SKILLFUL MANAGER , TRACTORS GET BIG JOG AT GLENWDOD, IOWA Most Excellent Showing and the Farm in Better Shape Than Ever Before. Thai Hie county farm, west if this city, is in a most prosperous 4nlil imi is shown hy the reitorl of Hit' cllicietil superintendent, " II. Tains, In Ihc board of county commissioners at their meeting here this week. Mr. Tains re Itorls Hit' following stuns paid out. during Hit' past year, as well as t tits receipts from I he different sales of tin' produce raised on. Ihe farm : irocerit's and meal, !?! Il'i.iil ; clothing ami shoes, sTil.TT; im- jilei its ami furniture. -j:t; hardware and liimlier,-si)i'..:i i ; :oal, .;'ii;l..r)l ; fence iosts, !?15; harness ami repairs, i .55 : threshing, .")il.i:i; male Imp:, rye. lahor, etc., r:Ur; storm win dows, SOI. 45. The farm re ceived H !:'.!) from produce sold and has Kt"l worth on hand at present. This is a most excellent show ing for the farm under the skill ful management of Mr. Tains and shows that he has looked out in good shape for Ihc interests of tlie taxpayers, and the county was very fortunate in securing him for another year at the farm, as he has greatly improved the condi tion there, in every way and great ly reduced the cost of maintaining the institution. During the year there was an average of twenty inmates at the farm and the cost was only $17.51) per person ami theywere employed at various work around I he farm, more than making up this sum. 3:. H.!PUnSMOIIlH CON he given on Saturday evening. March L".t, at Coales' hall hy the Cosmopolitan cluh. ;;ml a iim.-l enjoyalde time is anticipated 1 the loers of dancing Ihroiiyhout this part of the county, as the! i . i i .i. :.. il... ilances ptveli ny tins iuiii in il j past have been nin.t enjoyable to; all attending. The music for the hall will he furnished hy t he i I . 1 1 orchestra, who have secured some new numhers that will he played hen! for I he first I iine. FUND SET ASIDE FOR MAINTE NANCE OF THE GROUNDS FORMER PLATTSMOUTH BOY CAUGHT IN CUPID'S NET The following ilem, taken from the Nebraska f.ily Press, will he of much interest here, as the young man mentioned is a former IMat l.sinmitli hoy and a resident here for several years while at lending the High school, ami was universally- liked hy all who knew hint and his many friends hen will he pleased lo learn of hi man-iane : "A marriage license was issneii yeslerday to l-'orsha (lorlon, and Miss Ell'ie M. Ilam-y, lit, hoh of Dunbar. The young man is tin son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank lorlon while Miss llaney is the ilaiigh- ler of Mr. and Mrs. 1, ,M. llaney liolh families living in iMinbar The voting man is in the livery business wilh his lather. Th wedding will take place in a very few days." The I'lallsmoulh liooslers hase hall cluh made a very wise move at their meeting Monday evening when they unanimously voted lo set aside a certain per cent of the gale receipts, as well as the money derived from concessions, into a ltind lor I lie maintenance of tins grounds, fence ami grand stand at the hall park in the future, which will do away wilh soliciting of funds for this purpose among tint business men mil hase hall fans ami is a very nidahle step on the part of the oIlicci'H ami players of the cluh, who hy this means give assurance o I he ptihlic that the money that was given to ne investeu in me all park will he protected hy the management ami players and the park not allowed to run down. This money will lake some of that which would otherwise he divided inning I he players, hut they ecogni.e that those who assist- I last year in pulling up the park have done their part and the hoys will see thai it is maintained in Hit! future. The cluh manage ment is in cyeellent hands, as 'resident Walling and Treasurer Dovev have charge of all the linancial transactions of the cluh ami llieir ahilily cannot he ques- ioned as lo giving Ihe citizens uul players a fair deal in every way, ami trie nest iiucresi.s oi ine luh will he safeguarded. Man ger Johnson has inspected the grounds and they are in very good shape ami when rolled will he ready for Imsiness. Seed Potatoes. Just received, a car of Ret JUver Karly Ohio seed potatoes that will hi' sold at ft fir, per hushe as long as they last. Place your order now. A. !. Hach Si Co. According to reports that have heen received in this city, tlie linn of Peters Richards, contractors, were Ihe lowesl hidders on the j contract for the completion of Ihe jhuihling at the Iowa Institute for (tit Feehle Minded at tileuwood, Iowa, their hid heing in Ihe neigh horhood of ii:!.mm, and was a little lower than the others, al though there was not a great deal of dillerence in any oi iiiem. 