, . . . , . , tinM-MMMMMl -T -I I f , ., n ' " ' ' "r''"'"ri111' " " ' ' " j i -, n. j N i Aching MM are in m rt oeysC d lPnU"frRTnr6n I 'Eocry Picture TelU a Story. "mil m Y J 4 7 v" V 4 s ' V.-S' I w 1 si - l m my i Are YOUR Kidneys Weak? HOW TO TELL First read tho testimony and learn what Doan's Kidney Pills have done for others. Then if your back achea, if sharp pains etrike you when stooping or lifting; if you are lame in the morning, tire too easily; if you have dizzy spells and are nervous, despondent and inclined to worry over trifles; if the kidney eections are highly colored and full of sediment, if passages are too frequent, scanty, painful or scalding, it is likely that your kid neys need quick attention. Take a sample of the urine and let it stand for 24 hours, if a sandy, brick-dust like like Bediment Bettles to the bottom of the receptacle, there is evidence enough to suspect the kidneys. -DO AN If Your Back Aches and Your Kidneys are Weak Get the Kidney Remedy That Has Been Proved GOOD Again and Again Right Here in Plattsmouth. , PSatfsmoyth People Tell its TENTH STREET William Gilviour, Farmer, four miles south of Plattsmouth, Nebr., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have bren used with the best results in my family. The patient had been suffering intensely from lameness in the back and could not get no lasting re lief until she began using Doan's Kidney Pills. They did more to check these trou bles than anything else that had previously been taken." E. M. Buttkhy, Tenth and Walnut Sts. Platts mouth, Nebr., says: "I still use Doan's Kidney Pills occasionally and recommend them just as highly as I did in 1908, when I gave a public state ment endorsing them. I used Doan's Kidney Pills for pain in my back and hips and other symptoms of kidney tronble. The quick relief they brought, warrants me in endorsing them." ELEVENTH STREET GRATEFUL TESTIMONY Mrs. Adam Kurtz, one mile west of Platts mouth, Nebr., says: "I have found Doan's Kidney Pills good for any trouble with the kidneys and back. I was suffering intensely at the time I got them and 1 could not stoop or stand erect. There was a dull, nagging pain through my back that robbed me of energy. My sight became affected and dark spots appeared be fore me. I got Doan's Kidney Pills from Ry nott's drug store and in a short time they re lieved all my troubles. Since then, I have recommended this remedy to a number of friends." Mrs. F. S. Brinkman, Eleventh and Pearl Sts., Plattsmouth, Nebr., says: "For several years I was bothered by my kidneys. My back would often pain me in tensely and I was inclined to think my trou ble was in the form of biabetes. Headaches and dizzy spells bothered me and by sight became so badly affected that I could not read. I also had trouble with my kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills were so highly recom mended that 1 decided to try them and I got a box at Rynott's drug store. In a short time they helped me in every way. I am never without a supply of this remedy on hand." ROCK STREET 0. H. Tower, Rock and Seventh Sts., Platts mouth, Nebr., says: "I think Doan's Kidney Pills are an excel lent remedy. I had a dull, heavy pain in the small of my back and it got so bad that I had to get on my knees and straighten up gradually after I stooped. The action of my kidneys were irregular. Doctors told me I had stone in the bladder. I was finally ad vised to tryDoan's Kidney Pills. After I took the contents of one box, I noticed my trouble was beginning to disappear and in a short time my health had improved in every way." MAIN STREET Benjamin Brooks, Main St.. Plattsmouth.Nebr., says: "As the result of a bad cold, I had a severe attack of kidney complaint. At times the pain extended from my back and hips into my shoulders. I could not get about and was laid up for two weeks. My head ached for hours at a time. I had dizzy spells, during which my sight became blurred. Doan's Kiduey Pills checked these troubles and af ter using two boxes, I regained my health. I got Doan's Kidney Pills at Rynott's drug store and can recommend them." NINTH STREET Herman Tiekoetter, Contractor, Ninth and Day Sts., Plattsmouth, Nebr., says: "I gave a public statement in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills in 1906, after they had given me great relief from backache and lameness. I am glad to confirm all I then said. My trouble has never returned. My kidneys caused me much trouble and there was a dull, tired feeling across my loins. If I stooped or straightened, my back hurt me and in the morning I was all tired out. I heard so much said about Doan's Kidney Pills that I finally got a box. They prompt ly relieved every symptom of my complaint." KIDNEY ZA JUL Sold at all druggists and general stores, 50c a box, or mailed on receipt of price by FOSTER-MILBURN CO., Buffalo, N. Y. in i in f aac anon gm i m imbbbmwmibwipiwmwmwwmwmmmimmimwi NEW TEACHER IN HIGH SCHOOL TAKES slic is well tilled in every way lu lill ;i!iy n-.itiim in Hie selmol llial she may be assigned n, ami she has a ;Tea! inlluence over the I : i ils, which will nive her a Rreat (M'nrl unity In impruve I lie pupils in I heir schnnl work. T FREIGHT CAR DEPARTMENT MAM LEY. ..!,. .v...'..?. !!!!! ..W BILL NOT HELP PULL THE nnrnTJMiTn rnnm mr nnr :- bnnii'iun rriuhi tr nt i from Thursday's Dally. Thi.-i iiiorniiiK tho Ilifih school received a new teacher in the per son of Miss Moore of Lincoln, who conies to lill the vacancy caused by fhe resignation of Miss Lillian Cole. Miss Moore comes to this city with the highest recom mendations and is 11 young lady eminently qualified to III the posi tion of teacher in the science de partment of the High school, as she has received special training along this line. Miss Lucille Oass, who is studying at I he Peru normal, tit ling herself for High school work, has been selected to take tho posi tion in tho grade school which will ho made vacant March 21 by the resignation of Miss Ethel Ual lanco. Miss Gass is a Platts mouth girl ami her many friends will ho more than pleased to learn that she is to take up teaching in I h is city, where her ability along Mrs line is so well known, and Visit "Old Folks at Home." 0. J. Meisiuger, one of the re liable and worthy farmers of near doilar Creek, accompanied by his wife and child, was in the city esloi'day visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacoh .Moisingor. This is the lirst lime this worthy family has boon in I he city for four months, and I hey look advantage of the occasion to renew their subscription to tho OM Reliable for another year. Miss Josls Ruehland Better. Miss .Tosip Ruhland, who has been quite sick for tho past week, is reported as being slightly im proved, although tho rheumatism from which she is suffering has settled in her hands and she is unable to use them. Tho case is a very painful one and tho suffer ing she has endured has boon very acute. l'nmi Tliur.sday'H Dally. S. Krali hie, who is emploxod in the Miirlinglon freight car repair j department,, this morning received a very severe wound on his chin as a result of an accident that happened to him while engaged in his daily task. He, in company with his partner, was engaged in taking off the heads of some bolts on a car, and he was holding the chisel while his partner was using a sledge to knock off the bolt heads, when a small part of the sledge broke off and struck the unfortunate man on tho chin, in flicting a very painful wound, and ho was af once hurried to the sur geon's nflice, where the wound was dressed and, he will tako a short vacation until tho injury heals up, which will lake several days nl least. Journal for fancy Stationery. Great Opportunity for Profit On Increased Value of Government Irrigated Lands Time after time we have seen land jump into value with the build ing of a new railroad, and history is sure to repeat itself in the BIG HORN BASIN, where you can now file on an 80 acre Government irrigated homestead at no cost except the actual cost of water right, and you are fjiven twelve years to repay that without interest light payments the first five years. No taxes for three years. ntn ruiuttl JU5I UUI. Write quickly for the new Government folder with map and full particulars. :- March, 1913, issue. D. CLEM DEAVER, l004Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Immigration Agent llfi Robert Shrader Returns. Robert Shrader and family, who for the past several years have been residing out near Homily, Nob., have returned to Cass coun ty, and will make their homo near Murray. 