The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 24, 1913, Image 7

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To the Farmers and AH Users of
m m n
I wish to announce that I have
complete line of the celebrated
Racine-Sattley Company Farm
Machinery which I am pleased
to show, and I solicit your trade
, p.
(I Have a Full Line of Seeds that Grow.)
Yesterday being I Ij birthday of
Mrs. L. W. l.urenz. a number of
her friends and relatives gathered
al lln beautiful I.ort'ii homo in
I ho north part of (lie city to as.
sist her in celebrating the ovoid
in proper style, and wishing her
many nioro such joyful occasions.
The aflernuon was spent in music
and social conversation, the chief
feature of which was the delight
ful violin solos given ly Prof.
F. J. Kolbaba. which greatly
pleased I ho jolly crowd. The hos
tess served a most delicious
luncheon, which added greatly to
I Ho enjoyment oi (lie occasion,
and it was with groat regret that
the company hade their host ami
hostess farewell and departed for
their homes. The guests of the
afternoon were: Messrs. and
Mosdames J. M. Meisinger, Mike
4lild, Frank J. Liborshall and
baby, V. J. Loronz of Odell, Nob.,
Misses Anna Kopia, Sophia llild,
Charlotte Fornofl' and Messrs F.
A. I.orenz and Frank I.orouz of
Sheldon, olwa.
Churches Celebrate Easter Day in
a Most Becoming and Im
pressive Manner.
The Faster services in the dif
ferent churches this year were
more elaborate than ever before
from a musical standpoint, almost
all of the churches having special
musical programed arranged by
their choirs. The day was decid
edly damp and at the limo for
The wedding of two former
young people of this city was
solemnized at the Presbyterian
church in Ponder, when Mr. Frank
Cook of Haveloek was united in
marriage to Miss Annie Peterson
of Pender. The young people will
reside in Ilavelock in the future,
where the groom is employed in
the Hurlington shops, and where
he has a cosy little home waiting
for the bride. Both of the con
tracting parties were born and
reared in Plal tsiuouth and have a
host of friends who will ho de
lighted as well as surprised to
learn of their nuptials. The bride
is the charming and accomplished
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. II.
Peterson of this city and was for
a number of vears employed as
bookkeeper in the ollire of Me.
Maken it Son. but for the past
year has resided at Pender, being
employed as stenographer in the
otlice of the county attorney of
Thurston county. She was a young
woman of very pleasant personal
ity and everyone who knew her
was numbered among her friends.
The groom is the son of our
genial friend, 0. E. Cook, residing
just south of this city, and is a
young man of very high character,
and he and his wife are deserving
of all the happiness in the world.
Alfalfa Hay.
Good, bright alfalfa hay for
sale. $11.00 delivered. W. A. 'Phono 175 White.
$100 -Reward, $100
T!iP niuliTs of tills w4T will I'O I'IpiikiiI tr
ham tlmt tbnii 1 lit l.i.t one iliimli'l illst-ar
that hIhicp Inn Imh-ii nble to ohm Iii hII Iik
Hi-aiT. mid Hint U Cuturrli. Hull' I'nturrli Cum
I ihe onlv pusltlvp nno now known to tin- mwl-l-al
fraternity. Catarrh IwiiiK constitution:!!
i!l-i':'W. requires n coiistltutl'Minl treatment.
Hulls Cntnrrli Cure Is taken Internally, sctliiK
cii'.vtlv iikii tilt' IjIoucI iuiiI mucous Kiirfaces of
the er'stem. thereby destroying the foundation
. i!ie disease, and islvlnR the patient atrenutli
l.v l.tilKllnir nil the constitution Olid mwlstllll! Iltt- In doliii: Its work. The iroprletor have
i nmeh f.ilih In Its curative, powers that they
.ffer Ono Hundred Hollars for any case that It
f;iils to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address I". J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold L.v all Druplsts. 75c.
Take Hull's Family Tills lt constipation.