'I'll is linn did a great deal of work over I here last summer mi the foundations for the buildings' and their work was evidently very satisfactory to the stale hoard of control of Iowa, and they will find that they have secured a good linn lo complete the work, as Messrs. Peters & H ir hards are getting to he the leading contractors in this line in this part of the stale and llieir work is always up to the spccilical ions in every way. The securing of the contract hy these gentlemen means that it will furnish employment for a great many men from this city, and we are very much pleased to learn that a Plal tsinoiilh linn was aide to secure I lie ,joh, as it ought to hring ipiilo an amount of money, bo th to (llenwood and to this city, and we congratulate our Iowa neighbor on securing I his splenl ditl addition to its stale institu tion, which is one of the largest owned hy the stale of Iowa. STYI FS AMD PROFITS! E 3 DR. E. W. COOK RE TURNS FROM BEDSIDE OF HIS SICK NEICE UAVING arranged with one of the largest retail stores in Nebraska to share their factory ship J nients, we are able to buy our Wall Paper stock at factory prices no jobbers profit tacked on. Our selection of patterns and designs has embraced a wide range of styles, all new many of them en tirely different from the usual years print. We can show patterns that will please you at once, and at prices that are interesting We Bought Right! , Our Prices are Right! A New Store A New Stock A New Deal for You LET US SHOW YOU OUR LINE t$- We also sell White Lead, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Muresco, Sani-Flat, (that wonderful flat paint for interior decorating) Tile-Like for brightening up furniture, for floors, &.c. Also, handle varnishes of all kinds for all purposes, Exclusive Wall Paper and Paint Store. North Sixth St., Plattsmouth, Neb. MISS IRENE DANIEL IS LEADING LADY IN . "THE PRICE SHE PAID" DISTRICT COURT CON VENED TODAY, JUDGE Easter Footwear rpHE EASTER SEASON is at A hand. The time to lay aside Winter Footwear and appear in Spring Shoe! We are prepared to meet the Footwear requirements of every Foot that comes to us. We don't expect to shoe every body, but wc do want to shoe you this Easter. We will please you in style, and we will please "you in price. We show everything in Easter Footwaer for Men, Boys, Women and Children We will suit you in quality, for every Shoe is the best for the price we ask. Select Your New Shoes Here It will be just like going into the garden and picking the flower of your choice. Come and see. We're always pleased to show our shoes. Men's Shoes $3.00 to $5.00 Woman's Shoes $2.50 to $4.50 FETZER'S SHOE STORE hi-h irl court was convened j is morning hy Corcoran of York. The first case that was calleil was mat oi .Mrs. iruie Walker vs. I'osler Walker, a suit for divorce, ami after hearing tlie evidence in ine case ine juugc granted a decree nf divorce as prayed for and restored her maiden mime of Train llnllister to tlie plain! ill'. Judge .). E. Doiiplass appeared as attorney for Mrs. Walker. The case of the City of Plat I s nioulh vs. Marl (1. Wescoll, el al., was argued this morning before the judge. City Alorney Titld ap peared for the city and fl. A. Ilawls and W. A. Robertson for Hit! defendants. The case is over a deal made several years ago to furnish Ihe cify light and power, for which a hood was put up, and the suit is to recover on the bond for failure of defendant lo carry out Ihe agreement. This morning Dr. E. V. Cook relumed from Salem, Iowa, where In- has heen for a few days in at tendance upon the bedside of his niece, Miss Elizabeth Cook, who has heen very low with pneu monia for several weeks. The doclor left his niece in apparently a slightly improved condition, al though she is still in a very dangerous stale of I lie disease, and il is hard lo tell just what w ay I lie disease may act, all hough all that is possible is heing done to slay the ravages of the dread al'llii-lion. The doctor reports that the weal her in eastern Iowa has heen very mild, and when he eft Ml. Pleasant yeslerday on his eltirn home a rain storm had jusl sei m ami Hie weather was cry warm, and it was not until e was almost in Nebraska that w JOHN SPECK IN GREATLY Entertains Kensington Club. The member of Ihe Kensing on club were entertained in a most delight ful manner yesterday afternoon by Mrs. M. E. Man- speaker. The ladies brought their fancy work ami devoted most of e afternoon to si itching tin dainty needlework, while they en gaged in conversation. The bos less served a tine luncheon, which was very much appreciated by the guests, ami it was unite a late hour when the ladies departet for their homes, having had tun of the most enjoyable afternoons in some lime. Let's Have It. Manager Sluaes says lit! has received a coinmunicalion from the ollice of Ihe United Play. company, saying that if was jus possible thai I hey would arrange a dale for " The Third Degree" in this city, These are the kind of attractions we want in our city. ey struck eiil her. Ihe snow and cold The clever playing of Miss Irene Daniel, who enacts the prin cipal role in Ihe new dramatic offering "The , Price She Paid," has caused the most eiilhusiatic comment on all sides ami Iter's is a complete artistic triumph. The nlav which comes here direct from its metropolitan engagement deals wilh the love of a line girl with a dishonest brother. The man the brother steals from tries to induce the girl lo become his common-law wife and failing lo tlo this threatens lo send the brother to prison. It is ballliug against odd like this thai shows tilt! limitless ami fine gold of the girl's character. Her triumph at the end and I tie discoiiiforture of the millionaire give wonderful dramatic possibilities to vvltal we may call I lie best comedy drama writ ten in years. " The Price She Paid" will be seen at the Par mele 1 heater Monday, March -i. r Your Hat is So Conspicious Be sure that it