The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 03, 1913, Image 7

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    - v . m
J2S ii
For Every Baking
because it's the
purest. Best because
it never fails. Best
because it makes every
baking light, fluffy and
evenly raised. Best
because it is moder
ate in cost highest in
At your grocers.
World's Pur Food Expo
ilion, Chicago, 111.
Paris Exposition, Fraoc.
March, 1912.
You don 't save money when you buy
cheap or big-can baking powder. Don't
be misled. Buy Calumet. It's mote
economical more ulholaome give$
best results. Calumet is far superior to
tour milk and soda.
$ Ledger. !
C. 11. I-'iaiis and wife came
down fniiii IMal tsinoulh lasl Sun
day r. ml spent I ho day wilh rela
tives and friends here.
Mrs. M. H. Shoemaker visited a
few days tliis week with her
daughter, Mrs. Fred Montgomery,
ill the vicinity of Lorton.
Mrs. Eugene Harlon and Miss
Leota Uarton were here from
Kails City lo visit relatives a few
days, returning home Monday.
Conductor Frank Dolan's
freight train No. 155 west-hound,
had four cars in the ditch in the
switch yard ahove town Wednes
day morning, but the wreck was
cleaned up in a few hours.
Leo Finkle, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Finkle, has been a very
sick boy the past two weeks, hav
ing an attack of pneumonia. Miss
Elliott, a trained nurso from
Omaha, is at the Finkle home as
sisting in taking care of the
patient, and his condition is re
garded as very serious.
Lute Crawford departed Tues
day evening for Sioux City, hav
ing received notice that his little
son, Tommie, who was making his
home with his grandparents near
Coleridge, had his leg broken and
was taken to a Sioux City hospital
fi r I real men! . The report staled
Hi;. I the hoy received his in
juries by a team running aa,
but we learned no furlher par
I iculars.
Ii I i 1 1 f I " A ktttismmm
hr3 Q3
I Will Prove It to You Free
You who are suffprlnir the tortures of Ecuema. Itch, Salt Kheura or other
Ilk In diseases vou whose d;iy aro miserable, whose nltthta are maile ilcei
less by ihe terriblo ItcbiDir. burning pains, Irt me eond you a trial of a soolb
inir. hi'iilimr t rputmcnt which has cured hundreds, which I believe will euro
Sou I will send It free, postage raid, without any obligation on your part.
utt All the coupon below and mall It to me, or write me, giving your numo, ago ana address.
I will lend the treatment free of cost to you.
aBaaaaaBaaBBBBMaaa CUT AND MAIL TO DAY""" """"""""""
J. O. HUTZELL, ll West Main St., Fort Wayne, Ind.
Please Bend without cost or obligation to me your free Proof Treatment. '
Pott Office
8PH Street and No
John 11. l'ierson and son, John,
jr., arrived Monday from the
southern country, where they
have been spending the winter
months, ino( of the lime in
Florida. Mr. l'ierson has pur
chased the two Will Cross lots en
the south side of Main street, and
we irnderstand lie will soon begin
I he erection of a two-story brick
building, a pari of which will he
occupied by a new bank which he
proposes to establish here.
Dp. H. Thomsen, dentist,
of Plattsmouth, will make J
Union one day of each
week fop the purpose of
looking aftep the dental
work of this community. He
will be In Union on Satur
day of each week, beginning
January 4, 1913, until fur
ther notice.
The entertainment in Woodman
hall last Saturday evening was
one of the hes. ever put on the
Union stage, 'Tnrle Josh From
Vermont," being played by Mur
ray people. The four-act drama
was handled in a splendid manner,
each one in the cast showing
ability and careful preparation.
The hall was crowded and every
one present speaks in praise of
the entertainment. The patron
age given the Murray company
was well merited and highly ap
preciated by them,
Chas. Italhbun. Kalph Twiss
and Nelson hevvey are preparing
for the erection of a carpenter
and paint shot) combined.
Hicks predicts another storm
period on April 5, fi and 7. His
prediction of the greal cyclone on
the 23d is a mallei' of history.
