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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1913)
HK-v .K-H-K-H-K IY1YNARD. HS" Osear (iapiMi ti an.sucleil busi ness in (lie village Tlitir.ilay. Charles l.ovcll transacted lui-i-licss Willi cur merchants Woilne. lay. Rev. (imilil i holding revival meetings at the Fight Mil H-oe church. v Hoy ('.ili' lniiiaetoi business in Omaha Friday and alxi tenl; in Ihe auto sIm.w. August Hi-ins ulii'lled and livereil corn In Hit- (!illesie valor Wednesday. Cornelius Hongon of I ho pre rind, visited in tin- village for a few hours Friday. Johnnie ller-Jtinan had a lar.ue consignment of cream for the Lin coln creamery Friday. iMrs. Joe Burlon relurned to her home Friday, a Tier visiting with friends for a few days in town. Frank Richardson and family of South Omaha visited at Ihe home of his lnolher, W. T. Richardson, over Cold and stormy weather has somewhal retarded business and everybody is try inn to pel on the wa nil side of a hot, sl.ove. V. F. (lillespic i.f receiviiiK t'iir load after carload of hay. Farm ers are eager to purchase and store it away for .summer use. James (irubcr has moved into the Walker residence, east of town, and will work on the farm the coining season for F.lberl Wiles. Charles Shopp shelled corn for Joe Tubbs, one mile west of town. Joe, always takes time by (he fore lock, and has his" work done at the right tine. (irandpa Mailer is slowly re covering from a severe case of tin; i-'rippe. Hopes are entertained that be will soon be out and npniii en joy his usual pood health. Jacob Vallery received a car load of lumber, which he is trau.-t-1'i-rring to one of his frains west of town. Mr. Vallery conleiiiplales building a line residence thereon, to be occupied by bis sou, John. Dr. T. P. Livingston, who is taking care of Mrs. K. K (ioodwiu, in the home of It. I,. Roberts, call ed Wednesday and reported rirandma ' Iwin gelling along very nicely, considerinn her ad vanced ape. The young people of Mynard and vicinity look advantage of the excellent hleighing and two bob sleds loaded lo the full rapacity, broke Ihe piilelude of the even ing with soups and laughter, away into Ihe small hours of the night. A, C. Carey will occupy tin- farm of Mr. Minford in Fighl Mile Orov precinct. Mr. Carey recently moved here from Kansas. Failure in crops caused him lo dispose of bis interests there and return to Cass county, where be grow to manhood. The Ladies' Aid society met at the, home of Mrs. W. Ilichardson Thursday afternoon. After the routine business, visiting and sewing occupied Ihe lime of the members for several hours, alter which n three-course luncheon was served. All departed for I heir respective homes realizing the fact, that Mrs Uichard.-on was a royal enlerlainer. Our failhful mail carrier, Fnclc .lap, had the misfortune Thursday to drive loo close to Ihe edge of a high elevation, trying to avoid a snow drift, and conseipient ly his mail wapon, Uncle Jap, mail and snow were all mixed together. The body oT the wapon was consider ably broken. However the trip was continued, and Jap is rejoicing thai he is here in Ihe laud of Ihe living. New Son at Adam Stoehr Home. This morning about 5 o'clock a new son niaile his appearance at Ihe home of Mr. anil Mrs. Adam Stoehr, alnnil four milts west of this city, and the young man is some hoy, weighing nine pounds, and is doing' nicely, as is the mother. That he will grow up to lie ns worthy n as his par enls is I lie wish of the many friends of Hie family in this city and vicinity. $100 Reward, $100 Tb roadi-r ot thin pi'f will t tcio,l la li'iirn tlmt tbi-rp In lit Ii'iiM Onn ilrt-HOi-d tllxfiow 11ml Krli'llro Inn m-n Mu In cure 111 nil lu iri-'', Hinl tint i ininrih. null cninrrii cure 1 liic only iltlro I'liro Imw known to tin' Inert 1,-ul fruti-rnlly. Cnlnrrh Im-Iiib n cnimtltiilloiml ilK'tiw, n-i)iiiri' ronxt tint IrHinl trcnliiii'iil. Hull Cnl urrll Cuii- Ik In In-ii Inli-l null V. inline iIIhtIIv iiiui tl"' M'll'll 1111(1 hmi'Klio mrfHivn hi lln M'.li'iii. tlnTi'liy ili-mrnvlnif tho fiiuiiilKtH'ii ,,f il,.'. iIImii-i-, nml tilrlnx i lie uUint Miiii-tl ,v ImllclUiK i II"- i-itntlnitl"ii nml iikel-llue nil-Iiii-i. In iliiliif II iTk. Tln iniii-!i'nr Inin ii m il fi'liti In tl" runittvi Iowitm Hinl Hn-v .-r iiiii- iliniilri-,1 liiillin-wf'ii- niiv raxi' Unit It j i,, , tilc. Si nil fur IM n" rlliiiunliiN. "-, ::,, r. j. ( hi:m:v & m , t..i.mI... o. .