YOU know that getting more than you expect is one of the most satisfactory things that can happen to you when you buy anything. The merchant who gives big measure, who is generous in giving you a lot for your money, is sure of your good will. He ought to be. We know the value of that policy perfectly; we're carry ing it out here in clothes. Beautiful new weaves and patterns, made up in the sty lish models Norfolks, Eng lish or conservative $12.50 to $30. Special values $15, $18, $20, $22.50 and $25. fcurtrtif Branif (Elmljf a CepytifM l AIM DkU Ift CM '.'" I "J Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats THREE COMPANIES OF STATE MILITIA COMING Three Companies of State Militia Will Co mo to the Rifle Range for a Week's Practice. THE LIGHTING 1 Preparing for Better Service to the Patrons by Making Neces sary Improvements. Tlii! Nebraska Ugh pany of lliis city has order for a new type T Tirril regulator Id be the generators al the I nit,' rum. placed an A 12!-vof, placed on light plant until more permanent plans can lie earned out. The, company in this city is carrying on I a campaign to se cure additional use of bolh heir electric and gas service, and have heen mceling willi very good suc cess in the short lime that, their free wiring and piping offer has lieen hefore the public, and a great many are availing them selves of the chance that has been presented to secure these services while the opportunity is afforded, and with the new regulator in stalled the eleclric service should he much more satisfactory. Plallsniouth is to he the scene of the nathering of three com panies of I he state militia from Omaha, who will come lie re for practice at the government rifle range for the wi'ek from May 12 to 17. These companies will iiuniher 250 nieiohers, and will make the rille range quit.' an active place for the week that they are here, and will doiihlless draw many of them to this city for sup plies and entertainment. The citizens should endeavor lo show the citizen soldiers a good time while they are here and give them some inducement to return next season for practice, ft is ipiile likely that most of the com panies of ih-,; National (luard f"om tin's section of the slate wi'l lie sent here for practice, as the range norm ol tins city is ideally located for that purpose, heing of easy access lrom llie lown, and supplies for the camp can he easily procured. The contractors who have charge of I he new improvements are getting ready lo start in on their work, which includes the huilding of permanent targets, target, houses and a range house, and the uoveriinienl will also greatly improve the roads run ning from I he range to the camp. ' ft "Get in the Well Dressed Circle!" You'll admit there's a aeep satisfaction in trad ing at a shop which caters to the discriminat ing and careful dresser. We take pride in our ability to serve this class and you will be in the well dressed circle if your clothes bear our label. Our new Spring models are unusually bright and attractive. To see them is to be come posted on attractive styles. Quality line $20 to $35. Our wore value special $15 and $17. Get acquainted with our Saturday scarf service new ties every Saturday C. E. Wescott's Sons ALWAYS THE HOME OF SATISFACTION AT THE GITY LAUNDRY SUCCESSFUL 1NCUBUT0RS ARE IN GREAT DEMAND in this city. This new improve ment is placed in order to give a more steady current to the patrons and do away with Ihe flickering and waving current, fhat has proven so inconvenient lo the users of the electric service. The new regulator, with one condenser and mounting brackets, will he suitable lor use on the present generators and it can also he used on larger and more improved machinery should the company he aide to see their way clear to install them in the future. Tin reason for the se curing of the new piece of ma chinery is to secure a heller serv ice to the patrons until (lie com pany can fully determine just to what extent they can carry out the plans that have lieen projected and it will go a long ways towards the improving of the current now heing used. The new owners of the light, plant here have heen placed in peculiar cirrum-lanccs, owing to the fact of I heir numerous hold ings in this section of the west, ami not heing familiar with the situation in the dilVerent towns, Ihev find ii necessary to proceed slowly until Ihev have gone over the ground thoroughly and ascer tained just wha I steps to take in regard to I lie enlarging, of new plants in Hie dillerenl Iowih in which they are interested, hut tliey are endeavoring lo secure the hest service possihle under Ihe difficulties v il h which they have been confronted and will continue to carry out (his policy HREE RINGS FULL I OF VERY FI AG1S Largest Tent Ever Constructed, Yankee Robinson Presents Great Production. Ihe Yankee lloluusoii circus is just as lug as it can get. It lias three rings and two elevated iges and that is as large as anv circus can grow in mis nay and age. The entire performance is given in the three rings and the slimes is presented in such n manner that no mailer at what angle you are sealed in the canvas you can see every act somel imes lll'leen of I hem going on at one hue with perfect ease. The Wild West performance lakes place on I lie race track, so that every pari of tins performance passes vou from two to three times. The hit; show will appear al l'lattsmoulh Monday, May 5. Oscar Wilson, the agent for I In ltay-o incuiialor, who has heen having such uniform success with his machines, has just sold a large Kill-egg incuiialor to , Mrs. Mary Wiley, residing near Mur ray, who is very much pleased with the machine. He has also disposed of one of Ihe machines lo J. (,. Meisinger, residing near I his city, who will at once set the machine for early hatching. Mr. Wilson himself has had several broods of chicks turned . vut so far this season and will he able to enjoy early frys when the rest of the people are just, gelling ready to start their hens lo set-ling. The laundry company has just completed llie consl run ion ol two large tanks in Ihe rear of their huilding, one of 2,000 gal lons and one of 1,000 gallons capacity. These tanks will he used to contain soft and hot. water for use in the Washington depart ment and will greatly increase the ability of the plant to handle the rapidly increasing business that is being built up. The laundry is now able to turn out as good work as can he secured in any lown in the slate and the residents of this cily now have no reason to complain of the service given them by the man agement of the laundry and ef forts are constantly being made to increase the elliciency of the plant and make it one of the best in I his seel ion. The. improved condition of affairs al this plant will be Ihe cause of rejoicing on the pari of Ihe patrons, as during Ihe pasl few years the laundry has been allowed lo run down and scarcely any effort made to look after business until il was bought by Mr. Han-lay and hi company. Recommends Postmasters. The dispatches this morning from Washington state that Con gressman John A. Maguirc has recommended lo President Wilson the appointment of W. C. Hurtled as postmaster at Klniwood, and Fred Ossenkop at Louisville, in this county. These gentlemen are both representative citizens, and if appointed will serve the patrons of their otlices in a very creditable manner to themselves and their towns. HENDERSON WARD MEETS WITH A PAINFUL ACCIDENT Is Fined $10 and Costs. J. II. Anderson, the operator at Oreapnlis. who was taken to Oma ha yesterday to answer to the charge of assault and battery on Mrs. Carl Kopisckie on I rain No. I i Tuesday night, was fined $10 ami costs yesterday aflernoon in Counly Judge Leslie's court in Hie metropolis. The. fine was paid by Mr. Anderson and he was releas ed, ne resigned nis position ai Oreapnlis some ten days ago and w ill remove f o ol her fields. GERMAN PLAY RECEIVES VERY FAIR PATRONAGE Pays Local Call. Jack Voline, editor of the Au burn Herald, and wife, were in the cily this morning for a few hours en route from their home to Cres Ion, Iowa, where they will visit al the home of Mrs. Voline's parent? While in the cily Mr. Voline call ed al, llie Journal olllce for a short social visit and we were more than delighted to meet him. While oul walking around his iirni in high I, .Mile drove pre- cinel one day this week, Hender son Ward, one of the prominent farmers of that, locality met with a very serious and painlul ac cident which will lay liini up for several months, lie was stepping over a fence, and as the ground was very wet and slippery, he was wearing rubber boots, and as he epped over his foot slipped ami one o ins kneecaps was tin own out of place, hut