1 hoy nave taken up their homo at the obi homestead of Mrs. Shrader's parents, Mr. md Mrs. H. C Long. Mr. and Mrs. Long will soon move to Mur ray. where they will erect a line residence. The Journal is pleased to note the return of Mr. and. Mrs Shrader to Cass county, where they will no doubt make I heir homo for years to I'omc Mr. Becker Doing Nicely. Mrs. Mary It. Allison, who has been af the homo of her brother, A. H. Iteckor, near Union, for the past two weeks, returned to her homo in Plattsmouth Thursday evening. Mr. llecker, who was sr seriouslv injured in an nulmun bile accident a lew weeks ago, is gelling along nicely, with favor able conditions for a speedy and permanent recovery. While tho injury was very serious, Mr. Iteckor was confined to his bod but a few days, and his recovery has been very rapid. Mrs. Jake .Miller is renorte. I he sick list this week. Alex Miller will move his family into the hotel as soon us il is vacated. M. C. Walker was in town Sat urday at the Farmers' elevator on business. O. A. Coon and George Coon made a trip to Gretna last Tues day on a land deal. For coal, feed and grain call on Keekler it Schafer. Just received a new load of Updike's flour. Charles Gcrlach, our genial stock buyer, shipped a ear of bogs to the Omaha market Monday. Aaron Jenkins is busy these days getting his house repaired preparatory to leaving the hotel. Daniel Rockwell and Howard Johnson are moving out on the farm southeast of town this week. The meeting at Weeping Water last Friday was largely attended. Someone said court house re moval. William Houton was in town Monday and from here ventured over I ho rough roads to Weeping Water. The Yates Lumber and Coal Co. received a car of lumber Satur day and they are making some changes in the yard. Moving and house cleaning will soon begin, so you had better go to C. M. Jenkins and order thai wall paper and paint. Breaking bronchoes and mules seems lo bo the new stunt around Mauley lately. Must be the farm ers think spring is coming. Tho prospects for autoing is gelling bolter and will bo better still if old Sol gets in his work for one or two more days. "Oh, you Jackson."' The section foreman. Mr. Russ, has been busy the past week pul ling the side-track in good shape to the Farmers' elevator for tho spring rush of grain. Mass meetings are being held in I he central part of the county and Hie agitation looking to the re-location of the county seat is being stirred constant ly. Of course the little towns thai hope lo benefit thereby are not lo be blamed, but we cannot see what good it will do the people of Ne hawka and vicinity to help them that must in the eml amount to many, many times that amount. We hold no brief in the defence of Plattsmouth, but it certainly does look foolish to us to see people fall Ttvcr themselves in an ecort to help some other town, and then pay for the fun in the end in in creased taxes. Our advice may pull their chestnuts from the tfro. It would be much better for us I, swing in and vole tVr the jul proposition, llius .-addling our selves with a tax amoiintiim le about 30 cents m the tliousasa dollar valuation, than lo give auj encouragement to a proposil io not be worth much. The example we set may he worth less, bat' personally we shall vote fur tan $12,000 jail proposition in tbi hope that it will stop the removal agitation and save the taxpayer spending several hundred thou sand dollars later. Nehawfca. News. Lighting Company Move9. On and after March G the Ne braska Lighting Company will be located in their new quarters oti North Sixth street, between Main and Vine. Incubator for Sale. Latest improved Rayo. Best on the market.. Can show sample at Hall's store. Oscar Wilson. 3-5-twkd,w -The Joy of Home!- ' The entire household re volves around the Telephone. Neighbors, friends, market, doctor and store can be reached in an instant by the home having Telephone ser vice. The Rural Telephone provides this home necessity and pleasure at very low cost to people who live in the country. Apply to our nearest manager. Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager J I i If you have a house for rent try a Journal Want Ad. Week of March 9 and 23