-! In- nil luiiiu'l-' "' '.:(. Ilnll'i. I .1 lull) I'lUi f'T '';, WILSON IN WASHINGTON President Elect is Cheered by TO PAY CULL AT WHITE HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Will Bo Received In Blue Room After Family Re union President Elect Will Attend Princeton Alumni Smoker. Washington, Maieh 3. -Woodrow vVilnori, next president of the United States, arrived here this atternoon hnd every detail Is complete for the lunuguiation ceremonies and the at uiidant military mid civic d'-monstra Hon tomorrow. No president elect ever found the cupital of the nation whose destinies he is to guide more brilliantly arrayed or more ubundant with enthusiasm than Wood row Wilson found it to day. Flags and streamers from evory staff and building waved him wel come and cheering thousands assein bled in the spacious esplanade of the Union station approach and the streets through which he was driven to his hotel stirred the patriotism of hit heart. To Call at White House. One of Mr. Wilson's last acts on a private citizen will be to call, witt Mrs. Wilson, upon tho president of th United States and Mrs. Tuft. Ar rangements for this were made today The president elect and Mrs. Wll son, soon after their arrival, received Colonol Spencer s. Cosby, chie! aide to the president, who will escort them to the White House In the presl (louts automobile. President nnc Mrs. Taft will receive them in th Blue room. All the military and nava aides to the president, In regalia o; tlyoir office, will be present, but non of the cabinet will attend. Th meet Ing, as planned, will be brief, and the wire possibility turn women may ue re president elect and Mrs. Wilson wll covered among the debris on the sec- return to their hotel to a family din Tier. Bryan Arrives. William Jennings Itryan and Jose pluis Daniels, generally accepted at tho new secretary of state and secro tiiry of the navy, respectively, reuchec Washington this morning- A commit tee met them at the train. Hope for fair Inauguration weatbet was extended by tho weather bureau Cold and dear weather today In thlt section will be followed tomorrow bj higher temperature, the prediction Is siid this brings relief from fears that the blizzard which swept In the ad ministration of four years ago might be repeated. HUERTA MAKING PROGRESS Provisional Mexican Head Gains Mori Control. Mexico City, March 3. -The flrsi week of Huerta's administration hat seen notable improvements in the general situation, hut It Is apparent that many weeks must pass befon complete order Is restored. There Is little doubt that the old Oiozro Hiiny will be mustered out oi Incorporated In the regular establish luent. The rebels in the south, th Zapatistas, seem likely to furnish, the administration with the sanu problem as they did the Madero ad ministration. A number of Zapatista huve surrendered, but Kmlliano Zap ata himself Is still in the field and thousands of his men are continuing the warfare as outlaws, burning haciendas and raiding villages. There Is a most serious development in the north, especially In Coahulla wheie Venustiaao Carranza, the gov ernor, far from recognizing tho Huerta government, has grown stronger In hlsl opposition endi day. Hilles to Take Agency. Witshlngton, March 3 Charles D Hilles, secretary to President Taft for tho last two years, will quit the White lloirse tomorrow, to boconie o partner of Kdmuntl Dwight, resident nianag'er at New York of the Employ ers' Liability Assuranco corporation limited, of liomlon. Mr. Hilles will retain tho chairmanship of the Repul llcan national commlttoe, for which he was chosen last summer. Tveltmoe and Clancy Released on Bond ljcavenworth. Kan., March 3. Olal A. Tveltmoe and Eugene A. Clancy, both of San Francisco, two of tho la bor leaders convicted at Indianapolis lust December upon tho charge by ths government of conspiring In tho Me gnl transportation of explosives, wore released upon bonds from the federal prison here. Sackler Again Kidnaps Young Son, St. Itula, March 3. Gordon Sack ler, four years old, tho thrice kid raped son of Springfield (Neb.) man, was stolen for tho fourth time from the hands of his mother whilo the frantic woman fought desperately wltb her husband and two other men or the station platform at Valley park, Tumulty's Salary Raised to $7,500, Washington, March 3. A salary ol $7, G00 a year for Joseph E. Tumulty, who will be president ilsons secro tary at the White House, was assured when tho l'.oue agreed to accept the senate amendment to the general do flclency hill fixing that nmount instead of the ffi'cj oiUlnnlly p'epoed. FOR HEW CADiNET POST. Congressman W. 3. Wilson of Pennsylvania May Be First Secretary of Labor. 