is stylish and becoming. We will have a nice line for you to select from. Be sure to see them. Wednesday, March 19 Thursday, March 20 Friday, March 21 Dunkleberger Sisters FARM RESIDENCE STROKED By FIRE The condition of John Speck, who is at St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha, recovering from an operation for appendicitis, con tinue to improve, although he is till quite weak from the effects of the operation, which was a most serious one, and the doctors in attendance discovered upon . . . . . . t . . i i nil; jlltLtturd ill ou operating that he appendix had U0 houschol(1 goo,,8 been punctured before he reached the hospital, but they have suc ceeded in hring him out in nice shape, and if he continues to im prove it will only he a short lime unlil he i on the highway to com plete recovery. A very disastrous lire occurred near Union last evening, when the house on the farm of Miss Ida Freeman, situated about two and a half miles southeast of that place, was discovered to he in flames and although the neigh bors battled manfully with the llames it was impossible to check their progress and the house was burned to the ground. The house was occupied by Frank Sherwood and wife, who have resided on the farm for about a year, and they succeeded in saving a part of It could Former Rcsldont Visits Here. J. C. Coleman, who was for many years a prominent and highly esteemed resident of this city, arrived yeslerday vvilhvhi sun, .liihu, from I heir new home near Pocatello, Idaho, where they are lncal.ed on a large fruit ranch, ami are meeting with splendid success in the handling of Ihe properly. They are very much pleased with Idaho, both in the climale and Ihe wonderful pro ductiveness of its soil, hut were delighted to meet their old friends here for even a few minutes. Thev departed today on their return In the west. $100 Reward, $100 Thf ivhI. 'm ..f iliU iii..T will lie pli;'sil to Iiiiiii lli-i lijcii' i- ill l.-)il uilf tllruilril iilm-4c mIuhv h;is ln'i'ti iilil.' in rum In h 1 1 It Huirii, mill Hint is Ciiiurrli. Hull s Cnlurrti Curv N Ih imiy inisiTlvi' Mm ihiw known In tin- nnU- li'lll fl'UliTllll.V. ClIllllTll ll.'illir II IMMUlltlltb.KlL ill' ii;i m', rciulu'H a constitutional trrutim'nt. Hull's Cutiirrli Cur in tiiken int.riially. artlnr eiii "illy uimii tin- Idooit mill minims Mirf;ic" .f tin' s.vstim, tlii-rcliy li 'HtniyiiiK thf futindntlon . f tli.' ilis.iiM., unil giving tlt. patient slmiKlh I A liiillillnir up tho ronstltiitlim anil nsslstlnK liu-tui-n lii lining Its work. Tin- iriprtitm Iuivh k um.'h ful ili In Its riinitlvo pnwi'in that tbey " Hue il Dollars fin- any ciimk thut It f ,u!n to rum. Si ikI for list if testimonials. A'Umss J. CIIKNEV & CO., Toledo, tl. Silil lev all Illi w-l-IkI g. 7.V. Take Hall's Family nils for constipation. Fine Display of Ties. The east show window of Wes- cott's Sons are very beautiful this week with ,a display of the latest and handsomest patterns and shades in ties for the Easier sea son and they are in every huo and design that the correct and up-lo-date dressers desire lo com plete their Faster all ire. The different colored lies make a line appearance ami attract Ihe atten tion of all who pass hy the store. For Sale. My residence properly In South Park; 3 acres-of land, nine-room louse; modern except heat and light; plenty of fruit; chicken house, coal shed ami new barn. Robert II. Patfon. 'J-t8-tfd Dr. H. Thomsen Moves. Ir. II. Thomsen, who has been engaged in the practice f dentistry in Ihe Wescoll building yesterday moved his ollice tlxttires lo the !u ml building id the cor ner of Fourth and Main street and will occupy the suite of rooms on the second (lour of the building that were formerly oc cupied by Judge Chapman as a law ofliee, and his friend and patients can lind him al his new location, ready to alleml to busi ness as usual. not be ascertained whether the house was insured or not, hut the loss will fall quite heavily on Mr. Sherwood, who has only been married a little over a year, and their misfortune will be deeply re gretted by their many friends in their home locality. Seed Potatoes. Just received, a car of Red River Early Ohio seed potatoes, that will be sold at 65c per bushel a long as they last. Place your order now. A. O. Rich Si Co. At Presbyterian Church. As announced heretofore, Ihe choir of the Presbyterian church will give a sacred concert on next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Uul tltev will he assisletl by some of tlie best talent in Ihe city, namely. Miss Marguerite Potter Shull of Itoanake. Virginia, Mrs. Everett Eaton. Mrs. 11. (i. Rawls and Mr. P.. A. McElwnin. At the morning service, aside from Ihe oilier special music, Prof. Kolhaha will render a iolin solo. The pro gram . will appear in these columns Saturday night. Paul Stadelman takes subscrip tions for any magazine or club of magazines at special rates. QUALITY is the dominant idea of this store; the kind of quality that gives the highest value pos sible. We price our goods for value to our customers; high priced or low priced, or medium, we mean to give value. Our showing of Spring Suits is a remarkable exhibit of fine clothing. All the new models in the 9 t nrtrls ISranDClilliffl latest patterns, $12.50 to $30. Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats