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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1913)
KATicr: of nioi'osrnox to vo-ru Sl'tA '1.41. TAX. The .-lectors of tlie County uf Cass, V. I rank;), will taki nolii-e that at tt -i.twiil .-le iiuii tu l. licij mi the Mil c.ay of .i-ril, A. 1. lain, nt the rmil;M ntii(f places in all t!ie inviiiut.s nnd warilrt ll.ruunln'ut suil county, t lie fol l vvinif iiMfstuin ami proposition will lit cm limit t'l to ii vote of the poople: tjhall the Konnl of County Commis sioners of Cass County, .Nebraska, or 'ther person or persons eliarsed by !aw with the appropriation of money mi levying of taxes for said county 1 r the time Ih-Ihk, appropriate the kiuii of $12,000 and. In addition to the regular annual tuxoy, cause to lie levied .n all taxahle property of said county, special tax sullicleiit to raise said imoutit for the purpose of litiildltitr a bounty Jail on the Court House grounds n the City of l'lattsmoiith, Cass Coun ty. Ni'luaska, taking such action as the itQiiiii inents of the law and the in terests of the public may demand; pro vided that said special tax be levied t the time of making the remilar levy f ti c Kcncral taxes for the year l!U;i. ;.mi ! entered upon the tax list T;r that yen and collected in the same manner us other taxes, and that pro- eerlinss shall he commenced for the erection of snld jail us soon as the authority Is obtained from the electors a.s is possible under the law, and bo continued without unnecessary delay li'itil th same shall have been com pleted and provided that said special tax be levied and collected one year and one year only. That t he said question and proposition above set forth shall bo submitted to the leal voters of said county In-the following form and manner; that Is to say the form of the ballot to be used at sain election In favor of said question arm proposition shall be as follows: "I volo for the appropriation of 112 000 and for the levy and collection of a special tax sutllelent to raise said imount lor the purpose of building bounty Jail." . And the form of the ballot to be i.sed at said election apainst said ques non ana proposition shall be as fol lows: 'I vote atfalnst the appropriation of the sum of $12,000 and against the levy and collection of a special tax for the j.urposo of bulldlnsr a County Jail." Dated this 1st dav of March, A. D, 1SU.1. C. K. JORDAN, ' Chairman Board of County Commis sioners, C. R HKEBNRII, JILIU.S A. PITZ, Commissioners. (Soul) Attest: ; C. MORGAN, County Clerk. to snow caise. In the District Court Id aad for Chnm Count)', Nebraska. In the Matter of the Guardianship of viiiia cniicoit, insane. This cnuse cumo on for hearinir upon u.u pciuion or wemey Chllcott, Kciardiun of the estate of Anna (T Chllcott, Insane, praying for a license to sell the interest of his said ward, Anna C. Chllcott, in and to the follow ing described rpnl oulula In.wlt file northwest quarer (NW'i) of me iioriiieasi. quarter tisr.ftj or sec tion twenty-four (24), Township ten 00), Uanife thirteen (13), In Cuss "ounty, Nebrusku. Haiti petitioner also alleging that the wife of petitioner, Anna C. Chllcott, was adjudged insane on the lath day of April, 1902, and has ever since re mained Insane, and Is now confined In the insane asylum of the State of Ne braska. That petitioner Is the owner in fee simple title of the above de scribed real estate, and the court is asked to ascertain the present value of the Interest of petitioner's said wife, and to authorize petitioner to sell the same at public or private sale. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that all persons interested In fhe estate and Interest of said Anna C. Chllcott, In sane, in and to the above described real estate, appear before me at the office of the Clerk of the Diatrict Court, at Phiftsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, on inn 14th day of April, A. D., 1913, at ten o'clock a. m., to show cause why mo court snouia not ueiermtne me present value of the interest of said Anna C. Chllcott. in and to the real estate hereinbefore described, and why license huouki not do granted to wentey .iiiicoii, guaraian or Anna c cniicott. Insane, to sell tho interest of his said ward in and to the above described real f Mate. ThlH order shall bo served by pub lishing the same In the Platlsmouth Journal for at least three successive weeks prior to the 28tli day of March, D. 1913. Dated this 1st day of March, A. D., iu. GEORGE F. CORCORAN, Judge District Court. P.AWl.S & KOH EltTSON, Attorneys. .OTICK TO CilF.niTOItS. la the Comity Court of (nun Conuty, Xeliranka J n the Matter of the Estate tiun Stoehr, Deceased. of Chris Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet witli thu executor of said estute before me, the County Judge of Cass Countv Nebraska, at. my olllue In the City of I'lattsmoutli, In suld Cass County, on the 26th day of April, 1913. and on the th day of October, 1913, ut ten o clock . m., each of said days, for the pur pose of presenting their claims and having tho same examined, adjusted, i. uowen or refused. MX months are allowed the creditors of said deceased lo present their claims, and which period expires on October the 4th, 1913, at ten o'clock a. tn. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, at l'lattsmoiith, Ne braska, this Stli (lav of March. 1913. (Seal) ALLEN J. 1! EE SON, County Judge. ) O. DWYER. Attorney. NOTICK TO HKDITOIt. lu Count) Court. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Cass Countv, ss. In the Matter of the Estato of William .1. O'Brien, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given to the credit ors of said deceased thut hearings will lid had upon claims tiled agulnst said estate, before me. County Judge of ("ass County, Nebraska, nt the Countv Court room In Pluttsmouth, In said County, on the 11th day of April, 1913, and on the 13th day of October, 1913, nt 10 o'clock a. m., each day, for ex amination, adjustment and allowance. All claims must be filed In said court on or before said last hour of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne braska, this 10th day of March, 1913. (Seal) ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. Buy your fancy the Journal office. stationery at ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR U. HALL UNION Wilkinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- I The holding of successful sales is our line. Our interests are with the seller when if comes to getting every dollar your property is worth. For open dates address or call either of us at our expense by phone. Dates con be made at he Journal office. -WILKINSON & HALL. NOTU'K OF AI'l'I.ICTIO KOH 1.111 OH Lit f.m:. V,.-, 1. .. ... .. uiuf is iicreov civen to all persons interested and to the public, .iat the i:n.le:iiu d. .1. 1.. I;us, .1. l,.,s filed his petition and application in the othYe or in e city del k i t II. e City o. l'latt intuitu. County of Cass, mid State of .Nt'oiaska. us required or law, signed l the reiiiired tuimlM- of resident irec-hoiiicrs of the said city settins; lortu the uppluant is a man of respectable character and standing and il resident of the state of Nebraska and praviiiK that a license tuav be issued to tiie said I.. J. Kussell for the" sale of mult, spirituous and vinous liquors tor the period of one year from the dale of the hearing of said application in a building situated on lots eleven and twelve 111 and 121. in block twentv-sev.