The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 03, 1913, Image 6

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uy DpFtmmii
Feed Economy
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicisitx Especially for the Journal Readers
(It any of tho leaders of the Journal know of a social event, or an Item of Interett In tills vicinity and will mail tame to this office it will appear undo
hie heading. We want all items of Interest. -Editor Journal.)
Deposit Your Money in this
Bank and Pay Your Obli
gations by Check,
If you make your payments by check you have a re
cord that cannot be disputed.
We regard all business transactions as strictly confi
dential. ,
Combine absolute safety with satisfaction.
1 We accord careful consideration to small and large
fcaTOur deposits are secured by the State Guarantee
We pay 4 per cent on time deposits for one year.
We Bank on You.. You Bank With Us.
been mi tho
lien, (Hi
We Solicit Your Business.
1 tlurra; Slate
aLi a.
Miss Wi
villi Miss
lla Moore spent Sunday
Mat; Lewis.
L It. Queen was looking alter
business in t ' n i n Wednesday.
Jiihn llobschiodt niul wife were
l'littt smotitli visitors Sunday.
JelT Hrendcl was culling on
Platlsninulh friends Saturday.
A. K. Nickels made a business
I rip to Omaha Monday evening.
(J. II. Slirader was looking nfler
business in Plall smooth Monday.
F. L. Ilhoden was transacting
business in Plallsinouth Satur
day. II. C. Creamer was attending to
business in Plaltsninnlh Satur
Holier!, Nickel .shipped a car of
cattle to the South Omaha market
Miss Merllia Nickels droe to
I'latlsitiouth Tuesday to meet her
bred her.
John C a 1 1 1 1 ' I 1 1 has lluished
plowing about all the gardens in
town. Spring is here.
Mrs. Will Wherbien,- who lias
been critically ill, is reported
better at this writing.
Lee Nickels and Harry Creamer
were looking into the jail proposi
tion at I'latlsiuoulh.
The jail levy is a fair proposi
tion and you, as a taxpayer,
should vote for it, and save money
by so doing.
The fanners arc possessed of
serious intentions from the num
ber of plows that are being
brought into our iiiacksinii us.
A large crowd gathered al the
Slirader place Tuesday and Wed
nesday to assist in clearing away
the, debris from the tornado.
The infant son of Julius F.ngel
kcrnrir is at Hie point of death at
his home, seven miles west of
Murray, from erysipelas. Its
mother died three, weeks ago.
You can tell a lie about a geu
llenian ami no one will beliee it.
You can tell anything on a tor
nado and everybody believes it,
therefore, a tornado is no gentle
man. Miss Mat! Loughridgc spent
part of last week at home, owing
to the fact that one of her teach
ers. Miss MeHrido, was killed in
the tornado at Omaha, and tho
vacancy had not boon tilled.
Mrs. A. Scliafer, whose sons,
Fred, Otto and Phiilp, were badly
infected last week, is now sull'er
ing with tho same malady. Miss
Mat Mo I'rish, who was visit ing at
tho Scliafer homo, received an in
fection of one of her hands, ad
ding another one to tho list of
those infected.
Jeaa JJeJteJe.JeJaJe) JeJeTeje.Jee-J.tJeJe.Jej?T,
Dr. Thomson, Dontist, of
riattsmouth, will bo In Mur
ray on Thursday's, Nc
hawka on Friday's, and
Union on Saturday's of each
week, where he will be
pleased to meet all parties
desiring dental work dono.
Itoad-lloating has improved our
mads so that, they are passable
with a car.
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Lyman
visited in Omaha Tuesday to see
Maude Adams in "Peter Pan."
Walter Heed and Miss Thomas
were, guests of Harry Tigner am
family Sunday.
Prof Asche made a trip tt
Plallsmoufh this week, where be
was called on business.
Mr. Wclliver of Weston, Neb.,
was visiting at the home of bis
brother, D. A. Young and family
last, week.
Miss Maggie O'Nrien, who lias
been visiting Mrs. Frank Ilhoden
left for her homo al, Wausa, Neb.
