V Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby l;jvcll !" ill! i ; ei-sous inleresied ami lii 111''' ,.ublic, thai III-' undersigned, Andy, rhomsen. liar, lilt'il lii- i o L M i cm i , .-.lit! applical iri in I'"' "dice of I iiip County Clerk of Ca-s County.! Nebraska, as required ly law, j -igned hy a majority f the resi-j lent freeholders of Kigltt Mile i (rove Precinct, selling fort ti tliatj the applicant is a man of ro- j -pectable character and sianding and a resident of t ho stair of No- i hraska. and praying that license ho issued to said Andy Thonipcen for tlir sah' of malt, spirituous :stu1 vinous 1 i i in i s for I In; period of one year from May t7, i 1J i 3 , nding May IT, l'.'l i. in a building n lot 5, in block (i, in the village .f Cedar Creek, in flight Mile drove Precinct, in Cass County, Nebraska. ANDY TIIOMSKN, Applicant. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL. la the Matter of tbo Estate of Christian Stoehr, Deceased. All persons interested in said 'state will take notice that a peti tion has been tiled for the probate .if the will of said Christian Stoehr, deceased, and the appoint ment of executors named there in. A hearing will be had on said v-etilion and will in said Court in :.he Court House at Platlsmouth, Nebraska, on the 8th day of March. 1013, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day. (Sea!1 AM.F.N J. HKESOX, County Judge. I). 0. DWYEIl, Attorney. NOTICi: (IP PHOI'OSITIOV TO VOTK SI'Kt'lAI. TAX. The electors of the County of Cuss, .Nebraska, will take notice that at u vpecial election to he held on the 8th lay of April, A. D. 1913, at the regular votlntr places In all the, precincts and wards throughout said county, the fol lowing question and proposition will bo submitted to a vote of the people: Shall the Hoard of County Commis sioners of Cass County, Nebraska, or other person or persons charged by law with the appropriation of money nnil levying of taxes for said county tor the time being, appropriate the sum of $12,000 and. In addition to the regular annual tnxes, cause to bo levied on all taxable property of said county, a special tax sulllcient to raise said amount for tho purpose of building a County Jail on the Court J louse grounds In the City of Plattsmouth, Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, taking such action as the requirements of the law and the In terests of the public fnay demand; pro vided that said special tax be levied at the time of making the regular levy of the general taxes for the year 1913, and be entered upon the tax list for that year and collected In the same manner as other taxes, and that pro ceedings shall be comricnced for the erection of said jail as soon as the authority Is obtained from the electors as in possible under the law, and be continued without unnecessary delay until tue same shall have been com pleted and provided that said special tax be levied and collected one year und one year only. That the said question and proposition above set forth shall be submitted to the legal voters of said county in the following form and manner; that Is to say the form of the ballot to be used at said election In favor of said question and proposition shall be as follows: "I vote for the appropriation of $12, 000 and for the levy ' and collection of a special tax sulliclcnt to raise said '.mount for the purpose of building a ''ounty Jail." And the form of the ballot to be ;ed at said election against said ques tion and proposition shall be as fol lows: "I vote against the appropriation of the sum of $12,0U0 and ugainst the levy and collection of a special tax for the purpose of building a County .lull." Hated this 1st day of March. A. U., 1913. C. K. JORDAN, Chairman Hoard of County Commis sioners. C. K. HEK1SNKK. Jl'UVN A. PIT,. Commissioners. (Seal) attest: . C. MOIK iAN, County Clerk. OltUK.lt TO SHOW CAl.SK. la tbe District Court of (unn C ounty. Nebraska. in the Matter of the Estate of Nicholas ilalmes, Deceased. This cause came on for hearing up "ri the petition of Nicholas C. llulmes, txecutor of the will and estate of Nicholas Halmes, deceased, for con struction of paragraph nlno of the will of said deceased