The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 06, 1913, Image 7

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    rz , " -a
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VnV V An Egant Line of
Local News
, i K
' cfiTl9ht KIT
Please Call and Sec
Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday,
March 12, 13, 14
from Wednesday's Dally.
Last livening Henry Steinhauer
and son, Edgar, received a line
1913 model Excelsior auto-cycle
by express from Omaha, which
they will use :i demonstrator,
they having taken the agency for
this most excellent machine for
Plattsmmilh and vicinity. The
machine is the last work in up-to
date construction ami has a
' double cylinder, hell, drive, Eclipse
clutch, with control in the handle
bars. The auto-cycle in rated at
7 horse power, but can develope
10 horse power with ease. The
t agents have ;ddet for Ibeir wn
convenience n luggage carrier.
Presto lank .and Old Sid lamp, and
have beyond a doubt the finest
iiiolorcvcte ever brought into ibis
...i ; 1 i ,1 I-. x. i h : I Im
modern tiMnr s and conveniences,
and they hope to demonstrate to
anyone de-irr.ig ! a
machine of Ibis kind that they
have the most modern, fastest and
durable motorcycl" on the market
toda;. . and anyone desiring to
purchase ,i machine of this kind
can receie n free demonstration
of this machine by notifying
either of these gentlemen.
Elks, Will Elect Officers.
The local lodge of the Elks will
hold their annual election of
officers at their session tomorrow
evening at their rooms in the
fioatcs' block, and the meeting
should be attended by a full mem
bership of the lodge.
Maple Grove Notes
P. A. Hild .sawed wood Tuesday.
Mrs. Julius Englekemoir is n
the sick list this week.
Charles llerren made a busi
ness trip to Nehawka Friday.
Louie Puis is installing an elec
tric light plant in his home.
' H. O. Bailey made a business
trip to the county seat Saturday.
Philip Schafer spent Saturday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Nick
Horn To Mr. and Mrs, It. C.
lliiley., Sunday, February 25,
a bouncing baby hoy.
Air. .and Mrs. 1 A. Hild spent
Sunday at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Hild at Plaltsmouih.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Maim moved to
Colorado Tuesday, where they will
make their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hcckiier
have moved to the Alfred (ianse-ni-er
farm, where Mr. Reckner will
be euudoved for the coming sea-
s. u.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman (ianse-
incr left .Monday for Unninglon,
Neb., where they will make their
Mil lire home. We are sorry to
lose llieni from our .midst, hut we
wish them much success in' I heir
local ion.
A basket supper was held at the
Oxford school Friday night and a
hiTge crowd was in attendance. A
lint! program was rendered and a
line cake was sold at auction,
which brought the neat sum of
$25.. Hi. The baskets sold for the
sum of Kli. F. A. Schafer acted
as auctioneer.
FOR SALE 2'iO-egg incubator
and set of single buggy harness,
fiall 'phone
From Wednesday's Iully.
F.ra C.rahill ot Waukeencv.
Kansas, is in the city making a
short isil with his brother, .1. W.
Crabill and family.
P. A. Meismger was in tile my
yesterday for a few hours attend
ing to some matters of business
with the merchants.
Charles Horgerson of dreen
wood was in the city yesterday at
tending to some matters of busi
ness at the court hou-e.
Ed Meeker, from west of the
city, drove in eslerday afternoon
and attended to some business
matters for a few hours.
Attorney C. S. Aldrieh of Elm-
wood came in this morning from
his home to attend to some busi
ness mailers ai ine conn mmse.
Matt McQuinn and wife of
I'nion were in the city I his morn
ing attending to business matters
and visiting with their friends.
Hoy Core of Louisville came in
this morning on No. to attend
to some trading, as well as busi
ness mailers at the, court house.
Mrs. Louise Anderson of lireen
w ood was in I he city for a few-
hours yesterday, being called here
to hxk after some business mat
Miss Lillian Hookmeyer depart
ed veslerday afternoon for Oma
ha, after spending Sunday her"
with her mid her. Mrs. Barbara
E. M. Goodwin and -daughter,
llulh, drove up this. morning from
their home, near Murray, to at
tend to some shopping with the
Justice of the Peace E. B. Tay
lor of Weeping Water was in the
city this morning for a few hour
beinu' railed here on business
lion. William B. Banning of
Union was in Hie city today for
few hours, coming up to look af
ler some matters of business at
the court house.
Mrs. John P.Thacker of Weep
ing Water was in the city today,
having been called h-re to look
after some matters of business
at the court bouse.
