The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 14, 1913, Image 2

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Ladies', Misses' and Chindren's
made of Chambra, Gingham
and Percale. A patent pro
cess stiffening used in the
head piece can be laun
dried. Call and see them.
PRICE 25 AND 50c
Zuckweiler & Lutz
The Lowland Covered With Al
most Two Feet of Water and
Still Rising.
'I'lic high wilier in I lie. Missouri
river is cuiislaiuing naming, ami
yesterday n k rn i n t hf si renin be
gan to llow over I lie lowlands east
of Hie depot, and this morning
the whfde liolloin is prclly well
covered by from one lo two fei;l.
of water, and willi the raise lliat
is rejiorled lo lie coining down the
river Hie overllow will lie much
creal er.
The water near l-'olsoni and
Ilenloii Slalion, Iowa, eonlinne lo
Hive Hie railroad company con
siderable trouble, as the danger
to I he tracks there is increasing
and a force of men is kepi con
stantly on hand lo watch for any
breaking "f Ihe river in the pro
tecting works that Ihe company
has pnl np there. Several strings
of cars have been taken from this
cily for Ihe men o slay in dur
ing the Hood, as Ihe hiph water
has made Iheii' former ipiarlers
iinpossilde lo slay in.
The ti 1 1 1 horil ies at Sioux Cily
expect a raise of several feel yet
in the river, which will put if at.
about as near a Hood slane as il
has been for some years. The
danger from Ihe river is not ureal
through this seel ion, but farther
south and al Kansas Cily there is
much apprehension over Ihe
trouble thai may lie caused by Ihe
jit. ream.
The hisih water here has forced
Ihe family of I. I'. Males, who re
hide ,jul eal of the depot, lo
remove their ell'ecls lo llifs cily,
as wulcr now surrounds Hie house
ami with Ihe prospects of a much
higher raise before nihl, ami il
was llmuhl hcsl, to lake no
illumined hy Ihe water, so they re
chai s in hav ing I heir poods
mov ed ami I hey will be stored un
til after the water subsides from
the vicinity of the home.
The water has spread out over
the Iowa bottoms north of Pacilie,
Junction and several of the farm
houses I here are ent irely sur
rounded by water and Hie resi
dents have generally sought
.shelter on Ihe hills. The reports
from Sioux (lily and Omaha point
to the crest of Ihe Hood reaching
here about night, and then it will
only be a short lime unlil mvmal
conditions are restored.
It Is to Be Hoped That a Man
Equally as Competent Will
Be Appointed.
Treat for German Citizens of
Region "Der Elntagsprinr" to
Be Given in Plattsmouth.
Spl'cchen Sie Hcutsch?
TIiom' vh" do will have an op
portunity Wednesday eveing,
April H), of-witnessing an excel-
ent Herman play, which will be
given at Ihe I'armele theater by
Ihe well known lump of the New
Yrk Herman Theater Co. I he
title of Ihe play is "Der Kiulags
priti.," meaning "l'rince for One
I lay." The play has met with suc
cess on stages of (iernuiny and in
a number of American cilies, and
whoever is desirous of enjoying
an evening of hearty laughs and
interesting studies will be well re
warded' by wil nessing "ler Sin
lagsprinz." Actors who have, an
established reputation here and
abroad have been brought to
gether in this play. ,-ler Kin
lagsprin" is a farce comedy with
music ein urkoinischer Schwank,
as Ihe Hermans ay. Kandslaute,
come and see your Herman
Hen Kaincy, who for the past
few years has held the ollico of
chief tif police of l'laltsmouth,
this evening will present bis
resignation to the cily council, as
he exiiecls to farm the coming
summer on the island, soullieasl
of this cily. in company with
Frank Ashenbrenner. During the
lime that he has served in the
capacity of chief of police he has
kepi, good order throughout the
city and there has been no light-
intr and brawls Unit were so fro-
ipient here before the lime that
he assumed the ollire, ami it, is
with regret that his resignation
will be received by Ihe majority
of Ihe cili.ens, as he was mi-
.iimliiiwllv one of the best men
that has ever tilled that ollice,
Mavor Saltier lias not as yol
announced whom tie will appoint
lo Ihe vacancy, although there are
a large number of names men
tioned as prospective candidates,
among I hem James I'l acek, Frank
Nueman, Howard Newton, John
Cory. If is lo be hoped Unit a per
son can be selected who will be
able to continue Ihe work in the
same manner I hat. it has been
carried muter Mr. Itainey, and
keep down disorder of all kinds,
mi, I ilurimr the coining sum
mer there will bo a large number
of strangers ami soldiers here, it
will reiiuire a man of good nerve
anil judgment to set on the lid.
mi wm
mm fete
nncuncing our "more-value" all
wool suits for men. We intend to
specialize this price suit and have
searched the markets of the East
for hijih standard quality to retail
at $15. W e are prepared to guar
antee these suits to you in every
particular, and we say for your
good don't send away nor go away
for a suit of clothes until you have
examined these.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Always the Home of Satisfaction
Will Represent Church,
This morning A. M. Holmes
came up from Murray for. a short
visit with relatives prior to Ins
deiiarturo for Auburn, Neb.,
where lie goes lo represent Ihe
First 1'resbvlerian church of this
cilv at Ihe Presbytery that wiil be
held in I hat city.
A little ad In the Journal will
serve the purpose
Why He Was Late.
"What made yon so late?"
"I met Sniillisoil."
"Well, that is no reason why
you should be an hour . get
ling home to supper."
"I know, but I asked him how
he was feeling, and he insisted on
Idling me about his stomach
"Did you tell him lo take Cham
berlain's Tablets?"
"Sure, that is what he needs."
Sold )v V. H. Fricke & Co.
District Clerk James Robertson
has just received from Ihe ion bureau of Ihe de
parlmeiil of labor some new in
slrticl ions, covering what, is be
coming verv imporiam, owing 10
ie large number of slates thai
are adopting woman still rage, mat
of Ihe naturalization of women.
The department has held lhal any
American woman who marries a
foreigner shall lake the naliou-
alily of the husband, hut upon the
severing of the martial relation
ay resume her status as an
American citizen by regislerin-
as siicn wuii ine represeuiai ivcs
of the t'nited Slates abroad, or by
residing in the t'niled Slates.
Thev have also held that any
foreign woman who marries an
Ameirean can, after the martial
relation has ceased, retain her
citizenship by residence in Ihe
t'niled Stales. These rulings of
IJie department are made neces
sary by Ihe growing spirit of
woman snllrage i nroiigitoui ine
country, and Hie tests of Ihe
women for cil izenship w ill become
as si rid as I hat of I he men.
Dettman Family Leaves.
II. Dettman and son, Hen, left
last evening with a car of goods
for Imperial, Neb., where Ihe fam
ily will make Iheir future home.
Mrs. Dellman and the other chil
dren are here yd, but will leave as
s i as things are in readiness
for I heir coming.
On Friday evening the 1 ell man
family was given a surprise re
ception at the M. K. church dining
pallor by the people of thai ron
gregalion, and on Tuesday ailer
noon Airs. Ddlinan was honor
guest at a reception by I he Ladies'
Kensington at the home of Mrs.
A. W. Neiharl. At both of these
gatherings the deepest sorrow was
eNpressed over Ihe removal of this
estimable family from our midst.
II is Ihe sincere wish of Iheir
many Klmvvood friends that they
pnper well in Iheir new home.
Klniwood f.eader-F.cho.