Mrs. Carl Keesler and little
daughter are here from Lincoln
visiting at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Frnisse.
Ilev. Whyte received the sad
neds of the death of his sister,
Mrs. Phoebe Maine, at her home
in Lincoln Thursday, lie left at
once lo be present at the funeral.
Charles Vansoyoc returned last
Tuesday from a visit with his sis
ter, Mrs. Lily (Ireen, in Kimball
county. He reports them well
pleased with western Nebraska
and says they are nicely located.
If the citizens of Louisville will
search around town and view
some of the telephone poles they
will I'm i l a call for a city election
to be held on Tuesday, April 1.
The town is loo poor to advertise
the election through the news
paper channel. The fence post
mode of advertising is a relic of
aulhuily, but there are still some
anl ideluv ians here.
Faster Sunday at 2 o'clock in
the morning Mrs. Susan McNealy,
wife of Harrison McNealy, passed
away. She had been ill but ten
days with pneumonia. Mrs. Mc
Nealy was born in Indiana April
10, 183!). She was I he mollier of
eight children, six boys and two
girls, but three of whom, with the
aged husband, survive her. She
was a member of the Christian
church and died in the assurance
of a life beyond the grave.
A Leader-Echo.
Alger Metlsoii relumed Monday
from a visit with Mrs. Medsou in
Lincoln, the latter being ill al the
home oT her parenls.
Mr. Hoeelger of Orand Is
land came in Monday for a visit
wilh his sister, Mrs. John Kunz,
and to attend the Herman con
ference. Clarence Mueller of " Fnion
spent a tort ion of I he w eek visit
ing his numerous Flniwood
friends, being a guest at the borne
of his uncle, Atlolph Mueller.
Mrs. Albei t Thiel and daugh
ters, Clara and Francis, returned
Tuesdnv from a few davs' visit
j. c Huti.ii. n. p.
wilh the Hiekert ami Mrown fam
ilies nt Fxeter. Xeb.
Ilev. John t )ehb i king came in
Monday from Atkinson, Xeb., lo
iit relatives and attend the (ier
man conference, being accom
panied by his ier-in-law. Miss
Willa (loelz, who had been stay
ing at bis liohie.
A. W. Xeiharl has received the
sad news of the death of his sis-ler-iu-law
in Omaha. She was
killed in the cyclone disaster of
last Sunday evening. One of the
daughters had both lower limbs
broken and another daughter lost
her home.
A number of Flniwood people
went to Merlin Tuesday to see the
destroyed village. The only build
in!,' in Merlin not damaged or de
stroyed by the tornado was the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. August
lloellger, Mrs. Iloetlger is a
daughter of Mrs. L. K. I'enler
inan. Waller and lrven Murke of York
were visitors here Monday and
Tuesday with their brother, F.d
Murke and family. The two
brothers expect to leave during
the lirst of next month for Itrilish
Columbia, where they will lay
claim to some of King (ieorge's
laud and establish their residence.
Don't let your prejudice run
astray with you next Tuesday, but
go to the polls and vote for that
in which you are directly Interest
ed. A new Jail is badly needed.
You know that, and you know that
if Cass county erects a Jail in
which it is perfectly safe to keep
prisoners, every taxpayer saves
the money that it has cost the
county to keep our prisoners in
the Lancaster and Douglas county
Jails. Then display your wisdom
by going to the polls next Tuesday
and voting for the $12,000 levy to
build a now Jail.
. Beacon.
Morn To Mr. and Mrs. l.
Stanley, Tuesday, March
5, a
pound, boy.
Horn To Mr, and Mrs. Milt
I ula nl. live miles northwest of
town, Thursday, March 27, an 8
pound boy.
Unite a number from here at
tended the funeral of Henry Crab
tree, which was held in Lincoln
Saturday at 2 p. in.
The infant daughter of Mr. and
.Mrs. Harry Caddy, has been
seriously ill for I he past few days,
but is getting along nicely at this
Mr. and Mrs. L'd Williams ar
rived home J hurst I ay morning
from Santa Cruz. California
where they have been spending
the winter.