and for order and license to Pull the real estate, as re quired by law, and the will of said deceased, which real estate is more particularly described as follows. N ft, SK See. 28, Twp. 12, Range i. Sty of SVV ,i and NW ', of KVV V, of Sec. 8-12-13, S Vi of SK t and S . of SW , and NW of SW J of Sec. 7-12-13, NfcJ V( of NW '4 of Sec. 5-12-13, all in Cuss Coutitv, Nebraska, Lots 10, 11 and 12. In Block ::. of the City of Plattsmouth, Ne braska. It Is therefore ordered thut all per "jns Interested in said estate appear riefore me on the lfith day of Marcii, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., to liow cause, f any they have, why said will should not be interpreted and construed by the Court and show cause why order of Court, directing and guiding the executor in making a sale of the said r ial estate belonging to the estate of ii aid deceased, and why a license fjfiould not bo granted to snid executor t'j sell the above described real estate of said deceased. It Is further ordered that a copy of this order to show cause he published for our successive weeks prior to said time of hearing, in the Plattsmoutb Journal, a newspaper published twice a week at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, and of general circulation throughout said 'Viunty. Dated this 3(th day of Janiiarv. 1913. 1IAUVKY 1 1. TRAVIS. Judge of the District Court. D. O. DWYKK, Attorney for Executor. VOTK'K OF NUT TO UtlKT TITI.K. tn (he District Court la and for ('nam County, Nebraska, sJimon (Jrulier. Plaintin, vs. 1 tattle Hurnum Wills, et al., Defendants. To the defendants, Haltle Harnum vv'llls, Harry Wills, Harry (1. Harnum, James W. Harnum, Silvester Harnum, Jr., Adelhert Harnum, Mary Harnum, 'lomer Ilannuh, Mrs. Homer Hannah, t rst real name unknown; Mrs. Lewis Harnum, Ilrst real name unknown; Lewis Harnum, Jr., Charles Harnum, I., i.. Sinclair, llrst rial mime unknown; Herbert Sinclair, Inez M. Dlikorson, 1 icler.iii. first real name unknow n; (icorgp Harnum Rowers, the unknown heirs mid devisees of Rucy Homci-s, deceased; the unknown heirs uml devisees of Hoty Hnvil, ileeeaseil; James I'luise, Rellmiu Chase, l.ucy J 'base. H. K. .Muriln. k. Jr.. llrst 'real 'i.une unknown: Mrs. R. !' Mtmlock, t.. llrst real name unknown; A Iplionso ''lni'-'e. Thomas .1. Watm., Mrs. Thomas J. .Watson, llrst real name unknown: mil the unknown helm ami devisees of :'l minis .1. Watson. de eaed. You are hereby untitled that on Keli- riiiiry Mh. A. l. j.laintiff tili'il his suit l!l tin- litriit I'l'iut of Cass L'ouri tv. Nebraska, to quiet title in the fol Ii'wiiik (l"si'ril"d html iii the County of l ass, .Sptu'asku, tu-wit: '1 in- Nortl.tasl iitiarur (Ni:'4 unj llie Noith hull ( N I of the South east 'HKii-trr , S 1 1 o'' Sfi-tion tweti-ty-ooii lli. Ti'hs;ii ten 1 10 1, laume tiiiilfi'n (1M, J'ast of the lith i: M. Iieeuuf-c of liis adverse possession by lilmself, ami muiitors lor more than ten years jirior to the eotuineneenieiit of suiil suit, unil to enjoin each uml -nil of yon from having or cliiimin any right, title, lien or interest, either U'i?al or eiie.itHble, In nml to said la nils or any pari thereof, ami to require you to set forth your rlnlit, title or interest there in, if any. either IckhI or equitable, anil to have the same ml jmlKeii inferior to the title of l'lainlilt' to shuI lands, ami lor lienerul equitable relief. This notice is made pursuant to the order of the court. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before Monday, the iMtli day of Mureh. A. I. lit 13, or your default will be ihilv entered therein. SIMON' HUriSKK, Plaintiff. K.VW1.S iXt JiKHKKTSOX, Attorneys. License. .Noticc is hereby given to all persons interested and to the public, that the undersigned, lleniy A. Sclioemann, has tiled his petition and application in the ollice of the County Clerk of Cass County, .Nebraska, as re quired by law, signed by a ma jority of the resident freeholders of Eight Mile Crove Precinct, setting forth that the applicant is a man of respect able character and standing and a reside-it of the Slate of Nebraska, and pray ing that license be issued to said Henry A. Sclioemann for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the