The Journal for typewriter
g -' " T 1 ! II
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The condition of N. II. I shell,
who has been very ill at his home,
slricken with paralysis, is report
ed as holding-his own nicely and'
Ihe family are very much pleased
at Ihe way in which he is geUing
along. He is able lo eat his
meals in good shape ami rests
piile easily at night, and although
his left side is still in a numb cou
nt ion, it is hoped lhal he will bo
able lo wear the threatened attack
At the meeting of the Presby
terian Itrolherhood yesterday
morning at, the church the mem
bers and visilors had the pleasure
of hearing a very able address by
Attorney A. h. Tidd on the sub
ject, "The Transliguralioii." Mr.
Tidd is a very close student of the
bible and has devoted much time
lo the study of Ihe application of
Ihe teachings and statements, and
his address yesterday was a very
pleasing treat to those fortunate
enough lo attend the meeting.
.Mr.. Tidd presented the matter in
a manner different from that
usually given by speakers along
religious lines, and his talk was
a splendid intellectual treat, delv
ing as he did inlo the great mys
teries of the infinite mind and
comparing Ihe human mind and
soul to that of the spiritual.
There was a large al tendance at
tin.' meeting, which was one of the
most successful that has been
held by the Brotherhood, although
the movement is beginning to at
tract Ihe men members of the
congregation to Ihe possibilities
of the organization.
This is Soennichsen's
and our next announcement will be all about
our FORMAL OPENING. Watch this
space to keep posted for the "big doin's."
Fancy and Staple, Fruits, Vegetables, Queens
ware, Glassware, Dry Goods and Notions.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. J. 11.
Vallery of near Mynard was taken
lo Omaha, where she will be
placed in a hospital there for an
operation. Mrs. Vallery was taken
quite sick several days ago and
her condition became such that it
vvas thought advisable to remove
her lo Hie hospital at once, while
her condition was so favorable.
The many friends of Mrs. Vallery
throughout Ihe county will be very
sorrv to learn of her illness, but
trust that she may soon be able
to return to her home completely
restored to health.
You will look a good while be
fore you lind a belter medicine for
cougns ana coins man wiamner-
lain's Cough Remedy. It not only
gives relief it cures. Try it
when you have a cough or cold,
and you are certain to be pleased
wilh that prompt cure which il
will effect. For sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Holds Good Roads Meeting.
Ouile a number of the cuto
owners of this section of Cass
county gathered at the Coales'
block Saturday afternoon and
were addressed on the subject of
good roads by Secretary 0. C.
Turner of the Slate Association
of Aulo Owners on the good roads
iueslion, and his lalk was right
lo Ihe point, wilh the different
parties who attended, lie also met
a number of the prominent, auto
owners on Ihe street and did quite
good deal of missionary work for
the association he represents.
Commercial Club meets third
Thursday evening of each month.
The opening of Ihe new Wagner
delicatessen shop and lunch room
Saturday afternoon attracted a
large number of customers and
visitors and all were, greatly
pleased at Ihe manner in which
Mr. Wagner has equipped his
home of dainties for the lunch.
The store was handsomely decor
ated with carnations and made a
most charming scene. The
lunches served were simply out of
sight and Mr. Wagner Willi Ins
new establishment is certainly
filling a long-fe'.t want in this
city, where dainty cold lunches
can be secured, and under his able
management thero is no doubt
that the place will be on immense
Don't be surprised ir you have
an attack of rheumatism this
spring. Just rub the affected
parts freelv with Chamberlain's
Liniment and it will soon disap
pear. Sold by V. 0. Fricke & Co.
If you have a house for rent try
forirhj tSrattb Ciotrjpa
VOU know
that getting
more than you expect is one
oi tne most satistactory
things that can happen to
you when you buy anything.
The merchant who gives big
measure, who is generous in
giving you a lot for your
money, is sure of your good
will. He ought to be.
We know the value of that
policy perfectly; we're carry
ing it out here in clothes.
Beautiful new weaves atid
patterns, made up in the sty
lish models Norfolks, Eng
lish or conservative $12.50
to $30. Special values $15,
$18, $20, $22.50 and $25.
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hais