-n (J.; i. in the First ward of the sal. I City of riattsmnoth, Nebraska. .1. L. KlSKI.U March IS, 191:!. Applicant. .XtTIC'l-: OF ll'( l VTIOV l OH I.Hlt OK l it Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested and to t lie public, that the undersigned. Will. Weber, has tiled iiis petition und application In the otllce of the city clerk of the Citv of l'liitts niouth, County of Cuss, and State of Nebraska, as required by law, signed by the required number of resident free-holders of the said city setting forth that the applicant is a man of respectable character and standing and n resident of the state of Nebraska and praying that a license tuav be issued to the said Win. Weber for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the period of one year from the date of the hearing of sum application in a building situated on tbe west half w of lot one (1), in Block thlrtv tour (3t, Fourth ward of the said Citv of l'lattsinouth, Nebraska. VM. AVEBER, March 18, 1913. Applicant'. oticf. of rrucTiox 1. 1(U Oil M K.VSK. KOH Notice is hereby given to all persons interested and to the public, that the undersigned, Ed Donat. has tiled his petition and application In tne otlice of the city clerk of the City of I'latts tiiouth, County of Cass, and State of i-MenrasKu, as required by law, signed y me requireu number ot resident iree-noiiiers or the said citv setting forth that the applicant is a man of respeciauie character and standing and h resident of the state of Nebraska and praying that a license mnv be issued to . me said Ed Donat for the sale ot man, spirituous and vinous liquors for tne period of one year from the iiaie oi tne Hearing of said application In a building situated on the east hull' (e'i) of lot twelve (12), in block twenty-nine (29) In the First ward of the said City of I'lattsmoutli, Nehrnskn. El) DONAT. .March l.s, 19K!. Applicant. .XtTICI'! OF APPLICATION Foil UlllOII LICENSE. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested and to t lie public, that the undersigned, Ed Egenberger, has tiled his petition and application in the otllce of tho city clerk of the Citv of l'latts moiith. County of Cass, and State of Nebraska, us required by law. signed by the required number of resilient free-holders of the said citv setting lorth that tne applicant is a man of respectable character and standing and a resident of the stute of Nebraska and playing that a license muv be issued to the said Ed Egenberger for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the period of one year from the (late of the hearing of said application in u building situated on the east half (c'2) of lot twelve (12), in block twenty-eight (28), In the First ward of the said City of l'lattsinouth, Nebraska. ED Eli EN I! 10 1 US 10 R, March IS, 1913. Applicant. -OTICK OF APPLICATION Foil I.hil OK LICK.VSF.. Notice Is hereby given to all persons Interested and to the public, that the undersigned, J. E. McDanlel, has filed his petition und nniilicntion i n i li nlllou of the city clerk of the City of l'lutts mouth. County of Cuss, and State of Nebraska, as required hv law, sinned ty the required number of resident free-holders of the said citv setting forth that the upplicunt Is ll m.'i n . it!' respectable character und stondlny and a resident of the state of Nel irnskn nm1 praying that a license nmv be issued to the said J. E. Mcliunicl f.u- Hi.. of mult, spirituous and vinous Honors for the period of one vein- fmm n... (late of the hearing of said application in a building situated on lot six nil. In block thiltv-thrce Ci:!i. in ih. Fourth ward of the said City of l'lattsmoiith, Nebraska. ,1. E. .Mcl ANI lOh. March 18, 191::. Applicant. NOTICi: OF APPLICATION FOII MfllOlt mcf.nm:. Notice Is herebv irlv fMl til fill nnrwiihk interested and to the nubile, that the undersigned, l'eter (ioos, has filed Iiis petition and antiiieation In th ..i!',. .. of tho city clerk of the Citv of l'lalts tnoulh. County of Cass, and Slate of Nebraska, us required by law, signed by the required number of resident rree-holdors of the said citv setting forth that the upplicunt is a man of respectable character nnd standi 1 1 if n n 1 1 u resident of the state of Nebrusku und praying that a license tuav be Issued to the sahl l'eter C, oos for tl.O Mlllp of mult, spirituous nnd vinous liquors tor the Per oil of one venr I'n.m tl.u (lute of tbe hearinir of said application In a building situated on lot twelve 112), in block thirty ( .1 0 1 . in the First ward of the said Citv of Pint tsmont li Nebraska. i'ETEU (K)O.S. March 18, 191.1. Applicant. NOTICE OF APPLICATION Foil I, Hll OK LICENSE. nonce is nerenv uiven to all nersnms micresieii anil to me public, that tin undersigned, Adolph ( Seise, has filed his pel it ion und application in I be ollli e of the city clerk of the City of l'latts inouth. County of Cass, and State of Nebraska, as required by law, signed by the required number of resident I ree- hooters of the sahl citv setting forth that the applicant is a man of respectable character and standi nir anil a resicieni oi tne state or .Nebraska und praying that a license mnv be issued to the said Adolph ticlse for the sale of malt, spirituous Olid vinous Honors for the period of one vear from the late i. The hear nil of mi i iim iinllnn III a building situated on the west half 1WV.I OI lot by llil. in I, nek 1 1, 1,1 v. rour i::ti. in the Fourth ward of the sain city oi I'lnttsnioiit i. Nebraska. ADOLPH (SIKSE, March IN, 1913. Applicant. NOTH'K OK SAI.H. In the District Court of Cn (nunlt. .rornMKA. In the Matter of the Kstnlo of Nicholas lliilmes, Dceensed. Notice Is hereby urlveii thut In pur- siinnco of un order of Hon Oeoran F. orcoran. Action .Indite of the Iiisirlet Court of Cuss County, Nebrusku, made on the 20tli dav of March 191 :: for tho sale of reul estate hereinafter described, mere will lie sold nt the sooth ilnnr of the Court Mouse, m I'lattsmoutli, Ne braska, on the 26th day of April, 1913, ut 10 o'clock n. m., tit public vendue t'i the hlKhest bidder for cash, under the terms of nurniri anh nine of tbe will of Nicholas llalmes, deceased, and the order of above named Court, nermlttinn member of the family of snid de euseil. to assume and take over thn bid of any outsider unv lime before tin. loslllir of sale. Tvventv ner cent or the bid tn be paid in cash nt tbe eloun of tho sale, and the balance of the bid to be paid at the time of the confirma tion of the sale bv suld District Cmirf or .Indue thereof. 'The land to be sold the following: N of SRVJ, Sec. 2N, 'iwp. 12, KuiiKfl 9; Si,4 of ,SV',i und pwyi or V, of Sec. S, Twp. 12, wkiiKe oi rM'. ',i iinn or sv linil rsWV. of S i of Sec. 7. Two. 1 ' itiKo l.'i: NK 'i of NU'i.; of s..n r. iwp. il-. limine i;t, nnd l.ots 10. II nm In llloek 2. of the Citv of I'lutta. mmitii nil In Cass County, Nebraska Mini Lots 11 ami 12. I'.loeU i, i. m,,i.i subject tj the llnmestead rliflit tliereln or llenrlettn llalmes, widow. Suld sale win remain open one hour Imted tills 21th day of March. 191;; NICllol. x c it.vr.Mi.-si '.veiutor of tho Kstuto of Nhholnu lliilnies, Deceased O. DWYKH, Attorney. A little ad In the Journal will serve the purpose. ' PR0CEEBIHG3 I'lutt lioaid I ' nt. mouth. Nel... .March is, 1913 mel pursuant to adjournment I. 1!. Jordan. C. E. I Ivehncr and Julius simiers: D. A. I'ltz. County Comints C ..Moiuan. Countv Clerk .Minutes or previous session read and approved, when the following business as transacted in regular form: .1. H. Tarns, superintendent of countv poor farm, tiled his report for the ear from March 1, HU2, to March 1, im.i, as tollows: Expenditures (Srocerles and meats, S'l'l.'il; clothing and shoes. $M."; im plements and furniture, lj;(.tii; drugs and paints, $.!2.20; hardware and lum ber. J'.Hi.ol; coal, $2M;l.fil; fence posts, $l-..ou; harness and blacksmith re pairs. J:;i..,.l; threshing. '.0.i:t, male hog, rye, labor, etc., IM.Ki: storm windows, $61. IT,; total. $1,2.17. til. Keeelpts Ueceived from sules JM2.98: produce on hand, worth jMil.OU. Average number of inmates main tained during year, 20; number of iieaii!,. -', average cost per inmate for the year. J17.riii. Clerk of district court filed state ment of the lime und mileage of the regular jury and talesmen for the .November term, 1912. County Assessor W. IJ. l'.rvan re ported two vacancies in precinct as sessor us follows: .1. V. Kuhgu. vceplng Water precinct, account sick ness, and Win. J. Kan, Center precinct, failed to qualify, and recommended the following names to till the vacancies: Toirenee Fleming, deputv assessor Weeping Water precinct, und J. W. Iloner, deputy assessor Center pre cinct. Appointments made us sug gested. Contract entered Into with Dr. C. V. Fordyc county physician District No. I, and bond approved. Contract entered into with C W Palmer, county physician District No. ti, and bond upproved. An agreement signed by the Hoard of County Commissioners, party of the Hi st part, and C. W. (Juinton. pnrtv of the second part. In which the party of the second part agrees to receive the sum of $Ji)() us full payment of his claim for Jailer fees for the veurs 1IIU7, 19't.s. 1909, lino and 1911. The following claims were allowed on the lieneral fund: i '. E. lleebner, salary $ lS.::o Nelson Jean & Co., coal to Ful- leiton, W'ordon, McPherson, Uiltstruck Waterman Lumber K- Coal Co., cou I to Mrs. lirlnkmaii and court house Julius A. I'itz, salary .'. 1). C. Morgan, salary and ex 20.00 97.9.' 1. 40 200.7 4 ::o.oo pense for February, 191.1 C. K. Jordan, salary ami mileage I.. I.. l-.genherger, noise. to I'loegcr, Deiison anil liood wuter 48.00 Hammond .t Stephens Co.. sup plies to Co. Supt S. F. (iirardel, indse. to Miss MolSinnls T. Arthur Wiles, nurse and board Mrs. Eflice Davis i Kef used) . . C. 11. Taylor, salary and expense W. K. Fox, stamps Waterman Lumber Co.. coal to 81.fp,- 5.00 ::t.oo 172.39 H.71 court house 27. ij Hammond & Stephens, balance due on account for supplies., 3.00 Win. Holly, mdse. to countv.... 7.15 C. W. Kuylor, coal to Hopkins, Kern, Denson, Kushinsky, Mon roe, Mayes and Farm 115.26 August Turlsch, buililT certllicute 12.00 Nebraska Lighting Co., gas to Jail, court house and street '""P 17.61 Mary 1 1-oster, salary and ex pense lf.7.90 Zuckweiler & LuU, mdse. to sheriff n.00 Edw. Kynott & Co., supplies to county assessor fi.00 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co., rent nnd tolls 33.10 J. M. JirouseU, mdse. to countv farm ', 32.31 Fred Patterson, oftice work .... looO l'lattsmoiith Water Co., wuler to court house 10.80 linns Slevers, salary and lauii- drv vi mi .1. M Thr.'islier IttiililY i.i.rl illi.ul,. u ml I Kloi'p - Hun!ett Co., supplies to county 200. ."7 E. Mu h speaker, salary deputv sheriff '. l.VOii O. I'. East wood, rat trap:! to jail .70 .i. 11. Tains, seed oats, freight, etc., to farm 2!.0;: M. Soeniiichse!:, mdse. to Itiamlt, Collins. Hopkins, M. i iiuss a ml A. Kern 22.0(1 VI. r I 'la I i.-moiil h Journal, print nig ami supplies fi.1.90 (n'oi.e Vcrhille. repairs to boiler 4 mi C. 11. .Void Lumber .Mrs. Helms Co., coal to i.. Jones, Al. )., Co. are .Nov. 20 lo I'el I i- ti iet No. ,1 I 'a It .V- Son, linlse. I 1 1 : sa I 19i:t, l.VHO I2.r,i) ti.ou 7.75 2UD.99 7.09 2.00 7.1 00 10.00 7,".00 to ICIIeli .Mayes l.orcnz llros., mdse. to .Mis. Vor- deti C. I). t.Milnlon. bonrdip;, city prisoners und committments. . C. I'. On I n ton. bon rd I n tr count i risoners und salary '. II. lumbar, meiils to iurv. .. John Koptu, mdse. to Mrs lirowu .1. II. Tunis, salary for l-'ebruarv Wo I IT Ac Aull, mdse to Kranke.'. The Hartford Steam Holler In spection .V Insurance Co., in surance on boiler J. I!. I'nrtrhlKo, nursiim .Mrs. Wo rd en 2:i.O0 allowed on The following claims wci the i;oad fund: Meiarlney Hros., nulls for ltond nistrict No. -I 1.25 7.r.;. Louis W. KoettKcr, l:oail District No. 1 inulerinl, .1. M. Hoover, roud District No. 3 work, I toad 4.15 .9f. C. II. Nold Lumla'r Co lload District No. 6. . . lumber, Waterman Lumber & Coal Co.. lumber for lioad IHstrlct No. 1 5.95 C. H. Spohn. road work, Koad District No. LI 19,51) '!. W. lAiach, same. No. 15 H.10 10 ran Denson, same, No. 4 100.00 u. iv fox, poll tax receipt Loud District No. 14 ,1.00 a. i. soy Pert, roud work. Koud District No. 2 11.45 li. . Leucli, same, No. 14 47.20 AtiKust Krecklow, same, No. 210 M. .nailery, broken Plow. Itond District No. 14 10.00 c. !. Millery, roud work, Uond District No. 1 4 2.40 Afnett Co., repuirs. Koad District No. 5 iij.oo Arnett Co., sulne, No. 6.... 7.50 juuies m. carper. 1111.1. Koud District No. 8 8,35 1.. w. i-urisn, roud work, Kond District No. IS 6.60 Tho following cluini8 were ullowed on inn liiniKe rund: 11. A. Vunke Lumber Co., bridgn lumber 4.65 c. 11. isoia Lumber Co., same.... 21.21 Auitust Krecklow, bridge work.. B.fiO C. l' Vnllery, same 23.35 i'.. 1. Tool, sumo 10.75 V. U. Nold Lumber Co., brldKc lumber 25.20 The Cedar Cteek Lumlier Co., entile 38.25 Hoard udlourned to meet Tuesday, April 1. 19LI. I. C. MOI'.CiAN, County Clerk. Oeorjif Kaficnberr:er and family lioe in yesterday from tlieir home, west, of this city, to attend Faster services in this city. J. M. I.eyda was a passenger Ibis morning on the early Bur lington train for Omaha to look after some business mailers Miss Carrie Sherwood, who has been spending her vacation here wilh tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Sherwood, departed this morning for York, where she is teaching. Her mother accom panied here to Omaha. mm iT J E J Garden Seeds of All Kinds carried in connection with our most complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries All Brands of High-Grade Flour. Large line of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes, with a specialty of Men's Work Shoes Also a staple line of Queensware and a few complete HAY nd Local News IIi l Kiiiiinii'll Sal unlay from was in Ih oily c iciiiily of Mv iiitiil. cnmiiiir in In in sonic (rati inu. Mrs. . iM. Wii.-y or Murray was a visitor in I his city Saturday ami was a pleasant caller at. I his llllil'l'. N Miss Josephine Murphy i iwil Sal unlay tin No. 1! for I'M.-!' Suinlay isil, here with n;"lher ami sisters. ar an her Hani Clark ami wile were pas seiinci' I his inorninp: fur Omaha, where they were called lo attend lo business mailers. Mrs. C, p. McPherson returned lo her home in Omaha today, af ter an over Sunday visit hern with relatives in this city. You can say t'oodbyp to con si ipat ion with a clear conscience if you use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured by their use. For sale by F. C. Fricke & Co. John Holisc licidt of the icinily f Murray was a visitor in this ciiy aiurilav. am ca et a his ollice and renewed his subscrip I ion. Miss Kleanor Todd relurned Ibis inorniny: lo (tnialia to resume her studies in school Iheie, after .-peniliiiH Suinlay with her par cels, west uf this cilv. Yon can say ffoodbye In con st ipat ion wilh a clear conscience if you use Chamberlain's Tablels. Many have been permanently cure i by their use. For sale by fi. I iieke & Co. Mrs. .loliu Kopp and two dan b- lei's were passengei's lb' iii on tbe early Hurlinton ! Omaha, wliere they spent, the da wilh friends. W. F. (iillespfe, the Mynard grain man, came in Saturday aft ernoon from Omaha and visited for several hours wilh bis many friends in Ibis city. Mrs. 11. K. Foster and little daughters, who have been visiting al (lie F. (1. Larson home for the past week, returned lo tlieir home at Union yesterday on the noon train. Yon judge a man not by what ho promises lo do, but of what he has done. That is tho only true test. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy judged by this standard has no superior. People everywhere speak of il in tho highest terms of praise. For sale by F. fl. Fricke t Co. 3 C U n All new snappy, up-to-the minute stuff at Rock Bottom Prices. Also Benjamin Moore's Paint, Muresco Sani flat, White Lead, Pure Lineseed Oil, Varnishes for all purposes, Brushes, Tile-Like for the ladies, etc., at FRANK GOBELMAN' f Exclusive Wall Paper and EARLY RED RIVER PTAT 565c per lushed FEED OF ALL KINDS! i """"""" Local News From Saturday' Dally Hen Dill, fr tun Murray, was in the city today transacting busi ness wilh the merchants. Mrs. A. F. Seyberl of near Cul lom came in this morning from her home lo visit w ilh her parents C. F. Metzger came in this aft ernoon from Mynard to look after some business mailers with the merchants. I.ig Mi-own,, the genial Kenosha fanner, was in town today doing some trading and visiting with his many friends. W M 't'i I . 1 . ' . .u. inoiiiiis cume uowti inis morning from Louisville to attend 10 some mailers of business at the court house. Charles Peacock and wife were in tin? city yesterday for a few 1 1 . 1 . Hours unending 10 some trading with the merchants. 1'. A. Horn drove in today from his farm near Cedar Creek lo at tend lo some week-end shopping among the merchants. S. L. Furlong drove up this morning from his homo near Hock Mluffs lo attend to some business matters for a few hours. Miss Kleanor Todd came down from Omaha last evening and will i-pend Sunday at the homo of her parents, west of this city. Fd Trilsch ami lillle daughter drove in today from their home, west of this city, and al tended lo some trading wilh the merchants. Deputy County Treasurer Trie! sch and family departed this aflernooii for Cedar Creek, where I hey will be guests of friends over Sunday. Adam llild of near Mynard was in I he city today for a few hours isiling with relatives and friends and looking after some mailers of business. I''. .1. Ilennings ami daughter were in the city today from the ieiiiily of Cedar Creek, looking after some matters of business with the merchants. .Nicholas Halmes, I he genial miller of Weeipng Water, was in the city yesterday visiting with friends and allemling lo business al I he counly court house. (leorge J, Meis4nger drove in today from his home, near My nard, and was a passenger on No. i;;i for Council Willi's, where be was called 011 business mailers. Card of Thanks. We desire lo ret urn our most heart felt thanks to the many friends who assisted us in the death and burial of our be loved wife, mother and daughter, ami pray that those who so nobly assisted us may be treated as kindly in their hour of grief. Jesse Codwin and Family. Mrs. Hrandon and Family. K. M. Godwin and Family. Thomson, Dentist. Wesoott Blk. 3C DOC Paint Store. North OHIO Dinner Sets at a sacrifice. I? I LU For three seasons (lie farmer has had to plant any and every thing that would grow, con sequently urns! of the corn has become mixed. Our stocks arc I he finest w e ever offered, pure in strain, highest vitality. Single bushel, .t:. 5(1, Jlooiie. County White, 110 to U'O "lays. SI. Charles, Ited Cob, White, 100 days. Improved Kai ly Learning, Yel low, 115 days. Hied's Yellow Dent, 100 to 110 days. Iowa Silverinine, 95 to 110 days. Johnson County White, 125 days. Cornplanter White, 110 days. 00-day Corn, While, 90 days. Prices on Clover, Alfalfa and CSrass seeds, per bushel: Hed Clover, $13.00. Mammoth Clover, $15.00. Alsike Clover, $ 15.00. Timothy, $2.80. Alfalfa, $10.00. Hlue Crass, $2.50. Cane, $l.:io. Millet, $1.50. Cow IVas, $;.00. Winter Rye, $U0. Canadian Oats, $1.12. Koine Crown Oals, 75c. Rape, $1.50. Orchard Crass, $2.50. Kafllr Corn, $1.50. Seed Potatoes, 85c. Fertilizers Tor all cereal and grass crops, $.15.00 to $10.00 per Ion. N'cd Cleaners, y $25.00. screens. Seed Testers, capacity H to 0 bushels corn, $18.00. Cyclone Seeder, $1.50. .No extra charge for bags; alt seeds are sold bags weighed. FDWARD HARTLINC, SKF.D CO., Seed Merchants, Nebraska City, Neb. Invalids Need Pensions. 1,500 subscriptions to tho Ladies' Home Journal $1.50, the Saturday Fvening Post $1.50, the Country Gentleman $1.50, will earn for the Invalids' Pension As sociation, which will insure my self and 15 other sufferers $100 a month each. Your renewal worth 5oc. Also any publication. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. Always address CORDON. THF. MAfSA XI NK MAN, Omaha, Neb. 3-13-it-wkly George Raker, wife and child of Omaha came down vestenfav morning on No. and visited al the W. K. Rosencrnns home for the day. . K. M. Godwin and son, Albert, came in Saturday from their home near Murray to attend lo some trading wilh the merchants. Sixth St., Plattsmouth, Neb CZZ3L-, "icy' mm E H 3t ,