period of one year from May 1, t!li:i, ending May 1, 111 1 1, in a building on the W. Yj of Lot I, in Itlock i. in Cedar Creek, in Eight Mile (trove Pre cinct, in Cass Count. Nebraska. I1ENUY A. SCIIOEMANN, Applicant . I.IOliM. MITICK. In the District Court of Nebraska. Cass County, Morgan 10. P.rantner, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph McCrenry, Cass County, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Nebraska, the Un known Heirs and De visees of Zecherlah Kerr, Deceased, the Citlzi ns Hank of Platts mouth, Nebraska, a Cor poration, Now Defunct, K. (!. Dovey & Son, a Copartnership, and Charles K. Pearsall, Defendants. NOTICE To Joseph McCreary and the Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Zecherlah Kerr, Deceased, Defendants: You and each of you will hereby take notice that on the 10th day of Kebruarv 1912, I, Morgan E. P.rantner, Plaintiff In the foregoing entitled cause, tiled my petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against vou and others, the object, purpnso and prayer of which Is to obtain a decree from said Court removing liens and clouds from and quieting the record title of the following described real estate, situate In Cass County, Ne braska, to-wit: Commencing at a point flftv-two and one-half (.1214) leet Hast of the Southwest corner of original l,ot twenty-six (2), in Section eighteen tl), Township twelve (12, North, in Rurigc Fourteen (14), Kast of the 0th P. M thence running North one hun dred thirty-five (l;'.'.) feet, ihence Kast llfty-two and onc-hnlf o"i2.. feet; thence South one huii'lred thirty-tive (135) rct ; thence west llfty-two and one-half ( f 2 ) feet to the place of beginning, shown u:ui designated on the plat books of Ir regular tracts in thf oilke of the register of deeds of snid County, us lot No. (ill In the .Southwest .iiiarter of the southwest quarter of said Section. Also commencing at the Southeast corner of said hot twenty-six (2ii), in said Section eighteen US), Town ship twelve (12), North. Iiango four teen (14) Kast, and running thence north one hundred thirty (130) feet: thence West sixty ((10) feet; thence South one hundred thirty (130) feet; thence Kast sixty (0) feet to the place of beginning, and shown and designated on the said plat hooks of Irregular tracts ns Lot No. 61, in said Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section, excepting, however, a strip off of the South ends of said Lota heretofore conveyed to the City of Plattsmouth for street purposes. In Plaintiff, as against you and other defendants and to exclude and enjoin you nml eacli of you from ever nssert ing or claiming nny right, title, estate, interest or lien therein adverse to Plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as may bo just and equitnhle. Vou are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 24th day of March, 1913, or the allegations con tained in said petition will be taken as true nnd a decree rendered ns praved for therein. Dated: February 10th 1913. MORGAN E. P.UANTNKn. Plaintiff. Hy JOHN M. LEY DA, Ills Attorney. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the Chopie (iasoline Engine Company (Limited), of Plattsmouth, Ne braska, has issued fully paid up capital stock to the amount of Fifty-four Thousand Nino Hun dred Thirty Dollars ($51,930.00), and that said Corporation has an indebtedness for current expenses only amounting to the sum of 2)4.7G. Hated (his Cth day of January, 1913. Jno. A. Chopieska, President. Edw. Rynott, Adolph fiiese, II. M Soennichsen, II. F.'Ooos, Directors. Mrs. Thomas Pollock Bettor. The condition of Mrs. Thomas Pollock, who has been quite sick for some time, is reported as be ing much improved and her friends throughout the city will be greally pleased to learn of her improvement in health and trust thai she will r.'gniir her former slale of imhkI heall li. Kuy your fancy stationory at the Journal office. FALLS MO BREAKS LEG Prom Wednesday's Dully. The news was reeched here e.lenl;i of a severe accident (hat befell Attorney It. V. Heesoii of It. d Oak. Iowa, last Saturday, lie wa walking abmu' the street, which was ipiile slipperv, when he fell and broke bis