191, by Ammlean rrens Association. NO FURTHER BODIES AREJECOVERED Funerals of Three Victims of Dewey Hotel Fire Held in Omaha, Omaha, March 3. While the search for more bodies of victims of the Dew ey hotel lire was resumed this morn ing It has been unrewarded and the ollicluls have given up hope of un- earthing any more bodies. There is a onu uoor. mere, u is ussi-i ion, w cral occupants of tho hotel were caught like rats in a trap when the fire broke out. The cause of the fire Is still a mystery. Funeral services for Miss - Alice Bonnovie were held from tho chapel of Coroner Crosby. The funeral of Renfreo II. IUckard was held this aft ernoon in Brower'B chapel, South Oma ha. Charles Cummings, another vic tim, will be burled tomorrow after noon in Evergreen cemetery. EXEMPTION BILLS UP SOON Measures Will Probably Be Reached This Week. Lincoln, March 3. The exemption bills probably will be reached in the house this week and If they are there will be a lively scrap. IJollen of Knox, head of the Judiciary committee, has a measure, which Is being pushed, to subject 25 per cent of the wages of a laborer to attachment. McAllister of Dakota has two measures, exempting all the wages of the laboring man and $2,000 to the heads of families who own no real estate. The bills may be discussed together. Last of Troops Reach Galveston. Texas City, Tex., March 3. The big military machine which will be the Second army division was poured Into Galveston and Texas City by trains, which at times choked tho various lines of railway which converge here. Soldiers marching, horses In troops and great loads of equipment quickly started from the railway terminals to their appointed places In Camp Crockett at Galveston and the head quarters camp here, Medical College Fights Association Chicago, March 3. Legal test of the right of the American Medical asso elation and medical educators to make war on schools they hold unfit to give proper medical education will be made hero In a suit filed by the Jenner Med ical college against the association and eleven physicians known as the "council of medlcnl educators." The complainants ask damage of $500,000. Beatrice Man Missing, Beatrice, Neb., March 3. Ira Lock, for many years engaged in tho furnace business here, is missing, leaving his business affairs in bad shape. Ho went to Omaha three weeks ago and since which time nothing lias been hoard from him. His place of business Is closed and it Is alleged he has left behind debts aggregating $2,000. Grand Army Wins Home Battle Washington, March 3. The house struck from the army appropriation bill tho provision placing the San Monica (Cal.) Boldlers' home under tho supervision of the war department, This Insures General P. H. Barry ac cepting the governorship of the Cali fornia home. Banks Show Improvement. Washington, March 3. Reserves of tho 7,245 national banks showed a ma terial Improvement on Feb. 3, ns com pared with the stringent period of November, but were not as great, however, ns In February of last year, according to returns to the romptroller of the currency. Chestre Church Damaged by Fire. Chester, Neh., March 3.--The Metho dist church here was latdly damaged tj RESTITUTION 111 "PEARL OF ANTILLES" Pastor Russell, Returning From Panama, Visits Cuba. PREACHES IN HAVANA, Modern Application of a Familiar Text. What the Bible Means by "Restitu tion Times" The Pastor Claims Each "Time a Year, a Thousand Alto gether and a Beginning Made. Earth's Happy Day Nearing A Lit tle While, a Dark Hour May Intervene. Ilavaua, Cuba, March 2. rastor llussell is delight ed with Cuba, nud does not fall to call attention to the wide contrast between present sanitary condi tions and those which prevailed so short n time ago, when this fair In ml suffered con tinually from yel low fever and other tropical nilments. The Pastor referred to General Wood as the one through whose energy and skill Cuba's restitution 'hud rejuvena tion cauie about. "Honor to whom honor is due" appears to be one of Pastor Itussell's mottoes. The Pas tor's text was Acts 3:19-21: "Times of Restitution of all things, which Jod hath spoken by the mouth of all Ills Holy Prophets since the world began." He sa'nl:- ! Panama a week ago I saw one of the stupendous works of man In sub duing, or conquering, tho earth and making it suitable for his purposes. I testified to the people there, and to tho millions who read my sermons, re specting tho increased education of hu muultv through modern inventions. which speak to us of the dawning of the New Era long foretold In the Bible Today I point you to man's lncreas inc skill along other lines. The laws of health and of disease me much hot ter understood than ever In the past The laws of chemistry applicable to nearlv everything in life." are marvel- ously clear and greatly extended be yond anything of previous times. Tills Increased knowledge lies close to the work of sniiiliition. which is so gener ally approved and so widely extended. All this sudden liillux of knowledge, not