Miss Mary Burt of Omaha, who
was here visiting at the Frank
lacck home and with relatives, re
turned to her home iu the me
tropolis yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. O. A. "Nystrom of Omaha,
who with her husband was here
Sunday to celebrate I he birthday
of her mother, Mrs. bus Johnson,
returned Mi her home on the aft
ernoon Hi'jvlinglon train yester
Joseph Keenan, clerk at I he
llenshaw hotel in Omaha, and
wife, and Herbert Keenan of Oma
ha were in lhe city yesterday at
ending the sale of the Shera land.
They are grandchildren of the lat
Mrs. Shera.
Fred Wflrner came down last
evening m .No. z iroin uniaiia ami
will spend a few days visiting wilh
his parents, Charles Warner and
wife, and recover from the effects
of an operation he recently under
went for a growth in his nose.,
(ieorge K'rkuian and wife of
Madison, Neb., who visited here
u -.1 tt r m i
over nigni wiui Jienry uiu aim
family, departed this morning for
Omaha, where Mr. Kirkman has
a car of stoc'k on the market Mrs.
Ofe accompanied Ihem to Omaha
to visit during the day.
sengers on the early Burlington
train for Omaha lo look alter
biijmss matters for a short lime.
MNs F.Me Budig oT McCuok.
Neb., who ha been iiling her
i-der, Mrs. Alvin Murray, here
for a few weeks, departed this af
lernoon for her home. Mrs. Mur
ray accompanied her as far as
Mrs. Margaret Crablree of May
wood, Neb., who has been here
visiting at the home of County
Surveyor Fred Patterson and
wife, departed yesterday for
points in Iowa, where she will
visit for a shorl lime.
E. O. I.aughlin of LaCrosse,
Kansas, who is visiting relatives
in I hi; vicinity of (Irecnwood, was
attending to some business mat-
rs in this city Monday. While
ere he look lime to call at this
llice and renew his subscription,
lleoige Oberle of the vicinity of
.agle came up last evening 10 ai-
nd to some business matters
uid called at this olllce and re
newed nis .suusrripiion 10 mis
paper. Mr. Oberle returned home
this afternoon.
Mrs. F. (1. Oldenhausen and
children departed this morning on
the carlv Burlington train for
Mason City, Neb., where they will
make their future home. Mr.
Olilenhauseii deparled for I hat
place a few days ago to prepare
I he home for his family.
Mrs. J. A. Murray departed for
Omaha this morning iu response
to a message announcing the ill
ness of her daughter, Miss
Blanche Murray, but the message
did not slate what, the nature ol
the illness was, bul her mother
did not believe it miv thing
Mr. and Mrs. Major A. Hall re
turned from (Hen wood yesterday
afternoon, where they attended
the funeral of the late Mrs. Ursula
Linville. On their return they
called al this llioe and ordered
a copy of the Plattsniouth Jour
nal sent to Mrs. Benjamin B.
Dean af Cilenwood for a year.
Miss Lillian A'clinek and her
guest, Ruth Tucker, returned
to Omaha vsterday after a visit
over Sunday with the former's
mother ami sisters in this city.
rhey will spend a few days in
Omaha, after which they will go
lo Long Pine, Neb., Miss Tucker's
home, whore Miss Yelinek expects
to 'make her future home.
NOW is the
for YOU to obtain one of our
Jaeger Junior
Vacuum Cleaner
Absolutely FREE!
A postal card or telephone call will bring one
of our demonstrators to your home. Public dem
onstration at Straight &. Straight's Furniture Store
and Leonard's new building on Main Street
Saturday Afternoon
T. P. LEONARD, Manager
Phone 327 PUTTSI.10UTH, RED. Box 266
I' Beacon. !
spent Satur
her home in
and two
for Uheir
yyf W (A ? To Every j
'4 Untidy fflJ Way, Brintr this advertisement to our I j j
u Wy K J Notion Department not later than 'm
Brintr this advertisement to our
Notio'i Department not later than
one week from today .and receive,
' absolutely free, a regular 10c card of
Wi Isotv B ress-kooki
These popular new Dresb-liooks are not ordinary hooks and
eye$ or snaps iliey will completely overcome your tlres-iasteninj
ilifficulties. The free cards are not samples but the same value for
which you wouKl regularly py 10c.
We make this tnot unusual ami libenl ofTer as we arc confident
you will Tad Wilson iJrcsN-liook llie very tiling you have always
wanted. They can't conic unhooked or "pop" open accidentally.
They hold securely vduWt lu!,;e rr pap, though you cun unhook
them with perfect case. Guaranteed not to rust or crush in washing
and irc.niiif:, ar.d tu outlast any garment ; perfectly fat and never show.
boa't neglect this opportunity to try the Wilson Drcss-hookj
you have seen so widely advertised in the leading magazines and style
bonks. Used by fashionable women everywhere
and endorsed by leading dressmakers.
Cut Out this Advertisement
nd prrsi-r.t nt our Notion Pcpartmcnt, Lnrijn and
small iii K; tir;iy, Illnck anil Whim culurn. Ono dozen
no t.ird. W e rnn not s;iv a cm J to nny one who hns
r ccivi d a card tre Iron) a:iv ni -rchant or the W iljcm
Drcti hook Co., Cl vcland, U. Nono tivtn tu children.
The Variety Store
Main St., Plattsmovith, Neb.
Miss Wuuderlieh
day and Sunday at
Mrs. A. A. Fredriek
children left Monday
home in llillrose, Colo.
.M. A. llohlyer moved into the
resiih'iiee recently vacated hy
llnlph Allen, the fore part of the
Ituss Mick is walking around hy
day from Lincoln, where he has
heen for the last two weeks taking
treatment for rheumatism. He is
somewhat improved in health, hut
expected to i?o hack for further
II. F. Kropp has heen having
troubles of his own. Last week ho
slipped on the iey walk and injured
his knee until he could hardly get
about and Wednesday he complet
ed the job hy dropping a barrel of
oil on his foot and mushing two
This taking of unruly citi"
to riausinouin ior onei..
the aid of crutches as the result I against the peace and dignity oi
Henry Sclioetnau of Louisville
was in the ni,y yesterday tor a
few hourV visit with his father,
(ieorge Schoeiuun.
W. K. (jillespie of Mynard was
a visitor in the metropolis yester
day for a tdiort i(jiiie, looking af
ler business matters.
Charles Lovell jf the vicinity of
Mynard was a visitor in this city
Monday and was a. pleasant call
er at this olllce, renewing his sub
II. L. Hen of Uuiltasn was a
visitor in this city yterday and
called at this ofllce mn ordered a
eopy of the Plaltsui.ofth Journal
.ent to his address.
Superintendent V. R Askwith
of the Masonic Home was a pas
senger this morning for Omaha,
where ho will attend a meeting
of the board of control.
I,. S. Meisinger of the vicinity
of Mynard was attending lo home
business matters in this city this
morning and called at this office
and renewed his subscription.
Miss Ada Sliinn of Fort Co
tins, (.oliiraoii, who lias been iiere
visiting al. the home of Mrs
Lord la Ault for several days, de
parted this morning for her home.
Mrs. John Schleussener of
West Point, Neb., who has heen
here for a few days visiting at the
home of Hev. J. II. Steger and
wife, departed yesterday on No. 2.'J
for her home.
Perry Marsh and wife drove up
this morning from their home,
south of lhis city, and were pas-
Courier. !
Mrs. . L. Merger is here from
FJ m wood visiting with her daugh
ter, Mrs. William Slander.
Mrs. L. S. Chamberlain is here
from MiU'oi'd, Neb., isilhiu at the
liiiioe of (her mother, Mrs.
Harold, the little son of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Slander, has re
cently recovered from an attack
of 1 he grippe.
Fdward F.ager and son, Irving,
relumed home Saturday from an
extended visit in Illinois wilh
relatives and friends.
Mrs. L. K. Hell of Ashland and
Mrs. Ai l bur Flier and daughter,
Herniere, of Denver, visited with
M. X. Urake and family Thurs
day. Mrs. Hash of Auburn visited
the forepart ol the week with her
iiiec?, Mrs. W. S. McCrew. Mrs.
(lash and Mrs. Mctirew went to
Omnha Wednesday for a short
visit wiih the .1. W. Kinnson
Mrs. VV. W. Valentine returned
lo her home at Slaler, Mo., Tues
day, after a two weeks' stay here
nursing her parents, Mr. ami Mrs.
(1. W. Maylleld, whose condition
is much improved.
W. F. Iiers has received word
from his nephew, Ir. Harry
Diers, of bristow, Neb., that I he
latter is very ill, caused hy a blood
clot on (he brain, which causes
him great puttering. Mr. Diers is
a son of Herman Diers of (ires
ham. Charles SUyter, whose left
leg was broken about two months
ago while working at one of the
sand pits on the north side of the
river, was taken io Omaha Thurs
day by Dr. Worthinan and Wil
liam Pankonin hi have the injury
examined through an X-ray. The
fracture lias been m long in knil
ling that it was I bought advisa
ble to make a thorough examina
tion to try and ascertain the
cause of the Double.
of a severe attack of rheumatism.