Sal unlay.
Mrs. .Mary Dull tell on tier way
to I he depot last Friday morning
ami sprained tier ankle, causing
here several (lays of very severe
sulTcring. She is iinproing at
this lime.
Some people have an Idea that
the polls next Tuesday will be
open only in the afternoon. They
will be open all day, the same as
any other election day. Bear this
in mind.
Demniy lliatl is preparing a
play for the beiielit of good roads.
The cast of characters has no
been completed, and anyone asked
should not refuse to assist. Col.
Jenkins has given free use of bis
ball for this purpose. Let us gel
together ami make a killing. We
ueeil neller roads.
If you need anything in the line
l 1 ! ! I ii ....
oi l ire, i.iumuing, w inn Morm,
Tornado Insurance, why not lake
out a policy with A. L. Maker, who
it presents a company that lias
liceu in nusiness lor liu years
and paid out in losses money
equal to 270 Ions of gold coin.
Come in ami let us talk it over.
The SInily club met Tuesday
evening and the subject was "His
tory of the I'niled Slates," "Tho
First American" ami the "Isth
mus of Panama." Mesdames
James Walker, Mira McDonald,
Lloyd Unpen, U. 11. Uilmore, Mis
ses Margie Walker, Clara Young
and Pauline and Fay Oldham were
the members present.
Uncle Zack Slirader met with
what might have proven a very
disastrous accident Tuesday, half
a mile west of Murray. He was
driving along on his way to town,
when tho reach in his buggy came
unboiled, letting the front wheels
come out, dropping the buggy to
the ground. The vehicle was
badly wrecked, but Mr. Slirader
got off without injury.
Hundreds of sightseers have
visited tho ruins in the path of the
tornado south of town. There
was only one misdemeanor com
untied, and tins was by some
cloven-foot on the place of Andy
Opha Uaker ha
ick lit this week.
Miss Flla Virgin ha
I be sick lil I his week.
Mrs. Dull was visiting in Oma
ha a few davs I his week.
Ogla Minford is home this week.
spending her spring vacation.
Mrs, W. S. Smith was a Ne-
n-aska City isitor Wednesday.
U. M. Minford and family were
visiimg wilh iiniana relatives
Mrs. John Farris and Mrs. Nick
rieilrich were Omaha visitors
I'he Ladies' Aid society met
wilh Mrs. li. F. Hrembd Wednes-
ay afternoon.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs.
oiiu Stones has been sick for
he past few days.
The Ladies' Missionary socielv
will meet with Mrs. W. (i. Hoed-
ier on Friday, April 1 1.
Mrs. L. D. lliatl went to Plalls-
nmulh Wednesday evening for a
hurt v isit wilh her parents.
M. C. I.aker, who has been isil-
ng his son, A. L. Baker and wife,
returned to his home Monday.
Mrs. .1. W. Holmes went lo
Omaha Wednesday evening for a
visit wilh friends ami relatives.
1. M. Davis rind family and John
irris and family spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. T.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ilice ami
daughler, Miss Fslher, were visit
ing and trading in the county seat
Monday of t his week.
Mrs. A. II. Ornu's wcn.1 to
J'liitlsniouth Wednesday evening
for a few days' visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Frank Vallery.
Isomer Slirader, who was in
jured in the cyclone last week, is
gelling along nicely, but is si ill
compelled to use his crutches.
Ualen ami Glen Hhoden were
counly seat visitors Tuesday,
where they visited for a few
hours with friends and relatives.
Every sensible taxpayer knows
that Cass county needs a new Jail,
and needs it badly. Then why not
vote for the tax levy next Tues
day, April 8?
See Miss Etta Nickels Saturday,
April 51 h, if in need of an up-to-date,
com Tori able, durable corsel
the Spirilla the best on I he
Mr. and Mrs. Ford, residing
west of Murray, are rejoicing this
week over the arrival of a ten
pound baby boy al their home last
Wednesday. Hot h mother and
lillle one are doing nicely.
