The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 03, 1913, Image 3

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    Notice of Application for Liquor
Notice is hereby given lo all:
, isi.rt- iiil.'r.-siril ai .1 l.t
1 iI 1 it-, I lial I li..' undersigned. Andy ;
J iit.iii-t'ii. has lih'il hi- petit ion j
and applicalioii in (lie office of'
l he County Clerk of C'.as- Cmmty, j
Nebraska, as required liy law,!
-iSiii'd liy a majority of the resi
lent freeholders of Kielit Mil,
Grove Precinct, .-citing ft.rllt that !
I Sip applicant is a man of re--pectable
character ami standing
ami a resident of the slate of Ne
braska, ami praying thai license
he issued lo said Andy Thompcen
for tlie sale of malt, spirituous
and vinous liquors for the period
of one year from May 17, 1D13,
ending May 17, t'.Hl, in a building
'tii lot 5, in Mock (', in the village
.f Cedar Creek, in F.ighl Mile
(rove Precinct, in Cass County,
In the Mailer of die Estate of
Christian Stoehr, Deceased.
All persons interested in said
estate will take notice that a peti
tion has been Hied for the probate
of the will of said Christian
Stoehr, deceased, and the appoint
ment of executors named there
in. A hearing will be had on said
petition and will in said Court in
the Court House at Platlsmouth,
Nebraska, on the 8th day of
March, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
f said day.
County Judge.
1 . 0. DWYEIt, Attorney.
sri: iai, tax.
Tlio electors of the County of Cans,
NeUiitKkii, will take notice that at a
special election to he held on the ttth
.:ay of April, A. D. 1913, at the regular
voting places in all the precincts and
wards throughout said county, the fol
lowing question and proposition will be
submitted to a vote of the people:
Khali the board of County Commis
sioners of Cass County, Nebraska, or
other person or persons charged by
law with the appropriation of money
.ind levying of taxes for said county
Air the time being, appropriate the sum
of $12,000 and, in addition to the
tegular annual taxes, cause to be levied
Hi all taxable property of said county,
.t special tax sutllcient to raise said
amount for the purpose of building a
County Jail on the Court J louse grounds
in the City of l'lattsnioutli, Cuss Coun
ty, Nebraska, taking such action ns the
' :(uhenients of the law and the In
terests of the public may demand; pro
vided that said special tax be levied
ot the time of making the regular levy
I me general tuxes ror the year
nnd be entered upon the tax list for
t.hnt year and collected in the same
manner us other taxes, and that pro
ceedings shall be commenced for the
rectlun of said jail as soon ns the
authority Is obtuined from the electors
hs Is possible under tho law, and be
continued without unnecessary delay
until the same shall have been com
pleted and provided that said special
tax bo levied and collected one year
and one year only.
That the said question and proposition
above set forth shall bo submitted to
the legal voters of said county In the
i allowing form and manner; that Is to
ay the form of the ballot to be tised at
said election In favor of said question
and proposition shall be as follows:
"I vote for the appropriation of $12,
000 and for tho levy and collection of
a special tax sutllcient to raise said
amount for the purpose of building a
County Jail."
And the form of the ballot to be
ijsed at said election against said ques
tion and proposition shall be as fol
jnws: "I vote against the appropriation of
the sum of $12,000 and against the levy
and collection of a speclul tax for the
purpose of building n Countv Jail."
Dated tills 1st day of March. A. U,
:913. C. It. JORDAN.
Chairman Hoard of County Commis
sioners. C. K. HEEHNKU,
J. C. MORUAN, County Clerk.
In the District Court of ('ax County.
7n the Matter of the Kstato of
Nicholas Halmos, Deceased.
This cause came on for hearing up
i n the petition of Nicholas C. llalmes,
xecutor of the will and estate of
Nicholas Halmes, deceased, for con
f'tructlon of puragrapli nine of tho
will of said deceased and for order and
license to sell the real estate, as re
wired by law, and the will of said
deceased, which leal estate Is more
particularly described as follows.
