The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 17, 1913, Image 2

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    Women's Fashions for US) US are Entirely Pemliiisie
Our first showing of correct tailored garments for ladies is now
ready for your inspection. The very trim lines that everybody admires are combined with those
little touches of ornamentation that are so dear to the feminine heart.
Our line this Spring will include garments of everydescription for Ladies and Misses. Coats.
Skirts and Suits solid and mixed colors.
We have just received a very fine line of Ladies' Dress Waists. Also tailored.
Watch our window.
Remember Out Clothing Department was never more complete than
this Spring in Every Department.
Fasiger9s Department Store
"The Home oj GuteeMducs V.. ZUCKER, Manager
. if '
, i
II i t - I
'-'II ? 111 F i t i I
i f i t . . - v W ! ' I t
Most of the Churches Observe the
Event in Most Impressive and
Interesting Manner.
Yesterday bring I'alin Sunday
the event was generally celebrated
by special services at (lie dilVerent
Platlsmoul h church in clebralion
of the entry (if Christ into Jerusa
lem, and I lie services in all of the
churches were beautiful and im
pressive and I he different min
isters delivered very strong ser
mons on the lessen that the day
had brought forth
At the St. John's Catholic
r.hurrh the hour of the second
mass was marked by the bless
ing and giving out of palms to the
members of the congregation, and
;i short, but very strong sermon
by llev. Father M. A. Shine.
The Methodist church was well
illlcd by the worshippers at the
morning services ami they were
greatly pleased by the eplendid
sermon delivered by llev. J. V.
Kmbree of Lincoln, I lie' district
. supcrinlendeiil, and (he address
made a drop impression on Hie
members of the congregation.
Dr. Finhree also nave the Lord's
Supper to the .members of the
church. The musical feature of
the service was the baritone solo,
"The Palms," given by li (.
Sandin, who possesses an excel
lent voice and his rendil 1011 of t his
beautiful song was one of the, I but ha- been heard in this
The services at St. Luke's
church were conducted with all
the beauty and solemnity of that
church, and Hie rector, the llev.
Allan (L Wilson, delivered a very
eloquent, and forcible sermon lo
the congregation on the tendency
toward I be things of the world ami
away from the teachings of the
church and Hie address was one
that greatly impressed his hear
ers. The choir gave several
beautiful musical numbers, and
1 N
'1 A -
" t
the solo, "The Palms," rendered
by C. W. l!aIor, was most beauti
ful. The Presbyterian church was
largely tilled at the morning hour
by Hie members of the congrega
tion, who were greatly pleased by
the sermon delivered by llev. M.
W. Lorimcr on the teachings of
the day. The choir, under the
leadership of Miss Mailable Val
lery, gave several very pleasing
musical numbers, including the
anthem, "Jerusalem," (he solo
part being taken by Lynn Minor,
and "The Palms," a solo, by Miss
Vallery, which gave her splendid
voice an opportunity lo show all
the wonderful beauty of (his great
sacred song.
The republicans of the city Sat
urday evening held a mass con
vention of Hie faithful at the olllce
of County Judge Allen J. Meeson
to discuss Ihe advisability of plac
ing a cily I icket in the Held, and
many of the leaders, recognizing
the excellence of the democratic
cily udmiuislraf imi sand the way
the city has dceoped under them,
were in favor of indorsing (he
ticket under an administration
tree from partisanship, but sev
eral of I lie leaders objected
largely for personal reasons, and
it was decided lo place a ticket in
the liehl. The following gentle
men were plaeed 011 the I icket I o
j represent lb" party: Major, i. ).
j McMaken; treasurer. K. V. Cook;
clerk, ( ,. . liaylor; counciliiien.
first ward, V. J. Slreiulil ; Third
ward. Kd Mason; Knurl li ward,
(ieorge l.iisbinsky. The feeling at
this convention was quite strong
that the best interests nf Ihe city
should be served by the endorse
ment of Hie democratic ticket, as
the raising of a parly light is
bound, lo some exlenl, to injure
the best interests of the cily.
P. A. Horn of near Cedar Creek
came in Saturday from his farm
and attended lo some matters of
business here for a short lime.
.l"1 - -
1 :.
See the nobby
Largest and Most Enthusiastic
City Convention in Histry
of Plattsmouth.
The primaries Saturday drew
out. a large representation of the
democratic, voters of the cily, who
gathered at their various places
lo select delegates to the city con
vention, which was called for the
same evening, and the democracy
of the cily placed in nomination
one of the best tickets that has
been placed before the people.
The democratic city convention
assembled at the council chamber
at H o'clock, and the gathering
was called to order by Chairman
Krank J. Libershall of the city
central commit Ice, and after sev
eral names bad been proposed for
temporary chairman, 1). (). Dvvyer
was induced to take Ihe chair ami
Krank K. Schlater was selected as
temporary secretary.
The first otiice to be tilled was
that of mayor, and the nomination
of our present edlcient executive,
John p. Saltier, was made
unanimous, I here being no op
posit ion to him.
The call for nomination for city
treasurer brought up Ihe only re
semblance of a coldest in Ihe con
vention, Cily Treasurer Fricke be
ing placed in nomination by Adam
Kurt of the Second ward, while
the name of Lou K. Trimpe was
brought, before the convention by
I). (. Dvvyer, in a short speech.
Mr. Trimpe received Ihe solid vote
of the First ward, but only re
ceived three votes in Ihe other
wards of (lie city, where the
laboring men had turned out so
strongly at the primaries, and the
final result of the ballot was:
Fricke, ,"17; Trimpe, 1 1.
City Clerk 15. (i. Wurl was nom
inated without opposition, as his
record as clerk has been such that
no fine could offer any opposition.
The convention then nominated J.
M. Robertson for the school board,
The Thought of
Easter Wear
is in the Air
THIS WEEK you will want to buy
your Easter Suit. Let us save
you a lot of worry and bother. We
have prepared a tempting array of
the latest suit ideas in the market.
'They're up-to-date and a little
ahead;" clothes with a tone of their
own. You have never-seen so many
fine attractive suits, Blue Serges
beautiful Grays, Tans and Browns,
new Coronation Mixtures, new Nor
folk styles, nobby English styles, all
cut and made by hand. Quality line
$20 to $35. This year we are featur
ing a special value at $17.00.
Enstcr garments for boys in
our east w indow. Top coats and suits $2.50 up
and a conference commit lee was
appointed to confer with Ihe re
publican convention in regard to
endorsing one of their candidates
fur the oilier place on the school
After the conference with the
republicans the names of Mr.
Iloberlson and T. II. Pollock were
decided upon for the non-partisan
school board. The selection of
the board out of politics is largely
due to Dr. J. S. Livingston,
who addressed Ihe convention
brielly, urging upon the delegates
that (he positions were ones that
should not be mixed up in politics
in any maimer, and he is to be
commended for his stand on Ibis
matter, and the convention for
their recognition of Ihe fact.
The re-nomination of Ihe pres
ent city officials is. a just recogni
tion of the splendid service they
have given the people of Platts
mouth, and a better set of ollicers
was never elected here, as they
are all men well qualified for the
respective positions that Ihey
hold, and every man, woman and
child can approach them at any
time and receive at their hands
fair and just treatment, which
fact is appreciated by the citizens,
as shown by the result of the pri
maries and the convention, and
every voter in the city of Platts
mouth who desires lo see a city
government free from control of
individuals and inleresls should
not have any best ilal ion in voting
the democratic ticket from top to
but loin, and they will know I hat
the oflices will be tilled by clean,
upright men who have Ihe in
terests of (he common people at
The candidates on this ticket
for counciliiien are all well known
men, who have lived here for
vears, and their actions are a
guarantee that the interests of
the city will be safeguarded.
In the First ward V. K. Hosen
crans is too well known lo need
any introduction lo Ihe voters, as
he served as county clerk for four
years, as well as having been in
Ihe real estate business here for
Ihe past three years.
Mike Uajeck, who is the candid
ate in the Second, is a man who
has always made his home here
and is one of our most progres
sive men, and being a member of
the cigarmakers' union will give
Ihe union laboring men a rep
resentation in the council, as
well as the Bohemians, who have
been such a great assistance in
Ihe upbuilding of the city.
In the Third ward the voters
have done well in re-nominating
John llallslrom, who is serving
his tlrst term in the council, as
he has given tho citizens of his
ward a good administration and
his elect ion w ill assure the people
of the Third ward of being well
The Fourth ward nomination
was left vacant, but it is probable
the committee will name someone
to (111 the place.
The Fifth ward recognized the
worth of their splendid represent
ative, William Shea, by re-nom
inating him for the position of
councilman, and his election is
assurred, as he has been one of
the most capable men that has
ever represented that ward in Hie
cily council.
Children are muchMnore likely
to contract the contagious dis
eases when they have colds.
Whooping cough, diphtheria,
scarlet fever and consumption are
diseases that are often contract
ed when I lie child has a cold. That
is why all medical authorities say
beware of colds. For quick cure
of colds you will find nothing bet
ter than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It can always be depend
ed upon and is pleasant and safe
lo lake. For sale by F. !. Fricke
A Co.