only upon the few learned, but upon the masses of mankind also. Is a sign of tiie dawning of the New Day of Clod's blessing- Restitution. Millennial Work In Cuba. The Pastor urged his congregation to consider this wonderful transformation of conditions in their fair Islund an exemplification of the great work which will prevail throughout tho whole world very shortly. It properly raises our estimation of human Intelli gence, and of the henefleence of the United States Government, whose agent In this transforming work was General Wood. What has taken place so markedly In Cuba under sanitary regulation is gradually being nccom pUshcd all over the world. It marks the dawning of the New Day referred to in his text as "Times of Restitution of nil things." which God has prom ised from the beginning. Everywhere In the Scriptures the glorious work of human uplift is di rectly associated with Messiah's King dom. Perhaps many linvo expected tho blessings to come In another way; nevertheless, now that they nre com- Ing. all should he ablo to see the facts nmi to acknowledge prophetical fulfil- ments. Is it anv less true that the wll- dcrness Is coming to blossom as the rose bocause this Is resulting from hu- man eiiergy well-drilling and other Ir rigating projects? Surely not! The poet sang. "God moves In n myterlous way, His wonders to perform." And that mysterious way i3 usually throueh human Instrumentality, as Improved conditions here in Cuba nbun dantlv witness. Instead of being dls- 'A f appointed that God Is using humanity Character Is shining out as it wos never for the fulfilment of nis glorious prom- seen before! Divine Love and Mercy ises. we should nil rejoice that man- nre conspicuous. Divine Justice Is kind may bo associated with the mar- seen in its true light. Proportionately rels of Dlrlne Wisdom. Nevertheless, ns we see these things, our souls mag- tbo best that has been attained here or nlfy nud glorify the Lord, who Is good, anywhere Is evidently far below the nnd whose Mercy eudureth forever, glorious standard of perfection wblch Gatherina of th. E,eet Now. God dec ares to lie tho ultimate result. , ' .. . . . The work of this present Age is tin Best of All-Human Rest.tution. questionably tho gathering of God's As man fell from tho image nnd like- Eect- jt j equally unquestionable ness of God. Restitution would mean tlint tlie sajntiy nre the Elect. St. Paul to him a return to that image and like- points out to us tlmt this Is God's fore ness. Of all the Restitution wonders, ordination; namely, that nil who will this will be the grandest. Were "even' bo elected In this present Ago must be prospect pleasing," and humanity were eopie, 0f God's dear Son. This Is what still vile, sinful, Imperfcct-meutally, i8 j,rcdestinated-the terms nnd condl morally and pbyslcally-thc curse would tj0I1Si tne requirements and quslifica still rest upon the earth. The evidences t0nS( 0f the Elect. (Romans 8:W of the beginning of Restitution In the 30) q0$ Wni permit none othm to lifting of some of man's Ignorance and superstition nro by no means the ro allzatlon of what Is to bo expected. If a taste of Divino goodness Is so re freshing and hupplfylng, what will the full draft mean to our poor race! My message Is meaningless to those who have left the teachings of the Word of God, and who believe In hu man evolution. Disbelieving In the fall of our nice from the Divine linage in the flesh, these must logically deny also the redemption, and nil necessity for a Savior to die for our sins. Surely they could tot count It sin to experl eneo evelutlon, os they claim: nnd j uln has not -een committed, then there cenn Ti't r? a rrcrr iroin rm. nor a icstituiion t" a condition enjoyed licfuif sin entered the world. All h thcM-ie-. therefore, are un scriptural. l"'-r ilii reason they are la antagonism to the l'.ible view, that man fell fr-.'in God's Image six tLou sand years ago: that be has passed through six great Pays in which has prevailed a rt-ig i of sin and death, in- duced by Satan at the beginning, and still, to some extent, inlluenced by him. Under this reign of sin and death, mau has lost much of the Divine image, and has become brutal -more or less. The redemptive work of Jesus is not to be understood as a change of the Divine Plitu and an abandonment of the earth as a Paradise, populated by humans in the mental and moral like ness of the Creator. God changes not. The mistake was merely one of ours, not authorized by the Bible. The time for Restitution was not due wheu Jesus gave I lis life as man's Redemption-price; but those "times," or years, of Restitution are due now; for we are living lu the dawning time of the great Seventh Day (a Thousand