Louie Hice was in Murray Wed
nesday afternoon for the first lime
in many months, since his severe
sick spell several months ago. He
seems to be gaing strength, but
very slowly.
(I. M. Minford ami Henry
Creamer shipped a car of stock to
South Omaha Wednesday evening.
F.ach man had a car scheduled,
but some slock failed to gel in.
Mr. Creamer went up wilh them.
Frank Lilly was looking after
some business matters in the
I. S. While, who has been so ill
for Hie past winter, is again able
to be up and around, which is in
i'i t ii pleasing news to this excel
lent obi gentleman's many friends,
el! was down town Wednesday.
Number of llo
, the program
called the
in Ibis issue of Hie paper, is free
lo all persons holding season
tickets to I he Lyceum Course. To
those not having season tickets
I he admission will be 1 Tie for chil
dren and LTic ofr adults. So
many get these home talent num
bers confused and do md as
sociate them as one of the num
bers of the Lyceum Course.
i. - 1 1... n.r.l. II i.n'l thr amount e'tUH ludl
counts, liut Ut i dtitsUd nrt turnrti into nuvrltrUUU- product.
Animal Regulator
put! horiM. conn ud ht in prim? comlilion awl iiiurn prrffct
iigwtion. Tkt parti Ak the mru huu it, or twl atourmk.
25c, 50c. $1. 25 -lb. Pail. J3.50
"Your money back if it fail"
rfilI2 Healing Ointment
(or Powder)
curea aorrj anl wnumN. 25c, 50c. Sample free.
Oft I'rutM rriiut-sluriug DooU,l
Card of Thanks.
I w ish to thank the friends who
assisted me in so many ways ami
were so thoughtful of my welfare
during Hie sickness of my daugh
ter, Lorene.
Mrs. Urace Chambers.
Daily News Subscribers.
Tlere are many subscribers to
the Omaha Daily News for whom
I advanced Iheir subscription last
lull al I be time of I he automobile
coldest, that base not paid the
same. I am needing some money
;.i I his lime, and wish all would
pay Hie aniounl due al once. Very
1 1 -peel fully,
Mrs. .May Hhoden.
The la. lies of I lie K. N. K. w ill
hold a business meeting al the
l.ewisloti church Thursday, April
10. F.very member is retpiesled
to be present.
Flla M. Nickels, President.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
I am permanently k rated 111
Murrav. Nebraska, to do all kinds
of li rst -class painting and paper
banging. Having hail Hi years'
experience at. this work I can fur
nish Hie best of references on
painting, oiilside I'm ish, insidi
finish, graining, slainiug, natural
finish and the newest and lute
stle of paper win k. Drop me
card or leave orders al Hiall &
Toll's slore and I will call on you
Charlie Clayton,
Murray, Neb.
Fifth number of Lyceum Course
al the Presbyterian church on
rimrsday evening, April 10:
Springtime Chorus
Heading Little Coy Jasper. . . .
lack Long
Duet Humble lice
Dale and Madeline Dooley
Cuddle Up Close Chorus
Snlo Selected.. .Madeline Dooley
Dream Hoal Chorus
The chorus are by Helen Todd,
Urace Long, Clara Churchill, May
one Chambers, Flla Hamilton,
Marguret Spangler, Madline Doo
le and Leona Davis.
Love's Old Sweet Song
Ladies' Quartet
Mesdames James Holmes, James
Loughridge, V. A. Kennedy
and Miss Walker.
Solo Selected. . .Harriett Adams
Heading Selected
Mrs. Ah in Hamge
Solo Selected Miss Adams
Heading Mrs. A!in Hamge
Old Uncle Ned Quartet,
Mesdames James Holmes, James
Lougridge, V. A. Kennedy,
Miss Walker.
Heading Mrs. Alvin Hamge
Mrs. O. H. Uilniore, Accompanist
Admission, 1 Tie and 25c.
Paying Losses.
