The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 17, 1913, Image 4

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    I " " " I
! The Plattsmouth Journal j
PubIisbed Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Neb.
K. A. IIATHH, I'ulilUIr
"Entered at the I'ostoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter
Ti1 in PER YEAR IN ADVANCE - - --- -- -
4. Hy (lie street of By-and-
Hy one Jirrivi's at the house
of Never. Cervantes.
Now is a splendid time lo drag
I ho roads. They are drying up
in line shape.
(irand Old Omaha! She is com
ing out from under the tornado
bigger than ever.
If you check up all your own,
you won't have time to point to
the mistakes of others.
A good many tat riots have de
serted the groundhog and go in.
over to the old I it It. Hicks' camp
IMatlsinoiil h is growing bigger
A large number of farmers were
in the city Saturday, and those
whom we conversed with seem
well pleased with I In- outlook for
a uood crop this season.
j :o:
! Complaint is already made that
the bottoms of strawberry boxes
ire like the price of beef away
ip. We believe it. Sometimes
we believe the wrong side is tilled.
Japan is again protesting
against anti-Asiaslic legislation
and better, and it will continue, lo
do so in the future. Every citizen
should be it booster.
:o :
Another tiling to contend with
is the laws passed by this legis.
lalure; they are not, sure laws til
the courts gel through with I hem
Everyone is now ready to offer
some suggestions on tariff reduc
tion. And most people don't
know any more about tariff than
anything else.
It may help to console the
late J. Pierponl Morgan's friends
to reflect, that he died jusl in time
to avoid the payment of an im
mense income, lax.
The income lax of the Roekelel
lers will be .(0,0)0. 1 tut that
can easily lie made up by the ad
vance in oil, which I lie consumers
will have to pay. It was ever thus.
Nebraska (lily is to have a new
armory. The legislature has ap
propriated J0,000 for the build
ing. Wo extend congratulations to
I ho good people of our sisler city.
The Louisville Courier lakes its
defeat on the jail proposition
good-humoredly. It ought lo.
I.eo started the opposition in the
first place. Well, here's wishing
you well, Hro. Mayfiold, the same
as ever.
During the last few days of her
incarceration, Miss Emerson, the
merican siilTragelle', in London,
"seemed dazed and sang 'John
Drown's Uody' cmislanl ly." Her
release must have been a vast re
lief to the jailor.
llucrla, the provisional presi
dent of Mexico, denies thai ho has
resigned. few of his predeces
sors did the same and it looks
like wisdom on his part if he
would take the rumor as a mighty
good one and gel out while the
gelt in's good.
it California. It sometimes seems
as though the president had lo put
in about half his time conveyin
renewed assurances of profound
respect and friendship to Japan
Some day the president may grow
tired of this kind of business.
A woman has just secured a di
voire on the ground that slit; has
never been able to gel herhusban
lo change shirts on Sunday. No
edilor will ever be bereft of 1
heller half on a complaint of ' his
kind. The wife of the averagi
editor would have a fearful I inn
convincing' a court thai it was
possible for In I' husband to
change shirts.
. Lincoln will vole on the saloon
pieslion on the (ith day of May
Lincoln seems lo have gotten
along' pretty well the past, year
willi her saloon-;. Hut there ar
people in every eomniuniiy wno
oe to make pi ople happy by
creating a discord in their midst.
In every community people exist
who do no know how lo "lei well
enough alone."
Now that the groundhog lias
been placed on the retired list, it
s honed he won't run for any.
thing before next year.
The young man of the Weep
ing Water Republican feels great-
y disappointed in the result of
the jail election. No doubt.
When a man wants wisdom
there is but one way of acquiring
it, but when he wants to make a
oid of himself there are a thou
sand different ways tor him to
take his pick.
It is pretty generally agreed
hat ex-President Tafl will make
a better professor than president,
but all bis friends, as well as his
foes, have to admit that Professor
Tafl is very much of a gentleman.
The price of hogs and cattle
has never gone down any yet. Slill
we have a democratic president.
The fact is they never will get
cheaper so long as the demand is
greater than the supply, no mat
ter who is president.
Charley Craves of the Union
Ledger, in this week's issue of his
paper, tells the young manipulat
or of the reins that is intended
.o steer the destinies of the Weep-
in ir Water Republican, some
things thai iT taken to heart
seriously may aid him in his new
avocal ion.
The present legislature has
done another good thing. They
have passed the act creating the
fiscal agency of the slate at the
office of the state treasurer, in
stead of some banking firm in
New York. The divorcing of Ihe
stale from Wall street will save
a neat sum in commissions. The
law is all right.