N ii, SH U. Sec. 28, Twp. 12, Range
:. SVi of SV and NW 4 of KW
-A of See. 8-12-13. S 14 of SB 'i and S
k of WW ,i and NW '4 of SV
of Sec. 7-12-13, N13 "4 of NW
J4 of Sec. 6-12-13, all In Cass Countv,
Nebraska, Lots 10, 11 and 12, in Work
of the City of l'lattsnioutli, Ne
t'i'aska. It Is therefore ordered thut all per
sons Interested In said estate appear
before me on the 16th day of March,
1913. ut 10 o'clock a. 111., to show cause,
i any they have, why said will should
'tot be interpreted and construed by
tho Court and show cause why order
f Court, directing and guiding the
..xecutor in making a sale of the suid
real estate belonging to the estate of
rtald deceased, and why a license
.-hould not be granted to said executor
to sell the above described real estate
' f said deceased.
It Is further ordered that a copy of
:hls order to show cause be published
ror our successive weeks prior to said
'imo of hearing, in the l'lattsmoutli
Journal, a newspaper published twice
i week at l'lattsmoutli, Nebraska, and
f general circulation throughout said
Dated this 30th dav of January, 1913.
Judge of the District Court.
Attorney for Executor.
In the Dlntrlet Court In and for Chun
County, ISrhrnNkn.
Mmon Gruber, I'lalntlll,
t tattle Iitirnum Wills, et al.,
To the defendants, llattlo Itanium
WillH, Harry Wills, Harry O. Harnum,
.lames W. Harnum, Sylvester Harnum,
jr., Adelbert Hurnum, Mary Hamuli ,
lomer Hannah, Mis. Homer Hannah,
'Irst real name unknown; Mrs. Lewis
Harnum, llrsl real name unknown;
l wis Harnum, Jr., Charles Harnum, I.
It. Sinclair, first real name unknown;
Herbert Sinclair, Inez M. Dickerson,
. Dlckeivon, first real name
unknown; George Harnum Rowers, tho
unknown heirs nnd devisees of Lucy
..lowers, deceased: the unknown heirs
; lid devisees of Rcsty Royil, deceased;
J sines Cltase, Helindu Chase, Lucy J.
'l ast. H. I'. Murdock, Jr., first 'real
niiinit unknown; Mrs. H. I''. Murdock,
if, 11 rid real name unknown . A I phonso
'"has-e, Tlinm:i' .1. Watson, Mrs. Thomas
I. Watson, tirsl real name unknown;
ttnd (lie unknown heirs and devisees of
'I'jttttuas .1. Watson, dect'jtsetl.
You are hereby notified that on Feb
ruary 3tb. A. I . 1!U::. plaintiff filed l is
suit 111 li,e District Court of C.iss t'otiii
t v Nebraska, to quiet title to the fol
lowing described land in tl.e County of
Cass. . biasku, to-wit:
I'lte Northeast ctiatier (NK't) and
t!f Noifl. i.iii l.s'.. I ,." the t-out!:-:ist
..iiait. i iSE'j 1 i t Section twen-Iv-one
t21i, " Township ten Uo.
Range thirteen U"'. East "f the i M.
because of his adverse possession by
Itlinself, and grantors for more than ten
years prior to the coinmen ;emcnt of
suid suit, and to enjoin each and all of
you from having or claiming any right,
title, lien or interest, either legal or
equitable, in and to said lands or any
pait thereof, and to require you to set
forth jour right, title or interest there
in, if any, either legal or equitable, and
to have the same adjudged inferior to
the title of plaintiff to said lands, and
tor general equitable relief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
onler of the court.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before Monday, the 21th day
of March, A. D. li13, or your default
will be duly entered therein.
Sl'MoN tSRTHElt, l'lalntiff.
Notice is hereby given to all
persons inl crested anil to the
public, that the undersigned,
Henry A. Sclioeniann, has filed
his petition and application in
the oflicc of (he County Clerk of
Cass County, Nebraska, as re
quired by law, signed by a ma
jority of the resident freeholders
of Eight Mile drove Precinct,
setting forth that the applicant is
a man of respectable character
and standing and a resident of
the Stale of Nebraska, and pray
ing that license lie issued to said
Henry A. Sclioeniann for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors for I lie period of one year
from May 1, 1913, ending May 1,
15)1 i, in a building on the V. V-i
of Lqt 1, in Block 5, in Cedar
Creek, in Eight Mile drove Pre
cinct, in Cass Count, Nebraska.
I.l.tiAl, .NOTICE.
In the District Court of
t'nsN Coouty,
Morgan E.
Hla Int iff, I
Joseph McCreary, Cass j
County, a Municipal I
Corporation of the Statu j
of Nebraska, the Uii-
known Heirs anil De-
visees of Zecheriah
Kerr, Deceased, tbu
Citizens Hank of l'latts
nioutli, Nebraska, a Cor
poration, Now Defunct.
