cyclone lakes away y mic home than to be con pi'lled to use .hi-- ovv ii hard eah to rebuild'.' I represent Standard Old Line Companies, and can write your insurance al a low rate. Metier look up your policies and if you have in tornado insur ance call al the bank and let me fix you out. W. (i. Moedeker. ... MAX DUSTERHOFF, Murdock, Neb., I Painter and Decorator, J Paper Hanger, I- Wall Paper. rv Painting and Paper Hanging. I am permanently h catcd in Murray, Nebraska, to do all kinds of lirsl-class painting and paper hanging. Having had 10 years' experience at this work I can fur nish the best of references on painting, outside finish, msidc finish, graining, staining', natural finish and the newest and latest lyle of paper work. Drop me a ard or leave orders at Hialt & nil's slorc and I will call on you. Charlie Clayton, Murray, Neb. Fraudulent Advertising. During the last few years the, fraudulent advertising of medi cines grew to such an extent that several states passed laws which forbid il. The advertiser must guarantee Hie truthfulness of the advertisement. We always were of the opinion hat our people should not be deceived. There are several remedies endorsed by the people itself, like Triner's Ameri can Flixir of Miller Wine, a great number of unsolicited letters proving that Ibis remedy acts as advertised. We repeat that it i? composed of pure, red California wine ami a number of medicinal herbs known for . their effect on Ihe human body, especially in dis eases or the alimentary tract, Willi loss of appetite, bodily weakness, constipation and all discomforts resulting from the same. At drug1 stores. Jos Triner, 1 333-1 33t S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, HI. Try Triner's Liniment and you will also pronounce it Ihe best remedy in pains and swellings. ociely at the home of Mrs. (iapen Wednesday afternoon. April 2.'l. All members are re quested to be present. The Christian church pulpit will be tilled next Sunday by P. Ml Cope, who is pastor of the church at Adams. Neb. His evening sub ject will be, "Paul's Obedience to Vision." everybody welcome. F.. O. Lyman left Thursday for Montana, where he began his work of government surveying, His wife will remain here until the weather is warmer; and then she expects to spend some time in camp. If you need nnylhing in the line of Fire, Lightning, Wind Storm, Tornado Insurance, why not take out a policy with A. L. Maker, who M presents a company that has neen in inisiness lor ll'.i years and paid out iu losses money equal to 270 tons of gold coin. Come in ami let us talk it over. James Mrovvn, who went down to Ness City, Kansas, a few days ago with a carload of calves, re lumed home Monday of this week. The calves were placed on Mr. Mrown's farm near Ness City. He says everything looks mighty good in that locality this season, the crop conditions being very favorable. Plants for Sale. Tomato, cabbage and sweet poialoe plants for early planting. V. A. Scot!, Murray. Prepare for Your Spring Work Now! 0UR plows need sharpening, and other machinery may need re pairing. Line them up now and bring them in, and let me put them in goodcondition for you b y the time the Spring rush arrives. You will be busy then and so will I. COME IN NOW! Walter Green, Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing Murray, Nebraska Daily News Subscribers. Ttere are many subscribers to Ihe Omaha Daily News for whom advanced their subscription last tall at the time of the automobile contest, that have not paid the same. I am needing some money t this lime, and wish all would pay I lie amount due al once, very respect fully. Mrs. May Hboden. Seed Potato Special. Pure, genuine lied River Early Ohio seed potatoes, 75c bu. Early Six Weeks, )0c bu., sacked. Test ed recleaned Native Alfalfa seed, free from obnoxious weeds, Kan sas, $0.00 bu; Nebraska, 99 per cent pure, $10.45. Ask for samples. Meware of imported Alfalfa seed handled by seed houses, which usually contains dangerous weeds. Johnson Mros. Seed Co., Nebraska City, Neb. Live Stock Wanted. I wish to inform the people of Murray and vicinity that I am buying stock at Murray, and am prepared to pay tho highest niar ki I price for anything in the stock line. I will buy anything, from om to one hundred head or more. Let me know what you have' for sale. Call 'Phone 8-M Murray Exchange. 11. C. Creamer. Card of Thanks. We wish to I hank our friends for the kindness and sympathy shown during the late sickness and death of our sister and aunt, Mrs. Nancy J. Martin. Also for the floral tributes. Win. A. Taylor and Family. , .-. -V-..: V... t S ..-J-ViWP.t vX'.:;'.'-''i;'.'--'i'' JP I I V toy m Hedge Posts for Sale. 1,200 pood hedge posts for sale; COO are 7-foot and COO are 8-foot. Call on C.uy Stokes, 1 mile east and ?i miles north of Murray, or address Plattsmoulh, R. F. D. No. 1. Tel. 5-H Murray. Eggs for Hatching. From full-blooded Rhode Island Red hens. $1.00 per setting. W. A. Scott, Murray. Safe Insurance. Let me insure your property with the State Farmers Mutual Insurance Co. against Fire, Lightning and Tornado. Cheapest and best insurance company in tho slate. Satisfaction guaran teed. Call on or 'phone Mlack 140. James Dvorak, Plattsinouth. uri I wnen I Buying I ! Baking 1 I Powder 9 For this is the 1 baking powder m 2 that"makesthe baking better." Q jj It leavers the I food evenly J throughout; puffs m ? it up to airy light- i I ness, makes it d- lightfully appetiz- P ing and wholesome. 5 2 Remember, Calu- 5 I met is moderate in jj price highest in 1 g quality. 0Ask your grocer for -Calumet. Don't take a 1 J substitute. I a RECEIVED HI0HE3T AWARDS. World's Pure Food exposition, ' CrilcaKO, Illinois. Paris Ex0?sitisi Francs, Huron, iiz Toaking Powder), OTMADEBYTHETRLl You Jon't mot money uhen iou toy cheap of kig-can baking powder. Don't bt milled. Buy Calumet. It't mom economical more wholtwmt giaet but retails. Calumet it fat tupviot to tour milk and yxla. Drive Sick Headaches Away. Sick headaches, pour, gassy stomach, indigestion, biliousness disappear quickly -after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They purify the blood and put new life and vigor in Ihe system. Try them and you will be well satis Red. Every pill helps; every box guaranteed. Price 25c. Recom mended by Kd Rynott & Go. Itching, bleeding, protruding r blind piles have yielded to Doan's Ointment. 50c at all stores. IS LOS 150 bushels of good seed corn, several varieties. InquiVe of Solomon Howe, on Ihe east side of the river, one-quarter mile south of Bethlehem church, or address Pacific Junction, Iowa, Route 2. Oak Posts for Sale. About 400 bur oak posts sale. Apply to Joseph Mra on the Dull farm. for ;ek. Dyspepsia is America's curse. To restore digestion, normal weight, good health and purify the blood, use Murdock Mlood Mitters. Sold al all drug stores. Price l.0. Eggs. Pure bred Plymouth Rock, ?5c per 15; i.00 per 100. 'Phone 1-1, Route 2. C. L. Wiles. Seed Corn for Sale. There are a few boxes of sta tionery on our bargain counter. You will have to hurry if you want some while Ihe price is so low. DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO FARM The Independent Silo Co,, of St. Paul, Minn., has its own timber ami saw-mills, and millions of feet of well dried silo lumber in its mammoth ware houses at all t'.mps. The Independent Silo Co. belo:i!?3 to no trust or com bine, and sells direct to the farmer. These are the reasons it can and Is selling the very best grade of Wash-, lngtoa and Oregon Fir in full-length laves 25 per cent under competitors. fhR.mefutsa,. saving of from $-'5 to 125 on a single'silo. ' ' The Independent Silo Co. furnishes the "Lawless Hinge," tho only adjusta ble, never sag, all-steel hinge that forms a safe, strong and ideal ladder. See this hinge and compere it with tho cheap cast-iron hinges sold by com petitors and you will have no other. Don't let any unprlncipl?d canvasser or company lead you to believe that the Independent Silo Co, infringes any patent. If you knew the facts you would consider such an argument as an insult to your intelligence and act accordingly and with dispatch. Does the Independent Silo Co. make good? Ask its thousands of satisfied customers. Get its catalogue and prices. Read fully on these points, and ill About this great silo company, that It In no trust or combine. Address territorial managaf GEORGE W. DUNKLE P.O. Box 945 Lincoln - Nebraska