i'ear Day). Messiah's first work as the great King of earth Is about to be Inaugurated. He Is about to bind Satan "that old serpent, the Devil." He Is about to bless, not only the earth, but also humanity, by rolling away the original curse. Messiah's Kingdom Is pictured as a Day ushered In by a glorious sunrise of truth and grace. In contrast with Its light and knowledge, all tho past six thousand years nro figuratively spoken of ns darkness, ilsnlah 00:2.) But tho Sun of Righteousness uow arises with healing in His beams. Gradually, not suddenly, the sun arises; and so the Restitution blessings are coming In gradually, not suddenly. Sometimes In the early morning there is a thunder storm, which for a brief space hinders tho dawning of the day. Rut it results in the drench lug of the earth with a refreshing shower. So, according to the Bible, will this New Day of Messiah's King dom be ushered In, by a terrific storm of trouble. Rut It will be short; and Its effects upon the earth will be re freshing. The great contrast between the righteousness of the future and the sin of the present will bo so con spicuous that all will enjoy the new condition: "The desire of all nations shall come."-IIaggai 2:7. "God Moves In a Mysterious Way." God has withheld tho knowledge of certain features of His Divine Pro gramfor our good, we may be sure. The supposition upon whicli many of us went in times past is untenable. We supposed that God in the Bible had set forth in plain terms every thing respecting His Plan. When we could not find it, we tried to manufac ture it. It is good to study the Word, even If we do not understand. And if our forefathers got themselves into tlitliciilties through errors of judgment in studying God's Word, wo may be sure that they were not especially dls advantaged thereby. Not seeing the Divino purpose, they were required to exercise more faith. But that greater amount of faith was not then more difficult, probably, than the less amount now necessary. Christian theologians become so in tent in their reasoning upon the Heav enly things appertaining to the Church that they forget all about the world. As cruelty became more pronounced the Word of God was less studied. It Is not strange that our forefathers con cluded that nil except the Church would bo eternally tormented. And when they concluded this to bo God s Plan, it is not surprising that they con eluded to join In the persecution them selves. Thus it comes that the pages of history nre the records of bloody persecutions sometimes directly from Christians, and sometimes Indirectly from Christians tnrougu enriiiiy gov ernnients. Thus tho entire civilized world has become Intoxicated with the wiue of false doctrine from tho cup of the wo- man who sat upon the beast, falsely representing herself as the Bride of Christ, but riving In llgurativo harlotry with the kingdoms of this world (Revelation 17:K"; 18:3.) As we get over tho stupefaction of our intoxlen- tlon of error, reason begins to return to us. Tho Apostle calls this "the spir it of n sound mind." We must not boast. There is still considerable darkness. But we are nearing the glorious light! The Divine be of that number. But not a word Is sold In the Scriptures about God's hav ing predestinated the non elect to tor ment. Quite to the contrary, His pre destination for tho non-elect Is that they shall be blessed by the Elect after the Elect Church Is completed, after the Church, tho Bride, shall have en tered with her Bridegroom Lord Into the glories of Messiah's Kingdom. The Elect are the Seed of Abraham. First of all, the natural seed were elect ed, or chosen, of God to special prlvl lepes and opportunities under the Law Covenant; vwille the remainder of ttm If' world, 'called Gentiles, were allowed for coriiutv after century to go down r a?.irn wrrGrint noi, n.triug no nope in the world. Then- was a hope for them, but they knew not of it, bocause God's time f"r revealing it to them had not jet conn-. If t!io Jews told tho out siders that they would ultimately blesa all nations, the others laughed at such a suggestion, feeling that they were as competent to bless the world as were the Jews. This, indeed, was what the Babylo nians tried. Next after them came the Medos and Persians; after them the Grecians; ami still later came the Ro mans. Each of these stamped their Mens upon tho world to the best of their ability, and gave their laws. Each attempted to show how much more competent than the others it was for earthly rulership. But, alas! noue of them ruled satisfactorily or brought In "the desire of all nations." Meantime, also, the Jews waited for tho fulfilment of their promises. Meantime, also, God renewed the promises, and assur ed them that Ho would send tho Mcb slab to lo their Deliverer shortly. When Jesus came. lie came not as a warrior, like Alexander the Great or Napoleon. lie was meek and lowly of heart; and He called the poor, tho maimed, the halt mentally, morally and physically to nis standard. Not unnaturally the Jewish leaders repu diated nim and crucified Him, declar ing that IIo did not represent their Ideals and must be a deceiver. I Cor inthians 2:7. 