E. !. Dovey & Son.
a Copartnership, ami
Charles E. l'earsall.
I'o Joseph McCreary nnd the 1'nknown
Heirs nnd Devisees of Zecheriah
Kerr, Deceased, Defendants:
iu and each of you will hereby tuke
notice that on the lot li dav of February
1912, 1, Morgan E. Rrnntner, l'lalntiff
in the foregoing entitled cause, filed
my petition in the District Court or
Cuss County, Nebraska, against you
and others, the object, purpose and
prayer of which is to obtain u decree
from suid Court removing liens and
clouds from and quieting the record
title of the following described real
estate, situate in Cuss Countv, Ne
braska, to-wlt:
Commencing nt a point fiftv-two
and one-half 1 52 ',4 ) feet East of the
Southwest corner of original Lot
iweniy-six UbJ, in Section eighteen
IS), Township twelve (12), North, in
Range Fourteen (14), East of the 6th
1. !., thence running North one hun
dred iniriy-uve iu&) feet, thence
i;ast titty-two and me-half (52')
feet; thence South one hundred
thirty-five (Kif.) tet; thence west
tlfty-two and one-half (52 Vi) feet to
the place of beginning, shown and
designated on the plut books of ir
regular tracts in the ollice of the
register of deeds of said Countv, as
lot iso. 60 in the Southwest quarter
oi me souinwcst quarter or said
Also commencing at the Southeast
corner of snld Hot twenty-six (2ti),
in saia section eignteen us), Town
ship twelve (12), North, Range four
teen (14) Eust, nnd running thence
north one hundred thirty (R'.O) feet
thence West sixty (00) feet; thence
South ono hundred thirty (R!0) feet;
thence East sixty (60) feet to the
place of beginning, and shown and
designated on the said plat hooka of
irregular tracts as Lot No. 61. in said
Southwest quarter of the Southwest
quarter of snld Section, excepting,
however, a strip olf of the South ends
of said Lots heretofore conveyed to
the City of l'lattsmoutli for street
In l'lalntiff, as against you and other
defendants and to exclude and enjoin
you nnd each of you from ever assert
ing or claiming any right, title, estate.
interest or nen therein niiverso to
rinlntiff, and for such other nnd further
relief as may be just and equitable.
You are required to nnswer said peti
tion on or before the 24 th clay of
March, 1913, or the allegations con
tained in said petition will be taken as
true nnd a decreo rendered ns prayed
for therein.
Dated: February 10th ion.
By JOHN M. LEYDA, His Attorney.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given tbat the
Cbopie dasoline Engine Company
(Limited), of Plaltsmoulh, Ne
braska, has issued fully paid up
capital stock to the amount of
Fifty-four Thousand Nine Hun
dred Thirty Dollars (?5S,930.00),
and that said Corporation has an
indebtedness for current expenses
only amounting to the sum of
Dated this 6th day of January,
Jno. A. Chopieska,
Edw. rtynott,
Adolph Giese,
II. M Soennichsen,
II. E.'doos,
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
has won its great reputation and
extensive sale by its remarkable
cures of coughs, colds and croup.
It can be depended upon. Try it.
Sold by F. (I. Fricke i Co.
Money lo loan on city real
est ale on good terms and al
moderate rates. Buy or build a
home on (he easy payment plan
See T. M. Patterson, Secretary
Platlsmouth Conn and nuilduii
Vs social ion.
Upon Which Appear the Names of
C. Smith and H. Smith as Be
ing From Plattsmouth.
Fi mil Saturday's Dull v.
A message reeciod by the
Journal from Omaha this after-'
noon stales that the reiiisler of
the ill-fated Dewey hotel had been
unearthed in the ruins of the
building and lhal I he names of
11. Smith and C. Smith, both of
Plattsmouth, were registered at
the hotel on the night of the tire.
A thorough search anions the
Smiths in tin's city fails to show
any -of them missing and it is
thought that I he names were
betitous. There Iris been no re
ported missing persons in this
city as far as can be learned, and
if the parlies were from here they
must have made good their
escape. The Dewey was quite a
gathering place for parlies who
were not desirious of attract ins
undue attention, and for this rea
son it is probable Hie names on
the register were used for con
venience only.