Mrs. C. W. Palmer left for
porl, Iowa, the first of the week,
having been called then? by the
serious illness of her grand
niolher. (ieorge lleitter, jr., went lo
Syracuse Thursday lo attend the
funeral of his wife's brother,
Julius Hied, who died from the
effects of injuries received in
Sunday's storm.
Mrs. K. P. Melts was called to
Avoca Montlay by her father,
Robert McFadden, who was ser
iously injured when the cyclone
hit the home of his son near
Avoca lasl Sunday evening, also
injuring other members of the
family. Mr. McFadden only lived
a short time, and funeral services
were held Wednesday.
The sum of $12,000 Is but a
drop in the busket when each tax
payer compares the cost of a new
Jail. It Is all paid with one levy,
and no issue of interest-bearing
Alvo News
Miss Pearl Keefer went to Mur
dock Monday.
G. II. Jordan went to I'lalls
motil h Monday.
Harry Parsell was in Meadow
ami Louisville Saturday last.
J. I'. House made a business
trip to Murdock Saturday.
Mrs. John Murley left Tuesday
for a v isit at Clay Outer.
(Ieorge C.uryea was in Lincoln
Wednesday tin business.
Mr. Triinblin find sons were
Omaha visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. John Klliolt and son were
Lincoln visitors Wednesday.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Vickers, April 1, ll'l.'l, a baby girl.
Kliner Harrell is moving the
restaurant into the Thomas build
ing. S. ;. lloylcs was circulating
among capital city folks Wednes
I'. J. Nickel was reviewing the
tornado wreckage in Omaha Wed
nesday. Mr. ami Mrs. Charles (iodbey
hopping in Lincoln
Jordan and Mis
were ( lioahu v isit-
ors Saturday.
Mrs. s. C. Movies and Miss
I't-ail Krcfcr were Lincoln visit
ors i uestlav.
Hoy Stewart, Fred Oain, wife
and babv were in Omaha Tucsdav
unl W ednesday.
Mud Crove ami Alfred Struemcr
were in Lincoln Weilnestlav get
ting auto repairs.
John White. Sam lams and
Harry Appleman of Lincoln were
in town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. F.d Case and Mr.
and Mrs. J. I). Hyans went to
Omaha Tuesday.
Miss Amelia Kamm and niece,
Miss Keefer, were trailing in Lin
coln Weilnestlav.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kichmau
and .Mrs. Lincoln Hinimitt were
in Kliuwood Wednesday.
Hal I'arsell, father and mother,
of Oreenwood were visiting Mr.
and Mrs. J. 11. I'arsell Tuesday.
(Seorge Cook returned home
from I'laltsmouth via Omaha,
where lie visited I he seem1 of the
The social at. Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Copple's Tuesday evening was
well attended and an enjoyable
lime reported.
Henry Miller purchased the
Alex Skies farm and Mr. Triinblin
purchased the Devon; farm from
Mr. Miller Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Stone went
to Omaha Sunday to view the tor
nado wreckage, Mrs. Stone re
turning on No. 17 in the, evening.
Among those going to Omaha
Sunday to view the tornado
wreckage were Oenrge Frolyche,
Clarence Muckiiell, Will Sullon
and Lon Toland.
Miss Cecil Hanson of New Bed
ford, III., came in Monday to visit
her sister, Mrs. Fred Candy, for
a few days. They visited in Lin
coln Tuesday and Miss Hanson
left Wednesday for Minnesota,
where she has land and also to
visit relatives.
Mrs. C. M. Orove and Mrs. C. 0.
Shaffer went lo Lincoln Monday
evening to attend the Nebraska
Stale Conclave, which convened
April 11, Mrs. Shaffer going as
delegate from Alvo Homestead No.
1715. She was elected guard in
the stale association.
Paul Frohlich is taking a trip
east, lie . left Monday, his first
slop being made at Chicago, where
be "will meet Oeorge Mrown and
wife Tiiee Miss' " Fdilh Yaegeri,
when they go to New York.