8. Similarly they treated nis followers. As St. Paul declared, "As deceivers and yet true," the early Christians suf fered reproach. The Jews understood not God's Message. They saw not that it was necessary for Jesus to dler "the Just for the unjust," to be a Ile-demptlon-prlce for tho sins of tho world. They saw not that such a death was necessary to nim, in order that He might attain the glory, honor and Immortality of the future. They saw not that the disciples that Jesus called wero saints. However weak these were, mentally and morally, their hearts wero loyal, and they Btrove to walk in tho footsteps of Jesus.' People have not realized that, dur ing this Gospel Ago, God has been ac cepting the saintly ones who come unto the Father through the Savior. They have not seen that the suffering of these wns necessary for their testing and proving, and for their instruction in righteousness, that they mighty be fully qualified for glory, honor and im mortality and Joint-helrship with Christ their Redeemer. St. Paul speaks of the Church as a Mystery class. It is a Mystery to the world: first, it is the selecting of a class the world would never think of choosing a humble, meek class; second, neither the Jews nor tho world realize that this class constitutes the Spiritual Seed of Abraham, to bless nil the families of tho earth. Nevertheless God's great Plan goes on, whether they know or do not know. Ultimately it will work out a glorious result. Then Natural Israel and all nations will know. Then the Church, the Elect, the Seed, the Bride, the Lamb's Wife, will be Joined to ITim in bonds of perpetual love, zeal and faithfulness. Then will begin the very blessing God so long ago declared, say ing to Abraham, "In thee and In thy Seed shall all thefamilies of the earth be blessed."-Gen. 12:3; 18:18; 22:13; 20:4. Abraham's Spiritual Seed. God has nof changed His purposes. (Malachi 3:C.) He created man an earthly being. He permitted him to fall. He purposed his redemption through Jesus. IIo purposed the call ing of the Church of Christ, to bo His associates in tho Kingdom. He pur posed that this Kingdom should be a Spiritual one: "Flesh nnd blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God." (1 Cor inthlaus 13:30.) He purposed that this Spiritual Kingdom should bless tho world with Restitution blessings bringing back to perfection nil the will ing nnd obedient of Adam's race. This Is the Piogrgam still. We mere ly got a wrong impression when we thought thnt God's purpose was tho bringing of nil mankind to Heavenly conditions and nature. No. no! that blessed experience Is only for the Church class. God still purposes Res titution for the world of mankind. In Abraham's Seed all the families of I the earth will be blessed. If we see signs of these great bless ! ings beginning now, It is a sure Indl ! cntiou that tho Elect must bo nlmost complete. And if that be true, all of ii4 xvhn hnvo vowed consecration to the Lord and His service should be thoroughly nwako to our blessings and privileges, and to the fact thnt the time of most crucial testing is even now at tho door. If we nre to mnkc our calling nnd our election sure, we most lose no opportunity for demonstrating thnt we are loyal to God nnd His Word, nnd to the brethren. Along these very lines wo must expect tests, too. How else could we be proved? Moreover, now Is the timo to expect light on tho Divine Word and Plan; and we nre getting it. Wo are seeing the difference between human nntilre and Divine nature, between the earth ly blessing that is to come to mankind and the "high calling" which Is the por tion of tbo Elect. God declares that the Mystery hidden from the post Ages nnd Disiensatlons. which He kept secret from tho beginning of the world. Is to cease to bo n mystery. Tho Mystery ltecomcs dully, yen, hour ly, less pronounced, as wo come Into that condition of mind In which God will revenl to us Ills nrrnngements. Truly ours Is a glorious time! Lot us avail ourselves of the present glorious opportunities for Bible study and growth In knowledge, grace nnd love. Let in walk worthy of the light; and rejoicingly let us note that Jesus is jet to be "the lA'M of the world" "which lLiitcth every man that cometh Is -o Die uorld."-.lolni 1:.