This is the Car Which Pulls Ten
Times Its Own Weight
On Dirt Roads.
Actually hooks onto a string of loaded wagons,
totaling ten times the car weight and hauls them
over the road without difficulty.
Most Car for the Money
You can maintian the Cartercar at less expense, operate it
with less effort and find more pure enjoyment in its ownership
than you can find in any gear-driven car made.
Cartercar demand will be larger than ever this year and will
exceed the demand so'better drop in early.
roehler Bros.
Cause for Alarm
Loss of appetite or diitrsss after
eating; a symptom that should
not be disregarded.
It is not what you eat but what you
digest and awsimilate that does you
pood. Some of tho strongest, health
lest persons are moderate eaten.
Nothing will cause more trouble than
a disordered stomach, and many
people contract serious maladies
through disregard or abuso of the
Wo urge all who suffer from indi
gestion, or dyspepsia, to try Retail
Dyspepsia Tablets, with tho under
standing that we will refund the
money paid us without question o
formality, if after use you are not
perfectly satisfied with renulu.
We recommend Itexall Dyspepsia
Tablets to customers every day, and
have yet to hear of one who has not
been benefited. We bcliove them to
be without equal. They give prompt
relief, aiding to neutralize acidity;
stimulate flow of gastric Juice,
strengthen the digestive organs, and
thus promote perfect nutrition and
correct unhealthy symptoms. Three
sixes, 25 cents, 60 cents, and $1.
You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets
la this commupity only t our ntaxu
There Is a F.i-iall Store in nearly every town
and city in the United butes, CaniJa and
Great Britain. There is a different Reiall
Remedy for noarly every ordinary human ill-
each especially deaignr-d for the particular ill
lor which it is recommended,
Th Reull Stora are America' CreaUat
Drug Stores
Are You Constipated?
If so, pot a box of Dr. King's
Now Life Pills, lake (hem regular.
y and your trouble will quickly
disappear. They will stimulate
the liver, improve your digest ion
and pet rid of all the poisons from
your system. They will surely pet
vou well apain. 25e at F. C.
Fricke & Co.
The state board of pardons has
granted a parole to Jack Crawford,
who was sent up from this county
for stealing some wheat from the
farm of H. L. I'ropst, and he has
gone lo the western part of I he
stale, where he will bo employed,
and it is to be hoped he will sue
ceed in his endeavors lo start life
anew in the right way. Craw for
would have been allowed his free
down last year had he not been
implicated in the smuggling of
"dope" into the prisoners at (he
penitentiary, as almost everyone
was willing to sign the pardon
for his release.
There arc a few boxes of si. a
tionery on our bargain counter
You will have to hurry if you want
some while the price is so low,
This evening County Attorney
lieorge A. Maguey of Omaha vvi
lecture before I lie Young Men
llible class of the Methodist
church al (heir rooms in the
church. Mr. Maguey is one of the
most prominent men in Omaha
and his election last fall as county
attorney of Douglas county proves
he is one of the leading lawyers of
the bar there, and his lecture this
evening will be well worth attend
ing and a cordial invitation is ex
tended to all (he members of the
legal profession and the young
men of the city to allend.
Farm for Sale.
Anyone wanting to buy
would do well to see V. H,
county assessor.
a fa I'm
Best Known Cough Remedy.
For forty-three, years lr.
King's New Discovery has been
known throughout the world as
t he most, reliable cough remedy.
Over three million hollies were
used last year. Isn't this proof?
It will gel. rid of your cough, or
we will refund your money. J. .1.
Owens, of Allendale, S. C, writes
the. way hundreds of others have
done: "After twenty years, 1 find
(hat Dr. King's New Discovery is
the best remedy for coughs and
colds (hat I have ever used." Tor
coughs or colds and all throat and
lung troubles, it has no equal.
50c and ?1.00 at F. G. Frieke
9i Co.
S. O. Colo has
grown alfalfa seed
$9.00 per bushel.
some home
for sale at
Many a Plattsmouth Household
Will Find Them So.