Walter and Laura Sack left
Tuesday morning for Davenport,
Neb., lo all end the wedding of
Mii-s Fninia Vanskiver.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haughf
niiin of Delta, Iowa, aro visiting at
the home of Mrs. Haughfman's
i ml tier, Mrs. K. A. Wright.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Al I'urhaugh has been seriously
ill lor (he past few ias, but at
this writing is reported lo be
sniiiew hat improved.
Dr. Longacre's fallier from
Dawson county, and his sister,
Mrs. ). C. Martin and children
ol Imliaiiopolia, I ml., visited at
his home Hie latter part of I he
W. P. Yoho and W. K. 1 laniard
sliirled out lhis morning for a
sleigh. ride and when coming down
Jake Frohlich's hill Hie team they
were driving became frightened,
upsetting the sleigh and dumping
its occupants out in the snow. Mi
,olio hung lo (he lines and sue
(ceded iu slopping the team, af
ter having been dragged for about
yards. jo serious injuries
were reported with the exception
of several buttons lost olT Mr.
Yoho's coat.
Nehawka precinct is unfair to
home institutions. Nehawka has
a justice of the peace who is per
fectly capable of socking n line
on anyone, and a constable also
aide lo bring in the body.
Any person or persons knowing
the whereabouts of Jake Donahue
will confer a favor on his many
friends at the Joslyn ipiarries by
sending any information I hat will
lead lo his (hiding. Mr. Donahue
was last seen walking Inward Ne-
iraska City. Worry over a run
away which lie hail last week is
given as the cause of his leaving.
Grandma Innwerson, who has
if im) seriously ill for the last ten
days, seems lo be holding her own.
While she has iml improved lo a
point where idie could said lo be
out of danger, she has been im
proving some .' under favorable
circumstances oughl lo get well.
Several of the children are here
from distant points on account of
her illness.
John (Ipp came home Sunday
from Omaha, where he has been
for the past month. He will be on
crutches for some time yet.
Mrs. L. C. Pollard left on the
early train Wednesday morning
for Alma, Neb., where she will
visit for a lime with her daughter,
Mrs. D. H. McCleary and family.
John Kropp, who lives south of
town, has gone to Omaha where
he expects lo take treatment in
one of the hospitals. He has been
bothered for some timet with his
Frank Trotter came home Mon-
The wedding of a young lady
well known in this city was
sol ni.ed the latter pari of last
week al Hamburg, Iowa, when
Mrs. Sarah White was united in
wedlock with Mr. S. It. Spoons of
that place, where Mrs. While has
been visiting for some lime. The
bride was a resident of this city
for several months, making her
home wilh J. II. Meeker and fam
ily, and made many warm friends
here, who will be pleased lo learn
of her new-found happiness and
trust that the newly wedded pair
may enjoy much happiness in
their journey through life to
gether. They will reside near
Hamburg, where the groom is a
successful young farmer.
Commercial Club meets third
Thursday evening of each month.
Meet With Mrs. E. W. Cook.
From WcdncHiluy'M Dully.
The regular meeting of the St.
Mary's Guild of St. Luke's parish
was held yesterday afternoon al
the home of Mrs. ' F. W. Cook.
There was a large number iu at
lendance. A short business ses
sion was held, and about the hour
of i they wended their way to the
church lo be present at the serv
ices which are being held there
during the Lenten season.
! Will Prove It to You Frco
You who ure Mifrlnir the torturfu of Roriri, Itch, Salt Rhnum or other
Kklrj dmcasiN-you w Iiosk diiya am mlscrnlilu, whosn mwlits lira innda Rlcei.
Ii.,u l,v ,I,JI, In !tf.hlntr tiiirnlriir tminu I,,, rm, Bitm! it,,,, ft (ril..f
briiling irroiuiriil which Iihn cured humlraK which I belie vo will euro M-jImH R. P,
you I v. ill M'lid il fn-f!, t'oMw t'liid, without nny onliuullun on your purl.
J'ist III! thr coupon hi'low nml mull it to me, or wrtlu u, i.'lvmn your buidc, uco bd address.
I will ruu t lie lu'ataicnt free of fust lo you.
J. C. HUTZELL, 119 West Main St., Fort Wayne, Ind.
l'lcuiic sfDd without coat or obligation to mo your l'roo 1'roof Tre-tiucnu
Nuuif Aire.
Po omer
St Street nd No.