The Ladies' Aid society held a
bazaar Saturday in the C. H. Jor
dan store building, which was
well patronized, and they will hold
another sale next. Saturday.
Tuesday evening a company of
voiinir neonle gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. floppies,
two miles west, of town, where,
under the auspices of the Fpworlh
League, Ihey were royally enter
tained for two hours. A large
number from town were convey
ed tm a hay frame driven by Or
vilie Ingwersou.' Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Prouty, A. 1.
Dick, C. C. Crcekpoum, llert Kit -zel,
Noel and John Foreman, Or
ville Ingwersou, Sumner Hall, Hu
bert Strong, Misses llulh Mailey,
Alma Ooodbey, Fmily Strong,
Josephine Hitchman, Marie, Vera
and Bessie Prouty, Grace and
Bertha Bucknell, F'nima Sullon,
Orace Foreman, Pearl Keefer,
(irace Elliot and Fdilh Ogle.
Mr. F.ssiek was in Omaha Mon
day. Mrs. Purl Long has been on the
sick list,
John Tighe shelled corn Wed
nesday. Jake Miller drove lo Weeping
aler Tuesday.
Edwin Murphy i- helping Jake
Miller this week.
Isaac Wiles and wife spent
Tuesday in Omaha.
Mrs. Ki I Wiles is reported as
very sick al. Ibis writing.
Miss Carrie Scbafl'er lias been
on the sick list this week.
Miss Lucy Drown spent Sunday
withJUiss Collie Miller.
Miss Daisy Jewell returned to
her school work Monday.
Ilev. W. S. I). Higgins went to
Omaha Tuesday morning.
Miss Clara Jenkins was shop
ping in Omaha Saturday.
Mrs, Kssick has been on Ihe
sick list Ihe past few weeks.
Charles Oerlar shipped a car
load of hogs lo Omaha Friday.
Tom Keckler and Jim Murphy
autoed to Louisville Tuesday.
Mr. Harms and Missnna were
passengers to Omaha Saturday.
Jim Carper ami Tom Keckler
autoed lo Weeping Water Tuesday.
were doing :
Mrs. C. M
Stella Sheeley
if ow Chance Now!
Government land that w ill increase in value, is yours if you want
it. A start in life, a prosperous future!
The U. S. Government is offering SO acre irrigated farms, and 320
acre farms without irrigation, on the same kind of land that is raising the
crops which are making Wyoming prominent. The new homestead laws
make it easy to get one of these farms.
I will send you maps and printed matter and answer your questions-then
you can join one of the homeseekers' excursions which I will
tell you about, and at small cvpense you can see exactly what you c&i
have. For anyone who has a wish to better himself and family this is
the chance of a lifetime.
M. C. Walker and wife took din
ner with Jake Miller and family
Fdilor Maylleld of the Louis
ville Courier was in town Wed
nesday. Mrs. Yogler and daughter,
F.slher, drove to Weeping Water
John Wade of Weeping Water
was in our village Wednesday af
ternoon. Mrs. llalph Keckler and sister
of Flniwood were visiting in town
Mrs. Flsie Macus of Omaha
visited a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Keedy.
Miss Lily Tiphe returned from
a few days' v i 1 1 at Omaha Salur
fj.iv oven i utf.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Keedy of
Avoca visited Sunday with J. A.
Keedy and wife.
Quite a crowd of I he Manleyites
went on the excursion I rain lo
Omaha Sunday.
Mrs. Lorella Crew of Weeping
Water visited with Miss Helen
Coon Tuesday.
Forest. Allen, who is reported
as sick al Frank ltonne's, is im
proving rapidly.
Quito a number of people look
advantage of I he nice day Sunday
and went walking.
Miss Katie O'Leary returned
home from Mancroft Saturday,
where she lias been visiting.
Mrs. (ieorge ami Troy Wiles
. i t i ii : i i I
Visited Willi iUl's. .lake .wilier ami
Mrs. (ieorge lleckard Tuesday.