Thursday morning when Walter
Itlake, the local druggist, awoke,
he noticed a strong odor of gas
and at once attributed if to the
hard coal burner. Hurriedly dres
sing be opened the doors and then
called Mrs. Hlake. She at once
noticed the peculiar odor and went
upstairs to call Miss lloham, one
of the teachers who rooms at, Ihe
Hlake home. As she started
down stairs again she was over
come by I lie gas and fell a part of
Ihe distance. Mr. .Hlake ran- to
his wife's aid, when be, too, was
seized with what he described as
a most peculiar sickness. Miss
lloham had but part icatly made
her toilet when she was taken ill.
Little Miss Vivian Hlake, was also
effected and for a time the house
hold was converted into a hospital.
Mr. Hlake managed to gel to the
telephone and summoned a physi
cian. Mr. Hlake says that all were
very sick at the stomach and their
heads almost split waith pain.
Miss lloham was unable to attend
to her duties at the school room
for Ihe day, but Ihe effects wore
away at last.- If was indeed
a narrow escape. Louisville
The Plallsmoulh Water com
pany has a new manager in the
person of Mr. II. M. Sinclair, who
arrived in this city a few days
ago from Hangor, Maine, in com
pany with Mr. (ieorge F. West,
owner of I lie plant. Mr. Sinclair
is a most pleasant appearing
young man and will undoubtedly
prove a most valuable addition to
the water company in the man
agement of its business in this
city, and he and his wife will re
ceive a hearty welcome to our
city and it is to be hoped that they
will become permanent residents
here, in the Oarden City of Ne
braska. Best Known Cough Remedy.
For forty-three years Dr.
King's New Discovery has been
known throughout the world as
the most reliable cough remedy.
Over three million bottles were
used last year. Isn't Ibis proof?
It will get rid of your cough, or
we will refund your money. J. J.
Owens, of Allendale, S. C, writes
the way hundreds of others have
done: "After twenty years, I find
that Dr. King's New Discovery is
the best remedy for coughs and
colds that I have ever used." For
coughs or colds and all throat and
lung troubles, it has no equal.
50c ami SI.00 at F. (I. Fricke
& Co.
Out of our large stock of LACES we
have selected a nice lot-nicer than
you have ever seen before for the price. We offer
This Lot at 5c per yard.
Many of these are worth 8, 10 and 12c. Call early
and get your supply. Ask to see our stock of Quaker
Laces and Lace Curtains.
Zuckweiler & Lutz
From Sidney, Iowa.
Mrs. David Ilialt, of Sidney",
Iowa, passed through the city to
day en route to her home in Sid
ney, arter a. few days' visit, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S.
White, in Murray. Mrs. Hiatt was
raised in this county, and of
course has a great many friends,
who are always pleased to see her.
She spent the day in Plattsmouth
visiting with her daughter, Mrs.
Frank Gobelman, and a number of
friends, going on to her home this-evening.
Kdwin W. Scotten, a Piatts
inouth young man, who for the
past few months has been at La
Junta, Colorado, where lie has
been connected with the Santa Fe
railroad, came in this morning on
No. fi and will visit for a few days
here with his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Scofteu, before de
parting Tor Albuquerque, New
Mexico, to which place be has
been transferred. Mr. Soil en is a
bright young man and his experi
ence iu the line of railroad offic.v
work tils him to hold down al
most any position in this line,
and his success in Ihe west will be
most pleasing to bis host of
friends here, who have the utmost,
faith in bis ability and talent
alonu the Hue of railroad work.
Many sufferers from rheuma
lism have been surprised and de
lighted with the prompt relief af
forded by applyiim Chamberlain's
Liniment. Not one case of rheu
matism in ten requires any in
ternal treatment whatever. This
liniineut is for sale by F. (5. Fricke
& Co,
Next Old-Time Dance.
The next number of the series
i f old fashioned dances given by
Missouri Tribe of lied Men will
take place Thursday evening.
March 27, at lied Men hall on low
er Main street and will be up to
Ihe usual high standard oT those
popular events. The same music
will be provided and a good lime
is in store for all.
Seed Potatoes.
Just received, ;i car of lied
River Farly Ohio seed potatoes,
that will be sold at oSe per bushel
as long as they last. Place your
order now.
A. C. Hacb A Co.
Are You Constipated?
If so, get a box of Dr. King's
New Life Pills, take them regular
ly and your trouble will quickly
disappear.. They will stimulate
the liver, improve your digestion
and get rid of all the poisons from
your system. They will surely get
you well again. 2rc at F. 1.
Fricke & Co.