attsmontb oucna VOL. XXXII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1913. NO. 30. be BIG SQKOL TOU II III! N AUGUST Committee Appointed toLook Af ter Arrangements and a Big Time Expected. The lcal society of the T. J. Sokol at their meeting Sunday af ternoon appointed a committee to look after the arrangements for the big tournament that will be held in this city on August 11 to 17. The committee will at once begin to make preparations to make this the biggest and most successful affair of its kind that lias been here in recent years and the local society will make every effort to show the visitors a royal time while they are guests in this city. This tournament will bring in visitors from all over the west, and it will be a matter of great pride to our citizens to see that the streets and walks leading to the grounds of the so ciety on West Pearl street are placed in the proper condition and in a way that will reflect credit upon -the city and its resi dents. There are two blocks of walk in very poor shape near there, one on Main street between Eleventh and Twelfth streets and nn Fourteenth street from Main to Pearl, that will have to bo fixed up as it is almost impossible to get through there in muddy weather without doing great dam age to the clothing of the pedes trians and as a matter of pride to the city these place should be llxed wilii the. proper kind of walks at onct; ami the city authorities should see that it is attended to. The committee just, appointed consists of Win. Holly, Emmons Ptak and Mike Hajeck and they will see that the visitors are shown one of the liveliot times they have experienced and are treated in a manner that will cause them to want to return here for another meelinsr. The tournament will consist of turning- exercises by delegations from the different societies and it will bring here some of the leading Bohemian athlete?, m the west to take part in the contest. Most of the work will be ;:iven in the park at the T. J. Soko! liall if the weather permits anJ wi'l be an unu.r.i;l treat to those who ii.",ov an exhibition of this l;ii c! aid it s1 on Id be attend" 1 'v everyone who can possib'v !iml lime to do so for it is in:. t';er, that r.ich an opportunity is iv"ii. GOOD PRICE FOR AN ACHE OF LAND NEAR MYNARD From Wednesday's Dally. The record price for land in the county was reached yesterday, when Robert Propst of Mynard disposed of one acre of land to Grant Wetenkamp of that place for 5m), which is certainly going some for land prices. The land is located adjoining Mynard and is quite valuable for building pur poses. Mr. Propst is one of the largest land owners in this sec tion and has quite a great deal that he will dispose of at the same CAN NOW PLAY BALL IN THE COUNTRY ON SUNDAY From Wednesday'! Dally. The county commissioners, at their session yesterday, passed a resolution permitting the playing of ball games in the villages of I he county on Sunday, as the law just passed by the legislature and signed by Governor Morehend makes this lepal in the state, 'Ibis is a very good move, as it gives the lovers of a good, clean game of base ball an opportunity lo attend games without having to violate Hit; law by having the games played. The commission th voted as follows: Tor, Jor dan. Pit.; against, Ileebner. Sell your property by an ad In the Journal. Mrs. Spangler Improving. Fred Spangler and little son Homer, accompanied by Miss Mil dred Burke, a sister "if Mrs. Spangler, were passengers for Omaha Sunday, where they spent the day with Mrs. Spangler at the hospital, where she is recovering from the effects of an operation for gall stones. Mrs. Spangler is getting along nicely and every prospect for her recovery is held out by the physicians in attend ance upon her at the hospital. OMAHA S CO MING RIGHT TO THE FRONT The Damaged Homes of the Ne braska Metropolis Are Rapidly Being Restored. The work of rest oral ion of Omaha's tornado stricken district is going rapidly along. Under the personal direction of C. C. Hose water, chairman of the operating committee, rapid progress along systematic lines has been made. To "late thirty-live homes, at an average cost of .$25 S, have been restored, while ten additional homes have been repaired through the co-opera! ion of Ih"' relief committee. One hundred and sixty families, who were renters, have been pro vided for. New homes have been furnished, the rent paid in ad vance, and the houses completely outfitted from the basement to the beil-roonis. In many instances the recipients are in much" more comfortable circumstances than before the tornado. Every case that has been assisted has been worthy, and the relief given after thorough investigation. One "thousand, eight hundred eighty-one families have been given food and provisions since the tornado. Many of these are yet being taken care of by the relief committee, which is at tempting to put them on a self supporting basis as fast as time will permit. A visit to the tornado district today occasions much discussion, so complete has been the restora tion work. While many evidences of the storm remain, yet the won derful change has excited the favorable comment to out-of-town visitors. ' It's the Omaha and Nebraska spirit," visitors say. "That ex plains it." THE COUNTY WILL DONATE $500 TOWARD THE WORK At the council meeting Monday evening the matter of extending the sewer on Chicago avenue was brought up by Councilman E. J. llichey, who slated that the coun ty hail offered to give 500 to ward the completion of the work, which will make a vast improve ment in that section of the city. It is proposed to extend the sewer to Marble street, taking in about four blocks additional to the amount of sewer now in use. The mouth of the sewer would by this means be extended toward the head of the avenue and lessen the chances of overflow from the flood water and prove of untold value to the property of those re siding in that portion of the city. This is an unusual chance to get the work through, as the cost to the city will probably be only about 500 or G00, as the other part would come from the funds that are placed to the use of the city with the county from taxes. The city clerk was instructed to advertise for bills for the con struction of th"1 sewer and the matter will be taken up at the next meeting of the council and some definite action taken in re gard to the sewer, and it is lo be hoped, for the advancement of the city, that the council can see their way clear to put the sewer exten sion through. Farm for Sale. Anyone wanting to liny a farm would do well to see W. P.. Hryan, county assessor. BOOSTER RESOLUTIONS FOR ALL TO ADOPT Adhered to They Are Just What Will Talk for Best Interests of Plattsmouth. That yon will keep so busy boosting (hit you won't have lime to knock. That you will vole, talk and work for a bigger, belter, brighter town. That you will help to make this a good town so that the town can make good. That you will increase the value of your property by im proving its appearance. That you will sny something good of the town every lime you write a letter. That you will invest your money here where you made it and where you can watch it. That you will not point the bad defects to a stranger or fail to point them out to a neighbor. That you will keep your prem ises cleaned up and repaired as a mailer of both pride and proiit. That you will never buy a thing outside of the town until the local merchant ha's had a chance lo sell it to you. That you will brag so much about this town that you will have to work hard for it to keep from being a liar. That you will take half a day right now lo pick up the odds and ends around the place and con vert them into use, money or ashes. That you will conlrihule as much money as you can afford ami as much enthusiasm as any body to any movement to develop the town's resources. - That you will make friends with the farmers if a business man. or with the town folks if a farmer, and help work together for the good of the community of which Ibis town is the center. THE WORK OF THE PLATTS- The Plattsmouth Commercial club has had a committee at work to secure, if possible, better train service on the Missouri Pacific road in that city. A committee of two recently visited the Missouri Pacific headquarters in Kansas City and laid the matter before the division officials. They received the assurance that the railroad company would provide better means for getting to and from Plattsmouth from tin; interior of (lie county and that this would be done very shortly. This would mean much to Plattsmouth be cause of the time now required for western points in the county on the Missouri Pacific to reach I he county seat. The club re ported also that a contract had already been made for a new ad dition lo the Durlington station in Plattsmouth. The station building will be practically doubl ed in size and changed in many ways. A committee, was appoint ed to consult with Swift & Com pany regarding the locating of a soap factory in that place. Lin coln Trade Review. PERRY THACKSTON SELLS HOTEL RILEY BARBER SHOP From Wednesday's Dally. The Hotel Ililey barber shop, which for the past three years has been owned and run by Perry Thackston, was sold Monday to Ed Weideburg of Omaha, who look possession at once and is now in charge of the business. Mr. Weideburg is a gentleman who has had long experience in I he barber business and w ill keep the Riley shop up to the high standard established by Mr. Thackston and will devolc his ti'iie in trying to serve his patrons in the most up-lo-dale manner and to give them satisfaction. A VERY PRETTY PU II Ull I William E. Rackstrom and Miss Ida Johnson United in Mar riage Last Evening. From Wednesday's Dally. One of the most, elaborate and beautiful weddings that has oc curred in this city was that at, the Swedish Mission church last even ing, when the nuptials of Mr. Wil liam Erie Hackslroin and Miss Ida Johnson were solemnized betore a large congregation of relatives and friends. The church had been beauti fully decorated in a color