Everybody in Plattsmouth wears
a pleasant smile. Some because
the jail fight is settled; others
because Old Sol is drying the
streets and Ihe foliage coining on;
others because there is a good
show for the democrats to reduce
the high cost of living; and every
body because they live in one of
the best and most prosperous
cities in Nebraska. Hurrah for
No, Ilorlense, the tariff rcdue
lions are no! expected to exiend
the waist line.
While travel is a great edu
cator, Ihe gent hunting for trou-
lo can usually find it without go
ing lo Mexico.
Remember that next Tuesday is
Arbor day. l)o a little tree plant
ing, if possible. That's Ihe way
o observe the dav.
There will be "A Hot Tim- in
the Obi Town" when they vote
oi the .-a loon question in Lincoln
May Cth. It will be just as well
to shut up Ihe saloons. The
members of the legislature will
all have returned homo by that
Friends of Ihe workingmen's
compensation act air hopeful that
the measure will yet become
law. It passed Ihe republican
senate with but five voles agains
it, and is now in Ihe hands of the
sifting fonimillee. Its friends
claim that there are now enough
favorable votes in the house to
pass it, and thus carry out the
pledge of Ihe democrats in their
last platform. Not only would it
do that, but it would provide a
workingineiv's compensation law
thai, has been stmdily endorse 1 by
both the employing manufaclur
ers of the slate through their as
sociation, and by the represent -alivos
of organized labor. The
responsibility now rests with the
sifting committee. Lincoln Star.
A great many young men, who
the doctors advise to take long
walks and exercise with dumb-
tells to reduce I heir av iordnpois,
will stand around Hie House wnn
eir hands in their pockets while
e little wife removes the tacks
from Ihe carpet, and then com
plain if she requests of her lord
to pull it out from under tin
siove while she lifts the stow. O,
man, thou are certainly a hum
bug. :o:
Someone who takes a rosy view
in life, says an exchange, gels olT
the following: "There are men
who argue that living is high, but
I hey might try dying. A live man
gets shaved for 15 cents, but a
dead one pays $5, and never kicks.
An overcoat costs S'J5, but a
wooden one costs SI 00. A grave
ligger will plant potatoes for 10
cuts an hour, but for planting'
vnil lie gels lour tunes as mucii.
carriage to the (healer costs
ut one to the cemetery costs $5
A saloon keeper will till your hide
to bursting for r0 cents, but an
embalmer gets 57.50 for the job
Come to think of it. there are ;
lot of things left lo live for in Ibis
old world, despite the high prices
and the contrary weather."
We have not been able to
thrash out this idea of woman
suffrage in our own mind. Do the
women, that is the better class o
women, really want to vote. If
they do, wo see no good reason
why they should be denied the
privilege. Hut if the better class
of women do not want to vote,
would take no interest in it, and
two-thirds of them not go to the
polls on elect iou'day, then we be
lieve woman suffrage would be a
larce. lo give the women a
chance lo vole, and then have
only a few of them do it, and
those Ihe undesirable ones, might
be a mistake. The undesirable
women of the city, as well as the
ignorant man who now has an op
portunity to oto, might not be
the .'.best- for our national and
stale government.
The Weeping Water Republican
shouldn't lake on so over the jail
election. Of course disappoint
ments seem more bitter lo the
young. After you have sei vyd in
the printing business until your
hair is gray and your head is bald
you will have passed through
many worse disappointments than
the one vou have just experienced.
Cheer up, son.
That there will be several
This truly promises to be a
banner year for l'lattsinotith. If
the planned improvements go
through, and there is no reason
why they should not, those who
live away from the town and come
here to spend the holidays won't
hardly know the place. The jail
election is over and the start we
have in booming things will glide
right along. We mean business
that is business from now on.
The greatest grafter the farm
or has to contend with is the
cheap agricultural paper. These
papers are as numberless as the
sands of the seashore, and about
as reliable as the March wind
There are numerous reliable
farmer papers printed in Ne
braska and Iowa that are prinlei
directly in the interests of the
farmers, and they are of such a
character in which the farmers
can depend.
An eccentric old man in New
Jersey recently deeded his real
estate to Cod and Jesus Christ
and left il with a real estate man
lo deliver. Whal is bothering the
real eslale man is to find some
way lo deliver the papers. Let him
end his papers lo Weeping Wa
ter. 1'hey have real estate men
over there who will enter into a
conlracl to deliver tlie papers ami
gel a receipt lor Hie same. vou
simply can't put anything over on
1 Weeping Water real estate man,
unless 11 lie a new county jan.
Ihe work of ll.. iegislaluie is
tboiil ended and while (lie ma
jority or iioin lions'" am: M-tmo
has done lil 1 1 more I i 1 ; 1 ; 1 draw
their pay, tin re are a lew in both
ranches' who have mad" good.
Senator Hart ling of Otoe and
ass, is one to be remembered
Did you ever slop lo llgure out
how many miles of road could be
paved with the money that it takes
to build one battleship?
You can always recognize the
man who has no business of his
own to look after. He is always
looking after that which belongs
to other people.
It will soon be time to swat the
fly. In a few more days these
pests will renew their campaign
of spreading disease germs. Do
your swatting early.
The legislature has fixed upon
today (Wednesday) for shutting;
up shop, but it is certain that the
session will run over into Thurs
day or Friday, and nossiblv Sat
urday. Most of the members are
staying until the final fall of the
gavel, and in this respect are do
inu much better than usual.
amendments lo the constitution
to be voted on at the next general
election is now a foregone con
elusion, as a number of joint
resolutions have boon passed ant
several more are pending. Among
those already passed is one pro
viding for direct election of I'nit-
d Stales senators; one anthoriz-
. , - lov
ing 1 110 levying 01 an income m.
ami another providing that five-
sixths of a petit jury may render
a verdict.
When are we to have a "Clean
l'p Day?" And when we do liav
it will it be observed? When the
proper time arrives Mayor Sat
Her should issue a ukase to th
effect that it must bo obscrvoi
Ihe interest, of health. All in
vonlorv of Ihe back alleys shonl
be taken, and then orders given
in such a manner that it means
strictly compulsory on the part
of Ihe resident. Let's have a per
fectly clean city Ibis summer.
Mr. Frank P. Sheldon, the mer
chant prince of Nehawka, canto
up last evening, remaining over
night to look after some import
ant business. While here he was
a pleasant caller at the Journal
office '.and talked of matters con
cerning affairs in the vicinity 'of
his home. Mr. Sheldon was a
very heavy loser m the recent
cyclone, but like the sensible man
that he is, he takes his'losses
philosophically, and went right to
work lo repair the damages. Frank
Sheldon is one of God's noblemen,
and if there are any truer or bet
ter men in Cass county, the Jour
nal does not know in which di
rection to locate them. We ore
always glad to meet Mr. Sheldon
and he will ever find Ihe Journal
latchstring dangling on the out
with those who have made good.
lie has proved an incessant
.... . 1 '
worker ami it is due 10 nis tmiir-
ing efforts thai several very im
portant measures to the people
besides gelling through both
branches several of his own mea
sures. Senator naming was ngni
in the front rank among the best
of I hem and I hey found very read-
ilv that he was onto his job
Lee J. May-field was in the city
yesterday for a few hours and
gave the Journal a pleasant call,
and incidentally talked over the
result of the jail election. Lee
worked man fully against the
proposition but does not take his
defeat so nearly to heart as did
I In; young man of the Weeping
Water Republican.
They are already nominating
candidal es for si ale officials for
1 U 1 i II. -.t is members of Hie
legislature and clerks of the sen
ate an. I u'misc are doing the nom
inating. When these seif.mni
li.ating ; nosters hear from Un
people 1 !o y won't be ir -t for a
moment. Just put that in your
pipe am! .moke it.
ft seems strange that some
people should complain of certain
conditions and insist Ihat they
must be changed. Then when an
effort is made to correct the evil
complained of these very same
people turn around and support it
There are some very queer peo
pie in this world.
No faithful recorder of courts
as thev eventual e will fail to nolo the suffragettes were bad!;
snowed under in Ihe election 11
Michigan last Ti.esday. That fool
parade in Washington had about
as much to do with Ihe result ;s
anything else. The majority wt-s
verwlielming this lime.
A year or so ago the California
legislature passed an act provid
ing for imprisonment of wife
beaters and further providing
that while at work in prison they
be credited with a dollar and a
half a day to be paid to their fam
ilies. Now the Associated Press
reports thai so many cases of wife
beating are before the courts that
the dockets are being overcrowded.
It would be strange indeed if tins
were true. Ihe law has made il
possible for any unemployed .nan
in California to get a job at a
dollar and a half a day. All that
seems necessary is for the wife to
ring the charge of beating and
for the man to plead guilty, re
gardless of the fads in the case.
Land monopoly in California has
niad'' opportunil ies for worKors
so .scarce mat a cnanco to get a
dollar and a half a day job in jail
is too tempting to resist. If
other stales imitate California
the same result would doubtless
be shown.
A farm advisor is the next thing
on the docket, and is creating
agitation in Nebraska counties.
A farm advisor might be a good
thing; il will give some of Ihe
young graduates from our agri
cultural colleges steady jobs at
good salaries. They might be
able lo loll some of our farmers
some of Ihe short cuts lo early
riches. It seems to us the suc
cess of the farm advisor, first
would be to get a competent man
who could advise, then lo get
farmers who would be convinced
that he knew what he was talking
about. Unless this could be done,
the farm advisor would be a farce
and a useless expense.
Yes, it's spring all right, all
right, and the wonderful some
thing which makes the birds sing
sweeter and the grass green, and
the whole world lake on more en
thusiasm than at any other lime
is thrilling the hearts of every
one of us. So don't try to be
crotchet v. Let the lambs gambol,
let the colls frisk about, let the
children be jubilant, let the young
man go a-wooing and let the
pools poetize without harsh
criticism. For it is their'timo of
all times to bo glad and it is in
human for you not to want them
to be merry and make merry with
them. For ourself, we count il
one of our greatest blessings thai
our heart grows green again with
each returning; spring.
Cass county voted on a propo
sition Tuesday for a new jail at
Plattsmouth and the proposition
carried by a good majority. The
west end voted against il pretty
strong, while the east and south
sides were strongly for it. The
county certainly needs a new bas-
ile if she proposes lo continue
restraining her bad pcople.-
jncoln Herald.
:o :
Mrs. Arthur Dodge, president
f tlie National Association op
posed to woman suffrage, has in
augurated a nation-wide cam
paign of publicity, and she is
right in the fight lo stein the tide
in Hie direction of suffrage. Shu
is a pretty smart looking old lady
and is dosterniined to show the
head-strong sutVagretles where to
gel off.
of course there are some dem
ocrats who are already displeased
with the policies, of President
Wilson. They shouldn't be." If
they had posted themselves dur
ing the campaign last fall they
would have known hladvaneewhat
was corning. He told the people
very plainly, time and time again,
what he Would do if elected, 'and
he is doing it just as rapidly as
he can. The American people
have gotten so used to presiden
tial candidates making promises
thai they never expect to carry
out, but Woodrow Wilson is not.
one of that kind, and the more
we see of him the more wc are
impressed with him as a man who
lives up to what he says. It may
be that in doing his duty by the
great masses of the people we
will have to-declare our love for
him for the enemies he has made.
For he is surely hewing to the
line in carrying out the pledges
of the democratic platform. The
common people, both republican
and democrats, are heels over
head in love with him.
William Rockefeller is really an
ojeel of pity. With all the wealth
at his command he is in the grip
of sickness that allows him little
rtjst. His wealth has become a
burden to him. lie cannot eat a
meal without having a dozen ser
vants boring his hack with their
gimlet eyes. He knows little
about the actual conduct of his
vast interests and yet he is fol
lowed by investigators to remote
corners and questioned. Fnea.-y
rests the head that wears the
Rockefeller crown. How gladly
would lie give a chest of glittering
gold if once more he could know
the delight of being a little ragged
coated boy coasting down Ihe
hill on a home-made slen and
yelling "track" at the top of hi
There is all the irony of fate in
the published statement that J.
Pierponl Morgan starved himself
to death, and there is a lesson in
it, too. This groat financier, with
riches I hat Croesus never dream
ed of, with the easy means of sup
plying himself of anything the
earth or air or sea affords for
human food, died the death that
the poorest beggar can avoid.
This man, whose great intellect
made him a master of men and a
genius of finance, at whose bid
ding great locomotives would go
racing across the continent and
gigantic modern ships of a mil
lion horse-power speed from con
tinent to continent this man
could not use that mind to control
his own muscles and compel them
to swallow food for his nourish
ment. Nor could he, with all hi
wealth, find anyone sufficiently
skilled in healing lo cure him of
his ailment. How like men arc;
how very like. How helpless when
disease assails them and death
stops at their door. No power of
mind or store of gold can aid
them and they die the same death.
After that, who knows? Not every
wealthy man is condemned nor
every beggar pardoned, but it was
Lazarus who rested on Abraham's
bosom and the rich man who beg
ged for a drop of water.