The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 20, 1913, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
: Published Serai-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Neb.:
IV. A. I IATICS, 1 ul.llt.hc-r
Entered at the Postoflice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as seeond-claaa matter
rvvvvvvvv. vww
J. We ni'i'i iiiily obey. There
J is guidance fur each of us,
ami hy lowly lisleninir, we
.J. shall hear rinhl will.
.J. ,
4 i t
:o :-
The present weather is surely
i )!! Winter's parting shot.
The groundhog's six weeks has
almost expired. Ain't you glad?
This hasn't been a very severe
winter on the fellows who loafed
all last summer.
When an ollice without a salary
begins to seek a man lie at once
becomes an arlful dodger.
The lale Madem's fallier was a
smart man and ohjecled seriously
fo his .sou going iulo polil ies.
man who has lived mi a farm
will put up wil" several kinds of
hardships in town hefore going
:o :
However, we shall Iry lo ho
patient with our suffragettes so
long as they throw nothing- worsts
than adjectives at us.
The women suffragists net. no
consolation from Hie present
legislature. Tlie suffrage bill lias
been defeated in house and
Prospects4 for crops in Okla
homa .were never Itet ,l.rr, but that
is one. trouble vvilh Oklahoma; it
raises so much larger prospects
I ban crops.
I he Sunday hase ball bill has
passed the bouse. Now it is up to
cities, tiivvns and comiiiunil ies to
say whether or mil I hey want
Sunday ha' ball panics.
The Itewey hotel lire in Omaha
was nut, near as disastrous as at
llrst reported. While a number
were seriously injured, but, one
person perished in the Humes.
The Sunday base ball question
is settled, and t In university re
moval is also a mailer of the past.
The house slamls pat for the
present sile and the senate is for
Nat Goodwin to Hat Nelson:
"They are here today and gone
tomorrow. Cheer tip! Millions
of pals left in the country. Can
I give vou any advice "
The dcigeiir of IllOse new
nickels may think In- has done
siiiiicI hiiiy wonderful, but it would
ake the luck out of him if he
count overhear wnai Jew una
(entile say of him.
Every sprint,' rain adds to the
probability of a biff crop. Those
are democratic times, and the
Lord is generally pood to them.
lie has placed the soil in good
shape for the farmers.
It is estimated that one hiin
Ired million dollars will be raised
annually by taxing incomes. I'll is
means thai amount of taxation is
to be taken oil' of the things that
ie people must have in order to
Emm I he talk I he farmers are
miking iulo the seed corn ques
tion more earnestly this spring
than ever. Nothing will insure a
uooii corn crop more assuredly
I ban first-class seed, and the
fanners are onlo this fact.
The last, four seasons the ladies'
hals have been compared to in
verted dishpans, but this year
I bey come nearer resembling u
half-gallon cup or a small slower
Now, if the price has just shrunk
in proportion to the size perhaps
there won't lie so much grumbling
among the men folks.
A Cass county bachelor takes no
stock in matrimony, and when we
asked why he did not gel, married,
be replied: "Wny should I get
married-.' I have a fancy rooster
who is vain about bis feathers; a
goal that chews the rag, a busi
ness that keeps me up in air, and
an automobile that keep. nit;
broke." We I. ad nothing liloiv to
The MigSf-lion is being made
! that, in ievv of I palpable
il.iundeis in the pa-i, the m'Iit-
t of judges, bulb federal and
slate, be nadc by Hie lawyers.
I The advocates of this innovation
i- themselves lawyers, be it said
fortify their position by the fol
lowing declared po.-t ulates :
Eirst, it would remove the
judiciary of the slate from
politics. Second, it would elimin
ate the selection of judges by
political bosses. Thin), it would
eliminate corporate influence in
the selection of judicial nominees.
Eotirlh, it would insure! he selec
tion of honest and competent
men. l lie contentious seem lo ne
weak in several particular. Eirst,
they assume that lawyers as a
tody are more incorruptible and
less swayed by considerations of
self-interest than an equally
limited number of any other class
of citizens. Secondly, there is no
guarantee that lawyers would not
err as often as the people at large
in the selection of corrupt or un
fit judges. Thirdly, and most im
portant of all, the scheme is un
democratic and dangerous.
The spectacle of judges being
the creatures of a profession
through which alone they, in their
official capacity, impinge on the
public, would be inglorious in
deed. Placed in" I he hands of an
autocracy of lawyers after, per
haps, one of rival factions of
lawyers lo whose power, rather
than lo I lie publics' needs, every
self-seeking judge would lind it
convenient to defer, the judicial
sv.stem would be far from being
the unlrammeled instrument of
government demanded by a free
people. Not even is there any as
surance that lawyers would select
men for judges competent from
the standpoint of legal ability.