To have the pains and aches of
a bad back removed to be entire
ly free from annoying, dangerous
urinary diorders, is enough to!
make any kidney sufferer grate
ful. The following advice of one
who has suffered will prove com
forting words to hundreds of
Journal readers.
Mrs. Ray Smith, 1000 Hock St.,
IMatlsmouth, Neb. says: "I know
(hiit. Doan's Kidney Pills are a
good kidney medicine. I have seen
them used in my own family and
(hey have always given relief. A
member of my household had
been suffering intensely from
lameness across the back and
could get no rest, at night. See
ing Doan's Kidney Pills adver
ted, we got a supply and (heir
use brought relief. We always
get Doan's Kidney Pills at Ry
noll's Drug Store. 1 recommend
I hem."
For sale by all dealers. Price
rn cents. J'nster-Milburn Co.,
ItutJTalo, New York, sole agents for
I he l.nited Slates.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no ot her.
Best for Skin Diseases.
Nearly every skin disease yield)
quickly and permanently to Uuek
leu's Arnica Salve, and nothing is
better for burns or bruises
Soothes and heals. John Deye, ot
Gladwin, Mich., says, after sutler
ing twelve years with skin ail
ment and spending $400 in doe
tors' bills, Iiucklen's Arnicu Salvo
cured him. It will help you. Only
25c. Recommended by F. G
Fricke & Co.
church services the threatening
clouds served to keep a great
many away that otherwise would
have been present.
The services held at St. Luke's
church were very impressive and
the day's services began with the
elebralion of Holy Communion at
ti:;tt), and I he second celebration
al :.'10. At the It o'clock service
the choir, under the direction of
rof. II. S. Austin, assisted in the
service, which was (lie choral
celebration of (he Fuohrisl, and
was attended by almost all the
members of the parish, and I he
services were the most beautiful
ind inspiring of any that wore
held in the city, the choir render
ing some of tho most classic
sacred music that has been heard
in any of (he Plallsmouth
churches. At Hie evening service
lit. Ilov. Arthur L. Williams,
bishop of Nebraska, was present
and preached the sermon. The
tad storm served lo keep many
away ironi I ins service, as il
raged up lo the lime for the serv
ices to start.
Particular interest was full in
this service by the parish as for
the first time a number of boy
choristers were introduced in
conned ion with tho choir. There
were also used for the llrsl lime
a magnificent brass processional
cross presented to the parish by
Mrs. Herman It. Iturgoss, in lov
ing memory of her husband, the
la(e rector of SI. Luke's, Canon 11.
IS. Burgess. Tho cross is of solid
brass and was made lo order by
Gorman. 11 measures 2 feel from
the base to I ho apex, and with the
solid oak standard is i'i feel II
inches iii length. The inscription
is as follows: "To the Glory of
God and in Loving Memory of Itev .
Canon Herman II. Muigess, Sept.
7th, 1012." Master Harold Smith
was erueifor Faster morning and
Master Robert Henry llerold in
the evening. At the evening serv
ice I lie uisiiop gave in iuosin,f
upon lite Iturgoss memorial pro
cessional cross ami also received
some ol I lie new ciioresiers as
in 'ir bo s and sei'Vel s.
The Presbyterian church was
well lined al I lie morning Hour ny
worshippers, who were delighted
program given, as well as the
Willi Ik 1 1 1 1 the splendid musical
powerful sermon of I he pastor,
Rev. M. W. Loriiner, who spoke
on jjio in i.nrisi. i no inusie
nt this service was of an excep
tional high standard and included
several solos by different mem
bers of of the choir, including the
beautiful anthem, "llosanna," by
Grannior tho solo being taken by
Mrs. R. G. Rawls, whose splendid
voice added greatly to the beauty
of (he selection. Miss Mathilde
Vallery, the lead of tho choir, sang
Hope in the Lord," one of Han
del's most inspiring compositions,
and Hie violin obligato was play
ed by Prof. Kalbaba in his usual
masterly manner. Ho also played
as (he offertory, "Fkolohaka," a
select ii.n tli.'it displayed to its
fullest the wonderful mastery of
.'ho violin he pussesses. The
services al (his church were most
inspiring and were much ap
preeiated by (he many who at
tended, as (he several selections
b.- (lie choir carried out fully the
Faster spirit. Tho second con
cert that had been arranged for
the evening was postponed on ac
count of the storm thai swept
over the oily.