The work of clearing away the
debris is being pushed and the re
mains of those burned in the lire
arc being removed as fast as it is
possible to reach them. The fact
dial the reputation of the hotel
was not of the host is making it a
bard matter lo estimate the miiii-b-'r
of dead, as the survivors are
oali to come forward and give
Ibeir names, while many were in
I he hotel under false names whom
it may he impossible' lo idenlify.
Froai Tuesday's Dally. evening the members of
he li. p. O. E. lodge of this city
enjoyed a most delightful social
time ami Innebeon al their club
rooms in (he Coales' building,
which was iuile largely attended
by the members of the order. This
order has increased ils member
ship considerably in the la-4 few
months and with the handsome
looms llial I hey have for t ho i i- use
makes the lodge one of the most
enjoyable in the. city and the
members have greatly appreciated
the social meetings, which are
lo M al'li'r the regular U d-' se-.-if.i.s
on rriihrv i- I'iiii'.gs.
The Cause cf Rheumatism.
Homai h trouble, lay Iimt and
dera Mii'd kiduexs are Hie ca;i-e
of rhenmal ism. (let our
acb, lier. kidneys and bowels in
beali by condil ion by taking Klec
l lit" Millers and .m.ii will not be
I roubled wilh the pains of rheu
matism. Charles It. Allen, a
school principal, of Svlvania, (la.,
who .suffered indescribable torture
from rhenmal ism, jcr ami slom
aeh trouble ami diseased kidnes.
writes; "All remedies failed un
til I used Kleclrie Toilers, bul four
bottles of Ibis wonderful remedy
cured in.' completely." Mabe
our rheumatic pains come from
slomaeh, liver and kidney
I roubles. r.leclric Milters w ill
give you prompt relief. r0c ami
1.00. Itecomnieiided by I', (i.
l-'ricke it Co.
oiuu'.ii to snow usr,.
Ill thp IMntrh't Court In nnd for
County, .Ncltriixkn.
In tin; Mutti-r of tlio ( iiiurdlii nnhlp of
Anna l Chilcott, Itinnne.
Thin cinisi- ciuiin on for honrinn upon
tin. pi'tlllon of Wonli-y CMil loot t ,
ltuii il inn of tho 'stae of Anna C
C'liilcott, Insune, praying for 11 llfi'iisp
to sell tliu Intercht of his snld ward,
Anna C. C'liilcott, In and to tho follow
ing di'scriliod real ostato, to-wlt:
The nortliwost ciunrcr (NW'i) of
tlif northi'ast quurtpr (NK'4) of Upc
tlon twi-nty-four (24), TowiiKliip ten
tlOi. lianKH thirteen (13), In Cass
County, NiiliruHku.
Said iii'titlonor also ullrKlnp that the
wife of po Itloni'r, Annu C. C'liilcott,
was ail.liidi.d tnsaiin on the day
of April. r.i2, and has vtr hIih-c re
niiiliiid Insane, and Is now ronlliuil In
t h i iiMini' asylum of the Htate of Ne
hriiska. That petitioner Is the. owner
In fee simple title of the above de
si'iilied real estate, and tho court Is
asked to ascertain the present value of
the interest of petitioner's said wlfo.
and to authorize petitioner to Hull the
same nt public or private salo.
IT IS TlIKKKI'Oltl-; OKDrjlUCl) that
all persons Interested in the estate and
interest of said Anna C. Chllcott, In
sane, In and to the above described real
estate, nppear before me nt tho ollice
or the Clerk of the District Court, at
l'lfijtsnioiith, t!ass Countv, Nebraska,
on the Hth day of April, A. D., 1913, at
ten o'clock a. in., to show cause why
the court should not determine tho
present value of the Interest of Ha Id
Anna C. Chllcott, In and to tho real
este hereinbefore described, und why
license should not be grunted to Wesley
Chllcott, Kimrdlioi of Anna C. Chllcott,
Insane, tu sell the interest of bis said
wind In Mini to the above described real
est a tu.
This order shall be nerved by pub
lishing tlic stone In the l'l;i ( unmil li
.louit.iil for nt least three sueeesslvu
wee Km prior to the i:Mh l:i v of March,
A. I '. 1!1S.
I'iiI. il this 1st day of March, A. !.,
oiloiiCK i ciii:coi:.-N.
.ludire I l I rid I 'mil ( .
w i.s & in u:i:i:'i si n,
At lornevs.
Based on long-time
ciaea improvements nave been made in
"Pittsburgh Perfect." AS MADE TO
DAY, it is so far superior to any other
as to place it in a class by itself.