leg and was conveyed to the oltice of a phvsi ciaii, where I he injured member was dressed. Judge A. J. fleeson of thi city, a nephew of the in jured man, departed for that city veslenlay afternoon o look after some business matters for him. Mr. P.eeson is one of the most prominent attorneys in western Iowa ami has a very extensive practice in the courts of his dis trict, ami ( ho accident conies at a very unfortunate time, as I he court is in session there. ON NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT The dance to be given Saturday evening by the Modlrn Woodmen at their hall on South-Sixth street, deserves the patronage of every one who dances in the city, as it is not only to be an occasion of much enjoyment to those allend-in-. but I he proceeds of I lie ball will be given to aid two of the members of the order who have been sick for some lime and un able to work and are iml in he best uf cii cuiiisl aiices. Make il a point to secure a ticket In the dance, whelher you allend or not, and aid the good cause along. LOYAL DAUGHTERS ENTER TAINED BY MISS CQWLES Kroia Weunesdyv's Dully. Last evening the Loyal Daugh ters of the Christian rhurrh were entertained in a most delightful manner by Miss Hazel ('.owe Is at her home, and the event is pro nouneed hy I he quests who were presenl as I he most enjoyable in the uniiiils of the society, and the eharuiiim manner in which (hey were enleilained hy Miss Howies will lie one of Iheir iinol ica.-anl ini'ii -orie-i. The chief amusement '!' !):' evening ennit'd of a jJue.-siim ame, in which .Mrs. I Minute lihin ciiihuvil he liil jM'i'e. wlii!" Mi-.- Ann, i Seiversi was awarded I be -emud prize, asj ,t cow nrd I'w i In ir apl il tide in '-' 1 il'- I !!e i-m l ec! ;illwcr-. . j i;n -l delicii.il. I'lticheon wa ' .-.'i'.e. b Mr-, r.i.'.i,-,, a. isledi by Mr. Sleiin-i atul In ny the lepanl ; nnr ciillld a.-k W.'ls p:l!ili- li mibll.v. I! Ihere wa liul 111: '- I lull, collid e;np I he ;ip telile lefl nil" III'' llli'illl. Illld I he '-le! fell I h;il he eill el'i ; I i 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 ill Hie Cowles lliillli' llitd le lllem bill o.ie tiling i v ih for, and dial was aiinlli"!' iuvilalioii lo visit Ibis most hospitable home, where Ihey had been so royally treated. There was a larpe number of I he tneii'bers of (he sociely ii'esenl to enjoy the deliuhl lul event. The (ii'i nian Doctors of I he Council MluIVs Sanitarium, at Hilev Hole! for few days. Exam ination free. The Journal Want Ads for re sults. ohdku to snow caim:. In the ItlMlrlet Court In ami for ( hnk County, ebnixkn. In tlio Matter of the liuardlanshlp of Anna l Chlleott, IiiMine. This eause eame on for hearing upon Hie petition of XVetdey Chlleott, miariliiin of the etae of Anna C. Chilei'lt, IiiMine, praying for n lieenne to sell the Interest of IiIh nald ward, Anna C. Chlleott. in nnd to the follow ing ile.siTlbcd real estate, to-wit: The northwest quarter (NVW4) of the northeast quarter (NKVJ ) of Sec tion twenty-four (24), Township ten (10. IJanKe thirteen (in), In Cuss County, Nebraska. Said ix'tltioner also nlleKiiiK that the wife of petitioner, A unit C. Chlleott, was Rdjudxi'd insane on the loth day of April. 1!I0L. uml has ever slneo re mained insane, and Is now eonlined in the insane asylum of the Stato of Ne braska. Thut petitioner Is tho owner In fee simple title of the above do srribed real estate, and the court is asked to uncertain the present value of the Interest of petitioner's said wife, ami to authorize petitioner to sell the same at public or private sale. IT IS TIIKUIOKOKK oKUKKKH that nil persons interested in fhn estuto'and Interest of said Anna C. Chlleott, In sane, In and to the above described real estate, Hppcar before mo nt tho olllce of the Clerk of the district Court, at Hal tsinoutli, Cass County, Nebraska, on the 11th day rtf April. A. I)., 11)13, at O n o'clock a. m to show cause why the court should not deterniino the present value of the interest of said Anna C. Chlleott. in and to the real esiiti' hereinbefore described, and why license should not be uranted tit Wesley Chilcnt.t, Kunrdiiin of Anna C. Chlleott, insane, to sell the Interest of his said ward In and to the above described real est j t e. Tills order shall he served by pub lishln;; the slime In tho Ha 1 1 smooth ,. iurn.it for at lenst three successive uiilf.s prior to the usih ihiv of March, A. i. 1 Iiuled this 1st day of March. A l , I'M': t;i:ii:;h: v. cokcdkan, .luilire I isti let Court. I; vvvi :; ,v la u:i :in .