scheme of pink and white and the aisles were carpeted in while. Preced ing the ceremony .Miss Seva John son, sister of the bride, sang "For You Alone,' and promptly at 8 o'clock the bridal parly entered the church, led by seven little (lower girls Judith Johnson, r.dilh. Hilda and Augusta Wailen- gren, Helen Johnson, Tln-lina Olson and Alice Johnson who have for the past four ears been members of Miss Johnson's Sun day school class. The groom entered ncxl, ac companied by his groomsman. Mr. S. Hjork of Ouuiha, both being at I'red in the conventional black. The matron of honor, Mrs. O. A. Nyslrom of Omaha, sister of the bride, preceded the bride, being attired in a lovely cost nine of net ever pink silk. The bride entered the church on the arrii of her father, Mr. Gust Johnson, and was most charmingly attired in an elaborate wedding gown of while silk and chiffon, with long till I" veil and - carried a white prayer book. The wedding ceremony look plat at (he gate of the altar, 1 lu soft strains of melody in G Hal being played throughout the rere ii iii y by Miss Esther Thoren rf Lincoln, cousin of the bride. The Rev. K. (Prison of Wahoo, Neb., olllciated, using t ho beautiful and imprcsMve ring service. Follow ing the pronouncing of the words that made the young people one, the wedding parly left the church lo the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march. The reception at the home of 1 1st; bride's parents in South Park was quite elaborate and there was a large number of friends of the contracting parlies present lo shower upon the newly wedded couple their wishes for their ill ure welfare and happines. The home had been decorated nwsl charmingly in pink 'and while carnations throughout the parlor and dining room, making the scene one of exceptional beauty, nml mad"! a fitting selling for the happy gathering. A two-course luncheon was served to the wed ding pni ly and guests, the chief feature o( which was the wedding ra'c, a t-piindid piece of art worn presented lo Hie bride and groom by Mrs. Joe Maroucek. Under the auspices of Mrs. C. A. Nostrom an exceptionally line program was given, consisting of vocal and in slrumental music. The newly wedded pair received a large number of beautiful and costly gifts from their friends in testimony of the high esteem in which they were held. The bride is a native Platts mouth girl and has grown to womanhood in this city and is a graduate of the local High school in the class of If 09 and for the past three years has been clerking in the store of H. Golding in this city, and has made a vast num ber of friends by her charming manner and personality. The groom is a young man of sterling worlh and excellent character, who has resided in this city for a number of years, w here he is em ployed in the Hurlinglon paint shops, and has a vast number of friends, who will wish him and his charming wife many long years of happiness and joy in their journey through life. The bride and groom departed Ibis morning on No. 10 for an cx Icnded southern trip, and will be at home to their friends after June 1 at the cosy home I hey have prepared on South Eighth street. The out-of-town guests at the wedding were: Messrs. and innrmm ILUUIIIU Mesdames E. M. Thoren, Slroms burg. Neb.; S. Hjork, Omaha: W. Fahleson, Davey, Xeh.; O. A. Nystrom and Mrs. C .Johnson and daughter, Judith, Omaha; Miss Esther Thoren. Lincoln; Clifford Thoren, Stromsbiirg; Elmer llall strom. Murray, and Miss Ilildur Kahhont, Davey, Neb. Meet at Cummins Home. From Wednesday's Dallv. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church was very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. E. D. Cummins yes terday afternoon, at which time their regular meeting was held. There was a large number in at tendance and Ihev had a most en joyable lime. Alter the business session the ladies whiled away the hours in conversation, sewing und the like. The hostess served none dainty refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. August Tartsch, Children and Friends Join in Commemorating the Event. From Wednesday's Dally. Fifty years ago today, in the town of Sullivan, Jefferson coun ty, Wisconsin, occurred I In; wed ding of two young people of I hat thriving little city, who have since that lime become two of the most worthy and highly esteemed residents of Plattsmouth. The contracting parties were Mr. and Mrs. August Tartsch, ami today at their home in this city their children have gathered to assist them in the celebration of their golden wedding, ami to this most estimable lady and gentlemen the hod wishes of the entire com munity will go out and the hope that, they may live to celebrate their diamond anniversary. Mr. Tartsch was born in Prus sia on July 17, 1810, and his w ife in Hanover on July 7, 18H8, and while yet small children were brought to the United Slates, Mrs. Tarlsch arriving in I8 5( and I he parents "if Mr. Tartsch coming over in 18 i8, and both families located in Wisconsin, where the two young people grew up to-, gel her and their childhood friend ship blossomed into love and marriage on April l(i, 18:j, at Sullivan, Wisconsin, when Ihe words that joined them for lift; were pronounced by Rev. Rihu of the German Lutheran church of that place. The young people resided in Wisconsin until 1878, when they came west, and crossing the Mis souri river decided to locate in the promising town of Plattsmouth, and they have made their home here since that time, and there has been no more worthy or high ly respected citizens residing here than Mr. and Mrs. Tartsch, ami their friends are without number", and timing all Ihe years that they have resided here their happy, contented home I He has been an example to their friends and ac quaintances of a devoted husband and wife. To Mr. ami Mrs. Tarlsch four children were born, and today they are assembled in happy re union under the parental roof. The children are: Henry II. Tartsch and Mrs. Dora Thornherg of Sioux City, and Miss Delia Tarlsch and George Tarlsch of this city. The families of (he (hildren are also here today lo assist in the celebration. SUDDEN DEATH OF LITTLE CHILD WEST OF MYNARD From Tuesdays Dally. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Carey, of Hrcrkcnridge, Mo., died yesterday at, the home of his grandparents, west of Mynard, quite suddenly. The funeral was held from the A. C. Carey home this morning. The parents of the little boy came up from Missouri about a week ago lo visit, a sister of Mr. Carey's, who has been quite sick, and while there Ihe little one was taken sick and died, despite all that could be done for him. CELEBRATED THEIR GULDEN Ml Ill PLATTSMOUTH IRE THAN THIRTY YEARS AGO Tramp Printer Visits Uncle Charley Sherman in Mer rill, Oregon. The following we clip from tho Merrill Oregon- Record, of which our old friend and former publisher of the Journal is editor: Friday morning lat the writer was alone at, work in the oillce, when the front door opened and closed softly and, although he did not for a moment look up from his work, he became aware from hearing soft footfalls on the tloor, that someone had entered the room. There was an undefined something, however, about, the matter that seemed very familiar, as if the person who had come in was accustomed to Ihe place. W hen be did look up be under stood it all for there stood be fore him a topical specimen of that genus of Hie long-ago, but, now almost vanished an obi Tramping Printer! There was no mistaking the character; hi! would base known and recognized for what, be was bad he met him any where a short man, rugged build and unkempt appearance, with greasy-looking pantaloons sus tained at Ihe top by a rope tied about, his waist, without any vest, the half-open, dark-colored coat disclosing: the front, of a very dirty, brownish-colored shirt, the coat, mostly concealed by an un canny yellow "slicker," his chin and face covered with a heavy beard, grey and while in color, his bushy hair, once red but now al most while with age, his crowning feature being a dingy, dilapidated derby hat, of ancient usage. I took a good, long look at him, and re marked, "Well, if I'm not, mis taken here is old Dick Deadeye, who worked for ine more than 30 years ago in Plat I smoiit h, Ne braska!" "Well, if your name is Sherman, I guess you're right," was the rejoinder. According to his story, the old man has almost ever since that lime been a wan derer up and down jhe coast, put ting in his lime working a few da.s, weeks or months at a place, and then again taking lo the road the wander-lust gelling posses sion of him. The time was when such as made up at least half of Ihe working force of all the type setting force of the printing offices in the country, big and lit tle; but since tho invention of the Ijnolype these perapaletic wan derers have largely disappeared. Most of them are gone lo their buig homes, and these are no re cruits. This tine Ewell is his real name stayed here for a few hours' work nml again look lo tho road. He must now be well along toward 80 years of age, but is still in rugged beallh. As a relic of a departing class or condition he is well worth a passing comment. nifiTinii nninnr mil in AUullUN DnlUUL uLuu 13 ENTERTAINED III IHE BERING HOME From Wednesday'! Dally. The Auction Hridge club was entertained in a most, charming manner by Misses Mia and Bar bara fit-ring at their beautiful home on North Sixth street last evening, ami the lime was delight fully passed at bridge, followed by delicious refreshments served by Ihe hostesses, which further added to Ihe pleasures of the evening. The club members were unanimous in voicing that this was one of the most delightful gatherings the club has held, and those who have been guests at the Gering home can fully realiz-j the delightful hospitality that is al ways afforded guests of this most hospitable family. Mrs. It. E. Shcehan and iiltle child, of Galesburg, Illinois, ar rived yesterday afternoon for a short visit here at Ihe home of Mrs. Sheelian's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Smilli.