il was gotten back into the socket at once and a physician called, and Mr. Ward was ordered lo remain (iniet lor nine lime to come. The injury was very painlul and win lie me cause of his remaining ii) a state of inactivity for this season at east. COMMISSIONERS ORDER A SPECIAL LEVY FOR JAIL . L. B. MERGER ENTERTAINS AT KENSINGTON The home of Mrs. I.. Ii. Kgen herger was the scene of a most delight fill gathering yesterday aflernoon, when llie lady friends were invited in to enjoy one of their pleasant Kensingtons, and Ihe aflernoon was spent by the ladies in plying the busy needle and social conversation. At, an appropriate hour the guests were invited inlo the dining room, where a mosl delicious three course luncheon was served, which added very much to llie en joyment of Ihe afternoon, and when the hour for leave-taking came Ihe ladies departed feeling that as an entertainer Mrs. Kgen herger was without an emial. The guests for he very enjoyable afl ernoon were: Mesdames F. H. (iiithmannJohu Hauer, sr., Wil liam Ilassler, (ieorge Thomas, J. C. Peterson, V. F. (loos, Olga Croscary, W. h. Austin, It. A. Hales, Val Uurke, F. (i. Kpen herger, J. K. McDaniel. Mrs. F.genberger was assisted in enter taining by tier daughter, Miss I Helen Fgenberger. The (iernian Dramatic company from Omaha last evening present ed the very pleasing (.erman play, "A Prince for a Day," at the Par inele theater to au audience that was hardly as good as the play deserved, as the company was an excellent one and their interpre tation of the production greatly pleased the audience. This is one of the best (iennau plays that has been given in the city and to Ihe lovers of the dramatic art, it was certainly all thai, could be asked for. There is a large num ber of (iernian residents of this city and they greatly enjoy llie plays thai are given in their native tongue and Ihe younger generation of Americans who have learned Ihe language also find much delight in these plays. Thomsen, Dentist, Gund Bldg. Mark While this morning soul h of I his c sonic I ending. and wife drove up from I heir homo, ty, and attended to H. ing inaki I ives W was few h Young came in last even Vom O'Neill. Neb., and will a short visit here with rela and friends. . A. Fight of near Mynard in the city yesterday for a hours looking after some business matters. Fnuuons Itichey departed this morning on No. 15 for Omaha, where lie will spend a few hours looking after business matters. County Commissioner Jordan departed this morning for his home at Also, after attending the commissioners' meeting. Farmers and their boys and all other men and boys should hear Dean Unmet! at Presbyterian church Friday evening on "The Farmer." See any man of Ihe church about il. f. LOfllQ OUR STOCK 9 .1 Tailor-uade Suits! Call and see our guaranteed suits at low prices. E 3C DC I 10 The county commissioners, at their session Tuesday, adopted an (inter directing that as a majority of the voters of the county had approved of the proposition to levy a special tax sufficient to raise the sum of !?l-000, that in the levy for the year 1 U 13 a spe cial lax he added to the regular levy ullicient for the amount to be raised. This means that' in a short time the work on Ihe new Jail will be gotten under way and the county will have a suitable place to conllne its prisoners. The cily will also tlx up the brick building in the rear of (he city hall, in which the violators of the cily ordinances vv'll be confined. Il H (3) y of arguing the matter? Facts are facts! and Soen nichsen's is the place for Canned Foods, Fresh Vege tables, Fruits, Etc. Don't put it off any longer. Mrs. Murray Returns Homo. Mrs. John A. Murray returned home last, evening from Omaha, where she had been tor about a Week visiting with relatives While in Omaha Mrs. Murray was i taken sick, but feeling much bet ler yesterday, she decided to re turn home lo this city. D' I1T MW and enroll yourself as a regular customer. Don't worry about what you want to order; look over the Fresh, Clean, Xew Goods that are displayed in our Bright, New Store and you'll find just exactly what you need. Jucut Glassware, Dry Goods and Notions! These are new lines- -something new and fetching. We are adding new goods and new lines all the time. 01 n 14 yiyiiyyi -J a win m mt USE PHONE 54 TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY