The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 06, 1913, Image 6
0 I 8 Q I Murra y E3 pKEf ABKI) IN THE INTKRK3TS OK THK PEOPLE OK MURRAY AND SURROUNDING VlCIMTX ESPECIALLY FOB THE (If any of the reader, of the Journal know of a social event or an item of this heading. We want all items of Interest. -Editor Journal.) x Home Bank Owned lurrav Stat CTD MURRAY, NEBRASKA C3 Capital $10,000 CHAS. C.PARMELE, President F.L NUTZMAN, W. We have every arrangement possible for the conven ience of our patrons. We write drafts and can save you money when de siring to remit away. Consult us freely on any financial business. Our ex perience may be of some benefit to you. Depositors in this bank are protected under the State Guarantee Law. 0 II. 11. Nickels was county seat visitor Monday. O. A. lavis was numbered with the Hick last, week. Mrs. K. S. Tul t was an Omaha visitor last. Thursday. Miss Pearl Dugay spent Sunday with Miss Esther Itny. Mrs. It. II. Filch is numbered with Hie sick this week. Charles Tinner whs a Plalls mouth visitor Saturday. F. L. Ilhoden was transacting business in Union Monday. Little 01 Word Heck has been quite sick for I lie past week. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Look irc among I he sick this week. K. H. Oueen was I rausael inn business in Weepiny Wider Sal unlay, . See Upson Downs, the shining light of Dudeilimi, al Jenkins' hall March ir. Irs. Maggie O'Hrien of Plain- view, Neb., is' visiting Mrs. Frank Ilhoden lllis week. George Wiley and wife were moving l' llii'ir new home, wos of Platlsmoulli, Friday. II. II. Nickels It'll Thursday for Savannah, Mo., where he will look after business for a few days. While Midland turkeys for sale. Mrs. W. F. Moore, Murray, Neb. 'Phone 3-P. '.'-'JT-lwks-wkly John llohschieill and son, John, .1. I. Tinner and Nickels all motored by sled In I he county seal Saturday. Minera Clacked, the girlish spinster, will be nlad to see the marriageable boys at .lenkins' ball March IT,. Miss Amies Kennedy and broth er, Charles, came in from Eagle and were oer Saturday and Sun. day visit ors al home. Pie, cake, chicken, bread and many other nood Ihinns to eat will he found at the market Satur day afternoon at the library. j Mrsdamcs Smith, Ilhoden and Spangler entertained the Thimble' Bee last Friday afternoon. The attendance was quite large. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Glen Vallcry, nn March 5, a nii'l baby. Both mother and little one are do ing nicely and (lien is just about 100 degrees happier than usual. The market at the library was .veil attended last Saturday, even ihough (he weather was very slormy. Next Saturday the ladies will have plenty for all who wish to buy. Mr. and Mrs. Fail Cole are re joicing this week over the arrival of a bright-eyed baby girl at their home on February mother and little on along nicely. 7. Ilolh are gelling T!T I V REX YOUNG, Auctioneer, Murray, Nob. Fublic Sales a specially, and care taken to get the high dollar for your goods mid stock. Your business solicited. Telephone f-N. .... by Home People ft 1 Surplus $5,000 Vice-President G. BOEDEKER, Cashier j1 8 Wayne Lewis was a Union i i.-ilor Tuesday. j Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Holmes were Omaha visitors last Friday. Mrs. Joseph Cook has been ipiiie sick for the past, few days. I,. I), llialt was looking after some business matters in tho county scat Tuesday. Jess Godwin was visiting with his parents, east of Murray, this Week. Hay Cook of Plattsmouth was visiting at the Godwin home last Sunday. Miss McKay of Omaha is visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll. Miss Hulh (iodwin has been visiting with I'latlsinoul h friends for the oast week. W. A. Scott was lookinn after some business matters in the county seat Tuesday evening. Albert Queen was looking after some business matters in the county seal Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. (Iodwin, who have I n on I lie sick lisl for I he pal few days, are able to be up ami around now. Miss Pearl lunn. who is at,. lending school in Plattsmoulh, was Inline to spend Sunday with tier parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Copenhaver of Syracuse are in Murray this week isiliun al the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Karris. Joe Wheeler, who has been down in Texas for I he past few weeks lookinn after some land busines, relurned home Ibis week. Itev. William, who is allend iun Coiner university at Helhany, was unable lo return to his studies I a si week owing to sick ness. Mrs. Levi Laniard, who has been here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Rev her homi day. W. A Weeping Williams, departed for in Council HlulTs Sun- llenener, from near Water, was in Murray Wednesday afternoon to see Dr. Hremlel in regard to medical treatment. Tobe Johnson of Plainview is in Murray (his week visiting with relatives and friends. He is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. l'.erger. G. M. Min ford and John Karris allemled the Allen sale, near Wa bash, last week, after which they went on lo Lincoln for a brief business trip. Miss Maggie O'Brien of Wausa arrived in Murray Wednesday tmunmg for a few days' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Ilhoden, east of Murray. John I'risli shipped a carload of slock to South Omaha Wednesday evening. I hey were loaded at M.Miard, and Mr. Irish and his son, Henry, accompanied Ibein to market . Mrs. A. I, visitor lasl i i ing t hen Haker was an tmaha Friday morning, ar iu lime to witness be lire, which was si ill Dewey hotel raging at I In e Bank t ime I be early M. p. Interest in this vicinity and will mail same to this office it will appear under Dr. J. F. bis brolhei Brendol was visiting I i -. Will, in Avoea, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Anthony of Hillsdale, Iowa, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Morris Waukley, were Murray visitors last week, guests al the home of Mr. ami Mrs. A. II. Oaves. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Farris, on February 27, a baby nirl. It is said that Lee is the proudest man in the land, because all the ladies in the locality say Ihe little stranger looks just like its "dad." Mark While departed Wednes day morning for Kansas City, where he goes to Ihe Thornton & Minor sanitarium for treatment. Mark is troubled with an eczema, and the Thornton & Minor people have proven Ihe only relief. Mrs. J. W. Ilerner and daugh ter, Mrs. James Brown, went lo Plallsinoulh Wednesday, where they will make a brief visit with Mrs. Trimpe, and from there will go to Omaha for a few days' visit with relatives and friends. W. A. lleneger, from near Weeping Water, is another new addition lo the Journal's, rapidly growing subscription lisl, Ibis week. Mr. lleneger is one of the excellent young farmers from near Weeping Water that has never taken the Journal. The lillle son of Mr. and Mrs. j (irassinan, the new pool hall man ager, fell in a basin of hot water a few days ano and was quite badly burned. Dr. Uremic! took I lie little fellow to Omaha, w here lie was placed in I lie hospital, ami at this time is gelling along n icely. Mr. and Mrs. John Whileman, from near Nohawka, and Mr. and Mrs. William Baird of Stockton, Missouri, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Virgin and family from Saturday until Monday. They de parted for Omaha Monday, tind from there to Oskaloosa, Iowa, for a visit with a sister of Mrs. Laird. Mr. Whileman and Mrs. Haird are brother and sister. The telephone company has al most completed their task of changing over Ihe entire exchange in Murray. The new switchboard I has been placed in Ihe second Moor of the same building in Which it has been located, and I lie old one was shipped out Wed nesday. The subscribers are much pleased with the new serv ice, as it is certainly a decided im. i provemenl . Klla. I lie lillle' P-year-old d.nmhter or Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hamilton, has been very low with pneumonia for Ihe past few days. Mr. Hamilton secured a nurse Friday night and Dr. Cummins of I'lallsmouth was called in . con sultation with Dr. Hremlel Friday. the present, lime the lint.. If,, rer is improving, which Ihe many friends hope will lead to a speedy recovery. A number of the friends of W. K. Slieperdsoii gave him a fare well parly ill Ihe hall in Murray last Thursday evening. There were about twenly-llve ol Jv. s good Murray friends present to enjoy the evening. As it was given on Ihe eve of Mr. Shepherd- son s oepariurc lor ins new noine in the west, all wished him and his excellent family all tho hap piness and prosperity imagin able. J. D. Tigner, wife and son, James, were pleasantly surprised Monday evening by friends and neighbors of the vicinity. The evening was spent in games and music and a dainty two-course-luncheon was served at a late hour. Mr. Tigner and family will move to I ho Henning place, west of Murray, in a few days and it is with many regrets the neighbors see this estimable family leave the community in which they have resided for some thirty years. DENTAL WORK. Dr. Thomson, Dentist, of Plattsmouth, will be in Mur- J ray on inursaay s, iNe- havvka on Friday's, and I Union on Saturday's of each week, whore he will he ! pleased to meet all parlies desiring denial work done. ! JOURNAL READERS The home talent play, "Next Door." given by the Sunshine band al Jenkins' ball last Satur day evening, was very poorly at tended, owing to thi' very severe cold weal her. The play was very cute and clever, and required a great amount of work on Ihe part of the director, Mrs. Hremlel, and the entire easl. The attendance, should and would have been much lamer had the weather permitted. Fiich and every character was well represented, ail of whom de serve a great deal of credit for the time spent in preparation. We are informed tho "play will be re pealed in tho near future, which