Mr. O. W. Doling, adjuster for
the Columbia Fire Underwriters
Insurance company, was in Mur
ray this week making settlements
with the policy-holders who were
in the recent tornado." This
business was all written through
the agency of W. 0. Uoedeker, and'
it is indeed gratifying to Mr.
Hoedeker to see the company
make such prompt and very satis
factory setllemenls. For grain
losses Ihey accepted the policy
holders llgures and settled on a
basis of We per bushel for oats
and i('n: per bushel for corn. The
following is Hie list of claims
paid: Andy Campbell, bouse,
grain and household goods, $1,
ODi); Homer Slirader, 700 bushels
ot oals ami farm machinery,
it'.jO; Dave Murray, $200 ou
household goods; U. M. Minford,
$ Hi damage to barn; D. C. Ilhoden,
't5 damage lo barn, and Lee Far
ris, small damage to inacmnery.
Fverv policy-holder was well
pleased wilh the manner in which
Mr. Doling made setllemenls, and
all have taken new policies with
the company.
Plants for Sale.
Tomato, cabbage and sweet
polatoe plants for early planting.
V. A. Scott, Murray.
Campbell. All of Andy's properly
was destroyed, barns, house am
i he com ems or both house anu
barns were destroyed, except one
std of harness, from which some
moral degenerate cut the ivory
rings. Ho did not unbuckle (ho
rings, but simply cut up the har
ness to get the rings. This is an
otld way to show sympathy.
Oak Posts for Salo.
About ioo bur oak posls for
ale. App'y lo Joseph Mraek.
on Hie Dull laiTi.
Remember the polls will open
next Tuesday April 8, at 8 a. m.
and close at 6 p. m.
For Sale.
Osage hedge posts for cale.
Enquire of It. L. Propst, Mynard,
Hedge Posts for Sale.
1,200 good hedge posts for
sale; Cm) are 7-fool and (50(1 are
H-fool. Call on Uuy Stokes, i
mile east and vi miles uorlh of
Murray, or address Platlsmouth,
H. F. I). No. 1. Tel. .r-ll Murray.
Tornado Insurance.
Wouldn't il be belter to receive
a check from an insurance com.
pauy after a tornado or cyclone
takes away your home I ban lo be
compelled to use your own hard
cash to rebuild? I represent
Standard Old Line Companies, and
can write your insurance at a low-
rate. Heifer look up your policies
and if you have no tornado insur
ance call al the hank and let me
lix you out.
W. U. Iloedeker.
nimlv si:il Tlmt'sihiv of Miisl I Ulf
...... . ... ....... .... .
U....I. .-ill, I c:l 511 IK .lnlll'llil "'I
Hie,, In rnni,v bis snlisei'iol ion liOllle
or iinolher year.
About twenty-live or thirty
friends of Uncle Ueoige Slirader
were down to his place this week
assisting in cleaning up the sur
roundings from the limber niu
lumber caused from the recent
Frank Head, who has been in
the hospital at Omaha for the
past two weeks, where he under-
v.ent a surgical operation, re
turned home Wednesday morning.
lie is getting along nicely, but is
si ill v ery weak.
Miss Minnie Hritt, elocutionist
ami impersonator, will give one, of
her entertainments at tho Chris
tian church Tuesday evening,
April 22. Uiven under the
auspices and for tho benefit of the
Ladies' Aid society. Admission
2,r)C and 15c. Miss Britt is an ex
tellent entertainer and will give
a program that will be very pleas
The fine farm home of 11. U.
Todd is almost completed and Mr.
Todd has taken up his residence
at home, occupying a number of
the rooms ou the lower floor,
awaiting the completing of the
balance. Lon Adams has moved
to the Pitman place, where he will
farm this season. Mr. Todd lived
in the Pitman place since the
burning of his home some lime
bred Plymouth Hock, 75c
SR. .hi) per loo. 'Phone t-f,
!. C. L. Wiles.
Help the Library.
The Library association will
serve dinner and supper in the
library rooms election day, Tues
day, April 8.
Hoast Heef.
Chicken and Dressing.
Potatoes and Uravy.
Lima Means, Lettuce Salad.
'eas. Jellies and Pickles.
Pie. Coffee.
Coal Hoast Heef.
Cream Chicken.
Potato Salad. Siavv.
Kggs. Fruit. Cake.
Coffee and Tea.
Meal: 25c for adults; 15c for
The Library association wishes
to have $150 to buy hooks at the
beginning of September. If you
will slop to think you will see that
ynu are merely selling aside 25
or 50 cents on April 8 lo help buy
a list of your favorite books that
you will wish to read next winter.
Our association only used $50 in
the buying of books last fall and
f think we all enjoyed them.
Let. everyone come out, settle
the jail question, enjoy a good
dinner and supper, have a good
lime visiting and make the
Library association happy.
Live Stock Wanted.
I wish to inform the people of
Murray and vicinity that I am
buying slock at Murray, and am
prepared to pay tho highest mar
kt,l price for anything in the stock
line. I will buy anything, from
one lo one hundred head or more.
Let me know what you have for
sale. Call 'Phone 8-H Murray
Exchange. H. C. Creamer.
Sell your property
the Journal.
by an ad In
Prepare for Your
Spring Work Now!
VOUR plows need
sharpening, and other
machinery may need re
pairing. Line them up
now and bring them in,
and let me put them in
good condition for you by
the time the Spring rush
arrives. You will be busy
then and so wi!! I.
Walter Green,
Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing
Murray, Nebraska
Royally Entertained.
Tlit! men of the Library
sociation did themselves proud
Wednesday ev ening in I ho way of
a treat lo the ladies, Fresh
oysters, celery, crackers and
coffee was the menu. When wo
state that L. D. Hialt is an artist
in cooking oysters we are plac
ing it very mild, as those present
say "they were the best yet," ever
made in town.
S. O. Pitman presided at the
coffee urn. He also manufactured
Hie delicious beverage.
O. A. Davis, Hick Pitman, O. M.
Minford and Hex Young acted as
waiters, and performed the task
wilh ease and grace. Considerable
credit is due Albert Young, chair
man of the committee, in secur
ing these proficient cooks and
skilled waiters.
The only thing to mar the even
ing was the sudden illness of W.
W. Hamilton, who was to appear
on tho program for woman's suf
frage. He prognosticated on the
subject to an extent that he
paralized his throat, and for fear
of causing Hie second attack the
debate on woman's sutl'rage will
he laid on the shelf.
From Wednesday's Daily.
The news was received in this
city yesterday of the death of Carl
Hrandt, a resident of this city, at
Houston J Texas, where be had
gone for the benefit of bis health
last September. He was a suffer
er from asthma and heart trouble
and sought relief in the milder
climate of the south, but the
change did not benefit him and he
passed away from his complica
lion of diseases.
Tho body will be brought to this
city, where his family reside, and
the funeral held at St. Paul's
church under the auspices of the
Louisville-lodge of the A. O. U.
W., of which he, was a member.
The body was shipped from Hous
ton yesterday, and on its arrival
will be taken at once to the
church, where the services will be
held, lie leaves a wife and two
small children, residing in this
city, and a brother, living at
Springfield, Neb., to mourn bis
fc'rom Wednesday's Dally.
While engaged Ibis morning in
unloading lumber from a car in
tho Uurlington lumber yard,
George Huston, an employe of
that department, had the misfor
tune lo have a largo timber fall
on his right foot, mashing two
toes, which will cause him to
cease work for about a week. He
had tho injured members dressed
by the surgeon and is resting as
easily as could bo expected, as the
injuries are quite painful.
Remember that the polls raxt
Tuesday will open at 8 o'clock a.
m. and close at 6 p. m., the same
as any other election.
Eggs for Hatching.
From full-blooded Rhode Island
Red hens. 1 .00 per setting.
W. A. Scott, Murray.
"My lit Ho son had a very severe
cold. I was recommended to try
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and
before a small boltle was finished
he was as well as ever," writes
Mrs. II. Silks. L". Howling Street.
Sydney, Australia. This remedy
is for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.