Presumptively lawyers know
whether a certain designated
member of their profession is or
is not a good lawyer. But so do
the people at large. And the
people are more likely to be un
biased in the choice of a lawyer
for a judge than those who
scrutinize a candidate merely
from the more or less conven-
lional viewpoint assumed by a
proiession in its aliunde towarn
one of its members.
Some men are a crooked as the
dollar mark that stands for their
If "U want to live almost for
ever and die happy, says a Chi
cago dentist, eat nothing' but un
seasoned and uncooked vegetables
and fruit. An excellent recipe for
reducing the cost of living, per
haps, but who wants to live al
most forever on such a diet?
When the harvester trust look
ed out on the beautiful snow and
reads about the perfect condition
of the winter wheal, crop, it jumps
ill fid cracks its heels together
in anticipation of a big business
in their line among the wheat
growers of the western states, and
lo study how deep they dare gouge
Some person up in Canada
keeps sending the Journal marked
copies of paiters booming that
country. Just as well cut it. That
country don't interest us and we
trust people in Nebraska will be
come less interested. Nebraska is
good enough for us, and should be
good enough for any person who
wants to make a living. Stay in
' Iff sos nil liifis i
The bill making jl a punishable
olTeiise to circulate false ad
vertising is all right with the ex
ception that it is all wrung to
punish the newspaper instead of
the author of the false ad. As
the World-Herald says: "If the
advertiser misrepresents, punish
him don't make the newspaper
responsible for another man's
dccepl ion."
In the assignment of ain
hasadorships President Wilson
cannot afford to overlook David
It. Erancis of Missouri. This em
inent statesman is able lo till any
position in which, he may be
placed, and perform his duties
with not only credit to himself,
but. with disl ir.guished honor lo
America and the administration
of President Wilson.
We want twenty draft horses from 5 to 10 years old, 1100 to
2000 pounds. And all other fat horses and mares from 4 to 30
years old. We will be in
Plattsmouth, Friday, March 28th
and will buy all the fat horses in the country that are for sale and
will pay more than any man in the world for a fat horse of any
kind. We will not buy a thin one at any price. We buy them
from 4 to 38 years old, weighing from 900 to 2000 pounds. All
your mares and geldings. Bring in your good draft horses and fat
plugs to a real horse buyer.
Endi'r the reorganization of
the senate committee at Washing
Ion, Senator Hitchcock has been
made chairman of I he Philippine
committee, and is also a member
of the coniiiiit lees on banking and
ciirency. foreign relations, mili
tary affairs, printing, territories
and lorest reserves and protec
tion of game. The committees to
which Senator Hitchcock has been
assigned comprise among them
four of I be most important. His
asignnients are probably more
important than those held in the
last two decades by a senator from
Nebraska. He ranks second only
to Chairman Owen on the new
committee on banking anil cur
rency which, in the next regular
session, will be even more import
s' nl than the finance committee.
As chairman of the Philippines
commit lec he is destined to play
a large part in the determination
of the question of Philippine in
dependence, which will be brought
before congress wilhin the yoar
and. according to Congressman
Jones, during- the special sessioi.
Governor Morehead will hate
the best of (lie slate senate in the
end. II is several months yet till
the board of control assumes the
duties of their positions. Gov
ernor Morehead will not appoint,
any other candidates, the legis
lature will adjourn some time next
month, and Messrs. Gerdes, Gregg1
and Granf will hold their places
until the next session of the
legislature, nearly two years
hence. So you see the governor
quits with one on the senate..
:o :
The base ball fans are. gettinp
warmed up for business.
:o :-
The Journal believes the jail
proposition will carry, and we
have good reasons for that belief.
The farmers who will throw all
prejudice aside, . believe Cass
county should have a new jail be
cause it is badly needed and will
have to build one sooner or later,
ami just as well now as later. Tin
proposition is presented lo them
in a more acceptable manner. Tin
- :o: tax is pant all at once, ami u is
'J' he presidency carries with it done with. The amount that each
honors not accorded by the gov
ernment. President Wilson has
just been appointed honorary vice
president of the Saturday Night
Eoor-Eeaf Clover club.
It is a very cold day in August
when .Hie lawyers lose out. Two
thirds of tlie members of Presi
dent Wilson's cabinet belong to
that profession, viz: Eryan, Mc
Iteynolds, Duilcson, Eanc, Daniels,
Garrison ami McAdoo, all of whom
have been admitted (o the bar,
The few papers in the county
that are opposing the jail proposi
tion offer no good argument
against it. They simply appeal
to the taxpayers as though they
I bought everyone was as selllsh as
they are. The jail is needed and
they know it, bul they simply op
pose it because they think it will
benellt some locality oilier than
their own. Every taxpayer, as we
lake them, are men of good Com
mon sense, and men who are not
going to lei such buncombe as
these papers are pulling forth
.sway them from voting for a
proposition thai is destined to
save them money in the long run.
one will have lo pay is com
paratively - small and the taxpay
ers who view I he proposition
ariuhl will vote for it.
The instruct ion of the Penn
sylvania llailroad company to the
effect, that hereafter when a train
is delayed for any reason I lie
trainmen shall immediately pass
through the coaches and an
nounce to the passengers the
cause of (lie delay and its prob
able duration, is welcomed by the
public. Passengers frequently
become unduly vexed nt a railroad
because of unexplained and
mysterious delays. In their im
patience they even attribute to
the company or its employes h
liberate and diabolical indiffer
ence lo the peace of mind of tho
traveling public, when if brief ex
planations were made the cause
of the delay would become palpa
hie enough and l lie passenger
would subside iulo palienct
With the Pennsylvania system
adopting tins inexpensive am
considerate innovation, other
rpads may do likewise, both to
their own profit and to the satis
faction of their patrons.
Several farmers from Hie west
side of the county have been in
Plallsmoulh the past few days on
business and we have taken the
opportunity lo interview them on
Hie jail proposition. They thought
I lie amount dcsigmilcd w as loo
small, but .when I he mailer was
explained lo them and how Hie
jail was lo be connected with the
court house Ibey seemed to take a
dilTereul view of Ibe mailer, and
there was not one of them but
said lliat Ibey would vole for Hie
proposition, as the county needed
a new jail, and it should be con
st rncled as soon as possible. They
were nil heavy taxpayers, too.
Sam Patterson, the Arapahoe
banker, and former Plallsmoulh
boy, brother of Tom and llae Pat
terson, is a candidate for the
position of assistant auditor of
the treasury department at
Washington. This post is now
occupied by W. E .Andrews, a Ne-
trnskan, who was appointed by
former President McKinley, and
has held it ever since. Mr. An
drews w ill be relieved of his duties
as a result of the change in the
administration. Mr. Patterson
has grown up in the banking busi
ness, and at one time was deputy
stale treasurer. He is well known
in democratic circles in Nebraska,
and being well llttcd for the posi
tion, should have a strong pull
for the place soon lo be vacated
bv W. E. Andrews.
The two Maderos, brothers of
the late president of Mexico, who
are now in I he United Slates, de
dare they will remain here and
not return to Mexico. Another
case, perhaps, not of loving more,
but of loving less.
Eel a newspaper commit an
unintentional error and the editor
is jumped upon and kicked and
cursed from pillar to post, with
no promise oi lorgiveness tins
side oT the ;j'ae. J'.til let some
oilier person commit an inten
tional error and Ibe same editor is
appealed to not o say a word
about it. And all this beats the
word that is spelled with four let
ters. P.ut such is the life of an
;o :
Tlie Nat ir mil Monthly, of
Washington, is aiilhorily for the
statement that, the country over,
President Wilson's demonetiza
tion of the inaugural ball has been
well received, ami that the country
r.pproves of its permanent dis
placement . Even in Washington
it is recognized that since such
all'airs required an expenditure of
public funds, of all the way from
sro,(iili lo Jf 1)0,000, - and dis
organized several departments for
a week, it is best never again to
establish the custom.
Governor Morehead and some
of the senators who refused to
confirm his appointees for the
board of control do not speak
now "as they pass by." The sen-
ale has not treated the governor
fairly in this transaction. The
appointees are all pood men, and
as politics are not to be thought
of in the performance of the
duties devolving upon them, wo
can't see any just cause for tho
action of the senate. Gregg, who
voted for Til ft, is the apparent
cause for some senators who are
bull inoosers, lo vole against him,
while several democrats do not
like Charley Grauf. Hut what's
the matter with Henry Gerdes?
Not a thing on earth can be said
against him. He is honest, con
scientious, a splendid citizen and
one of God's noblemen.
Parmele Theater
larch 24th
Dubinksky Bros., Inc.
The Most Powerful Story Ever Staged
Th n
The Grcaiest Play of Our Time
H9 9
Direct from a Long Run in Chicago and
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New York Cast and Production
Priccs25c, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00
Reserved Scats on Sale at the Hotel Riley