The services at (ho First
Methodist church were nt tended
by a very large number, Unseat
ing capacity of the church being
taxed (o accommodate the wor
shippers, and the congregation
was treated to an unusually im
pressive and powerful sermon by
the pastor, Rev. W. L. Austin, on
tho celebration of the day and the
resurrection of the Saviour. His
sermon was in part addressed to
jthe members of Iho Knight Tem
I plars, who were present in their
I t'ej:iti:i In wnrliiii nml li.i (uliI nf
I lie greal support I ho Masonic
order had given to-the establish
ing of tho principles of Chris
tianity and their support of the
teachings of the holy bible. This
was one of (ho most able ser
mons that has been delivered in
this city and made a deep impres
sion on the many who were pres
ent to attend Hit! services. Tho
choir rendered most beautifully
the anthem, "Ami God Shall Wipe
Away All Tears," the solo part be
ing taken by Miss Dora Kafl'en
berger and Jennings Seivers, who
is gifted with a most powerful
and clear voice, gave Gounod's
beautiful sacred song, "Forever
With the Lord," as a solo. The
storm made it necessary lo aban
don Iho evening service, but the
program will be given at the even
ing service next Sunday.
A very large audience was
present at the Faster service in
the morning at SI. Paul's church.
Tho allar was beautifully decor
ated. The Faster liturgy was held
according lo the book of worship
used in the Synod. A number of
the old wonderful German Faster
hymns were sung by (he com
munity with the enthusiasm
proper lo I he Gorman services.
The choir sang, "O, Be Joyful in
Iho Lord, All Ye Lands," under
(lit! direction of Miss Amelia Mar
tens, Miss Sophia Weseh de
livered the poem, "Faster," writ
len iiy fiu'iiuM" Praelat K. Goj'oek.
The l'xf of the sermon held by
Rev. Sieger was taken from 1 Cor.
Better than
Spanking will not cure children of
wetting the bed, because it ia not
babit but a dangerous disease. The C.
II. Rowan Drug Co., Dept. B 1063,
Chicago, 111., have discovered a Btrictly
harmless remedy for this distressing
disease and to make known its merits
they will send a 5 c package securely
wrepped and prepaid Absolutely Frey
o any ready of the Journal. This
remedy also cures frequent desire to
urinate and inability to control urine
during the night or day in old or young.
The C. II. Rowan Drug Co. is an Old
Reliable House. Write to them today
for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted
members of your fa'mily, then tell your
neghbors rtnd friends about this rcmcde
15. The annual Faster offering
amounted to 81.
Children are much more likely
to contract Die contagious dis
eases, when they have colds.
Whooping cough, diphtheria,
scarlet fever and consumption are
diseases that are often contract
oil when I lie child has a fold. That
is why all medical authorities say
beware of colds. For quick euro
of colds you will find nothing bet
ter than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It can always be depend
ed upon and is pleasant and safe
to lake. For sale by F. fi. Fricke
.1 Co.
Many sufferers from rheuma
tism have been surprised and rt i
lighted with the prompt relief nf
forded by applying Chamborhi"'s
Liniment. Not one case of r' "i
lnalism in ten requires anv in
ternal treatment whatever. This
liniment is for sale by F. O. Fricke
Sell your property by an ari In
the Journal.
Tornado and Cyclone
SURANCE when the cost is only $5.00 for $1,000
for three years?
Phone 28
FALTER, torn
AETNA and QUEEN Insurance Go.