-'I i. At tornevx. ISC I have added to my complete stock of Hardware a complete line of the Celebrated Racine Sattley Farm Machinery LOOK THEM OVER! You Save Money! . P. D E Majestic Theater to Be Thorough ly Renovated and Many Im provements Made. One of the new improvements in I he business section of the city projected for the coiniiiK season is the placing of a new front in the Majestic I healer building, owned by V. V. Leonard. The owner and the manager of tho I healer, Mr. Shines, expert, to make this theater one of the llnest moving: picture houses in this part of the state and one that will be a credit to the ri'y. The lobby will be open, as the Oein is, and will be artistically decorated, as well ns ornamented light in;-' effects will be more elab liuhlinir effects will he more chl orate and extensive than ever placed in this cily. The entrance o the (heater will be made level with the sidewalk, sloping upward o the doors of Ihe theater, which will be made wide and make an ea-y jn case of lire or ac- cid"i'l. Anollier door will be made in I lie mil l 1 1 cud of the iniiili,r- lo furnish ventilation, as well as a precaution in cast; of lire, and with these numerous eis he huihlin:-' could he! pi ied iii a lew minutes of i he crowd. for Veil I belli er summer The additional facilities Mulnm will make the cool ami fresh in Hie and add really In the comfort of the patrons. Another improv emenl In be milled to Ihe I healer will be a new I modern picture machine, thai will Vive, a ureal, ileal heller service in the showing of pictures, making I hem much clearer and more satisfactory i in every way than the one formerly used. The con tract for the remodeling of the building' will be given lo Peters i Richards, the conl ractors, who have been so successful in their work during the pusl season. THEIR FUTURE HOME WILL BE IN RANDOLPH, NEBR. Mrs. (). V. liailey and four chil dren, who formerly resided near NMiavvka, have been visiting- here for the past ten days at the home of Mrs. Margaret Sepraves, mother of Mrs. Hailey, before departing- for their future home in Randolph, Neb., where her hus band went some few weeks ago to prepare the home for them. The Hailey family will he greatly missed in this county, and while Iheir friends greatly regret to see I hem leave, they will join in w ishing- them prosperity and happi ness in their new home in Han dolph. Sells Land Near Union. The sale was made yesterday of forty acres of laud belonging; to Mrs. Tabilha Thacker, siluafed northeast of Union. The price paid by Ihe purchaser, Peter, Spangler, was 00 per acre, which was n very good price, as Ihe land i in it rough slale and consists mostly of limber land, which, however, when cleared oil' will make good farm laud. IMPROVEMENTS ARE CONTEMPLATED YOURS FOR SQUARE DEALING i (Successor to John Bauer) Entertained at Troop Home. From VVedneMdiiy'H Daily. The cozy homo of Mrs. Hubert Troop was the scene of a delight ful occasion veslenlay. when she entertained the members of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the 1'resby leriau church and their friends in her usual most hospitable man ner. There was a business ses sion held, and Ihe remainder of Ihe afternoon was whiled away in a pleasant social time, sewing and Ihe like. The hostess served ex' cellenl. refreshments, which was thoroughly appreciated by the large number in attendance. An enjoyable feature of the after noon was some instrumental se lecl ions. FORMER PLATTSMOUTH ' BOY IS MARRIED IN SEATTLE, WASHINGTON The news has been received in this city of the marriage at Seat lie, Washington, of Mr. Van H. Laylon and Miss Mamie Frost of Sea I lie. The wedding occured at the home of Ihe sister of the bride in Seattle and was followed by an elaborate wedding; supper. The groom in Ihe wedding is a young: man who was born in this