is Ihe request of a great many who were unable to attend. Moves to Randolph. W. T. Hutcheson, who has been living near Mynard. loaded bis household goods al l'laftsniouth Monday afternoon and departed for Randolph. While we regret lo see Mr. Hutcheson and his family leave our inidsl, we wish them much happiness ami pros perity ju their new home. They will be located on a farm eight miles south of Randolph. The Journal follows I hem to keep them poed on Ihe happenings at I he old home. Eiooks at the Library. Hooks I hat men would care to read ill the Murray library: "Fben Hidden," "Cy Whilaker," '"Place," "Virginia," .'Hob. Son of Itallle," "Chip of the Flying F," and many others. We have two stories run in Ihe Saturday Evening Host called "My Ladies' Slipper." The writer perished in the Tilantie disaster. The other is a bile story. "Holly Ann." in Ihe Chris tian Herald. Plants for Sale. Tomato, ciibliave ami vvcel polatoe plants for early plaining, W. A. Seol!. Murray . Eggs for Hatching. From I'ulLb'ociled Rhode Island Red hens. -l.on per selling. W. A. Seol I. Murray. A Great Battle. The a real est battles ever fought are those we have lo linht, vvilh ourselves, and only few per fons always come out v ictors. A great deal of firmness and self denial is necessary to forbear to gratify one's apiu-liles and de sires. It is always a bailie be tween passion and good sense. If good sense wins, the man will preserve his life and his health, and. in many instances, his honor, (iood sense will forbid us to spoil our stomach, to weaken our nerves, to use proper remedies when necessary, ff his digeslive organs are out of order, his nerves weak, his blood poor, he should use at once Triner's American Klixir of Hitler Wine. This remedy will clean out the body and keep it clean, will aid digestion, will strengthen the system. At, drug stores. Jos. Triner, 13H3-13:iO S. Ashland ave., Chicago. For driving out pains from muscles and joints use Triner's Liniment. Prepare for Your Spring Work Now! VOUR plows need sharpening, and other machinery may need re pairing. Line them up now and bring them in, and let me put them in good condition for you by the time the Spring rush arrives. You will be busy then and so will I. COME IN NOW! Walter Green, Black&mithing and Horseshoeing Murray, Nebraska i Tl i I I V i VVV WW I- UNION. A J Ledger. 4 WVW V VWV WWiV WV Mrs. Fleming W. Hobb arrived lasl Friday from Hillings, Mont., to visit llunli Hobb and wife, soul hvvesl of tow n. Mr. and Mrs. Faris, resid ing north of town, are Ihe happy parents of a fine new daughter that arrivel at their home at a very early hour yesterday morn ing. J. H. Russell and family arrived yesterday morning from Holivar, Mi.. and will make their home near here, residing on the E. J. Mougey farm. uorlhwed of town. Charles Me.N'aiiiec, who made a few days' visit with his mother and other relatives and friends here, left Tuesday morning fur his home at Brush, Colo. Myron Lynde arrived home last week from Kingv ille, Texas, where he had been visiting his son, Dean Lynde and wife. He saw some good country on his trip, but none Hi at strikes him belter than Cass county, Nebraska. Mrs. William Osl arrived home Saturday afternoon from Kansas City, where she had been with her husband during the critical stage of his illness in the hospital.' Mr. Osl. was operated upon for car.cev and Ihe specialists have now given assurance of a permanent cure. Abe L. Decker, who was injured in an auto accident ten days ago, is reported to be gelling along very well, able to be up and about in the bouse, but will not be able to attend the inauguration of a democratic president next Tues day. II is gi'al i lying to know t Irit he will soon be able to Come to town. H-frw-K-K-M-H-'M-w Dr. H. Thomsen, dentist, J of Plattsmouth, will make ! Union one day of each j week for the purpose of ! looking after the dental v work of this community. He will be in Union on Satur- 4 J- day of each week, beginning January 4, 1913, until fur J thee notice. Mont llobh ami wife came in from Lincoln last Saturday for a visit with their son, Hugh Robb and wife. Mr. Rohb's term as the steward of the penitentiary has expired, and hereafter I hey will make I heir home in Sullon, Nob., where ttiey are conducting the leading lioiel uf hat city, and no doubt will be good and popular cilizens. as they were here and in Lincoln. Alvo News J. A. Shaffer was in Omaha on business Monday. Mrs. S. C. Doyles was a Lincoln visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpat rick wenl to Lincoln Monday morning. George Foreman, jr., moved on to Mrs. Belle Bennett's farm Wednesday. Mrs. Schuyler Wolfe of Have lock siient Sunday with Mr. and Mr.-. Toland. Pearl Woise of Lincoln spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coelbery and family. M. C. Keefer came in Saturday from Litchfield, Neb., to visit with relatives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Slroeiner went lo Barneslon. Neb., Friday, returning Sunday morning. Among those going to Lincoln Monday were F. M. Grove, J. II. Stroemer and Dale Boyles. Lou Kanini shipped his house hold goods to Lincoln Wednes day, where I hey will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosenow and son. Willard, visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hose now. Ray Eidenmiller shipped his car of goods lo O'Neil. Neb., Tuesday, whore he will make his future home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore and children of Lincoln. Nob., spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. George oLibhart. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Avers and children returned Thursday from Manitau. Oklahoma, where they spent the winter. Mrs. Robert Brelz wife of the county clerk of F,l Reno county, Oklahoma, is visiting friends and relatives hero this week. William Hinneman left Wed nesday with his car of household goods and stock for White Lake, S. D., where be owns 320 acres. Mrs. Robert, Brelz of Fl Reno, Okla.. and T. N. Hobbilt of Lin coln spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Buckuell and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Foreman, jr.. came in Saturday on No. t from 1 Grpnd Island. They will live Miss Alctha Rouse came over from Flmwooil Thursday morn ing, relurniug via Lincoln Sun day evening. Charles Sutlou movid into his towiv property Monday. His sis ter". Miss Kale Sutton, having moved into her own house. Mrs. ('u'orgo Foreman, jr., re turned Wednesday from a ten days' visit at Valparaiso with Mr. and Mrs. Oris Foreman. Mrs. Fred Fetrow and children of Hebron are visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry I'arsell, before leaving for heir new home al (iordon, Neb. Mrs. Oeorge McFarland and son of Clarmda. Iowa, came in Sunday on No. 13 to visit her sisters, Mrs. Hairy I'arsell and Mrs. Fred Fetrow . Miss Margery Hall and brother, Sumner, who are attending school ;it the slate farm, spent Saturday and Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Hall. Frank Rosenow passed through town Monday vvilh bis car of goods, en mule from Kansas, where lie has lived the past two years. He does not like Kansas and thinks of moving to South Dakota. Miss Kara F.idenmiller and Noel Manners were married in Uni versity Place last Sunday. The young couple are well known in inks vicinity ami tneir many friends extend congratulations. The Ladies' Aid met Wednesday and elected Hie following officers for Ihe next six months: Mrs. R. A. Stone, president, re-elected; Mrs. J. F.. I'arsell, vice president, re-elected; Mrs. C. M. Stone, sec retary; Mrs. A. L Hird, treasurer, re-elected. Miss Hertha Hueknell enter tained a number of her friends Wednesday evening, February 26, in honor of her sixteenth birth day. The evening was spent in playing various games, the prizes being won by Cecil Newkirk and Noel Foreman. At a late hour re freshments were served and an enjoyable time was had by all. Mr. iind Mrs. George Sutton and children went lo Lincoln Monday: Mrs. Sullon and children went from there to Manhattan, Kansas, to visit her sisters until Mr. Sut ton reaches Stockton, Kansas, with his car of household goods and a car of cattle, where they will make their future home. F. N. I'.obbitt visited friends for several days while he was gather ir:s data for historical events of Tipton precinct, which he is writ ing. Died. Wednesday evening, February 20, 1013, Velma, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Nickel, after a lingering illness of three weeks, and was buried in Elmwood cemetery Friday, Feb ruary 28, 1913. She was born January 1, 1012. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all. Card of Thanks. wish to thank our many We kind friends foi sympathy given the help and us during the sickness and death of our little one; also to the Mothers' Council for their tloral offering and to the choir and pall-bearers. Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Nickel and Family. vKK K-K-I HJH KH MUR DOCK. .j. K. V. Everett is week in Omaha. spending the George Rubble returned to his home at York, Neb., Monday. The Misses Lyda and Eva Sorick wore in Omaha Monday. Sine enough. March came in like a lion and will go out like a lamb. If you want to get good horr'- made bread go to the iCIy M;rke. Mtyt William Weddle is .suffering with a severe attack of the grippe this week. A. J. MeN'amara attended tho funeral of an old shohlier, Dan iCeils, of Klmwood. Alvin Neitzel was visiting his parents and little daughter Cath erine, returning home on No. 17. Mrs. Edna Jones and daughters, Ruth and Mary Edna, were in Ash land Saturday and Sunday. MAX DUSTERHOFF, Murdock, Neb., Painter and Decorator, Paper Hanger, Wall Paper. vv Mr. ami Mrs. ('.rink and sons have been visiting friends the p.i-i vvek. From here they will on i -o lo Colorado, where they intend K- ! ' Mv W W Irani arrived the William Greer far in l in- '0 ' i!,e ir future home