Mrs. Louisa Ilourke and Agnes
went lo Omaha Saturday. Agnes
remained for a few days' visit.
Harve Manners and Mr. Me
Mride, former sheriff, were in
town Tuesday from Plat I smoiil b.
Mrs. John Mourke of Weeping visited with lan Mourke
and mother Friday and Sal unlay.
Mr. ami Mrs. Waller Mauken
I'.nupl were passenuers lo Omaha
Saturday, returning Safunlav
John Fleiscbmann and family
and Fred F'lcischinann and family
visited relatives in Louisville
Mrs. Jake K ly lefl Monday for
Chicago, where she will doctor.
Her daughter, Flsie, went to Chi
cago with her.
Miss Nellie Preston and Neva
and Nellie Dennis of Weeping
Household Goods
Wecan five yon lower froiglit rate, than ymi cn el
on Houiehold Goods, Aulo,. etc., toany polntint h
United States. Let ut ship for you and SAVB
YOU MONbY. Write neatest office for low rates.
Missouri River Freight F'd'g Co.
Omaha. Nab. Kansas City. Mo.
recorded in the Percheron So
ciety of America, No. K1S73. Jaloux has a splendid record, a strong
pedigree, and is nn excellent foal getter.
Jaloux will make the season of 19K1 as follows: Monday, Tuesday
nnd Wednesday of each week at the barn of Henry Itagoos, tive miles
southeast of Louisville; Thursday Friduy undSaturday at Wm. Wetten
kamps, two miles west of Mynard.
TERMS-? 15.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. Care will be taken
to prevent accidents, but will not be held responsible should any occur.
Write me a postal and state whether you are
interested in irrigated land or non-irrigated land.
l004Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Immigration Agent
Weeks of April I and 20
Water visited at the purl Long
home Saturday.
There are lots of I be fanners
bringing in their corn to the
elevator this week, since thn
roads are in good condil ion.
Mrs. James Murphy accom
panied her niece as far as Omaha
on her way home lo Trenton Iowa,
after visiting here several weeks.
Fliza O'Mricn, Mrs. Fordyce ami
Jennie Carper went to Springfield
Saturday and were entertained by
the lloyal Neighbors.
The lloyal Neighbors niel in the
hall Wednesday and were after
wards served lunch al the Aaron
Jenkins home. They would be
pleased to have new members join
vyilh the ones that are to go in at
the next meeting.
(ieorge Hcckard has moved his
family back from Weeping Water
ami w ill occupy I he section house.
He look Mr. Huss' (dace here as
section foreman. We are glad to
welcome Ibis excellent family
back in our community.
Harold Morgan was visiting his
father here Sal unlay between
Mrs. (i. Williamson ami Fern
have been visiling in Syracuse
t his week.
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Tool and
Kenneth were in Omaha Monday
and Tuesday.
Mrs. Hay Baldwin has been
visilinn her sister, (irace, of Wa
bash, I he past week.
Ouile a number of Murdock
I people were in omami ins! rnoay
to see Ihe cvclone district.
Kalhervn Amgwerl of Omaha
was visiling friends and relatives
here Sunday ami Monday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Frank lieall
entertained their sou ami daugh
ter of (iravily, Iowa, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. David Thimgan
ami their lillle daughter were
visiting their parents Ibis week".
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Heall ami
Francis were in Omaha Monday
and Tuesday visiting relatives.
(ieorge (iillespie was down
from Linrnin Saturday between
trains visiting bis brother, Oil
and family.
A. J. Mc.Nainara and Harry (iil
lespie were Omaha visitors for a
few days Ibis week.
Mr. and Mrs. Iienges were
visitors of Mat Thimgan and fam
ily Ibis Week.
The Celebrated 'Percheron
Jaloux in a beautiful black
porclieron, weighing 1 9 5
pounds, foaled March 5, 19W
bred by M. Purnnd, Depart
ment of Orne, and imported
by E. J. Heisel, Fremont,
Iowa, in October, 1911, mid i3