city, where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Layton, resided for a num ber of years. He is a grandson id' Mrs IL ''. Van Horn of this cily, who was greally surprised, as well as pleased, to hear of the wedding, as Mr. Layton is a very promising young man, and while only 11) years obi, is conducting; an automobile garage in his home cily and has been very suc cessful in Ihe business. The young people will make a short wedding- trip, after which they will be al home lo I heir friends in Seal Me, where Ihey have a home prepared. The Tacoma Tribune of Sunday, February 2.'1, contain ed an excellent half-lone of the young couple, which shows I hem to be a very handsome and charming couple, and the friends of Ihe Layton family here will wish for I hem a long; and happy wedded life. To Visit In Florida. District Judge 11. D. Travis de parted yeslerday for Florida, where he will spend several weeks hoping that the climate in that, country will benefit his health, which has been quite poorly for several months. The judge was accompanied on his trip by his son, Hay, of Omaha, and they will visit for some time at Jacksonville and Tampa, and Ihe judge will remain for an in definite period, hoping lo benefit his health in I he climate of that state. Sell your property by an ad In the Journal. vlKfir BfK thn lnli nOutliv itni'lt ( rnrnril liuuitQiulu linprovi'iiiuut prd? Animal Regulator 'tti" worlit'a K" ''l"Ht cnmlltlniHT C"r hnrw a. catllr. hoin. hm- Ti iinpiiivi a Un iiiM llt.., am nu'i In iia Ihe illmmlvn m in, i'in Hip kioi k In aliapi) to work liurii or .riluvu luuvlly. Tliul liii.ia .kiii.iuv.ioii uml num. :5c, 50c, $lj 2'5-!!). I:i, Get 1'rutw i'roili-: )i:,ri:1(f J. V. I I Make a Customer!. A STORY OF WHY Told by One Who Has Given Credit to Too Many Who Refuse to Pay. In the last issue of the Ladies' Home Journal some grocer locat ed in a swell suburb of a large easlcrn cily lllls a full page with a story of why he is going to fail. The gist of the whole matter is I hat he has extended too much credit to "dead beats" and a ho says, the customers who will not pay are almost all "high livers,. people who demand the best and refuse to pay for it. Heading thai, ably written ar ticle, and considering the almost reverence given to anything that appears in such a journal by many people, a merchant of Ne braska who is a member of his local 'and slate federation, one active and elllcient along the lines laid out. for such organizations, must certainly smile and feel that he could in Ivvo minutes tell that merchant a way out of all his dif ficulties, in fact, a way to a great success. Hut he could .only point tho way. The going would be easy, loo, compared lo the trouble of starling; and the problem of get ting stalled lies in the dilliculty in getting grocers or other busi ness men of a community to co operate.' A certain preacher, of whom I this man tells, traded with him to the extent of about $70 and then look his custom lo another grocer when dunned. He never paid any thing on account. If the grocers of the suburb had a local federa tion doing nothing more than keeping up an elllcient, credit agreement that preacher would eilher have paid his account or moved or gone hungry or paid cash; he would have received no credit elsewhere. The chances are ten to one he would have paid his account. Merchants of Nebraska, here is an argument ou cannot refute. The subject is deemed important enough for Ihe editors of a jour nal like the one mentioned to publish an article dealing with this credit evil. That grocer ad mits a strictly cash basis would not work in that place. The only thing left, then, is to reform the credit business, and how are you going to do il if you don't join with your fellow merchants in a local and stale federation? With such an organization all planned and ready for your use it will be your own fault if you fail because you don't use il. Omaha Trade F.xhibil. The Journal for typewriter 8iipDlles. Al li HEALTH of nrnfltnMc rintrvlnir unit tork nrnwlii at n loan, nml Is il ilimriiu-K In tlm Inrmur. In tonUltlull fullowa I ho uau vf MERCHANTS FAIL $3.K0. "Your roouey WU if it f.iils." i:,miMi'1 nnd ! urn aliout 1 Tuns Couiiuns. Eoenberger