These improvements concern the qual
ity of wire, construction and galvanizing
three vital points that uist be right
Mado in Different Stylo (or FIELD, FARM, RANCH, LAWN, 17. T J r J
A. k your iWi-. r i'ur "Pi::: '.-lurRli Perfect" und insist on his furnishing it. Do not allow him to persuau":
; iu l':.-t ...-.ic ; tlicr feme U just a:i (;noJ, If !:e doesn't sell it, write im direc.
If 1 urpll Pf-frr . " B i.i J nf ".arlieil Wire;
:ht. AnnMrr! (.',l-:in. 'V-r; Twitted
CatU Vviici Hard t..!i,j Coil V ii Ffncn
M.-inLj; I'orltry Nttin&tplc; Rojular Wiro
Njilt; Galvanir.rH V.'iro Naili ; I arer llcxj
Knofing l'Jailt; S.nwlo Loor EnloTioi "FitW
b rli prrtsct" f encinx. All mido of Opto
Hi.i'th pictorial.
l'rom Saturday's Daily.
The inaugural ion special, car
t's inn I lie governor of Nebraska
and his stall' of colonels and their
vies and many prominent demo
crats of I lie stale, passed through
I his city last evening about 7 :'J5.
Coiinly Clerk 1). C. Morgan and
Vife hoarded the train here to join
Hie parly in Ihcir journey lo see
our democratic, president, Wood
row Wilson, take over the reins
of government from President
Tall. The train consisted of 7
cars, including a diner, parlor and
obsenalion car, w hile I lie rest of
the Irani consisted of l'nllman
coaches. The I rip w ill he a most
di'lighlful one, and Mr. Morgan
ami wife will cerlainly enjoy isil
ing I hf scenes Ilia! have been so
givul ;i factor in making the
country famous, as the trip in
cludes visihis lo ln old home of
Thomas .Icll'erson, .lames Monroe
and Woodrow Wilson, in the Old
From Saturday s I tally.
The new store imilding of 11. M.
Soennii'hsen, jus! west of the
.lournal ollice, is rapidly Hearing
eomph'lion and will be ready lo
occupy in a shorl lime. The steel
ceiling has been placed on Hie
store ami the front is being placed
in position ami everything' made
ready for the opening day. Part
of the large stock of goods has
already arrived ami been placed in
the building and arrangements to
open the slore pushed along. Mr.
Soennichsen will carry in his new
building a large slock of the
latest things in Hie dry goods line,
which, wilh the mammoth slock
of groceries he now handles will
give him one of the lines) stores
in the city, and with I lie courteous
Irealinent he accords his custom
ers, should draw him a large ad
dition trade.
From Saturday 'i lially.
The delightful' time that was
n,joed last Wednesday at the
tbl -fashioned dance given by the
lied Men nt (heir hall has caused
a demand to arise for more of
these events and I he committee
has decided to hold another of
these delightful affairs on Wed
nesday evening, March 12, al the
lied .Men hall, and a splendid time
is assurred all those who attend.
Oood music will be bad and every
thing possible done lo make the
affair a success.
Mrs. Ed Trltsch Home.
From Rnturday s ta!l
This afternoon Mrs. F,d Tritsch
relumed home from the hospital
in Omaha, tvhere she has been for
the past three weeks recovering
from an allack of appendicitis, for
which she whs compelled to un
derjio an opefalion, She is feel
ing great l improved, although
si ill ipiile weak from I he ell'ecls
of I he operal ion.
- ....l-.w.v,.tt.iuj) j ma Ma 10c
Quality Wire Fencing Made, Bar None
experiments, de- to make the best fence.
We now produce "Pittsburgh Perfect"
in our own furnaces and mills from the
ore to the finished product. We know
everything is riht from start to finishT
Those facts positively insure your in
vestment in "Pittsburgh Perfect."
If von are
tor 1 Kti
Died at Enid, Oklahoma.
Miss Agnes Hough received the
sad news Wednesday of the
serious illness wilh pneumonia of
her sister, Mrs. Katie Sangster, of
Knid, Oklahoma. Before the rela
tives could get a train for thero
they received tho second niessago
staling that she had died, so they
did not go. The body will arrive
here on the evening train Friday
and will be taken to the home of
her sister, Mrs: John Donelan,
south of town. Weeping Water
Farmers Should Not Permit Their
Boys to Quit School Too
Early in the Spring.
Spring is coining ami with
spring is coining the lime of the
ear when Hie older boys and the
farmers of (he country think it is
necessary that they droit out of
school to take active part in the
work on tho farm. A month, six
weeks, two months before the end
of the school term I hey pack their
books and quit uulil some lime
late in the next fall.
The farmers who compel or
even permit their boys to make a
practice of doing Ibis every year
are I he ones to blame for the ex
treme dilllculty of keeping the
farm hoys interested in school.
The complaint so often made that
Hie boys lose interest w hin I hey
become old enough to work and
want to unit school nermaneiiHv
can be very largely traced to thej
one reason they have been un
able o keep up with I heir class
males because of losing time at
cither end of the school lenn ami
they do not care lo keep on i i Iho
same old way. They can never
"finish" and they see no good rea
son for bothering with the few
months they can have for school.
Almost any farmer will lell you,
if 5 1 n i lalk wilh him about his
children, lhal he "wishes Ihey
would go on and gel an educa
tion." In most cases today you
will find that he can well afford to
give them the opportunity if he
will. I'retiuenlly he would be wil
ling lo give (hem the lime and
money for at last a High school
or agricullural college course. Hut
when he has his big boys al home
be cannot see that by hiring an
extra man on I he farm in I be
spring and allowing him to finish
up the school term with the rest,
he will bo keeping tip an interest
Ihey are otherwise sure lo lose.
When Hie practice of quilling
school for spring work becomes
obsolete in the country the
education average in the land
will be materially raised.
A large number of Greeks were
brought to this city by tho Bur
lington yesterday, atid their hunk
cars are being lilted out in tho
shops here and I hey will he sent
out to various places on Hie line
of that railroad lo work on I he
roadbed of Hie system. Tho lhir
linglon has a large program of
improvement laid out for Iho
coming season in the betterment
of their loaillied and the install
ing of heavier steel, and it is in
Ibis line of work lhal (he Greeks
will b" cimmIio ed.
interettnd in Wire Fencing, write
copy of our ALMANAC, 1913-
Pittsburgh Steel Co.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
It has come to light that the
dispatch from this city to tho
Omaha World-Herald in relation
lo the establishing of Hie city's
claim to Hie river bottom land,
was not sent by the regular cor
respondent of that paper here- but
was evidently tho work of some
one interested in the matter. The
statement not only does the cor
respondent of thai paper an in
justice, but is also a relied ion on
I he city officials in a matter they
are only engaged in lo protect Iho
interests of the citv.
From Saturday'! Dally.
This afternoon a very quiet
wedding occurred at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph lladraba, on
West Vine street, when their
daughter, Miss Blanche, was unit
t d in I he holy bonds of matri
mony to Mr. Clarence I'rice of this
city. The services were conducted
by Rev. W. L. Austin of tho
Methodist church, in the presence
of the relatives and n few iiitimatw
friends of the contracting parties
and following the wedding?
luncheon was served to the com
pany. The bride Is a young wom
an who was born and reared in
this city and has a hos of warm
friends, who will join in wishinpr
her and her husband all of tho
happiness that is possible in their
journey through life. Tho groom
is a young man who has resided
here for some lime and has made
many friends by his gentlemanly
The wedding inarch was played
by Miss Gladys Rlciiihauor, as tho
wedding party took their posi
tions before the minister lo ho
Al Ihe regular meeting of the
organ iat ion A. O. IJ. W. a move
ment was started lo land one of
Ihe stale offices of that order
here. F. P. Sheldon is the man
w ho will make an aggressive cam
paign for the glory of Nebraska,
ami the office ho will endeavor to
land is stale treasurer of the A.
O. U. W. 'As Mr. Sheldon is the
first member in tins eastern part
of Ihe state to announce his can
didacy for one of these positions
he ought to gel the support of the.
delegates from this part of the
state. Certainly the order could
not find a member in all its juris
diction more eminently qualified
to fill this responsible position,
and as his success will redound to
Ihe credit of tho town vc ought
lo all boost. The grand lodge
meets in Hastings in May, and as
Ibis ollice is one of the desirable
ones I here is usually a merry
scrap to land it. Nohawka News.
Wood Wanted.
Those of our subscribers who
desiro to pay their subscription?
in wood 'are requested to bring it
in before the roads pet bad, as
we desire to place it in the dry.
Come in wilh it. boys, rijiht away.
Journal for fancy Stationery.